Friday, May 20, 2011



The Way To Peace! #170

Is Anyone Surprised, that, "We The People" are Dissatisfied with Our Elective Officials! There is a Saying, Which is, "Actions Speak Louder than Words," that, Applies To Most of Our Political Figures!
So, I'm sure that, No One is Surprised, that, The Latest USA Today/Gallup Poll, Shows, that, By More than, A Two to One Margin, Voters are Not Happy with, The U.S. Congress!

And, It Would Not Be A Surprise, if, Voter Dissent, was Not Similar To This Poll, All Across The Earth!
Reasons Being, (1) The Continuous Rise in Food, Oil, and, Education Costs, and,(2) The Continued Lack of Employment, or, Job Creation!

And, Why isn't there, A Unanimous Acclamation, On the Part, of Our Elected Officials, No Matter what, Political Affiliation, "They" May Belong to, and, The World of Big Business, and, Finance, Stating, that, Unequivocally, The Employment, or, Lack thereof, Situation is Intolerable, and, that, Global Manufacturing and Productivity, amongst Western Industrialized Nations, Must Become One of Their Major Priorities, long with, The End of War, (as A Way To Resolve Our Differences)!

And, Why there isn't there, A Major Push, On the Part of, The Earths United Nations, To "Put The People, Back To Work," is Beyond Logic, or, Sanity!

And, Why isn't there, A Major "Global Eco-Vision Policy," To Increase Investment and Research in, Green Technologies, and, Green Industries, To Produce Alternative Energy, and, An Bring about, An Enlightened Peace Time Economy, of, The 21st Century is, also, Beyond Comprehension!

The Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Must, "One and All," Come To A Mutual Accord, To, Encourage, and, Support A Strategic Global Policy For, "Employment/Job Creation in The 21st Century!

You Would Take It For Granted, that, This Thought, Would Be A, "No Brainer," However, It Isn't! For Some Strange Lack of Concern, "On the Part," of, Our World Leaders!

And, There Seems To Be, Too Many Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Who Appear To Be Satisfied with, "The Way Things are Going," as Long as, "The Bottom Line, Shows a Profit!"

And, There are, Too Many Civilian and Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Who are Satisfied, To Continue The Implementation of, "Austerity Programs," To Solve The Financial Malaise, that, Exists in Today's Economy!

And, Too Many Elected Officials, Who are Spending Too Much Time, with, The Lobbyists of, The Global Oligarchs, and, Not Enough Time, "Listening To The Will "Of The People," and, "Working For The People," and, "Protecting and Providing For, The Social Security, Of The Families, Homes, and, Well Being," of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, In Our Time of Need!
And, Let Us, Make No Mistake, that, "This is A Time of Need!"

For One Reason, How Can Families Continue To Pay The Exorbitant Costs To Educate Their Children!

And, (2) How Can Parents Provide Their Children with, The Proper Guidance, that, They Need, in Their Lives, if, Both Parents are Working, Whether They Want To , or, Not, and, Have No Other Recourse, Other than, To Rely on, Daycare!

And, (3) How Can Families Afford To Pay The Continuously Rising Costs, in Health Care, even with The New Health Care Reform Bill, Passed By, The U.S. Congress, and, Signed Off On, By President Obama!

You Can Hear, "Story after Story" about, The Physical, Mental, and, Financial Stress, Caused By, The Exorbitant Costs of Being in The Hospital, For An Illness, that, Ended up Causing The Patient To Declare Bankruptcy, Because, They were Unable To Pay For Their Hospitalization!

Or, An "End of Life Tragedy," Caused By, A Stroke, or, Heart Attack, that, Ended The Dream of, A Well Deserved Retirement, after, Years of Hard Work!

Or, The Pressures on The Members of, Our Armed Forces in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and, Their Families, at Home!

The Pressures of Today's Societies are Manifold, and, Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Need To Become, "Hands on Activists For Change," and, "For The People!"
And, "They" Need To Become, Activists of The 21st Century, To Make The Implementation of, Economic, Social, Military, and, Political, Reforms, A Surety, that, Will Empower The People, Heal The People, and, Encourage The People!"
And, Its Time, that, "They, once again, Refocused, Their Attention on, A Saying that, was Very Popular, in The Late 20th Century, "Its The Economy Stupid!"

Another, "Long Hot Summer," Approaches, and, "Putting People Back To Work," is Imperative To, "Uplift The Spirits Of The People," and, "Taking Some of, The Burdens of Life, Off of, The People," and, "Bringing Some Long Awaited Relief, To The People!"

And, While Raising The Debt Ceiling, is Very Important, Erasing The Debt and Stress from, The Lives of, "We The People," has To Be A Main Priority of, All The Elected Officials, Worldwide!

And, Its Time To Take The Combined Empirical, and, Documented Historical Knowledge, of, Modern Civilization, and, Bring Economical, Political, and, Sociological, Relief To, The Citizens Of The Earth, and, also, Bring Peace To The World, and, An Age of Equanimity, To Our Lives!

And, Yes, There is, always, A Cost, A Price To Pay, For Living In Peace, and, For Us, To Enjoy The Freedoms, and, Pleasures of Life, Where "We" Can, also, have, Social Security! But, "We The People," have, and, have Continued, To Pay The Price, But, "Without The Desired Results!"

So, Let This Be, "A Great Summer of Change," One that, History Will Record, as Being, The Birth of, A New Earthrise Consciousness, and, Non-Violent Evolution, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

A Summer, in Which, Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Altogether, Display A Concerted Effort/Conviction, and, Constitution, To Act on Behalf, "Of, By, and, For The People,"

A Summer, in Which, Presidents, Queens, Kings, Princes and Princesses, Power Brokers, Celebrities, and, The Leaders of, The World of Big Business, Banks, Financial Markets, Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Take A, "Hands on Approach, One and All," and, "Join Together," in "A Common Cause," To, "Bring An End To War," and, Improve The Economical, and, Overall Quality of Life, of, "We The People," Citizens Of This Planet Earth!

And, "We The People," Must, also, Continue, To Do, Our Part, and, Be of, Good Spirit, Mind, and, Heart, and, Work in, A Diligent, Purposeful, Dedicated, Passionate, and, Committed Way, To Make A Better World, For Our Children, and, For The Children of, Future Generations To Come! Truly, as "A Great Vision Path," Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, For, A Great Emancipation, "Of The People," and, The Lives of All Sentient Beings!
And, This Would Be, A Great Soul Print, that, Would Be Never Forgotten in, "Our Time Space Reality!"
And, This is The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, As Pictures of Queen Elizabeth, of, Great Britain, Visit To Ireland are Proof, that, Peace Can Heal The Divides, that, Exist Between Us!

So, Does it Give Hope, To, There Being, One Day, An Age of, A United People, Of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Irregardless Of, Whatever, Race, Creed, or, Nationality, You May Be! "We" All, have A Right To Exist! And, "We" Should, "One and All," Be Recognized as, Citizens Of The Earth, Irregardless of, Whatever Nationality, Creed, or, Race, You May Be!
For, "We" are All, Born on, This Planet Earth, and, are, "One and All," Apart of, The Sentient Life of, The Cosmos!
Just One Picture from, The Space Shuttle "Endeavor," Show Us, that, "We" are, All Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, that, The Earth is,
"Our Home!

So, Lets Share, "The Good News," and, The Positive Efforts of, Our Earth Experience, By, Utilizing All The Positive Attributes, and, Advanced Technology of, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes (GI&SCU), of The 21st Century!

And, Lets Continue, as, A Great Soul Force, To Spread The Word of, Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, and, Non-Violent Revolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," as, "We" Sojourn Across, The Bridge Of Peace Together, and, as, "We" Continue To Sow The Seeds of, Our Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People" Together, via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Cell Phone, X's, Texts, You Tube, Linkedin, MySpace, Facebook,, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, The Universe of Dance, Music, Art and Culture, Network, Satellite, and, Cable TV, and, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals, Telethons, In Concert Performances, Theatre, Movies, Documentaries, Land Lines, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Marches, Strikes, Fasts, Mediation, Thought, Projection, and, The Electoral Process, and, via, Our Unlimited, Non-Violent, Omnipresent, Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Call For, A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogues!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise To New Levels of, Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Think, Speak, and, Act In The Name Of Peace, with, Each and Every Breath "We Take," and, Project Our Thought, Words, and, Actions, On The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Streams, Waves, and, Hurricane Winds of Hope, Peace, and, Change! And, Non-Violently, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!