Thursday, May 12, 2011



The Way To Peace! #168

"War is Hell," Ask any of The Valiant Members of The U.S. Army and The Coalition Forces Stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq, over the Last Ten Years!

Ask any of The Brave Doctors and Nurses, Who've Served on The Front Lines of Military Campaigns!

Ask The Civilian Causalities All The World Over, Who were Injured, or, have Seen Their Family Members Die, as An Innocent Victims of A Terrorist Attack!

Ask The Mothers and Fathers, Who've Seen Their Children Return Home Scarred with Emotional, Psychological, and, or, Physical Injuries, and, They Will Tell You that, "War is Hell!"

Ask The Families, Who Will Never See A Member of Their Family Again, and, They Will Tell You that, "War is Hell!"

Ask The News Journalists, Who've Covered Military Campaigns and, UN-Declared Wars, and, Reported on The Action Taking Place on The Front Lines, While in Harms Way!

Ask The Prisoners of War, Who've, either, Escaped, or, Been Released, in Prisoner Exchanges, and, They Will Tell You that, "War is Hell!"

Ask any of The Veterans, Who've Fought in World War I, II, The Korean War, The UN-Declared Vietnam War, and, On and On, 'Til Now, and, They Will, All, Tell You that, "War is Hell!"

So, If, Our Children and Parents, are To Go To War, and, Fight on Foreign Shores, It is of The Utmost Importance, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Completely Aware of, What The Reasons For Going To War are! Which, in All Cases, Should Be, To Uphold The Principles, and, Freedoms, that, "We" Believe in! And that, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders, of The Earths United Nations Perception of War and Peace, are Aligned In Direct Parallel with, "We The People!" The Principles of Freedom, Peace, and, Justice, "For One and All," are, "The Bed Rock Beliefs," of The Earths Societies!"

And, "We" Should Celebrate and Fete, Our Brave and Valiant Heroes, When They Return Home! And, Make Them Feel Welcomed!

And, Provide Them with Immediate Employment, and, Free Education, If, They Choose Not To Return To Uniform!

And, Lets Make Sure that Their Families have Nothing To Want For, or, Worry about, If, These Brave Women and Men Decide To Return To Whatever Branch of The Armed Service That were Serving in, Army, Navy, Marines, or, Air Force!

And, Lets "Call it, as It is, "War"" Whether its War against Terrorism! Or, War against Tyranny and Dictatorship!

And, Lets Take The Kid Gloves Off, Because, Its "War!"

And, All "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Ask of, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, is To Be Honest and Clear, and, Up Front about It! What are Our Strategies, "For Winning The War," and, "For Exiting The War!"

And, If We're after A Rebel Terrorist Leader, or, A Dictator, Who has Been Killing His Own People, Unmercifully, To Suppress Their Rights To Live as Free People, and, Preventing Them from Being Able To Choose A Just and Fair Way of Life For Their Families, Then, Lets Stand Up Firmly, against This Immoral and Unethical State of Oppression!

NATO's Recent admission that "They" are Targeting Omar Qaddafi is, Finally The Acknowledgment of An Obvious Course of Action that NATO and its Allied Forces have Embarked Upon! This is What War is!

And, Recent U.S. Decision To, Either, Capture, or, Take The Life of, Osama Bin Laden, if, He Resisted, is What War is!

But, If, Our Troops are Going To Be Deployed For, Three or More Times in Afghanistan/Pakistan/ and, Iraq, Lets Just Make Sure that, What "We" are Condoning and Fighting For, Is, of The Highest Priority, and,The Highest/Just Ideals, and, Universal Statutes, that, A Modern Civilized, and, Moral, Society Adheres To, and, Believes in!

And, Lets Mobilize The World of Big Business and Finance, Banks and Financial Institutions, Management and Labor, and, Religions, To Act in Conjunction with, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, As "A Great Soul Force For Peace!"

For, This is, The End Goal! "To Live Peace! And, To Defend and Protect The Peace!
And, To Sow The Seeds of Peace! And, To Educate and Enlighten The World, and, Its Generations To Come, of The Follies of War, and, The Gains of Living in Peace!

And, To Create and Build A Way To Peace, that, is Everlasting! And, Use The Knowledge, that, "We've Learned from Science, and, Technology, To Heal and Cure The World! And, Create A Fruitful, Peace Time Economy that Embraces An Eco-Vision of, Environmental and Ecological Consciousness, and, Innovative Enterprises, that, Empowers and Encourages, A Green Millennium of Social Security, Preservation, and, The Evolution and Revolution of, A New Age of Humanity, that, is Rooted in The Beliefs, that, "We are The World," and, "One People of This The Third Planet from The Sun!" And, that, This is, The Common Denominator Between Each and Every One of Us, Irregardless of What Race, Creed, or, Nationality, that, You May Be! "We" are All, Born on This Planet Earth, and, There are Zero Degree's of Separation, or, Difference, in Actuality, Between Us! Other than, "The Conditioned Realities," that, "We" have Been Mislead by!Which is Why, Its Time For A Change from, "What is Unreal To Real!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of Pure Heart, Soul, and, Mind of The 20th and 21st Centuries, As The World has always Been in Need of, Great Generals, To Lead The Way from War, To Peace! So, has it always Been in Need of Great Peacemakers To Make Peace A Reality in Our Lives!

And, The Citizens of The Earth, are, Once again, in Need of Both, Great Generals of Peace, and, Peacemakers!

So, Let Us, "One and All," Step Forward To Fulfill The Need To Make, A Great Soul Print in The 21st Century, as, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Charlemagne, Mother Teresa, Zoroaster, Clara Barton, Mary, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, St. Francis Of Assisi, Rumi, Rabindranath Tagore, Socrates, and, Muhammad, Stepped Forward, Each in His, or, Her Own Time Period, To Bring Peace, Knowledge, Wisdom, Compassion, and, A Moral and Spiritual Justice To The World!

And, Lets Think of, How To Build A New Age of Peace! And, Speak To One Another of, How To Create A New World of Peace! And, Sow The Seeds of Peace in Every Thought, Word, and, Action, All Across, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue To Empower, Encourage, and, Enrich Each Others Lives, via Facebook, Texts, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Linkedin, You Tube, Cell Phones, Land Lines, The Electoral Process, Non-Violent Demonstrations, such as, "Put The People Back To Work," Marches, Sit ins, Strikes, Fasts, Meditation, Thought Projection, Satellite, Network and Cable TV and Radio, The Universes of Music, Dance, Art and Culture, In Concert Performances, Telethons, iTunes, Napster,, de, jp,, fr, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, and, Anti-War Groups!

And, Lets Take A Quantum Leap, in The Name of Peace On Earth, On The Graceful Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Walk Hand 'N Hand, Across The Bridge of Peace Together! And, With Every Breath "We" Take, Inhale and Exhale "Les Joie De La Vie," The Joys of Life, and, Share, "The Good News" of, Hope, Change, and, The Advent of A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, On The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds of Peace! Solidifying with Each Step, Our Soul filled Constitution, and, Belief in Peace and Change, and, Our Determination For Peace and Change, Here and Now!

And, Let Us Look Forward To, The Eventuality of, An Earthrise Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, "For All The People," of, This Planet Earth! And, A New Age of Omnipresent Omniscience and Omnipotence, of Peace! Truly, The Wisdom and Almighty Power of Peace is Upon Us! Lets Use it, To Make, "A Peace Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!