Monday, May 9, 2011



The Way To Peace! 167

I was Just Thinking, about The Classic Eddie Cochran Rock "N Roll Song, "Summer Time Blues," But, in A Reverse Context, Because of The Millions of Workers All Over The World, Who are Hoping To Be Employed, or, Else, They, and, Their Families Will Be Experiencing The "Summer Time Blues!"

But, Seriously, This Thought Merged with The Thoughts, that, I had Over the Weekend, All of Which, Brought me To The Conclusion, that, Its Time For, A "Sergeant Pepper" Like, "Who's Who List" of, The Cross-Media Universe of, Journalists, Activist Groups, and, Personalities, Who Should, All, Get Involved in Putting Together, An "Out Of Work" Demonstration, To Take Place, Where? In Front of The Lincoln Memorial Statue, of Course, In The Nations Capitol! And, Maybe, Call it, "The Ow" Demonstration, or, "The POW" Demonstration

Why "Ow," Because, Every Time The Oil, Gas, and, Food Prices, Continue, To Rise, It Sends Another Pain Through To my Mind, and, Another Pinch on my Finances, and, my Nerves! Which Can Be Simply Expressed as "Ow!"
Although, I also, Like, A "POW" Demonstration, that, Stands For, "People Out of Work" Demonstration, Which, Can Apply To, "People All Over The World!"

But, Just Imagine Millions of Us, Who are UN-Employed, and, Those Who Support Us, Converging on Washington, DC, with Signs Saying, "We're Sick and Tired of Being UN-Employed, and, We're Not Going To Take it Anymore" (a Slight Variation of the Line of Protest Used in The Classic Film "Network") Gathering in Front of, The Lincoln Memorial, and, Just, Maybe, President Obama, His Advisers, The U.S. Congress, and, The World of Big Business, and, Finance, Will Get The Message, that, "They" have To Produce Jobs!
Its Time that, "They" Engaged, Full Speed Ahead, in Their "Job Creation Policy," and, Explain To Us, Exactly, What it is! And, Exactly How, "They" Intend To Put, "We The People, Back To Work!"

And, Who Would Be The Organizers of, This "POW" Demonstration, Well, That's Easy, as I, Previously, Wrote, A "Sergeant Peppers List of, The Who's Who" of, The Cross-Media Universe of News Journalists, Activists Groups, and, Personalities! Such as Whom, Do You Ask? Well, Without Placing Their Names in Any Specific Order of Importance, (Because Egos Would have To Be Left at Home, Quincy Jones Would Appreciate This Comment, Remember "We are the World") Jon Stewart, and, Stephen Colbert, of Course! And then, Michael Moore, Adriana Huffington, Former President Bill Clinton, Joe Scarborough, Former Vice President Al Gore, Mika Brezezinski, Whoopee Goldberg, Stephen King, Chuck Todd & Savanaugh Guthrie, Barbara Walters, Keith Olbermann, Chris Mathews, The Truthout Team, George Clooney, Christiane Amanpour, Martin Bashir, Jay Z, Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt, The Bold Progressives Team, Mia Farrow, Segolene Royal, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Bono, Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, George Will, Frank Rich, Former President Jimmy Carter, Tom Brokaw, Greta Van Susteren, Lawrence O'Donnell, Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, Stevie Wonder, Anderson Cooper, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Willy Nelson, Paul Simon, Bruce Springfield, Okay, Stop that's a Good Beginning!

But then, Another Question Arose, How Will "We" Be Able To Afford To Cover The Expenses of This Demonstration, This Should, Definitely, Not Be An Expense Paid For By The UN-Employed Workers, that, Would Be Contradictory To The Idea of The Event! "We The People," are already Paying For The Rise in Prices, The Cost of Wars, Energy, Insurance, Social Security, and, Health Care! So, Lets Contact Michael Zuckerman, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, The Unions, and, A Few Other Multi-Millionaires, and, Billionaires, and, Ask Them To Pick Up The Expense Tab For Transportation, Food and Drinks (an Open Buffet and Well) For, A Few Million, "Out of Work Demonstrators!" That Would Be Fair!

The Economic Recovery in The U.S. and. All Over The World, is Going So Slowly, that, Even Using A Snail as A Metaphor For, How Slow Its Going, Would Be A Gross Exaggeration! 1.8% For The Last Quarter Just Doesn't Do It! And, Does Not Bode as A Good Example of, A Serious Jobs Creation Policy, For, Either, President Obama, His Administration, or, The U.S. Congress, To Improve The Quality of Life of, "We The People," and, "Put Us Back To Work!"

And, The World of Big Business, Should Be Ashamed of, Their "Lack of Hiring Behavior!"
And, The Banks Should Be Ashamed For Not having Increased Their Lending Capabilities!

And, Manufacturing has To Increase, and, Show A Profit, that, Can Be Verified By, "The Number of People Hired," and, Not, Just, By The Almighty Bottom line, Based on, "Cutbacks, and, Market Placement!"

Its Time For The U.S. and All The Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Do Whatever is Necessary To, "Put The People, Back To Work!"
And, Its Time that, "They" "Asked Not what, "The People," Can Do To, "Bail Them Out," But, What "They" Can Do, To, "Empower and Employ "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

So, Lets Begin Organizing An "Out of Work" Demonstration, To Get Their Undivided Attention, and, Maybe, Just Maybe, "They" Will "Get The Message!"

"We've Endured Enough Cutbacks and Austerity Programs, To Last For Another Millennia!
And, "We've Been Asked To "Spend More," To Get The Economy Going again, and then, "Tighten Our Belts," When The Reverse Situation is Needed!

And, "We've Demonstrated, Beyond Imagination, A Patience with Our Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders "Risky Business Enterprises with Our Salaries (Ala The Subprime Disaster), and Their, at Times, Immoral Behavior with Members of Our Families, that, Can,only, Be Referred To, as Being Unethical and Abominable!

But, Now Its Time for Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of The Earths Communities, To "Give Back To The People!"
And, Work, Genuinely, "For The People," and, Not For An Ideology, or, Partisan Politics Agenda! And, Create A Better World "For One and All To Live in!"

And,The Time has Come To Bring Down The Walls of UN-Employment, and, To Educate and Enlighten Our Children, and, Eliminate Poverty, and, Invest in Our Libraries, and, Parks!

And, Increase Investment and Research in An Eco-Vision, that, Provides An Alternative Choice of Energy For The World, other than, Nuclear and Oil!

And, Its Time For, A "POW" Demonstration, that, Non-Violently Shakes Up, Rocks Out, and, Changes The World, and, "Puts The People, Back To Work!"

Tell me, If, You Don't "Feel The Pinch" of Today's, Slow Moving Economy!

And, Tell me, If, You haven't Asked Yourself, " If You're Better off Today," than You were, Twelve Years ago, or, As a Matter of Fact, Just, A Year ago!

"We" Can Not Afford To have Another, "Long Hot Summer!" Last Year Should have Been Enough, But, It Seems that, Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, Need More than, "Just A Little Motivation! And, All This Talk about Raising The Debt Ceiling, Does Not, "Raise The Minimum Wage," For, "We The People!"
Nor, Does it, Raise Our Hopes, that, The Economy is Getting Better!
It, only, Reminds Us that, "We" are, "In Debt!"

And, While Fannie Mae, The Automobile Industry, The Banks, The Health Care and Insurance Industries, and, The Oil, and, Global Markets, are All Showing A Profit, in The Billions, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who "Bailed Them Out, are, Still, "In The Red" and, "Enough is Enough!"

Enough of The Distractions, Its Time For Action, By The Civilian, and, Financial, Leaders of, The Earths Communities! Its Time For Them To Invest in Building and, Repairing Our Roads, Bridges, Subways, Docks,and, Sidewalks!

And, Invest in The Overall Infratsrtucture of The Earths Communities! That's "One Sure Way" To, "Put The People, Back To Work!"

And, Invest and Re-Invest in Making A Better World, "For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

The U.S. has been Spending Two Billion Dollars a Week in The UN-Declared wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and, Everyone Knows that, "War is Hell!"
And, Now, Its Time For The U.S. To Create A Little "Heaven on Earth", and, Invest in "A New Age Of The People," and, In "A New World For The People!"

And, Its Time For A New Philosophy and Way of Thinking, that, Empowers, Encourages, and Enriches The Lives of, "We The People!"

And, A New Earthrise Consciousness and Global Constitution, Based on The Emancipation of, The Spirit, Mind, and, Awareness!
An Emancipation Declaration that, Provides and Protects For, The Rights of Each Citizen of This Planet Earth!
And, That, Protects Our Children from Pedophiles! And, Provides For, The Poor and Destitute!

And, Protects Families from Losing Their Homes! While Providing For, The Social Security of All Sentient Beings!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, An Eco-Vision, that, is Centered in The Evolution and Revolution of Green Technologies, and, A Green Industry, that, Illuminates The World! And, This is, The Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of Pure Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Magic and Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," Lies in The Great Soul Print and Path, Sojourned By, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Confucius, Rumi, Clara Burton, Nelson Mandela, St, Francis Of Assisi, Zoroaster, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Rabindranath Tagore, and, Muhammad!
And, The Dedication and Commitment, For This Great Soul Print, Lies within, The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls of Each and Every One of Us!

"We" have, But, To, "Speak Out," and, Our Words, Idea's, Thoughts, and, Actions Will Be Heard and Seen, via, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!
And, All Across The Omnipotent, Unlimited, Non-Violent Technological Activists Communication Network, Nexus, and, Links, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

"We" have, But, To, "Speak Out," and, Let Our Voices Be Heard, Like A Great Soul Force Of Truth, Across The Bridge Of Peace, To The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of, "All The People," via Twitter, Facebook, Texts, Yahoo, Google, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, MySpace,, de, fr,, jp, Napster, X's, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Telethons, Interviews, The Universe of Dance, Music, and, The Arts, In Concert Performances, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Meditation, Thought Projection, Fasts, The Electoral Process, Film, Theatre, and, Fashion!

And, Lets Make Our Voices Heard, Over The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Waves, Streams, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, even, Into The Eye Of The Hurricane, and, Beyond that, To A Great Earthrise Evolution, On The Graceful Wings Of Peace, To New Heights of, Conscious Awareness, Where "Good News" is, The Way To, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues!

And, Lets "Give Peace A Chance," To, Light Our World, Like A Great Beacon of Hope, and, Change! For A New Season Of Peace is Upon Us! A Season Of Omnipresent Omnipotence, and, Omniscience! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!