Thursday, September 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-V

Our Children are "The Promise of The Future," so, Imagine the Shock I had to Learn that, "One Child Drops out of School Every Eleven Seconds," in The U.S.

Which Makes it all the More Gratifying to Learn that, "The Promise Academy," in NY and Colin and Alma Powell's "Americas Promise," are Two Organizations Who are Reaching Out to The American Communities, sometimes, "Block by Block, or State by State to Make a Difference!

And Fortunately, there are other Organizations Who Care about The Youth of The Earth, Who are, also, Offering Solutions, and Actively Doing Something to, Seriously, Make a Difference!

However, Whether through Charter, Public, or Private Schools, A New Concentrated Effort Has to Be Made to Educate Our Children!

But, Additional Financing is Needed to Provide Funding for "After School Programs," and "Training," to Prepare Our Children for The Future that Lies ahead of Them, and How Best They Can Make Their Own Personal Contributions to, "Give Something Back" to The Earths Communities, while Simultaneously, Advancing Towards The Attainment Their Own Dreams and Goals!

And, If, The U.S. alone, Can Afford to Pay Two Billion Dollars a Week for The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, to Protect The Citizens of Those Countries, and Prevent Al Queda from Being Able to Maintain an Active Presence, and Attack Our Allies, and Our Shores, Then, It is Equally as Important For The U.S. to Provide For The Education and Welfare of It's Youth!

And, the Cost for The Latter Point Should, At the Least, Quadruple the Cost of The UN-Declared Wars/Overseas Contingency Operations! And, A "Free Education Should Be The First Major Step, in Making This Very Civilized Investment, and Statement to The World!

Its Ludicrous for Parents, and Students, to Be Asked to Pay Such Exorbitant Amounts for Their Children's Education, Which Takes Years to Pay Off!
Education is "Free," in The Other Western Industrialized Nations ,Who are Our Allies! And, It Should Be Free in The United States as Well!

And Why, Are "We" Asked to Pay Tax after Tax, seemingly, Without End! What are These Taxes Being Used for, Education? I Think Not!

And, Why is there, At the Least Two Million Children, in The U.S. alone, Living in Poverty! Imagine What The Figure is Worldwide!

This is A Tragedy, and Should Be An Embarrassment to The World of Big Business and The International Finance Community, Who Dabble in Trillions of Dollars/Euros etc. Why aren't "They" Contributing to Educate Our Children! "They" are Constantly Marketing New Schemes to Entice Them!

And, If, There was Ever A Reason For An Earthrise Movement "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," It Should Be, to Protest against Any Child Living In Poverty!

And, If, There Ever was A Sin, Committed against Humanity, The Idea that Any Child Should Live in Poverty, Would Qualify For It!
And, In This Day and Age, There Should Be Absolutely No Reason For It!

And, If, There Ever Was A Valid Reason For A New Cultural Evolution on Planet Earth, It Should Be to Enlighten, Protect, Guide, and Care For The Lives and Futures of Our Children!

And, It is To This Purpose, That The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, Should Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Their Focus Should Be On Creating An Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration that Calls For The Education, Protection, and Guidance of Our Youth, with A Promise that, The Interests and Lives of Our Children, Takes Priority Over All Else!
This is The Way To Peace, and, Healing The World! And, This is, The Way To A Peace Millennium, and, An End to War! And, A New Season, and Age of Peace On Earth!

And, To Support This Issue, A Universal Escrow Account Should Be Set Up, As apart of A New and Compassionate Effort by The World of Financial Affairs, to Place A Portion of The Tax Paid by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Be Used, to Guarantee that No One Should Ever Go Without a Home, Food, Clothing, or The Means to Care for Their Families! Just Think of The Difference Such An Account Would Make! It Would Be A Great Humanitarian Gesture!

And, Think about, The Pressure and Stress, That It Would Take off, "We The People," Knowing that Our Needs were First and Foremost Considered in The Eyes of The World of Business, and, That Our Dollars, Euros, etc. That Has Been Used to Support, and Bail Out, "Big Business" is Being Appreciated!

And, This Would, also, Show A New Attitude, and Commitment on The Part of The Global Business Community, that Shows Favor Towards A Peace Time Economy, "Of, By and For The People!" A Change Must Come!

And, as Demonstrated in The Afghanistan, Pakistan, and The Iraqi UN-Declared Wars, A Coalition Army of Forces Should Be Assembled, and, There Should Be, Absolutely, No Reason Why Not! A New Coalition, A Global Armed Force of Brave Women and Men, Whose Duties Would Be, To Protect and Preserve, The Rights Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, against Any One, Who Would Threaten Us, From Living In Peace! And, Maintaining The Way of Peace On Earth!

And, in Addition, A Delegated Force of These Brave Women and Men, Would Be Designated, to Aid Our Police Departments, and Erase Crime from Our Towns, Villages, Cities, States and Countries, For Once and For All! And End, Acts of Violence, Corruption, and Immoral Acts against Our Children, Women, and Men! A Change Must Come!

It is Gratifying to See Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" Campaign to Raise Awareness about Child Slavery!

But, "We" Can All Make a Difference!

Whether it Be Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert's Demonstration, and Friendly Competition with Each Other!

Or, A Teachers Commitment to Teach in A Poorly Funded School, in An Urban Neighborhood!
"We" Can All Make A Difference!

Whether it Be, A Musicians Composition in The Name of Peace and Harmony!

Or, A News Journalists Desire to Report The Truth!
"We" Can All Make A Difference!

Whether it Be A Parents Love and Care of Their Children! Clothing Them, Changing Them, Feeding Them, and Providing For Them!
"We" Can All Make A Difference! And, This is How Great Moments Come to Be! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us, Reach Out as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Change, To Our Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates, Friends and Neighbors, All Over This Earth of Ours, and Spread The Word of Our Non-Violent Evolution, and Conscious Awareness of Who "We" are As A People," and, of, What "We" Can Be, As A Great Soul Force of Reason, Experience, Knowledge, and Wisdom!

And, Let Us, Create A Great Network of Activist Communication by Utilizing Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, to Speak Out in One Magnificent Voice of Interdependent Citizens Of The Earth, that Our Time Has Come! And that, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And that, "We" Want to Live in A Civilized World, Where Peace is The Way, and A Shared Prosperity "For One and All," is Our Mantra!

And, Let's Utilize Every Means of Communication to Achieve Our Goals! Whether it Be, by Using The Internet, or, The Cross-Media Universe, or, by Mouth! Or, via "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!" Let's Non-Violently "Shake Up The World," For, "We are The World!" And, This is Our Earth, and Our Future is at Stake!

So, once again, Let's Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Embrace The World! And, Let's, "Give Peace A Chance! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, September 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! C- IV

Its a Good Feeling to See, So Many, Gestures of Good Will Being Freely and Compassionately Given by Individuals such as; Michael Zuckerberg The CEO of Facebook, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" Campaign to Raise Awareness of Child Slavery, and Former United States President Bill Clinton, CGI, Rose Mapendo, and Runak Fafanj, are Just a Few, Who are Leading The Way.

This also Includes Companies such as; Proctor & Gamble, Who Plan to Distribute Two Billion Packets of Water Purification Product for Free, to Developing Countries, and The Forty Billionaires Who Have Signed The Gates-Buffett Pledge, to Give Half of Their Fortunes to Charity.

These are, of course, The High Profile Names and Corporations Who Have Stepped Forward to Provide whatever Resources They Have Available to Improve The Quality of Life of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

However, One Can Not Ignore The Magnificent Gestures Made on a Daily Basis by Individuals of Interdependent Natures, Who Perform Their Duties such as; The Brave and Courageous Members of Our Armed Forces, Teachers, Nurses, Firemen, Doctors, Police Men and Women, and Women and Men of Religion and Spirituality, Who Give Freely of Themselves Interdependently of Whatever Religion, or Way of Life They Aspire to, Because, "To Give," is What They Believe in!

And then, there are Doctors and Nurses Without Borders, and The Women and Men of The Red Cross, The Peace Corps, and Interdependent Women and Men of The Global Cross-Media News Media, Who Report The News Without Prejudice!

And then, Add to that, The Women and Men of The Arts, and On and On The List Goes, Making up Hundreds of Millions of Interdependent Individuals from Every Nation Of This Planet Earth! The Third Planet from The Sun! Peacemakers and Voices of Reasons, "One and All," Who are Making Their Voices Heard and Speaking Out in The Name of Humanity, The Ecology, Conservation, and Protection of This Planet Earths Environment, and All of Its Sentient Beings!
Its Quite Admirable that, In This New Season of Hope and Change, The Winds of Change are Flowing All Across This Magnificent Earth of Ours!
And, Its Our Responsibility, Each and Everyone of Us, to Continue to Transcend The Conditioned Reality that Has Impeded Us, and Through Manipulation, Coerced Us from Seeing One Another Clearly!
Why, Because, First of All, "We" are All Citizens Of the Earth! "We" Represent A Myriad Different Life Forms, Nationalities, Creeds, Races, Colors, and States of Consciousness from All Across The Earth!

But, While Representing So Much Diversity, "We" are All, For The Most Part, Inter-related, Much More Than Just Six Degree's of Separation! Making Us All apart of The Great Source of Life, Of The Earth and Universe!

So, to Say that, It is Most Gratifying to See so Many Magnanimous Gestures of Good Will Coming Forth, from so many Different Sectors and Sources Of The Earth, is Truly An Understatement!

However, Being A Empirical, Pragmatist in Nature, I Can Not Be Oblivious of The Great Amount of Work that still Lies ahead, and Must be Done!

Yes, Being Patient and Taking One Day at A Time is Very Important, But, "We" Must Not Ignore The Hundreds of Millions of Voices from All Over The Earth, Who are Calling out For Aid! From Haiti to Pakistan! And, From The Streets and Neighborhoods of Urban Cities to Small Towns, and Villages, All Over This Earth of Ours!

And, Let Us Not Forget that "We" are Engaged in Two UN-Declared Wars, The Overseas Contingency Operations, and Regional Conflicts that Continue to Drain Us Financially, and Take From Us, The Futures of Our Children, Friends, and Neighbors! And, These are Just Some of The Reasons Why, A Change Must Come! And, The Winds of Change are Flowing!

And, Its Up to Each One of Us to Remain Non-Violently Vigilant and Pro-Active in This Crossroads Of Our Lives!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that Women and Men of All Persuasions, Continue to Come Forward to Defend, and Protect Our Principles, Laws, and Freedoms from Crime, Dictators, and Immoral Acts against All Humanity, and All Sentient Beings, and The Earth Itself!

And, to The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, It is Time For You to Stand Up against The Evil Forces, and Crimes Against Humanity, that Have Caused The Deaths of Ten's of Millions Of The Citizens Of The Earth, Out of Purely Lustful, Greedy, and Selfish Reasons!
And, Its Time For You to Join Forces In The Name "Of The People!"
And, Financially, Imaginatively, and In Principle, Support The Proponents Of Peace in The Middle East!

And, to Go Even Beyond that, Its Time to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Sow The Seeds of Peace, For The Future Of "We The People," and Our Future Generations!

And, It would Be of Great Encouragement, if The Worlds Civilian and Military Leaders Endorsed The Idea of A New Global Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that is "For The People!"

And, Its Time For The Global Business Community to Get Off The Fence and Invest in Creating and Financing A New Global System of Finance, that Creates Employment and Invests in, and Supports Research and Training in The World of Green Technologies! And, Divests Itself of The Greed Mongers and Capitalistic Oligarchs, Who Have Caused Corruption, and Created Fear, and Reluctance to Participate in Our Earths Communities, Small Businesses, and Fear of Investing in, and Supporting A New Age of Cultural Evolution On Earth!

And, Its Time For "One and All" to Re-Invest in A United Synergy and A Universally Minded, Social Consciousness, That is Devoted to "Heal The World!"

And, Let Us "One and All" Commit to An Earthrise Movement "Of, By, and For The People," to Evolve as "One" to Reach A Higher Ground of Human Civility and Humanity on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Work Together as "One," to Diligently Direct Our Energies, Together, Towards Providing The Necessary Resources, Safeguards, and Support Structure, that Protects The Social Welfare and Security, once again, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, Let Us Create The Greatest Global Activist Communication Network, that, The Earth Has Ever Seen, through An Endless System of "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!"
And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our Peace Initiative via The Internet, through, Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter, and Text it Althrough-Out The Cross-Media Universe! And, via Non-Violent Demonstrations and Word of Mouth!

And, Its Time For The World to "Give Peace A Chance," and, Since, "We are The World," Lets Sow The Seeds of A Clear Peace, Immersed in A Consciousness of Fruitful Idea's of Change, in The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us!

And, Let Us Continue to Be, A Great Soul Force of Peace, Change, and Hope, that Our Children and The Children of Future Generations Can Take Great Pride in!
This is How Great Moments are Achieved, and Defined! And, This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Time For Us to "Heal The Earth!"

And, I Would like to Share this After Thought with You, However, It is Consistent with Our Purpose and Vision!
As "We" are All Aware of, The United States and Most of The Earths Most Powerful Nations, Have Invested Heavily in Space Exploration! And, This Has Been Going on For More Than Half a Century! And, It is Indeed Our Destiny to Travel to, Explore, and Pioneer The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos, Just as "We" Have Explored and Pioneered The Great Continents, Of This Planet Earth! But, Having Written that, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earth, Have A Responsibility to Establish An Age of Peace On Earth, Which Should Include Financial Security, For Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, That Equals The Investment Effort that is Going Forth to Pioneer, Explore, and Inhabit The Universe!
An Age of Equanimity, Justice, Peace, Social Security and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All," Must Be in Place Before One Colony is Set Up on Another World! Anything less than that, Would Be An Affront to All of The Lost Lives that were Promised Peace On Earth, But, Died Before Its Realization!
This is The Way To A Compassionate Peace On Earth, and In The Universe!

Thursday, September 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-III

What Better Opportunity is there, than Now, To Sow The Seeds of Change and Peace On Earth!
With The Opening Session of The United Nations, The Clinton Global Initiative, and A Harvest Full Moon All Happening at The Same Time!
So, What Better Time is there, to Commit to Investing One's Time, Energy, and Financing to Healing The World!
And, to Paraphrase Former President Clinton on The Morning Joe Show, "This is not a Right/Left Issue! This is A Right or Wrong One!"

And, In This New Season of Change, again, What Better Time is There, than Now, For The Banks, Global Corporations, The Private Sector, and The Well to Do, to Make a Statement by Investing in, Developing, and Changing The Earth For The Betterment of One's Fellow Human Being! Especially Now, During These Very Difficult Times, For so Many of Us!

And, What Better Time is there, than Now, To Work Together to Eliminate Poverty, and Come to The Aid of Small Businesses!
And to, Invest In Our Farms, and Green Technologies! And, Do What's Right For The World!
And, If there was Ever A Better Time, or Desire to Find A Way To Do Something Better For The Earth, and, For "We The People," This is The Time to Do It!

And, Its Definitely Time to Transcend Our Differences Whatever They May be!
Because, Without A Vision, Hope, or Dream, that Things Will Get Better, What Do You Have? A State of Hopeless Depression!
And, Its Much Better to Be Judged by Our Actions, than by Doing Nothing to Make Things Better! So, Let's Agree to Disagree, But, "We" Have to Do Something!

So, Let's Create The Earths Greatest Network for Communication and Speak Out against Economic and Racial Oppression!

And, Let Us Agree to Speak Out For The Protection and Rights of Our Children!

And, Let's, Set Up "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," via The Global Internet and Engage The World in A Universal Conversation of Peace and Change!
For, In This New Season of Evolution, The Winds of Change are Blowing Strong and Clear, with Each and Every Breath "We" Take!

The Forty Billionaires, that I referred to in my Previous blog, are apart of the New Face of Change, and, Obviously, An Important Part of The World of Big Business, and Global Financing of The 21st Century! And, Their Investment In Charitable Affairs is A Magnificent Gesture Towards Eliminating Poverty!

And, The Clinton Global Initiative Proves what Can Be Done by Pulling Together World Leaders, The Private Business Sector, Global Corporations, Individual Investors, Philanthropists, and The Global Cross-Media Universe to Invest Their Time, Energies, and Capital in Fighting Disease, Investing in Green Technology, and Improving The Overall Social Welfare and Living Conditions of The Citizens Of The Earth! And, Most of All, CGI Shows Us The Value of Working Together! And, by Working Together "We" Can Make a Difference!

And, Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Economies Agreed to Re-Invest in The Future of The Earth by Investing in, and Sowing The Seeds of A Peace Time Economy! A Global War Time Economy is Not The Path of The Future! And, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And, Its Time For A New Age of Philanthropy to Rise Up on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace and Compassion, to Come to The Aid of Our Fellow Human Being, and Invest in A Cultural Evolution that Educates, and Brings Relief and Conscious Awareness to "The Citizens Of The Earth!"

But, Each of Us Must Do Our Own Part, if Our Earthrise Movement "Of, By and For The People," is to Reach The Goals and Aims, that "We" Have Been Working Towards! Each of Us, in Our Own Interdependent Way!
And, That Means, From "The Poorest of The Poor, to The Richest of The Rich," "We" Must All Establish A Standard of Living That is, Spiritually, Emotionally, and Intellectually, In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Evolution of The Cosmos!
Whether it Be, by, Simply Discussing Ways To Better Ourselves, and then, Sharing These Idea's with Our Families and Friends, to Participating in Non-Violent Demonstrations, or Voting One's Conscious, Can Make A Difference!

And, "We" Have to "One and All," Become Earth Activists, and Voices of Reason, Sharing and Building New Bridges to Connect Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours!
And also, In Doing so, Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to Resolutely, Defend and Protect The Rights of Each Other! For, "We" are All "One People," Citizens Of The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth!

And, by Standing Together, As One Great Soul Force, There is Nothing that "We" Can Not Do! As long as "We" Believe that "We" Can!

Its All within The Eye of The Beholder, and The Winds of Change Have Shown Us that Perception in An Important Part of Change!

And, As "We" Continue to Evolve "as One," From "Unreal to Real," A True and Irresistible Change Will Come to Be An Everlasting State of Being and Consciousness, once again , that is In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Universe!

For, "We" are All, Parts of The Solution to Heal The Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual Wounds of Each Other!

And, "We" are All a Part of The Solution to Heal The Earth! This Earth of Ours, That has Been Ravaged Over and Over again, by The Senselessness of Greed and Profit at Any Expense Mentality, of The World of Big Business!

Which is Why, It is, also, So Important For There to Be, A New Political and Financial System, That is "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to Create New Jobs, Invest in Research to Build and Create a Peace Time Manufacturing Industry that Produces, Rewards, and Encourages Further Investment in New Millennium Technology, That is Ecologically and Economically Beneficial to "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Earth and Universe!

And, to Fully Embrace These Winds of Change, "We" are in Need of A New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that Truly Protects, and Preserves The Rights, Principles, and Laws Of "We The People!"
That States UN-Equivocally and Simply, That "We" are All Equal Under The Moon, Stars, Luminous Bodies of the Cosmos, and The Sun!

So, once again, What Better Time or Opportunity is there, than Now, to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Address The Concerns and Future Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
The United Nations General Assembly is in Session! CGI is Engaged, and Bringing Together New Coalitions to Help Struggling Nations and Those of Us Who are In Need! And, Its A Harvest Moon! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, This is A Time to Heal The World, and Establish A Peace Time Economy For "One and All" to Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and The 21st Centuries, There is Still So Much to Be Done! However, It is Rewarding to Feel apart of A Vibrant New Synergy Made up of Kindred Spirits, Students, Artists, Educators, Philanthropists, and Universally Aware Interdependent Women and Men of All Persuasions, Who are Sincerely and Steadfastly Setting New Paths of Non-Violent Engagement in The Name of Peace and Change!
This is Our Earth, and "We are The World" so, "Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, September 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-II

Why is it, that The Hard Working Families Of The Earth, Artists and The Poor are The Last One's to Receive any Real Consideration or Satisfaction During Difficult Economic Time Periods?

And, Why are Educational Budgets, Always Cut Back in Each New National and Local Budget Proposal?

Isn't The Welfare of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth and The Education of Our Children More Important than Wall Street, or The World of Big Business!

And, Isn't it a Matter of Fact, that Without The Support and Spending Power "Of The People," Both Big Business and The Federal Government would Be Penniless!
Unless, of Course, The Federal Government Can Print Up Enough Money on An Annual Basis to Pay Down The National Debt and Erase The Deficit!

And, How Many Businesses or Nations would be Willing to Purchase Our Treasury Bonds if "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Ceased to Care about The Policies of Our Governments, The Same Way Our Governments seem Not to Care about Us, when Times are Most Difficult!

And While, Our Votes and Our Donations are Always, Important During Election Campaigns, Why aren't "We" Just as Important after The Elections are Over?

And, Why Hasn't The Federal, State, or Local Budgets Been Balanced?
We're Expected to Balance Ours!

And, Why Hasn't The Deficit/National Debt, Been Paid off, After All These Years!
We're Expected to Pay off Ours, or Lose Our Homes, Cars, or Credit Standing! Resulting in Our Lives Being Totally Disrupted, and Up Rooted!

The Truth Appears to Support The Contention that There are "Two Worlds," (at the least)!

One, For "The People," and The Other One, For The Elite and Political Insiders!

One, that is An Obvious System that Supports The Global-Ists of The World of Finance, Politics, and Religion!

And The Other, that is Supposed to Represent "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, But, That only Appears to Be Marginally!

And then, Very Sadly and Inhumanly, There are The Untouchables, Who are Not Even Worth Polling! And, The Opposite of Which is, The InVisibles, Who Rule The Global Systems!

Are "We" to Return Back to The Circumstances and Violations of Humanity, that Existed before The French Revolution?
Or, Historically, During The Era of The Boston Tea Party? Does it Take Another Revolution to Get The Attention of The Ruling Class?

And, What Happened to The New Jobs that "We" were Promised in This New Age of Technology?

What Could Be More Important to "We The People," Other than Ending The UN-Declared Wars, Than Getting Back to Work!

And, What Could Be More Important To "We The People," Than Keeping Our Homes and Not Being Forced to Live in A Shelter for The Homeless!

Does Anyone Doubt The Reasons for Apathy amongst The Public!
Or, The Dissatisfaction, and Distrust Towards The Government!
Why Vote when Your Elective Officials are Not Representing Your Best Interests! A Change Must Come!

Which is Why, It is So Important that A New Generation of Women and Men Continue to Come Forth to Represent "We The People!"

A Generation of New Leaders, Who Care About Our Families and Lives!

Women and Men Who Care about Our Health Care, Social Welfare and Security!

Women and Men Who Want to Make A Difference and "Heal The World!"

Women and Men Who Want to Lead The Way to A New Global Constitution and Emancipation Declaration that Is "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

Women and Men Who are Brave and Courageous Enough to Lead The Way To A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Can Change The World! And, Bring Peace to The Earth!

Women and Men Who are Willing to Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Lead The Way of An Earthrise Movement "Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who Will Eliminate The Fear of Being UN-Employed, UN-Educated, Ill, Disabled, or Disenfranchised from Our Lives!
For, "We" are All, Citizens Of The Earth, A Fraternity of Humanity! "We" are Family!"

And, "We" Need A New Generation of Women and Men of Vision, Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, Who Realize the Significance That Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions Can Have on The Future Of The Earth!
Women and Men Who Understand The Value of A Culturally Aware Society, Who Support A New Cultural Evolution On Earth!

And, "We" Need Women and Men Who Appreciate The Value of A Good Song, Entertaining Theatre, Film, Creative Poetry, Imaginative and Enlightening Dance Productions, and A Wonderful Non-Fiction and Fiction Novels!
Who, also, Appreciate The World of Art in General, Whether They Be Painters, Sculptors, Composers, Arrangers, Producers, or Musicians!
The Winds of Change are Here and Now, and This is The Way To Peace! Healing The World! A Peace Time Economy and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" Need to Be Teachers of The Truth, by Our Example!

And, "We" Need to Be Morally, Universally, and Spiritually Evolved, by Example!

And, "We" Need to Show that "We" are A Intellectually and Humanistically Evolved People, by Example!

And, Let Us Continue to "Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk" and Share Our Passion and Idea's, by Example!
And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word to One Another via Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook Over The Internet and Through The Cross-Media Universe All Across This Earth of Ours!

And, Let's Text Peace, and Share it, via "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," and Through Peaceful, Non-Violent Demonstrations!

This is Our Chance to Change The World, For "We" are The World, and A Change Must Come! A Change that is, In Equanimity, and In Harmony with The Universe!
And, Let Us Continue to Be A Great Soul Force of Peace All Through-Out The World! And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, Its Time For Us To Heal The World!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-I

I Understand Why There is so Much Bitterness and Disappointment Directed Towards Many of Our Political and Financial Leaders Today!
In The U.S., For Example, so Much Hope was Placed on The Success of President Obama's Election and The Feeling amongst Many, that A Positive Change Had Finally Come to The U.S. that Would Improve The Quality of Our Lives!

And, There was The Hope that The President and His Administration Would Repair The Economy and Create New Employment Opportunities, While Punishing Those Responsible for The Financial Crash in The U.S. that Had, in fact, Had a Detrimental Effect on The Global Economies as well!

But, All The Stimulus/Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Appeared to Do was Reward Those Who were Responsible for Breaking The Law, or Fudging The Books that Caused The Financial Fiasco in The First Place!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Have Been Left UN-Employed or Struggling to Pay Our Bills, even If "We" Have Employment!
All the While, The CEO's of "The Too Big To Fail" Corporations are Still Receiving Large Bonuses!

And, While The Democrats Appear to Be Passing Important Reform Bills and Ground Breaking Legislation, UN-Employment still Continues to Rise, and Our Family, Friends, and Neighbors are still Existing Under the Threat of Losing Their Homes, if They Can't Pay The Property Tax, or Make Their Loan Payment on Time!

And, The Republicans are A Major Embarrassment to Us All, Playing Games of Politics, in Their Attempts to Re-Take Washington, While American Citizens are Being Squeezed by The Negative State of The Economy, and Having to Deal With An UN- Caring Business Community!

So, At Present, Its Extremely Difficult to Trust Your Politician, Banker, or Financial Consultant!
So, Understandably, These are The Reasons Why, There is so Much Distrust and Bitterness Coursing Its Way Through The U.S. And, It is also A True Reflection of What Can Be Seen Happening Worldwide!

Just recently President Obama Advised a Group of Students to Work Hard to Achieve Their Goals (this is a Paraphrase of what The President said) and, I Thought to myself, Yes, that's The Proper Attitude to Take, and I've Got to Work Harder!
And, in Fact, I've, always, said to myself, and My Associates, that I Feel that I Have to, Continuously, Do Better than What my Previous Best Effort was, in order to Achieve my Goals!
But, It Seems a Shame that So Many of Us, After Years of Hard Work, Have to Continue to Think This Way to Survive, Without Repose! Or else, You Might Lose Your Job!

This is The 21st Century! Where is The Social Security and Safe Guards that "We" were Told that "We" Would Receive if "We" Worked Hard and Played by The Rules!
But Now, One Wonders, by Whose Rules! And, Who is Changing The Rules for Their Own Benefit! Or, To Benefit The Few Capitalistic Oligarchs and Global- Ists of The World!
And, Why are "They" (The Infamous "They") Allowed to Continue to Have Their Way, Whenever "They" Want to, and, Once again, Its always At The Expense of "We The People!"
And, Why aren't Our Religious Leaders Condemning these "Above The Law," Manipulative, Soul Less, Individuals! Are "They "Too Big Too Touch" even for The Clergy!
So, "Who Do You Trust!" This is Not A Game! Who is Speaking Out to Protect The Rights of "The People!"

History has Shown Us, that Great Moments Have Been Achieved when Women and Men of Great Consciousness Have Come Forth in Times of Great Travail, and Sacrificed of Themselves to Right An Injustice in The World!
And, They Backed Up Their Words with Action! And, They Gave Freely of Themselves to Make a Better World for All of Us to Live in!

And if, "We" are to Change The World and Make it A Better Place for Us and Our Children to Live in, Then "We" Will Have to Do The Same Thing!

These are Serious Times, and There is Little Doubt that "We" are at A Crossroads, and It Will Take A Serious Effort to Right The Wrongs Committed against "We The People" and Give Hope to The Disheartened, and Bring Back a Return To Times Gone by, When Hope Prevailed, and Inspired Our Children and Each of Us to Try Harder and Go One More Mile in The Name of Peace and Prosperity For "One and All!"

And to, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, I say, "We" Need You to Exceed Your Previous Efforts and Potential!
"We" Need You to Sacrifice of Yourselves to Change The World and Establish A New Political and Global Finance System that Truly Represents "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And since, Great Moments are Achieved by Great Acts, Why Not Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to End The Violence of War for Once and For All!
The Headlines All over The World, alone, Would Cause A Great Surge in "The Spirit of The People!"
And, to Show Your Resolve, Instruct A Global Force of New Millennium Armed Forces (made up of NATO, UN, or Women and Mew of The Combined Earth Nations Armed Forces) to Keep The Peace, while Peace Negotiations are Ongoing!
And, These Brave and Courageous Armed Forces Would Maintain and Sustain The Peace from Being Broken by Any Disruptive, Corrupt, Evil, or Chaos Driven Antagonist, Whose Self Interests are A Threat to Any Peace Seeking Nation, or People!

Once again, Great Moments are Achieved by The Realization that A Greater Goal is More Important than Making a Profit at The Expense Of The Earth and One's Fellow Human Being!
So, To The World of Finance and Big Business, I ask You, Is Profit at Any Cost Worth The Depletion Of The Earths Natural Resources!
And, Is The "Almighty Bottom Line" Philosophy of Doing Business Worth Seeing Thousands of Us, Losing Our Homes!
And, When You Look in The Mirror, Is The Face You See, The Face that You Would Like Your Children to See! The Face of Greed and Lust for Power!

The Forty Billionaires Who Have Announced Their Intention of Giving Half of Their Fortunes to Philanthropic Causes and Charitable Organizations are The New Face of The World of Finance, and This is The Face that I Have Great Hopes in, that Will Create A Great New Future that Embraces A Universal State of Being and Compassion, and Invests in, and Cares for The Social Welfare Of "All The People!" And, Brings about The End of Poverty On Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Chance To Heal The World! And, A Peace Time Economy and Peace Millennium that "We" Can All Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Lift Up Our Spirits and Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, Let Us Spread the Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace thru "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," The Global Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Demonstrate, Non-Violently, to "Give Peace A Chance!" And, Let Us, Non-Violently, Shake Up The World, Because, A Change Must Come! And, A New Emancipation Declaration and Global Constitution "Of, By, and For The People," Must Come to Be!

And, With Our Each and Every Breath, Let Us Be A Great Soul Force of The Winds Of Change!
Because as Bob Dylan sang (and Continues to sing On Tour) "The Times They are A Changing!" And, If "We" are to apart of This Change and Change Our Lives, In Equanimity with The Universe, Then Change "We" Must Do!

And, Always, Remember that No Matter What Race, Creed, or Nationality You May Be, First and Foremost "We are All One Family of Human Kind! Born on This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, The Lives of All Sentient Beings are Sacred and Should be Respected!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, September 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! #100

In this Age of Instant Global Communication, Idea's are The Most Important Allies to Help Us Transcend The Conditioned Reality that Surrounded Us, and Has Had A Powerful Effect on Our Everyday Way of Life!
And, Whether "We" Agree or Disagree "We" Must All Speak Out against The Injustices that Continue to Plaque Us, if , "We" are To Live In Peace! For, Without Idea's, "We" Would "All" Find Ourselves Existing In "A Robotic State of Being and Malaise of The Spirit, that Would Be Too Unconscionable to Imagine!"

And, For Example, "We" Must Continue to Speak Out against Poverty!

And, There is No Valid Reason Why, Anyone Should be Homeless!

Or, Why Racism Should Continue to Exist on Our Planet Earth!

And, This is The 21st Century, Its Time that The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders Found Concrete Ways to Address The Issues that are of Great Concern to "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth!
Such as War!
And, A Global Truce Would Be a Powerful Statement to The World!

And, As Previously Stated Here, There Will always Be Those Whose Intentions are Not Peaceful One's, But, that Should Not Deter Our Leaders from Seeking, or Negotiating, To Live in Peace With Like Minded Leaders Who Believe in Representing The Principles and Laws Of Free People Of The Earth!

In The Past, History Has Shown Us that, Great Moments Have Arisen from Times of Great Danger on Earth, and, These Moments Have Come from A Great Resolve and Will "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And Today, "We" are In Need of New Approaches Towards Finding Solutions to End The Corruption that Our Global Financial System Has Caused, To The Demise of The Worlds Economy! Sending Millions of Us into UN-Employment!

And, "We" are In Need of A Global Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that Represents Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!
And, A Humanitarian Based System that Fully Represents "We The People!"
A Just System that is "Of The Earth, and In Equanimity with The Universe!

And, Let Us Fuse, and Coalesce Our Idea's of Peace, and How to Share The Earths Resources and Riches with "One and All!"

And, With One Interdependent Voice, Sing Out, Loud and Clear as A Great Soul Force of Peace, that "We are One People, Of This Planet Earth," and that, "We Desire to Live In Peace!"

And, Let Us Not Forget For One Moment, that "We" All Have Our Part to Play! And, This is One of The Reasons Why, I've Suggested Meditating, or Contemplating, on A Daily Basis, Especially During These Troubled Times!

It is so Important that "We" Take The Time to Address the Myriad Concerns that, "We" are Faced with, On A Personal and Universal Basis!
Yes, Universal , as well, Why? Because, "We" are "All" Apart of A Greater State of Being than "We" Have Been Conditioned to Believe in!
And, "We" Have An Equal Responsibility to The Ecology of The Universe, as well as, to The State of The Ecology Here On Earth!

The Sheer Consequences of Our Actions Have Ripple Effects that are Limitless in Scope! And, Each Action Causes A Reaction that Must Be Adhered to, and Learned from, Without Causing Such Destruction, and Negativity that, "We" are Impeded from Evolving In Equanimity with The Cosmos, as well as Here On Earth, with Each Other!

There have Been Great Times on Earth when "We" Have Existed in Culturally Evolved Time Periods, and, In Peace With One Another, But, It Takes A Great Resolve of Beneficent and Moral Leadership, Combined with A Commitment By Its Citizens, to Rise To A Higher Ground of Conscious Realization!
This is, The Earthrise Movement that I have Referred to! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Resolutely and Respectfully Dedicate Ourselves to Utilizing All of The Resources at Our Command to Work Arduously Towards Establishing An Age of Peace On Earth, For Our Generation and For The Generations to Come!

And, Let Us Persevere, and Act in Concert with One Another Towards The Achievement of Our Goals!

And, Let Our Hopes, Dreams, and Visions Guide Us to A New Reality, and, A New Sense of Humanity that is Compassionate, Generous, All Encompassing, and All Inclusive! Excluding No One!

For "We" are "One and All," Citizens Of This The Third Planet from The Sun! The Earth is Our Home!

And, Let's Continue to Spread The Word via The Internet, Thru Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, "Peace Chat Rooms," and The Cross-Media Universe! And, Thru Non-Violent Demonstrations and Word of Mouth!

This is Our One Hundredth Blog of "The Way To Peace Series," and "We" Will Continue to Speak Out, Express, and Put Forth Interdependent Idea's and Universal Views, For as long as it Takes to See The Seeds of Peace Grow, and One Day Become A Reality On Earth!
And, I Invite You to Continue to Fly with Us on "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace" as "We" Non-Violently Follow The Vision Path of The Winds of Change!
And, "We" Would like to Thank Those of You Who Have already Committed to Undertake This Journey with Us!

And, "We" Would like to, Expressly, Give Our Thanks to The Many Who Have Motivated and Empowered Us, By The Sharing of Their Idea's, Thoughts, Actions, and Words of Inspiration and Encouragement! " Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

This Is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium that is United In Peaceful Co-Existence With An Age Of Consummate Healing, Spiritual Enlightenment, and Cultural Evolvement!

Thursday, September 9, 2010




These are Troubling Times! Why? Because of The Lack of Co-Operation of The World of Big Business, and The Continuing Squabbles amongst Our Politicians, Especially as The Up & Coming Elections Grow Closer, are Just a Few of The Reasons!
However, Each Day I Find it Very Important to Find Peace within, and then, Share it! And, I suggest that "We" All Take The Time to Spend as Much Quality Time, as Possible, with Our Family and Friends!
And, While You're at it, Take The Time to Read A Good Book, simply, For The Pure Enjoyment of it!
And, Listen to Good Music that is Imaginative, Inspiring, and Lyrically Enlightening, or Satisfying on Some Level of Your Emotional, and, or Conscious Being!
Its These Moments that Get me Through The Day, and I Hope that These suggestions Can Do The Same for You!

But, Not Everyone Can Take The Time to Do so, Unfortunately!
The Economy still Hasn't Rebounded Sufficiently to Improve The Plight of Millions upon Millions Of Us, Worldwide!
And, Racial Profiling and Class Discrimination are still Being used as Political and Vengeful Tools to Manipulate Us, to Stand against Each other! Sadly!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Continue to Be Impeded from Evolving in The Natural Flow of Evolution, In Equanimity with The Universe!

History has always Shown Us How Important it is to Work Together, as One Nation, One World, and One People when Confronted with Adversity, and Forces of Negativity, Evil (yes, it does exist), Greed, Lust For Power, Selfishness, Immoral Acts against Our Children, and Dictatorships!

History has also Shown Us, Unequivocally, How Important it is, For The Global Industries, Financial Institutions, and Banks, to Invest and Support The Economy, Provide Work For The People, Provide Financing For The Re-Building and Continued Growth Of The Earths Infrastructures, and For Countering The Forces of Oligarchy whose Self Interests, (Unfortunately) Lack Any Real Concern For "We The People!"
These are The Soulless Ones! (The InVisibles)

Not only are These Troubling Times, But, They are, also, An Embarrassment to Any Honest, Intelligent, Consciously Aware, Streetwise Human Being! Why?

Because there are so Many, Who are Fortunate to Have Much More than They, or Their Families, Could Ever Spend in One Lifetime, Who Continue to Ignore, or Come to The Aid of The Myriad Poverty Stricken Area's Of The Earths Societies! Poverty Caused by Natural, or Man Made Disasters! But, Disastrous in Any Case, to Our Fellow Human Beings, All the Same!

It is of The Utmost Importance that These Fortunate Men and Women, Answer the Call of Humanity, and Come Forth, as Have the Forty Billionaires Who Have Offered Their Financial Assistance to Help The Poor and The Suffering, and to Give Support to The Struggling Middle Class, Who are, at times, Working Two Jobs a Week to Survive, or as the saying goes to, "Make Ends Meet!"

This is Not The Time to Hold Back, Its Time to Get Back to Reality! As The Mahatma meditated Upon, "Lead Us from UnReal to Real!" And, This is The Time to Apply This meditation to Shake Up, and Change The World!
And, For Once and For All, Eliminate Poverty from any Town, Village, City, or State On Earth!

And, Its Time For A Cultural Evolution, An Earthrise Movement, that Heals The Earth! Finds Cures for Its Diseases! Repairs and Improves The State Of The Earths Ecology! And, Invests in The Social Welfare of "All The People!"
The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, The Signs of The Time Support it! And are On Display All Over The Earth, In Large and Bold Letters! "Peace Now!" "Jobs Now!" A Change Must Come! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Will Stand for Nothing Less than, A Lasting Peace On Earth, For "One and All!"

Is This UN-Realistic to Hope for? No, It isn't! I ask You, Do, The Earths Nations Have The Financial Resources, and Armed Forces to Defend, Protect and Preserve An Everlasting Peace On Earth? Yes, of Course, "They" Do!
So then, Why hasn't it Been Their Priority? And, Why, hasn't it Happened?
The Answer is always A Simple One, But, Irregardless to Whatever the Excuse maybe, This is Our Time to "Turn The Page," as President Obama Stated!
But, This Time "We" Want The Page Turned Away from War, and The Continued Escalations of UN-Declared Wars. or Regional Conflicts, and Genocide!

This Time, Let's "Turn The Page Away from A Failed and Broken Down Financial System to An "Earth World Economy," and A Peace Time Economy that is "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" For The "Winds of Change are Blowing!" And, A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Turn The Page, and Lift Our Voices Up High, that "We" Want Our Agenda Adhered to!
And, Let Us Remain Focused on An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that is "Of, By and For The People," and Not, For The Elite, or The "Istic Oligarchs," that Have Corrupted and Manipulated The Existing Financial System For Their Own Benefit, and Theirs alone, But Definitely, Not For Ours!

And, Let's Turn The Page Away from Any Politician that Engages in Partisan Politics!
Its Time For A New Generation of Women and Men to Emerge, and Come Forth as True Representatives "Of The People!" For, The "Winds of Change are Blowing! And, A Change Must Come!

And, Its Time for The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Rise Up, Upon The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Negotiate A Global Constitution of The 21st Century, and Establish A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, that Sets Forth The Principles of Peace On Earth, Everlasting! This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Do Not Be Distracted by, The Onslaught of Rhetoric that is about to Be Cranked Up to Bombard Us, as the Mid Term Election Campaigns Continue to Escalate and Saturate The Global Airwaves, and The Media!
And, Do Not Be Fooled by, All of The False Promises that The Candidates are Going to Spew Forth, Out of Desperation, to Get Our Vote!

Instead, Let us Stay Focused on Our Agenda, and As A Great Soul Force "Of The People," Non-Violently Change The World by Sowing The Seeds Of Peace!
For Our Time Has Come, and The Winds of Change are Blowing!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Peace, Change and The Earth, via The Global Internet, "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," and The Cross-Media Universe, All Across This Wonderful Earth of Ours!
For, This is Our Earth, Our Home, and "We" are "One People," of The Moon, Sun, and The Cosmos!
And, There is No Time Better than The Present, to "Give Peace a Chance," than There is, Right Now!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium! And, A Time to Heal The Wounds of Atrocities Gone By, Let's "Heal The World!"

Monday, September 6, 2010




As The Advent of A New Season of Change Brings Hope to An Earthrise Movement "Of, By and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Winds of Change are Flowing on Surf Tides from Hawaii to Newport, Rhode Island! And, from The Streets of Christania in Copenhagen, Denmark to Paris, France This New Wind of Change is Blowing!

And, The Passion For A Strong Desire of Change Continues to Manifest itself in Conversations, Whether They Be, at A Birthday Party in Warwick, R.I., or, in A Library in The West Village in NYC, Where a Conversation with An Accountant Reflects The Necessity For A Change, Non-Violently!

And All The Way to Orlando, Florida, where a Discussion with a Bus Driver Revealed The Intensity and Importance of Creating New Jobs to Counter The 9.6 Per cent National UN-Employment Malaise in The U.S.

This New Synergy of Change is Comprised of A Global Soul Force of Women and Men Who are "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" Who Understand The Frustrations of The Poor and Under-Privileged!
And, The Concerns and Sensitivities of The Middle Class, Who are Being Over Worked, Over Taxed, and Drained, and Lack The Finances to Care For Their Families!

This Global Soul Force of Women and Men, Who Sincerely Empathize and Sympathize with "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Deeply Concerned about How "We" Continue to Be, Abused By a System of Taxation that Continues to Take and Take, Without Showing Any Mercy or Fair Consideration of The Plight "Of The People!"

They are Women and Men Who Want to See Pot Holes Filled, and Bridges, Highways, Subways Repaired!

They are Women and Men Who Want to See Crime and Violence in Our Neighborhoods, Towns, Villages, Cities and States, Eliminated!

They are Women and Men Who Believe that Education of Our Children Should Be The Primary Concern of The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, as well as The Defense of Our Liberties, as Being Sacred Commandments to Our Way of Life!

They are Women and Men Who Believe in The Dignity of Each and Every Human Being, as Being A Moral Responsibility that Must Be Protected from Abuse, By The Few Who Consider Themselves Above The Law!

And, They are Women and Men Who Believe that The Wellness and Evolution of Humankind, In Equanimity, and In Parallel with The Universe, Should Be as Important as Learning to Count, or Teaching a Child Manners at The Kitchen Table!
And, They are Compassionate and Sensitive to The Welfare and Living Conditions of Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Financially, Spiritually, Emotional, Intellectually and Physically!

And, They are Women and Men Who Recognize that This Responsibility is Not a Burden to Our Earths Society, But, More Like A Natural Caring For One's Fellow Human Being!

And, They are Women and Men of All Way's of Life, from Wall Street to The Streets "Of The People!" And, Devotee's of The Synagogue, to Those of The Mosque!

They are Women and Men of The Arts and Education, and From Marketing to The World of Informational Technology!

And, They are Women and Men Who are of Universal, Spiritual, and Intellectual Conscious Awareness!

A Change is Coming! And, I, both, Applaud and Rejoice in Its Commitment and Dedication to Sowing The Seeds of A Peace Time Evolution!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Time Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Our Peace Vision thru A New Global Action, and via Word of Mouth in "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," All Across This Earth of Ours, via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Continue to Build An Earth Consensus For A Global Truce to Be Entered into By, Those Who Oppose Living in An Age of Peace On Earth, and The Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Earths Nations and Free Societies, Who are Proponents of Living in Peace On Earth!
And, It is Time that A Fair Understanding of What The Results and Consequences of A True and Lasting Peace On Earth Can Be, Versus What An Age Without Peace Can Be! Which Would Be A Disaster!

And, Let Us Continue to Encourage "One and All," to Agree to An Emancipation Declaration "Of The The People, By The People, and For The People," that Guarantee's The Position and Standing of Each and Every Newborn as A Citizen Of The Earth!
The Earth is Our Home and The Universe is The Unlimited Cosmos of Conscious Awareness, and Luminous Bodies, that "We" are Apart of!
And, As The Seasons Change, Let Us Agree to Embrace Each Other, and All Sentient and Inanimate Beings, In Equanimity, In Equality, and Respectfully, As One Family of The Omnipresent Omniscience of Life!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Millennium, and A Time For Healing!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010




As the Singing of The Cicadas Herald The Advent of Autumn, and The Fall Foliage, and While The Seasons Continue to Change, Some Things Do Not!
For Instance; While there Will Be No More Combat U.S. Brigades Left in Iraq, There Will, still, Be At the Least 50,000 U.S. Service Women and Men Remaining there, (plus the Paid Mercenaries that Have Been Hired)!
How Many Will Finally Come Home, and How Many Will Be Re-Directed to The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan is Another Matter!

So, It is Very Hard to "Turn The Page," as President Obama has Suggested that "We" Do! And, For Hundreds of Millions, if Not, Billions of Us, Worldwide, This is Not The Change that "We" had Been Hoping For!

And, It is Because of This Lack of Change in The Overall World Dominance, Psychology, and Philosophy of The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Governments of The Worlds Nations that A Change Must Come, before "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Can Finally, "Turn The Page!"

Its Very Difficult for, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who Have always Been The One's with The Most to Lose, and I'm Speaking of The Parents, Daughters and Son's, Grand Parents, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, and Family Members in General, Who Have Had to Go Through War after War Hoping For A Lasting Peace To Come, Simply "Turn The Page!" Because Too Many Lives Have Been Lost! And, If Anything, "We" Have to Continue to Make Our Voices Heard!

And Now, Is The Time to Heal Our Wounds, Not Make New One's!

Now, Is A Time For Healing, Not An Unspecified Time Period that is Devoted to More Deaths of Our Children Who Continue to Fight in Yet Another UN-Declared War, Who are In Harms Way!

And, Its Time For The Truth to Be Told Outright to Us, and Not The Unspoken, Left Out, Edited, Held Back, Half Truth and Watered Down Versions, of What The Real Intentions of What Our Elected Civilian Government Officials, and Military Leaders Intend on Doing!

For Another Example; Don't Continue to Mislead Us with Slogans of Your Intentions (For Election, or Political Purposes) and then, A year, or Two Later, Say that There Will Be 50, 000 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces Remaining in Iraq!
And, to Compound my Point "We The People," still, Do Not Have An Accurate Accounting of How Many of Our Daughters and Son's, who Have already Fought in Extended Tours/Campaigns in Iraq, Will Be Re-Directed to The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan!

And, Its Time for The Civilian Officials of The U.S. Government and Military Leaders to Be Upfront with Us! Don't Back Door Us! After All, "We" Live in A Democracy, Don't "We!"

And, The U.S. Coalition Forces are from Democratically Run Governments, Aren't They!

So, Why aren't Decisions Concerning War and Peace Decided Upon Constitutionally! And I Mean "Of, By and For The People!"

If "We" are Not Being Governed as A True Democracy Should Be, Then The Winds Of Change Must Come! And, Bring A New Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People," To Replace The Failed Political, and Economical System that is, Still in Place! A Change Must Come!

Actions Speak Louder than Words, However, Eloquently They May be Spoken, and Now is The Time For Healing and Peace, Not More of The Same ole Misdirected Policies of War, and A War Time Economy that "We" Have Been Force Fed to Endure For Millennia after Millennia! And, A Change Must Come!

But, "We" Have Our Work to Do, as Well! "We" Must Demonstrate and Non-Violently Call For A Global Truce amongst All, who Continue to Pursue Courses of Destruction, Disruption, and Acts of Violence, and The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Governments of The United World Nations, Who Represent "We The People," to Find New Way's and New Solutions For Establishing Peace on Earth!

And, Peace Dialogues Must be Conducted with The Sole Purpose of The Citizens Of The Earth, Living in Peace and Harmony with One Another! And, A True and Fair Representation of Justice "For One and All!"

As A Doctor Heals Our Physical Wounds!

And, As A Psychologist Heals The Wounds of Our Minds!

And, As Religious/Spiritual Women and Men of The Spirit and God, Heal Our Spiritual Wounds, Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders to Heal Us and Free Us from The Abuse that Has Been Heaped Upon Us by The Corrupt Political, Economical, Immoral, Power Hungry Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Dictators, Who Do Not Care about The Welfare of "We The People," So that "We" Can Finally Live in Peace On Earth!

And, Its Time to Heal Our Oceans and Fresh Waterway's!

And, Its Time to Heal The Earth!

And, Its Time to Purify The Air "We" Breathe!

And, Its Time to Allow The Brave Women and Men of Our United Global Armed Forces and Their Families to Heal Their Wounds!

And, Its Time, For Us, "One and All," to Heal Ourselves!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, to Further Expedite Our Message of Cultural Awareness, and, Of Our Peace Initiatives, Let Our Earthrise Movement Encourage The Implementation of Peace Dialogues "Of, By and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via The Internet in "Peace Chat Rooms!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word of This Powerful New "Global Communication Soul Force For Peace," Althrough-out The World via The Cross-Media Universe and Word of Mouth!
And, "Give Peace A Chance," to Grow by Sowing The Seed's of Peace and Harmony in Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word and Action!

And, In Doing so, Be A Great Soul Force of Peace Activists and Peacemakers of The New Millennium! Empowered By A Universal Synergy, that is, In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Natural Evolution and Growth of The Cosmos!

And, in Doing so, Be United, as A Family of Human Kind, Dedicated and Committed to The Preservation Of This Planet Earth!

For "We" are "One and All," Citizens Of the Earth! This Earth is Our Home, No Matter What Race, Creed, or Nationality You May Be!
And Remember that, "First of All" "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth, This The Third Planet from The Sun!
And that, Makes Us, "One and All," Sisters and Brothers Of Earth and The Universe, and "No One Is An Immigrant!"
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!