Friday, February 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Where are the Peacemakers?

This is not the time for Peacemaker's to speak quietly amongst themselves, the
U.S.Government has begun the process of escalating the war in Afghanistan, with
a planned spring, and summer offensive. What I have discovered in my short time period on this Earth, is that it doesn't appear to matter what administration is in
power, they all seem to take they same approach in working out the differences
that exist between Nations, which is to threaten each other, with yet, another
conflict, which then involves the World. And, they all present, what appears to
be, very astute, and good reason's for their decisions. If we are to create a
New Equanimity in the New Millennium "We the People," and Peacemaker's from
all over this Third Planet from the Sun must speak out vociferously, and
continuously, that we do not agree with any Nation, Administration, Government, Politician, or Advocate of War. Or, we will be burying more of our Parents, and
Children. Which we have been doing for Millennium after Millennium.

Moderates have to convince, or open up a continuous dialogue with Extremists.
Poet's, Philosopher's, Musicians, Dancer's, Singer's, Student's, Mother's and
Father's, Filmmakers, Voices of Reason whomever you may be, speak out,
everyday. Let's "Give Peace a Chance," as John Lennon so poignantly put it.
Let's echo this Spirit in all of our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions.
Let's build a Peace Bridge to each and every Country through-out this Planet,
to each and everyone of us, that will create a Nexus of Peace amongst us.

And remember, we can not rely, solely, on any one leader, we must all "Lead the

Way" to a Peaceful co-existence on Earth!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Equanimity in The New Millennium

To achieve Equanimity in The New Millennium we need more than war, and
war time economies. We clearly need to re-establish our collective belief in
Peace, Universal Awareness, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.

President Barack Obama campaigned during the primaries to bring us Peace, and
bring our troop's home from Iraq. However, now, after our troop's have fought for
year's of war in Iraq, he, and his administration, have decided withdraw our
troop's from Iraq, only, to send them to Afghanistan, to be apart of a new spring
and summer offensive.

Why isn't there a National Dialogue about this very important decision to
escalate the war in Afghanistan?
Why aren't "We the People," being asked our opinion? How dare they assume that they can make these decisions for us, without consulting us?
Isn't it, the Parent's, and children of American Citizen's who are paying the price
with their lives (and taxes)! At the least, the Obama administration should ask
our opinion, ask us if "We the People," would like to escalate the war
in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Congress is to involved in their petty differences to realize the severity,
and seriousness of our concerns, in this matter of War versus Peace.

We have had millennium after millennium of war, more than enough for any
civilization to endure. And, unfortunately, the Cable, Network, Print, and Global
Media are to concerned with their ratings, glitz, and profit margins, to care about
reporting the truth, or the news.
They exist in their own world, exulting in the sound of their own voices, and
false celebrity.

Whatever happened to the integrity exemplified by true news pioneers, such as
Walter Cronkite, and David Brinkley. Unfortunately, the unbiased reportage of
the news, has been greatly damaged by the paparazzi, and news commentators.

This is a Time for Change, A Time for New Beginnings, A Time for Enlightenment,
Universal Values, and Conscious Awareness to touch all our lives, and bring
hope to each and everyone of us.
Voices of Reason, this is The Time to Speak Out!

Saturday, February 21, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

As the Earth continues to evolve on it's axis millennium after millennium, new planets, and new stars are being born, while old one's die away. And, althroughout this magnificent macrocosm, a state of equanimity, and change touches, and graces each and everyone of us, in one way or another, the gravity of it all is a miracle to behold.
It inspires us to create new music, and art, new science, and technology, it motivates us to explore new planets, moons, stars, continents, and vast oceans.
It empowers us to learn and share the omniscience of the ages. And, no mountain is too high to climb, and no impediment can prevent us from achieving our goals.
And so, I pose these questions to you.
Why is it that we can not overcome poverty, and war?
Why can't we live in peace, and harmony with each other?
Why do we need to engage in war, violence, and crime's against all sentient beings, to feel important, or fulfill our needs?
And, why can't our leaders guide us along an Evolutionary Path of Enlightenment in the New Millennium?
This planet Earth is our home, it should be respected, along with each and everyone of us. Voices of Reason, and Good Consciousness, speak out, another war looms over us, again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Are you as deeply offended by President Barack Obama's decision to send another 10, 000 U.S. Troops to Afghanistan, as I am? They're saying that they are "Re- missioning" our troops to Afghanistan, instead of to Iraq. I sincerely hope that by using the word "Re-missioning," the President, and his advisers do not believe that they are fooling anyone. They are not withdrawing troop's from Iraq, as the President said he would while campaigning for our votes. They are not being sent home to their families, they are sending them to fight in a spring offensive in Afghanistan. And, they have not asked the opinion of the American People, "We The People," who will have to bear the loss of family member's. And, why hasn't there been an open discussion of this escalation in the U.S. Congress? Who is making these decisions, on our behalf. It's not just that they have decided to send 10,000 troop's, instead of the 30,000 figure, that had been reported in the news media, it's the fact that they think that they can do it.
We have been told outright lies, and half truths to validate our governments acts of war, before, in Vietnam, and Iraq. We must not allow them to think that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, without consulting us. We live in a Democracy, not a dictatorship!
Is President Barack Obama really the man of "Change," that he claims to be? Is this an example of the "Change," he spoke so eloquently about, when he was running for election? I would like to know what his "End Game," really is. What direction is he taking us in? Is he Dedicated and Committed to a Peaceful, Cultural, Spiritual, Technological, Politically and Scientifically evolved New Millennium, a New Millennium of Shared Prosperity for One and All?
Or, is it the same ole game of power, lust, greed, and politics as usual behaviour.
This time for Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's to speak out!

Monday, February 16, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The U.S. Government has decided to escalate the war in Afghanistan. They are planning to send an additional 30, 000 troops, to begin with. Is this what "We the People," of the U.S. want, or, is this, solely, what our new government plans to do, with, or without our consent?
So, before this happens, we need to begin a national discourse/discussion about the realities/pros and cons, of sending our fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews, and cousins to fight in another war, in Afghanistan.
What are our goals? What is the timeline? Is there an exit strategy? What diplomatic plans are being put in place, so that war is not our only recourse to establish peace in Afghanistan.
We need to begin this open dialogue now, before our fate is decided for us, and for those whom we love. During the presidential primaries "We the People," spoke out against the war in Iraq, it is time, for us, to speak out again.

Do not depend, solely, on one man, though he may be President of the United States, to make the correct decision for the hundred's of million of U.S. Citizen's.
Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The Third Planet from The Sun, Speak out!

Thursday, February 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Were you as unimpressed with our fearless leaders of the U.S. Congress, as I am?
What kind of "Razzle Dazzle", "Dog 'N Pony Show," was that. What a display of "Fiscal Ineptitude," and "Fiscal Irresponsibility." What a "Great Compromise," and display of "Bipartisanship," they cut the Tax`Cut to American Citizens from $500. per person to $400. per person. Unfortunately, I've seen no real "Change" in how the U.S. Congress does business, which is "Politics as Usual!" They just don't seem to care about our welfare. It's a Shame they they do not understand the real meaning of "Accountability." And, they continue to negotiate behind closed door's. What happened to the concept of "Transparency." They have forgotten their duty to Represent "We The People." Their main concern appears to be politically correct about their own party issues, irregardless of what "Our Country," is in need of. There are Americans starving in Appalachia, and in the Urban Communities/Cities, Towns, and Villages, all over the United `States. And soon, they are about to ask us to agree to send our Children to fight in another War in Afghanistan! Why don't they use the 30,000 troops we have in Afghanistan, plus those of our NATO Allies, and our "Spy Satellites," to find Bin Laden, before they ask us to sacrifice more of Our Children."

Monday, February 9, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt. IV

It's obvious that the World Neo-Political, and Global Economic Systems are broken, and to say that they are in need of repair, would be a gross understatement. And, to add to this decayed state of being, we have entered into yet another transition period in the U.S., which should be of concern to everyone. To advise Men and Women of Awareness, and Enlightenment, to pay close attention to the political, and economical changes that are being implemented, for our benefit, and security, would, also, be an understatement. For this New Millennium to evolve into a Cultural, Peaceful, Technological, Economical, Scientific, and Humanistic Earth Community of Evolved Spiritual Beings, "We," must not allow ourselves to be led down the same Paths of Destruction and Chaos as before. We have been told half truths, lies, and have been manipulated and controlled by power hungry individuals for much too long.
So. once again, I call for "Voices of Reason," and "Peacemakers" to speak out.
Do not remain silent as another 30, 000 troop's are being scheduled to be sent to Afghanistan.
For the sake of our children, and their children, demand an explanation why "We," are being led back into this war. Demand that they obtain "Our Consent," before they begin sending our Brother's and Sister's, Daughter's and Son's, Mother's and Father's to Afghanistan, even before the U.S.Govenment has withdrawn our troops from Iraq, as they have promised. This is unconscionable to me, it is an assault upon my sensibilities, and upon my intelligence. The U.S. economy is in a horrible state of disarray, our government is borrowing money to extricate us from this disaster, or printing it like they are counterfeiters. Who will pay for this disaster, "We the People," of course.
If we are to be a true example of a "Shining Democracy," then, let's show the World that we can do it at home before we export a failed version of it abroad.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Can you image that President H. Obama does not have enough votes to pass the new Stimulus Bill in the U.S. Senate. It sounds absolutely ludicrous doesn't it. In this time of economic chaos, how is this possible. Is this "Politics as Usual," again. Republicans against Democrats, while Americans are losing their jobs, and homes at a historical rate. As of today, February the 4th, 2009, the answer is yes, he still does not have the votes to pass it. Incredible as it may seem.
What I suggest to him, is to go on another campaign tour to every state in the Union, and visit the homes of "We The People," who are trying to pay their bill's, and put food on their tables to feed their families, (I'm sure that the Media will tag along), and show the Senators who oppose this Stimulus package, the millions of Americans who are in need of the government to act immediately in their behalf.
This is an important time period for Voices of Reason ," to speak out. It is difficult for "Change" to truly take place, while there is one child living in starvation.
There can not be further delay.

Monday, February 2, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

An Age of Revelation

An Age of revelation, I mean this in more Earthly/Political terms than Divine Axioms. As republican and democratic officials differ over the new President Obama "Stimulus Package, and the republicans claim that they are not being consulted, I very clearly remember that the democrats were saying the same thing during the last 8 years. I'm amazed by their behavior, both republicans and democrats, imagine how they would feel if they were the "American Public," We The People, who have not been considered, or sincerely informed over the last 8 years. Consider all the parents who have lost their children in the 3 wars that our country continues to wage, in spite of periodical claims of victory. We've been on the receiving end of "Betrayal upon Betrayal", and "Lies upon Lies" have been told to us, over and over again, while our economy has been ruined, and families have been forced into a way of life that is both chaotic, and tragic.
So, what has been revealed to us, what has enlightened us, what astonishing disclosures have been revealed to us? Possibly that we can not trust our elective officials to tell us the truth, or come to our aid when we most need it, or,that they consider their welfare before our health care, education, principles, social security, or concerns of the future.
These elective officials are supposed to lead the way, and represent us, our values and way of life to the best of their ability, but all we receive is "the worst" from them. They still haven't got it, they need to ride the buses, trains, and subway's. They need to fly the airway's and talk to us, listen to us, learn from us, and to sincerely address our concerns. And then, make the changes necessary to improve our quality of life, so, that "We The People," and our Future Generations will truly enjoy An Age of Revelation, in this New Millennium.