Friday, January 29, 2010



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXXV

The Time for Being an Activist has Definitely come! With the Upcoming Elections, what better Time could it be to Challenge any Incumbent who is up for New Election, or, anyone who is seeking an Elective Post, to Adhere to the Immediate Needs of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

And, whether it be Passing New Bank Legislation to Prevent Banks from Charging Unfair Fee's!
Or, The Creation of New Jobs, to put America Back to Work!
Or, Guarantee Heath Care for Each, and, Everyone of Us!
Or, Build New Schools, and, Provide a Highly Professional, Free Education, and, Awareness for All of our Children!
Or, Guarantee a Home for Each, and, Every Family!
Or, Placing A Lid on Campaign Financing, and, Limiting How much Influence that Lobbyists can have! The Time to Act is Now!
This is The Way To Re-gain Control of our Lives, and, Our Government!
And, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

The Myriad Diverse Issues that Threaten our Everyday Life have been used by the Men, and, Women, of our Political System, for their own Benefit, but Definitely,Not for Ours! "They" (the Infamous "They") Stand before Us, and, Give Speeches about what "They" are going to do on our Behalf, but, when "They " are Elected, All "They" do is Talk, and then, Give Us More Talk, instead of Action!

Talk, and, Talk Alone is Meaningless, when You are UN-employed!
You can not Feed your Family with "Words!" No matter how Eloquently they may be spoken!
Or, If, You are Jobless, or, Homeless, Due to a Poor Economy, You can not Clothe, House, or, Care for your Family with UN-Fulfilled Election Promises!
Or, If, You are Ill, due to the UN-Imaginable Stress caused, and, brought on by Acts of Corruption, caused by An Economical System controlled by A Selfish, Lustful, Greedy Group of Capitalistic Oligarchs, You can not Be Healed, or, Comforted by The Rhetoric of their Bought, and, Sold Economists,and, Elective Officials!
Its Time for Action! And, Either "They" Do something, or, Lets Fire them All!
The President Included!

Its Time for A Real Change from The Conditioned Reality that has Lied, and, Manipulated us into Believing that "We" should send our Daughters, and, Sons to Fight in UN-Declared Wars, Based on False Conclusions, and, The Prefabrication of Evidence, or, Outright Lies!

And,"We" do not need Politicians to Represent us! "We" need Honest Women, and, Men, who are Peacemakers, and, Peace Time Economists!
"We" need Peace Time Educators, and, Peace Time Ambassadors!
"We" need Peace Time Philanthropists, and, Visionaries of A Peace Time Millennium!

Its Time for A New Age of Hope, and, Prosperity that One, and, All can Share in!
An Age of Respect, and,Trust that our Children can Be Proud of!
An Age of Security, and, Evolution that This Earth of ours can Rejoice in!
This is The way To Peace! And, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers whomever, and wherever you may be, Its Time that "We" Provided An Interdependent Alternative to The Same ole Same ole, that has Plagued our Civilization for Centuries!
An Interdependent Alternative, Peace Alternative, New Millennium Alternative, that Transcends the Conditioned Reality that has Caused A Malaise of The Spirit, and, Frustration, that has Suffocated The Aspirations of Billions of Women, and, Men from All Over This Sacred Earth of ours!

Its Time for A Much needed Change in our Lives, A Peace Change!
Martin Luther King had A Dream, and, its Time for His Dream/Our Dream, to Come True! Not just for a Few, but, For Everyone! Each, and, Everyone of Us!

And, if, "We" Have to Have Peace Demonstrations, Or, Job Demonstrations, Or, Health Care Demonstrations, Or, Save The Earth Demonstrations, Or, Protect our Children Demonstrations, (From the Evil Predators who Wish to Do them Harm), The Time to Do It, is Now! Non-Violently, of Course! As The Mahatma would Ask of Us to Do! As Jesus of Nazareth, would Ask of Us to Do! As Mother Teresa would Want Us to Do! As Socrates, would Want of Us! As Siddhartha Gautama would Want of Us! As Muhammad would Want of Us!
And as, So many Enlightened Women, and, Men who have Given their Lives in The Name of Peace for One and All, would Want Us to Do!

Its a Fact, that All Sovereign Nations of this, The Third Planet from The Sun have the Armed Forces Necessary to Protect, and, Defend Us! So, Its Time that "We the People," Citizens of this Planet Earth Call upon All of our Leaders to Declare A Global Truce, and, A Peace Dialogue to Address our Global Concerns, and, The Issues that are of Most Concern to Us! And Begin, in All Sincerity, Discussions with The Warring Faction of this Planet, in The Name of Peace, and, Prosperity for One and All!
And, Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Learned how to Nourish, and, Preserve The Idea's, and, Principles of Peace for our Future, and, Present Day Generations!
Its Time for A Peace Millennium! Lets Give Peace a Chance!

Monday, January 25, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXIV

Once again, it is obvious that there is a need for Women, and, Men, who are Respected by The Earths Populace, to Step Forward, and, Act as Peace Specialists, and, Peace Coordinators!

Why? Because, even after, or, especially because of the Fact that, although so many Centuries have Gone By, it is even more obvious, that "We The People," Citizens of This Sacred Earth are in need of Honorable Men, and, Women, who are Dedicated, and, Committed to Act on our Behalf, pertaining to Issues, and, Concerns that Most Effect our Lives, and, If "We" are ever to Live in Peace!

These Women, and, Men should be A-Political, although Humanistic, and, in Charge of Representing "We The People!" They should be Totally Outside of the Realm of Politics! This is a very important point!

They would be known as Peace Advocates, Peacemakers, and, Peace Ambassadors of The Earths Populace!

And, Their Jobs would be to make Positively Sure that Natural Disasters such as The One, that has just Devastated Haiti, or, the Previous Disaster in Louisiana, does not cause the Overall Destruction that has been shown daily on our TV screens, The Newspapers , and, in The Global Media!

It is Tragic that so many lives have been lost, but, these lives should not be lost because The United Nations, or, The Worlds Nations were not prepared enough to have Medical Supplies, Hospitals, Food, the Proper Sanitation, Water, Security, Housing, and, Personnel in place, or, Ready to be used when these Disasters occur!

And, whether the Disaster is Caused by Human Beings, or, by Nature, Emergency Communications, Energy, and, Transportation should be, immediately, prepared to Go into Action!

This Global Relief Effort should be Directed by Qualified Women, and, Men whose Life Experiences are Clearly Designed to Provide the Leadership needed to Co-ordinate Immediate Response, and, bring Help, and, Succor to those who are in need!
Our Armed Services have Direct Response Teams, and, Plans so, why shouldn't there be an Emergency Response Army to to implement whatever needs "We The People," are in need of during Times of Disaster!

Nations employ Mercenaries, and, Civilians to Act on their Behalf! So, Why not Enlarge this Concept to Embrace a Much Needed Global Team of Peace Specialists!

Imagine a phone call could be made, and, there would be an Army of Experienced Men, and, Women Set in Action to Rescue, and, Rebuild any Given area, on this Earth, at a moments notice!

"We can not Afford to Wait for the Next Category 5 Hurricane, or, 7.5 Earthquake, War, Armed Conflict, or, Genocide, before "We" decide to do something to address this Life, and, Death Area of Human Concern!

This is just Another Reason for The World Nations to begin A Peace Dialogue, to Seriously, and, Conscientiously address The Way To Protect, Preserve, and, Defend those who are Less Fortunate, or, those who are in Harms Way, or, Find Solutions for The Issues that Continue to Threaten the Livelihood of The Citizens of this Earth!

And, as is Proven by The Global Relief Effort that is Presently in Motion to help the Haitian People, there is no reason why a Global Peace Relief can not be considered, and, organized to Provide Immediate Service to The Earth! Right now!

What I am suggesting is on a larger scale that what The Red Cross provides! Although it consistently provides admirable service to The World, in Times of need!

But, Too many lives have been lost due to a Lack of Preparation! And, its not as if this hasn't happened before!

How many Global Disasters have already occurred in the Twentieth Century, as well as, in the Nineteenth, and, Eighteenth Centuries!

Its Time that "We" used our Empirical Knowledge To Change the World for The Betterment of All Human Kind, and, for The Lives of All Sentient Beings!
And, For The Betterment of those who are in need Everyday of their lives!

Once again, It shouldn't take another Disaster before "We" Act!

This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! An Earthrise Movement of Men, and, Women of Consciousness, Rallying to be of Assistance to those who are in Need!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be, Spread The Word that its Time for A New Non-Violent Movement to Change The Fate of Our Lives!

A New Peace Initiative, with Priorities that A Peace Millennium can Be Built upon! A Peace Time Mentality, with Peace Time Perspectives, and, A Peace Time Economy!

And, "We" want The Leaders of The World Nations to Protect, Preserve, and, Defend our Right to Live in Peace! If there ever was a Time to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to Address The Concerns of The Citizens of this Planet Earth, that Time is Now!
And, if "They" continue to Act Deaf, and, Blind to our concerns "We" will have to use our Rights to Fire them!
Lets see how "They" like being UN-Employed!

Understand that this will not make The Way To Peace any easier for us, but, For The Sake of our Future, and, The Fate of our Future Generations "We" must Begin Now! And, "We the People," Citizens of The Earth, must Succeed!
"We must be An Omnipotent Soul Force, and, Nexus of Peace!
Lets Give Peace a Chance!

Friday, January 22, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXIII

As I have written before The Way To Peace is not an Easy Path to Take!
But, The Time for Sacrifice has come! The Time for Commitment has come!
The Time for a New Peace Initiative has come!
It may be a Prescient Vision, or, Deja vu, but, I can see Peace Demonstrators, and, Protesters Marching Together Calling for Reform, Calling for Change, Calling Out for Peace, Now!
Standing Fast in the Face of Armed Forces, Outnumbered, and, Yet still Demanding Recounts, when Voting Injustices are Committed!
Demanding Civil Rights, for the Oppressed!
And, Standing Strong as One when Threatened by Dictatorships, and, Armed Brutality!
I see them, Marching Arm and Arm with One another as Orders are called to Open Fire on them, if "They" do not Disperse!
How many Innocent Lives have been Lost, whose only offense was, the Desire to Live in Peace, and, Enjoy the Rights of Free Men, and, Free Women!
How many Innocent Women, and, Men, have been Assassinated, Murdered, and, Killed for their Beliefs! Made Martyrs in their Youth, never to know, enjoy, or, Experience a Full Life!
Murdered, Killed, and, Assassinated without Trials!

From Kent St. to Tianamen Square! From Iran to Iraq, and, Across the Streets of Europe, The Middle East, South America, and, Africa The Way To Peace has been Covered with Blood!
So many, have Given their Lives in The Name of Freedom, and, Peace!
And, been Imprisoned because of their belief in Peace, and, Truth!
Tortured in the Dark Cells of Evil!
Women, and, Men of Peace Beaten, Intimidated, Tortured, and, Killed because of their Beliefs in Equal Rights, and, in The Rights of Honest, and, Fair Representation!
Women, and, Men, who have remained resistant to The Attempts to Coerce The Truth!
Men, and, Women, who remained resistant to Attempts to Subvert the Truth!
Though some have been Forced to Live in Hiding!

It amazes me how long this road extends for! Across Centuries of Warfare!
Over Decades of Deprivation! Years upon Years of Immoralities!
Intimidation's! And, Ages upon Ages of Conditioned Repression of "We The People", Citizens of This Earth!

The Way is often Clouded, with Veiled Visibility! Multiple Diversions! Terrorism, Crime, Diseases, Ethnic Cleansing, the Lack of Education, and, Religious Wars! Coupled with, Cross Purposes meant to Confuse, Delude, and, Abuse us!
This is not to say that these issues are not Real Concerns, but, "We" have been Distracted from Thinking, or, Believing that "We" can Live in Peace!
Even with all of The Global Fire Power of The Western Industrialized Nations, and, United Nations, "We"are still being Led to Believe that they can not Protect, Preserve, and, Defend us! And, that "We" can not Live in Peace!

The only Way to see Clearly is to Transcend the Conditioned Realities that have been thrust upon us, that "We" have been made to believe, is The Truth!
If "We" are to Succeed in our Peace Efforts "We" must Learn to Realize what The Real Truth is, from The Conditioned One!
This may be The Greatest Challenge of All, because "We" have been Mislead for so Long!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers wherever you may be, Let us Continue to Sow, and, Cultivate The Seeds of Peace!
Educators, Historians, Teachers, Philanthropists, and, Spiritual Leaders, Let us Make a Universal Reality of Our Ideals, Peace Priorities, and, Peace Philosophies!
Let us be A Great Soul Force of Non-Violence! And, Let us Embrace The Principles of an Evolutionary Society of A Peace Millennium!
And, once more, Let us Call upon our Regional, National, and International Leaders of The Worlds Nations to Declare a Global Truce, and, begin A Peace Dialogue amongst all warring factions of this planet of ours!
The Way To Peace is not an Easy Path to Take, however, it is a necessary one if "We" Citizens of The Earth are ever to Live in Peace!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Monday, January 18, 2010



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXXII

In Times of Great Discord, and, Let us not be Mistaken, This is,definitely, One of those Time Periods, "We" have been Blessed with the Appearance of Men and Women of Vision who have Stepped Forward to Provide Inspirational, and, Enlightened Leadership when "We" most needed it, and, Martin Luther King is One of those Gifted Individuals!
Today, "We" Celebrate His Birthday, and, His Life!

I can still hear His Voice Reaching out to Touch Hundred's of Thousands of Non-Violent Demonstrators, when He gave his "I Have A Dream" speech, from the Steps of The Lincoln Memorial. His Voice was, and, Still is to this day, A Voice of Truth, and, Reason!

He spoke out in The Name of Civil Rights, and, also, In The Name of Peace, when Faced with An Unjust War!
He Gave Freely of Himself in he Name of The Peace!
He was Willing to Sacrifice His Life in The Name of Freedom, so, that, all Men, and, Women would Live in Equanimity, and, Equality with One another!

How many Times did He Stand up, In The Face of Adversity!
How many Times did He place Himself in Harms way, for A Just cause!
Martin Luther King was a Great Man of The Soul! And, in each, and, everything that he did, He always Displayed A Soul Strength that was Indefatigable!
It was A Righteous Strength, Rooted in His Love for His Fellow Human Being!
Martin was, as Sam & Dave sang, a "Soul Man!"
And, yet, He was a Man of The People! He knew Instinctively, What was Right, from What was Wrong!
And, He was UN-Afraid to Speak out, with such Amazing Grace, that Presidents could not Ignore The Truth of his Voice.
He spoke out in such Meaningful Insight, and, Passion, that The World Awarded Him with The Nobel Peace Prize!
Martin Luther King was a Man for All Ages to Revere, and Admire!

And, Today, "We" find ourselves, once again, in need of Voices of Reasons, and, Peacemakers!
Women, and, Men, in whom "We The People," Citizens of The World, can Respect, and, Trust in, as "We" Trusted in Martin!

"We" need Men, and, Women, in whom "We" can Believe in, as Millions Believed in, and, Followed, The Non-Violent Movement of Mahatma Gandhi!

Today, "We" are Surrounded by Political, Religious, and, Economical Discord!

Today, "We" are Hounded by Too many Taxes, and, Not enough Relief from the Negative Conditioned Realities that have Impeded us, and, Limited The Amount of Quality Time needed for Positive Growth, and, Education of Our Families!

Today, There is Too much Hate, Envy, Jealousy, Corruption, Resentment, Greed, and, Lust for Power to Last for an Eternity!
"We" need to Sow Seeds of A Positive Synergy, and, Create A New Balance in our Lives.
A Balance Built upon A Peace Time Economy! A Peace Time Tax Relief Strategy!
And, A Peace Time Health Care System that Provides Coverage for One and All!

Its Time for A Peace Change, to Take Place in our Lives! A New Peace Perspective, With New Priorities based on A Peace Time Vision, of A Peace Time Evolution!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Let us call upon our National, Regional, and, International Leaders to Embrace The Idea's of A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
Its Time for A New Peace Initiative! Its Time for A New Peace Effort! An Earthrise Non-Violent Movement that is Committed to The Preservation, Protection, and, Defence of A World at Peace with itself!
Please, Understand that this Peace Movement must Transcend Political Loyalties! It must be based on A People Nexus, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!
No One should ever go without!
No One should ever Live in Poverty!
No One should be Homeless!
No Child should ever go without a Proper Education, and, Health Care!
And, No Parent should ever Live in Fear of Not being able to Care for Their Children, or, Themselves!
Lets "Give Peace a Chance," as John and Yoko, and, a Circle of Friends sang Decades ago, also, during A Time Period of Political, and, Sociological Discord!

Isn't it Time that "We" learned from our Experiences?
"We can Not afford to Continue Walking Down the Same ole Path of Destruction over and over again!

Friday, January 15, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXI

The Relief Effort being Conducted, Co-ordinated, and, Initiated by The Red Cross, The United Nations, The Global Media, and, for the most part, All of The Religious, and, Relief Agencies, and, Developed Countries of The World is a Wonderful, Compassionate, and, Positive Display of what The Global Nations, Concerned Individuals, and, Organizations can do, when they are Working Together in A Humanistic Common Cause, such as, in the case of, The Natural Disaster that has, Unfortunately Devastated Haiti!

The Tens of Thousands of Haitians, and, Foreigners who were Working, and, Living in Haiti, who have Died, or, were Injured, is Nothing less than a Veritable Tragedy, in both, Size, and, in Scope! And, my Heart, and, Soul goes out to The Families, and, Friends, who have lost a Loved One, and, or, Their Homes due to this Horrible Natural Disaster!

But, this Disaster, also, shows what an Engaged, and, Motivated World can do, when it is Assembled, and, Working Together to Alleviate Conditions, whatever they be Caused by, of Starvation, Poverty, and, Homelessness from our Midst!

And, this Magnificent Display of Human Energy is what will be needed if "We," as Citizens of The World, are to Live in A World of Peace!

This Energy, and, Synergy is what will be needed to Harness, and, Fuse into A Great Soul Force of Peace, an Inspirational Earthrise Movement of World Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

And, "We The People," Citizens of this Earth, can No Longer Wait for Another Disaster, whatever its Cause may be, Before Taking Action!

The Roads, and, Airstrips, To Peace must be Built, and, Made Ready, to Accommodate a World Evolution of Peace!

The Environment, Ecology, Cities, Neighborhoods, Earth, Sky, and, Sea's must be Cared for!
This must be done Now! In Preparation for The Global Relief Movement of Peace!
So, that The Seeds of Peace can be Sown in Equanimity, Harmony, and, in Equality with One Main Purpose in mind, Peace!
And,The Empowerment of A Peace Relief, and, A Peace Initiative Leading to A New Peace Millennium!

And, once again, The Time to Call for A Global Truce, in the Name of A Shared Prosperity for One and All, and, A Peace Dialogue that Addresses the Myriad Concerns of "We The People," Citizens of This Earth, who have been Lacking in The Proper Sanitary, and, Living Conditions for Much Too Long, is Now!!

It is Time that The World Nations Assembled to Address, and, Resolve The Myriad Diverse Issues such as, The Pollution of The Earth, and, Not Just Talk about it!
Its Time to Do Something Concrete about it, and, Positively Resolve it!

And, It is Time that The Leaders of The Earths Nations Unite as One, to Alleviate
UN-Employment, and, Establish a Healing, and, much needed, Peace Time Economy for One and All to Share!

"We" should Not Need another Natural Disaster such as the present one in Haiti, or, the previous one in Louisiana (Katrina) to remind us of The Need of Compassion for our Fellow Human Being, before Something is Done to Prevent it from Happening all over again sometime in The Near Future!

It is definitely Time for A Peace Relief Initiative!

It is definitely Time for A Non-Violent Earthrise Movement, in The Name of Peace!
And, "We" can Not Afford to Do Nothing, in The Face of so many Great Concerns that lie ahead!

Can you Imagine Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesus of Nazareth, or, Siddhartha Gautama remaining silent, and, doing nothing when Faced with Injustice, Racial Disorders, War, Criminal Actions, or, Violence!

Can you Imagine Socrates, and, Plato remaining silent, while so many Young People remain Inadequately Educated!

Can you Imagine Saint Francis of Assisi remaining silent, while, yet, Another One of the Earths Sentient Beings is Threatened with Extinction!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, its Time that We" Organized all of our Resources to Establish A New Sense of Priority on Earth! One that Truly Embraces The Citizens of The World!
Its Time for A Peace Priority!

And, Its Time that "We" Resolutely Commit, and, Dedicate ourselves to this Peace Change/Effort in our Overall Perspectives!
How many more Disasters must "We" endure, before "We" Give Peace a Chance, in A Sweeping New Will, Consciousness, and, Peace Millennium!

Monday, January 11, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXX

Issues such as War, Acts of Terrorism, Poverty, Homelessness, Disease, Race Differences, UN-Employment,The Environment, The Ecology, Climate Warming, Health care, Insurance, Pollution, Energy, Religion, Spirituality, Politics, and, Sanitation have had a Profound, and, at times, a Threatening Effect on this Earth/ We The People/ Citizens of this World," for Decades, if not for Centuries!
So, why hasn't there been a Concentrated Effort to Find an End/Solution to these Deep Concerns that have Impeded the Growth, and, Evolution of The Citizens of The Earth!

Which Leads me to Question;
What has The United Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
What has The Western Industrialized Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
What have The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Done to Resolve these Issues?
Or, The Religious, and, Spiritual Leaders?

It seems to me that the Ole, "Whats in it for me," Attitude has Impeded, or, Precluded any Definitive, or, Possibility, of there being any Unanimity in Action from Happening! Or, Change in Attitude, Perspective, or, Priority!

With all The Millions of Lives that have been Lost over The Centuries,
It is obvious, that A Peace Change must Come!
And, A Peace Millennium must Become a Reality, if, "We" are to Become, One World Living at Peace with itself!

Yes, "We"must Remain Strong, United, and, Committed to Defend, Protect, Preserve, and, Maintain The Peace, if, "We" are Attacked by Adversaries who Thrive on Chaos, Destruction, and, Assassination!
It is The Moral, and, Just Responsibility of The Armed Forces of The World Nations, to Protect, Defend, Preserve, and Maintain The Peace, and, a Peace Time Economy from being Subverted by Forces of Amorphous, who Revel in Inflicting Misery on The Citizens of The Earth, who are The Backbone of The Body Global Financial System,"We The People!" We"are the Ones who would Suffer the Most, so, Yes, it is of The Greatest Importance that any Attack against The Peace, should be Deterred from Reeking Financial Havoc on The Economical, Spiritual, Sociological, Peace Covenant, and, Lives of "We The People!"

And, Obviously, A World that Lacked in Security, and, Protection, would not have any Real Sense, or, Possibility, of Becoming A World at Peace with itself!

But, in turn, Senseless Pre-Emptive Strikes, UN-Declared Wars, Regional Conflicts, UN-Official Police Actions, or, Outright Declarations of War, are, also, Dis-Heartening, and, Destructive! And, Lack in Purposeful, Meaningful, Inspiring, or, Moral Principle, without there being A Peace Resolution!

For a True Change to be,There must, always, be A Peace Perspective, in Mind!
And, A Peace Consciousness that Transcends All The Isms, and, Ocracies!
Which is why, A New Peace Initiative/Movement is needed! One that calls upon All The Leaders of The World Nations to Declare A Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions of this Earth, and, begin A Peace Dialogue!
A Peace Dialogue that is Directed Towards Changing Negative Attitudes, Negative Perspectives, and, Negative Assumptions into Positive Ones!
This is The Way To Peace! And, to Living in A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers though You May Feel as if The Weight of The World on Your shoulders, Continue to Be Steadfast, Committed, Resolute, and, Dedicated To Peace, Equanimity, Equality, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

And, Let us Continue to Sow Seeds of Peace in The Non-Violent Tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, and, Martin Luther King!
And, Let us Continue to Be Engaged, and, Committed, to an Earthrise Movement!

This is not The Time to Remain Silent, and, Stand by Quietly on The Sidelines!
This is The Time to Speak Out, Reach Out, and, Continue to Build a Peace Nexus, that Empowers Each, and, Everyone of us!
And, May this Peace Nexus be as A Bridge to The Hearts, and Souls, of A Great Soul Force of A New Peace Millennium Evolution!
Yes, Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Friday, January 8, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXIX

I find the statement by President Obama about our most recent Security Breach as being "a Systemic Failure," as a gross understatement! However, whether, it be used to describe a Banking, Financial, Political Reason, or, A Terrorist Act, The "System" has been Broken, Corrupted, Compromised, and, Failed for quite awhile!
This statement, or, reference was used, if, you remember, during The Banking, Wall Street, and, Financial Scandals, repeatedly, in 2008, and, in 2009!
And, whether, it be a Systemic Failure, or, a Broken System, its all one, and, the same to me! And, its a Great Misfortune for "We The People" of the U.S. of A, and, The Citizens of This Earth!
Why? Because, no matter How many Bills The U.S. Congress passes to Correct, or, Heal The Rupture that has occurred in the System, "We The People" still have to Pay for It, and, the Individuals who are in control of The Almighty Purse Strings, and, the Allocation/Distribution of these funds are still the same Heartless, Soulless, Capitalistic Oligarchs!
And, until "They" are removed from power, or, from office, The System will remain the same! Corrupt, Compromised, and, Broken!

That is why "We" need a New Worldwide Change in The Leaders of The World Nations! "We," The Citizens of this Earth Deserve Better! And, nothing less, will do! This State of Amorphous, and, the Misuse of our Principles, and, Way of Life, has been going on for much Too long, to be allowed to continue Dragging us all, Down a Path of Chaos, and, Destruction!

"We" need Women, and, Men who are willing to Step Forward as New Leaders, Representing "We The People!"

"We" need Women, and, Men who are willing to Step Forward, not only to Pass Bills, but, to Honestly and Humanely, Distribute these Funds Back to The People! And, not into the Pockets of the Greedy, Lustful, Insensitive Corporations, Financial Institutions, and, Individuals whose main concern is, Too stuff as much Profit into their Own Accounts, and, Pockets, as possible!
And, Their only concern is, A World that Exists For Themselves, By Themselves, and, Of Themselves! And, "They " will use any means, whatsoever, to achieve, or, accomplish their goals, as well as, to Mislead The Citizens of this Earth, while doing so!

For much too long "They" (the Infamous "They) have Manipulated, and, Lied to us!
"They" have continuously, told us that "They" were Acting in our Best Interests!
Well, How is that possible, when, there are Tens of Millions, who are UN-Employed!
And, Millions of Children who are Living in Poverty, Shelters, and, On the Streets of our Cities, and, Neighborhoods!
Then, multiply this figure by the Millions of Women, and, Men/Parents, who are Living in Poverty, and, are Homeless!
To say that "We" have had, yet, another "Systemic Failure," is a Horrible Misuse, Conclusion, and, Assessment of Just One of the Conditions of This Earths Ecological, Environmental, Economical, Sociological, and, Spiritual/Human State of Existence!
And, statements such as, "The Buck stops here," and, "Connect The Dots," are Simply, not enough, when, You have Lost Hope, and, do not know, How you are going to Put Food on the Table to Feed your Family! Or, How you are going to Clothe them!
Or, where you are going to live!
And, How are you Supposed to Pay for the new Health care Reform Bill, when, you are UN-Employed!
Our elective officials need to find Direct, and, Immediate Answers to the State of Destitution that has Infected the Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, of Too many of us, for Much too long!
Give us Something Real to Hold on to, and, Believe in! And, not the Politics as Usual Banalities/Rhetoric that is Supposed to Impress us!
And, if you can not be Honest with us, then Step Aside!

Its Time for A New Peace Initiative, and, A Brand New Beginning!
A New Millennium of Hope, and, Understanding!
And, If, the Present Leadership of The World Nations have Lost Touch with their Sense of Humanity, or, Compassion for their Fellow Human Being then, it is More Obvious that A Peace Change must Come!
There is another saying that, "There is enough to go around," and, there is, for Each and Every One of us!
There are Enough Resources, whether, Monetary ones, or, Food, to Care for All of The Citizens of this Earth, if, Distributed Properly, and, Fairly!
In troubled times A Little Human Compassion, and, Empathy can do much to Heal the Rupture that exits in our Systemic Way of Life!
A Little Honest Effort on the part of, as Billie Holiday sang,"Them's that got," can Change the Future for those of us who are Struggling to Survive!
At present, "We" are Living in An Age, in which, both Parents are Working in Most of our Families, and, are Still Struggling to Make Ends meet!
A Little Effort on the part of "Them's that got," can go a long way to Helping Create a New Work Force of Women, and, Men, who are Actually Enjoying the Fruits of their Hard Work!
This is The Way To Peace!
This is The Way To A Peace Millennium!
And, an Age of Equal Prosperity for One and All!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, A Peace Change is Necessary!
A New Peace Initiative is Necessary!
A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, amongst all Warring Factions, is Necessary!
Let us act, and, do as Martin would do!
Let us act, and, do as Mahatma would do!
Let us Non-Violently organize An Earthrise Demonstration in The Name of Peace!
"We" can not afford to Procrastinate, or, Wait, much longer! Too many are Depending on us To act!
I would rather that, our generation be remembered as being a Brave, Courageous, Passionate, and, Enlightened People, who Cared about the Well Being of All Sentient Beings, and, of, This Sacred Earth, that is our Home!

So, Let us Sow The Seeds of Peace! And, A Vision of Peace that One, and, All can Share, that is Everlasting!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Monday, January 4, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXVIII

If you have Followed The History of The Human Being/Society, you know that there have been Great Moments, as well as, The Worst of Times when "We" have Shamed ourselves by our Actions, and, Behavior!
But, through these Worst of Times, there have, always, been a Few Women, and, Men who have Found The Strength, The Soul Strength, to Transcend the Horrors that some Individuals have Inflicted upon another!
They have been Women and Men of The Cloth! And, Pioneers, and, Adventurers, who have Searched for that Perfect Place to Call Their Home!
They have been Nurses and Doctors of Mercy, who have Healed the Wounded, and, Braved the Dangers of War, and, Crime, to do so!
They have been Carpenters, Noblemen, and, Lawyers of The Gospel, and,
The Great Soul who Cared for the Prosperity of their Fellow Man, and, Woman's Well Being, and, Spirit!
They have been Poets, and, Philosophers of Learning who Taught The Truth by their Words, Thoughts, and, Actions!
They've been Musicians, Dancers, Painters, Writers, and, Journalists, who've Inspired us by their Imagination, and, Creativity!
They've been Political Leaders, and, Warriors, who Believed in A World where every Woman, and, Man's well being Depended on Being Educated, and, Nourished by The Fruits of this Earth, no matter what Class Distinction they may be in! These were Great Leaders who Believed in The Greater Importance of Living in Peace with One Another!
These were Magnificent Moments in Time, when Children were Given The Highest Priority on Earth, and, their Up Bringing was Considered A Sacred Responsibility to One and All!
These were Moments in Time when The Family was The Center Piece of Human Evolution!
An Evolution of Human Kind that Gave Birth to The Hopes and Dreams of Future Generations to Come!
Times when, The Land was Respected and Cherished, and, The Earths Sea's, and, Skies were Admired, and, Revered by All who Gazed upon their Beauty, and, Majesty!
And, The Universe drew Expressions of Awe!

I know that the Descendants of these Women, and, Men, as well as, those of us who have been Inspired, and, Motivated, by them, to Reach Deeper, and, Rise Above their own Weaknesses, and, Insecurities, to Face the Dangers of Destitution caused by Power Hungry, Greedy, Corrupt, Insensitive, and,Careless Individuals, are Still Very Present, and, Live among us!
And so, I call upon these Individuals, and, all else who would Rise to The Occasion, when need be, to Initiate A New Peace Movement!
One of Sincerity, and, Hope!
One of Truth, and, Caring!
One of Commitment, and, Dedication to The Way To Peace!
A Non-Violent Peace Movement in the Inspiring, and, Soulful Tradition of
Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and, so many others who Gave their Lives, and, Devoted themselves to Peace, Equality, and, Equanimity for their Fellow Human Being, and, All Sentient Beings of this Planet Earth!
Once again, Let us All Join together, In The Name of Peace!

All who are Truly Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Let us Revive The Wonderment of Living in Peace!
Let us Call upon the Leaders of The World Nations to Declare a Global Truce amongst all Warring Factions, and, begin A Proper Peace Dialogue!
This is not a Far Fetched Idea, thought of Lightly! And, I understand that, this is not a Simple Task to Do!
But, it is a Necessary One! And, Yes, it will take Sacrifice, Perseverance, Dedication, and, Belief, in what, and, who "We" are, as well as, in what are The Best Qualities that Lie within us!

"We," Who Sincerely Believe that the Time for Peace has Come, and, Must be A Reality, Have to Give Words of Encouragement, and, By our own Actions Prove to One and All, that "We" are Ready to Walk the Path of Righteousness, if, "We" are to ever, Once again, Enjoy the True Meaning of Life, which is Not War! It is Peace!
And, It is Time for A New Peace Millennium to Begin on Earth!
Why? Because, "We" simply can not continue on this Present Course of UN-Declared War, Genocide, Poverty, Homelessness, Crime, Injustice, and, Inequality!
A Peace Change must Come!