Tuesday, May 31, 2011



The Way To Peace! #173

I Heard, A Very Brave Young Man, Refer to Himself, as Being, "A Mediocre Soldier," and, in His Next Breath, He said, Very Humbly and Sincerely, "Think How Good The Great Soldiers are," When Compared to Him, and, The Courageous Acts of Heroism, He Made in The Korengal Valley, in Afghanistan! Such "Extraordinary Valor," He Portrayed!
His Name is, Staff Sergeant Salvatore A. Giunta, and, He is, One of The Eighty-Five Living, Medal Of Honor Recipients , in The U.S. of A.

And, I Thought, to Myself, If, Only, The Civilian, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Lead with This Same, Humble, Honorable, Brave, and, Courageous, Leadership Quality, For One Thing, The Polls Would Show A Dramatic Turnabout in The Confidence and Trust in Our Politicians, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have, In Our Political Leaders, and, Financial Institutions, and, There Would, also, Be A Greater Improvement, in The Attendance of Churchgoers, Worldwide!

Staff Sergeant Giunta, "Acted without Thought of Himself," Only, For The Safety and Welfare of His Fellow Comrades in Arms! And, If, The Politicians of, The Governments of, The Earths United Nations, Acted with This Same Higher Calling To Responsibility, and, Life, and, Acted with The Concern of, Their Fellow Human Being in Mind, as The Song Goes, "What A Wonderful World This Would Be!"

This is The Time For Heroes! And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are In Need of Heroes, and, Heroines! A New Generation of Women and Men, Who are Willing To, "Walk Hand in Hand," with, "The People!"

A New Generation of Women and Men, Who are Not Interested in, "The Political Games of Partisan Politics!"

A New Generation of Women and Men, Who Together, with, The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Understand, that, For A Family To Pay For Their Child's Education, or, Provide For Their Health care, Food, Clothing, and, The Well Being of Each Other, Employment is Needed! And, Who Understand, that, UN-Employment, Does Not Pay For, The Mortgage Property, State, or, Federal Taxes, or Bank Loans!

A New Generation of, Women and Men, Who Understand, that, The Family Unit, Must Be Empowered, Protected, Cared For, and Nourished!

Staff Sergeant Giunta, and, The Brave Members of, The U.S. and, Coalition Forces of, The Earths United Nations, are The Realization, and, Symbols of, The Best Qualities in Human Nature, and, By His Example, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Call Upon The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Nations, To Give, "The Same Self Sacrificing Effort and Service," To Provide The Political, Social, Economical, and, Spiritual Reforms Needed, To Make A Better World, "For One and All!"

Too Many have Died, and, or, have Been Wounded in Action, Protecting, and, Defending, The Freedoms, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Enjoy Everyday, and, Hold Sacred and Dear, To, Our Hearts, Souls, and, Minds!
And, It is, This Same, "Self Sacrifice," that, "We" Call Upon, The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities, To Give, In The Name of, Peace On Earth! So, that, Our Children, and, Their Children, Will Be Able To Enjoy The Fruits of Life, and, Share, The Joys of Life, and, The Memories of, "A Great Season of Change, Hope, and, Compassion," that, Changed The World!

And, "We" Need, The Political and Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, To "Get Beyond," The Politicization of Finance and Deficits, and, Debt Ceilings, and, Show, that, "They" Can, "Make A Difference," in Our Lives, and, During Our Lifetime!
And, Show, that, By Their "Self Sacrifice," The Social Security, and, Welfare of, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, Will Be Protected, from Corruption, White Collar Crime, and, The Misuse of, Our Life's Savings, and, Years of Hard Work, By The Global Oligarchs, and, The Manipulators of, The Global Financial System!

And, Its Time To Bring Our Young and Women, "Back Home from War!"

And, Its Time To Provide Jobs, For Our Young Women and Men, Who've Graduated from School, and, are Striving To Attain, "Their Dreams and Goals, in Life!"

And, Its Time To, End Poverty, Dictatorships, Sex Slaves, Child Pornography, Drug Cartels, and, Oppression of, Our Fellow Human Beings!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Call Upon, The Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Declare, Unequivocally, that, Every Race, Creed, and, Nationality of, This Planet Earth, has "The Right To Exist as A Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!" And, "No One," has The Right To Take These, "Inalienable Rights," Away from Us!

In This Decade, and, New Season, "Of The People," "We" have "The Right To Live Free," from Fear of Oppression and Reprisals, from "The Unjust," Terrorists, Crime, and, or, The Political, Economical, Religious, and, Social Abuses, of, Our Way of Life!

If, "We" are To Continue To Evolve Into, A Great Sociological and Spiritual Vehicle, Of Peace and Equanimity, "We" Need To Be Assured of, Our Inalienable Rights To Exist, as A Sovereign People/Citizens Of This Planet Earth, Irregardless of, Race, Creed, and, Nationality!

And, "We" Need A New Generation of, Women and Men, along, with, The Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, To Act On Our Behalf, To Guarantee These, "Inalienable Rights!
Women and Men, Who are Willing, "To Act on Behalf of We The People," and, "Work on Behalf of We The People," and, Protect and Defend The Rights of We The People!"
And, Acting, Altogether, as, "One Great People of The Planet Earth," "We" Can Be, The Living Reality of, A Great Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, of A Great Soul Force, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Righteously and Peacefully, as, A Great Fraternity of, "Humankind," Under The Moon, and, Sun, and, All The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos! For Truly, as The Photos from The Space Shuttle Endeavor Reveal, "We are, "One and All," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Through The Advacnced Use of Science and Technology, and, The Spiritual Omniscience of, This New Age, "We" Can, Heal and Cure The World! And, Through, The Way of, An Earthrise Eco-Vision of, Evolutionary Green Technologies, and, Green Entrepreneurialism, "We" Can, Create New Jobs, and, A New Age of, Green Industrialization! And, This is, The Way To, The Realization of, A Peace Time Economy! And, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient, Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Be "Ambassadors For Peace, and, A Better World!"

And, Let Us Be, "Journalists For Peace and A Better World!"

And, Let Us Be, "Poets, Musicians, and, Artists of, All Artistic and Cultural Genres of Art, Expression, and, Creation, For Peace and A Better World!"

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News and Intentions," of, Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, Linkedin, iTunes, You Tube, Texts, Emails, Cell Phones, Newspapers, Magazines, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio, Land Lines, Faxes, X's, The Worlds of Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Film, Theatre, In Concert Performances, Telethons, Non-Violent Marches and Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Amazon.com, .co.uk, .co.jp, .fr, . de, The Electoral Process, Fasts, Meditation, and, Thought Projection!
And, All Across The Bridge Of Peace, To The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of, The Most Omnipotent, Unlimited, Hi-Tech, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Linkup, and, Nexus, "Of The People," that, The Civilized World has Ever Known!

And, Let Us Continue To Spread and Sow the Seeds of Equanimity, Peace, Harmony, and, Justice, "For One and All," via, All The Outlets of The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Continue To Encourage Each Other, and, Empower Each Other with The Knowledge of Knowing, that, There is A Great Soul Print For, "The Creation of A Better World!" And, Lets Gather Together, and, Discuss, with One Another, "A Global Truce, and, A Peace Dialogue, For A Better World!"
And, Lets Share, This "Peace Dialogue," All Over The World, via, The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of, This New Season of Change!

And, Let Us Rise To, New Heights of Consciousness, and, Spiritual Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!
And, Lets Non-violently, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World, as Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Mary, Mother Teresa, Clara Barton, Confucius, St, Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Rumi, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, and, Rabindranath Tagore, have Left Their Great Spiritual, Intellectual, Political, and Sociological, Soul Print, All Across This Earth, Of Ours, "For One and All, To Share!"

And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent, Age of Peaceful Millenniums, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, For Millennia Upon Millennia To Come!