Thursday, January 29, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt.III

Last year I composed and produced a new song called "Angels Come In Many Colors," and the opening line is "Somethings simply said in verse or sign, can transform all of the thoughts within your mind, such as," and I would like to continue that line of thinking with you in this blog.
Can you envision a World in which parent's would not have to worry about how they were going to pay for their children's education, health care, clothing, feed them, or have quality time with them.

Can you envision a World where parent's would not have to worry about whether their children were going to die in yet, another war, or by a violent crime, what ever the nature of it maybe.

Can you envision a World without politicians.

Can you envision a World where the Global News Media actually reported all the news, good and bad, equally.

Can you envision a World that is Dedicated to the Care and Survival of All Sentient Beings.
A World Committed to Preserving the Sanctity, and and overall Quality of Life of The Earth and it's Resources.

Can you envision a World of Enlightened Spirituality,that Respect's the Universe that it is apart of. A World of Culture, Evolving within the Transcendental Philosophy that Embraces the Principles of a Society that Benefit's One and All. A Philosophy of Life that Embraces the Economic position that there should be A Shared Prosperity for each and every one of us.
A World that treasures it's Environment, and considers it's Oceans, Earth, Sea's, and Skies, as being Sacred.

Can you envision a World where it's Religious Leader's Stand as One, and are willing to give their lives for the sake of Peace, and Equality for All Sentient Beings.

Can you envision a World without Kings, Queen's, or President's.
For those of you who have listened to "The Way," when John awakened, it was this World that he experienced, a World of Peace and Equanimity, a World of Omniscience and Culture, a World of Bliss filled Joy and Happiness, and a World of Shared Prosperity, Security, and Enlightened Spirituality. A World of Universal Love and Respect for One another.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt.II

We need to feel a Sense of Being Here & Now, A Sense of Being One with the Universe, and of Being Citizen's of The Third Planet from The Sun.
We need to feel a Sense of Belonging to a Universal Vision of Enlightenment for "One and All to Share." We need to Learn how to, Re-Learn how to Respect and Treat One Another. We are all Sentient Beings born as free individuals, who are, initially, dependent on our Mother's and Father's to provide us with the Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical Guidance, and Care, that is necessary for each and everyone of us to evolve, and grow as Balanced Individuals. As new born Children of the Universe, we need to be nurtured by the Love of our parents,and as adults, we still need to Share that same nourishing Love, in addition to a Heart and Soul filled Trust and Belief in One another.
Before "We" as a Collective United Nations, plan to establish Colonies on the Moon and Mars, as far out as that may seem, we have to clearly establish a United Nations here on Earth, with the sole purpose of Living in Equanimity with One another, and Respectful of each other's Way of Life.
And, careful not to abuse, misuse, manipulate or delude those who are in need. Careful to provide Guidance, to those who are in more fortunate positions, that it ii is in their Best Interests, and Responsibility, to come to the aid of those who are less fortunate.
It is by his Demonstration of Concerned Action, that we will Truly Demonstrate to "One and All" that this is a New Millennium of Enlightened Compassion, and a New Age of Evolved Reason, Purpose, and Wisdom.

Saturday, January 24, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

I am more that curious about how much "pork" our new congressional leaders are going to attach to President Barack H. OBama's "Stimulus Package. You would think that after the last 8 year's of transgressions, that our elective officials would have learned something. This is not the time for a "Politics as usual mentality."
We are involved in 3 wars, there are millions of people living in poverty, there are ten's of thousands who have lost there homes, we have the highest unemployment in decades,there are 2 million children living in poverty in the U.S., alone. What does it take for our elective officials to get the message that this is not the time to call for another committee to meet, this is the time for action. Have they no conscious, have they no sense of morality. Have they no respect for "We The People," or for the principles that our country was founded upon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

This is a very important time for "We The People," to realize that we can not rely upon, or live through the accomplishments, great achievements, or historical rise of another, such as President Barack H. Obama, to achieve our own goal's.
We must learn to live through our own individual accomplishment's each and everyday of our lives.
If we were fortunate to benefit from the success of another, that would be wonderful. I greatly admire the idea of a "Shared Prosperity for One and All." However, it would be extremely delusional of us, especially after the occurrence's of the last 8 year's, to solely rely upon the words of any man, or woman. Let their actions be the proof of their sincerity.
And, may this New Millennium usher in an Age of Enlightened Realism for "We The People," and All Sentient Beings to Share.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

It is very obvious that our Elective Officials, and The Media have forgotten what is means to

exist and be a positive working partner of The Universal Family of All Sentient Beings.

The Media continuously runs the same ole stories, reworked, in new way's, to gain our interest.

They are not interested in reporting on World News, or, the economic woes that most

Americans, and Citizens of the World, are experiencing, nor, are they reporting on the real

struggle that continues to exist in our Societies. If they do, it is only to sensationalize it, so that

they can get higher ratings, or to increase their sales. They have forgotten how to be

trustworthy news reporter's, in the tradition of, David Brinkley, or Walter Cronkite.

And, as for our Elective Officials, who are constantly setting up new committee's, supposedly to

help us with our problem's, I say, tell a starving child, and it's parent's who have just lost their

home, that they have to wait until you've convened a new session, before you can come to their


Our Elective Officials have become cruel and heartless, and no longer, truly ,represent the

Universal Family of All Sentient Beings.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

This is the Time for Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's to continue the Sharing of Universal

Axioms to whomever their area's of influence may be. Philosopher's, Poet's, Economists,

Scientists, Filmmakers, Singer's & Musician's, Member's of the Media, and Fair minded

Politicians, do not rely solely on a new president, and congress, let's not make the same mistakes

of the past over and over again. Speak out, make your "Voices" heard. The idea of Change does

not restrict itself to presidential elections alone, and besides that, this is the Time for a Positive

Evolution to take place on this The Third Planet from The Sun. Don't you agree.

Monday, January 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

There has to be a Clear Vision Path of Peace for The New Millennium, and for our Future Generations. And, it is necessary that every nation actively agree to, and participate in the Evolution of this Vision Path for One and All to Share.

The United States, Russia, The European Union, and The UK, have a great responsibility to lead The Way, and all of the warring, and terrorist factions who are bent on creating chaos, and destruction, must, also, participate, and agree to make a sincere commitment to a Declaration of Eternal Peace on Earth. This is not as impossible as it may seem. It has been done before.

We need a Vision Path that includes and is completely beneficial to All Sentient Beings of this The Third Planet from The Sun. This Vision Path would stand as a Universal and Spiritual Declaration committed to build a Bridge of Peace and Equanimity to the Future.

If we continue on a path of violence, and intimidation to solve our differences, We will surely Destroy this Planet, and everyone on it. What is there to gain from a Path of Total Destruction?

This is a Call to Voices of Reason to come together, men and women who are Dedicated to the Betterment of All Mankind.

Voices of Reason who understand the importance of a Peace Time Economy, and the Necessity for a Cultural, Educational, Scientific, Technological, and Spiritual Evolution to become apart of an absolute reality.

The day's of the Great Empire philosophy, is passe, wouldn't you agree.

It's time for a Rebirth in our overall Contemplation, and Universal Consciousness.

Have we forgotten the great sacrifice that Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa,
Martin Luther King, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Melchizedek, and many other's have made
to improve our quality of life, and show us The Way.

The Question that I have is, Why hasn't the U.S. congressmen and women realized the
seriousness of the economic woes of hard working men and women in the U.S., as well as the
millions who are out of work, and living in poverty.

These elective officials are supposed to represent "We the People," but they do not!

The TARP funds did not clear up the mortgage's that are in a State of Disarray, or Cleanup the Credit Crisis. The TARP funds paid off the Banks, Financial Institutions, Wall Street, and the Mortgage Companies. These funds did not go to the aid of "We the People."

These elective officials have No Shame, they are a Disgrace to America.

And, They've Disgraced themselves to the Farmer's, The Union & Non-Union Worker's, our Armed Forces, that defend us, and the Parent's and Children who Believe in our Great Country. As well as to the Elderly who have Dedicated Themselvesto the Principles & Laws of our Democracy.

Friday, January 9, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

We're involved in 3 wars, (a war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and against Global Terrorism), and, the

UN-employment rate is at its highest in more than 15 year's, and, Americans are losing both,

their jobs, and home's at a record rate, mainly because of the ineptitude of our bank's, financial

institutions, and a failed government. The question is this, when are our elective officials, and

global leader's going to understand that this is not the Time for a "Politics as Usual," behavior.

We've had enough of that for centuries!

Thursday, January 8, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

It's time for One and All to "Come Together," (as John Lennon & The Beatles

sang) to form a New Millennium Movement.

A Movement that supports the idea's that empower a Global Conscious Awareness

that centers on the N.M. evolving into a Cultural, Technological, Scientific,

Philosophical, Spiritual, Humanistic, Educational, and Environmentally

Enlightened time period.

That is fueled by a Peace Time Economy, and a sincere concern for One's Fellow

Human Being (as well as All Sentient Beings).

We have had enough of the warmonger's, and proponents of separatism, fear,

and manipulation.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

While I understand President Elect Obama's position about there being one

President, he can still continue to speak out as a Citizen of The United States,

in regards to the myriad Global Conflicts that are taking place on our blessed

Third Planet from The Sun. This is not the time to be silent.

We are in great need of Voices of Reason, this not the time for politics as usual.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

There are 2 million children living in poverty in the U.S. alone. The question is Why?

There are millions of people who have been displaced from their families and homes, in

Africa, The Middle East, Europe, The U.S., and Asia. Once again the question is Why?

There are millions of children and adults who are living in slavery, and are sexually abused, Why?

Our elder generation are threatened with the loss of their social security, after having lived

and worked all of their lives, fought in wars, and are now looking forward to their retirements.

And, once again, the question is Why?

Why are our Religious, Spiritual, and Political leader's unable to come to our aid, haven't we

paid enough dues, already?

And lastly, why hasn't the Global Media exposed these injustices? It seem's to me that they are

too concerned with their ratings and sales to care about the injustices that are being forced upon

us, by uncaring leader's, tyrants, and dictator's.