Thursday, May 28, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Without "We the People" Change Can Not Be!

And, as if right on cue, the Bickering continues amongst the Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress, and amongst their (and I use this phrase very lightly) Respective Advocates and Associates.

And, what is the Reason, for it, this time? Its President Obama's choice for The Supreme Court. And why? To be more Explicit, because she's of Hispanic Heritage, and, of course, a Woman.

And, these are our Elective Officials, who are supposed to Represent "We the People," Citizens of the United States of America. Which is, In Truth, A Land of Immigrants. Can you Imagine What Native Americans must be Feeling.

And so, as if on cue, you can rely upon the U.S.Media to Jump on this News Story as if it is the Most Important Issue facing the American Public, or The World.
They are so easily Manipulated by One Spin or Another, and this is after Years of, Literally, being Played by One Political Party, or Another.
Historically, the Facts Bear this out.

So, when will "The Media" grow up, and Learn from "Their" Past Experiences?

And, when will the Senators, and Congressmen and Women of The U.S. Congress grow up, and Learn from "Their Associates," Past Experiences, and Historical Data?

As, I stated in the previous UIGA Blog, subtitled;" To What Degree do We Respect One Another," this is the Time for Inspirational Leaders to Step Forward, and Make Headlines that Reflect the Needs of "We the People!"

Because, Unfortunately, it has Become Obvious, that "We" can Not Rely upon The U.S. Media.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon our Elective Officials.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon Religious Groups, and their Hierarchy.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon A System that is Broken, and does Not Work for, or Benefit "We the People," it only Benefits those who are in Power, and "Their Constituents.

"We" must Remember that "We" voted for Change, in the last Election.
However, "We" are The Real Change that has to take place, Now!

"We" are The World! And, "We" are The Heart and Soul of The Earths Societies!
And, "We" Represent The Hopes and Dreams of Generations to Come!

It is Not President Obama, who is The Agent of Change, "We" are!
And, without us Change can Not Be a True Reality!

And, in regards to Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayer, I Wish you Good Luck. The United States is a Great Country that Needs Unbiased Leadership that Truly Represents The Laws of The Land, and "We the People!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever You maybe, and in whatever Profession You are Employed in, it is your Inspired Leadership, and Guidance that is Needed. If "We" are Truly to Build a Bridge of Peace that can Not Be Destroyed, and a Nexus of Equanimity on this Planet Earth that is Everlasting, You must Make Your Voices Heard, Now! Speak out, and Stand up, in The Name of All that is Truly Sacred and Holy, and for The Survival of This Planet Earth! The Third Planet from The Sun!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

To What Degree Do "We" Respect One Another

Yesterday, I was Reflecting on the Changing of The Guard amongst the Western Industrialized Nations, specifically, Prime Minister Angela Merkel, President Nicolas Sarkozy, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and President Barack Obama, and To What Degree They would Co-operate, and Show Respect for each other. That thought continued to Evolve into a Generalized thought about, To What Degree do "We the People" show Respect for One Another.

My Thoughts began with How Much "We" Take for Granted, the Intelligence of Children from Birth to Ten Years of Age. "We" Mistake Their Learning Process to Communicate, at times, with being Cute, or Too Slow Witted, or, are Lacking in Proper Learning skills, or are simply too UN-Intelligent.
Sometimes "We" Mistake Their Speech Patterns, and Sound Phrases/Sentences, as Being meaningless sounds. Something "We" would Never do to Someone Visiting us from Another Country, Who was Trying to Learn our Native Language. Although, Now that I think of it "We" do that To A Degree as well (in some cases).

And then, my thoughts evolved To What Degree of Respect do "We" Show All Sentient Beings. And, How Much "We" Take for Granted, that Animals can Understand Languages from All Over the World , Depending on what Country they are Born in. And yet "We" continue to Show them Dis-Respect, Though, Not enough to stop Eating them.
Please understand that there are a great many people who Truly Treasure the Lives of their Pets, and Lovingly Make them apart of Their Extended Family Members.
However, To a Great Degree, and, to Too Many Others, They are still Pets, or They're "Wild Animals," to be seen in a Zoo, or, Live in a Jungle.

This Train of Thought continued to Evolve into How Little Respect "We" Show towards Our Architectural Accomplishments, Musicians (especially Jazz musicians), or the Natural Resources of the Earth.

And "We" wonder why Families are for the Most part More and More Dysfunctional, or, Why the Educational System is Not Keeping pace with Evolution?

For one Reason, "We" continue to exist in Separate Worlds.
The Financial Institutions Exist in Their own Exclusive, Selfish, Little Worlds.

Our Religions Exist in their Selective Worlds, Excluding Those who do not Believe in, or According to, the Faiths of their own Individual Ways of Life.

Politicians, The Global Media, Entertainment, Technological, Scientific, and Sports, Exist in Their Specific Worlds of Strategic Interests.

Of Course, Everyone is Tolerant of the Other, To a Degree.

The Bottom line is Always, What the Profit Margin Is!

But, this it Not Respect! Or Showing Respect for One Another.
Respect Must Be Earned!

It used to Be that Respect was The Covenant that Every Civilized Nation Strove to Teach it's Citizens. However, Now, I wonder To What Degree were Sincerely Attempting to Teach it?
The Old Saying that "Actions Speak Louder than Words" simply States the Case, doesn't it.

And, Here is the Question;
How are "We" to Regain Respect for Our Religious Leaders?
Politicians? The World of Corporations? Unions? Financial Institutions?
And, World Leaders, (as well as with Each other) Especially during this Time Period when "We" are in Need of Inspirational Leaders, (and Definitely, Not Professional Politicians, who work solely for Re-Election!)?

This is a Dialogue that should be Entered into on a Daily Basis, because Herein lies the Basis upon which A New World Society can Be Built. One that can Be Shared by Every Nation, and All Sentient Beings of this, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers I Encourage You to Engage in Universal Discussions, and Sharings of whatever Omniscience that is within Your Possession.
Let us Continue to Build A Bridge of Peace that can not be Destroyed by Malice, or Injustice. Let us Build A Nexus Amongst us that is Everlasting.
In the Name of Peace!

Thursday, May 21, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Show Must Go On/Politicians Have No Shame Pt.I

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Former Vice President of the U. S. Challenging President OBama and his Administrations ability to Protect and Defend The United States of America?

The Question is; Why is He Doing this?

If he Truly Represented a Vibrant, Virtuous, and Strong Populist Movement, and had an Unblemished Record in Politics, then I could More thoroughly comprehend what his Motives are.
However, since that definitely is not the case, What are his Motives?

These are without a doubt Strange Times, However, One thing for Sure is that,
For Better or Worst, "We" are involved in 3 Wars, and it is Definitely not The Time for, Politics as Usual Behavioral Tactics to Be used by The Former Vice President.

If, he Represented a Global Peace Movement, and was Speaking Out against President OBama's decision to Escalate the War in Afghanistan/Pakistan, that would be an Impressive Demonstration of Sensitivity, and Commitment to World Peace. But, since "We" are aware that is Not the Case. What is his Motivation?
Besides, what Peace Movement would Trust, or Want him on their Team.
Would You?

So, Could it Be, that the Former Vice President is a little concerned with how he is going to look to Historians, and to Our Future Generations? Most likely!

Let's Face the Facts, he is Aware that he could be brought up on Charges that he was the Main Author in Initiating, and Overseeing the Torture of Prisoners of War, and Breaking of The Geneva Accords. So, I suppose there is Good Reason for his Negative Behaviour, at least from his Point of View. Could he be Feeling Threatened? Quite Possibly!

However, this Distraction"We" Definitely do not need. For one simple Reason, it Distracts The Global News Media from Focusing on Real Issues that concern "We the People,' such as; Poverty, War, the Struggling Economy, UN-Employment, Ethnic Cleansing in The Congo, and, DARFUR.

And, "We" need the U.S. Congress to Stay Focused, especially as Summer approaches, "They" will, of course, Want to Take Their Paid Vacations.

Is Anyone Listening to The Cry of The Homeless?

Is Anyone Listening to The Elderly, Who are Deeply Concerned about Losing Their Social Security, after a Lifetime of Service?

Is Anyone Listening to The Cry of Future Generations, Who Want to Live in Peace, and Do not Want to Inherit a System that is Corrupt, and Biased?

And, "We" don't have Time for the Former Vice Presidents Petty Indulgences.
He had his Opportunity to Improve The Quality of Life for Every American Citizen, and Failed Miserably!

Enough is Enough. Let's give him Whatever Severance Pay he's entitled to, and Leave him to his Oil Cronies Pleasures.

The Time that "We" have is Needed to Construct a New Millennium Built upon A Platform of Peace, Scientific Achievement, and Technological, Spiritual, Humanistic, Philosophical, Cultural, and Highly Moral Political Evolutionary Themes, that Mirror Planetary Anthems of, One World Living in Equanimity, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All. And for the Survival of Our Earth.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers who Cherish this Planet, and its Citizens, do not be Distracted or Dismayed by False Prophets, and Egocentric Politicians.

Make Your Voices Heard over the Din of Hypocrisy and the Outright Lies that have been Told to Us.
Stand Up and Speak Out for the Principles and Beliefs that "We" Believe to be Sacred, and, in the Name of World Peace Now!

Monday, May 18, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Another Day in the Life As The Wheel of Life Goes Round 'N Round

Hot Spots

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, The U.S. Economy, The Global Economy, Poverty in The United States, The Need for A National Health Care System that Works (For All Americans), Our Social Security is Once Again, being Threatened, Child Abuse, Child Pornography, Women Slave Trade (Does Exist), Drug Cartels, Corporate Greed, Politics as Usual ("Once again its the Democrats, and Republicans Playing Political Games and Trying to Prove who's Best. And, Once again, its at the Expense of its Citizens, who have lost their Homes and Jobs, while Politicians Create Even More of a Mess.") and War!

This sounds like a Verse in one of my Compositions called, "Media Blitzkrieg.

And, Yes, its just, Another Day in the Life, As The Wheel of Life Goes Round 'N Round."

During my Travels, in Europe, Friends and Acquaintances, both, who had lived in Africa (and Loved it!) Now, referred to it, as The Death Continent.

How True and How Tragic! Sudan, DARFUR, The Congo, continue to be a Horrific Example of what Human Nature can Be.

I have expressed this Sentiment before, but, How can The Global United Nations Permit this Genocide to Continue!
Have "They" No Conscious, Have "They" No Solace, Have "They" No Soul!

We have all heard the Statistics, about Young Boys being Kidnapped from their Families and then Forced into Military Service, and Young Girls Rapped, and Sold into Slavery. This goes on Daily Without an End insight.

This would not Happen in the U.S. (although Kidnappings and Murder do occur Far too Frequently for the Leader of the Industrialized Global Nations), or Europe.

The Question for Today is this; Why does there Appear to be, A Selective Abuse,
or Selective Victim System that is Tolerated by The Major United Global Nations?

I have been asking, myself, this Question for Quite Awhile.

Why? Because it just doesn't make Sense. How can this be Happening in The Twenty-First Century?

And, also Because the World Powers have stood up against Tyrants and Dictators in The Past, and actually, in the Near Present. So, Why are "They" allowing This Genocide to Continue?

Selective Victims? For what Purpose? For what Greater Good?

I am So Offended, and Shocked that Ethnic Cleansing is being Condoned by The United Global Nations. "They" Empower it by "Their" Lack of Concrete Action to Put an End to These Acts of Genocide. Have "They" No Conscious, Have "They" No Solace, Have "They" No Shame!
And, We are The Witnesses to this Abomination that History will Record as One of The Most Shameful Periods in Our Lives!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak Out, You Can Make a Difference!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Simple Walk

Today, I decided to take a Walk to work. It is a Beautiful Spring Day with Flowers Blossoming, and Leaves appearing in a Wonderful Flourish of Colors.
And while I was engaged in this very pleasant experience I began singing, as I usually do, a song that I composed, called "Share with Me."
It has a Spiritually Utopian Lyric to it; "Share with me All of the Joy of Being, Yes, Being Alive and Free, and Living in Harmony." And, there is a Release that was one of the Prayer/Meditations that Mahatma Gandhi used to say, the English Approximation is "Lead us from Unreal to Real, Lead us from Darkness to Light," and, "Lead us from Death to Immortality."

And, As I was Admiring the Creative Beauty of this Spring Day, Slowly but Surely, I began thinking about the Fifteen Thousand Children Sleeping in Homeless Shelters, in New York City, and the Millions more who are Living in Poverty, in the U.S. (the Worlds most Powerful Democracy), and then, the Thousands of Young Men and Women who have Given their Lives, and Limbs, to Fight in One War, that was Started on a False Premise, a Second War, that the U.S., supposedly won, that is now engaged in a New Spring Escalation (Authorized by President OBama, who Campaigned as a Peace Candidate, and his Administration) and a Third War on Global Terrorism.
I had to stop myself Mid Way to my Destination and say to myself, "Is it possible that I can no longer take an Pleasant, Relaxing, Mind Clearing Walk on a Beautiful Spring Day, without Thinking about these Disturbing Thoughts?"
My answer, to myself, was No, I can not!

However, I tried, again, to Cast Out these Disturbing Thoughts, because, I felt that I should be able to Enjoy taking a Simple Spring Walk to work, and then, my mind began to Dwell upon Global Warming, and is Anyone really listening to Al Gore, and then, my mind began to Reflect on Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Fires, and Hurricanes, and the many Families who were left Homeless due to these Natural, or Man Made Catastrophes.

Now, in general, I consider myself to be a Peaceful, Nature Loving person, However, you can see that my Beautiful Spring Walk was Slowly but Surely, slipping away from me.
And, then, I began Thinking About the Plight of Children growing up on this Planet, who are at Times Sex Objects, or Ignored until they Commit an Offense against the Same Society that Ignored them to begin with.

And then, there's The Biased, (one way or another) Global Media who Have Forgotten that "Their Job" is to Report The News, and Not Spin it however "They" Feel is the Best Way to improve their Ratings, or increase Their Sales (in desperation).

And so, Here I am Sharing with You some of my Concerns about This New Millennium.
A New Millennium That I thought was to Be a Culturally, Technologically, Scientifically, Spiritually, and Philosophically Evolved Time Period!
An Age of Peace!

And, Not an Age of Endless Wars, Endless Poverty, and Endless Corporate Corruption and Greed, and Endless Immorality in The Worlds of Politics, and Religion.
It is very hard for me to understand Why, the Leaders of The Worlds Religions are Not Making Their Voices Heard above the Din of Lies, Falsehoods, and UN-Ethical Behaviour by Those Who are in Power.
Their Silence only empowers the Leaders who are Committing Genocide, and Killing their own Citizens without Recompense. Do we need to Re-Experience the Holocaust over and over again, before the United Global Nations Stand Up in the Name of Justice, and Stop these Atrocities!
Or, Will The New Millennium be Known as "An Age of Illusion and Transgression?"

One thing for sure is that if "Change" is Truly to Come, and, A New Spring To Dawn upon this Earth, A New Dawn of Peace and Prosperity for One and All, "We" will have to Stand Together, and Build a Bridge of Peace that Will Survive the Rising Tides of Destruction, Chaos, and Evil Intentions that are Set upon Dominating, Manipulating, and Consuming Our Spirits and Souls. .

Voice of Reason, and Peacemakers, Will You Remain Silent in the Midst of this War against our Souls, and Senses. Will You Remain unCaring while our Planet is Polluted and Ravaged?
"We" can Make a Difference, but "We" must Act Now! Make Your Voices Heard in the Name of Peace!

Monday, May 11, 2009



Calling Planet Earth
Where's The Money?

I was thinking on my Way to prepare for this Blog, If Anyone in The U.S. Congress Realized that "They" were Elected to Represent, "We The People," Because "They" seem to be doing a Good Job Representing Lobbyists, and the Companies that Hire them.
However, "They" are supposed to Be Working on our Behalf, and Not the Lobbyists!

It has been, about, Two Month's since Congress passed the Second Stimulus Package, The First of President OBama's Administration, and Slowly but Surely, People are beginning to ask "Where is The Money?" Even a Few Members of the Defunct U.S. News Media are asking.
Ironically, The Chinese Stimulus Package is already showing results, Ironically, because The U.S. are the Expert's, right?

And, even Wall Street is Concerned. However, my Main concern is the Thousands of American Citizens who have lost Their Homes, Due to the Financial Crises, and the Millions who are Living in Poverty.

Which is More Proof that "The System" doesn't work on the Behalf of "We The People."
Which is More Proof that Capitalism Lacks a Heart and Soul.

What more Proof do you need when there is More Media Coverage, and Interest in the Miss California Debacle, than there is in the Growing Poverty and UN-Employment Problem in the U.S.

And, once again I keep hearing that Health Care Costs need to be Reduced.
I'm, so, tired of Hearing this Over and Over again.
The U.S. Government can, Always, Find, or Borrow Money to Pay for , yet, Another War, But, "They" can not Find the Financing to Pay for A National Health Care Program for its Citizens.
I'm so over Their continuous Rationale, Why "They can not Afford a National Health Care Program.
Our Elective Officials Remind me of Lawyers Who are on Retainer. And,"They" always find an Argument to Prove Their Point.
However, "They" seem to have Forgotten that "They" Represent "We The People." "We" are Paying Their Salaries, Health Care, and Education Benefits, (that "Their" Families are Enjoying) with the Hard Earned Tax Dollars of Millions of American Citizens . They are Employed by Us!

And, while "They" sit in their Committees and "Play Politics," Millions of American Citizens are Homeless.

Maybe, if "We" Voted to Take Away their Health Care, and Education Benefits, "They" would Finally Get the Message, and Pass a National Health Care Bill that Benefits "All The People."

However, I'm Glad that President OBama hasn't lost his Sense of Humor, as was on Display at The White House Congressional Dinner, However, I have.
Millions of Children are Living in Poverty! And, this is No Laughing Matter!

Why isn't He Taking His Policy of Change into the Urban Ghettos, and Tent Cities? Town Hall Meetings just aren't Enough. We need to see "His Soul on His Sleeve," as the Saying Goes.
I would like to see him explain to a Young Child who's Parents are UN-Employed, and can not make ends meet, to feed their Children Properly, just, what is Being Done to Help Them through this Crises.

Its Time for a True Reckoning to Take Place. And, its Definitely Time for a New Change in Attitude in The U.S. Congress.
Have You No Conscious, Have You No Solace, Have You No Soul!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak out, There Must Be an End to Poverty, Too Many Children are Starving in this Land of Plenty!

Thursday, May 7, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Peace Change Pt.II

(Metamorphosis & Evolution)

Sometimes when the Insanity of War, Greed, Class Inequality, Poverty, and a Lack of Conscious Awareness, and Evolution are Too Much to Comprehend, I take a Moment to Simplify Why I am Here. And here is my Most Recent Contemplations to Share with You.

1) What is Our Purpose? To Pro- Create. Yes!

2) To Start Wars? No!

3) To Rape and Pillage? No!

4) To Honor, Respect and Live in Peace with One Another? Yes!

5) To Share, and Respect Our Natural Resources, and Commerce? Yes!

6) To Experience, Teach, Share and Evolve in Equanimity, and Omniscience? Yes!

7) To Embrace and Enjoy Being Here and Now? Yes!

8) To Explore The Vast Universe that "We" are a Small Part of? Yes!

9) To Ensure that Each and Every Sentient being Need Never Fear, and will Receive Proper Nourishment, Education, HealthCare, and, A Place to Call Home. Yes!

10) To Steal, Corrupt, Overly Tax, or Destroy, Our Earth's Societies? No!

11) To Defend Our Principles and Ideals of Freedom, and Individuality? Yes!

12) To Support Small Businesses, and Free Enterprise? Yes!

13) To Create A Cultural Evolved Environment? Yes!

14) To Evolve Technologically, Scientifically, Philosophically, in Omniscience?

15) To Enjoy the Simple Pleasures of Life.
Such as; Taking a Walk, and Sharing A Meal with Your Family, and,
or Friends? Yes!

16) To Share the Light, Love, and the Celestial of Song of Life. Yes!

I hope that You will Take a little Time, each day, to Contemplate, or Meditate, Why You are Here, and What Positive Way You can Improve your Life, and the Lives of Others who are Less Fortunate than You are.

This is A Full Moon Sharing!



Calling Planet Earth

A Peace Change-Pt. I

(Observation & Determination)

I think what may end up being one of the most Disturbing Realities of this New Millennium is The Loss of Our Cultural Backgrounds, and Familial Memories.
The Major Film Studios next Sequel just isn't Sufficient Enough to Build a Bridge from the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century.

Families are Existing in a Dysfunctional State, with Children being Forced to Leave Their Homes, and Neighborhoods, where They grew up, to Seek Employment somewhere else. And, Day Care has Replaced the Care and Growth that only a Mother and Father Can Provide.

In the Past Neighbors used to Invite each other, to Their Back Yard Barbecues, and Birthday parties.
And, everyone knew the Local Policeman, and, Most Families had
Long Lasting Relationships with Their Local Bank Representatives.
And, just about everyone Knew Someone, or had at least One Relative who was Working at The Post Office, or Fire Department. Or was a Sanitation Person.

It sounds like "A Wonderful Life," which is One of my Favorite Films, doesn't it.

However, from the Sixties to the Mid Seventies, was Where the State of Dis-Solution of, what was then, The Modern World began.

Yes, of course, in Fact it had begun Growing Centuries before, However, it Culminated, and Seriously began to Fall Apart with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and then, Martin Luther King, Senator Robert Kennedy, and let's not forget the Tragic Deaths, by Assassination of Medgar Evers, and Malcolm X.
The U.S. Society became Fractured, and that's to Say the Least.

And Yes, it did Rebound to a Certain Degree, However, Something was Always Missing, It's Soul was Struggling to Re-Emerge as a Clear and Illuminating Presence, that "We the People" could, once again, Feel Proud of.

Yes, the U.S. is a Great Country, with Limitless Potential to it, and A Beautiful One as Well!

However, if "We" are to Be an Effective, and Strategic World Power/Leader "We" need to Exemplify much more than what, our Previous President, President George Bush's Administration Created. "They severely Damaged our Image in the Hearts of the World, and, in The Hearts and Souls of Americans Living at Home, and Abroad.

Our World has Seen Too Much Conflict, it wants Fervently to Pursue a New Course, One of Peace and A Shared Prosperity by One and All. Ask anyone from Denmark to Ireland, or from Africa to Asia.

Yes, there will Be Extremists, However, If All of This Planets Nations, Sincerely, Join Together, "We" can Build a New Consensus, A Peace Consensus Built on A Moderation of Idea's to Bring about A New World Living in Equanimity.

And, There will Be No Room for Poverty, or Racism in this New World. There will Be, only, A Place at The World Nations Table of Peace for those who Believe in, and Desire Living in an Ideal, Universal State of Being.

If "We" can Commit the Most Horrible Atrocities Known to All Human Kind, then, there is No Reason Why, if "We" have the Soul Strength to do it, "We" can not Create the Opposite. A Thriving State of Existence where Each and Everyone of us would live in Peace and Harmony. A Planet, Existsing like a Single Organism, Living in Peace and Harmony with itself, and The Universe that it is a Part of.

"We" have Done this Before, in The Past, and, "We" Can Do it Now, and in The Future. The Next Generation Depends on us.

Yes, it is Time for "A New Change," to Emerge from The Genocide and Tragedies that Have Taken Place in Africa, and through-out The Middle East, Asia, North, and South America, and Europe.

A Peace Change!

Voices of Reason and Peacemekers Make Your Voices Heard, Stand Up, and Speak out in the Name of Peace!

Monday, May 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nuclear Power, Nuclear Energy,
& Poverty-The New State of Dis-solution and Shame

The Razzle & Dazzle Show, in Washington, Continues with more Press Conferences, and New Polls showing that the Public Continues to look favorably on the New Administration, However, the State of Homelessness Continues to Leave a Scar upon the U.S. Democracy.

Can you Imagine Families are Living in the Streets, in Tents, and, Living in the Backs of their Cars! These are American Families who can No Longer Afford to Pay Their Mortgages and , have Lost Their Homes.
Americans who can not Find Employment, who have Lost Their Savings due to the Financial Crises.

Where are the TARP Funds?

Where are the Billions of Dollars, Passed by the Congress, in Two Stimulus Packages?

How long do these Citizens have to Wait, before Someone comes to Their Aid?

Who is there to Protect them from Harms way?

Is anybody Listening to Their Cries for Help?

What is the U.S Government doing about this Tragedy?

Understand, that No one in the Civilized World can Imagine this Happening, in The U.S., with the Exception of the Enemies, and Protagonists of America.
Why are there So Many Citizens Living in Poverty, and, How is it Possible that there are Two Million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S.

I would like to ask Andersen Coopers One Hundred Most Influential People to Join Together (which would Cause an Immediate Media Blitz) and Force The World Leaders, and Power Brokers, to Do Something about this Catastrophe.

"We" can not turn a Blind Eye to this Unendurable Situation any Longer.

And,Why Is there such A Lack of Concern about it amongst the Global Clergy?

Why aren't Religious Leaders Speaking Out
more Forcefully, and Frequently?
This is not the Time to Remain Quiet, or Maintain a Low Profile.
Its Time to Come Forth, and Speak Up. Its Time to Stand Up for those who are Less Fortunate.
There is No Reason for One Child to Go without a Meal, or a Proper Education, or Healthcare in the U.S., or The World 'We" live in.

I can not Imagine Mahatma Gandhi, or Martin Luther King Remaining Quiet!

And, Can you Believe that there is a 15% rise in Homelessness, in the U.S.

And, its not the Recession that's Causing it, it s a Lack of Caring by our Elective Officials, who sit in their Committees and Do Nothing.
What I call Their "Do Nothing Policy!"

And, Imagine, The U.S. Government plans to spend Billions of Dollars, a month, in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and yet, "We can not find the Financial Resources, or the Political Will Power to Eliminate Poverty at Home!
How is this Possible?

And Why? Because, it is not a Priority to "Them." Saving a Life should be!

And yet, "They claim that the New Escalation of War, in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, will Protect Americans, and Strategic U.S. Interests abroad.
Well, Why isn't it a Priority to Protect, and Save American Lives, and American Interests at Home?

Why? Because, It's Simply Not in "Their Interest" to Do So.
What else could be the Reason?

Yes, Of course, I forgot about the Nuclear Reason.
"We" have to keep Nuclear Weapons out of the Hands of our Enemies.
That is a Good Reason.
However, if, for the last Eight Years, "We" have financed, or Received Financing, from the Chinese, and our Allies, to Conduct Three Wars, (In Afghanistan, Iraq, and A Global War on Terrorism) Why is it that "We" Can not put our Energies into Creating a New War, Except this Time it would be A War to Eliminating Poverty, and Guaranteeing an Education for our Children, and A National Healthcare System for Each and Every American Citizen!

And, Can you Believe
that "We" are planning to have One Hundred Thousand U.S. and Co-alition Combat Troops fighting in Afghanistan/Pakistan by the End of This Year. Incredible!
"We" are not out of Iraq, and already "We" are Committing/Re-missioning our Armed Forces, and Spending our Tax Dollars to Engage in a New Escalation, while "We" have not completed our Mission at Home.

What Mission, You ask, to Put American Citizens, and Its Industries Back to Work.
This should be our First Priority!

And, Our Second Priority should be Consistent with our World View, which is to Attain an Everlasting Peace on Earth!

Its Definitely Time for The U.S. to Adjust its Overall Foreign Policy, and Become more and more a Peace Builder/Peacemaker! And, Let go of its World Empire Philosophy.
"We" should become the Mortar that Holds the Rafters of The Houses/Nations of The World Together.

"We" need to Build Peace Partnerships, and by Our Actions,
Demonstrate that "We" Believe in what "We" Preach.

"We" should Be Focusing on Building A World without Nuclear Weapons, and without Nuclear Energy.
"We" don't need another Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island Catastrophe to Happen again!.

Do you realize how many Nuclear Reactors there are on this Planet? Too Many!
A World without Nuclear Threat, of any kind whats so ever, would be a Highly Admirable Goal for the U.S. and the World Nations to Achieve.
And, Russia and China Must Agree to Be Willing Partners to Lead The Way, in A Joint Effort.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, All Across this Beautiful Planet, We Must Join Together to Build a Bridge of Peace, that Can Not Be Destroyed.
Let us Be A Magnificent Soul Force, and Build a Nexus of Peace that is Everlasting.
A Nexus that Our Future Generations Can Be Eternally Proud of!