Thursday, May 26, 2011



The Way To Peace! #172

The G-8 has To, Not, Only, Wake Up, But, "They" have To, "Do Something," Concrete, To Change The Possibility of, "A Long Hot Summer" Of, "Economic Demise," into, Being, "A Summer of Immediate Job Creation, and, Global Employment!"

The Tornadoes that have Struck The Heartlands of, The U.S. have Caused The Dreams of Many, To Be Destroyed! And, Their Homes as Well!
Just as, The Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Flash Floods, and, Man-Made Disasters have Caused Destruction, Worldwide!
But, The Worldwide Economic Crisis, has The Potential, To Cause, An Even, Greater Demoralization, and, Effect, upon, The Citizens Of The Earth!

But, It is, also, Indefinable, Why, "The World of Big Business," has Not, "Done Its Best," To Help Resolve This Looming Economic Crisis!
And, Whether, It Be, from The 9% UN-Employment Figures, in The U.S., To, The 20% UN-Employment Figures, in Spain, The World is, "In Dire Need Of Jobs!" And, Global Job Creation Policies Should Be, One of, If Not, The Number One Priority of, The Earths Civilian, and, Financial Leaders!
And, This Concern Should, also, Be, A Top Priority of, The Earths, Religious, and, Military Leaders, as Well! Why? Because, UN-Employment Will, Definitely, Lead To A Great Global Destabilization, and, Unrest amongst, "People of All Ages," Which Can, also, Lead To, "Chaos and Crime!"

In This, Historical Season Of Change, Continued, UN-Employment has, Already, had, An Extremely Chaotic Effect, on Tens of Millions, "Of People," All Over The World!

Home Foreclosures, have Created A New Population Of Transient Citizens, Worldwide, Who are, Our Disappearing Family Members, and, Friends, Who, Once, Attended Our Family Gatherings, and, Backyard Barbecues!
And, The Natural Disasters, that, have Occurred, All Over This Earth of Ours, Will, Unfortunately, Increase The Numbers of, This Transient Population, and, Add, Significantly, To The Number One, Re-occurring Nightmare, that, has Devastated, The Earths Communities, Which is, "UN-Employment and, Homelessness!"
For, Without, Economic and Social Security, "We The People," are Being Left To Fend For Ourselves, Without, "The Bail Outs," that, "The World Of Big Business," Banks, Financial Institutions, and, The Global Markets Received, In, "Their Time of Need!"
Which is A Gross Injustice, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Being Asked To Endure!

And, This Can, Only, "Feed The Global Discontent," that, "Exists All Over The World!"
But, UN-Employment, "Will Not Feed," The Millions Of Children, Who are Living in Poverty!
And, This Bleak State of Economic Woes, Will Not Help Parents, To Provide For Their Families!

And, While "The World Of Big Business," is Sitting Comfortably, In Their "False Security of Profits," Derived from Cutbacks, (False, Because, Whether, "They" Acknowledge It, or, Not,"They" are Depending on, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Continue To "Bail Them Out," and, Invest in Their Stocks, and, Buy Their Products). But, Unless "The World Of Big Business," and, The Leaders of, The Earths Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Communities, "Do Something," Concrete, To Change The Economic Climate, that, "We" are Being Faced with, "They" Will Discover that, "A Long Hot Summer of Dissolution, and, Protest Demonstrations, Will Shake The Global Economic Foundations, Of The Earth!
And, If, Global Inertia, Sets in, This to, Will Rock The Foundations, Of The Global Economies!

This Summer Will Be A Crucial Point in, Either, What Will Become, The Recovery of The Global Economy, in 2011, or, The Ongoing Struggle To Try, and, Neutralize, The Stagnant Effect, that, The Lack of Job Creation, and, UN-Employment Will Cause!

And, This, Coupled, with, The Ongoing Military Escalations, and, The Physical, Psychological, and, Monetary Costs of The War on Terrorism, Will Be A Major Setback To, This New Season Of Change, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

This is, The Time For, The Global Oligarchy, Their Power Brokers, Their Lobbyists, and, Strategic Partners, along, with, The Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Act, Immediately, To Head Off, The Potential Economic Crisis, that, Lies Ahead of Us, But, "They" Must, "Act Now!"
Because, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Need More than, Just, Another Reality TV Program or, Sports Event, "We" Need Jobs!"
And, This is, The United Effort, that, The Leaders Of The Earths Communities Should Be Directing Their, Immediate, Energies, and, Resources, Towards!

And, There is, "No Better Time than Now," To Assure, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that, A "Significant Change" Will Come, in The Creation of New Jobs!
And, that, "New Investment Capital," Will Be Allocated, For The Sole Purpose of, Increased Investment in, Green Technologies, and, Green Enterprises!
A New Age of, Green Industrial Growth, Will Both, Stimulate Economic Growth, Globally, and, Increase, The Creation of New Jobs, Worldwide!
The G-8 Meeting, has A Great Opportunity, To Reach A New Economic Accord, that, Brings Hope, To, "We The People," that, This Summer Will Be, A "Summer of Job Creation, and, More Jobs To Come!"

And, Its A Great Opportunity, For The G-8, To, "Give The People, Something Positive To Look Forward To, and, A Sense of Relief, that, Politicians, are Planning More than, "Another Austerity Program," at The Expense, "Of The People," To Solve The Economic Problems, that, have Beset The Earths Communities!
"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Do Not Need , "To Tighten Our Belts," as The Saying Goes, "We've already Done that, and, Been there," what, "We" Need is, Jobs!" Now!

So, To, The G-8, "The World Of Big Business," and, The Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Set Your Goals on, A Global Employment Vision of The 21st Century, that, "Empowers The People," and, "Encourages The People," and, "Puts The People, Back To Work!"
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, An Eco-Vision, "Of, By, and, For The People!" And, This is, The Way To Heal, and, Cure The World! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of True Heart, of The 20th, and, 21st Centuries, Lets Continue To, "Come Together", as The Song Goes, and, Share Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, via, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, You Tube, Facebook, Linkedin, Texts, MySpace, iTunes,, .de, .jp, .fr,, Napster, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Satellite, Network, and, Cable TV and Radio Networks, The World of Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Cell Phones, Movies, Theatre, In Concert Performances, Telethons, Strikes, Non-Violent Sit Ins, Demonstrations, Marches, Fasts, Meditation, Thought Projection, Land Lines, Newspapers, Magazines, The Electoral Process, and, All Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Continue To Spread, and, Share, "The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Non-Violent Revolution, via, The Technological, Unlimited, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Rise As A Great Soul Force Of Truth, and, Call For, A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! And, Demand, An Earthrise Constitution, that, States Unequivocally, "The Right To Exist" For All People, Of, This The Third Planet from The Sun! And, An Emancipation Declaration, that, States, that, Each and Every One, of Us, has The Right, To Be A Sovereign Citizen, Of This Planet Earth, Irregardless of, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality, You May Be! "We" are, "One and All, Citizens Of Earth!"

And, Let Us Continue To Rise, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, To, New Levels of, Spiritual and Conscious Awareness, and, Transcend, The Conditioned Reality, that, has Blocked Us, "For Much Too Long," from Experiencing, Our Inner Most Being, and, The Wisdom and Knowledge, of Solar Axioms!

And, Let Us Continue To Everflow on, The Gentle Eddies, Currents, Waves, Streams, and, at Times, The Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, and Peace!
And, Let Us Make A Great Soul Print, upon This New Decade, One of Equanimity, Harmony, and, Justice, Economically, Socially, Politically, and, Spiritually, "For One and All!" For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!