Monday, May 16, 2011



The Way To Peace! #169

"A New Season" of, The Spring Of Change, is Taking Place in The World Today!
And, "New Perceptions of Positive Seeds" of, Social, Economical, and, Political, Nature, have Been Sown All Across This Earth of Ours, in The Minds, Hearts, and, Souls, of, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!

And, "The Vision Path" of, "This New Season of The Spring Of Change," Lies Through A Great Soul Print, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

Its A Great Soul Print of, Universal, Personal, Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, and, Emotional, Equanimity! Based on, A New Sense of, Trust and Faith, in One Another, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, Its For The Sake of Our Children, and, The Lives of All Sentient Beings, that, "We" Must, "One and All," Continue To Support One Another! Encourage One Another! And, Dedicate Ourselves To The Principles, Values, and, "Les Joie De La Vie," that, Embrace, This New Age Of Cultural, Technological, Scientific, Universal, and, Spiritual Evolution, and, Revolution!

"A New Season Of Change," is Upon Us, and, "A Long Hot Summer," Lies Ahead of Us, and, "We" Must Call Upon Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, To Help Us!
How? By Creating New Employment, For, "We The People!" And, Increase Investment in Rebuilding The Infrastructure of This Planet Earths Societies and Communities!
And, Increase More Investment, and, Research, in Green Technologies, and, in Environmental and Ecological Enterprises, that, Can Provide Alternative Energy, For, "We The People!" And, By Doing so, Increase New Employment Opportunities!
And, also, By, Implementing New Strategies and Means of Defending, and, Protecting, The Freedoms, Rights, and, Way Of Life of, "We The People!"

Already, "We The People," have Been Forced To Deal with Global Debt, Caused By The Greed and Corruption of, A Global Financial System, and, Banking Institutions, that, have Caused Disastrous Results, in, The Cities, Towns, Villages, and, States, that, Every Country of, The Earths United Nations, is Still in The Process of Recovering from!

And, "We" have Displayed An Extraordinary Resilience, and, Will/Soul Power, To Transcend, The Global, and, Personal Setbacks, that, have Afflicted Tens of Millions of Lives, Worldwide!

But, "We" Still Need To Harness This Great Soul/Will Power, and, Continue To Fuse It, into, "A Great Soul Force Of Change," Of, A Universal, Personal, Intellectual, Spiritual, Emotional, and, Physical, Equanimity, "For One and All," To Share!

And, Our Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders, Of The Earths Communities, Need To Act In Concert with, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Continue To Help Us Change, "The Conditioned World," Of The Past, into, A New Age of Equanimity, and, Prosperity, "For One and All" in Our Present, Time Space Reality!

That Changes, "The Conditioned World," Into, A Time Space Reality, that, Embraces Health Care, "For One and All!"

And, Into, A Time Space Reality, that, Finds Cures For, The Myriad Diseases and Disorders, that, have Plagued The Minds, Bodies, and, Souls of, "One and All," For, Millennia after Millennia!

And, A Time Space Reality, that, Knows of No Place For, Injustice, Crime, and, The Abuse, and Misuse, of, Our Fellow Human Being!

The Conditioned Reality, that, has Created Walls Around Us, Separated Us, and, Prevented Us, from Seeing, and, or, Being Aware of, The Selective Victims Policies, of, Cruel Injustice, Perpetrated By, A Global Oligarchy, has, Finally, Been Revealed To Us, By The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Unlimited Potential of Today's Advanced Technologies, and, Non-Violent Activists Communication Networks, Links, and, Nexus of, The 21st Century, and, "We The People!"

And, This is, also, Why, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial, Leaders of The Earths United Nations, Must Move Forward, For, "Change They Must!"
Just as The Seasons of Life, Continue, To Evolve, So, Must "We!" And, So Must "They!"

And, without Exception, This New Spring of Hope and Change, Must Be, "All Inclusive!" And, The Lives of, "One and All," Must Benefit, from It!
Not Just The Privileged Few! Or, The Privileged Elite, and, The Royals!
And, Not The Lobbyists of, The Global Oligarchs! Nor, The Inner Circle of, College and University Students, from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or, Any One of The Other Privileged Universities in France, or, Throughout, The Civilized World!

This "New Season of Spring" and Hope, Must Benefit, and, Grace The Lives of The Poor, and, The Homeless!
And, The Middle Class, and, The Global Labor Force, Who have Toiled All of Their Lives, and, Responded To The Requests of Their Countries, In Times of Great Need! And, have, always, Responded, and, Given More, than, What was Requested of Them!

And, This "New Season of Spring, Hope, Compassion, and, Change," Must Inspire, and, Instill in Our New Generations, A Sense of Belonging, and, A Sense of Knowing, and, Believing, that, The Earth Stands For More than, Catering To Special Interest Groups, Partisan Politics, and, Self Ingratiating Ideologies!
They have To Be Convinced By, The Actions and Deeds, of, Our Earths Leaders, Who in Conjunction with, "We the People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Aspire To, More than, "Petty Financial, and, Economical Profits," at, "The Expense of The Many!"
They have To Know and Believe, that, "We" Care For, Our Fellow Human Being, and, Respect The Sanctity of This Planet of Ours! And, that, "We" Aspire, To A Universal Greatness of Spirit!

And, that, "We" Will Continue To Move Forward as, A Great Soul Force, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
Building as "We" Go, A Great Constitution of Justice, "For All The People!"
And, By Our Commitment To Change, and, A Better World, "For One and All", that, "We" Will, also, Create A New Doctrine of Emancipation, "For One and All!" And, In Doing so, Bring A New Age of Peace On Earth!

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Cure and Heal The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, that, is, Driven By, Green Technologies, and, Green Industries and Enterprises of, An Eco-Vision of, Ecological, and, Environmental New Initiatives, and, New Manufacturing Techniques, and, Employment For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, True, Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Gather Together, and, To Speak of Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Gather Together, and, Demonstrate Together, and, March Together, In The Name of Peace, and, Freedom!

And, Lets Continue To Sojourn, Across The Bridge Of Peace To, Wherever, An Earthrise Evolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," is Taking Root, and, May Be In Need of, Our Combined Soul Strength!

And, Let Us Continue To Share This Great Soul Strength, "Of, By, and, For The People," via, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, MySpace, Google, Texts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Newspapers, Magazines, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, and, Radio, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, (Such as Our Proposed "Put The People Back To Work" Event), Sit Ins, Strikes, Telethons, Fasts, Meditation, Thought Projection, In Concert Performances, The Universe of Dance, Music, Art and Culture, X's, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,, .de, .fr,
.jp, .com, iTunes, and, You Tube!

And, Lets Continue To Spread, "The Good News" of, Our Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," By Utilizing, All The Resources of, The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Wherever The Winds Of Change, May Flow, and, Wherever, Their Gentle Eddies, Currents, Streams, and, Waves, May Ebb and Flow, and, The Hurricane Winds May Blow, Let Us, Resolutely, Continue To, Shake Up, Rock Out, and, Non-Violently Invest Our Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent, Energies, in Creating A Great Harvest Of Peace!
A Great Harvest Of Peace, that, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama,Muhammad, Zoroaster, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Mary, Confucius, Machiventa Melchizedek, Martin Luther King, St. Francis Of Assisi, Rumi, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Rabindranath Tagore, Clara Barton, Nelson Mandela, and, Charlemagne, Would Be Proud of! And, that, "We" are, "One and All," Proud of!

And, Let Us Continue To Soar To New Heights of Conscious Awareness, and, Enlightenment, On The Graceful, Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace and Change, Where, There is, "No Negative Return!"
And, Let Us Be, The Heralds of, The Advent of, A Much Needed Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, that, Lead Us, To An End of War! Lets, "Give Peace A Chance!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!