Thursday, April 29, 2010


The Way To Peace! XXXXXXI

The Debt Downgrade Continues to Stagger the World! Spain and Greece, are just a few of The Worlds Nations to Feel the Ramifications of The Debt Effect! "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Understand the Damage that has Caused The Worlds Economic Woes, because "We are The World!"
And, The Fear that Spain Feels is Our Fear!

And, The Lack of UN-Employment that has Tumbled The Greek and Spanish People into Disarray and Financial Chaos is Felt All Over The World! Because "We are The World!"
And yet, there appears to be More than One World!

There is a Parallel World that Benefits The Elite, The Royals, The InVisibles, Banks, Financial Institutions, and Global Corporations that also Profits at Our Expense as did Goldman Sachs, and Many Other Corporate White Collar Executives, who most likely will never be Prosecuted for their Abuses of The Financial System at Our Expense!
"They" are apart of The Too Big To Fail World! The Outrageous Bonus World! A World totally set apart from The World that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Exist in!

And yet, how Could This World of The Fat Cats Exist without Us? "We" who are The Back Bone of The Global Economy! "We" who are The Main Street Consumer, without whom, The Parallel World of "Them that's Got," would not be able to Reap a Profit!

So, what are "We The People," Citizens of The Earth to do? For One Thing, "We" must Continue to make Our Voices Heard!

"We" have to Continue to Demonstrate, and Express Our Discontent as Forcefully, and Non-Violently as Possible!

"We" have to Continue to Speak Out via The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe of Global Communication!

And, it doesn't matter what age you are! Just recently, a Teenager from N.J. was The Catalyst for A Grass Roots Movement Contesting The Proposed Education Cuts of that State! Michelle Latto Exclaimed, "We Can Change The World!" And, Yes "We Can!"
Yes "We" can, as The Mahatma proclaimed "Shake up The World!" Because "We" have to Effect a Change that is Beneficial For "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!"

And, The Time has Come for An Earthrise Movement, A Cultural Movement, A Peace Movement, An Economic Movement that is "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And "We" can not Afford to Wait for Our Elective Officials to Come to their Senses, "They" No Longer Exist in Our World!

"They've" Sold Out to The Lobbyists! "They've Sold Out to The Corporations who Finance their Election Campaigns!
Of Course, "They" will also take Our Money, but "They" Do not Show Us The Respect that an Elected Official of The People Should!

And, By Now, "We" are All Aware of whom "They" consider to be of More Importance, because Main Street is UN-Employed, or Working without Pause, while Wall Street is Profiting at Our Expense and Enjoying The Bail Outs paid by Our Taxes!
While, "We" Continue to Be Over Taxed and Under Paid!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, 'We" can not Afford to have Anymore Hospitals and Schools Closed!

"We" can not Afford to have Anymore Cuts in Education, or New Taxes in Health care!

"We" Must Make a Stand in The Name of All that "We" Hold to Be Sacred, The Survival of Our Planet and All Sentient Beings!
The Survival of Our Universe, and Our World depends on Us! This is The Way To Peace!
And, "We" are The Way To A Global Truce, and A Peace Time Economy! And, A Global Dialogue amongst All Creeds, Nationalities, and Races!

Its Time that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Enjoyed The Fruits of Our Labor, and The Limitless Resources of The Earth without having Our Shores, Skies, Sea's, and Universe, Polluted, Ravaged and Raped UN-Mercilessly!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance! And, Enjoyed A Peace Millennium!

Monday, April 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXX

What is The True Capitalism? Is there such a thing? Has Capitalism ever been Responsible? If so, how does Goldman Sachs fit into The Overall Picture of The Financial Business World? Is Goldman Sachs an Example of Capitalistic Selfishness? What has Happened to their Principled Slogan of "Our Clients," interests Come First?

Is The IMF's New Proposal to Tax Banks their Way of Admonishing and Making up for The Abnormally "Fat Bonuses, Too Big To Fail," Concept of Untouchables that has Unjustly and, at times Illegally Protected The World of Big Finance for Much Too Long! Decades could be an Understatement!

Whatever The Face of Capitalism Resembles, it Certainly is Not that of A Democratic State! Its A Capitalistic Oligarchy at best!
And, when it Grins at you "Beware of Darkness," to use a Title of An Old George Harrison song as An Apt Description of what it looks like!
And Greed, is The First Amendment of its Constitution!

And, The Discrepancy Between what The Top Executives are Paid versus The Average Workers Salary, has Never been Worst than it is Today! Their Paychecks/Bonuses are Bordering on Being Sinful!
And, when you Consider The Tragic State of Global UN-Employment, The Unreal Bonuses and Paychecks that these Top Executives are Receiving is A Shame on The Earths Business Community!

Where is The Parity? Where is their Compassion for The Poor? Where is their Concern over The Unfair Share of Taxes Paid by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth?
Where is their Respect for The Law? "They" (the Infamous They) seem to Exist and Interact Outside The Law, within their Elitist Clicks, Continuously in Search for New Loopholes to Advance their Prospective Business Projects under The Name of Free Enterprise! But, the End Result usually Ends up with there being Profit for The Few at The Expense of The Many!

Do "They" care that Millions of Children are Starving!

Do "They" Act Remorseful when their Acts of Risk Taking Causes Severe Destruction and Corruption of The Global Financial System and The Global Marketplaces, and Effects The Closings of Schools, and Hospitals, and The Loss of Homes and Savings of The Earths Citizenry at such Tragic Proportions that have Not been Experienced or Seen in Decades?

Do "They" Really Care? Well, why should "They!" They're The Invisibles! Try and Find Out who and where "They" are! Try to Bring them Up on Charges for their White Collar Crimes!
Is there any Surprise why, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have had Enough of these Financial Abuses, and White Collar Crimes!

Or, why,"We've" had Enough of The Current Global Tax`Systems!
Or, "We've" had Enough of Going Without, while "Them that's Got" only Get Richer! Enough is Enough!

And, where is The Moral and Ethical Pronouncement of The World Religions? Why aren't "They" Speaking out in One Universal/Spiritual Voice that can be Heard above The Din of Hypocrisy!
"They" can be Heard Loud 'n Clear expressing their Discontent over The Revelations of Pedophilia in their Ranks, by The Global Media!

Its Time for The Religions of The Earth To Come Out Forcefully against Human Slavery, Pedophilia and Violence of any sort! Its Time for Us to Hear their Prayers, and See them Fast on Our Behalf , and On Behalf of A Just World For One and All to Share!
This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Cultural and Humanistic Conscious Awareness!
A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries. "We" have The Gift of Technology to Aid Us in being able to Reach out to A New Age of Eager Converts!
"We" have A Highly Evolved Universe of Global Communication to Reveal that there is Another Way, A Transcendental Way To Peace and Economic Parity on Earth!
"We" have at Our Finger Tips, A Way to Grasp The Hands of Each and Every Citizen of The Earth! Whether it be via The Internet or The Cross-Media Universe!
All that "We" have to do is Shout Out that The Peace Train is Coming, and Lets "Give Peace A Chance!"
Lets Shake up The World, Non-Violently, to The Song of A New Earthrise Morning!
And, An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Stating UN-Equivocally that "We're" Free At last! Great God Almighty, "We're" Free At last!
This is The Way To Peace, A Global Truce, Peace Dialogues, A Peace Time Economy, An Age of Great Potential, and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, April 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIX

President Obama should Not be Surprised by Being Heckled, as He was at a Recent Campaign Event, nor should any Politician, whether "They" be Democrat, Republican, Independent, Moderate, Liberal, Conservative, Tory, or of The Labor Party!
Or, as a Matter of Fact any Politician anywhere on The Face of The Planet!
As Impressed as The Democrats May be Due to The Passing of The Recent Healthcare Reform Bill, "We The People," are Not that Easily Pacified!

And, Why should "We" be, with UN-Employment still at Ludicrous Levels, Worldwide, and Stress Levels, Existing at Levels of Intensity that has Not Been Seen, or Experienced in a Decade!

Why should "We" be, No One is Blind to The Fact that Wall Street is Booming, Banks and Financial Institutions are Showing a Profit, and Paying Out Outlandish Bonuses, again! While "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are still Forced to Pay for Rising Costs in Education, and Healthcare! And, You Can Believe that New Taxes are being Proposed Behind Closed Doors!

And, while The Politicians Continue to Give Us their Best Campaign Smiles and Rhetoric, Another Child is Being Born into Poverty! And, Another Parent is Forced to Juggle Between Paying for The House Mortgage or Rent, and, Between How Much is Left of The Weekly Budget to Buy Food for The Family! Let The Politicians Pay for their Own Elective Campaigns and See how "They" Fair! Because "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, May just Decide Not to Finance Them, without A Guarantee of True Representation "Of The People!"

And, while The Politicians Congratulate themselves over Passing A Stimulus, or Jobs Bill, or Gloating over Filibustering Tactics used to Advance their Agenda, or Impeding Their Oppositions Agenda, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are Losing Hope, and are being Drained by An Insensitive, Incompetent, and Corrupt System that Benefits The Elite, and The Infamous "Too Big To Fail" Corporations and Industries!
These Politicians care Not that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have Lost Our Savings, Lost Our Jobs, and are Losing Our Minds over The Fear of Possibly Losing Our Homes!

But, There will Come the Time for Re-Election, and then these Same Politicians are in for a Big Surprise because "They" will Discover that "They" are Not Too Big to Be Voted Out of Office!

"Action speaks Louder Than Words" should be One of Our Campaign Mantras for The Up and Coming Elections. "Produce or Shut Up," should be another! And, "Where's The Money, is a Good One as well! Personally "Enough is Enough" is my Personal Sentiment, and Mantra!

This is Not The Change that any of Us Expected from The Current Administration in The U.S. And, after a Year has Gone by, its Obvious that it doesn't matter what Political Party is in Office! "They" all Dance to the Singular Beat of The Capitalistic Oligarchical Gluttony!

And, whether it be The SEC, The IMF, The Fed, or The World Financial Markets, I would like to Know whose Watch was it, when the Subprime Mortgage Crisis was Eating away at The Fabric of The Global Economy! Who was on Guard against The Abuses that were Taking place! Its obvious that Someone Knew what was Happening, because Someone was Profiting by it! But, it Certainly wasn't "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

If there is to be A Real Change that Benefits "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, it must be A Change that Supports and Nourishes the Lives of One and All! In Equanimity!

If there is to be A Real Change that Benefits One and All, it must be a Compassionate One that Embraces One and All!

If there is to be A Real Change on This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, it must be A Universal Change that Protects, Preserves, and, Cares for The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!
And, A Realization that The Conservation and Respect of The Earths Natural Resources is Vital to The Planets Survival!
And, "We" must have a Peacetime Economy, An Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Whether it be UN-Declared, or Declared, The Concept of A War Time Mentality and Financial Priority must Come to An End.
This is The way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th & 21st Centuries, Let Us Rise To This Occasion of Urgency!
And, Let Us Rise to The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us!
And, Let Us Know Well, Our Adversary!

And, Let Us Establish, Organize, and Press Ahead with A Nexus of Interdependent Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," and Non-Violently Demonstrate, Sit In, and Speak Out against The Voices of Chaos and Amorphous!

And, Let Us Not Be Fooled by The Sophists who would Mislead, and Misguide Us in The World Media! "They" Treat Our Lives as if "We" were just Another Reality Show!
Take the Time to Search The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe for New Voices, New Idea's, and New Allies of Peace!

And, Most of All, Remember that "We are The People,"Citizens of The Earth!
"We are The World," and Without Us "They" (the Infamous They) have Nothing!

So, Lets Change the World to Benefit Each and Everyone of Us, and "Let No One Be Left Out!"
And, Let this be One of Our Earthrise Mantra's, and One of The Top Priorities and Commitments of Our Emancipation Declaration of Peace of the 21st Century!
"Let No One Be Left Out!" No Race, Creed, Nationality, or Sentient Being!

The Time has Come for A Peoples Vision! Not an Obama Vision, or A Medvedev Vision, Or A Sakozy Vision, or A Brown Vision, or A Merkel Vision, or A Hu Jintao Vision, or A Netanyahu Vision, or A Chavez Vision, or A Ahmadinejad Vision, etc.
I Think You Get The Idea! A Peoples Vision!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!

Monday, April 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVIII

As Another Earth Day Approaches I feel sure in the Inevitability that The Advent of An Earthrise Movement of Global Magnitude will Most Certainly take place in The Near Future!
It may Start Off in Incremental Stages, but it Will Evolve into An Undeniable Soul Force that Can Not be Impeded or Denied from Changing All of Our Lives for The Better!
And, It Will be An Earthrise Movement that No Government, Town, Village, City, State, or Country Can Ignore!
And, A Changing Moment in The Lives of All Sentient Beings that Heralds A New Age of Growth and Prosperity For One and All!

And, It Will be An Earthrise Movement of Peace that is Illuminated by A Cultural Evolution of The New Millennium!
And, An Earthrise Movement that Specifically Adheres to The Preservation of All Sentient Life Forms, in Addition to A Technological, Scientific, and Educational Rebirth!
And, It Will be A New Age of Cultural Evolvement that is Embedded in The Conscious Awareness that The Existence of The Earth, its Skies, Oceans, Lands, and The Vast Universe that it is apart of, Will Depend upon A Sense of A Mutual Respect "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," if "We" are to Survive!

And, Let Us Embrace this Earth Day as Not only as A Celebration, but also, as A Reminder of what Must be Done to Heal and Repair The Damage that has been Inflicted upon This Sacred Earth of Ours, whether it be from The Feroes Islands to The International Space Station!
And, if Our Present Day and Future Generations are to Enjoy The Fruits of Our Planet "We" Must Rise, One and All, to A Higher Calling and A Higher Sense of Responsibility!
And, if Our Earthrise Evolution is to become A Successful Realization of The 21st Century "We" Must Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Engage in Finding Solutions to Achieve A Healthier Global Environment, and Compassionate New Age!
And, "We The People" Citizens of The Earth Will Find that by Changing Our Way of Life, "We" Will Change The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The New Millennium, The Earth has Recently been Struck by A Series of Earthquakes, and Volcanoes!
And, The Ozone Layer is still an Open Sore that has Caused Climate Warming, and Tsunamis, that Threaten the Livelihood of Millions of The Earths Citizens!
So, Let Us Re-Invest Our Energies and Belief in An Untrammeled Course of Non-Violent Action that Leads Us to A Universe of Infinite Solutions of The Myriad Global Issues that are A Plague to Our Planet Earth!

And, Let Us Shake Up The World and Bring about A New Change in The Conditioned Way that "We The People," have been thinking!

And, Let Us Agree, One and All, to a New Covenant, A New Emancipation Declaration Freeing Us from The Old Ways of Unconscionable Acts of Violence and The Unlimited Ciphering Off of The Earths Resources!

And, Let Us Enter into An Age of New Beginnings in The Evolution of Solar Energy, Genetically Engineered Food Products, as well as Setting Limits on De-Forestation, and Off Shore Drilling for Oil!

And, Let Us Agree to Present and Vote for New Global Legislation for The Protection of Our Jungles, and Animal Life Forms! Plus, The Development of New Financial Reforms, and An Environmental/Ecological Economic System that Supports A Cleaner and Healthier Way of Life that "We" Can All take Pride in!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

So, Let Us take a Moment to Wish Each Other A Happy Earth Day by Using All of The Glorious Paths of This Wondrous Age of Communication and Don't Hesitate to Use All of The Resources of The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
Or, Quite Simply, Let Us Spread The Word by Word of Mouth until "We've" Reached The Hearts, Minds, Intellect, and Souls of An Ocean of Humanity, Bathing Them, One and All, in The Tranquil and Serene Waters of A Peaceful Existence on Earth!

And, in Celebration of This Earth Day, May I Share this Simple Poem with You, "May The Sun's Gentle Rays Bring Warmth to The Roots of Our Beings and May they Brighten The Glow of Love that Lies within Thee. Giant Redwood Tree's with Outstretched Branches and Colored Leaves, More Beautiful than Any Artist could Conceive, Overwhelm me with Their Presence! Graciously they offer Their Strength as A Gesture of Good Friendship."
And, May Our Peace Nexus Be An Extension of Good Friendship, and Hope For The Future of The Earth, this The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Lets"Give Peace a Chance!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVII

The World Congratulates President Barack Obama, President Dmitry Medvedev, President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Hu Jintao, and The Assembly of Leaders of The Worlds Nations who attended The Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. for their Pledge to Lock Down Hundreds of Thousands of Tons of Weapons-Usable Nuclear Fuel by 2014, and Prevent The Further Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons! And, President Obama looked very Presidential! And, it was a Great Photo Op as well!

As you are aware of, I have been very expressive about The Need for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to take place amongst The Worlds Leaders, so I am glad that they have "Come Together" as The Beatles sang, to Discuss Finding Ways to Put an End to The Threat of Destruction of this Planet, and Bring Peace to Earth!
But, Lets stay Focused because there are Parallel Paths to Safeguarding Our Lives and Providing for Our Families and The Well Being of All The Nations of The World!
And, One Direct Way to Protect and Establish Peace of Mind for "We The People," Citizens of The Earth is to Make Sure that "We" are Being Employed!
I keep hearing about "Upbeat Signals on The Economy," but The UN-Employment Figures Remain at Astonishing Levels! They're in The Tens of Millions!
For Example; The U.S. 9.70! Spain 19.20! Russia 9.90! Puerto Rico 16.50! The UK 7.80! Germany 7.50! Greece 9.20! The EU 9.30! And, these are the Acknowledged Figures, just imagine what the Real Ones are!
And then add that 41.% of The World Poor Live in India, and 22.12 % Live in China, and, that there 2 Million Children Living in Poverty in The U.S., and you Understand just how Serious The Global UN-Employment, and Poverty Issues Remain!

So, while it is Righteous and Good to Do Something about Nuclear Proliferation, The Leaders of The World Nations Need to, Simultaneously, be Seen Doing Something Concrete and Substantive about Eliminating Poverty! And "They" Will see that by Doing so, it would Eliminate UN-Employment! Its as Simple as that!

And, while it is Important to Combat Terrorism, it is Equally as Important for The Worlds Leaders to Come Out Forcefully against The Corrupt Global Financial System that has Caused the Loss of Thousands of Homes, Bank Savings, and any Sense of Trust in Our Financial Institutions and Banks!

How Just can this Financial System Be, when Wall Street has Climbed above The 11,000 Level while there are Millions of People who are Living in Poverty, and are Destitute and Desperate! They're Barely Existing and Living in Unsanitary Conditions and Tents, that House Whole Families! What a Cruel Twist of Fate this is! The Fat Cats Get Richer while The Poor Get Poorer! This has to Stop!

And, Once again, it only goes to Show that it is Obvious that there is a Great Need for Economic Equanimity in The Parallel States of Being that "We" Exist in! Because Our Fates Can Not Continue to be Controlled by The Elite and The Capitalistic Oligarchs! The Invisibles, as I Refer to them!

And, The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Need to Address New and Just Ways to Regulate and Find Parity in The Global Workplace so, that Productivity is Not Centered, for the most part, in Countries whose hourly wage is Payed in Cents!
Is The Fate or Potential of The 21st Century Consumer to be Based on The Mass Productivity and IN-Expensive Exports from China, Thailand, and India!

So, while it may have been quite beautiful having The Nuclear Security Summit in The Midst of Flower Blossoms in Washington, D.C., I suggest that the Next Summit, that Will Hopefully Address Global UN-Employment and The Importance of A Global Peace Time Economy, be Held in The Midst of A Tent City in Haiti, or India for example, Then maybe Real Progress Can be Made to Improve The Quality of Life for Those of Us who are Less Fortunate, due to Natural Disasters, or Human Neglect!
Is Poverty any Less a Threat to Our Well Being than Terrorism is!

A Change Must Come in The Mindset of Our World Leaders, or, "They" should be Removed from Office in The Next Elections and Re-Placed with Women and Men who are Willing to be True Representatives "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
Its Time for A New Face of Humanity to Be Reflected in The Mirror of Earths Towns, Villages, Cities, States, and Countries! A Face of Peace and Harmony!
The 21st Century should be A Culturally Evolved Millennium with Compassionate, Sincere, Honest, Intelligent, and Spiritual Leaders who are Fair minded!
And, their List of Priorities should be Building New Schools, Hospitals, and Social Infrastructures that Support A Universal Way of Life! In Addition to Preventing the Spread of Nuclear Proliferation!
This is The Way To Build A Bridge between The 2 Parallel Universes, and The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Find Inspiration in A Cultural Evolution and The Advent of Peace on Earth!
But, Let Us Continue to Speak Out Forcefully against The Pollution of The Earths Waterways, Oceans, Skies, Air, Lands, and Universe!
And, Let Us Not Forget that This is An Age of Great Potential and Promise!
However, "We" Will have to Non-Violently Sir Up, and Shake Up The World before "We" Achieve Our Goals of Peace! A Peace on Earth that One and All Can Share!

And, Let Us Continue to Encourage Investment and Re-Investment in Education, The Ecology, and A Universal Peace Time Economy!
And, Resolutely Work Towards A Proclamation Calling For An Emancipation Declaration for Every Woman, Man, and Child from Further Taxation!
The Time has Come for An Overdue Moratorium on any Further Taxation by The Leaders of The Worlds Nations who have Levied Tax after Tax upon The Citizenry of The Earth without End! And, Enough is Enough!
The Present Tax Levels are More than Sufficient to Pay for The Domestic and Foreign Policies that are Being Espoused by The Worlds Leaders!
And, "They" Will Discover that there Will Be an Increase in Consumer Spending, and More Importantly, A New Feeling of Good Will, Hope, and Generosity on Earth!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium! Lets "Give Peace a Chance!"

Monday, April 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXVI

I recently read a Quote by Mahatma Gandhi which I would like to Share with You, it said; "In a Gentle Way You Can Shake the World." And, this Quotation has Resonated within my Consciousness ever since,"You Can Shake the World!" And Yes, I Believe that "We" Can!
Why? Because, "We are The World," and it is of The Greatest Importance that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth begin to, as the Saying Goes, "Flex Our Muscles," Non-Violently of course, Because The Time has Come to Act!
And, No Political Party, Country, or Religion has The Right to Dictate to Us, What is Best for Us, unless "They've" Learned to "Live in Our Moccasins," as the Saying Goes!

But, Let me return to The Point, that "We" Can "Shake The World, and Re-Make The World to Better Represent "We The People," with Representation that is Truly "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
And, whether it be Politically, Spiritually, Economically, or Philosophically "We" Can Re-Make The World to Better Suite Our Needs!
And, once again May I repeat, The Needs of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, and All Sentient Beings!
And Yes, "We" Can Erase Poverty from The Face of This Earth, at a Cost Much Less than The Cost of The UN-Declared War in Iraq, for Example! Without All of The Destruction and Loss of Life!

"We" Can "Shake The World" and Re-Make The World to Resemble the Kind of World that "We" were Brought up to Believe in! A World that Our Future Generations Can Rejoice in!
"We" Can Shake and Re-Make The World into A Universal State of Being that Respectfully Exists within A State of Peaceful Co-Existence with itself!
And, what do I base my thoughts on? Another Wonderful Quotation by The Mahatma, which is,"My optimism rests on my belief in the Infinite possibilities of The Individual to develop non-violently."
And, its True that I do Believe in The Limitless Possibilities of This Age!
It has The Great Potential to Be A Magnificent New Millennium of Peace!
"We" have but to Let Go of The Past Discrimination's of Negativity, and Embrace The Positive Aspects and Principles of A Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Empirical, Political, and Economical Age of The 21st Century! A Non- Militaristic Age! An Age of Peace, Harmony, Equality, and Equanimity For One and All!
And, this should be The Equation of The New Emancipation Declaration of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

Yes, of course, "We" Can Do It! "We" Can be, Each and Everyone of Us, Interdependent Beings of An Earthrise Movement of Peace!
"We" Can, One and All Share The Fruits and Limitless Resources of This Planet Earth without Destroying its Jungles, Forests, Sea's, Life Forms, and The Pollution of The Air "We" Breathe!
"We" Can All Be apart of A Prosperous, Humanistic, and Caring, Free Enterprise of Finance that Provides For The People, without Taxation Of The People!
A Global Enterprise of Financial Reforms that Provides For The Social Security Of The People, without Working Them to Death! With a 21st Century Business Model that Provides For The Safety, and Life Insurance Of The People!
Yes, "We" Can Shake and Re-Make The World! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets add A New Mantra, A New Anthem, and A New Chorus to Our Cause of Peace on Earth! Lets sing "Shake," as Sam Cooke sang! And, "Shake it up Baby," as The Beatles, and The Isley Brothers sang! And, Lets sing "Shake Rattle 'N Roll," as Bill Haley and The Rockets sang!
But, Most of All, Lets remember what The Mahatma said, "You Can Shake The World!"

So, Lets Do it, Non-Violently, through The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
Lets Do it, through Non-Violent Demonstrations and Sit ins!
Lets Do it via Word of Mouth!
And, Lets Call for The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare A Global Truce, and Engage in Peace Dialogues that are Designed to End War, and Nuclear Proliferation! And, Enter into A New Age of A Global Peace Time Economy!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peaceful and Culturally Evolved Millennium!
Let's "Give Peace a Chance," as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends sang many years ago! And, Lets Shake Up The World!

Friday, April 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXV

An Earthrise Movement of Peace should be Made up of Several Oceanic Movements, and One of Them should Be A Renaissance of The Arts! And, if "We" are to Truly have A Cultural Evolution on Earth what Better Time to Do it than Now!
When "We" are Being Beset Upon by 2 UN-Declared Wars, and A War on Terrorism, Extremely High Levels of UN-Employment, Corrupt Financial Systems, A "Me First" Global Political Ego, Too Many Living in Poverty, Too Many Children and Women Being Sold in A Global Slave Trade Market, Not Enough Investment Being Provided to Educate Our Children, or Build New Hospitals and Maintain The Older Ones, or Invest in The Ecology! And then, There's The Continued Rape and Ravage of The Earth and its Most Vital Resources and Sentient Beings, Religious Hypocrisy, Drug Wars, Terrorism and Natural Disasters!
If there Ever was a Time for A Cultural Healing of The Arts to Take Place in The Earths Communities and Societies, that Moment in Time is Now!

So, Let Us Lift Our Hearts and Souls to The Rhythms and Song of Peace, and Harmony, Immersed in An Orchestration of Universal and Philosophical Solar Axioms!
And, Let This Be The Beginning of A Cultural Evolution "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
All of Us Living in Concert with One Another Existing in A Communion and Union of Interdependent Beings!
Purposefully and Resolutely Enmeshing Ourselves in A Magnificent Cause of Earth Synergy that Focuses on Improving The Quality of Life For One and All!
Irregardless of Nationality, Race, or Creed!
Irregardless of What Kind of Sentient Species it May be!

And, Let Us Embrace The Myriad of Citizens of The Earth who have Lived in Poverty, and Have Been Displaced from Their Families and Homes For Far Too Long!

And, Let Us Applaud All Financial Enterprises, whether They be Small Business, or Corporate Entities, that are Created to Ease The Financial Burdens of Our Families!

And, Let Us Change The Current Global Business Model from The Idea of Profit at Any Cost, to One of Being A Shared Prosperity, Honest Competition, and Parity For One and All!

And, Let Us Change Our Way of Life from War Time to A Peace Time Economy that Provides Global Social Security For One and All!

And, Let Us Encourage A New Generation of Peace Time Visionaries to Come Forth in Place of The Capitalistic Oligarchs and The Invisibles!

And, Let Us Build A New Global Balance and State of Being that is in Parallel with Our Beliefs, The Sanctity of Life, and The Preservation of The Earth!

And, it is Equally Important that Our Cultural Evolution be A True Reflection of A New Equation of The Face of Humanity!
A Face that Mirrors what is Real, and Not, Metaphorically, A Soap Opera, or Reality Program!
And, Much More than The Grand Schemes of A Shakespearean Play!
A Cultural Evolution that Can be Understood Clearly, Felt Clearly, and Seen and Heard in All Clarity!

A Cultural Evolution that Portrays and Projects Inspirational Anthems and Tonalities that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Can Believe and Trust in!

A Symphysis of Reason and Truth that both Empowers and Gives Strength to The Women and Men in Our Armed Forces who are Fighting in The UN-Declared Wars!

A Cultural Evolution that Provides and Gives Motivation and Reason to Our Youth to Examine Closely The World of Domestic and World Affairs that they are Being Taught in School!

A Cultural Evolution that Instills in Each and Every Adult of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, A Feeling of Hope and Pride in what The Future May bring!

And, A Sense of Accomplishment amongst Our Elder Citizens Knowing that The Sacrifice and Commitment that "They" have Devoted to Their Country and Families was Justified! And that "They" have Gained The Respect of All The Citizens of The Earth!

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Artisans of The Earth Whomever and Wherever You May be, Let Us Be The Creators of A New Age of Cultural Expansion!

And, Let Us Be The Creators of A New Universe of Enlightened Literature Stressing The Merits of A Peace Millennium Versus War!

And, Let Us Be The Composers of A World of Music that Emboldens A New Generation of Peace Seekers!

And, Let Us Be The Choreographers of An Earthrise Movement Fused Together in Stature, Peace and Grace!

And, Let Us Be The Arrangers of A Symphony of The Heart, Soul, and Intellect that Touches The Bodies and Sensitivities of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

And, Let Us Be The Creators of A New Age of Stories and History that are Filled with Great Challenges, and Magnificent and Courageous Heroines and Heroes of The 21st Century!

And, Let Us One and All, whether "We" Be Musicians, Dancers, Singers, Painters, Sculptures, Actors and Actresses, Choreographers, Conductors and Arrangers, Writers and Composers, Producers and Directors, Artisans of both New Age and Analogue Technology, Philanthropists, and Art Enthusiasts, Cast Ourselves in The Forefront of Creating A New Age of Cultural Evolution and Everlasting Peace on Earth!

And, Let Us Call for A Global Meeting of Culturally Evolved Minds and Concerned Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Create An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Proclaiming This Time Space Reality To Be A New Millennium Renaissance in The Arts and World Peace!

This is the Way To Peace, An End of War, and A New Age of Great Potential and Unlimited Interdependent Creative Expression!

And, This is The Way To A Peace Millennium, An Age of Cultural Evolution, and Non-Militarism!
Lets "Give Peace A Chance!" Because "We" All are Seriously Aware that A Peace Change Must Come!

Monday, April 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIV

What is the Price of Peace? "We" Know what the Price of War is! An UN-Declared War such as in Iraq! Where the Cost Continues to Grow with More than 4,000 U.S. Troops killed in Action, and More than 31,000 are Wounded! Then add to that Total, the Deaths of More than 100,000 Iraqi Civilians, and More than 4 million have been Displaced from their Homes!
And, The Monetary Cost is more than 900 Billion!
And, this does not include The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, or The Global War on Terror, now, Know as The Overseas Contingency Operations!

And, It is Obvious that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have Become Additional Victims, Living in 2 Universes! One that Serves and is Driven by A War Time Economy that Exists at The Whim of The Elite, and A Parallel Universe which is Supposed to Serve Us!

The Way To Peace, and The Path of War, Chaos, and Destruction (when you observe them closely) are The Pure Reflections of these 2 Parallel Universes!
One is where"We The People," Continue to Be The Victims of An UN-Employment level which is still 9.7 million in America, alone!
While in The Parallel Universe, Banks are Bailed Out! And, Wall Street is once again in The Black, and Enjoying A Profit!
While the Taxes of "We The People," Continue to Support A Broken Financial System!
And now, there is a New Rumor Afloat, that in the Near Future, "We" will be asked to Pay a New National Sales Tax!

But, Why wasn't The 787 Billion Dollar Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, also Known as The Stimulus, Enough!
And, Why wasn't it Immediately Prioritized to Create Jobs, Invested in Small Businesses and Education, Build New Roads and Bridges, Repair and Build New Highways, Subways, and Railroads, which would have been a Great Benefit to "We The People?"
This would have been a Boon to Our Struggling Economy, and Upgraded The Infrastructure of The U.S. and The Ripple Effect would have been of Benefit to The Global Economy! And, Served as A Positive and Responsible Business Model for A Peace Time Economy of The 21st Century, and Improve The Quality of Life for "We The People!"

And, Why didn't The U.S. Government Prioritize Reinvesting in its Citizens by Paying for Mortgages that were in Jeopardy of Going into Default! This would have Saved Thousands of Homes! Instead "We" have been existing in a Damaging and InHumane State of Mortgage Crisis!
Aren't Our Homes, Lives and Families as Important as The Banks that Our Government Reinvested in, who were "Too Big To Fail?" This is an Important Question to Ask Yourself!

It is Obvious that there are 2 Standards, and 2 Parallel Universes!
Once again, One where "We The People," Citizens of The Earth who are The Backbone of The Global Economy, are Victims!
"We" are The Victims of White Collar Crime that Continues to Go, for the Most Part, UN-Punished!
And, "We" are also Victims of a Tax State that has been Imposed on Us and Continuously Drains Us, while, once again Wall Street and The Financial Institutions are Permitted to Profit at Our Expense! This is a Point of Contention that is Worth Repeating over and over again, until there is an Economic Parity in the 2 Parallel Universes!

And, It is More than Obvious that A New State of Equanimity, and Shared Economy and Opportunity Must Be Implemented on A Global Basis!

And, It is More than Obvious that New Regulations should Be Implemented to Protect "We The People," from The Financial Predators who Prey upon, and Manipulate A Corrupt and Broken Financial System that is already in Need of Dire Repair!
Or,  In Need of A Complete Make Over!

And, it is also Obvious that if his Earth of Ours is to Evolve, and Become An Age of Peace, with A Peace Time Economy, the Overall Political and Philosophical Mindset of The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Must Change, or "They" should Be Fired by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, in the Next Elections!

And lastly, The Parallel Universes Must Come into Balance, and A Fair Distribution of  Profit, Must Be Honestly Shared and Accounted For!
The Impediments and Difficulty Factors are Many, but, "We" Must Succeed in Changing The World, to Reflect The Ideologies and Principles of One World, and One Earth, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
Although "We" are Made up of a Myriad Different Races, Creeds, and Nationalities, "We" are All Born of This Planet Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be,
Let Us Continue to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Discuss The Solutions that are Needed to Change Our Present and Future into A Peace Millennium!

Let Us, also, Continue to Work Towards the Implementation of Environmental Polices that Serve to Preserve The Sanctity of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Empower a New Age of Technology to Spread The Word of Peace via Google, Yahoo, Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Texting, Blackberry, Emails, Cable and Network TV, Radio, Satellite Communications, Newspapers, Magazines, IBM, Apple, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, Meditation, Contemplation, Sit Ins, Non-Violent Demonstraions, Literature and The Arts!
And, Let Us Continue To Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace and Justice For One and All, via All of The Resources of The Global Internet, The Cross-Media Universe, and Thru A Fusion of Our Minds and Souls into A Universal Consciousness!

And Respectfully, May "We" Reach Out to All who Embrace The Truth, Sincerity, and Humanity, as Exemplified by, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, Saint Francis of Assisi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautma, Muhammad, and Jesus of Nazareth! For This is The Way To Peace!

And, Lets "Give Peace A Chance," for "We are The World," and "We" Can Change It from Being "Unreal to Real," as The Mahatma has Shared`with Us!
And, Let This Be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Heralding A New Age of Limitless Possibilities and Potentialities!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, April 1, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXIII

The Way To Peace Depends on Us, One and All Fusing Our Idea's, Thoughts and Actions Together, into A Peace Nexus of Interdependent Minds!
And, Becoming a Universal Consciousness that Maximizes Our Message of Peace Now, and An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century thru The Use of Today's Modern Technology and An Earthrise Word of Mouth Movement!
And, Knowing that "We" Can Empower Each Other through The Use of Twitter, BlackBerry, Texting, Emails, Cell Phones, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, Meditation, Contemplation, Mental Projections and Synergy, Satellite Communications, Newspapers, Magazines, Myspace, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Music, Dance, Theatre, Films, Literature, and All Artistic Endeavors!
And, Via All of The Resources The Global Internet, and Cross-Media Universe "We" Can Change The World.

During this Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration "We" are Reminded of how Jesus of Nazareth Changed The World He Lived in by His Belief and Faith in God and His Gospel of Love!
And, "We" are Reminded how Moses Changed The World He Lived in, and thru His Belief and Faith in God He Freed His People!
And, "We" Can Change The Conditioned Reality that "We The People," Live in from Unreal To Real, as The Mahatma Shared with Us, into Being An Age of Great Potential thru Our Combined Beliefs and Faith!
Our Combined Belief and Faith in An Age of Unlimited Potential where Our Elective Officials are Women and Men of Great Consciousness, and are Not So Eager to License Anymore of The Earths Off Shore Properties to an Avarice Oil and Gas Industry!
Our Combined Belief and Faith in An Age where Students Can Receive A Free Education! Imagine Not having to Worry about how you are going to Pay the Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Student Loans when you Graduate! Freeing you (and your family) from that Awesome Burden, and Allowing you to Rise to your Potential, Unburdened!
Imagine Living in An Age where The Elderly Do Not have to Worry about Losing Their Social Security, or, having to Pay Outlandish Sums for Pharmaceutical Drugs!
And, Their Families Will Be Able to Afford to Care for Them Without The Fear of How much The Cost Will Be!
Its Obvious that there are Two Parallel Universes, One Where "We" who are The Citizens of The Earth Live, and Another where The Elite and Affluent Exist!

But, what Today's Politicians, Business Leaders, The Invisibles, Capitalistic Oligarchs, Religious Leaders, and unfortunately, Many of The Worlds Most Glamorous Celebrities, who Live in The Privileged World, Do Not Realize is that "We" are Being Drained of All of Our Resources and Energy!
"We" are Being Drained of Our Well Being, and Being able to Enjoy The Simple Things in Life, such as; Going to a Movie with your Family, and, or With your Friends and Classmates!
"We" are Unable to Afford the Price for The Latest Digital Game, or Having The Time to Have A Picnic with your Family, or The Time to Walk your Dog, or Play a Game of Basketball, or Football!
"We" are Being Forced, to have, to Work Two Jobs a Day, and Still Struggle to Make Ends Meet (as the saying goes)!
And, "We" are Continuously Being Taxed, and then, asked to Pay for The Failures of The Privileged Universe, But, Not Receiving a Fair Share of The Profit!
And, Our Universe is Being Drained of Its Natural Resources, and Some of Our Sentient Beings are Being Threatened with Extinction!

Why is it so Hard to Understand that This Can Not Continue?
Are Our Leaders to Busy Campaigning to See The Truth Right before Their Eyes!
Are "They" All to Blind to See!
Are "They" To Occupied Warning, and Rebuking each other over Nuclear Arms Proliferation, and The Reneging of Economical Reform Agreements, to See that People are Starving, and that there are Millions of Us who Can Not Afford to Repair Our Homes, due to Natural Disasters!
Or, Make Mortgage, or Rent Payments on Time due to UN-Employment!
Are Our Leaders to Blind to See Our Distress because "They" are Too Busy Looking in The Mirror to See if "They" look Good enough for their Next Media Interview!
Are "They" Too Blind To See that Our Children are Continuously Being Placed In Harms Way Fighting in UN-Declared Wars Without there Being a Well Thought Out Exit Strategy!
And, For How Long are "We" to Be Led and Misinformed by Illegalities such as, NSA's Unlawful Use of Surveillance without Warrants! Instead of Leading Us by The Laws of The Land, or, The Laws of Our Faiths!
And, For How Long Must "We" The Citizens of The Earth Be Treated as if "We" are Second Class Citizens, while The Elite and The Affluent are Treated like They are Kings and Queens!
And, is it Necessary for Millions upon Millions of Women and Men to Be UN-Employed while Sectors of The Wall Street Community are Receiving Billions of Dollars due to Our Governments Bail Out Programs!
While "We The People," are Continuously Being Asked to Reinvest in a Broken Down Financial System!
And, now that "We" have Bailed Out The Banks, Financial Institutions, and A Broken Financial System whose Acts of Corruption and Greed Caused The Bankruptcy of Millions of People, "We" are now Being Asked to Pay for An Increase in the Costs of Our Domestic Appliances, Cars, and Everyday Goods, due to The Rise in Steel!
How much more are "We" to Pay? "We've Paid for Bail Outs, UN-Declared Wars, and Continued New Taxes! When Will "They" (once again The Infamous "They")Realize that This is Too Much to Bear!
Let me ask you, Is there any Doubt in your Minds that A Change Must Come!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be, In this Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration, Let Us Renew Our Beliefs and Faith in Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All!
And, Let Us Renew Our Faith and Belief in Equanimity, Equality, and Justice For One and All!
And, Let Us Continue to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue For All The Worlds Nations to Engage and Participate in!
And, Let Us Pursue A New Millennium Proclamation For An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, and A Peace Time Economy!
A Peace Time Economy that Excludes any Thought or Idea of A Personal Tax on Our Wages!
And, During This Time Period of Religious Observation and Celebration,
Let Us Give Thanks For The Women and Men who have Sacrificed and Given Their Lives For Our Benefit, and For those of Our Future Generations!
Such as, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Nelson Mandela, Machiventa Melchizedek, and Jesus of Nazareth!
Lets "Give Peace a Chance!" And Remember that, "We are The World" and "We" Can Change It! "We" Must Change It!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!