Thursday, May 5, 2011



The Way To Peace! #166

President Obama, His Security Team, Administration, and, Especially The Members of The Elite Forces of The Navy Seals, are To Be Applauded and Commended For Completing Their Operation and Objective of, Either, Capturing or The Death of Osama Bin Laden!
And, These Members of The Navy Seals Completed Their Special Mission without Causing Serious Causality To Themselves, or, The Pakistanis, Who Live Near The Bin Laden Compound, in The Process! Which is In Itself, Quite Remarkable Itself, in Times of War!

However, in This Age of Conspiracy Theories, Where even The Presidents own Citizenship has Come under The Scrutiny of The Republican Party and Some of Their Constituency, such as The Birthers, Tea Party Members, and, Donald Trump, Over The Last Two Years, Forcing The President To Present a Long Version of His Birth Certificate, Why Create Another Potentially Major Distraction from Getting The U.S. Back on Track?

And, Without Prioritizing Which Issue is The Most Important, Lets Examine What Needs To Be Immediately Focused on; (1) A National Job Creation Policy, (2) Kickstarting The Snail Pace of Growth of The U.S. Economy, (3) The Normalization of Oil, Gas, and, Food Prices, (4) Increasing The Manufacturing Capacity of Alternative Energies, and, Investment in Green Technologies, (5) Eliminate Poverty For The Millions of Children and Their Families, Who Live in UN-Civilized Conditions, (6) Provide Additional Government Support Programs To Revive The Middle Class (7) Bring Down The Costs of Health Care and Insurance Policies, (8) Bring An End To War after UN-Declared War, and, Continuous Military Campaigns, (9) Invest in The Education of Our Children and Institute A Free Education Policy For Every Citizen,
(10) Provide Greater Support For The Arts, (11) Find New Cures For The Diseases that have Plagued Our Human Society For Millennia after Millennia, (12) And, The Continued Investment and Exploration of New Frontiers of Space Travel! And, There Still Much More To Do!

And, What is The Potential Distraction that I Referred to, that Could Develop into, Yet Another, Conspiracy Theory of Great Magnitude? Its, Whether or Not Osama Bin Laden Really Dead! Or, Is He Living in Some Kind of Political Safe Haven For Ex-Terrorist Leaders! Or, Is He Living in Some Kind of New Version of, A Political Witness Protection Program! Need I Continue!

Why in The World Would President Obama and His National Security Team/Administration, The Pentagon, and The State Department Want To Create Another Distraction from The Social, Economical, Spiritual, and Political Issues that Need Immediate Attention, both , in The U.S. and, in The World Today!

And, Whomever Suggested using Geronimo, as The Code Name, For Osama Bin Laden, in This Mission To, Either, Capture or Bring about His Death, has To Be Certifiably Considered Insensitive To The History, and, The Plight of Native Americans in The U.S. , or, "They" are Mentally Unbalanced! Seriously!

However, I Sincerely Hope that, President Obama and His Administration/Security Advisers, etc. Reconsider Their Decision, and, Do Whatever is in The Best Interests of The U.S. and The World, By, as The saying Goes, "Nipping in The Bud," Any Suspicions, Distrust, or, Disbelief, in Regards To, Whether or Not Osama Bin Laden is Dead, or, Still Alive, Somewhere! This Man has Been Number One On The U.S. Most Wanted List For More than A Decade and Its Important that There Be A Closure on This Mans Life! The Families of The 9/11 Victims Deserve Nothing Less than This!

"War is Hell," as The Saying Goes, However, "We" Must Honor Our Heroes and, Bring An End To All Threats against The Rights of Any Person To Live Their Lives in Peace and Freedom!

And, This Would Be An Important Way of Re-Building A New Age of Trust in Government, and, The Re-Building of A New Sense of Pride and Confidence in, Our Civilian and Military Leadership!

And, "We The People," of This Planet Earth are In Need of "More Heroes," and "No More Tyrants, and, Dictators!"

And, "We" are In Need of More Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of Pure Heart, Soul, and Purpose!

And, "We" are In Need of A Re-Birth of "Les Joie De La Vie," as Our French Friends, Would say, Joys of Life that should Not Be Denied Anyone Living on This Planet Earth!

Joys of Life that, Permeate The Air "We" Breathe, and, Bring A Universal Philosophy To Life, that, Embraces Our Fellow Human Beings, "One and All," Excluding "No One" and Including "The Well Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings/Creation!"

The Ways of War, Violence, Crime, and, Terrorism, are, The Ways of The Past!
Today, "We" Can Achieve Our Goals By, Being Inventive and Enterprising, and, By Displaying A Courageous and Conscientious Awareness, and, Creative Initiative Towards The Creation of New, and, or, Revamped Idea's, Thoughts, and, Philosophies!

But, "We" also, are In Need of A Global Leadership of, Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military, Officials To Understand that, A New Age has Arrived! And, A New Season of Civilization and Change is Here and Now!
And, "They" Need To Focus on Investing in The Creation of, An Eco-Vision that, Produces and Manufactures A New Age of Ecological and Environmental Enterprises For The 21st Century, and, The Future of All Humankind's Survival on This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, in The Universe!

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A New Peace Time Economy and, An Omniscience in The Global Financial Institutions that, Finds Profit in Re-Building The Infrastructures of The Earths Societies and Communities, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of Pure Heart, Soul, and, Conscious of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Share and Spread Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, via The Omnipotent, Unlimited Omnipresent, Non-Violent Activists Communication Network, Nexus, and, Links of, The Social and Cross-Media Universes, and, The Global Internet, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, On The Winds Of Peace!

And, Let Us Utilize Our Interdependent Abilities To Achieve Our Goals, and, Stay Focused on The Realization of Our Efforts via, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, You Tube, iTunes, My Space, Napster,, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Cable, Network, and Satellite TV and Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, X's, Meditation, Fasts, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Peace Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, The Universes of Music, Dance, and, The Arts, Interviews, Telethons, Cell Phones, Land Lines, In Concert Performances, Texts, and, Yahoo!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Lift Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, To A Higher Level of Spiritual, Empirical, and, Universal Experience, and, Give Freely, The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, In Doing So, Give Hope To Those Who are In Need, and, Empowerment and Encouragement, To All Who are Oppressed!

And, Let Us Continue To Push Forward Towards Our Demands, For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues, For, This is, The Way To Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Push Forward Towards The Creation of, A Peace Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, that, Embraces This New Age "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," For, This is The Way To A Peace Millennium "For One and All!" Lets "Give Peace A Chance!"