Saturday, August 28, 2010




In my Travels I have been Greatly Impressed by The Architectural History that I've viewed! It has Been, both, A Moving and Inspirational Sight to See!
However, It has, also, Given me The Insight to See, and, Further to Contemplate over The Burdens of History that "We," Human Beings Have had to Share!
And that, "We" have Not had The Proper Time, Needed, to Mourn, Sufficiently, Over The Passing of Those "We've" Lost!

And, "We've"have Not had The Meaningful Time Needed to Grieve, or, Feel a Sense of Relief from The Stress that "We've Incurred, or, that which Our Ancestors have Incurred! And, It has Not Given Us The Opportunity to Experience A New Beginning in Our Lives!

It has Been An Unfortunate Re-Occurrence that from Generation to Generation, or, More Precisely from Millennia to Millennia, Too Many Civilian and Military Leaders of The Worlds Nations have Chosen to Be, either, The Protagonists of Peace, or, Have Chosen to Engage in A Course of War or Violent Confrontation, in Their Attempt to Claim a Piece of The Earth for Their Own Selfish Purpose!

And, in Doing so, Our Ancestors, and Their Predecessors, who have Soldiered in these Ongoing Wars and Conflicts, Leading Up 'Til The Ongoing, UN-Declared Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan, and Global and Regional Conflicts in General, and The War on Terror, Have Not had Time to Heal! And, Our Children Continue to Come Home in, either, Coffins or Wounded Physically, and, or Mentally!

Think of It, Whole Generations of Families Devastated by The Loss of Their Children, or, having Been Brutalized by The Immoral Acts that Accompany Each, supposed, "Military Campaign to Glory!"
What An Enormous Burden "We've" Been asked to Carry without Proper Compensation or Release!

The Sadness, The Tragedy, The Guilt, and The Victories of War have Been, One and All, Immersed into One Grand Illusion of what World Conquest, and Dominance is Supposed to Be! And, Its Time for The Truth to Set Us Free!

There is No Glory in these Global Quests for Fame, Power, and Fortune! But, There is Death, Destruction, Mutilation, Fear, and Physchological Damage Beyond One's Imagination!

And, Its Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth sent A Clear and Concise Message to The World Nations Current, Civilian and Military Leaders, that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Have Endured More than Enough Death, Tragedy and Destruction in Our Lives, to Last Us for Another One Hundred Years, and Enough is Enough!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Clearly Instruct Our Children that Violent Aggression, or Pre-Meditated Acts of War and Violence are Not The Way of Life that "We" Believe in, or Adhere to!

Until "We" Stop Our Children from Being Apart of, or, from Following in The Path of Violence without a Valid Cause or Reason, "We" Will Continue to Be Led Down a Never-ending Path of Manipulation and Mind Conditioning! And, This is Not An Acceptable Path for Our Present and Future Generations! And, It Must Be Brought to An End!

"We" are at A New Dawn of Human Evolution, Thanks to The Information and Intelligence that One Can Derive from The World of Global Communication! The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe have Given Us Immediate Access to The Truth, and that is Why, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And Because, "We" have Been Empowered by This Global Age of Instant Communication, "We" Can Set Up An Earthrise Movement of Global Peace Dialogues in Every Town, Village, City, State, and Nation, through Peace Chat Rooms, All Over The Earth! All you Need is A Computer to Link Up with A Global Network of Non-Violent Peacemakers and Voices of Reason!

And, Altogether, "We" Can Call For The Military and Civilian Leaders of The Earths Nations to Come Together, and Reach A Unanimous Accord to Call For A Global Truce, and Conduct Peace Dialogues amongst All of The Peace Loving, and Warring Factions Of This Planet Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Martin Luther King had "A Dream!" Mahatma Gandhi, Led A Great "Satyagraha" Movement! And, This is Our Place in Time to Make a Difference, and Change Our Millennia into An Age of Peace!

"We," already, have in Place, The Global Armed Forces of The Earths Free Nations to Defend and Protect The Peace, and to Keep Us from Harms Way! So, Let Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Instruct These Brave Women and Men To Be Servants "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and For Peace On Earth!
And, By Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, Let Us Be A Great Soul Force of Peace and Change, In Equanimity and In Harmony with The Universe's Natural State of Being and Evolution!

And, As Citizens Of the Earth, Let Us Embrace Each Other as A Universal Part of The Family of Humankind and All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!
"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! There is No Six Degree of Separation Between Us! "We" are "One People," Existing Under The Moon and Sun! And, Our Home is The Earth and The Universe Of Stars and Planets that Inhabit The Cosmos!
And, Its Time that "We"Gave Peace A Chance to Flourish on Earth! So that, The Winds of Change Can Carry The Seeds of Peace All Over This Sacred Planet of Ours!
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, August 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXXV

As The Hot Sun of August Beats Down Upon Us, Let Us Remain Focused on This Crossroads in Time! For "We" are Presented with The Beginning of A New Dawn! And, There is No Denying that A Change Must Come!
The Reasons are Many, But, For One, The Disparity that Continues to Exit Between The Elite, and The Hard Working Employee's/Citizens Of The Earth, has Grown Disproportionately Beyond Comprehension!
There are Too Many who are Working For Too Many Hours a Week, and Receiving Less than What They Deserve, While Paying More Taxes than They Should Be! And, A Change Must Come!

This is The 21st Century, Not The Middle Ages! This Should be An Age of Equanimity, Not an Age of Class Discrimination and Racial Inequality, and Prejudicial Racial Profiling!
And Secondly, There are Too Many Living in Refugee Camps, Displaced from Their Family and Homes Due to Regional Conflicts, and War!
And, Too Many of Us are Living in Temporary Housing Conditions, Due to Natural Disasters or Man Made One's, that are Unsanitary and Uncivilized! And, A Change Must Come!

This Should Be An Age of Cultural Awareness, Coupled with A Peoples Evolution that is In Parallel with The Universal Evolution of The Cosmic Creation!

But, For The Winds of Change to Bring about A New Season of Peace On Earth, New Peacemakers and Voices of Reason are Needed to Come Forth as Enlightened Visionaries of The 21st Century, and, as True Representatives "Of The People!"
"We The People," have Been Taken Advantage of, For Much Too Long! And, "We" have Been Taken For Granted, For Much Too Long!

"We" are Not Marketing Statistics that Can Be Conditioned and Manipulated to Think as Some Government or Corporate Think Tank would like Us to, For Their Own Self Interests and Purposes!
And, Its Time that "We" were Given The Respect that "We" are Due, Since, It is a Fact, "We" are The Economic Backbone of The Global Economy!
And, Its Time that "We" were Acknowledged as Being The Conscience and Soul Of The Earths Free Societies! These, are Just a Few of The Reasons Why, A Change Must Come, Philosophically and Spiritually, Especially amongst The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders! For, The Winds of Change are Blowing!

But, Whether You are A Parent, Politician, Economist, Philosopher, Military, Civilian, Religious or Spiritual Leader, "We" Must "One and All," Walk The Walk," and "Talk The Talk" of Peace and Change, 24 Hours a Day, and 7 Days a Week! And, There Can Not Be any Half Hearted Attempts!
And, We" Must "One and All," Resist, in Turn, The Voices of Rhetoric, Chaos, Deceit, Violence, and Dishonesty!

Let Us Speak, in Turn, The Language of Peace and Evolution!
Let Us Speak, in Turn, The Language of Non-Violence and Inspiration!
And, Let Us Erase The Language of Expletives and Invectives from Our Minds, Idea's. Thoughts, and Words!
And, Let Our Actions Culminate into An Earthrise Movement and Demonstration of Peace for "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, An Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People!" This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
Though "We" are But A Waft of Air of This Great Universal Wind of Change, Let Us, still Be A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, that Represents The Myriad Life Forms Of This Planet Earth!

And, Let Us, as One Voice, Call for A Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions of This Planet Earth to Engage in Universal Peace Dialogues, Bent on Informing All Civilian and Military Leaders of The Global Nations, that Its Time for Them to Find New Solutions For The Earth Wide Advancement and Establishment of Peace On Earth!
And, Let Us, Spread The Word of Our Peace Initiatives via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that "We are The World," so, Let's Make This World of Ours A Reflection of Our Peace Vision!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that, "We" are One People, Living on This The Third Planet from The Sun!

But, Before "We" Inhabit The Universe as New Voyagers and Pioneers of The New Millennium, Let Us First, Learn to Live In Peace on Earth!

And, If Force is Necessary to Protect and Defend Our Principles and Way of Life, May Our Global Armed Forces Do so, But only, To Serve as Our Safe Guards, In The Name of Peace!

Yes, "We" are at A Great Crossroads in Time, that Can Give Birth to A Magnificent Age of Universal Change and Destiny, that "One and All," Can Share in Harmony and Equality, and, In Justice and Equanimity For One and All!"
And that, This is A Vision Path Worth The Sacrifice and Commitment to, as well as, For The Salvation and Grace of Our Present and Future Generations! And that, Its a Worthwhile Reason For Giving Peace A Chance!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Monday, August 23, 2010




It's Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Very seriously, Ask of One Another, and Ourselves, who are The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations who are Good For The Earths Survival and Evolution! This Goes Beyond What Political Party You are Affiliated with. Or, What Religion, Spiritual, or Global Economist who is The Most Popular on The Celebrity Book List/Tour! It's about what Leaders are The Most Genuinely Concerned about Our Welfare!

"We" are at A Crossroads in History that Demands that "We" Ask Ourselves these Questions! Because, "We" Exist in A Time Space Reality where No One Can Be Excluded from The Global Equation of Being Here and Now! And, "We" Must Address what is Best For Each and Everyone of Us! Why? Because A Sense Being Apart of A Universal State of Equanimity is Crucial to The Personal Evolution of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, in This The 21st Century! And Remember Do Not Be Fooled by Political or Religious Rhetoric, Because, There are No Immigrants Living on This Planet Earth! "We" All Belong Here!
And, For A Real Change to Occur, that is of Benefit to Each and Everyone of Us, First of All, "We" Must Understand this Unifying Point of View, For what it is!
For, if "We" Respect and are Truly Concerned for What is of Best Interest for Our Fellow Human Being, then, "We" Will have An Accord and Effect, that Heals and Transcends The Differences that Lie Between Us, or have Been Created to Divide Us!
Because, No Matter what Race, Creed or Nationality You maybe, "We are All Born and Bred as The Saying goes, on This Planet Earth! This is Our Home and "We" All are Apart of The Family of Human Kind!
And, By Accepting This Point of View, No One Will Ever Feel Impinged Upon By Anothers Needs! Because, "We" Would, simply, Understand Their Plight, and Universally, Intellectually, Philosophically, Morally, and Spiritually Be Aligned to, and Desire to Be of Assistance to Them! Once again as The Songs Go, "We are Family," and "We are The World!"

And, It's Time for The Israelis and Palestinians, and The Government and Rebel Forces in Africa! And, The Forces of Al Queda and The Taliban and The U.S. and It's Coalition Forces! And, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to All, Enter into A Global Truce and Begin Negotiations from An Honest and Sincere Desire to Put An End to War as A Way of Making Decisions and Resolving Differences, and Agree to Participate in Peace Dialogues until An Accord/Agreement, that is A Reflection of The Honest Concerns and Desires Of, By and For The People," is Reached!
Because, It is The Legal, Moral and Universal Responsibility of These Global Leaders who Represent The Governments of "We The People," to Renounce Violence as A Determining Factor and Way Of Life, and Learn to Co-Exist with One Another and "Give Peace A Chance!"
This Should Be The Foundation of Our New Emancipation Declaration of The 2st Century! Because, Our Children and Their Children are Depending on Us! And, It is of The Utmost Importance that Each and Everyone of Us Rise to The Occasion of Working for, An Establishing A Lasting Peace On Earth!

How Many More Lives Do "We" have to Lose Fighting in World Wars and Regional Conflicts? Before "We've Learned from Our Mistakes!

And, How Many More Lives Do "We" have to Lose, Due to Crime and A Disrespect of The Life Of Another? Before "We've Learned from Our Mistakes!

And, How Many More Lives Innocent Lives Do "We" have to Lose Due to A Total Lack of Concern f or Anothers Right to Live?
A Global Life Change Must Come if "We" are to Live in A Universal State of Equanimity and Equality with One Another, On Earth!

A Global Life Change Must Come if "We" are to Evolve as A People,
Existing in Parallel with The Universe's Constant State of Change and Evolution! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Be as A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, of Peace, "Of, By and For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue to Be as An Enlightened Earthrise Movement of Peace and Respect For The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings and This Beautiful Earth of Ours!

And, May Our Global Armed Forces Of the Earths Free Nations Continue to Protect, Defend, and Serve to Guard Our Borders, Neighborhoods, and Homes from Evil doers, Dictators, and Organize Crime!
There is Enough For One and All to Share, and No One Should Exist Without A Home, or, Be Threatened by The Fear of Poverty, or, of Being Racially Discriminated Against!

And, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of A Peace Time Cultural Evolution that is "Of, By and For The People!"
A Just and Fair minded, Political, and Financial System that Provides for The Needs and The Social Welfare "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Our Great Soul Force and Earthrise Movement of Life and Peace "Of, By and For the People," via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, and By All Means of Non-Violent Communication to Every Corner Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Find Encouragement and Hope in The Knowledge that The Survival of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings Of the Earth are in Alignment with, and are, in Fact, One of The Prime Factors of The Natural State of Evolution in The Universe!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010




Its Difficult to Stay Focused on The Idea Of Change, Especially when The Global News Circus Continues to Spin its Ratings or Sales Driven Stories about The Potential Scandal to President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Obama's Comments about the Proposed Mosque near The 9/11 Site in NYC, or photos of The President Wearing a Bathing Suit on The Beach in The Gulf, or Whether or not Prime Minister David Cameron of The UK has the Answer to The UK's Ailing Economy, or The Ongoing Israeli Palestinian Conflict, or The UN-Declared Wars in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan!

And while, The Global News Circus Continues to Spin Out A Merry Go Round of Celebrity/Trash News Stories, Global UN-Employment Remains Continues, Pakistan is in Dire Need of Aid to Help The Victims of The Tragic Flooding there, Genocide Continues to Threaten The Livelihood of Millions of Citizens in Africa, Lives and Property are Being Seriously Harmed by The Heatwave in Russia, and The Disparity Between The Quality of Life for The Average Citizen Of The Earth and The Elite Continues to Grow at An Alarming Rate, and Millions of Children and Their Parents are Living In Poverty! The Headlines are Many, But, Where is The Headline that "We" have Been Looking Forward to?
Where is The Change that "We" Voted for in The Last Presidential Elections in The U.S., that Gave Rise to Hope for A Positive Future in The Eyes of The Citizens Of The Earth!

The Idea of Change that I have always Been Aware of is A Universal Way Of Life that Embraces All Sentient Beings! And, Within it Lies Equanimity, Peace, Tranquility, and The Knowledge of Knowing that Everything is In Tune with A Way Of Life that Is All Inclusive!

But, For Much Too Long "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have Been Conditioned to Believe in Lies, False Rhetoric, and Untruths that have Led Us into A State of Dissolution and Chaos, Leaving Us Out Of Sync, and No Longer In Parallel with The Universal Evolution!

However, Thanks to A New Awakening, Caused by A Great Sea of Global Information and Intelligence Provided to Us By The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, Our Minds Eyes have Been Opened Up to See Beyond The Political and Sociological Manipulations that have Impeded Us and Caused Us Not to Proceed in A Natural Evolutionary State of Being!
But Now, Our Time has Come! And, Its of The Utmost Importance that "We" Take Full Advantage of This New Season Of Change! Too Much is Depended Upon it!
Our Future's are Depended Upon it! But, How Best to Do it, Is The Question?

Some of The Idea's that I would like to Share with You are For One; "We" Should Begin Conducting Peace Dialogues with Each Other, In Our Neighborhoods and Community Gatherings! And, Discuss The Advent of Change with Our Family Members, Friends, Colleagues, Associates and Neighbors!
And, Continue Our Earthrise Movement Of Peace via The Global Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, As A Great Soul Force, Sow The Seeds Of A 21st Century Cultural Evolution, Where Artists Can Show Their Works Of Art, Conscious Awareness, Spirituality, Personal Insightfulness, and The Universality of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings in A Display of Unanimity and Vision!

And Create, New Platforms, Where The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions of A New Age of Scientific, Technological, Political, Economical, Philanthropic and Philosophically Minded Interdependent Individuals, Can Meet to Discuss and Create New Agendas Of Change that are Beneficial To The Earths Entire Population!

Where, A New Sharing of Idea's are Born that Can Erase The Fears of Homelessness and Disease, or Being Unable to Care for Your Family!

Where, A New Age that has No Fear of Crime, or, Of The Corruption of The Mind, Soul, Spirit, Intellect and Emotion Can Evolve!

And, A New Season of Hope that is Not Dependent on Artificial Stimulants Can Help Us to Rise To A Higher Ground, Can Universally Blossom! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Universe of Change is Ours For The Sharing! There is No Price Tag, or Tax Attached to it!

So, Let Us Freely Share This Gift of Life with "One and All!" With Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Resolutely Dedicate, and Commit Ourselves to Defend and Protect The Principles and Ideal's of "Freedom For One and All!"

And, May Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Be Joyfully, "Of, By, and For The People," to Share with Each Other irregardless of What Creed, Race or Nationality that You May Be.
For "We" are All Citizens Of the Earth, and always Remember that, There are No Immigrants Living Here. "We" All were Born, and Belong to This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Its Time that The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders of The United Nations Joined with Our Commitment To Preserve The Rights of All Sentient Beings! And, Empower Our Global Armed Forces To Serve as Protectors of The Peace! Its Time that Our Civilian and Military Leaders Agreed to "Give Peace a Chance" to Flourish on Earth!

And, Let Us Non-Violently, and Resolutely, Steel Ourselves against The Forces of Injustice, Greed, Lust, Violence, Chaos, and Amorphous, so, that The Rivers and Oceans Of Peace Can Cleanse Our Earth, and Bring Forth New Life and Fruitfulness to Our Lives, and to Our Planet!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, August 15, 2010




The Universe is Change! There in Lies Equanimity, Peace, Tranquility, Knowledge, Understanding, and Enlightenment! All New Beginnings and Endings are Nothing Less or More Than Change! So, What are "We" Waiting for?
This is The Time Period for A People Evolution that is Consistent and In Parallel with The Cosmos, to Evolve! But, To Do that, "We" have to Show Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being!
It has Occurred to me that Perhaps The Powers that Be, and The Global Politicians are Selectively Choosing whatever Victims and Agonies that are Causing Us, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Great Sadness, Pain, Sorrow, and Death, To Focus on, and Give Their Closest Attention to? And, if so, Why Take this Course of Action? Are "We" so Dispensable?
Why Not just Focus on Finding The Remedies and Solutions Needed to Address These Issues and Concerns that Most Directly have A Negative Effect on Us? A Change Must Come!

But, it Must be A Change that is Consistent with The Universes Unlimited State of Equanimity! Which is Change!
There is A saying that, "What Must Be, Must be!" But is This A Solar Axiom, or, Just Another Man Made One/Delusion!

And, Its Time for Our Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Stop Being Resistant to Change, and Understand that Trying to Do so, is Like Trying to Count The Waves in The Earths Oceans! Change Must Come!
And, "They" Must Learn to Understand that, There is No Sense in Trying to Prevent The Return of A Peace Time Global Economy! Because, Change Must Come!

And, There is No Sense to War, or Regional Conflicts! Because, There is No Strategic Value to Them! They only Cause Destruction and This is the Time For A New Re-Construction and Re-Investment in The Earths Infrastructures! And, It is Time for A New Age, with New Economical, Political, Religious, and Social Parameters! The Old One's, along with War Time Economies, simply, Do Not Work in This New Millennium of Scientific, Technological, and Cultural Evolution! A Change Must Come!

There are Moments of Splendor when An Athlete, Artist, or Woman or Man Of The Times Enters into The Zone and Everything that She or He Does Can Not be Stopped or Denied! These are Moments that Can Lead to Great Happenings! And, that Time Zone is Upon Us! So, Let it Be! Because, This to, is A Sign of The Times and A Change Must Come!

A New Awakening is At Hand! An Earthrise Movement and Great Soul Force that Desires A Complete and Total Change in The Way The World of Business is Done!

And, A Total and Complete Change in The World of Partisan Politics Must Come to Be! And, In Its Place Should Grow, A New Participatory One that Represents "The People," and Not Special Interest Groups and The Lobbyists of Capitalistic Oligarchs!

Its Time For A New 21st Century Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People!" Nothing Less than that Will Be Accepted! Why? Because, A New Season Of Change has Come! And, This Time of Change Demands that A Call For A Global Truce and A Peace Dialogue Be Called For by The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders Of The United Nations! Its Time that "They" All Committed to Being Apart of The Peace Change!
In Addition to that, A New Calling For Peace Dialogues Should Be Held by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth All Across This Sacred Planet of Ours! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Universal Conscious Awareness, Truth, and Compassion be Our Guide!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that "All Things Must Pass," as George Harrison Composed and Sang, But Even More Importantly is that "All Things are Possible if "We" Believe it To Be!"

So, Let Us Be True Believers, as "The Freedom Riders" did, and as The Anti-War Demonstrators and Students have Done!
And, Let Us Believe in Satyagraha as did Millions of Citizens of what was To Be, and Is India!
The Poor and The Destitute Expect No Less from Us! Our Children Expect No Less from Us!
Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Melchizedek Machiventa, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Rose Mapendo, Runak Faranj, Jim Zwerg, Diane Nash, John Lewis, and Rosa Parks would Expect Nothing Less from Us! And, "We" Must All Do Our Part! This New Age and Season of Change Depends On Us!

So, Let Us Walk This Vision Path of Peace Together, United in Change Eternal! And, Respectful Of All Sentient Beings of Life's Gift Everlasting! And that, "We" are All Citizens Of This Universe of Change!
"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun are All One! One Under The Moon and Sun, Indivisible! And, No One Here and Now, is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our New Awakening via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Let us Demonstrate it, Non-Violently, in Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word and Action!
For, A New Age of Global Understanding, Wisdom, and Justice "For One and All," is Here and Now, and Can Not Be Denied Us!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that The Gift of Life is Omni-Present and Universal, and This Gift is Ours to Respectfully Share with One Another in Unlimited Eddies of Equanimity, Freely!
A Change Must Come and It Has! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, August 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXXI

Have "We" Forgotten The Value of Life? Have "We" Taken For Granted The Value of One Woman, or Man's Life? Has it Become To Easy For Our Civilian and Military Leaders to Send Our Children to Fight in Wars on Foreign Shores?

From "Dishonor Killings" as Documented in Marianne Smothers Muni's "Quest for Honor,"Following The Activist Struggle of Runak Faranj to Eradicate Honor Killings in Iraq, to The Genocide in The Congo as Documented in "Pushing The Elephant," Film by Beth Davenport and Elizabeth Mandel, Showing the Heroic Struggle of Rose Mapendo! To Drug Wars, and Gang Bangers! To Suicide Bombers and, to Driving Intoxicated, the List Goes On and On!

Have "We" Forgotten The True Meaning of Life? Have "We" Been so Indoctrinated By A Conditioned Way of Life that "We've " Come to Believe All The Lies that have been Told to Us, Under The Guise of Traditions, Religion, Political Ideologies, or Financial Delusions, that has Led to Make Us Believe in A "Profit at Any Cost Philosophy!"

Have "We" been so Mislead by Our Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Earths Nations that "We" Can No Longer See the Truth, or Hear The Truth!

Have All the Lies, Rhetoric, Half Truths, Manipulations and Temptations, Left Us Unable to Discern What is Real from What is Not Real! In Director Stephen Marshall's "Holy Wars," I watched Men of God Bent on Destroying Each Other in The Name of God!
To what Good is there in Taking The Life of Your Fellow Human Being! What a Tragic Waste of Life This is!

"We" are at A New Crossroads of Modern Civilization, Do "We" have The Soul Power to Make The Changes Needed to Evolve into An Age of Peace, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Equality, and An Age of Shared Prosperity For "One and All?"
Yes, I Believe that "We" Do!

Do "We" have The Global Armed Forces to Enforce, Maintain, Protect, and Preserve The Ideals Of Peace and Freedom For "One and All!" Yes, again, I Sincerely Believe that "We" Do!

Do "We" have The Civilian and Military Leadership and Resolve in Place to Enact Out The Wishes and Emancipation Declaration "Of, By, and For The People?"

A Season Of Change is, once again, Upon Us! And, It is Obvious that "We" are All in Agreement that This Change is A Necessary One, For "One and All!"
And, "We" know it in Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls to Be True!" To what Degree, is what is Needed to Be Discussed in Peace Dialogues All over This Sacred Earth of Ours!
And, In New Peace Platforms and Events that Should Be Set up to Address The Need For A New Perspective Of Change!
It is Re-Assuring to See Film Producers and Directors Doing so, in Events such as IDA, at The IFC Center in NYC!
It is Re-Assuring to Hear it in New Music By; Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas "One Heart, One Beat," and Gabriele & Joseph Tranchina's New Cd "A Song Of Love's Color!" Or, By The 40 Billionaires who've Pledged to Give Half of Their Fortunes To Charity!

Unconsciously or Consciously, A New Wind of Change Renewing Our Spirit!
Just The Thought of it, Gives Hope to Those of Us who are Poor and Destitute!

Just The Thought of it, Brings A Smile to The Peace Activist who has Labored For A Decade in Hopes of An End to War, and A Peace Change!
Just The Thought of it!

Women and Men, Saints and Martyrs, Prophets and Voices of Moderation and Reason, "One and All," Since The Beginning of Civilization have Made The Idea of Peace and Freedom For "One and All," under God, Their Priority!
Their Names have Illuminated The Dark Time Periods Althrough-out The History of Human Kind, and Still Does! Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King have All been Moved Deeply By The Meaning and Essence Of Life!
And, They've been Empowered By The Universal Omnipresent Spirit of Life! And, The Sanctity of The Life Force, that is Manifested in All Sentient Beings! And, have Taught Us By Their Example to Rejoice and Share in The Beauty of Life's True Nature! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, A Time of Healing is Upon Us and Is Greatly Needed!
A Season Of Renewal is Here and Now, and Greatly Needed!

Let Us Call Upon Our Civilian and Military Leaders to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! The Lives of Billions of Us are at Stake!

The Lives of Our Children and Their Children, and Their Children's Children are at Stake!

The Lives of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, is at Stake, and The Quality Of Life, and The Earths Survival!

Let Us Reach Out to One Another via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe and Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace!
The Time has Come for Each and Everyone of Us, Who Value The True Meaning Of Life to "Give Peace A Chance!" Too Many Lives have been Lost in Vain! Too Many Lives have been Traded and Sold, and Raped and Imprisoned, Out Of An Evilness, Total Disregard and Disrespect For Ones Fellow Being! And, A Change Must Come!
"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! And, This Earth of Ours is Made Up of A Myriad Diverse Life Forms, All of which Should be Respected By "One and All!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Monday, August 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXX

It Must Be August!
While The Women and Men of The U.S. and Coalition Armed Forces are Fighting in UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan and Iraq! And, The War on Global Terror/Overseas Contingency Operation Continues, The Members of The House Of Representatives and The U.S. Senate are Taking A Vacation!

While UN-Employment Continues at a Rate of 9.5% in The U.S. and The Worldwide Figures are Comparable to that, The Women and Men of The U.S. Congress" are Taking A Vacation!"

Does The U.S. Congress Believe that "They" have Some Indelible Right to Take a Vacation Because It's August!
Does The Earth Stop Revolving Because Its August!
The Near Hypocrisy of The U.S. Congress Amazes me! "They" Bicker and Quarrel, and Play Their Games of "Politics as Usual," All Year 'Round, and then Take Paid Vacations in August, At The Expense of "We The People!"

Is this Some New Psychological, Logistical, or Practical Approach towards Finding New Solutions to End UN-Employment?

Or, Finding A New Solution to Ending The UN-Declared Wars and The Global War On Terror and Bringing The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces Back Home?

Is this Some New Analytical Approach Towards Changing or Repairing The Failed Economical System that has Brought The World Economies and Financial Markets to Their Knee's!

How do you Explain to A Family who are Living in The Back of Their Car, or Van, that The Elected Officials, who are Supposed to Be Representing Them, Decided to Take a Paid Vacation, Because Its August!

How do you Explain to The Children of A Family, who've Recently Lost Their Home and are Now Living in A Shelter, that "Their Welfare Comes Second to When Its Time for Their Elected Officials August Vacation!

At The Least, to Underscore The Seriousness of The Economy, Why Not as A Symbolic Gesture Take An Unpaid Vacation, or Much Better than that, Stay on The Job and Pass A Jobs Creation Bill! A Jobs Creation Bill that Puts America Back to Work!
Or, Stay at Home and Meet with Their Constituencies instead of Taking a Junket to Wherever!
These Women and Men who were Elected to Represent Us have to Be Made to Know that "We The People," are Seriously Disappointed with Them!
And, if "They" Can Not Take The Time to Listen to Us, then "They" Should be Replaced from Office, in The Next Elections!

I Feel like The Character in The Film "Network" who Exhorts his Viewers to Open Their Windows and Scream Out "We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Going to Take it Anymore!"
I Can Hear The Rolling Stones Singing, in my mind, "I Can't get No Satisfaction," and Its For This Reason and So Many Others, That A Change Must Come!

Its Hard to Comprehend The Idea of An August Vacation for The Members of The U.S. Congress, or Any Government as A Matter of Fact, when UN-Employment Remains at Such High Levels!
On the Other Hand, It is Admirable that 40 Billionaires have Come Forth to Pledge to Give Most of Their Wealth to Charity! This is The Way To Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All," and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Suicides, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Tens of Thousands who've been Injured and The Continued Loss of Life are Reasons Why, Peace Must Come!

The Armed Forces of The Free Nations and Societies of The Earth Will Always Be Needed to Protect and Defend Our Rights to Live as A Free People, however, Let It Be In The Name of Peace!

And, Let Us Call For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Engage in A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Establish A New Age of Peace On Earth!
And, Let Us Encourage These Leaders to Embrace The Principles and Idea's of A Cultural Evolution "Of, For and By The People!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word of A New Emancipation Declaration "Of the People" via the Global Internet and Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Non-Violently Sow The Seeds of Peace in An Earthrise Demonstration Of Peace!

And, Let Us Resolutely, Commit Ourselves to Bringing A New and Enlightened Universal State of Conscious Awareness to The Hearts, Minds, and Souls," of A Great Soul Force Of Peace!

Too Many Tears Of Love have Fallen and Drenched This Earth of Ours in Pain!
Its Time For A New Season Of Change! A Peace Change!
Let's "Give Peace A Chance!" This Is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Friday, August 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXIX

For how long have "We" been on this Journey Together! For how many Millennia! For how long has The Battle between those who would Restrict Us and Prevent Us From Living in Peace and Freedom, and The Heroes who've Defended Our Rights to Evolve and Live in Peace been Going on!
And, Still the Armed and Psychological Conflict Continues to Threaten The Free Societies and Nations Of The Earth!

And, For how long has God been Used as A Reason for War! Immediately The Insight, Intelligence, and Sensitivity of Bob Dylan's "With God On Our Side," Comes to Mind!

I am Grateful for The Cultural Evolution that Continues to Speak Out against The Enemies of Peace and Freedom, and Racial Equality!

I am Grateful for the New Song by Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas, "One Heart, One Beat!"

I am Grateful for the New World Fusion Artists who've Come Forth with New Cd's In The Name of Love and Peace, such as; Gabriele & Joseph Tranchina's "A Song Of Love's Color!"

I am Grateful for "We are The World," the Original and Most Recent Version!

I am Grateful for John & Yoko's "Give Peace A Chance!" And Ringo's Request that the Word "Peace" be Mentioned on His Birthday!

I am Grateful for WyClef Jean Coming Forward to Run For The Presidency of Haiti!

"We" Need More Artists, Producers, Arrangers, Vocalists and Composers to Come Forth with New Songs of Love, Peace, Freedom, and Equality!
Its Time for Artists of All of All Creative Forms of Expression to Come Forth to Uplift, Encourage, and Enlighten Us with Their Universal Themes and Anthems of One World, and, Of The People Of The Earth Living in Equanimity and Harmony with One Another!

For how long are the Words of Our Great Ancestors, Saints, Martyrs, Heroes and Heroines, Going to Go Unheeded! Its Time that "We" All Spoke Out in One Voice "Let's Give The Earth An Opportunity to Evolve in Peace and Be in Peace!"

And, Its Time To Heal Our Wounds, Not Make New Ones!

Its Time To Educate Our Children in The Ways of Peace, Knowledge, and Freedom, and Not in The Foolishness and Destruction of War!

Its Time "We" Cared for The Poor and Destitute, Not Ignore Them!

Its Time that We" Put an End to War, and Not Escalate a New One!"

Its Time that The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations Truly Represented "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and Not The Lobbyists and Capitalistic Oligarchs of The World of Business!

Its Time that The Worlds Religions Of The Earth Came Forth as One and Joined Hands in A Worldwide Display of Unity, and For The Greater Good of Humanity, and Say to The Citizens of The Earth, as Jesus did, "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest!" And, Let The Religions of The Earth Share Their Riches with All who are Heavy Laden and Living in Poverty!

Its Time for The World of Business to Come Forth in The Name of A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

And, Its Time for Our Courts, and, Law and Order Forces, To Put an End to The Corruption and Crime that Threatens Our Neighborhoods and Abuses Our Way of Life.

Why Should "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth Expect Anything Less than This!

Did not Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Zoroaster, St. Francis of Assisi, Nelson Mandela and so Many Other Illuminated Beings, Dedicate Their Lives to Show Us The Way!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" are at A New Crossroads of Modern Civilization and A Change Must Come! Let it be A Peace Change!

Let it Be A Change that Embraces "One and All!" An Earthrise Movement "Of, By and For The People," "We" who are The Heart, Mind, and Soul Of the Earth!

Let it Be A New Age of Financial Security, One that Protects, Serves, and Is Committed to The Well Being Of the Earths Populace!

And, Let it Be A Millennia that is Dedicated to The Preservation of The Earth, Itself, and All of Its Sentient Life Forms!

And, Let' s Spread The Word of A New Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," All Over This Sacred Earth Of Ours, via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Let's Make Absolutely Positive That Our Voices are Heard Loud and Clear in The Next Elections, Because A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Non-Violently Demonstrate that Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Address Our Concerns in A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

A Season of Change is Upon Us, and Too many Tears Of Sadness and Pain have, Already Fallen in Vain! Let this New Season Lead Us To A Peace Eternal!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Monday, August 2, 2010




The Ego of War!
The U.S. is Beginning to Resemble, more and more, An Imperialist Nation and Not The Leader of The Free World Nations that It is Supposed to Be!

If "We" are to Fight in A War, Let it Stand for Something that is Clear, Real, Admirable and Meaningful to The Citizens Of The World!
And, Let there Be A Global Consensus, or, At the Least A Consensus of The Populace in The U.S. that Supports The War, Before Entering into it, or Escalating it!
And, Can't "We" Stabilize Afghanistan Without Sending 94,00 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces there? After all, Its Been Almost a Decade of Fighting there!

And, Haven't "We"Learned Anything at All, Since The Vietnam UN-Declared War?
Do "We" have to Send Our Young Women and Men to Fight in Yet, Another UN-Declared War, that Appears to be Never-ending?

And, Why is There No Exist Strategy? Could it Be because Exit Strategies are Not Apart of The U.S. Imperialist Global Plan! A Policy Which Appears to Be, "Policing The World!"

And, it Appears that, only when The Timing is in Place, or, if there is Too Much Resentment against The Seemingly Never-ending, Ongoing Conflict, Does The U.S. Finally Begin to Withdraw A Token Amount of Our Troops! But, only to Satisfy The Anti-War Movement, or Public Opinion!
And, The Underlining Reason for Doing this is Usually to Prevent One Political Party, or Another from Losing Power in The U.S. Government or Wherever The UN-Declared War/Conflict has Become UN-Popular!

It Truly Amazes me about The Seemingly Lack of Caring Attitude, or The Taking it For Granted Attitude, that The Global Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Worlds Nations have Taken in regards to Using The Lives Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Implement, and then Enforce, and then Re-Enforce Their Personal Agendas and Policies!
This Point, alone, is As Great A Tragedy and Offense, The World has Ever Known, Because, Of The Centuries of Loss that This Policy Making Philosophy has Caused Billions of Families All Across This Planet Earth!

Take The Time to Think about This Simple, and Yet, very Disturbing Point of Contention as You Historically Review The Global Events Surrounding Each New Empire Nation that has Conquered, and then Controlled The Nations of The Earth!
Which is All The More Obvious, Why A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

Is is So Difficult for The U.S. and The Coalition Forces to Leave Afghanistan, and, or Iraq (as it Now Appears)! Yes! But, Why? Its Not as if The U.S. and The Coalition Forces have Lost A Major Battle in Either Iraq or Afghanistan/Pakistan! So, what is The Problem! Oh, of course, The Ole Psychological One! Or, Is is An Egotistical One! Or is it, Quite Simply, A Territorial One!

But, Tell that to The 66 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces who've Lost Their Lives Fighting in These UN-Declared Wars for The Month of July!

And, Tell this to Their Families and Friends who are Still in Mourning over The Loss of Their Family Members and Friends!

Tell this to The 160 Members of Our Armed Forces who've Committed Suicide and The 1, 170 Others who've Attempted Suicide!

Tell this to The Tens of Thousands who've Been Injured and Lost Their Limbs!

Tell this to The Families of The 6, 000, or More, Members of Our Armed Forces whose Graves have been Misplaced or Mislabeled!

Tell this to The Millions of Innocents who've Lost Their Lives in The Name of War!
And, Tell This to The Millions who've Been Forced to Flee from Their Homes and Countries and are Living as Refugee's in Neighboring Nations, and, or in Camps that are An Offense to Any Sane Human Being to Live in!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have been Victimized by War and The Conditions of War for Far Too Long to Even Imagine! And, This is Why A Change Must Come!

A Total Change in The Political and Economical Philosophy and Way of Doing Business by The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, which is Why Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Right The Wrongs that have been Perpetrated against The People! And, Begin anew In An Age of Peace and Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

And, A Peace Time Economy Should Be Unanimously Agreed upon! With A Universal Escrow Account that is Specifically Set up to Address The Social Security and Welfare of The Citizens Of The Earth!
It is Time that An Untouchable Portion of Our Taxes Be Guaranteed, and Used Solely for The Benefit of "We The People!"
And, A New Financial System that is Of, For, and By the People!"
This is The Way To Peace! A Peace Time Economy! And A Peace Millennium! Truly its Time for A New Season Of Peace On Earth!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
There Will Always Be Forces of Chaos, Evil, Destruction, and Mayhem amongst Us, and This is Why, if "We" are to Defend and Protect Our Way Of Life, and The Principles of Peace and Freedom that "We" Stand for, Let it Be in The Name of Peace and Freedom that is, "Of, By and For The People!"And, Not for Reasons that are Unclear or Unreal!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace Be One that Illuminates The Future Horizons Of The Earth For A Time Eternal!

And, May "We" Be A Great Soul Force of Peace that is For A Time Everlasting!

And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our New Millennium Emancipation Declaration Of Peace On Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe! And, through Non-Violent Demonstrations!
And, Let Us Vote For Women and Men who are Committed to Advancing The Quality Of Life "Of, By, and For the People," in The Next Elecions!

And, Let Us Always Remember that "We" are One World, and One People, Citizens Of The Earth! And that, No One is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Remember that "We" are "One Heart, One Beat," as Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas has Beautifully Shared with Us!

And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance,"as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends Shared with Us Many Decades ago!

And, while The Times have Changed, Unfortunately Somethings have Remained The Same, And War Must Come to An End, For Once and For All! Too Many Tears Of Love have Fallen in Pain! And A Change Must Come!
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!