Monday, March 30, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Shades of War/The Times they Ain't -a- Changing

It has been several day's since President Obama announced his administration's plan to Escalate the War in Afghanistan (and that means Pakistan, as well). And, as you are aware of, I have been deeply concerned about this plan to Escalate the War, for more than a month. But, this is the official announcement, and how disappointing it was to hear. It was as if the "Breath of Change" had been deprived of all it's oxygen. And, The "Hope of Change" had been Betrayed and severely Compromised.
I, sincerely, Believe that this announcement is worst than the Global Economic Crises, because "We" know from past experience, that the economy, with the infusion of Fund's, from the Government, and Private Investor's, will improve, eventually, in spite of all the Corruption that has saturated the Global Banking System, Financial Institutions, Mortgage Companies, etc. No matter how you look at it "The System," is Broken and Corrupt, and White Collar Crimes will continue to mount, however, The Global Economies will improve, and the Credit Crises will lessen and become more and more liquid, again, but "Hope" will remain in a State of Dissolution for quite awhile, unfortunately. The Escalation of the War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan is a "Psychological Blow" to our Hopes, for Peace on Earth, it's not a Knockout, however. It is a replay of the same old script of War since the Vietnam Conflict, and each time, as before, "They," (this time it's the new President and his Administration), give Press Conferences, and as before, provide Excellent/Clever Reason's for this new Escalation, and as "We" all are aware of, the President is a very good, and articulate speaker, who for the most part gives off a methodical approach to explaining whatever he does, or proposes, but this Time his Word's are Meaningless, and Detrimental Impediments to The Hope for a Real Change in U.S. Politics, and Peace on Earth. And, an offense to those of us who have been down this path before and had truly hoped, that this time, there would be a Change in the Way the U.S. Government conducted it's approach how to resolve the differences it faces, in the world "We live in." Is it too much to ask that they consider our feelings, and thoughts, when it is our children, mother's and father's, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors who are being asked to give their lives for whatever new policies our Government deems necessary for us to die for. This is a Democracy, isn't it!
"We" have observed as our Government enter into pacts with tyrants, and dictators, in the past, to achieve their goal's, such as; Saddam Hussein (in The Iraq/Iranian War), or Bin Laden (in the War against The Soviet Union, in Afghanistan), for example, and then, to only have to go to War against them. No one is Perfect, and "We" have all made mistakes, in the Past, however, this time around "We" voted for Change, and the "Whole World Rejoiced" with the Election of President Obama. However, he does not seem to understand the True Meaning of Change, at times, he, more and more, resembles a proponent of "Past Political Policies," that just do not work well, or bide well for the U.S., or this Planet.

"We can always hope for the Best to result from this New Escalation of War, however, This Time Around, let's not Waiver in the Cause of Peace. "We" must Demonstrate against this Escalation of War. I, sincerely, believe that "We" all want more for our Children, and Future Generations than this course of Action. This time around "We" must do more than just Hope for Peace, "We" must demand it, as "We" have in the Past, and Make our Voices Heard. "We" must Demand an End of War Time Policies and their False Attempts to Convince us that this is the only Course of Action that will work.

Voices of Reason, Peacemaker's, Speak out. Our Children, Grandchildren, and the Children of Future Generations depend on us, and would not Forgive us, if "We" did Nothing.

Friday, March 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Not Again

This is what they, the "Infamous They," are now asking us to endure. Another Vietnam, Iraq War, that will most surely involve Pakistan. What "They," don't tell us is how many Americans, and troop's of our Global Allies will die. Once again, there will be Mother's and Father's, Brother's and Sister's, and too many Children who are going to die. And, this is after six year's of War in Iraq, and an ongoing conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. What is frustrating, I'm sure, to Peacemaker's All over The World, is that 'We" have been down this path before. And, "They continue to mislead us down the same ole road, that is supposed To Be a Path to Peace, but it always ends up with us fighting in another War, against Enemies, who used to be our Allies, such as the, so called, "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, when they fought against the armies of The Soviet Union, and Iraq, when they fought against Iran. Will this insanity ever end!
Is our desire to be a World Power and remain a Global Empire going to be our Demise? Does the U.S. Government really believe that it can create a "Soft Infrastructure, and Economy in Afghanistan that can eliminate the Poppy Trade, when it can not eliminate the "Drug Trade," in the U.S.?
This Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and make "No Mistake" that it will involve Pakistan, is not "Good News," it brings Death to our Families, and Friends. It brings Death to the Reality of a Positive Evolution, and Peace Time Economy, that the World is sorely in need of, to Survive.
At present, there is approximately 90,000 U.S. and NATO Forces in Afghanistan, how many more will be needed? How long will this "New Escalation," and War in Afghanistan/Pakistan, last? Another four year's, eight year's, how long? How many more lives will be lost, in vain? How many more Tear's will fall, and bodies be mutilated? Too many lives have already been lost in Sudan, Darfur, Iraq, Pakistan, and Israel. What is the "Exit Strategy?" Is it the same one our Government has used in Vietnam, and Iraq, if so, it's not "Good Enough. And, Enough is Enough!

Peacemaker's, Voices of Reason, Speak Out and Demonstrate. Do not remain Silent. "We" can remain Strong at Home, in the face of Global Terrorism, "We" can Live in Peace and Be an Illuminating Example for The World to see, and Admire. "We" have to Convince "Them," once again, the "Infamous Them," that it is Time to "Give Peace a Chance," as John Lennon sang.
And, make "No Mistake," do not rely on President Obama, or his Administration to know what is best for us, meaning "We, the People," he is still Learning on the Job. He speaks eloquently but he has Chosen the "Politics of The Past." He is not a True Light of Change to Guide us. Rely on your own good instincts, and the historical examples of the past. "We need to find other Way's to resolve our differences of opinion. We've already paid much too much, and "They keep asking us to give more,"We can not Police The World. And, if "We are Truly to Be One People, and One World, "We have to Follow A Path Peace, and Not War.

Thursday, March 26, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Moon Sowing/What have We Learned

What have "We" learned , that our Leader's, Political, Religious, etc. continue to either Lie to us, or Manipulate us, by expounding Falsehoods, or Half Truth's.
And, to answer your thought's and questions as to whether there has been Enlightened Time Periods in the Past, filled with Wisdom, and Good Reasoning. Peace filled Time Periods, the answer is, Yes, So, "We all know that it can be done. However, this Time Period is not one of them.

So, let's examine the position that "We are in", (1)"We" have a new President, and new Administration in the U.S. ,but, unfortunately they play the same old Political Games, at the expense of "We the People." (2) Women continue to be Abused, and Enslaved. (3) Men continue to be Used, and Conditioned to Believe that War is the only re-course to achieving an Everlasting Peace. (4) Children are Manipulated to Believe in False Concepts of Nationalism, and Religious Fanaticism.

However, let's get back to our previous point, Yes, there have been Time Periods on this Planet when "We" were very fortunate to have Great Leader's, Men and Women, who Believed in, and were Committed to Living in a World of Peace, and Prosperity for One and All. They Guided us by their Actions, and by their Example.
They Inspired us through the Divine Providence that emanated from the Solar Axiom that was Created to Embrace us, One and All. And, through Their combined Experience and Knowledge of The Universe, Science, Technology, Education, Learning, Philosophy, Culture, and Love for One another, they Empowered us to Believe in Each other, and in Ourselves.

Today's Leader's would like us to believe in them, but, they continue to Mislead us by their Actions. They, quite simply put, do not understand, nor do they believe, that "We" are a Universal Family of Sentient and Spiritual Beings living on this, The Third Planet from The Sun. And that, it is to our Benefit that "We" all learn, once again, to Live in Peace and Equanimity with Each other. It is, also, to our Benefit that "We" care for the Natural Resources, and Survival of this Planet.
This, our Present and Future Generations depend on, Learning to Live in Peace and Equality for One and All is a Necessity to The New Millennium. War and Violence can only Lead to Destruction.

Voices of Reason, Students, Artists, and Peacemaker's whoever you may be, continue Speak Out in the Name of Peace, it is our right, living in a Democracy, to do so. Do not Remain Silent in this Time of Need! Remain Docile and Active on All Front's. The time to put Forth our Idea's, Thoughts, and Word's of Peace, Justice, Wisdom, Truth, and Compassion, is Now!
We can no longer endure "Tent Cities, or Anyone living in Poverty, on the Surface of This Planet. We can no longer Act Oblivious to the Needs of the Less Fortunate.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Pt. V

In this Time Period of Change it is important to Be in Equanimity, Spiritually, Soulfully, Intellectually, Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically. Be very Clear
and Focused, Calm and Tranquil, Caring and Peaceful. And, Remain Strong and Resolute in Purpose, and Vision. Emit a Powerful and Soulful Message that "We the People," Citizen's of The Third Planet from The Sun, want an End to Fear, Poverty, Racism, Violence, War, and Hate. And that, "We" are Committed to Living in a World of Equality, Love, Peace, and Equanimity.
We are One People, and One World. Let us Continue to Build an Eternal Bridge of Peace between us, that can not be Broken, and a Nexus of Peace and Love that is Everlasting.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Does anyone in the U.S. Congress actually read the Bills that are being passed, supposedly, for "Our Benefit." Does anyone actually Accept the Blame for the Financial Disaster, and Global Economic Collapse, that has had a Tremendous Effect on all of Our Lives.

Does anyone know how it happened? What was the Cause? Oh, of course, the same ole same ole, Greed, and the Lust for Power, for a starter. Well, at least that makes sense, in this time period of "Who's to Blame."

Since 1792 "We" have had to deal with importance and need for Federal Regulations to protect us, "We the People," from, for One Thing, "The World of Business/Corporations, and the way the "Infamous They," Take Care of Business, (TCB). It's been obvious for Millennia after Millennia that "We the People," can not Trust the Business Ethics of our Politicians, Religious Leaders, and of course, Leader's of Finance. They simply do not represent Our Best Interests. One way or another they, once again, the "Infamous They," end up doing what is solely best for themselves, and their Lobbyists. Because that's where the money is.

Even George Washington had to deal with this problem.

Regulations are necessary. So, what are "We the People," to do. (1) We have a President, who in spite of his best intentions, is still learning on the job. (2) We have a New Congress, dominated by Democrats, who are still Playing Politics , as usual. And, together with the Republicans, are still playing "Partisan Politics." What a Disgrace they are! And then, (4) There is the corruption of our Financial Institutions, and Banks that threatens to destroy the Fabric of, as well as, the Most Sacred Ideals, and Principles of this Earths Societies. And, the Debacle goes on, and on.

First, of all, it is obvious that "We," need to replace the "Regulations, (or lack there of), that the Bush Administration put in place to allow all of the Abuse of our System,to take place over the last eight years. But, what do "We" do about a "System" that no longer works, or protects us? A "System" that will soon be replaced by another one, run by a new group of inept, corrupt player's, who pretend that they, only, have Our Best interests in mind, but, in fact, care only about themselves, and, if they are Politicians, getting re-elected.

Second, of all, "We must understand, that they have "No Idea," what a True and Lasting Peace is. They exist by a different standard of being. And, it is not "One for All, and All for One." And secondly, they have no Idea what a True Democracy is.

They, only, use the words "Freedom, and Democracy," to achieve their own agenda. Which is, as I've previously stated, not "One for All, and All for One." We must understand that 'They," simply do not care about us, except to use us for their own benefit! We simply can not allow this Re-cycle of Greed, and Lust to control, and Dominate our Lives. Enough is Enough!

Yes, it is extremely obvious that "We need a Change," in our Lives, but this time, "We" need a Change for the Better, and not the Worst," to Represent us.

Each and Everyone of us has to make commitment to Monitor,and Oversee the Actions, of our Leader's, Financial Institutions, Banks, Politicians, whomever "They," may be. "They" simply are not "Trustworthy Enough," to be left on their own to Lead, and Represent us.

And, "We must continue to build a Bridge of Peace, and Nexus between us, that can not be Destroyed, or Manipulated by anyone, for False Purposes.

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Believers in a New Millennium of Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Educational, and Philosophical Evolution, Speak Out!
This is not the time to remain Silent. Demonstrate, and Speak Out in The Name of Peace, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The System is Broken, but The Circus Continues

While unemployment continues to exist at it's highest levels in decades, and, while corruption, and White Collar Crimes continue to Mount, and while the U.S. Congress continues to Disgrace itself by adding more Pork, and Earmarks to each new Government Stimulus Package, and, while the News Media continues to "Giggle and Gaggle," over the Pros and Cons of the Obama Administration's Economic, and Political Course of Action, "We the People,"continue to search for True Act's of Sincerity and Honesty amongst both, the U.S. and Global Leaders.
Who are these Phantoms, and most of all where are "They" when we need them.
We continue to hear words such as "Transparency and Accountability, spoken to us as though they are being adhered to by the New Administration, and Congress, however they continue to do business as usual in "Back Room" so called negotiations, that for the most part exclude the Ideals and Principles of The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. They, the "Infamous They," are not fooling anyone, however, they seem to think that "They" can get away with anything that "They" want to do. The Tragedy of this way of doing business is that "They" ignore the concerns of "We the People," and Citizen's of This Planet.
And, The Media Blitz continues. News Commentators pretend to be Reporters. They sit in their Studios and talk and talk, instead of physically going out and reporting on the Homelessness, Poverty, and the Plight of Families all over the World, or the Escalation in the War in Afghanistan. Their main concern is ratings, and selling their publications. They, to, are a Disgrace to their Profession.
And, "The System" continues to remain Broken, it simply does not work. And, We can no longer Trust in Financial Institutions, Politicians, or Religions.
Yes, this is definitely Time for Change.
Voices of Reason, Peacemaker's, and Citizen's of This The Third Planet from the Sun, We need to Speak Out against the Injustices that have been Cast upon Us, and Build of Bridge of Peace throughout this World. A Nexus of Peace that can not be Broken. A New System is needed that reflects the Ideal's and Principles of The New Millennium. Culturally, Spiritually, Philosophically, Scientifically, Educational and Technological Idea's of Peace and Prosperity, and, Oneness and Wholeness.
The Breakdown of the current "System," lies beyond whether or not Wall Street Stocks go up or down, it lies beyond whether the UN-Employment figures, or the Housing Market improves, it lies Directly in there being a lack of Faith in the Leader's of our Financial Institutions, Religions, and Governments.
"We the People," Citizen's of The Third Planet from the Sun, Believe in a Dream that includes All Sentient Beings, and, A World of Peace and Harmony for One and All. And, a Shared Prosperity.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Peace Now

How many time's have "We," been told by our Congressmen and Congresswomen, that there is not enough funds to pay for a National Health care Program for American Citizen's? Isn't it interesting that they always have enough fund's to pay for the costs incurred by another War, or, as it is now, in Afghanistan, a "New Spring and Summer Offensive." They continue to give our Bank's billions of dollars to prevent them from going under, however, they give us, nothing in comparison, to help us Care for our Children's Health care, or their Education. It is only when "We," are faced with near Economic Destruction, that the U.S. Congress wakes up, and realizes that they have a job to do, and that "We" did not elect them to be our representatives, to sit in Washington and do nothing, but go on excursions/vacations, and be taken out to lunch and dinners by "Lobbyists." It takes a total breakdown in the "System," to make them wake up to the Malaise that Exists in the Corporate World of Illusion's, Half Truth's, and Greediness.
"We" are continuously Manipulated, and Conditioned to believe that what "They," the "Infamous They" do, is for "Our Benefit." But, what do "They" actually do? "They" give us loan's to help us buy a home that "We" can not afford. "They" start Wars, to protect us from Terrorists, and Weapons of Mass Destruction, when they do not exist, and, is this for "Our Benefit." "They" Sanctify and Legitimize" a "System" that is Corrupt, and, is this to, supposed to be for "Our Benefit?"
It is Time for the State, Local, and Federal Elective Officials to Truly Represent the Citizen's of the U.S. and Be Responsible to the Idea's and Principles, and, that our Forefathers, and Fore Mothers, gave their lives to preserve. Principles of One Nation, and may I add, of One Earth, and One People of This The Third Planet from The Sun.
Enough is Enough, "They," the "Infamous They," have for too long Abused, Misused, and, Disrespected All that "We" hold to be Honorable, and Sacred," which is Our Planet, and Our Lives.
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, this is the Time to Speak out in the Name of "Peace Now," for One and All.

Monday, March 9, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Third Planet From The Sun

Who are We? We are Citizens of The Universe Living on The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth. Imagine for how many Millennium We have been deluded into thinking that We are, solely, from a Specific Nationality, Religion, Race, or Political party. So, how in the World (to coin a phrase) are We ever to transcend our Differences, and Understand that "We are One People," Citizens of The Universe," Living on Earth, when We have been conditioned, and manipulated to believe in a "False Concept of Who We Are."
Yes, it is Time for a Change, however, it is Time to Change Our Overall Beliefs and Perspectives in Who We are, and in how We acknowledge each other, from our Time of Birth.
With this New Oversight, We should be able to see the Value of Being One People, and the Practical, Universal, and Spiritual Logic of guaranteeing each Citizen of Earth with Free Education, and a Home to call their own. And, Universal Guidance and Respect for One and All. There should be a Sense of Security that every Family can Share in, as well as for All Sentient Beings. And, an Opportunity for One and All to Learn and Evolve in an Age of Enlightened Omniscience, whether Book Learned, or through a Shared Experience, Empirically.
Yes, this is Time for Change, from War Time to a Peace Time Global Economy. And, let us take the Time to Build a Bridge of Peace to every corner of this earth. Let us Build a Universal Nexus of Peace to each and every one of us. So, that The New Millennium will Truly be a Time of Peaceful, Cultural, Technological, Political, Spiritual and Scientific Evolution.
And, do not forget for One Second, that We are All Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth.

Friday, March 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth
Razzle 'N Dazzle 'Em
I'm very impressed by all the Razzle 'n Dazzle by the President Obama administration, you must admit they really know how to create a Media Blitz. And, what about the Glitzy Media Circus that we are being bombarded with everyday. And, Washington is aglow with Celebrities and VIPs from all over the world. The Third Planet from the Sun really looks like it's the most "Happening World" to live on, in the whole Universe.
And still, the state of the Homeless exists, and, Poverty exists beyond comprehension. And, War & Violence continue to threaten our lives. And, Students are in a Serious State of Debt, even before they have an opportunity to enter the Job Market. And, Parent's are struggling to give their Children the Quality Time needed for their Evolved Development, or, to Properly Feed and Care for them. The Divorce Rate Continues to grow, and Religious Leader's remain, either, Silent, or Lack the Influence to convince their constituency to Follow in the Path of Peace and Harmony for One and All. And, the Peacemaker's, and Voices of Reason are not in the news, nor are they receiving the attention that is needed to Change the Conditioned Way of Thinking that permits the malaise of the Spirit, in our societies, to exist.
But, the Show must go on, as the saying goes, however, I must admit that I am tired of the "Same ole Same ole," and "Politics as Usual Behaviour." I would like to see more Concrete Action, and Sincerity in the News Media, and in the U.S. Government. How is the U.S. and it's Democratic Principles to be admired, when White Collar Crime, Back Room Diplomacy, War, and Lack of Respect for All Sentient Beings, and Our Planet, continue to permeate the Consciousness of those who are in "Positions of Power." Their Greed and Lust is a Crime against All Humanity.

Monday, March 2, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Tears Of Love

If we are to Share more Tear's, let them be Tears of Love, and Not Hate,
Let them be Tears of Joy and Happiness, and Not Sadness,
Let them be Tears of Thankfulness, and Not Regret,
Let them be Tears of Remembrance, and Not Emptiness,
Let them be Tears resulting from being Respectful of our Blessings, and Not Tears emanating from Actions that have caused us to feel Shameful, and Disgraced, resulting from the Acts of Transgressions by those who Lead us.
Let them be Tears of Gratefulness for yet another Day of Peace in an Age of Enlightenment, and Shared Prosperity for One and All, and not Tears resulting from seeing too many Children of this Earth Homeless, and Living in Poverty.
Let them be Tears of Billions of Men and Women of this The Third Planet from The Sun, who are Amazed, and Inspired by The Beauty of this Planet, and The Universe that We are Citizens of. and not Tears resulting from yet another War, or Act of Violence.
We all know that there will be more Tears to Share amongst us, However, May the Causes be Evermore, and more from Positive Reasons, and Not Negative Ones.