Thursday, December 31, 2009



The Way To Peace! XXVII

No One said that The Way To Peace would be Easy, but, The Images of The Innocent who have Died along The Way are Ablaze in my mind, and, can not be Denied! And, Their Lives must Not Be in Vain!

No One said that there would not be, yet, Another Warmonger whose intention is to Assassinate, yet, another Child of Peace! But, Peace must Prevail in The End! Why? Because, "We" can not afford to be Intimidated by, or, Threatened by Brutes, and, Beasts of War!
The Images of Too many Innocent Children who have Lost their Lives due to, yet, another Escalation of Violence on Earth are an Offense to both my Heart and Soul, and, The Poet, and, Peacemaker Who Lie within me!

It makes me wonder, if, I can Feel this Rage, and, Rising Storm, against those who would try to Destroy any Attempt to Achieving Peace on Earth, what must The Silent Majority be Feeling, and, Thinking! And, what Chance does this Sacred Earth, of ours have, of Living in A Peaceful Millennium, without there Being A Global Peace Consensus amongst The Citizens of This World!
No One said It would be Easy, but, It should be Obvious to any Intelligent, and, Consciously Aware Individual. that Peace must Come!

And, Its Time that "We" Clearly Understand that "We" must Demand it, and, Declare it, to be Our Wish, and, our Goal!
Sing it out Loud, and, Clear, that "We" Desire with All Our Hearts, and, Souls that "We" want to Live in Peace!

Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers Do Not Remain Silent!
There must be an End, to This Senseless Killing, and, Its Time for New Peacemakers to Stand up, and, Lead The Way!
And, Voices of Reason, must Continue to Reason with those who Believe that through Violence "They" can Achieve their Goals!
World Leaders must step forward and Declare A Global Truce, and, Enter into A Peace Dialogue with Warring Factions, Whomever, and Wherever "They"May be!
"They"must be Convinced that Violence, Chaos, and, Destruction, can only Lead to More Violence, Chaos, and, Destruction! And, that, there can not be any Real Winner, or, Satisfaction gained by this Course of Action!

If "We" are Truly to Build A Peace Millennium "We" need to find New Solutions to The Problems that Face The Myriad Different Cultures of This Earth!
However, This Global Peace Initiative must be Founded in Finding Solutions that Embrace the Ideas and Principles that "We" are All Citizens of This Earth!
And that, each, and, everyone of us, should, therefore, be Treated Equally, and, In Equanimity with One Another!

Its Time for A New Peace Movement to Challenge The Low, and, The Mighty who try to Oppress us! And, "We" must Engage Ourselves, One and All, in A New Peace Initiative, before The Leaders of The World Nations decide, for us, that Another UN-Declared War is needed to Solve our problems! Which would be a Catastrophe, and, Demoralizing to A World that is already Too Depressed by The Injustices that only War can bring upon us!

No One said that it would be Easy! We've all seen The Images on TV, and, in Magazines, of The Casualties of War, and, Violent Aggression!
How many more of These Images must "We" Endure, Caused by False Illusions, Veiled Perspectives, Deception, and, Misconceptions!
How many More, must "We" Bear! There is, already, an Endless Valley of The Dead, Surrounded by A Mountain Chain of Heroes, and, Heroines who've Given their Lives in One War after Another!
Shall "We" End up Being a Fallen Millennium, Remembered, only, by The Lack of Determination, and, Commitment to Live in Peace!
Are "We" to be Remembered as A Fallen Millennium who Gave up, and, Lost Hope in Ourselves!

Non-Violent Dissent, and, Activism is what is Needed if "We" are to Succeed!
"We" have to Express our Deep Concerns about A Soft Economy that has No Backbone to it! That is being Guided by A Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs to have No Hearts, and, Souls when it comes to the Travails of "We The People!"
These individuals, and, Corporations, care not about Our Health care, World Poverty, Sanitation Issues, Climate Warming, The Ozone Layer, The Global Ecology, The Education of Our Children, and, The Growing Population of The Homeless!
And, "We" can not Remain Silent to The Political Rhetoric, and, Lies that have Infected our Lives!

No One is saying that The Way To Peace will be an Easy Path to Take, but, The Result is Worth The Dedication, and, Sacrifice! Which should be to Live in Peace!

Yes, The Enemies of Peace Wear many Disguises, but, The World Nations of This Sacred Planet, have More than Enough Resources, and, Armed Forces to Enforce, Protect, Defend, and, Preserve The Peace!
And, if these Leaders Lack in the Motivation needed to Move Forward a Peoples Peace Agenda, then, Its Time for a Non-Violent Earthrise Demonstration to Encourage them, All In The Name of Peace!

No One said that it would be Easy, but, How many more Images can "We The People," Citizens of This Earth Bear to see of The Innocent lying in, yet, Another Pool of Blood!
If "We" are to Rise Above the Violence, and, Sadness, Caused by War, and, Conflict, "We"must do it In The Name of Peace!

If there ever was a Moment in Time to Call upon The Leaders of The United Nations to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue between all Warring Factions, on this Earth, The Time is Now! Its Time "They" Gave Peace, and, Prosperity for One and All, an Opportunity to Thrive!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, The Time for Non-Violent Action is Now!
Lets Give Peace a Chance! And, Remember, always, that "We" are a Soul Force of The Way To Peace, and, A UN-Breakable Nexus of The Peace Millennium!

Monday, December 28, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXVI

The Ugly Display of Partisan Politics surrounding the New Health Care Reform Bill is a Disgraceful Example of Worst Kind of Back Room, Egotistical, Bully Pulpit, UN-Professional Political Behavior that I've ever seen in my adult life!
And, to think that these men and women actually think that they have the Best Interests of The American People in mind, is Appalling!
What is also Unbelievably Apprehensive is that, "They" (the Infamous "They") Represent "We The People!"
However, it is, also, an American Tragedy that, "We" Voted for these men, and, women to conduct Domestic, and, Foreign Affairs on our Behalf!
It is obvious that all "they" care about is their own "Self Interests," or, the Self Interests of The Lobbyists that "they" represent! In this case, The Insurance Industry!
What amazes me is that, "they" do not seem to Learn from Experience, that,
The American People will take just so much, before Expunging from The Government, whomever the Political Party that is in power, from being so!
And, Once again that Time has Come!

While politicians from both major parties, whether "they" be Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates, or, otherwise, continue their Bickering, Honest Hard Working Americans are UN-Employed, and, Living in Poverty!
There are Millions of the UN-Employed from Farm, Manufacturing, and Retail Industries, plus, Small Businesses, who can not meet their financial obligations!
And, Our Children go with-out! And, More and More American Citizens are living in their Cars, Tent cities, Shelters, or, on the Streets, of our Neighborhoods, and, in Parking lots!
While Schools, Hospitals, Post Offices, Mental Health Institutions, and, Fire Houses are Being closed, another prison facility is being built!
All the while the Bickering, and, Whining of our elective officials continues!
How Dare "they" Behave in such a Disreputable Manner! "They" are Being Paid to Represent us! "We" are "A Government of The People, For The People, and, By The People!" It seems to me that "they" have Forgotten this Important Point!

"We" voted for them to institute a True Accountability, Responsibility, Honesty, Transparency, and, Justice, into The World of Politics, that upholds our Countries Greatest Accomplishments, and, the Admirable Women, and, Men who have Given their Lives to uphold The Principles of Freedom, and, Democracy that our Country was Founded on, and, Stands for!

Have these Politicians No Conscious! Have "They"No Shame! Have "They" No Real Caring for their Fellow Human Being!
"They" are an Assault on All that "We" were Taught to Believe in! And, I've said this before, but, its worth saying again "Enough is Enough!"

Have"They"Forgotten that "We" are Fighting in Three UN-Declared Wars!
And, that, Young Women, and, Men are Dying everyday, Fighting to Preserve our Dignity, and, Rights, in Foreign Lands! This is not the Time for this Kind of Senseless Political Behavior!
"We" need our elective officials to Rise Above Partisan Politics!
"We" need them to Act as a Political Soul Force on the Behalf, of "We The People," Citizens of This Great Country and, this Sacred Earth!
This is Not the Time for a "Politics as Usual Behavior!"
"We" can No Longer afford to Wait for them to Grow Up!
And, "They"need to Understand this, Now!
Too many are Paying the Price for this Deficit in Political, and, Moral Character!

The Way To Peace Depends on a Co-ordinated Effort by One and All to Transcend the Negative Conditioned Realities that have Impeded us from Living in Equanimity, Equality, Financial Security, and, A Shared Prosperity, and, Freedom for One and All!
The World needs Peace! Peace Now! A Peace Millennium!

Instead of Partisan Politics, "We The People" need representatives who Believe in The Politics of Peace! And, A Peace Time Economy!
And, are Willing to Protect, Defend, and Preserve The Peace, from those who would do it Harm!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May be,
Lets us Stand Tall, in the Face of Adversity, in The Name of Peace!
Let us Reach out to All who are True Peace Seekers, and, Take their Hands in ours, and, Let us Build an Indestructible Nexus of Peace between us!
And, May "We" build a Bridge of Peace that is Eternal, and, Everlasting!

And, Its Time "We" called upon the World Leaders of The United Nations to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! Its Time "They Gave Peace a Chance!"

Monday, December 21, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXV

Its become more obvious that today's Politicians have lost all perspective of what their responsibilities are supposed to be! And, unfortunately for "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, it does not seem to matter whether the dominant political party of The U.S. Congress is Republican, or, Democrat! Independent, Liberal or, Conservative!
Think about it! The U.S. has fought in two UN-Declared Wars over the Last Nine years, with a Republican, and, now, a Democrat as Commander in Chief!
It only adds to the Tragic Nature of these UN-Declared Wars, that the original reason for both of these Wars had valid and honorable reasons!
So, why didn't The U.S. Congress declare war on The Taliban/Al Queda, or, Iraq?
This would have been the Honorable thing to do! In the Name of Justice and Retribution!
These Acts of War would have been Honorable Ones, if The U.S. Congress had Voted to Declare War, instead, "We" are left with Pre-Emptive Strikes, and, Relived Memories of The Vietnam, UN-Declared, War to Haunt us all over again!
With vague Exit Strategies that "We The People" no longer Believe in!
Why is there Such a Lack of Honesty, and, Sincerity in The World of Politics!
"They" (the Infamous "They") offend The People with their Compromises, Rhetoric, Lies, and Half Truths! All Committed in The Name of Truth, and, Democracy!
This is not The Way To Peace!
This is not The Way to An Honorable Peace Millennium!
This is an Effrontery to "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!
And, while these Men, and, Women continue their Back room, Negotiations in their World of Politics, our Religious Leaders remain silent!
These Religious Leaders remain silent while UN-Employment figures Reach as High as Seventeen percent in some areas of the U.S.
And, as "We" are all aware of, All the The Global Economies are greatly affected by the Failures of The U.S. Economy!
But the Damage that has been Afflicted upon The People of this Great Country is as Great as any Shakespearean Tragedy could have ever been!
Both, Political and Religious Leaders have Betrayed their Constituencies, or, more precisely, The Children, Women, and, Men who Depend on these Leaders to Show them the Way!
"We" Depend on their Fair Judgement!"We" Depend on their Upholding of The Principles of The Bill Of Rights, and, The Declaration of Independence!
And, the Values that our Mothers, Fathers, and Teachers have Taught us!
These Religious, and, Political Leaders were Chosen by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth to Give us Hope in Dark Times!
And, Provide us with Guidance that is UN-Biased, and, in Equanimity!
Peace is Within our Reach, if these Leaders have the Heart and Soul to Make it so!
Think about it! A Just Peace that Embraces, and, Nourishes All Sentient Beings is Within our Reach!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever and Whomever You May be, Make Your Voices heard!
Think about it! How much longer can We" as A People Continue to Drift in The Wind!
"We"need a Song to Sing in The Tradition of "Amazing Grace," and, "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, "We"must be The Choir that Sings it!
Let our Voices Ring out Clear and Pure, and, in Perfect harmony, "Give us Peace, Give us Hope!
Protect us from those who would do us Harm and, Destroy The Peace!
However, Act on our behalf, In The Name of Peace!"

And, Give us A Peaceful Exit Strategy that is Honorable, and, In Harmony with our Beliefs! That Shows the Proper Honor and Respect that is due to our Armed Forces, and, Their Families!
Who are, in fact, our Friends, and, Families!

This is The Way To Peace!

This Earth of ours needs a Time Out! A Pause!
A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Now! If "We" are to, ever, know what it means to Live in Peace!
And, Let this be a Gift of The Holidays, and, The Hope of The New Year!
And, The Beginning of A New Peace Millennium on Earth!

Friday, December 18, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXIV

Its Time for The World Leaders of The United Nations to do more than talk about the myriad problems that this Earth and The Citizens of The World are faced with!
"We" need Solutions and Action! Now!

It would be different if the deep concerns such as; Climate Concern, Poverty and Homelessness, Insurance and Health care, Education Costs and The Lack of Faith, UN-Employment, War, Crime, Tax Abuse and New Racial Tensions, plus, the Growing Disparity between The Rich and Poor, were Issues that have Not had a Negative Effect on our Al Lives for Centuries! But they have!

And, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth deserve more than the Lip Service that "We" have received for Decades, if, Not Centuries!

"We" need more than eloquent speeches!
"We" need World Leaders who are willing to take a Hands on Perspective!
Who show a Deep Concern about The Poor by Not being Afraid to Walk amongst them, as One with them! Clothe them! Share the Fruits of The Earth with them! Find Safe Homes and Shelter for them! And, By Physically being Amongst them, Give them Hope that Someone Sincerely cares about their lives!

The Citizens of The World need Leaders who are Physically Engaged in Making a Difference for the Betterment of All Mankind! Leaders, who are of The People!

Leaders who are Not Afraid of Losing an Election if it Means Doing the Right Thing!

Leaders who are Not Afraid to Lose the Financial support of Lobbyists who represent self interest groups, even, if it means Offending these groups of self interest, for the Benefit the Families of Those who are Less Fortunate!

Leaders who Lead by their Good Consciousness and Not by some Analytical Polling service!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are UN-Willing to Provide a Free Education for Our Son' s and Daughter's, but, are all to willing to finance sending them to fight in one UN-Declared War after War!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are Afraid to Call a For a Vote to Find out if The Citizens of The Earth are Willing to support their Political intentions and Foreign affair Policies!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are all to willing to Tax The People, while Creating Tax Holes and Tax Breaks for Big Business!

There is an inconsistency and hypocrisy to these World Leaders who talk about Climate Control, and, Caring for our Earth, and, then continue to Support the Same ole Destructive Behavioral patterns that have Brought us to this Shameful Place in Time! "They" (the infamous "They") have Raped and Ravaged The Earth, and, "They" expect us to believe that, Now, "They" have our Best interests in Mind!
It is Obvious that these Leaders will Not Lead us to The Way of Peace!

They talk about Reform, Transparency, Accountability, and, Caring for the Souls and Welfare of their Constituencies, who were once their Friends and Neighbors. And, then, "They" Blatantly Lie, all the while smiling in our Faces!
Or, Use impressive rhetoric to try and influence us! Rhetoric that No Longer fools anyone, but "They" continue to Abuse our Intelligence, by Telling it to us Over and Over again.

And, then "They" act Offended by the Loss of our civility, when "We" strongly express our Dissatisfaction with them!

"They" don't seem to understand that "We" are no longer fooled by their rhetoric!

"They" don't seem to be able to comprehend that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have had enough!

"We" have had Enough of their False Promises! And, Enough of their Campaign Slogans of Reform!
"We" want more than this. Our Children deserve more than this!
If there is to be a Future Generation, or, Planet Earth, "We" must have more than this!

And, If "We" are to truly have A New Peace Millennium, "We" have to have more than this to achieve our goals of Peace on Earth, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

If there was ever a Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, that Time is Now!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May be,
Let us Rise as One, as A Great Soul Force, A Non-Violent Illuminating and Omnipotent Earthrise of Peace!

Let our Voices sing out above the Static and Chaos that would try to consume us and condition us to believe in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And, If there ever was a Time to Build a Peace Bridge that Connects all of Our Hearts and Souls together, in One Purpose,that Time is Now!

Its more than Time that "We" Demanded of The World Leaders of The United Nations, that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Desire To Live in Peace!
And, that "We" Demand that "They" do All that is in their Power to Protect and Preserve This Peace!
A Peace on Earth, that is Based on Equality and Respect for One and All!
It is Time for A Peace Change!

And, If there ever was a Time to Build a Nexus of Peace between us that is Everlasting, that Time is, also, now!
Quite simply my Friends, It is Time that "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Monday, December 14, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXIII

The Way To Peace lies through a Peace Millennium Consciousness, and, a Universal Awareness that "We" are Born Citizens of The Earth! This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, that "We" are Inhabitants of a Vast Universe, who Wish To Live in Peace!

Let us simply begin with, and, process this Reality, before addressing what political affiliation "We" may be influenced by! If a Peace Change is to Come then "We" have to Think Peace, Talk Peace, Sing of Peace, Believe in Peace, and, Imagine Living in Peace!

So, just for a moment, Forget about whether You are a Liberal or Conservative! Democrat or Socialist! Progressive or Moderate! Communist or Idealist! Terrorist or Crime Lord! Pragmatist or Economist! Catholic or Protestant! Muslim or Baptist! Jewish or Arabic! Or, whatever Shades of White/Pink, Brown, Red or Black skin you may have!

And, just for another moment, Forget about what Country You are a Native of! You are simply a Citizen of The Earth, inhabiting One of the most Beautiful Planets in The Galaxy! And, Peace is Your Chosen Way of Life! Why? Because You've always known that, Without a Doubt, any other Course of Action would Lead Your Fellow Human Beings, and, The World into War! And, that would Lead One and All into a Path of Death and Destruction!
Its as simple as that!

And, Can You Imagine being Buoyed up by the Fact that any Attempt to Disturb or Destroy the Peace would be Met with an Immediate Re-action by The World of United Nations! And, what a Powerful Deterrent that would be!

Then, Imagine All of The Leaders of The Worlds United Nations and Leaders of The Global Religious Communities Marching in Concert to The Beat of One Drummer! Beating out the Rhythms of Peace on Earth!

And, Imagine A Global Financial Community of Women and Men, Corporations and Banks, Global Institutions and Philanthropic Groups working in Concert with each other to Support and Maintain a Global Economy that Embraced and Dutifully Chose to Care for, and, Provide a Living and Education for Each and Every Citizen of The Earth!
This is The Way of Peace!

There is no Doubt that A Peace Change must Come! A New State of Universal Awareness, and, Consciousness that is Centered on, quite simply, Living in Peace! Forget about All of The Isms! Peace should be The Way of Life for All Sentient Beings! This Earth and Our Survival Depends on it!

For much Too long "We" have been told and conditioned to believe that Evil is the Reason why "We" have to Fight in One War after Another. Thereby locking us, "We the People," Citizens of The Earth, into a Continuous Path of Annihilation! Subjecting us to, and, Drained by, yet another War Time Economy!

"We" have been told that "We" are Imperfect Beings, which, as if this was an incontestable solar axiom , supported the contention that every action done on our behalf was to protect us, from ourselves!
"We" have been mislead and conditioned over and over again, by Sophists, and, Outright Liars, that War was our only Recourse to vanquish evil, in the Name of Freedom, God, or, Democracy! The result of all of these Wars was never Peace!
Just The Illusion of Peace until the Next confrontation!

It is Time for our Leaders to understand that "We" do not want to Solve our Problems through War!
And, "We" do not want to see our Daughters and Sons killed in yet another War!

However, if "We" have to Defend, Protect, and, Preserve our Way of Life, Let Peace Eternal be The Reason!

A Peace Change must Come! I don't know How much longer anyone of us can stand to see our Friends and Neighbors struggle to Care for their Children!
Or, see them threatened by taxes, and, the lack of employment, making it practically impossible, for them, to pay their bills, and, are continuously on the verge of being unable to care for their Families!

A New Peace Movement must begin, and, Evolve into an Earthrise for Peace! And, the sooner the better! Why? Because "We the People," have lived under an oppressive economy, abuse, and, manipulation in our lives, to last for another millennium!

Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Now! An ongoing Discussion, and, Conversation amongst The World Leaders of The United Nations, and, The Citizens of The World! A Peace Dialogue!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be,
Call upon your Local,Regional, National, and, International Leaders to Unite in a Common Cause of Peace on Earth!

However, "We" will have to be A Great Soul Force, and, A Well of Hope for The Nexus of Peace to Drink from!
"We" will have to be A Bridge of Peace to the Hearts and Souls of Billions of The Earths Citizens, who have Longed to Live in A World of Peace! A Peace Millennium!
And, Encourage All who will listen, that, Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Friday, December 11, 2009



The Way To Peace! XXII

The Way To Peace should not Lead us to War!
Can You imagine Mahatma Gandhi Making such an Untrue Statement!
Can you imagine Martin Luther King, who learned from Mahatma's Inspirational Non-Violent Movement, and, Led his own Successful Non-Violent Movement, ever Making such a Statement!

The Way To Peace will Not be an Easy Path To Take, but, It can Not be Attained through War and Violence!
Diplomacy, Yes! Preventative Measures, Yes!
Because, of course, The Citizens of The World Must be Protected from Harms Way!
But, This is where The Leaders of The United Nations Must March in Step with Each Other!
Clearly understanding that their Job is to Protect and Preserve The Peace!
And, that, Their Responsibility is, also, to Protect and Preserve The Rights, and, Freedom of The Citizens of The World from Attacks by Dictators, Warlords, Illegal Corporate Takeovers, Organize Crime Syndicates, and, Corrupt Financial and Banking Systems!

And, Our Global Religious and Spiritual Leaders are supposed to Provide us with Spiritual, Moral, and Ethical Teachings that will Help us to Transcend The Negative Energies and Forces of Evil who would Manipulate us for their own benefit!

When I recently heard the Statement that The Way To Peace lies through War, it shocked me! Its definitely time that Our Leaders adhere to a New Perspective, and, A New Visionary approach to Guide us To Peace! Because, The Way To Peace is Not through War, and, Conflict!

Its Time that Our World Leaders of Finance, Religion, and Politics, Remember All The Women and Men who've already Given Their Lives to Preserve The Peace!
Too Many Wars have been Fought!
Too Many Lives have been Lost!
And,Too Many Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters have Shed Too Many Tears in Vain!
So, Don't tell me That The Way To Peace is Through War!

We've done that! We've been there! We don't need to Return to The Horrors of War, to Achieve Peace!

We have Massive Defense, and, State Departments, with Limitless Resources at their beckon call!
The Western Industrialized Nations, NATO, The U.N., and, Peace Loving Countries from All Over The World have a Combined Armed Forces more than sufficient, to Maintain The Peace!
And, Its Time that "We called upon this Great Force of Nations to Act on Our Behalf! For, This is a Righteous Course to Take! This is A Noble Stand To Make! This is The Way To Celebrate The Peace, and Share it with The Earth!

And, There is No Reason Not to Feed and Care for the Poor, and, Less Fortunate!

There is No Political Gain Not To Pass Laws that are Fair and Just for One and All, No Matter what Race, Creed, or, Nationality you may be!

There is No Reason Not to Provide Housing for each and every Citizen of The Earth, No Matter what the Cost may be!

There is No Reason Why any Parent, or, Child Should be without Proper Health Care, Education, Insurance, or, Nourishment Beneficial to their Personal Growth and Livelihood!
This is The Way To Peace! This is The Way To A New Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever, and, Wherever You May be, Beware of Sophists! Beware of The Rhetoric of Capitalistic Oligarchs!
"We" Must continue to be a Great Soul Force to Effect a Long Lasting Peace!
"We" Must continue to be A Great Force of Nature to Sow The Seeds of Peace!
And then, Together We" can Reap and Share A Great Harvest of Peace Eternal with One Another, and, Give Hope to All who have Lost their Way, and, Belief in The Leaders that "We" have Voted for, and, Placed Our Faith in!
And, Let us Call upon these same Men and Women in whom "We" have Voted to Represent us, to Declare a Time of Peace!
A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Begin Immediately! Before the Years End!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance! And, Its Time for A New Peace Millennium!
Is that Too Much to Ask for?

Monday, December 7, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXI

Can You Hear The Music, Its like a Magnificent Sonata, being Played by a Universal Symphonic Orchestra!

Can You Hear The Sonorities, The Harmonies, and The Melodies All Evolving Together with a Symphysis of Voices all Calling Out for Peace! Peace Now!
Can You Feel it?
This is The Time for One and All to Sing Together, "Lets Give Peace a Chance!"

Its Time for Peace to Come and Be Here Now!
Its Time for One and All to Sing Out in One Beautiful Choir of Voices "Peace, Peace At last!"
This is The Way To Peace!

It Transcends War and Conflict, Jealousy and Greed, Lust and Hate, Poverty and Injustice!
This is The Way To Peace!

Can You Feel The Rhythms of a Billion of Hearts, and, Marching Feet to The Beat of A World of Percussion, Pulsating with The Desire for Peace Now!
Not Tomorrow, Now!

Can You Feel A Great Orchestral Movement Inspiring You, and, Lifting Your Heart and Soul to UN-imaginable Heights, Filled with Hope! This Truly is The Way To Peace!
And to, A New Peace Millennium!

Can You Feel, Note after Note Building a Bridge of Wonderment, Atonement, and Belief, All in The Name of Peace!

Can You Feel A Great Nexus of Power Chords Immersing with a Sacred Orchestra of Violins, Wind chimes, and Bells, Fusing Our Universal Peace Movement into an Enlightened Soul Force of The Truth!
A Soul Force Rooted in The Reality that A Change Must Come!
A Change that Calls for All of The Leaders of This Planet Earth, To Give Peace a Chance!
A Change that Allows for this World of Ours to Live in Peace!
Allowing for Our Present and Future Generations to Be able to Dream of A Life filled with Opportunity and Peace!
Let it Be, Here and Now!

"We" have But, to Desire it! Believe in it! And, Let it Evolve into a Crescendo of Global Consciousness, Calling for An Age of Peace!
And, What a Gracious Gift To The World if The Leaders of The United Nations Agreed to Give Peace a Chance During the End of The Year Holidays, and on, into The New Year!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be, Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
And, Its Time for A New Peace Millennium!

"We" have But to Reach Out to One Another, and In Doing so, Reach Out to Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, Spread The Word to One and All, that It is Time for Peace on Earth!

And, Though the Path May be Filled with Impediments to Our Rightful Cause,
Be Not Dismayed by the Evil Intentions of Those, who would Try to Deter us from Achieving and Attaining Our Goals!
Let us instead Rejoice in Each and Every Step and Sacrifice made, as "We" Advance Forward, and, Sing A Song of Peace! For this to, Is The Way To Peace!

Friday, December 4, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XX

This is One of, if not, the Most Religious and Spiritual Time Period of the Year.
Its a Time of Giving and Sharing. A Time of Believing and Caring.
Its a Time of Prayers and Meditation in a Myriad Different Languages, and Countries from all over this Planet Earth.
So, Why is there War and Conflict?
Is this The Way To Protect and Preserve The Peace?

And, Why are there Millions upon Millions of People who have been Displaced from Their Families and Homes?
Is this The Way To Provide Security for The Citizens of this Beautiful World of ours?

And, Why are there so many Citizens of this Planet Homeless?
Is this Another example of the Generosity, and, Humanity on Display by our Religious, Spiritual, and Political Leadership?

And, Why are so many Young men, and, Young women, even before they have had an opportunity to be Educated and Learn what Life is about, being asked to Sacrifice Their Lives for Patriotic Reasons?
Is this The Way Best Way "We" have to Nourish our New and Future Generations, and, Protect The Peace?

And, Why is it that our Governments continue to empower those who would Rape and Ravage Our Planet Earth for Self Profit?
Is this The Way To Show Respect for The Earth, Seas, Skies, and, Universe, that is Our Sacred Home, The Third Planet from The Sun?

And, Why is it that The Global Industries of Banking and Commerce are so Adrift with Greed, and, Corruption?
Is this The Way To Success, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All?

And, Why are The United Nations of this Planet Earth, Insensitive to the Cries of The Defenseless who are Beset upon by Cruel and Unjust Judicial Systems, and Genocide?
Is this The Way To Compassion, and, Love for One Another?
Is this The Way To A Peace Millennium?

And, Why does The Local, Regional, National, and, International News Media Continue to Empower and Glamorize the Most Trivial News Stories imaginable while Great Travesties go UN-reported such as the Millions of Children who Live in Poverty, or, have been Kidnapped, along with Thousands of Young Women who have been Forced to Live in Slavery?
These questions and more continue to press upon my mind.
And, How is this The Way To Peace?

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May be,
Let us Reason Together, and, Stand Together in The Name of Passion, and, Peace!

Let us be a Great Soul Force in The Name of Peace!

Let us Cast Out The Negative Realities that Continue to Pummel us on a Daily Basis, and Change Them from Darkness to The Light!
Can't You Hear Mahatma Gandhi saying this to us!

And, May "We" continue to be A Nexus of Peace, and, a Bridge to An Age of Peace that is Everlasting!
And, Let us Remain Focused on Our Goals until "We" can Sing in Concert, and, In Harmony with Each other "Peace at last!"

And, If there ever was a Reason for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, and, A New Peace Millennium, the Time for it is Now! Lets Give Peace a Chance!