Friday, July 31, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Capitalistic Oligarchy

This Country Works?

Recently I saw an Interview with Warren Buffett, and One of the Statements he made that stuck out in my mind was "This Country Works," (referring to the U.S.). I thought about this for quite awhile, and, eventually I thought that I understood what his meaning was. But then, I thought with Unemployment at 9.5%, Nationally, there seemed to be Something Totally Incongruous about his statement!

And, then to add to the fact that everywhere I, most recently, traveled along the East Coast of the U.S., I found a Great Amount of Discontentment, and Unemployment! Whether it be having a Conversation with a Bus Driver, in Orlando, Fl., or Listening to the Travails of a New Family in R.I., who were Unable to obtain a Bank Loan, even though both Husband and Wife had Employment, and Paid their Bills on Time, or Conversing with a Subway Passenger, in N.Y.C. Absolutely No One was Happy with the State of the Economy!

So, what did Mr. Buffett mean by "This Country Works!"

Surely, he couldn't be referring to the State of Michigan, where Unemployment is at 15%, so, What did he mean?

Now, because he is an Immensely Successful Business Man, and, to say that is a Gross Understatement, he Must Know Something that "We the People" are Not Privy to, Right?
But, what?

Well, I decided that I really didn't know!

However, just then I began to Reflect on the Reality that the U.S. Appears to be More and More a Capitalistic Oligarchy, than a Democracy, or, even a Republic, and that, gave me a Deeper Insight into the Country, and Conditioned Reality I Grew up Believing in!

For example; What could be the Cause for All of the White Collar Crime, and Corruption, in the U.S.? You could say Greed, and Lust for Power, However it all Lead Back to the U.S. being a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And then, How could there be So Many Millionaires in the U.S., at a Time when, so Many Americans are Struggling Economically? Once again, the Answer was that "We" live in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And, Why are Wall Streets Profits on the Rise, while their are 2 Million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S.? Could it be that Our Countries Economic and Political Policies are being Driven by the Fact that the U.S. has become a Capitalistic Oligarchy?

This gave me Food for Thought, and, Just Maybe, Now,I Understand Why, Mr. Buffett said "This Country Works!

Think about it! Over the Last 3 Decades, How many U.S. Presidents were Millionaires? All but One!

On a Final Note, If the U.S. is to Be the Leader of the Worlds Democracies, Our Elective Officials, and Business Leaders must Practice what "They" (the Infamous "They") Preach!

"We" are supposed to be "A Government of the People, For the People, and By the People," aren't "We?" And, Not a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

Voices of Reason, Whomever, and Wherever You may be Do Not Hesitate to Interject Solar Axioms into the Foray of Lies, and Rhetoric, that Surrounds us, and, at Times, Impedes us from Acheving our Goals of World Peace, Racial Equalty, and A Shared Propserity or One and All!

It is the Only Way to Transcend the Conditioned Reality, and False Way of Life that Capitalistic Oligarchs have Used to Control, and Manipulate us, to Do their Bidding, No matter how Horrific it May Be!

And Remember, Together "We" are a Soul Force that Can Not be Denied!

Monday, July 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Strategic Politics, Health Care, Economics, War
& The Invisible Man!

The Problem with Strategic Politics, Health Care, Economics, and War, is that, in spite of what its Authors Proclaim, these Strategies Lacks any Real Concern for the Lives and Welfare of "We the People!" They simply adhere to whatever the Ole AlMighty Bottom Line, and Global Map of Influence is!

For example; For how long has everyone in the U.S. Congress known that "We" have a Dysfunctional Health Care System that is Broken, with Seemingly Insurmountable Costs, that are having a Negative effect on our Economy, and, Is Providing us with a Health Care Service that is mediocre! Just ask anyone who has had to Wait in an Emergency Room for Hours, until they Received Attention for Whatever their MedicalConcern was!

There has to Be a New State of Equanimity and Profit Sharing that is Beneficial to Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, the Insurance Industry, and Most Importantly "We the People!" One that Includes Everyone! Whether they are Employed, or Not!
One that Protects and Serves the Best Interests of Our Families! For the Sake of our Future Generations!

The Time is Now, for a Universal Health Care System that Can Be Implemented, Immediately!

"We Can Not Afford any Further Delays by the U.S. Congress! They, already, have The Best Health Care Benefits that Money can Buy, Thanks to "We the People!"
Now, its our Turn to Enjoy these Same Benefits!

And, Unfortunately, Once again, the Reality of Racism has Flared up in the U.S. Most of us have Experienced One Form of Racism, or Another, Growing up in the U.S., and, Its, Definitely Time for this Ugly Condition of the Humanity to be Ended! Once and for All! If, in Fact, Change is to Come for One and All to Share! One of True Racial Equality!
And, Both Men and Women, Must Step up Their Active Engagement Towards Attaining this Goal!
"We Must Achieve this New State of Equanimity and Equality, if "We" are to Survive as a Global Society that Both, Accepts, and Respects the Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
If there is any Worthwhile Common Cause, that Should Be One of the Anthems of the New Millennium, Racial Equality should be at the Top of the List!

On Another Note, I find this Concept that Our Economy is No Longer in a Recession to be Unbelievable to me! Unemployment in Michigan is 15%, and Nationally it is at 9.5%!
Production levels are still in a State of Decline! And, our Earnings are Barely Enough to Care for our Families!
And, the Shame of it All, is that the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress has Not kept Their Word to Reinvest the More than Seven Hundred Billion Dollars, That They Passed in the Recovery and Reinvestment Act into our Economy, which would have Provided us, with Immediate Jobs, Greatly lessened the Credit Crises, Paid for Bad Mortgages, and Given us a Sense of Pride in our Elective Officials!
A Sense of Pride, and Feeling that "They" Really Cared for our Welfare!
What are "They" Waiting for!

And, on a Final Note, By Christmas the U.S. will have More than Sixty Thousand Troops in Afghanistan! As "We" are All Aware of, by Now, President Obama, and His Administration have Decided to Embark upon a New Escalation of Warfare, One that has, already, Resulted in an Escalation of Deaths, and Estimations have been made that this War will continue on One Level or Another, for, at least,Ten more Years!
When will "They" ever Learn that War, by, and, in itself, is Not the Answer!

If Our Government had Invested the same amount of Finance in Re-Building Afghanistan's Economy, instead of Leaving them to Depend on their Illegal Poppy
Trade, Afghanistan would have, already, Advanced Economically and Culturally as an Independent Sovereign Nation in The New Millennium!
And, able to Defend themselves! Instead, we are using War, as our Main Weapon, to Bring about Change!

Where is Obama, the Candidate of the Peace Movement, That, so Many Trusted, and Believed would Effect Change in the U.S. and Bring our Troops Back Home?
That Obama has become the Invisible Man!

And, Remember, there are Still, at least, One Hundred and Thirty Thousand of our Armed Forces, Still, in Iraq! Re-missioning our Troops to Afghanistan is Not Bringing Them Home!

Yes, "We" need Change, However, this is Not the Change that Millions of Americans voted for!

It would be of Great Assistance to World Peace, if, Our Government used the Talents, and Natural Abilities of More of our Generals, and Diplomats of Peace, Working In Concert with Each other, to Effect a Global Change in World Affairs that would Bring about an Everlasting Peace on Earth!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May Be,
It Will Take a Great Effort to Bring about Peace on Earth, However, I Can Not Think of a More Noble Cause for us to Devote our Lives to, Other than Erasing Poverty, and Racial Inequality, Once and For All from The Face of This Earth!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Calling Planet Earth
We Are Not Impressed!
(Health Care, War, and Racism)

If Republicans, and Democrats, whether "They" be Conservatives, Liberals, or Moderates think that "We the People" are Impressed with the Political Games, that "They" are Playing, "They" are Greatly Mistaken!
"We" are Fed up with their Immature Display of Partisan Politics, at Our Expense! After all,"We" are Paying for their Salaries!
And, if "They" can Not Represent us, as "We" Elected them to do, "We the People", will Fire them in the Next Elections!
"We can No Longer Stand for their Irresponsible, and Negligent Behavior, as Unemployment continues to Rise to Record Levels, and Too Many Americans are Suffering, Due to their Lack of Sincere Concern for our Welfare!
And if,"They" still don't get it, maybe "They" will, if "They" Join The Ranks of the Unemployed, and No Longer have the Health Care Benefits that their Families Enjoy, Once again, at Our Expense!

If"They" believe that "They" can Continue to Place the Interests of Lobbyists, before ours, "They" are in for a Big Surprise, Because "We" can No Longer Stand for their Callous Disregard of our Concerns.
And, if "They" Dare Leave for their Summer Vacation Break, in August, "We" will, also, take a Break from Voting for them, in the Next Elections!

This is a Crucial Time Period! Too Many Americans are Barely Making Ends Meet, and the Thought of our Elective Officials Going on Paid Vacation, is Much too Much to Take.

"They" need to Remain in Washington until "They've" Found a Fair Health Care Solution that is Beneficial to our Families, Friends, and Neighbors.
A Health Care Solution that "We the People" can Celebrate, and Feel Proud of!

On another Very Somber Note, so far, Thirty-Seven American Soldiers have been Killed in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, this Month!
To their Families, Friends, and Neighbors, "We" Send You Our Deepest Sympathy's.
They will not Be Forgotten, Nor will their Lives be Lost in Vain!

And, as Racial Tensions, Once again, Flare up in the U.S., it Further Reminds us, that in order to Move Forward in Improving Race Relations, "We need to Change the Previous Pattern in our Country that permitted Inequalities to Exist amongst All Races!

It is Obvious that,"We" need to Actively Engage in a Continuous Dialogue, and Education in regards to, our Countries History of Race Discrimination, both, in our Homes, and Schools, If "We" are ever to Learn to How to Exist, and Show Respect for One another. And,it is also, Very Obvious that, "We need a Continous Reminder that, Ever Since the Inception of the United States of America "We" have been a Nation of Immigrants! The only True Americans are, Native Americans! And, Unfortunately, at times, it seems, that "We" Have Forgotten this Fact!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever and Whomever You May be, Do not be Distracted by the Bickering Amongst the U.S. Congress, and, in and Amongst the Obama Administration! And, Do not Be Fooled by the Rhetoric of Health Care Sophists!
"Americans are Paying as Much, or, More than Any Other of the Major Western Industrialized Nations, But, our Families are Not Receiving a Fair Share Value for what "We" are Paying for! All the While, Insurance Companies Continue to Make Outlandish Profits, Once again, at Our Expense!

Enough is Enough, it is Time for us to Stand up Against these Capitalistic Oligarch's, and Demand a Fair, and All Embracing National Health Care Plan!
One that Truly Represents the Ideals, Goals, and Principles of Our Country!

Monday, July 20, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

There's a Great Blues Song that the Legendary Billie Holiday recorded that begins with her singing these lyrics ever so Soulfully; "Them that's got Shall Have, Them that not Shall Lose," and, Unfortunately, this Global Society of the Third Planet from The Sun, Continues to Evolve along a Path of Economic En Slavery, and Social Cast System that can only Lead us to Self Destruction!

"We" have been Coerced, and Manipulated to Believe that "We" have Free Will, and have Access to the Free Enterprise System, However, this is Not True!
It just been made to appear to be This way!

The Political, Financial, and Health Care Systems have been Corrupted and Broken, so, What is left for "We the People" to Believe in?

The Prelates and Spiritual Leaders of the World Religions are Not Actively Engaged in Guiding us into the New Millennium, so, in Whom do "We" Trust?

And, it is Obvious that the Fundamental Principles of Capitalism Lack a True Soul, and Conscious Awareness, and, Is Not Compatible with a Democratic Way of Life, No matter how much "They" (the Infamous "They") try to Convince us that it is!

And, Unfortunately, President Obama is Behaving as if He is, No more than an Eloquent a two year Senator from Illinois. And, He continues to Demonstrate that He lacks the Leadership Qualities that "We the People" need for the Evolution and Care of Our Families, and Our Society!
The Ranks of the Unemployed and Homeless have Not Diminished, as the President and His Administration told us would happen, They have Increased, and Continue to Grow at Record Rates! And, "We the People" can No Longer wait until "They" do something about it!
If the President, and His Administration had any Real Compassion for the Millions of American Citizens who are Out of Work, and Out of Money, "They" would stop making Excuses, and Make it a Priority to Distribute the Funds from Recovery and Reinvestment Act Immediately, into Our Hands.
"We" were told that the Passage of this Act would Prevent Unemployment from Rising, and End the Housing, and Credit Crises, Significantly, Before Summer! And, "We" Can Not Wait for another Two Years!
Why should "We" have to? The Banks have Not had to Wait, so, Why should "We the People" be put in this Position when it is the Wages of "We the People" who are Paying for all of these Bail Outs, to begin with!

"We" are Constantly being told Half Truths, or asked to Wait until "They've completed their Research, such as is the case of the Health Care Reform Bill the U.S. Congress is, at present, working on.
Well, where have "They" been for the last 16 years! And, as usual it will be "We the People" who will end up Paying for Reforms that will Not include "All of the People" of this Great Country!
Just as "We" are being asked to Pay for the 3 Wars that our Government is actively Engaged in, after Years of Being Told that "We" Won Both Wars already, in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and are Winning the Global War on Terror as well!

Where is the Money Coming from! Who can Continue to Pay for these Policies of Chaos! Doesn't anyone in Congress Believe that our Economy is in a Recession!
Our States are Barely able to Pay Their Budgets!

The Leaders of the U.S. Oligarchy, only Pay for what "They" Believe will Profit Themselves, and, Unfortunately for us, "We" are Nothing more than Consumers, and Pawns in Their Game Plan!

I'm sure that Each of Us Have Met Hard Working Neighbors, Friends, and Family, who are on the Verge of Giving Up, and, are Slowly but Surely Losing Faith in Themselves. Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak Up and Speak Out, Let Your Voices Be Heard above the Din of Injustice, and In Equality! And, Give Voice to Those who are In Need!
It is Time for us to Build a New World Society, that Embraces, Gives Grace, Supports, and Cares for Everyone who Exists on this The Third Planet from the Sun!

Friday, July 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Le Cirque De Ridicule

Razzle 'N Dazzle 'Em Pt. II

While The Razzle 'n Dazzle 'Em Cirque De Ridicule Continues, More and More Children Live in Poverty in the United States, approximately 18%!

While the Political Cirque De Ridicule Continues, "They," the "Infamous They," Love to Razzle and Dazzle us with their Seemingly Profound Statements, and Lofty Rhetoric, Attempting to Demonstrate that the U.S. Government is Sincerely Doing Something on Our Behalf, "They" are Actually Leading us Down the Same Ole Path to Nothingness.

The Main Characters of the First Act of this Opera, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is, the First Hispanic American Woman to Be Nominated to the Supreme Court, of the United States, by the First African American President, that, in itself makes for Great Theatre!

Then, add in the Conservative Republicans of the U.S. Congress, and their Republican Colleagues, and finally, the Conservative News Commentators!

All the While Unemployment Continues to grow to 9.5 %, the Highest its been in Decades, Which Means in Very Real Terms that, Millions of Men and Women are Struggling to Make Ends Meet, and Provide Food, and Clothing for their Families!

As the Second Act begins, The Hopes of Millions of Americans, Who are Without Health Care, and, are Praying that the U.S. Congress, and, President Obama and His Administration, will Keep Their Word, and Provide them with National Health Care Reforms that Will Include Each and Every Citizen of the United States of America, the U.S. News Media Continues to be Fascinated with the Soon to Be Ex-Governor of Alaska. Making her the Main Character of this Act! The U.S. News Media Needs to Re-Access what Our Priorities, and Needs are in Context with what Theirs are! But, More about them a little bit Later in this Blog.

As the Third Act of the Cirque De Ridicule commences, the U.S. Economy is still, in a Serious State of Disarray, The Financial, and Political Systems are Broken, However, "We the People," are still being asked to Support a New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, even though New Revelations Surface Surrounding a Cast of Old Characters; (1) Our Old Nemesis Former Vice President Dick Cheney, (2) The C.I.A., (3) The First African American, U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder,and, (4) Of Course, the U.S. Congress.

It sounds like a Network TV Game Show Called "Who Do You Trust," doesn't it!

And, to Add to the Ridicule of the Cirque "We the People," are Supposed to Believe that the Costs of the New Health Care Reform, that is Supposed to Benefit us, Will be Paid for, Without any New Taxes being Raised by Our Government!

And, Lets Get Back to the Global/ U.S. News Media who Continue to be Willing Accomplices of this Course of this Cirque De Ridicule, that Includes; Commentators, Magazines, Newspapers, TV, Radio, Satellite, and Cable News Networks, All Working Together for Two Purposes, too Create Higher Ratings, and Increased Sales, All at the Expense of "We the People!"
Do "They" care that what "They" are Reporting, or Commenting about, May, or, May Not be the Truth? Of course Not!

And for the Last Act of this Inhumane Farce, While the World Longs for a Pure Note to Be Sung, or a Moral Truth to Be Spoken to Give us Hope, and Inspiration, the World Religious Leaders Remain Silent, while Genocide, War, and Crime Continues to Ravage and Rob Our families of Our Son's and Daughter's!

Shakespeare Could Not write a Better Tragedy than this, Unfortunately!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Wherever, and Whomever You may be, While it is Obvious that Climate Change is a Result of an Earth that has been Ravaged and Raped by the Global Corporations, and Governments, it is, also, very Obvious that if "We" Do Not Speak Up, Demonstrate, and Declare that "We" are Fed Up with this Cirque De Ridicule, that Continues to Destroy Our Planet, "They," The Infamous Powers that Be , Will Continue to Shove this Reality Show Down Our Throats until "We've" Choked to Death!

Monday, July 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Is Peace Too Much To Ask For!

What is this Mindset that Causes U.S. Presidents to Escalate, or Engage in Pre-Emptive War Policies! As Marvin Gaye sang "Whats Goin' On?
And Why does a Peace Candidate become a War Time President?
I thought that The New Millennium was supposed to be Non-Militaristic, and A Culturally Evolved Time Period!

I, for one, am Tired of All the Excuses, and Rational for War! Even the Leaders of the Western Industrialized Nations appear to be Content, Not to Send any more Troops to participate in Combat Related Situations, in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan. So, Why are "We" there?
We've been told by President Obama, to Drive out the Taliban. That sounds logical, but then, Why have "We" waited for So Long to do this? I thought that "We" Won that War already!
And, as of Late, I haven't Seen, or Heard the White House Press Corps Claiming that the New Escalation is Directly Related to Capturing Bin Laden, which would Make Sense, to me!
So, What is it all about? To Prevent Terrorists from Attacking the U.S.?
Or, is this simply about Poppy Seeds, Oil, Geography, and Global Strategies!

Whatever the Reasoning is, I have a Few Questions to Pose to the U.S. Government, and President Obama, and His Administration; I would like to Know, Is Peace Too Much to Ask for?
Isn't anyone Interested in this Idea in the U.S. Congress?
Aren't "We the People" entitled to a Say in Our Governments Course of Action? Don't "We" Deserve a Change in the Course of Action, and Policies, initiated by the Bush/Cheney Administration?
Truly, Is Peace Too Much to Ask for! Doesn't The World Deserve it? Peace at Last!

John Lennon sang "Give Peace a Chance," and when You, sincerely, consider this Idea, isn't it a Wonderful Thought!
After All of the Years of War that "We" have been Engaged in!
After All of the Lives that have been Lost. Many of them, Lost in Vain! Such as in The Vietnam War!
So, Why Not, Give Peace a Chance?

I would advise, that it is Time for this Course of Action to be Acted Upon, and, Immediately!
Why? Because then, The U.S. Government, and the Global Nations could Seriously Embark upon a New Course of Action, and Policy, to Eliminate Poverty, Starvation, and Homelessness! And in doing so, Save Millions of Lives!

How? By using the Funds designated to Fight Wars, and Use these Same Funds to Invest in a Peace Time Economy!
Which would give them No Excuse for Not Providing us with, A Universal Health Care Program, and Free Education, for Everyone! Every Citizen of the United States of America, and The World! I'm sure that, the IMF wouldn't mind Contributing to such a Meaningful Cause!
Why Not! Its already being Provided for, in the Western Industrialized Nations, so, Why Not in the U.S., and Althrough-out The World!
What's to Prevent this from Happening?

"We" Definitely Need a Change in Our Priorities, that Seems Obvious to Most Everyone! The System is Broken, that, also, Seems Obvious to Everyone!
So, Why Not show some Real Humanity towards the Citizens of this Great Country. It is "a Government of The People," isn't it!
Why Not! Isn't Life, as Precious as Death!
Isn't the Lives of Our Children, and Their Families Worth, at least, as Much, or More than a Stealth Bomber, or a Spy Satellite!
Isn't is Time "We Gave Peace a Chance!" Is that Too Much to Ask For?

If "We" continue to Follow this Course of War, "We" are going to begin Wondering, Who are the Bad Guy's? And, Who are the Good Guy's?
Especially, when the Actions, and Policies of our, supposed, Allies, and Enemies, all end up Causing New Acts of Terror,War, and Genocide!

As of Late, I've begun thinking that,there is Less than Six Degrees of Separation between all of us. I've come to the Belief that, there is, but, One! And, It is Peace versus War!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever, and Wherever You May be on this the Third Planet from the Sun, Is it Too Much To Ask for, a World Living in Peace, and Harmony with Itself, and with One Another! Is this Too Much to Ask for?

Friday, July 10, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Its Time To Move Forward

There Must be a Song that "We" can All Sing Together. A Song of Sharing! A Song of Peace! A Song of Kindness! A Song of Hope!

There Must be Something that Brings Us All Together, as One People, and One World!
Why? Because the Time To Move Forward towards a Universal Evolution of All Sentient Beings is Now!

There is No Time to Wait, or Hesitate, The Time to Act, is Now!

Its Time to Move Forward, and, in doing so, Erase the Conditioned Barriers that Continue to Manipulate, and Control Us!

Its Time to Move Forward, and, in doing so, Let Our Actions Transcend the World of Politics, that Continues to Impede Us. Remember that The System is broken!

Its Time to Create a New World, that Includes Every Sovereign State, However, A New World that Provides a Home for Each and Every Citizen of The Earth!
Why should any Man, Women, or Child Be Without a Home, or Meal!
This is The Twenty-First Century, The New Millennium, Why should anyone Die of Poverty, or Starvation!

The Earth is Rich in Resources, Rich in Wealth, and, Rich in Free Enterprise, so, Why should any Man, or Woman Be without Employment!
Why can "We" not Share the Wealth and Prosperity of this Planet, Humanistically and, in Equanimity!
Its Time to Care for those who are in Need!

And, Its Time to Rise above the Fruitless Acts of War, Crime, and Violence!

Its Time to Embrace the Innocent, and Protect Them from Dictators, Tyrants, and Sophists!

Its Time to Reach Out to Those who are Less Fortunate, and Can No Longer Care for Themselves, or Their Families, Due to the Transgressions against Humanity that have, for Far Too Long, Gone Unpunished by The United Nations!

Its Time to Touch the Hearts and Souls of The Many who have Lost Their Children, (Due to a Lack of Health Care) and Feed and Heal The World!

Its Time to Move Forward towards a World of Peace and Harmony for One and All!
And, Its Time to Let Go of a System that is, Quite Simply, Dysfunctional, and Does Not Work!

Its Time to Change the Borders that Shape the Sovereign States of This Earth, to Reach Beyond Nationalities, Races, and Creeds! Thereby Creating a World of Inclusion, and Not Exclusion!

Its Time to Believe in Something more than Diamonds and Gold, or, Fame and Fortune!

Its Time to Be One World, One People, and, One Nation, of this The Third Planet from The Sun!

"We" All Live Parallel Lives, in this Universe, that can have a Positive Effect upon One Another, and, Its Time that "We" Realize the Greater Importance of this!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers wherever, and whomever You may be, Be of Good Courage, and Soulful Spirit, The Time to Move Forward is Now!

Monday, July 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

We Do Not Live in a Democracy,
We Live in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

I am Totally Fed Up with the U.S. Government and President Obama's Administration. Our Government is supposed to Operate on Democratic Principles, and Ideals, but, Actually it does not!
Nor is it a Republic, although "We" do have the Vote.
However, what "We" are in Reality is a Capitalistic Oligarchy!
I invite You to Take a little time to do Your Own Due Diligence, and then Decide for Yourself. However, it is Very Important to do so, Especially during this Time Period filled with Sociological, and Political Illusions, and Delusions!

And, to continue, in a slightly different Vain, although Totally Compatible with my Train of Thought, is this Question; When are the Funds from the Recovery and Reinvestment Act going to be Completely Distributed?
Doesn't anyone in the Obama Administration Read the Newspapers, or Recognize The Sign of The Times.
Our Country has a 9.5 UN-Employment Rate! Which in itself is Totally Ludicrous!
Why? Because, aren't "We" the Most Powerful, and Richest, supposed, Democracy in the World?

And, Why was Vice President Biden in Iraq?
Why not, Send one of our Five Star Generals from the Pentagons
Joint Chiefs of Staff, instead!

I'm sure that Our Armed Forces would be Very Appreciative of this Gesture of Support, and Unanimity by Our Generals!

And then, Vice President Biden, and President Obama would be Free to Visit the Neighborhoods of the U.S. Middle Class,
Tent Cities, Urban Ghettos, and, Towns and Villages that are Struggling to Survive, Due to the Financial, and Credit Crises, and Give these Families some Real Encouragement, and Hope for Their Futures!
As well as, Provide Them with the Recovery and Re-Investment Act Funds that could, For the Most Part, Save Lives and Homes, and What little Dignity there is Left for "We the People" to Share with Our Families, and with Each other!

And, Finally, I am Completely Fed Up with President Obama and his Administrations Plans to Escalate the War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Doesn't anyone Remember when He was Campaigning for the Democratic Parties Nomination, against Hilliary Clinton, that He told Us that He would Bring Home Our Troops, from Iraq!
He didn't say that He was Planning to Re-Mission (His Word!) Them to Afghanistan, did He!
Then, He was the Shining Hope, and Darling, of the Peace Movement, and Change. Well, Enough is Enough! I'm Tired of all the Half Truths, Semantics, and Rhetoric, that "We the People" have been told, However, so Eloquently! Enough is Enough!

Try to Tell an Adolescent Child, Why, They are Living in a Homeless Shelter, with Their Parents, and other Siblings?
Or, Why They have Lost Their Home Due to the Mortgage, Credit, and Financial Crisis?
Try to Tell a Young Child, Why Their Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, or Cousin has Died in an Endless Cycle of War, that the U.S. of A, has been Engaged in!
Its all gotten to a Point where it is all Too Much!
Much Too Much, and Enough is Enough!

Voices of Reason , and Peacemakers of this the Third Planet from the Sun, Continue to Make Your Voices Heard above the Din of Hypocrisy, and Lies! Our Planets Survival Depends on You!