Sunday, June 27, 2010




Does anyone Seriously Believe that The United States is Going to Start Withdrawing All of its Troops in July of 2011, from Afghanistan/Pakistan!
That's like Believing that there are No U.S. Troops Remaining in Germany, South Korea, Iraq, or Japan!

That's Why, i Do Not Understand why President Obama and His Administration are Trying to Convince Us, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, that He is Being Sincere when He Tell's Us that, This is What His Intention is!
He is An Intelligent Man, However, Even More so than this, is His Importance and Position as Being A Man of Integrity and Honesty and, The Leader of The Free Worlds Most Powerful Democracy, that is Tragically Being Diminished!
And with it, The Hope of The Future that He Will Be A Leader who Transcends The World of Politics as Usual Behavior!

So, It is of The Utmost Importance that He, Not Attempt to Mislead Us! Especially after, So Many Years of Being Mislead and Lied to by The Previous U.S. Administration, and Members of The U.S. Coalition Leaders who Partook in the Rhetoric and False Documentation that Led Us, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth into Yet Another UN-Declared War in Iraq!

And, Believe me, when i say that, i Do Not know of Anyone, Knowledgeable in World Affairs or Humanitarianism, who Did Not Believe that Saddam Hussein was An Evil Dictator, who Caused The Deaths of Millions of His Own People, as well as Hundreds of Thousands of His Neighbors and Their Families, if Not More!

But, having said that, it Does Not Excuse The Outright Lies about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction, that Lead Us into Another UN-Declared War! Remember,"We" Live in A Democracy!

And, The Vietnam War was Enough of An Effrontery and Misuse of Power that Caused the Deaths of more than 58,000 U.S. Women and Men of The Armed Forces! And, The Wounding of 100,000's More! And, that Does Not Include The More than 1. 1 million Deaths and Wounded of The North Vietnamese, and Their Guerrilla Allies!

This UN-Declared War also, Divided The U.S. in Half, and Caused Unlimited Distrust About The Imperialist Intentions Of The United States, Worldwide!
So, "We" Do Not have to Walk Down that Path of Destruction again!

Even though, The Actions of Our Previous Political Leadership and Administrations of The 21st Century, "We've" Become Involved in The Longest War/UN-Declared War in U.S. History, in The Afghanistan/Pakistan Conflict!
(Although, i Know in All Honesty that, The Genocide and Illegal Policy of Removal of Native Americans from Their Lands, Lasted Much More than Any Armed Conflict that The U.S. has been Involved in).

But, Why is it so Hard for The Present Administration to Understand that A Change Must Come?
And, Why aren't They Cognizant of The Fact that A New Multi-Faceted Global Politico/Financial System Must Be Initiated Worldwide with The Full Support of The World Leaders of The Earths Nations?
A Multi-Faceted Peace Time Global System, that Reflects The Rights and Freedoms "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Of This Planet Earth!

And that, This New Multi-Faceted System Must Transcend Capitalism, Socialism, Communism/Marxism, or Ism and Ocracy of whatever Political, Economical, or Religious Nature at All!

And that, It is of The Greatest Importance that Women and Men "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Come Forth to Both, Legally and Morally Represent The Citizens Of The Earth!

Why? Because A Change Must Come, and, Yes, " Its been a long, a long time coming, But I Know A Change is gonna come, oh yes it will," as Sam Cooke sang, and, "We"Must Prevail, For That Time is Here and Now!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 21st Centuries, Its Time that "We" Took Out All of The Old Peace Anthems, Dusted Them Off, and Non-Violently Demonstrate against The Capitalistic Oligarchs and Imperialists who have Maliciously Attempted to Control and Dictate what Should be the Main Criteria of Our Lives!

Let Us Non-Violently Demonstrate against these Imperialists as Did Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, in Their Own Great Civil Rights, Anti-War, and Rights Of Sovereignty Struggles, "For The People," Crusades, and Campaigns!
And, Once again, Its Time that "We" All sang A Song of Freedom, "Free At Last," Its Time that "We" were "Free At Last!"

And, May Our Earthrise Movement Extend Beyond The Boundaries of The Conditioned/Physical State of Being that has Impeded Us for so Long, and Let Us Be A Great Soul Force "Of The People, By The People, and For the People!" And, Without A Doubt, This Should be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!

And, Let Us Call For A Global Truce by All of The Earths Warring Factions, and Enter into A Peace Dialogue that Establishes The Rights Of Justice, Equality, and Equanimity For All Sentient Beings!

As Woody Guthrie sang, "This land is our land," and This Earth is Our Home, and "We" are The Heart, Mind and Soul of This Great Body Of Earth, Sea, Sky and Universe!

And, it is Our Responsibility to Re-Invest and Re-Enter into A Universal State of The Dignity and Respect For All Humankind!

And, Let Us, "One and All" Follow A New Vision Path that Leads Us, and Guides Us To Living in A World Of Peace that is Everlasting!

And, Let Us Share this Vision of Peace via All of The Global Outlets of The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, and Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!

And, Let this be Our Mantra, and Our Anthem Of Peace on Earth that Future Generations Can Rejoice in, and Give Thanks for!
Too Many Tears have been Shed in The Name of Peace!
And, Too Many of Us, Women and Men have Given Their Lives, so that Future Generations Can Live Free from Fear, and Oppression!

"We Can Work it Out," as The Beatles sang, However, It is Essential that "We" Learn to Live in Peace with One Another! Now!
Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXVII

Who Really is "Team America?" General McChrystal & His Aids? President Obama, His Administration & National Security Team, General Petraeus, Vice President Biden, Sec. Of State Clinton, Sec. Of Defense Gates, The Supreme Court, The Ex-Presidents & Vice Presidents Of The U.S., The Political Parties, The Cable & Network News Reporters & News Commentators? Or, is it "We The People?"
As Dysfunctional, at times as "We" May be, I Sincerely Believe that The Answer is "We The People!"
Why? Because, The Political/Media Circus of The Ridiculous is Just Too Much to Trust!
But, In Actuality "We are All Team America" and The Sooner that "We" Learn, and Accept this, The Better it Will be For All of Us!

But, to Expand upon this Point who is Team Earth? The Leaders of The EU, President Medvedev of Russia, President Hu Jintao of China, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, President Sarkozy of France, The Prime Minister Cameron of England, The Global Members Of The United Nations, or, "We" who are The Citizens Of the Earth?
Once again, I Sincerely Believe that The Answer is "We," who are The Citizens Of The Earth!
And, Once again, it is For The Same Reason!

And, Once again, It is More than Obvious that The Global Social Model/System Does Not Work! That Includes The Political and Financial Systems as well!

And, The Immoral Behavior of Some Members Of The Worlds Religions have Caused Such A Loss of Faith, in Their Guidance, by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that Their Word is Less and Less Being Looked upon, by Us, as Being "The Word Of God!" And, Once again, it is More than Obvious that A Change Must Come!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that A New Global Multi-Faceted Financial System be Put in Place of The Failed One that has Caused The Global UN-Employment that has Devastated The States, Cities, Towns, and Villages Of The Earths Nations!

And, it is of The Utmost Importance that A New Global Multi-Faceted Political System be Put in Place of The Compromised and Corrupt One of The Past, that has Over Taxed, Underpaid, and Lied to Us, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth For Far Too Long!
A Change Must Come!

And, it is Obvious that "We" are in Need of A New Generation Of Women and Men in Whom The Principles and Ideals "Of The People," are Treasured Above and Beyond The Call to Duty by Civilian and Military Leaders who No Longer Respect, Honor, or Consider The Concerns "Of The People," as Being Their Primary Concern!

And, The Ambitions of Those in The Theatre of War & Terrorism Lack in Integrity, and Too Many of Our Women and Men are Dying In UN-Declared Wars, and Global Attacks by Terrorists!

There is Nothing Wrong in Death, as Long as it has A Natural or Noble Purpose, and, or Reason for Being in The First Place!

And Secondly that, The Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, GrandMothers and GrandFathers Deserve Nothing Less than A Noble Reason or Purpose for Losing A Member of Their Family, if in Deed Such A Crushing Moment Should Occur!

Each and Every Life Should Not Be Taken for Granted by The Leaders Of The Worlds Nations, Civilian or Military! Or, The Global Clergy! Once again, Its More than Obvious that The Time For Change has Come!

This is The Time for Reconstruction and Restoration of The Earths Communities!This is The Time for Global Investment in Green Technologies, and Peace Time Industries!

This is The Time to Find Solutions to The Myriad Differences that have Caused Distrust and A Lack Of Respect For Another!
Why? Because, Once again there are Terrorist Attacks in Turkey, and Iraq!

And, Once again, there are Epithets and New Threats of Violence being Made by Al Qaeda and The Taliban against The U.S. and its Coalition Allies!
A Change Must Come!

A New Season Of Peace and Prosperity Must Come to Be!

A New Millennium of Cultural, and Spiritual Awareness Must Come to Be!

A New Global Social Model of Peace and Equanimity Must Come to Be!

A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue amongst All Warring Factions of This Planet Earth Must Come to Be!

And, A New Emancipation of "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, that Calls For An End of Poverty, and The Promise of, and Absolute Commitment to, A New Age of Social Welfare "For The People" Must Become A Reality!

And, A Universal System Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Indivisible and Interdependent, that Shows Honor and Respect For One and All Must Come to Be A Reality!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, its Definitely Time For A Climate Change All along The Earths Horizon!

And, Its Time For A New Season Of Hope, Enlightenment and A True Measure of Women and Men, Must Replace the Sophists that have Mislead Us, and Guided Us into One War after Another without Thought of what Damage it Would Cause to The Psyche of Our Children, and Our Children's Children, for Generations to Come!
A Change Must Come!

So, Let Us Reach Out To Kindred Spirits, Soulmates, Friends, Neighbors, and to Each Other, and, Let Us Resolutely and Steadfastly Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!

And, Let Us via The Internet, Non-Violent Demonstrations, and The Global Cross-Media Universe, Make Our Positions Known, that A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

And, Let Us, as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Truth, Sow the Seeds of A Peace that is Everlasting! And, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! "We Shall Overcome!"

Sunday, June 20, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXVI

The Trail Of Tears has Extended Beyond the Parameters of American History to Encompass All Of Our Lives. It has gone Beyond the The Illegal Removal and Deaths Of The Cherokee Indian Nation to Reach Out to, and have an Effect on Each and Everyone of Us in One Way or Another!
And, has Continued from War to War, and Holocaust to Holocaust! And, its Time that A Change Must Come!
And, Its Time that "We the People," were Given An Opportunity to Live in Peace!
And, Its Important to Establish that there is No Place for Dictators, Terrorists, White Collar Crime, Pedophiles, False Prophets, or Corrupt Politicians! Need I Continue to Go On! A Change Must Come!
And, "We" Should All Show Our Indignity and Disgust after The Deaths of So Many of Our Family Members and Friends that has Transpired for Millenia after Millenia, Seemingly Without End!
And, Its Time for A Millenia of Peace to Become A Reality! Let it Be Now, For All Of Our Sakes!

And, May Our Armed Forces be Omnipotent in Their Defense Of The Peace, for in doing so, They are Protecting Our Lives, and The Lives of Our Families and Friends! So that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth May Live in Peace, and Share in The Limitless Resources of Our Planet!
These Women and Men have Paid The Ultimate Price for Peace! They've Given Their Lives, These Heroes, Wounded, and The Brave, in Order to Protect, Serve and Preserve Our Freedom, Dignity, and The Earth, to Evolve in Parallel with The Unlimited Expansion and Evolution of The Universe, of which "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are, but, A Small, although, Meaningful Part of!

And, its Time that "We" One and All, Honor Their Sacrifice by Sharing The Peace and Respecting The Way's Of Life of One Another, so that, "We" May, One and All, Embrace The Universal Principles and Ideal's Of A Myriad Diverse Nationalities, Races and Creeds of The Earth! Our Home!
And, The Exit Plans of These Conflicts Must be Consistent with Our Principles and Ideals!
The 94,000 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Fighting in An UN-Declared War Deserve this, and Must be Made to Know, as Should Our Coalition Allies, that Their Sacrifice and Great Effort has Not been Made in Vain, and is in The Name of Peace!
And, The Earths Population Must Know that Peace on Earth is Our Ultimate Goal as well!
And, The Enemies of Peace Must be Made to Understand that "We" Will Never Retreat from Our Beliefs in The Goal of Peace on Earth!
And that, "We" Will Never Back Down when Threatened by Fear, or Attacks Upon Our Way Of Life, and Of Peace, and Freedom!

And, its Time for "A Long Term Restoration Plan" as Suggested by President Obama in regards to The Gulf Disaster, to be Used as An Example for The Elimination and Resolution of The Economical Downturn that has Plagued The Earths Societies, Countries, States, Cities, Villages, and Towns!

And, The Time has Come for The Global Economists, and Political Leaders to Speak Up, and Speak Out in The Name of This Global Restoration and Reconstruction Plan!
Everyone Knows that The Present Global System is Broken, and A Change Must Come!

Everyone is Aware that Global UN-Employment is A Result of this Broken and Failed System, and A Change Must Come!

The BP Disaster and Tragedy in The Gulf is A Microcosm of This Failed System, Because, it is an Extension of The "Free Pass to Go," Modus Operandi that has been Continuously Provided by The Regulators and The Federal Government! And This Can Not Continue to Go On UN-Regulated! A Change Must Come!

These "Too Big to Fail" Corporations and Businesses Must be Made to Change Their Business Models from The Philosophy of "Profit and Productivity without Baring Responsibility of The Results and Consequences of Their Actions," Must End!
A Change Must Come!

And, The Citizens Of The Earth Must Know, "Without a Doubt," that The Fed, The IMF, The ECB, and All of The Global Banks, Financial Institutions, and World Nations have Built a New Escrow Account and Financial System "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to be Used in Support "Of The People," and Their Way Of Life!
A New Multi-Faceted Financial System "For The People," that Will Make Absolutely Certain that there is Enough Liquidity in The System to Support and Pay for The Global and Personal Concerns "Of The People," in The Future!

A Multi-Faceted Global Financial System that Will Guarantee that The Families "Of The People," Will be Provided for, and Cared for when Faced with Man Made or Natural Disasters! Because, A Change Must Come!

And lastly, "We The People," Must Be Protected from The Greedy "Profit for Our Investors Mentality at any Cost," of Big Business, Because Our Welfare and The Welfare of The Earth, Our Home, is At Stake!
And, It is Of The Greatest Importance that "We" Change The World! And, Non-Violently Shake Up The World!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that Our Way of Life Should Not be Controlled by The Dictates of The Capitalistic Oligarchs! Because, A Change Must Come!

And, it is of The Greatest Importance that "We" Learn to Trust and have Faith in One Another, Because, "We are The World," and The Backbone of The Global Economy! And, A Change Must Come!

And, Because "We" Need Each Other, just as "We" are in Need Of The Earth, to Be and Remain A Sanctuary of Natural Evolution and Growth!
And, This Growth Should Be in Equanimity and Harmony with Our Lives and The Lives Of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!
And, This is The way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Let This be The Season Of Change that Gives Birth To An Age Of Cultural Evolvement and Conscious Awareness!

And, Let This be The Season of Change that Gives Birth to An Age of Educational Evolvement, and Spiritual Transcendency!

And, Let This be The Season of Change that Brings An End of Poverty and Elitism!

And, May Our United Voices Sing Out as One, that The Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue has Come!

And, May Our Voices Sing Out as One For A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, For All Sentient beings!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement Give Birth to An Age of Accountability, Enlightenment, Truth, Equality, and Justice For One and All!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that, This Age of Global Communication Spread The Word that Our Time has Come, and that A Season of Peace is Upon Us!
And, as A Great Soul Force and Empowerment "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Let Us Sing Out, "Give Peace a Chance!" And, "We Shall Over Come!"
This is The Way To Peace, and An Age of Great Potential!
And, A Magnificent New Season of Peace, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, June 17, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXV

The Way To Peace Leads Us, "One and All," to An Exciting, New, and Wonderful Opportunity to "Come Together" as John Lennon sang with The Beatles!
Its An Opportunity for Us "One and All," to Transcend The Myriad Illusions, Discrepancies, and Diversities that have Saturated This Conditioned Reality that has Led Us Astray, Misguided and Kept Us Separate from Believing in One Another, for Most of All Humanity!

This is An Opportunity for Us to Sow, and Care for The Seeds of A New Age of Alternative Energy Sources such as; Wind, Solar and Hydro Power, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Tidal Power, Fossil Fuel, Methanol and Ethanol!

This is An Opportunity for Us to Develop and Encourage The Growth of A New Peace Time Economy, even as "We" are still Embroiled in 2 UN-Declared Wars, and A Global War on Terrorism!

Its An Opportunity for Us to Make Changes in The Global Political Systems that have Continuously Failed Us, and "We" Can, through Non-Violent Demonstrations, and in The Next Elections, Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Grassroots Movement of Peace "All along The Earthrise Horizon!"

And, This is A Perfects Time Period to Encourage A New Generation of Women and Men of Enlightenment and Wisdom, who are Genuinely Concerned about The Welfare of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Come Forth as Truthful, Honest, and Accountable Representatives "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and for The Sake of This Planet Earth!
And, it Does Not Matter Whether They be Members of The Socialist, Capitalist, Communist, Conservative, Labour, Democrats, Republican or Libertarian Parties!
Nor, Does it Matter what Race, Nationality or Creed They May be, as long as These Women and Men are in Full Agreement and in Total Realization that "We" are "All" One People Born, (First and Foremost), as Citizens Of The Earth!

And, its Important that These Women and Men be Transparent, Knowledgeable and Experienced in The Fields of; Global Industry, The Ecology, The Universal Environment, The Global Economy, Politics, Spirituality, Education, Arts & Culture, and The Everyday Life and Welfare of "We The People!" Because The Time for Change, has Truly Come!
In "Turn, Turn, Turn," a song sung by The Byrds, there is a Line that is very meaningful, "There is a Season (Turn, Turn, Turn,) and A time for every purpose under heaven." And, This is The Time and Season for Us to Unite in A Common Cause that is Beneficial and Meaningful to The Overall Evolution of "We The People!"

And, May "We" be Purposefully, Resolutely, and Steadfastly United Firmly Together as A Great Soul Force of One World, Determined to Exist in Peace and Equanimity, and "Free At last" from The Transgressions of The Past! And, Unburdened from The Horrors that have Plagued, and Drained Us as A People!
This Should be a Main Fixture of Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!
And that, "We" as A People, are "Free At last" to Pursue Our Goals in Life!
"Free At last" to Live as One Family of Humankind!
And, once again, as Sly and The Family Stone sang "We are Family!" And, "We," Every Single One of Us, Should be Experiencing Being Here and Now as "A Family Affair!"
After all, "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And This Earth's Security, is Our Security!
This Earths Well being, is Our Well Being!
And, This is Why "We" Need to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, so that Our Leaders Can Pause to Address The Thoughts, Idea's, and Evolution of Our Personal and Universal Perspectives, and The Issues that "We," as A People, are Most Concerned about!
This is The Way To Peace and An End of War!
And, a Way that Leads to A Time Period of Peace of on Earth! A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Apply The Lessons Learned from Previous Times when The Fabric of Our Earths Societies were Threatened by War and Economic Instability!

Let Us Apply The Lessons Learned when "We" were Faced with Violence and Aggression!

And, Let Us Apply the Lessons Learned in The Past, when "We" were Faced with Injustice, Crime, The Human Slave Trade, Religious Hypocrisy, and Political Selfishness, Ineptitude, Corruption and Greed!

And, Let Us Spread The Word that Our Time has Come to Complete The Work that was Previously Begun by Our Foremothers and Forefathers!
The Work that Heralded A New Beginning, A New Age, and A Rebirth of The Ideals and Principles of Life that Foretold of A Season of A Great Peace Millennium, and A Shared Prosperity for "One and All!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word via all The The Global Outlets of This New Age of Advanced Technology, Science, and Communication, that its Time for A Change! A People Change!
And,A Change that All Sentient Beings Can Embrace as Their Own!
And, its Time that "We"Gave Peace a Chance, for The Sake Of The World and This Earth that is Our Home!
For "We are The World!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, June 13, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXIV

How is it Possible that The Fallen Heroes of Our Armed Forces have been Misplaced or, Placed in Mislabeled Graves in Arlington Cemetery, The Premier American Military Cemetery?

How is it Possible that Their Lives Could Be So Taken For Granted?

What Did They do to Deserve such Disgraceful Treatment?

Isn't is Enough that They have Died For Their Country, and that Their Families and Friends Will Not have Their Joy and Laughter to Share at Family Gatherings for The Rest of Their Lives?

Isn't it Enough that Their Life Lines have been Cut Short before They've had An Opportunity to Enjoy a Full Life?

Do These Heroes, also, have To Bear The Insult of Being Lost in Their Own Country!

What Inept, Insensitive, Incomprehensible System Could be Responsible for Such a Travesty!

And, what Grotesque Act of Ignorance Could Make such a Terrible Act of Inexcusable Thoughtlessness!

Isn't it Enough, that Our Daughters and Sons, Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Nieces and Nephews, Friends and Neighbors have been Sent to Fight in UN-Declared Wars on Foreign Shores!

Isn't it Enough, that The Reasons for The UN-Declared War in Iraq was Totally Pre-Fabricated and Based on False Pretenses, and Outright Lies!

Isn't is Enough, that Our Brave Women and Men have Selflessly Chosen to Give Their Lives to Protect Our Way of Life, Our Freedoms, and Our Principles!

Isn't it Enough, that They have Heroically Fought in Harms Way to Protect The Liberties and The Rights "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," from Dictators and Warmongers!

And, What is Their Reward? To Be Buried in Mislabeled or Misplaced Graves!

What Kind of Sacrilegious, Irreverent Behavior, is this! And, The Shame of it, The Horrible Shame of it! A Change Must Come!

But, Fear Not, Because "We Shall Overcome," However, to Use a Light Repartee to Deal with this Tragic Situation, and Very Serious Time Period in Our Lives in General, allow me to Use a Variation of a Title of One of Ringo Starr's songs to say "It Won't Come Easy! Nothing Does!

But, its All The More Reason for The Need to Change Our Lives from The Insensitive Conditioned Way of Life that has Manipulated Us for Millennium after Millennium, to A New Age of Conscious Awareness, Enlightenment, Knowledge, and Respect For The Lives Of One Another!

I Can Hear The Byrds singing these words, adapted from The Book of Ecclesiastes " There is a Time to be Born and A Time to Die," but, to Die Under these Circumstances is Not what "We The People" Can Afford to Endure For One More Day! A Change Must Come!

This Year, there has been Another 35 U.S. Deaths in The UN-Declared War in Iraq, and Another 167 U.S. Deaths in The UN-Declared War Afghanistan/Pakistan!

And then, Add to that Another 5o Deaths from The UK, and 40 More Deaths from Our Coalition Allies! Can this Continue to Go On Unconditionally! Can it?
A Change Must Come!

A Lyric from Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind comes to mind, "How Many Deaths will it take Til he knows That too many People have Died? And, I sincerely Believe that "We" are All Aware, in Our Heart of Hearts, that Too Many People Have Died, and Enough is Enough!
And, its Time that "We" Turned Our Anger and Frustration Resulting from The Failure of The Global Financial System, The British Petroleum Disaster, White Collar Crime, Corruption, Fraud, Global UN-Employment, Poverty, Pedophiles in The Church, UN-Declared Wars, The Lack of Proper Funds to Finance Our Children's Education, The Lack of Health Care Affordability, and Political Ineptitude, into A Great Earthrise Movement of Change and Peace!

And, once again, as The Cycle of Life goes Round 'n Round, "We" have A New Opportunity to Change The World For The Better!

And, once again, as The Cycle of Life goes Round 'n Round "We" have a New Chance to Make a Difference!

And, One Person Can make a Difference, as Mahatma Gandhi has Proven! A Jesus Of Nazareth has Proven! One Person Can Make a Difference as Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Confucius, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, St Francis of Assisi, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, and Siddhartha Gautama have Proven!
And, All Together "We" Can Make A Difference and Non-Violently, Shake Up The World! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, as Woody Guthrie sang "This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land," and This Earth is Our Home, and "We" are All The Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Indivisible, Interdependent, and Free To Choose to Live in A Universal System that Embraces "One and All!"
A Universal System "Of The People, By The People and For The People!"

And, Let Our Emancipation of The 21st Century Be An Example of Our Earthrise Movement of The Empowerment Of "We The People!" And,to Use a Phrase from Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" its Time to "Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds," and Our Time has Come!

And, May Our Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue Be "For The People!"

And, May "We" Continue to Be A Great Soul Force of Change, that is Endorsed By All The People!

And, as Peter, Paul & Mary sang, "If I had a hammer, I'd sing it in the morning, I'd sing it in the evening all over this Land!"
And by this Example, Let Us Spread The Word that Our Time has Come, All over this Land, via The Internet, and The Global Cross-Media Universe, All Day and All Night Long!

Edwin Starr sang "War, huh, good God what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!" And, He was Absolutely Right! Let's "Give Peace Chance," as John & Yoko sang, With The Help of a Few Good Friends!
This is The Way To Peace, and A New Age of Hope! And, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, June 10, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXIII

I grew up in An Age where you would Never Hear The President Of The United States Publicly refer to apart of the Human Anatomy in a Derogatory Way!
And, if I ever used such Language in the Form of An Expletive my Mother would have Threatened to Wash Out my Mouth with Soap and Water, if I ever said it again!

And, while I have been writing about The Need for A Change, I'm Positive that President Obama's Choice of Words during a Recent Interview was Not The Change that I was Referring to! Yes, The Times They Are A-Changin', as Bob Dylan sang, but...?

You would think that this was the Most Important Statement that The President has Ever Made, just look at The News Coverage that it has Received All through-out The News Media, and, Next, I Expect to See it on Bumper Stickers, Tee Shirts, and Hats, so, He Must have Known what He was Saying? Right?

In Fact, I Expect to Hear This Phrase Used in The Up and Coming Election Campaign for The Presidency, and in Regional, and Local Campaigns from All over The United States!

But, Seriously, I Can Understand The Presidents Frustration over The Lack of Progress being Made by British Petroleum! Plus, The Fact that "They" weren't Properly Prepared, and Did Not have The Proper Safeguards in Place, to Deal with The Ecological Tragedy that is Presently Taking Place in The Gulf!
Then, add to that, The fact that British Petroleum was Given The Green Light to Drill Offshore by The Federal Regulators who Inspected Their Rigs!

But, How does a Parent explain The Presidents Use of Improper Language to Their Children, who they are Trying to Do Their Very Best to Teach them Right from Wrong?

And, How does a Teacher explain The Use of Language Used by The President to Their Students?

And, What does The Policeman or Policewoman on The Beat, say when a Street Punk tells them to Kiss my etc. when The President has Used a Variation of this Phrase!

And, if I were An Independent Swing Voter, I would begin to Wonder if The President was The Agent of Change that I was Hoping for, when I Voted for Him!

These Questions have been Circulating in my mind, Why? Because The President is An Intelligent Man, so, What was He Thinking? And, as Marvin Gaye sang, "What's Goin" On?

In the Meantime, while The Warring Factions of The Earth Continue to Kill and Be Killed by One Another, Our Earth Continues to Change without Pause! And, The Natural Disasters are Having a Devastating Effect on "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and The Earths Ecological System!
And then, Add to that The Man Made Disasters that have had Enormous Negative Effect on Our Global Economy, (as In The BP Situation) and Caused UN-Imaginative Effects on The Environment!
Our Sea's are Being Polluted! Our Skies are Being Polluted! Our Lands are Being Polluted! Our Universe is Being Polluted! This Can Not Continue to Go On, and if Our Leaders do Not Heed "The Sign of The Times," to use The Title of a Prince Song, "We" are Going to Pay a Severe Price For it!

And, once again, British Petroleum is a Case in Proof of How Much is Being Taken For Granted by Our Leaders, or, is it Simply that The Regulators, and The Politicians have Been Influenced to Look The Other Way when Potential Infractions are Casually Overlooked, and Not Repaired by The Powerful Oil Barons who Rule The Oil Industry! And, who Want to Rule The World, although I'm quite sure that Tears for Fears were Not referring to them when they sang "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," and Rightfully so!

However, these Oil Barons act as if They" are The Privileged Class! The Elite, "The Too Big To Fail," or, is it "The Too Big to Touch" Industry!
Well,"They're Not! And, if "They" Break The Law, and Cause The Loss of Life then "They Must Lose Their Rights to Drill, and Should be Held to The Same Standards and Laws that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are Subject to!

But, Even More than that, This Earth of Ours Can No Longer Afford to Be Raped, Ravaged, and Depleted of its Natural Resources! And This is For Our Sake as well!

And, since Our Political Leaders Continue to Authorize The Spending of Trillions of Dollars to Win Wars and Capture Our Enemies and in Defense of Our Freedoms, "They" should, also, Prioritize An Equal Amount of Funds to Protect Our Skies, Sea's, and Lands from any Further Damage or "We" Will End Up Losing The Natural Resources, Parks, Forests, Jungles, Rivers, Oceans, Sentient Life Forms, and, in Fact,Cause The Earths Destruction! And, this is Not A Dooms Day Prediction, this is Just a Practical Use of Logic!
And, The Future Destiny of "We The People," Will End Up Resembling A Synthetic World with No Soul!

And, if President Obama and His Administration Lose in The Next Election it Will Be Their Own Fault!

Its been "A Long, Long Time Comin," as Sam Cooke sang, but, "We" All Know That A Change Must Come! And, This Change is The Way To Peace! And, A Peace Time Ecology! And, A Peace Time Economy! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Economists Claim that The U.S. Economy is Gradually Growing, but, as "We" are All Aware of, since The National UN-Employment Figures are still 9.7, that is Not Enough Growth to Care for Our Families! A Change Must Come!

And,The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces are still in Iraq in Harms Way, in the Tens of Thousands, when are They Coming Home? A Change Must Come!

And,"We" are still Bogged Down in An UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan with No End in Sight! What Exactly is The Exit Plan! A Change Must Come!

And, If Al Qaeda and The Taliban are Planning to Attack Us, within The Borders of The U.S., then Shouldn't Our National Guard Be Here, Instead of Fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan! A Change Must Come!

And, its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Established A New Set of Priorities to Address the Sociological, Ecological, Financial, and Political Concerns of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
"They" Need to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Work Out The Differences amongst The Warring Factions of The Earth!

And,"They" Need to Focus on Ending Poverty! And, Ending The Abuse and Forced Enslavement of Our Children as Sex Objects!

The Time of Change is Upon Us, so, Let's Spread The Word that Our Time has Come!
And, Let's Use Our Words Carefully to Spread The Word that Our Earthrise Movement of Peace is Here to Stay!
Let's "Take it To The Streets" as The Doobie Brothers sang, and, as A Great Soul Force of The Truth, Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Can No Longer Wait for Something to Happen, "We" Have to Be "The Happening!"
Let's Vote for A New Generation of Women and Men who are Willing to Accept The Responsibility of Peace Millennium People Agenda!
And, Non-Violently Campaign, Demonstrate, and Sow The Seeds "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
And, Let's Call For The Establishment of A New Emancipation Declaration of the 21st Century and An Age of Peace on Earth For One and All to Share!
And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance," For "We are The World" and A Change Must Come!
"We" have been "Under Pressure" before (as the Song Goes), but "We Can Work it Out," and "We Shall Over Come!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, June 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXII

Is there No Other Way for Israeli and Arab to Solve Their Conflicts other than Through Violence and Military Confrontation!

Is there No Other Way for North Korea to Solve Their Frustrations and Differences with South Korea other than Through UN-Provoked Attacks, and Nuclear Threats!

Is there No Other Way for The Taliban and Al Qaeda to Communicate, other than Through Their Jihad and Terrorist Attacks, that Take The Lives of Innocent People, who are Not Directly Involved in Any Threat or Act of War Against Them!

Is there No Other Way to Provide Alternative Energy for The Earth other than with Nuclear Energy, that has been Chosen as The only Profitable Energy Alternative by The Global Energy Industry?

Is There No Other Way for Millions of Families to Survive during Troubled Financial Time Periods other than Selling Their Children into Prostitution, to Be Abused Over and Over again by The Evil, Sinful, and Horrific World of Sex Trade?
In Brazil, alone, there are 250,000 Children Being Forced to Perform Sex Acts!
Is there No Other Way to Find a Solution to Poverty than this!

Is Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, the only Economic Systems Conceivable that Can Drive and Support A Global Economy?

Is there No Way to Transcend this Conditioned Way Of Life that has Engulfed Us, and Left Us Blind, Deaf, and Ignorant of The Fact that "We" are Living in a Controlled and Linear Minded Existence!

Is there No Other Way to Reach Our Destiny other than at The Expense of One Another! Selfishly!

Every Evening, when I watch The National or International News, I am Reminded of How Some of Us Resort to Crime, Murder, Terror, Fear, Rhetoric, and Physical Abuse!

And then, there is The Reportage that Our Global Political System is in Disarray, and Global UN-Employment Still Exists in Astounding Numbers, and then, Add The Distrust and Lack of Faith in Our Religions, The Continued Pollution of The Earths Ecological System, The Lack of Investment in Education and UN-Necessary Cutbacks, and Finally, The Lack of Investment Capital and Commitment to Our Social Infrastructure!
But, there is Always a Billion or Trillion Dollars Available to Invest in UN-Declared Wars! There Must be More than This!

Obviously, This is Not The Way To Peace! I Can Hear Marvin Gaye singing Over and Over in my Mind, "Whats Goin' On!"

The Change that "We" are in Desperate Need of, has to Be "All Inclusive!" It Must be A Grassroots and Earthrise Movement that Includes Every Woman, Man, and Child! No Matter what Race, Nationality, or Creed! "We" are "One and All," The Family of Humankind! Can't You Hear Sly and The Family Stone singing, "We are Family!"

"We The People," are All Citizens Of the Earth, "One and All," Born and Raised on This The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Must Be Shared by "One and All!" All Sentient Beings, Including This Magnificent Earth of Ours!

And, when One of Us Falls, "We" Must Act as A United Soul Force of Peace, and "Come Together," as John sang, to The Aid of Our Fallen Sister or Brother!

And, when One of Us is Being Treated Unjustly "We" Must All Speak Out in The Name of Justice, Righteousness, and Fairness For Their Sake, and The Due Process of Law!

There are Many Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us and "We" Must, "One and All," Meet these Challenges as One People "Of The Earth," Indivisible, while still Being Interdependent Individuals within The Whole!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!
And, This is the Way to A Cultural and Human Evolution of Enlightenment, Wisdom and Knowledge!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Be The Winds Of Change!

And, Let Us Be The Sea that Squelches The Fires of Cruelty and Inhumanity that Threatens The Core of Our Being!

And, Let Us Be The Air of Equanimity, Equality, and Fraternity "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," and with Each and Every Breath that "We" Take, May "We" Be Empowered with Hope and A Great Spirit of Universal Peace For All The World!

And, Let Us Drink in This Spirit until it Fills Us Up and Quenches The Thirst "We" have Endured for A Long, Long, Time! A True Sense of Being Here and Now!

The Time has Come when The Answers that "We" have been Seeking are Found in The Restoration of Our Belief in Each Other, and in The Principles and Ideals that Our Illustrious Foremothers and Forefathers Gave Their Lives to Preserve!

Our Illustrious Ancestors whose Names Continue to Inspire and Encourage Us to Follow A Vision Path Of The People, For The People, and By The People, and All Sentient Beings, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Martin Luther King, St. Francis of Assisi, Confucius,
Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Melchizedek Machiventa, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, and Mahatma Gandhi!

And, The Time has Come For The Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Take a Pause to Reflect, and Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Diplomatically Address and Negotiate The Differences between Nations that have Caused So Much Pain, Death and Destruction in Our Lifetime and a Myriad Other Lifetimes!
And Believe, as The Beatles sang that, "We Can Work it Out," and The Time to Do it, Is Now!

So, Lets Spread The Word All along The Earthrise Networks, via The Internet and The Limitless Resources of The Cross-Media Universe, that Our Time has Come!
Let's "Give Peace A Chance!" And, Let's Give The World A Chance to Survive and Thrive in An Age of Peace and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!" For "We are the World!

And, Let's "Take it to The Streets," as The Doobie Brothers sang, and Sow Seeds of Peace by Word of Mouth, Sit ins, and Non-Violent Demonstrations! For "We Shall Overcome!
This is The Way To Peace! A Peace Time Economy For "One and All" to Share! And, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, June 3, 2010



The Way The Peace! XXXXXXXI

"We" Must Remain a Great Non-Violent Soul Force of Change! Irregardless of what may occur in The Middle East, North and South Korea, or Afghanistan/Pakistan! "We" Can Not Bestow upon Our Children and Their Children's Children The Conditioned Reality that Surrounds Each and Everyone of Us like a Spider Web, with No Other Recourse other than to Follow Step after Step down a Stagnant Path without any Outlet with the Exception of The Games that "They've (the Infamous They) have Programmed for Us to Play!

This is Not Real! This is The World of The UNReal! A Real Life Horror Sci-Fi Film Production without any Principle or Integrity to it! And, its Time that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Put an End to this Pretense!
"The Times They are A -Changin" as Bob Dylan wrote, and its Time for An Age of Human Evolution to Begin!

And, "We" Can Not Rely upon Our Present Cadre of World Leaders to Make the Changes that "We" Need to Sustain and Nourish Our Earthrise Evolution, because, "They" are Not Walking in Our Shoes (as the saying goes)! "They've" got Their Own World Agenda with Brand New Golden Sneakers, and Platinum Business Shoes and Priorities, that "They" are Not about to Change for Our Vision Path of Truth, Peace, and Cultural Evolution that Can Be of Benefit to "We The People!"

And for A Real Change to Come, which as Sam Cooke sang, "Its been a long, long time comin', "We" have to Change The World that "We" Live in from "UNReal to Real" as Mahatma Gandhi Shared with Us!

And, "We"Must Resolutely Stand Fast in Our Beliefs, and Put Forth Our Own Emancipation Declaration! One that that Free's Us from The Conditioned Prisons of The Mind, Intellect, Spirit, Soul, Physical, and Emotional States of Beings!
For if "We" Do Not Sow The Seed's of Change, and "Come Together" as John Lennon sang, "We" Will Continue to be Led along One Neverending Spiral to Another, of Lost Souls!

"We" Need to Build A New World of Change that Brings Hope, Learning, Sincerity, Passion, Commitment and A True Love of Life that Transcends The Illusions and Delusions that have Left Us in A Feverish Delirium of Controlled Manipulation, Degradation, and, at Times, Left Us Oblivious of what is Most Important to Us!

And, "We" Need A New Generation of Women and Men to Be The Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and Pioneers of A New Age of Evolved Idea's and Practicalities of Life, that both, Embraces and Cares for "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Our Families and Our Aspirations!

And, "We" also Need A New Spirit of Engagement that is both, Uplifting and Enlightening! Purposeful and Revealing, Encouraging and Empowering!

A New Spirit "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!" Carried and Spread by The Winds of Change althrough-out this Rich and Resourceful Earth of Ours! And, via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, Leaving No Heart, Mind, and Soul UN-Touched by Its Breadth, Scope and Universality!

A New Spirit that is Enriched by The Voices of A New Choir of Women and Men whose Voices are In Tune with A Solar Axiom of Notes, Melodies, Harmonies, and Rhythms "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Song of Peace! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Our Voices be Heard amongst This Choir of The Earths Populace who have Remained Silent For Much Too Long!

And, To Those of You who have Struggled and Fought the Good Fight, against The Restraints of Injustice that have Impeded and Prevented Us from Living Full and Plentiful Lives, Let Us, One and All, Join Hands and Sing Out in One Magnificent, United, Interdependent, and Harmonic Chorus that "We" are The True Believers in A World of Peace and Shared Prosperity For One and All, and that Our Time has Come. And, once again, as The Song goes "its been a long, long time comin', But I Know A Change's Gon' Come! Oh, Yes it Will!"

And, Let Us Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Includes All of The Dissident Voices of This Earth and For Once and All End The Separation between Nations that has Plagued Humankind for Too Many Millenniums!
This is The Way To Peace that Our Ancestors and Future Generations Can be Proud of! And, I Can only Believe that Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, St.Francis Of Assisi, and Socrates would be Proud of Us, as Well!

This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Vision that One and All Can Share in This Millennium! And, Remember that "We are The World," so, Lets "Give Peace a Chance!" And, Lets All Get On "The Peace Train," as Yusef The Artist, wrote and sang for Us! "We Shall Overcome!"