Friday, October 30, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. X

As the Autumn Season displays its beauty in all its splendor another 55 new deaths occured in The Afghan War, this week! Is this The Way To Peace?
Is this the direction that "We the People", and, the Citizens of this Earth want to continue moving towards for the next 10 years, because "We" are all fully aware that this war does not have an immediate end strategy in sight!
Is this the main priority that "We" want in our lives, at this moment in time?
And, again, I ask you Is this The Way To Peace?

And, once again, it does not mean that the Citizens of the World are not willing to defend their rights of freedom, because they are, and, have been doing so for century after century, for as long as there have been threats to Global Peace, or, the rights of the less fortunate!
And, most definitely, there are enough strategic relationships amongst the Global Defense Departments to conduct Peace Interventions when obstructionists, or, dictators threaten the lives of our Global Neighbors!
Its simply that "We" have had enough of war time policies, and, war time economies, to last us another millennium, en plus!
And, this state of consciousness must change if "we" are to finally Live in Peace!
For A Peace Change to come!

A Global Truce would provide World Leaders with an opportunity to engage one another in Peace Dialogues and take the time needed to discuss, and, come to an understanding, how to proceed towards implementing immediate Peace Incentives, and, set new priorities that are needed to nourish and heal the wounds of war, that have been inflicted on the minds, bodies, and souls of the world populace!
Too many of our sons and daughters have lost their lives!
And, too many parents have shed their Tears of Love in vain, over the death of their children, for causes/reasons that have yet to be fully explained to us!

And, yes there are always consequences to our actions, however, if "we" cease to act, in The Name of Peace, then Peace will never come!
And, if there ever was a time to act in The Name of Peace, that Time is Now!

But, The Peace "we" seek must be a Peace that the whole world can believe in!
And, Barriers of Peace must be overcome!

And, if a rogue nation, or, peace antagonist threatens to disturb The Peace, once again may I repeat, that a Peace Intervention should be immediately implemented and acted upon to Preserve, and Protect The Peace!
And, these acts would be looked upon by all The People of The Earth as Heroic Acts, by the Global Armed Forces!
And, this would be a strong part of The Peace Change in the Global Mentality of our World Leadership! To protect and preserve The Peace would be their main priority! And, to care for those in need, who are less fortunate, would be another!

Its Time for a return of wonder and happiness in our lives, to supplant the negative conditioning and stagnation that has impeded human evolution!

Its Time "We" re-discovered the miracle and love embodied in each and every child birth, without living in fear of what lies ahead of us, tomorrow!
To do this "We" must Give Peace a Chance!
Yes, Peace without fear!
Peace without boundaries!
Peace with moral and ethical values that are in parallel with solar axioms!
Solar Axioms that can not be denied! This is The Peace and Universal Truth "We" need in our lives!
A Clear and Transparent Peace, that when viewed closely is still illuminating and inspiring!
An Unyielding Peace, and yet, flexible enough to embrace all the diversities of this Planet Earth!
An Ever flowing Peace that can fill the ocean of hearts, minds, and souls of "We the People"and Citizens of the World with love and hope!
Washing away the exigencies that have drained us and left us bereft of happiness and motivation!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers whomever and wherever you may be, let us be Assets of Peace! Poets of Peace! Philosophers of Peace! And yet Realists that The Way To Peace will not be an easy path to take!
Peace will be challenged at every intersection!
Peace will be challenged everyday, once its existence has been fully fully achieved!
However, "We" must encourage The World Leaders to Give Peace a Chance!

Its Time they made Peace Time Policies that will enrich and enhance the Evolution of The New Peace Millennium!
And, what better time to do this than the coming end of the year holiday season!
It would be a Holiday of Peace, A Season of Love, Hope, and New Beginnings!
And, A Gift of Life to the many who would have died in The Afghan/Pakistan War!

A Global Truce, coupled with an exchange of Global Peace Dialogues through-out The World would be the first step in making up for centuries of war!
And, A Time to finally "Give Peace a Chance!"

Monday, October 26, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. IX

Within the House of Peace, There is No Room, or, Reason for Genocide, or War!

There is No Room, or, Reason for Women Slavery, Child Slavery, or Aids!

The Way To Peace Unifies Nations, and, Unites People to Come Together!
In The House of Peace, There is No Room, or, Reason for Race or Class Segregation, or, Discrimination!

The Way To Peace Provides Each and Every Child with Free Education, and, Free Health Care!
It Deprives No One from Having These Basic Life Giving Essentials!

The Way To Peace Is a Home filled With Love!
There is No Room, or, Reason for Hate, or, Jealousy!
And, Each and Every Child is Clothed and Fed, Without Ever Having Fear of Going Without!

A Global Truce is what Is Needed for The United Nations of The Earth to Engage One Another in Universal Peace Dialogues!
As well as, Provide The Needed Time Available to Enter into Peace And Unity Conversations with The Earths Populace!

If "We the People" are To Transcend The Diversity Between One Another, "We" Must First See The Common Ground that We've All Inherited. Whether, You Be White, Yellow, Red, Brown, or, Black Woman, or Man,"We" are All Citizens of This, The Third Planet From The Sun! And, This Sacred Earth is Our Home!

For The New Peace Millennium to Take Hold and Evolve into An Age of Cultural Evolution, "We the People" Must All Embrace the Necessity to Show Respect One Another!

"We"Must Fully Embrace the Necessity to Respect The Earth, Its Sea's, Skies, Forests, Mountains, and, All of Natures Sentient, and, Inanimate Worlds!

There Must Be Respect! There Must Be Love! There Must Be Compassion and Respect for The Earth, and, Its Well Being, If The Soul of The Peace Millennium is To Beat as A Whole!
As, One World Made Up of A Myriad Different Notes, Realities and Perspectives, All Existing in Universal Harmony and Equanimity, Soulfully!

Imagine Living a Life in Which You Did Not Have to Worry about, How You were Going to Make Ends Meet, and Survive, If, For Example, You Lost Your Job!

Just Imagine Living in An Age of Peace! A Peace Millennium where Every Citizen of This Planet Earth Enjoyed Having Social Security!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be,
Let Our Peace Covenant Be as A Beacon of Light Calling Forth to One and All, Who Truly Desire an End to War!
An End to Malnutrition!
An End to Aids!
An End to Global Warming, and The Plight of Endangered Species!
An End to Water and Sanitation Problems that Have Caused Negative Social Stigmas, as well as, Life and Death Issues!

And, May Our Beacon of Light, Be as An Illuminating Solar Axiom That Shines On, and, Enriches The Lives of One And All who Truly Wish To Live in Peace!

And, May The Nexus Between Us Be a Commitment to Our Unquenchable Desire To Live in Peace!

And, Let Us Continue to Build A Bridge of Peace to Each and Every Land and Foreign Shore!

And, Let Us Sing of Peace, Let Us Talk of Peace, and, March Non-Violently as Did Martin Luther King, and, Mahatma Gandhi, in The Name of Peace!

When I Think of The Way To Peace, I Feel within myself, that, "Yes, This is what "We"Need! This is what Will Heal Us, Give Us Hope, And, Brings Us Peace! Mentally, Intellectually, Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually,"We Need Peace, Now!

These are The Reasons Why, The World Leaders of This Planet Earth Should Join Together and Declare a Global Truce, and, Commit Themselves, and, Their Nations To Establishing for One And All, Peace on Earth!
And, The Coming Holiday Season would Be The Perfect Time to Declare it!
A Perfect Time to Give Peace a Chance!

Thursday, October 22, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. VIII

The Way To Peace is a Clear Vision Path for The Global Nations to Take!
As I've previously written, and, spoke of, There are No Isms, or, Ocracys to Politically, or, Economically Distract The World Leaders from Focusing on The Clear Realization that Poverty and Homelessness have No Place within A World Living at Peace with Itself!
And, No State of Being should Condone, or, Accept this Inhumane Condition!
The House of Peace has No Room for Poverty!
And, No Child should Live in Fear of, The Threat of Genocide!
And, No Parent should have to Live in Fear of Unemployment, or, Being Unable to Feed, or Provide for The Welfare, and Health Care of Their Family!

A Peace Millennium Provides A Plethora of Economic, Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Spiritual, Educational, and Philanthropic Possibilities!
It is Limitless in Scope!
And, It is Boundless in Ecological, Environmental, and Planetary Potentialities, For The Earths Survival!

A Global Truce Can Lead The Way to this New Peace Millennium! And, It Can Lead The Way to a Sustained Effort by All of The United Nations of This Planet Earth to Bring Forth A Miracle to Its Populace! Which is, The Gift of Peace to One And All! With The Promise that Their Combined Defense Departments Will Act as A Whole, To Protect, and, Preserve The Peace, and, "We the People," the Citizens of This Earth from Harms Way!

Just Imagine, Our Children Growing Up in An Age of Peace, and Prosperity!
Knowing that They will Be Given The Opportunity and Social Security They Need, To Achieve Their Goals, and, Attain Whatever Admirable Heights, and, States of Being that May Lie Ahead for Them!
Think of It, Our Children will Be Living In An Age of Peace!

All that The Leaders of The Earths United Nations have to Do Is, Have The Courage to Proclaim A World Truce! A Global Peace Declaration!
And, Give Peace a Chance!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May Be, Let Us Enter into A Peace Covenant Based on The Certitude that "We" will Not Give Up Until "We" have Peace Now!

Let Us Build A Bridge of Peace Between Us that Can Not Be Destroyed!

Let Us Establish A Nexus to One Another that Is Everlasting!

Let Us Stand Together, and, Non-Violently March Together in The Name of Peace!
And, Let Our Voices Sing Out Give Peace a Chance!

President Obama, You are Now One of The Most Celebrated Men In The World!
You have been Given The Nobel Peace Prize, and, Once Again, "We" Congratulate You!
But Now, "We the People" ask of You to Give Peace a Chance! Now!
There are No Tomorrows for The Many who have already Given Their Lives, To Preserve The Peace! And for Their Families, Though Proud of The Contribution and Service, that Their Children have Made on Behalf of Their County, Still Mourn Their Loss!
"We" ask for Your Passion! "We" Call upon You to Use Your Celebrated Position to Be A Voice for Peace. And, Call for A Global Truce, To Begin During The Holidays, and, Continue on Into The New Year.
And, "We the People" ask You to Call Upon All the Nations of This Planet Earth to Join in a New Peace Initiative and Discourse, A Peace Dialogue, that Historians Will Look Back on, and, Herald as The Beginning of A New Peace Millennium on Earth!

Is it Too Much to Ask for Peace Now!

Monday, October 19, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. VII

The Word "Transparency" has Been bandied About over the Past Year, But, In a World at Peace with Itself, There is a Clear Meaning, and, Intent to This Word!
For example, If, The Ruler of A World Nation Decides to Engage in War like Actions, or, Committing Acts of Genocide, That Leader will Have Broken The Peace Covenant, Entered into by The Earth Nations and Its Citizens!
Thereby Violating The Peace, and, Therefore Should Be Punished!

This is Where The Defense Departments of The Global Nations have The Right to Act Prudently, Swiftly, and, In a Unified and Justified Manner to Correct this Abominable Act Towards All Sentient Beings!
Imagine The Armed Forces of The Global Nations Acting In Concert with One Another to Preserve The Sanctity of The Peace Millennium!
The True Reason and Intent of this Military Action by The United Global Nations Would Be Viewed as A Responsible, Justifiable, and Heroic Act! To Preserve The Peace!

Peacemakers, Philanthropists, Environmentalists, Scientists, Politicians, Ecclesiologists, Educationalists, and, Culturally Minded Men and Women would be In The Forefront of The New Peace Millenniums State Departments Civilian Leadership! All Working In Concert with The Defense Departments of The United Global Nations to Preserve The Peace!

The Health Care and Welfare of Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth would Be of Primary Concern of The Peace Millenniums Leadership!
And, Keeping The Peace would Be of The Utmost Concern to One and All!

And, The Global Economy would Benefit from A Peacetime Approach of Improving The Living and Working Conditions of The Earths Populace!
Each Nation, Providing for The Social Security of Their Citizens would Enrich Their Quality of Life! And, No One, would Condone a Family living In Poverty, or, Without a Home!

The Face of The World would Change! It would Be a Reflections of One and All, irregardless, of Race, Nationality, or Creed!
And, There would Be a New Balance of Conscious Awareness, One in Balance with Both Our Universal and Personal State of Being!
In the Truest Sense!
And,"We would Truly Be One World, Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May, "We" Can Make The Idea of A Peace Millennium A Reality!
Yes, It Will Take A Great Effort on All of Our Part, But, It is Worth The Effort, and, It is Worth The Sacrifice, Whatever that Sacrifice Maybe!

So, Once Again, Let Us Agree to March In Concert with Each Other in The Name of Peace!
Let Us Sing Out "Give Peace a Chance!"
Let Us Non-Violently Speak Out and Stand Up in The Name of Peace Now!

Too Many have Died To Preserve The Peace! Let Us Make Sure that They have Not Died in Vain!
And, Most Definitely, Let Us All Agree that Seeing Our Sons and Daughters Fighting, in yet, Another War is Not The Answer!

A Global Truce would Be a Step in The Right Direction!
It would Be A Magnanimous Gift To The World for The Holidays, and, The New Year!

And, Yes "We" are All Aware that this is Not The Easiest Course of Action To Take!
Or, Enforce!
However, it is The Best One for Our Present Day, and Future Generations!
Leaders of The World Give a Peace a Chance!

Thursday, October 15, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. VI

I can Read the Headlines of The Global News Media, "The United Nations of The World Agree to A New Proclamation, The Age Of The Peace Millennium has Officially Begun!"

"A Global Truce has been Called, to be Renewed Perennially!"

"The World Nations Agree to An Age Of Peace Time Economy! An End of Poverty! An End of Homelessness! A Universal Health Care, and Positive Welfare Program That Benefits Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth!"

Can You Imagine The New Synergy that Would Be Surging All Over This Earth!

Can You Imagine The Bridge of Peace and Harmony that Would Connect All of Our United Hearts, Minds, and Souls! A Great Universal Nexus Of Oneness!
A Bridge Of Peace Between All Nations, Creeds, and Races!

And. Once again, Let me Say that It Doesn't Mean that The U.S. Department of Defense, or, The Defense Departments from All Over The World Should Close Up Shop, and, Go Out of Business, Their Budgets Would Still Be Intact!
In Fact, Our New Freedom and Global Peace Would Be, Even More so, In Need of Protecting!
And, The Global Truce Would Need to Be Re-Inforced Every time A New Warring Faction, Or, Aspiring New Dictator Attempts to Destroy The Peace!
The Difference Would Be that "We" Would Be Living In Peace!
Our Armed Forces Would Be Protecting The Global Peace Millennium!
Can You Feel The Difference!

It's Definitely Time that "We The People," Demand A Peace Referendum!
Citizens from All Over The World Call Upon Your Nations Leaders to Declare A Global Truce! Nothing less Will Do!
It's Time For An Age Of Peace For One and All! For Each and Every Citizen of This The Third Planet From The Sun!
Now! Not Later, at Some Undetermined Time Period! Now!

It Could Be A Wonderful Holiday Initiative, For All Nations To Partake In!
Beginning Officially in 2010!

And, Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance! Hasn't there Been Enough War to Last Us for an Eternity Already!

Voices Of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, or, Wherever You May Be,
Reach Out, Speak Up, and, Non-Violently Demonstrate, and, Let Us March in Step with Each Other, In The Name Of Peace!
"We" All Have a Calling, Let Our Voices Sing Out as One..."Peace!"

Can You Imagine The Headlines from All Over The World... "Peace At last!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. V

I would like to Congratulate President Obama on Being Given The Nobel Peace Prize! What an Extraordinary Accomplishment for His First Term as President of The United States, or, as a Matter of Fact, for any Individual!
When I Heard the Announcement I thought to myself, "that Maybe, This would Encourage The President to Cease the Escalation of War In Afghanistan and Pakistan!
And, Maybe he would do Something UN-Paralleled, and UN-Precedented In The World Of Politics, or, in Fact, By An Active President of The United States, Call For A Global Truce Amongst All Warring Factions!"

It Would be A Time of Reflection and Discourse! A Time of Contemplation and Communication and New Peace Initiatives!
For the Sake of Today's Civilization and The Worlds Future Generations!
So, Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance?

Of Course, "We" are All Aware that there are Individuals and Factions who would Do Their Worst to Take Advantage of A Global Truce, However, The World Nations have The Combined Resources to Stop these Individuals, and, or Factions, before "They" (once again The Infamous "They") have an Opportunity To Interfere with What would be an Extraordinary Event in The Earths Time Space Reality! Peace On Earth!
And, What a Magnanimous and Universally Symbolic Gesture it Would be for President Obama to Use His New Found Position as A Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, to Call Upon Every Nation of This Planet Earth to Join The U.S. in this Proclamation Calling For A Global Truce, and An End of War!
Again, Why Not?

It doesn't mean that The Pentagon, or, The Department of Defense of Each and Every World nation has to Stop Defending, or Protecting Its Citizens, or The Citizens of The Earth, from Individuals, or Aggressive Factions that Would like to Disturb The Peace. It would simply Mean that The World would be Living in A Peace Time Economy, and Age of Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Spiritual, and Political Evolution and Synergy, Without War as Civilizations Driving Force! The Earths Population would Become a Universal Soul Force of Peace!

So, I ask, Once Again, (As John & Yoko and a Few Other Good Souls Sang) Why Not, Give Peace A Chance!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever You May be, and Whomever You May be, Let Us, One and All, Call Forth To All of The World Leaders and Invite Them to Join Together, In The Name Of Peace, and Declare A Global Truce!
Let Us Request that They Convene The United Nations Security Council and Officially Announce that December 1st, 2009, or 2010 be The Beginning of The Age Of Peace! The Peace Millennium!
Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance!

Thursday, October 8, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. IV

I would like to Experience Living in Peace, Now! During my lifetime, Not in Some Distant Far Off Future, after, The U.S. has Exhausted itself in One Fruitless War after Another! Is that Too Much to Ask for?
Why Can "We" Not Leave The Afghanistan/ Pakistan War behind us? Are "We" Too Afraid that a New World War will begin?

Haven't "We" Learned Enough from The Vietnam War? The Rationale that The World would be Over Run by Communism, doesn't Exist! In fact The Vietnamese, and The Chinese are Important Trading Partners to the U.S. And, Russia is an Important World Player in Dealing with Iran!
So, what is this Fear "We" have In Giving Peace a Chance?

Why is there any Reluctance on the Part of The World Nations to Give Peace a Chance?
What Harm is there in Calling Out to All Warring Factions to Participate in a Global Truce! And, Conduct World Peace Talks?
This would be Truly a Step Towards The Way To Peace!

And, It would be A Peace that "We" Can All Share with Our Families, Friends, and Neighbors!
A Peace that "We" Can All Enjoy Now, Not Later!

I'm Not Suggesting that The World Nations Succumb to Crime, or Give in to Their Enemies Evil Intentions, or Aggression!

I'm Not Suggesting that The U.S., or, Any of The Western Industrialized Nations Not Come to The Aid of a Defenseless Nation, in Harms Way!

I am saying that "We" Can Do All of This, and Still be Strong Enough to Live in a Declared State of Universal Peace.
A Peace that Embraces this Planet Earth in Totality and The Universe that "We" are apart of!

This would be an Honorable Peace! And, A Fair One that Everyone Can Share, No Matter what Race, Creed, or Nationality You may be! A Lasting Peace that Everyone Can Be Proud of!
This would be a Peace that would Serve One and All as A Shining Solar Axiom, That Our Ancestors, who Gave Their Lives to Preserve The Peace, Would Indeed be Proud of! And, A Gift of Life to Our Future Generations!

So, once again, I ask Why Not Give Peace a Chance?

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May Be, Continue to Follow Your Peace Path! Continue to Follow Your Belief in Peace!
Continue to Speak Out and Non-Violently Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!
Continue to Build a Peace Bridge to One Another, that Can Not be Destroyed by The Forces of War!
Continue to Follow Your Heart and Souls Desire to Live In Peace!
For, In Peace Lies The Way! And, The Way To Peace is The Answer to This Planet Earths Survival!

Monday, October 5, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. III

The Way to Peace Lies through So Many Unique Individuals. Without Placing Them in Any Special Chronological Order, Their Names Come to Mind and Resound Al-throughout my Conscious Awareness; Charlemagne, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and, On and On the List goes, Including, Novelists, Journalists, Poets, Philosophers, World Leaders, Singers, Musicians, and Everyday People who Work 9 to 5 Jobs, Who've Devoted Their Lives to the Great Principles of Freedom for One and All!
Men and Women who've Devoted and Given their Lives in The Name of Peace!

And, Now it is Our Responsibility to Continue in this Great Tradition of Peacemakers and Men and Women of Vision! For the Sake of Our Children and Our Children's Children!

For the Sake of The Countless Number who have Died to Preserve and Build A Peace Eternal!

For the Sake of All Sentient Beings, and This Planet Earth!

This should be Our Peace Mantra, Our Hymn of Peace and Harmony, Our Song of Equality, Equanimity, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

How many Times have I, or, So Many Others, Spoken, or, Written These Same Words, and How Many More Times will there be a Need For A Choir of Peace, A Universal Body of Nations without Borders Or Nationalities whose Voices will be Raised Up to Sing A Song of Peace that Resonates All Throughout Our Galaxy!

Let us Continue to Be a Great Soul Force for Peace!
Let us Continue to Show The Way to Those Lost Souls who are in Need of The Truth To Guide them Back to The Peace Fold!

"We" have Experienced Enough Crusades, World Wars, Pre-Emptive Strikes, and Global Conflicts to Graphically and Tragically Prove the Fruitlessness of War!

How Many More of Our Children have to Lose their Lives and Limbs, in Vain, Because of the Ego, False Vanity, and Lust of Power by Dictators, Sophists, Religious Fanatics, and Power Crazed Individuals!

Let us Put and End, to this Evil and Senseless Way of Thought, and, to The Idea That through War, any Great Accomplishment can be Gained.

Its Only Through Peace that This Planets Salvation Lies!
Let us For Once and All Come to A Universal Agreement that In and Through Peace Lies The Way!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, Let us Continue to Speak Out, Non-Violently Demonstrate, and Stand Up in The Name of Peace!
Let us Be Counted Amongst The Nexus of Peace. And, Let us Continue to Build A Bridge of Peace that is Everlasting!

Thursday, October 1, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. II

The Way to Peace does not Lie in The Path of War!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Partisan Politics, or, Party Loyalty!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Praising Democratic Values, at The Expense of Another!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in a Capitalistic Economy being Touted Over a Global One!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Any One Group, or, Cast of People, Living in Poverty!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in The Daily Journals, Newspapers, Cable, Network, or, Satellite News Media continuously Spinning, and, Re-Cycling Negative Stories, and, Headlines about Crime, and, Acts of Violence Over and Over again!

The Way to a Peaceful Co-Existence amongst All Sentient Beings Lies in Being Respectful, and Concerned for The Welfare of One and All!
"We" are All Natives of This Earth! And, Brothers and Sisters of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
"We" are All Apart of a Great Universe filled with Limitless Possibilities!

Its Time that "We" All Came to An Understanding of Who "We" are!
And,That Peace is The Instrument that Will Bring Harmony, Equanimity, and, Equality to The New Millennium, and, Throughout All Eternity!
"We" have, but, to Desire it, With All Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls!
And, Non-Violently March to The Beat of its Drummer!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Continue to Speak Out in the Name of Peace, and, A Shared Prosperity, and, Health Care for One and All!
Let us Be A Great Soul Force for Life, and, The Light!