Thursday, December 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! #131

As "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Enter into a New Decade, I Feel as if, "We" are All, Existing in The Eye of A Hurricane, Filled with The Illusions of Calm and Tranquility, Surrounding Us!

On The National Front, in The U.S., "We" are Drifting along in The Post Political, Holiday Break Time Period! Celebrating it with Our Family and Friends, and, Sharing The Season and Holiday Cheer with Each Other!

On The International Front, Its mostly the Same as, it is, in The U.S., But, There is also A Silent Expectation, that, War, or, A Terrorist Attack, May Cause A Break in This Moments Calm!

Of course, There is The Usual Travel Chaos, due to The Storms of Winter, But, These inconveniences are Not Attributed to Any Man Made, Ecological, or, Environmental Catastrophe! Although, of course, Everything is Relative, isn't it!
And, So, The Illusion of Calm Continues!

And, of course, There will Be the New Years Eve Festivities, in Times Square, and, All Around The World, But, still The Illusion of Calm Continues, and, Will Be Enforced by, The Powers that Be!

But, "We," Who have Lived in The Eye of The Hurricane before, Know that, The Tsunami/Earthquake of Political, Economical, Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Spiritual, Ecological, Cultural Conflicts, Campaigns, Royal Marriages, Sociological Differences, and, Media Blitzkriegs, are Soon To Be Upon Us! Beginning in The New Decade!

So, "Get Ready," as The Song Title States, to Hold On to A Roller Coaster Ride of Great Portent, as "We" are Cast, as An "Important Voting Block of Change," in The Upcoming "Perfect Storm!"
A "Perfect Storm," Made up of So Many Intrigues that, Robert Ludlum (should He still be alive), or, James Patterson Would Find it Difficult to Compete with!

But, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have Lived in The Eye of The Hurricane, For Most of Our Lives, and Survived, Know of The Illusion of Grandeur, Spoken in Grand Rhetoric, that, Will be Used to Tempt Us to Vote for One Candidate or Another! Or, For One Party or Another! Or, to Try and Convince Us, that, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

However, "Just Ask Anyone Who Live on The Streets," of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, They Will "Not Be Fooled Again," by The "False Hypothesis," that, "Things are Really Getting Better," When They're Not!

Just Ask The Tens of Millions, Who are UN-Employed, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

Just Ask The Students and Their Families, Who are Faced with Rising Costs in Education, and, Student Loan Debts, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

And, Ask The Hundreds of Thousands, Who have Lost Their Homes, Due to Natural Disasters, War, Genocide, or, A Poor Economy, Worldwide, if, "Things are Really Getting Better!"

So, Let Us, "Not Be Fooled Again," by This False Calm, that, "We" are Experiencing! Instead, Let Us Prepare for, What Lies Ahead! For, The Myriad Hurdles, Obstacles, Impediments and Challenges Will Be Many, and, "We," Will have to Steel Ourselves against, The Sophists, Lobbyists, Global Oligarchs, and Manipulative Economists, Who will Try and Sell Us A "Pot of Lies," All Dressed up in Pretty Ribbons and Bows, to Sway Our Opinion and Conscious Awareness Away from, The Truth!
Which is, that, A House Cleaning on A Global Scale is Needed! And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Must Be Ready, Committed, and, Dedicated to, Continue Following Our Own Vision Path, of Change!
And, "We" Must Continue to Sow The Seeds of Our Earthrise, Grassroots Movement of Peace, Change, Hope, and Compassion!

And, There Must Be A New Economic Parity, amongst All The Social Communities Of The Earth, that, Guarantee's, and, Provides for The Social Security, and, Social Welfare of, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!
Our Future Depends on it! And, The Lives of Our Children, Depend on This! Why? Because, Let Us Never Forget, that, "We" are All Equal under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Universe! And, that, "We," Must Put an End to Class Consciousness, and, All of Its Illusions! Its Time that, "We" Created A New Beginning, of Universal Equanimity, on Earth For "All of The People!"

And, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, have to Agree to Put in Place, A Strategic New Vision, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Embraces and All Encompasses, A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue!
A Strategic Plan that, Inspires and Empowers The Creation of An Earthrise Constitution, and Global Emancipation Declaration, that, Serves to Protect, and, Defend The Rights, Freedoms, and, Laws of, "All The People," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way to Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Follow, and, Spread "The Good News" of Our Vision Path, and Truly, Let it Be, "The Vision Path of The People!"

"Let it Be, Let it Be," to Take a Few Words from The Lyrics of The Beatles Classic, Because, A Change that Enhances and Enriches, The Lives of The People," Must Come to Be!

And, Whether it Be by Song, The Internet, or, The Social and Cross-Media Universes, A Change Must Come!

So, Let's Continue to Share "The Good News" of, Our Cultural, Non-Violent, Peace Initiative, via Linkedin, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, MySpace, Yahoo, and, Google!
And, Let's Text it, Twitter it, Uplink, Download, Email, or, Call it in! For, "The Times They are A Changing," and, "The Sign of The Times," are Here and Now!

And, Let's Lift Our Spirits High, and, Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change! And, Let Our Hopes and Aspirations, Take Us To A Higher Plane of Transcendental Experiences of Great Human Compassion, and Universal Ideals, that, are Truly Symbolic of, A Great People," and, A Great Age of Peace on Earth!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium, as "We," Enter into The Second Decade of, The 21st Century! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

Sunday, December 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! #130

There is Great Purpose to Change and Evolution! And, There is Great Purpose in having A Vision Path to Sojourn!

On Another Note, There is Nothing, but, Self Flagellation in The Vision Path of, The "Ists," and, The "Isms," of, The Global Oligarchs!
Their Schemes Can, only, Lead Us to Live in A World of Conditioned Realities, where "They" Can Continue to Manipulate Us, to Do Their Bidding!

And, "We" Need Honest Judges who Can Differentiate Between Evils!
Meaning Specifically, Rights and Wrongs that are In Equanimity and In Opposition to, Earthwise and Solar Axioms!
This is so that, "We" Will Not End up Becoming Victims and Slaves of Our Own Making!

But, A Peoples Evolution, and, or, A Peoples Revolution, Can Change All that, and, Instead, Our Generation Can Lead The Way to A True Millennia "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, This is Why, Our Earthrise Movement "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," is of The Utmost Importance!
For Altogether, "We" are A Great Soul Force, "Of Change, Hope, Compassion, Purpose, and, A Peaceful, Non-Violent, Evolution of Enlightenment!

And, Together, "We" Can Powerfully Express Our Outrage, in regards to, The Gross Injustices that have Been Inflicted upon, "We The People!"
The Cruelties and Disadvantages are Too Severe! And, A Change Must Come!

And, Together, "We" Can Discard All The Old Illusions, and, Put in Their Place, A New Age of Common Civilities and Goals, Humility and People Power!

And, Together, "We" Can Rid Ourselves of Being Possessed by The World of Big Business, and, Forge Together, A New Economic Vision Path, that Rewards Productivity, and, "Taxes No One's Personal Incomes!"
Giving Birth to A Peace Time Economy that Invests in Job Creation, Small Businesses, The Green Industry, and, A New World of Energy Initiatives and Alternatives, that are of Benefit, "To The People," and, "For The People," and, "The Empowerment Of All The People!"
The Disparity Between The Rich and The Poor, are Too Great, and, Grossly Unfair! And, Too Many are Going without!

And, Too Many are Being Unfairly Abused, by A Corrupt System with, Corrupt Leaders of The Spirit and Soul! "They" are The Soulless InVisibles! And, Greed and Power is Their Primary Philosophy of Life! Irregardless of What The Cost May Be!

The Winds of Change are upon Us, and, Altogether, "We" Can Beat Back The Oppression, Terrorism, and, Imperialism, that, Continues to Threaten Us!
Giving A True Purpose, A True Purpose, "Of The People," and, that, Protects The Rights of, All The People, by, Our Global Coalition of United Armed Forces of Peace!
A True Purpose that, Forges Together, NATO, The UN, and, All The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, in One Common Cause, Committed to Maintain Peace On Earth, In Equanimity with The Laws Of The Earth!
Creating A Global Truce, and, An Age of Common Cause, Expressed and Conducted in, Concurrent Peace Dialogues, Worldwide!

In The New Decade, Our Priorities have to Change! And, Education, For One, has to Be At The Top of The List, and, Absolutely For Free!
College Graduates Can No Longer Be Burdened with Debts from Student Loans, that, Drain Them For All of Their Lives!
This is An Absurd Debt, that, A 21st Century, Modern Day, Civilized Society Can Not Afford!
And, Burdening Our Children with This Debt, is A Travesty of Justice of The Worst Kind! That, and, Seeing Our Children Go off, to Fight in UN-Declared Wars, are Both of Equal Status, in The World of Conditioned Realities! Along with, The Abuse of Our Children by Pedophiles!
This is Not The Way To Peace! Or, A Way To Heal The World! Nor, is it, A Way For The World to Evolve into A New Vision Path, of A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Signs of The Times are Favorable to Our Efforts, "All Over The World!"
"We" have, but, to Continue to Be Vehicles of Change! And, Create New Platforms of Hope and Change! And, Continue to Spread "The Good News," of, Our Earthrise Movement!

"We" are Very Fortunate to have at Our Disposal, The Worlds Greatest Social, Cross-Media Universe, and, Non-Violent Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and For The People," that, The Earth has Ever Known!

And, "We The People,", Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, are Very Fortunate to have This New Age of Science and Technology to Spread Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions to Every Corner Of The Earth!

So, Let Us Be, Women and Men of Great Vision! And, Let Us Create The Architecture and Infrastructure of Our World, to Illuminate Our Lives, Environmentally, Ecologically, Spiritually, Intelligently and Universally, Enhancing Our Daily Living Conditions, as "We" Make Our Way on The Sidewalks, Buses, Subways, Highways, Sky Ways, and, Sea's, of, Our World!!

"We" Can Text Our Idea's, and, Demonstrate against The Obstructionists of Change! And, in Doing so, Each and Everyone of Us, Can Be An Activist of Change and Hope, and, Make a Difference!

And, "We" Can Create Our Own Earthrise Constitution and Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, in Doing so, Rock Out, Shakeup, and, Change The World!

Too Many Tears of Pain, have Fallen in The First Decade of, The New Millennium!
And, Its Time for, Tears of Love, to Be Shared!
Once again, The Lives of Too Many, are Dependent upon Us! And, A New Decade Beckons and Challenges Us, to Fulfill Our Destiny!

Just Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You that, "We" have to Learn to Live Together, and, Show Respect For One Another! And, Learn to "TCB," Take Care of Business!
This is What, Its like, To Be Streetwise, but, It is also Reveals and Demonstrates, A Wisdom of How To Co-Exist with One Another!
Respect, Fair Play, Trust, Honesty, Common Sense, and, A Conscious Awareness of The Needs, and, Evolution of Each and Everyone of Us, is The Universal Mindset and Philosophy Of The Streets, of, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth!
"We" have Learned Enough, through, Trial and Error, that, "We" Need Whats Best For Each Other, If, "We" are to Survive and Evolve as A United, and, Vibrant Community of The Earth, In Equanimity with The Flow and Growth of The Universe!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

So, in Ending, Let's "Give Peace A Sincere Chance," in The Second Decade of The New Millennia! If, There Ever was A Time for The Phoenix of Peace, to Grace Our Lives, That Time is Now! For, This is Our Earth, and, Our Time has Come to Excel!

Thursday, December 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! #129

I Would like to Congratulate President Obama, and, The Members of The U.S. House of Representatives, and, The U.S. Senate for Repealing, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and, For Passing The Tax Package (although Anyone Worth more, or, Earning more, than $500,000, Should have Been Excluded from it), and, The 9/11 Responders Bill (although it took 9 years, which Cost Hundreds of Lives, Who Could have Benefited by An Early Passage of it)!
But, It Does Demonstrate what Can Be Done, When Our Politicians Work in A Collaborative and Co-operative Political Environment! And, What a Wonderful Spirit and Gift, The Passing of These Pieces of Legislation have Provided Millions of Americans, and, A Positive Note to End The First Decade, of The New Millennium, and, An Excellent Way to Enter into The Second Decade!

And, In Keeping with The Spirit of The Holidays, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Who have Worked Arduously, and, Tirelessly, to Advance The Cultural Evolution of "We The People,"Citizens Of the Earth!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays to The Members of The Earths United Armed Forces, Who are Serving to Protect Our Rights of Freedom and Peace, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to The Countless Numbers of Families Who are Homeless, and, Living in Tents, Shelters, Their Cars & Vans, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Children of This Planet Earth Who are Living in Poverty, or, Conditions to Tragic to Describe, Worldwide!

And, I Would like to Wish A Very Happy Holidays, to All The Families Who have Lost A Member of Their Family, Due to War, or, Violence Whatever The Nature of It, May Be!

And, If, There Ever was a Time for A New Age of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change, That Time is Now!
So, I Wish "One and All," A Peace Filled Holidays, and, A Future Now Experience of, "Peace On Earth," and, A Millennia of Economic Security!

And, May Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls Be As One Great Soul Force of Universal Equanimity and Fraternity, of, An Earthrise Community "Of, By, and, For The People," of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, December 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! #128

There have Been Notable Acts of Betrayal
in The Worlds of War, Religion, and Politics althrough-out The History of The World, and Each One has had A Relative Value in The Time Space Reality, that it Occurred in!
Every High School Student Knows of The Betrayal of Julius Caesar, by Marcus Brutus, and, of course, in The U.S., There was, The Infamous Act of Betrayal by, Benedict Arnold!
But, All that was in The Past! In Today's World, In The Conditioned Reality, such as The One that, "We" Live in, Where One Can Get Away with, almost, Anything, The Betrayal of The Republican Party, in regards to, The NY Public Officials, and The Women and Men who Volunteered to Search for Survivors, and, or, The Remains of The Victims of The Attack on The World Trade Center, is Too Much to Imagine, and Beyond Comprehension!
The Republicans Refusal to Join with Representatives of The Democratic Party, to Pass The 9/11 Responders Bill, is A Betrayal of Everything that, A Government "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," is Supposed to Stand for!
And, They have No Valid Excuse for Not Passing This Very Important Bill! Most Definitely, Not The Christmas/New Years Holiday Break! And, Money Should Be A Non-Issue! What Can The Republican Leadership Be Thinking of?

The Firefighters, Police Women and Men, DOT, and The City Workers who Worked
Tirelessly, and, The Countless Numbers of Women and Men, who Freely Gave of Themselves, and Volunteered to Work in Conditions that were Tragic and Horrific to Experience, Should All Be Given Medals of Honor (please take note, that These Brave Women and Men, Did Not Ask for A Holiday Break, during the Very Intense Time Period that They were Searching for Their Colleagues, Friends, and Civilian Casualties)! Instead, They are Being Refused Aid, that, Could Save Their Lives from The Illnesses, that They Incurred, from Their Selfless Actions, by The Senators of The United States Republican Party!

And, The Families of The 9/11 Victims, who have, already, Suffered Enough, Now, have to have, This Additional Abuse Heaped upon Them!
And, In A Sense,They have, also, Become Victims, only, This Time, Its at The Hands of The Republican Party!
This is A Disgrace and A Shame!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have had Enough of These Callous Acts of Partisan Politics!
And, These Politicians are Betraying Everything, that is Good and Admirable about what The U.S. Represents and Symbolizes!
And, This is An Injustice that Can Not Be Cordoned, or, Accepted by, "We The People!"
And, "We" have had Enough of The Indifference and Lack of Humanity of These Politicians, and, Enough is Enough!
And, A Change Must Come!

And, On Another Positive Note, As "We" Prepare to Enter into A New Decade, The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchy, Will Find it More, and More, Difficult to Manipulate or Cajole, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Live by Their Inept, and Corrupt Standard of Living!
And, "They" Will Find that, "They" Can No Longer Delude, or, Convince, "We The People," to Believe in Their Broken, Failed, Poisonous, and, Self Serving System of Politics, and Finance!
And, Its Time that, "They" Took Notice that, "They" Will Not, Be Able to Continue Their Business Model, of "Profit at Any Cost," or, Continue to Pursue Business Activities, that have Placed in Jeopardy, The Ecological Balance Of The Earth, and, The Well Being Of The Citizens Of The Earth, and, "We The People!"

"We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, have had Enough Betrayals!
Betrayals by The Church Hierarchy, Whose Silence, for Decades, in regards to, Pedophilia amongst Their Priests, was, and, Still is, A Sin against All Humanity, and, The Faith that, "They" Claim to Believe in!

And, "We" have had Enough Betrayals, by Egotistical/Power Hungry, Civilian and Military Leaders, Whose Actions and Policies have Led Our Children into War Under False Pretenses!

And, "We" have had Enough Betrayals, by The World of Finance, who Gamble with The Life Savings, of, "We The People," without Our Approval, or, Consideration of Our Welfare, Should These Risk Taking Financial Investments Fail!

However, Today, "We The People," have An Opportunity to Begin, Anew, and, Continue to, In The Second Decade of The New Millennium, Change The World that, "We" Live in! And, Change "We" Must!
Beginning with Each and Every One of Us! Call it "A People's Change!" Or, "A People's Evolution!" Or, An Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
But, Change is A Necessity that, Is as Important as Life itself! For Life is All about Change! Changes from which, "We" Must Learn from!

And, "We" have to Change from, Living in A Conditioned Reality, to An Enlightened Reality, of Hope, Compassion, and Wisdom!
And, In Doing so, Empower Each Other to Resolutely, Follow A Vision Path, that, Is, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World!
So, that, "We The People," "One and All," May Live in A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have A Great Opportunity to Create A New World, and, A New Age of Being, with Each New Rising of The Dawn!
And, Re-Engage, Ourselves, in This New Dawn, For as Long as it Takes, to Achieve Our Destiny's, and Goals of Peace on Earth!

And, As The Full Moon Looks Down on Us, Let's Take The Time to Reflect, and, Rejoice in The Harvest of New Peacemakers, and, Voices of Reason, Who have Taken up The Cause of Peace, and, The Cause "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Let's Humbly, Celebrate, The Smallest of Our Achievements, to The Most Grandiose, of Them! Knowing that, "We" have, still, Much to Do! Although, There Will Be A Great Price that, Lies Ahead, to Pay For it!
But, Knowing is Believing, and, Believing is The Soul Strength, that, "We" Need to Continue Sowing The Seeds of A New Age of Equanimity! Economically, Spiritually, Ecologically, Philosophically, and, Humanely, On Earth!

And, Let Us Continue, to Sow These Seeds, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let's Share The Harvest of Our Fruits, via The Earths Largest, and, Most Extensive, Non-Violent and Evolved Grassroots Activist Communication Network, and, Nexus, that, The World has Ever Known!

And, So that, No One is Out of Reach, Let's Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Change, Hope, Peace, Compassion, and, Social Security, For "All The Peoples Of The Earth, via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, iTunes, YouTube, and, Myspace!
Lets Text it! Up link and Download it! Email it, and, Share it, Through All The Thought Projections, and, Global Communication Outlets, Available to Us!

And, Let's Call upon Our Civilian, Religious, and, Military Leaders Of the Earths United Nations, to Declare A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, to Begin, Immediately, In The New Decade!

And, Let's Leave No Stone Unturned, in Our Earthrise Movement!
Just "Ask Anyone who Lives On The Streets," of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, A Change Must Come!
So, Let's Rock Out, Shakeup, and, Change The World! For as The Song Goes, "We are The World!"
And, Let's Be Thankful, Because, The "Good News" is, that, The Sign of The Times, is With Us!

And, Let Your Spirits Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change! And, In This Holiday Season, Let's Celebrate, The Advent of The Way of Peace, For "One and All," to Share!

And, As "We" Begin The Second Decade, of The New Millennium, on This,
The Third Planet from The Sun, Let's "Give Peace A Chance," as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends sang, Many Decades Ago!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, December 16, 2010



The Way To Peace! #127

Life is A Wonderful Vehicle, Through Which The Universe Flows, and Expresses Itself, in All of Its Unlimited Magnitude, and Beauty! And, Prescience is A Key Part of The Human Psyche, Through Which One Universe, of Conscious Awareness, Flows to Another! And, Here "We" are, about to Advance into, A New Decade!
A Friend emailed me, that, "There is alot to Celebrate for," and, I Agree! There is!

For One, I am Grateful for, The Sound of of Child's Voice, as He, or, She, Exclaims Sounds of Joy, When They are Playing in The Park, or, Enjoying A Playful Moment with A Member, or, Friend of The Family!

And, Another is, The Magnificence of Nature in All Its Beauty and Grandeur!

And, I am Grateful for, All The Parents Who Provide Their Children with The Proper Upbringing Needed, to Nourish Their Emotions, Minds, Intelligence, Spirits, and, Souls!

And, I am Grateful for, The Gracious Philanthropic Gesture, Made by The Forty Billionaires, Who've Agreed to Give Half of Their Fortunes to Charity!

And, I'm Grateful for, The Visionaries such as; Julian Assange, Bill McKibben who Organized the "Step It Up" Movement, Elinor Ostrom, George Clooney, Sean Penn, Ex-Presidents Bill Clinton, and, Jimmy Carter, Anil Gupta, Natalia Allen, and Many Others, Who've Given Freely of Themselves, to Create a Better World, For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

In Truth, Its Time, For Women and Men of All Persuasions, to Step Forward, and Share Their Gifts with "One and All," For The Betterment of The Earth, and The Earths Societies!

And, Its Time For Us, "One and All," to Re-Dedicate Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, to The Creation of A New Age of Compassion and Education, and, A Spiritual, Cultural, and Universal Conscious Awareness, that, Embraces Each and Everyone of Us!
And, that, Guides Us along The Path of A Great Peoples Vision! A Great Vision Path that Empowers Each and Everyone of Us! An Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
Its A Grassroots Movement of The Earth, that, Embraces Those of Us, Who are In Need of A Helping Hand, When Times are Most Difficult!

And, A Great Soul Force, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth,Who are Determined, to Rock Out, Shake up, and Change The World "We" Live in, For The Betterment of, "One and All," and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

Personally, I Would Feel Very Grateful, If, I Knew that, There was Not One Child Living in Poverty! Or, Being Sold as A Sexual Toy, in The Sinful/Evil World of Child Pornography!

And, Personally, I Would Feel alot Better Knowing that, Homelessness was, A Thing of The Past, and Would Not be Apart of The Next Decade, or, The 21st Century!

And, I Would Feel alot Better, If, I Knew that, Politicians No Longer Included "Earmarks," of Any Kind Whatsoever, in Any Future Legislation, such as, in the Present Tax Package, Negotiated and Decided upon by President Obama, and,
The Members of The Democrats, Tea Party, and Republicans! Imagine, Some Eight Billion Dollars, in "Earmarks!" "They" Still haven't Learned Their Lessons! But, They Will! Because "We The People," have had Enough!

And, I Would Feel Better, If, The Civilian, and Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, Their Adversaries Realized that, War and Violence, only, Leads to More War and Violence! And, Its Time that, "They" Gave Peace A Chance!
And, I Would, Personally, Feel Better, If, A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue, was Called for, To Give Diplomacy A Chance!
"The Times They are A Changing," as Bob wrote, and, Its Time For A New Age of Peace On Earth to Begin!
And, Its Obvious to, "Anyone Who Lives on The Streets," of, "We The People," and "Walks in The Shoes," of, "We The People," That, A Change Must Come!
And, as The Saying Goes, " The Sooner The Better!" For The Betterment of, The World "We" Live in! And, For The Betterment of Our Future Generations!

And, That, Would Be A Civilized, and Highly Evolved Way To Enter into, The Next Decade! And, This Would Be The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, Bring Us from, An Age of Unreality, into An Age of Hope, and, The Reality of A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, This Holiday Season, Let Us Share The Gifts of Compassion, Love, Peace, Understanding, Good Friendship, and, Respect, For, "One and All!"
And, A Determined Resolve, to Confront The Injustices of The World, For The Betterment of The World!

And, Let's Share The Gifts of, A Great Prescient Consciousness, and Movement, of Enlightenment,Wisdom, Patience, and, Positive Awareness via Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, iTunes, and, You Tube, Freely and Joyfully, on The X's of The Worlds Greatest Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Let's Share, "The Good News," of, This Earthrise Movement, All Around The World, via The Internet, and, All of The Resources, and Outlets of, The Social, and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let's Project Our Thoughts, and, Idea's of A Transcendental Reality, through which A Peoples Evolution, Revolution, and Universal State of Being, (Soaring on The Wings Of The Phoenix of Peace and The Winds of Change), Can Create The Reality of, An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration that, Declares, that, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth is Deserving of, A Just and Fair Opportunity, to Share in, and, Prosper from The Earths Resources! In Ecological Balance, and, In Equanimity, with, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and The Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth are Apart of! This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, December 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! #126

Today, I Felt The Return of Music in my Life! It Felt Like The Song of The Great Spirit! Music of The People! And, Music of The Streets, Highways, Subways, Trains, Airways, and, Seas!
It Felt Like, An Anthem of Peace, Love, and, One World! And, The Music Played by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under The Moon, and, Stars!

It Felt Like, An In Concert Performance, by Your Favorite Artist, on A Sunny Day in The Park!

It Felt Like, The Music of Christmas, and, The Holidays, Played on The Radio, and, In Stores, and, On The Streets, and, In The Homes, of, "We The People!"
It was, The Celestial Song Of Life, Flowing on Wafts of Winds of Change, Hope, and, Peace!
Clear, Strong Winds "Of The People," Bringing, "The Good News," of. Forth Righteousness, and, Truth! Perseverance, and, A Positive Soul Strength and Soul Force, Manifested in Every Action, and, Idea, Bringing Comfort to Those, Who Have Hungered For so Long, For A Better Life, and, A More Humane World to Live in!

And, Its Bringing, with it, A Great Storm! Clearing The Way For A New Earthrise Evolution!
And, Clearing The Path For A Great New Moon Sowing "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, Sowing The Seeds of, A Great Cultural, Technological, Scientific, Sociological, Ecological, and, Spiritual Movement, of The Highest Order!
Transcending The State of Amorphous of, A Conditioned Way of Life, Created by The "Ists," and, "Isms," of, The Global Oligarchs, and, Their Hired Lobbyists!
And, Establishing A Vibrant, Powerful, and, Meaningful Law of The Land, Housed In An Earthwise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth! That Empowers Each and Everyone of Us, to Live as Free Women and Men, of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Documenting that, "We" are All, Equal in The Light of The Sun, Moon, and, Luminous Bodies of The Universe!
And that, "We" are All, Born as, "One People," Of The Earth!

Its A Great Storm, whose Might is even Greater, Because, It is Imbued in The Hearts, Minds, Spirits, and, Souls, of, "We The People!"

And, Its Like A Great Song, whose Melodies, Harmonies, Arrangements, and, Orchestrations, are Being Played, by Every Form of Social, and, Cross- Media Universe, All across This Earth of Ours! Via Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Yahoo, and, Google!
And, Downloaded To, "One and All," via, The Greatest Non-Violent, Universal Activists Communication Network, and, Nexus, to The World! For, "We are The World!"

And, Its Like An Anthem, "Of The World, By The World, and, For The World," that, is Defended and Protected, by The Global Coalition, United Armed Forces, "Of The World," who have Vowed to, Protect, "We The People," from, The Proponents of Warmongers, and, The Corrupt Business Machine of Crime, Lust of Power, and, Greed!
A Global Coalition Force of Interdependent Women, and, Men, who have Vowed to, Protect The Peace! And, The Establishment of A Global Peace, "For One and All," to Share!
And, The Re-Establishment of Diplomacy, as, A Way To Solve Our Differences of Opinion, and, by Doing so, Create An Earthrise Stage, For A Global Engagement of Peace Dialogues, to Run Concurrently Althrough-Out The World, Without End!
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, Establish A Peace Millennium On Earth!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Be, The Composers of A Great New, Universal Anthem of Peace!

And, Let Us Be, The Arrangers, Conductors, Singers, and, Musicians, of, This New World Anthem!

And, Let Our Voices Sing Out, "Proud and Clear," that, "We are The Earth," and, that, "We are The Universe!"
And that, "We are One People," Of The Sea, Land, and, Skies "Of The Earth!"

And, As Children, and, Adults Of The Earth, Let Us Take a Vow to Respect, Care for, Protect, and, Defend, This Earth, of Ours, and, The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Evolve, Be, and, Share The Music, Of The Celestial Song of Life, with Each Other! In Equanimity and Compassion, with Each Other!

And, Let Us Sing, "Give Peace A Chance, "Amazing Grace, "Heal The World, "This is Our Land, "Peace Train, and, "The Times They are A Changing, as, "We" Soar to A Higher Ground of Enlightenment, Wisdom, and, Conscious Awareness, on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and, The Winds of Change!
And, Lets Continue to Spread The Music and Lyrics, of, Our Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Return to, The Music of Life and A Great Soul Force of The Light!

Thursday, December 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! #125

Whoever is Advising President Obama, in regards to, the Tax Cuts, that, He and The Republicans have Been Negotiating Over, is Missing Out on A Great Opportunity to Re-Engage America in An Issue that, Goes All the Way Back to The Boston Tea Party, which is, of course, Taxes, and, Patriotism!

More Specifically though, in this Case, Another Tax Cut for The Rich, and, The Famous! Who Obviously, Do Not Need it!
They have, For the Most Part, on Retainer, Very High Paid Accountants Working, on Their Behalf's, to Find Tax Loopholes, to Begin with!

So, Why Not Take This Moment in Time, to Call upon The Members of The Forty Billionaires, Who have, already, Made a Magnanimous Gesture to, "Give away Half of Their Fortunes to Charity," Oprah Winfrey, and, The Celebrities who are Leading The Way in Philanthropic Acts, such as; George Clooney, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow, Wyclef Jean, for Example, and, as many other, Celebrities, and, Millionaires as Possible, and, Ask Them on Camera, if They Really Need to Receive these Tax Cuts, that The Republicans are Pushing the President to Include, in the Most Recent Round of Proposed Tax Cuts!

Most of These Individuals Supported The Presidents Campaign to Run for The Presidency, against John McCain, so, Why Not, Call upon Them to Support His Tax Cut Proposal to The Congress, and, Save at least 420 Billion Dollars in Loans, that, Would, Most Likely Be, Provided to The U.S. by China, and, or, Whoever else The Obama Administration is Reaching Out to Cover Our Debts, and, Deficits!

And, This Would Be Quite a Saving, and, Demonstrate to, "We The People, " and, The Citizens Of The World, that, The U.S. is Conscious of Its Responsibilities to Repair Its Economy, and, by Doing so, Take a Positive Step Towards Balancing Its Budget!

Decades Come and Decades Go, as do, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses,, However, Its, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have The Imprint of This Time Space Reality, in Our Minds, Idea's, Emotions, Bodies, Spirits, and, Souls, and, are, Unfortunately, Left to Pay The Price for The Mistakes in Judgement, that are Made!

And, Before Another Decade Comes to An End, Its Important that "We" Take the Time to Reflect on, What "We" have Learned from it, and, What, "We" have that is Worthwhile to Show for it! And, What is The Sum Total, of, This First Decade of The New Millennium, in Concrete Terms! Such as; Life and Death! And, The State of The Earths Community, as A Whole!

For my part, The Changes that have Occurred are; (1) Exceptional, and, Profound, and, (2) Tragic, and, Very Discouraging!
And, Unfortunately, I, sincerely, Believe, that, This is a True Reflection of The World Today!

I am by Nature, An Empiricist, and, A Realistic Optimist, and, Though, I See Highly Advanced Evolutions Taking Place in Science, and, Technology, I have, also, An Uncertainty, and, Distrust in The Earths Governments, and, The World of Big Business, Banking, Finance, and, Religion!

And, Unfortunately, Too Many World Leaders, Both, Civilian and, Military, have Not Acted as True Representatives, "Of The People,", Nor, have "They" Acted with ,The Best Interests, "Of The People," in Mind!
For the Most Part, "They've" Been Selfish, and, Acted Subservient to The Wishes of The Lobbyists of, The "Ists," and, "Isms," of The Global Oligarchs!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, They Will Tell You that, A Change Must Come!

Why? Because, They Can Not Continue to Work Two Jobs a Week, or, Not at All in Many Cases, Due to A Poor Economy, and, A Lack of Innovative Job Creation, by Our Governments!

And, Too Many of Us, are on The Verge of Losing Our Homes, and, have, already, Seen Our Bank Accounts Shrivel up, and, Diminish, Right Before Our Eyes, to Almost Nothing!

And, All The While, Partisan Politics Continues, Irregardless of The Frustration, Anger, Fear, and, Sense of Hopelessness, that, Exists amongst Their Constituencies, and, Fellow Country Men and Women!

Just "Ask Anyone who Lives on The Streets, Highways, Buses, Sidewalks, or, Goes to Work in Subways, Trains, or, Airplanes," and, They Will Express The Deep Discontent, that, They are Feeling over The State of Affairs, Existing in The World Today!

But, Its Not, just, that, "We" are at The End of A Decade, Its, also, that, "We" are at, A Crossroads," which is Being Privately Referred to, and, Compared to, as Being The End of The Roman Empire!

But, Whose Empire? Or, Does it Really Matter! One Thing for Certain is, While There are More Millionaires, or, Billionaires than ever, There are, also, Too Many More of Us, Who are Living in Poverty, and, Struggling to Survive!
And, This Class Disparity is Too Much to Bear! And, Beyond Comprehension, on any Level of Human Nature to Understand!

And, Here "We" are, in The 21st, and, While New Changes in Government have Taken Place, "We" are, still, at War! UN-Declared or, in Regional Conflicts!
And, The Lives of Our Youth is Being Squandered Away, in Urinating Contests, Planned by, The Supposed Geniuses of Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders!

And, so, I ask Them, Why, Start UN-Declared Wars, or, Any Conflict, Without having An Exist Plan in Place?
And, Why, Send Our Children into Harms Way, Without Pause?

Aren't "The Geniuses of War," Aware of, What The Costs Will Be, and, Whose Lives Will Pay for it!
Or, Whose Family Will be Broken, by, The Passing, or, The Physical, and, Or, Emotional Damage Caused to Their Daughters and Sons!

And, Here "We" are about to Begin The Second Decade, of The New Millennium, with The Same ole, "Tax The People," and then, "Ask The People," to Spend Their Hard Earned Dollars, Euros, Pounds, etc. to Bail Out, The So-Called Geniuses Who Got Us into This State of Amorphous, to Begin with!

And, still, The World Changes, which, I am ever so Grateful for! Why? Because, "We are The World," and, I, sincerely, Believe that, "We Can Make a Difference!"

Why? Because, "We" are Not Concerned about Who is Leading Whom, in The Polls! "We" are Concerned about Caring, and, Providing The Proper Nourishment, and, Education for Our Children, and, Their Children!

And, "We" are Not Concerned about, How Best to Manipulate One Class against Another to Get Out The Vote, or, to get Re-Elected!

But, "We" are Concerned about, "Keeping a Roof over Our Heads," as, The Saying Goes! And, Paying for The Mortgage, or, Property Taxes! Or, Repairing The Damage to Our Homes, Caused by Natural Disasters!

And, "We" are Not Concerned with, How Best to Articulate a Political Course of Action, or, Vote, Based Purely on Some Analytical Think Tank, Advisor, Theory, or, Projection!

But, "We" are Concerned with Real Life Problems, and, Situations! The Kind that Force You to, have to Deal with, Unbearable Living Conditions, or, A Future that, has Absolutely, No Class Distinction, or, Respect to Look Forward to!
And, This is Why, I Believe that, The Winds Of Change are Flowing! And, A Change Must Come!

A Change that, Brings Hope with it! And, Not More Rhetoric, Lies, and, Half Truths!
"We" Need a Real Change that is Based on The Needs, "Of The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
A Real Change that Indicts, and, Exposes Child Pornography, and, The Evils of The Human Sex Slave Trade!

A Real Change that Distinguishes Between, Street Crime, and, The Theft of Stealing The Life Savings from Millions of Families, Whose only Crime was to Trust in, The So-Called Geniuses of Finance, and, The World of Big Business, who Orchestrated Ponzi Schemes, and, Scams, for Their Own Selfish Benefits!

And, Who play The Same Tune over and over again, which is, "Me, Me, Me!"
And, The only "Do," "They" Care about is The "Dough/Money," that, "They" Can Put, Directly, into Their Own Pockets!

And, The only "Re," that "They" Care about, is Not, An Environmental, Ecological, Natural One, that, Utilizes The "Rays," of The Sun, as A Form of Energy!
"They" only Care about Using Oil, Gas, and Nuclear Energy, to Empower Themselves! That is Their Version of Musical Scales, There is No Harmony, "Of, By, and, For The People," Involved in it!

And, There is No Ethical Standards, or, Humanitarian Efforts Involved in it! There is, only, Their Lust for Power and More Power!
And, This is, Why, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, A New Anthem is Being Sung, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, This is , The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have a Great Deal of Work to Do! In Haiti! In Louisiana, In Sudan! And, Althrough-out The World!

And, "We" Must Be A Great Working Force, "For The People!"

And, A Great Soul Force, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" Must Persevere against The Warmongers, and, Imperialists, Who Know of, only, One Way, and, that is,The Path of War, Destruction, Fear, and, Lust for Power!

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Each Other, and, Encourage Each Other, to Reach a Higher Ground of Conscious Awareness, and, Sense of Morality!

And, in Doing so, Call for A Global Truce, and, Inspire The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, to Enter into A Worldwide Series of, Peace Dialogues, Wherever They are Needed! And, Diplomatically Find Solutions for Our Problems, and, Differences, and,Actively Engage Themselves in Changing The World for the Better!

And,"We" Must Spread The Word of Hope, Peace, and, of A New Beginning!
One, that is, of, "Respect For One Another," via The Internet, and, The Social, and, The Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Share, "The Good News." of, Our Earthrise Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via The Earths Largest, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network, and, Nexus, through Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google, iTunes, Myspace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, You Tube, to Each, and, Every Home, Heart, Mind, Good Spirit, and, Soul, Wherever They May Be, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, As The New Decade Approaches, Its Time that "We" Seriously, Gave Peace a Chance!

And, Its Time that, "We" Embraced, A Shared Vision of Peace, and, Prosperity "For One and All!"
For, "We" are All Deserving of, A Life of Social Security! And, This Should Be a Given, Because, "We" are, "One and All," Born as Citizens Of The Earth!

And, The Earth is Our Home, and, The Universe is The Village, City, State, Country, and, Cosmic Neighborhood, that "We" are All, Apart of!

And, Because of this, "We" Should All Be, The Beneficiaries of, A New Earth Constitution, and, Universal Emancipation Declaration, that, Embraces, Both, Our Present day Generation, and, Future Generations for Millenniums to Come!

So, Let's Soar to Greater Heights of Moral Integrity, on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Justice, and, Equanimity, "For One and All!"
For, This is, The Way To Heal The World, and, Create A New World of Enlightenment, Wisdom, Knowledge, Spiritual, and, Cultural Awareness on Earth!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, December 5, 2010



The Way To Peace! #124

Thanks to George Clooney's recent Trip To Sudan, President Obama and His Administration has Been Made Aware of The Potential Threat of Violence that May Occur over The Upcoming Vote on Secession, in January of 2011!
And, The Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations Can Not Allowed this to Happen, Again!
Preparations Should Be Made, Now, to Make absolutely Sure, by A Coalition of Nations, that, The Genocide that Claimed the Lives of 400, 000, or, More, by, The Government Backed Janjaweed Militia, in 2003, Never Happens Again!
And, This Should Be A Moral Responsibility Shared by All The Leaders of The Earths Free Nations!

And, This Should Be A Moral Responsibility of All The Leaders, of The Western Industrialized Nations, to Lead The Way!
And, in Truth, No Nation Should Be Left Out, from Participation, and that, Should, Most Certainly, Include China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and, Israel!
And, This is Not The Time for, Procrastination, Hesitation, or, Delay of Action, in Anyway Whatsoever!

Every Citizen of This Planet Earth, has The Inalienable Right to Be A Interdependent Being, and, Enjoy Living in A Free Society!
And, Ones Interdependence Should Be A Natural Right of Being, from from The Day of Birth!
And, As Previously Mentioned, The Sudanese have, already, Experienced Enough Genocide in Their Nation to Last For An Eternity!
Hundreds of Thousands have Been Killed, and, Millions have Been Displaced from Their Homes!
And, The Actual Count of Mothers and Daughters, Who have Been Raped, and, Abducted from Their Homes, and, Families, to Exist as Sex Slaves, is Too Many, and, Too Tragic, To Imagine!

And, The Actual Count of How Many Fathers and Sons, Who have Been Forced to Execute Their Friends, Family Members, and, Neighbors, only, to End up Being Subservient to An Immoral Armed Force of Evildoers, is A Crime of The Most Sinful Nature, Against All Humankind! These Abuses are An Example of, what The Worst Behavior in Human Nature is, and that, Can No Longer Be Condoned, or, Permitted to Happen Again!

And, Every Civilian, and, Military Leaders of The United Earth Nations, Must Understand that, These Atrocities Can Not Be Allowed to Transpire Anywhere on The Surface of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Notice Must Be Served to Any Rogue Nation, Terrorist Group, or, Dictator, that, This is A New Age, Where Peace and Justice Will Reign on Earth, "For One and All!"
And, This is The Path that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Desire, and, Wish to Take!
Individual Acts, or, Acts of Lawlessness, by Anyone, No Matter Who The Perpetrator May Be, Will No Longer Be Tolerated!

This is Not The 20th Century! The Millions of Lives that were Lost Due to War, and, The Complacency to Act, by, The Earths Leaders, Must Be a Lesson Learned, by," One and All," but, that's Where it Should End!
This is The 21st Century, and, Crime, Corruption, Child Pornography, The Sex Trade, and, Acts of Immorality Against The Life, of Any Woman, Child, or, Man, is A Sacrilegious Act, and, Evil Violation of The Most Severest Nature!
And, Innately, and, Internally,, "We" Must, "One and All," As "a People," Understand this! En Visualize it! And, Concentrate on it!

This is A New Millennium, and, "We" are about to Begin A New Decade, and, With it, A New Vision of Honor, Respect, and, Conscious Awareness amongst All Humankind, Must Be Expected by, "One and All," to Be, A Reality! A Conscious Reality to Be Shared with Each New Born Child, by, Their Parents, from Their Day of Birth!
And, Expected to Be Adhered to, Protected, and, Defended by, The Global Armed Forces, and, The Public Servants,of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Lao-Tse was A Vehicle for, The Way! Martin Luther King was A Vehicle for, A Great Dream! Mahatma Gandhi was A Vehicle for, A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha! Siddhartha Gautama was A Vehicle of Enlightenment for, The Eight Fold Path! Jesus Of Nazareth was A Sublime Vehicle for, The Gospel of Love!
And, on and on, The Teachings, and, Visions, of, What The Paths of Justice, and, Morality on Earth Should Be!
And, In This Great Age of Information, and, Communication, No One Person Should be Ignorant of, What Their Place Should Be, in This Civilized Age!
And, Its Time for The Earths Civilian, Religious, Spiritual, and, Military Leaders to Be An Example, "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Walk in The Shoes of Enlightenment, and, Wisdom!
And, Govern, and, Lead, by, The Laws of An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Truly Embraces The Rights of, "One and All," to Live in A Terror Free, Crime Free, and, War Free Reality!

And, Its Time for, The Civilian, Religious, Spiritual, Philosophical, Humanitarian, and, Military Leaders to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue, that Addresses, Creating A New Age of Passion, Omniscience, Peace, and, Age of Social Security For Every Sentient Being!
This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way to Heal The World! And, This is, The Way of, A Peace Millennium, and, A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Outrageous Crimes of Genocide, and, War Must Never Occur again, in Sudan, or, Anywhere on Earth!

Let Us, Each and Everyone of Us, Organize, and, Spread The Word, via The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, that A New Vigilance Must Be Set in Motion to Monitor Any Escalation of Violence, that, May Occur in Sudan!

And, Let's Spread the Word via Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, All Across This Earth of Ours, via, The Most Impressive, and, Magnificent Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," from Continent to Continent, that, A New Respect, and, Honor for The Lives of All Sentient Beings Must Be One of Our First Priorities!

And, Whether it Be, The Continent of Africa, Europe, The Middle East, Asia, or, North, and, South America, A Change Must Come! A Peoples Change! A Peace Change! One of Hope, and, Compassion!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement, "Of, By, and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Be An Inspiration to, "One and All," to, Strike, Demonstrate, Have Sit ins, Chant, Sing, "Give Peace A Chance," or, "Amazing Grace," Soaring on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, or, by, Marching, Rock, and, Shakeup The World, that, "We" are A Great Soul Force that Can Not be Ignored, or, Denied!
And, that, This is Our Earth, and, Our Home! And that, "We" are, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, December 2, 2010



The Way To Peace! #123

As Wikileaks Releases Another Very Sensitive Insight into the Behind the Scenes Activities of How The U.S. Does Business, as well as, Sharply Worded Discourses, and, Diatribes, by The U.S State Department, and, President Obama, Regarding Some of the Leaders, and, Diplomats, of, Both International and Domestic Affairs, that, Can only Result in Being, Damaging to Both President Obama and His Administration, There is a Multiple of Connected Thoughts Passing Through my Mind!

One; No One is Perfect, Not The Pope, or, Anyone, of The Royals, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Princes, Princesses, House, Senate, or, Assembly Leaders, from All over This Earth of Ours! So, Imperfection is to Be Expected!

And, (2) For Much Too Long, How Our Governments Conduct Themselves, and, Do The Business, "Of The People," has Been Kept from Us! Usually Hidden Behind Closed Door Meetings, and, Intelligence Meetings!

And, (3) Since "We've" All Been Taught by Our Parents, To Tell The Truth, Its Actually Refreshing to See and Hear The Real Truth, versus, The Conditioned One that, "We've" Been Told Over and Over! Isn't it!

Of course, I know that Everything is Relative, but, No Matter How Much Our Government Officials Protest, and, Resent The Release of The Wikileaks Documents, It is Good that The Real Truth Surfaces!
And, It Should Be A Reminder, that, You Can Get Away with, "Not Telling The Truth," for Just so Long, Before You Have to Pay The Price for It!
And, It is , also, of The Greatest Importance, that, The Cross-Media News Universe Unbiasedly Reports it!
For a Simple Reason; "We" Would Have Never Known "The Truth," about Stalin, Saddam Hussein, or, The Atrocities Committed against The Jews, and, Catholics, by Hitler, or, The Genocide in Darfur, or, "The Truth," Surrounding How The Vietnam UN-Declared War, Began, If Not for The Truthful Reportage by Trustworthy Reporters!

Of course, I, Realize that, "We" are All Entitled to Our Privacy, but, Until "You've" Actually Walked in The Shoes of Any Government Official, You Really Don't Know Who "They" are!
"They" Can be Very Convincing when Running for Office, but, I Firmly Believe that, Words Have to Be, Backed up by Clear, and, Transparent Actions, that are of Real Benefit to, "We The People!"
And, Wikileaks Should Be Commended for Their Actions although, I Expect that, They Will be Chastised, and, Hounded by The Powers that Be instead!"

Again, No One is Perfect, but, This is All the More Reason, Why, A Real Change in The Way that Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders Conduct Themselves, and, "Do Business," on Behalf of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, is Necessary!

And, It is Necessary for There to Be New Priorities! Peace Time Priorities! Such as; The Education of Our Youth! Caring for The Poor! Investing in A Green Technological World! Creating New Jobs! And, The Establishment of A New Global Financial System! One, that Rewards Productivity, and, Good Service Provided by Employee's Who Have Worked, All Their Lives, and, Deserve Social Security, When They Retire!

And, It Must Be A Global Financial System that, is Sensitive to The Lands, Waterways, and, The Air that "We" Breathe! A Environmentally and Ecologically Correct Way, of "Doing Business!"

Once again, I am Returning to this Point, of, "Doing Busing!" Because, As "We" Come to The End of The Premier Decade, of The New Millennium, An End to The Way "The World of Big Business," Takes Care of Business, Must, also, Come to Be!
White Collar Crime, Greed, and, Corruption are Imperfections, that, Can No Longer Be Tolerated!

Once again, I Realize that "No One is Perfect," however, A Change Must Come! Why, Because, "We" Can Not Continue to Make the Same Mistakes in Judgement, Over and Over again, Without there Being Serious Consequences, so Severe, As to Be, Irreparable!
Understand that, "We" Have Much to Give Thanks for, but, There is, also, Much Too Bemoan! And, Change, "We" Must!

"We" Should Be Entering into An Age of Global Peace, instead of, An Escalation of An UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, and, Pakistan, and, New Threats of War between North and South Korea!

And, Its Unfortunate, that, in this Day and Age, Students have to Demonstrate Against Cutbacks in Education, Instead Our Leaders Should Be Providing Enthusiastic Support, and, Investment into Providing Enlightenment, Wisdom, and, Knowledge, for The Future Learning of Our Youth!

And, "We" Have Entered into A New Millennium of Technological, and, Scientific Advances, that are Beyond Imagination, and, yet, The World of Finance, Religion, and, Politics, Continue to Promote, and, Support Policies that Can only Lead to Further Divisions, Degradation, and, Decadence of The Earths Societies, and, The Ruination of Earths Forests, Jungles, Waterways, and, Skies!
Which is, again, Why, Our Civilian, and, Military Leaders Have to, Change The Way "They, Do Business!"

And, If "We" Have to Call for "Strike after Strike," All Over The World, from Continent to Continent, to Get The Message Across to Them, then, Let it Be! Because, The Winds of Change are Here and Now, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can No Longer Be Ignored! And, A Change Must Come!

And, If "We" Have to Call for, Strike after Strike, to Achieve The Goals of Our Non-Violent Earthrise Movement of, Peace, Hope, and, Change, then, Let it Be, Because, Too Many are Homeless, and, UN-Employed, and, Frustrated, by The Inexcusable Acts, and, Behavior of The Powers The Be, and, A Change Must Come!

And, If "We" Must Demonstrate, Have Sit ins, or, Strikes, to Bring about An Age of Peace on Earth through Diplomatic Negotiations, then, Let it Be. Because, A Change Must Come!
And, This is, The Way To Change The World, Heal The World, and, Lead The Way To A Peaceful Millennium, and, The Evolution of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Now and Forever, Soaring to A Higher Ground of Conscious Reality!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Very Purposefully, Let Us Continue to Work for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogues Now, and, Continuing Into The New Year!

And, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of A New Emancipation Declaration, and, Constitution, that Rightfully Expresses, Reflects, and, Lawfully Protects The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Live as A Free People, Under The Moon and Sun, and, The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!

And, Let Us Continue to Share Our Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and, Actions, All Across The Earths Largest, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, and, Nexus "Of, By, and, For The People!" For, A New Change Must Come, One that is Born from The Womb "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
Clearly Demonstrating that, This is A Sign of The Times that, "We The People," Have Awakened to The Challenges that Lie Ahead, and, are Willing to Do what Must Be Done, if, The Truth is to Prevail, to Rock, Shakeup, and, Change The World!

And, Whether it Be by Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Chanting "Give Peace A Chance,"or, via The Global Web, or, Through The Limitless Resources, and, Outlets of The Social, and, Cross- Media Universes, or, on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Let Us Rise to This Great Occasion of Creating A New World of Peace, Hope, and, Change, On This The Third Planet from The Sun!
This is The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!