Thursday, June 23, 2011



The Way To Peace! #180

Twenty-Eight of The Earths United Nations have Joined Together, and, Decided To Release Sixty Million Barrels of Oil, For The Consumption of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, that, Coupled with, President Obamas Speech, On The Time Table of Withdrawal of U.S. Armed Forces, "Our Sons and Daughters," and, "Fellow Citizens of, This Planet Earth," from Afghanistan, are "Welcomed Signs," of, What, Hopefully, Will Bring On, "The Dawn of A New Age of Peaceful Co-Existence, and, A Peace Time Economy!"

These Two Events are Signs, that, The Leaders of The Earths Nations, are Coming To The Full Realization, and, Understanding, that, A New Change In Philosophy, Contemplation, and, Approach, in Regards To, "Solving, Restoring, and, Rebuilding," The Earths Economies, is Necessary!

And, President Obamas Decision, To Withdraw Troops, from Afghanistan/Pakistan, May Just, Usher in, A Forceful, Informed, Intelligent, "Counter-Terrorist Strategy," To Deal with Adversary's of, An Age Of Peaceful Co-Existence!

In This Present Time Space Reality, There is No Longer, A Great Need For, Hundreds of Thousands Members of Our Armed Forces, To Remain Entrenched On Foreign Soil, "For Decades at A Time!"
There has Emerged, A Different Philosophical Strategy, For Global Warfare, and, or, Armed Conflict, that, Clearly , Began at The End of The Twentieth Century, and, Escalated, On 9/11, and, has Continued To Exist Althroughout, The First Decade of, The Twenty-First Century!

And, This Type of Warfare, has Caused The Death of, Countless Numbers of Innocent Citizens, Caused Chaos in Our Financial Markets, and, at Times, Caused Great Disturbances in Our Global Financial System, and, Global Economies!
But, Now, Because of Increased Intelligence Capabilities, and, Extensive Black Ops Training, The Forces of, The Earths United Nations, have Been Able, To Dissemble The Forces of Terrorism, and, Place Them, "On The Defensive," and, Brough about Clear Results, As The Death of Osama Bin Laden has Proven!

And, This is, "A Great Opportunity," To Strategically, Philosophically, and, In All Practicality, Change How Our Military, and, Civilian Leaders, Defend and Protect, The Rights, and, Freedoms of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, so, that, "We May Live Free" from, The Threats of, Radical Fanaticism, and, Destruction! And, So, that, "We May Live as Free" As, "Interdependent, Sovereign, Citizens Of the Earth!"

Yes, There Will, Continue To Be, "Attempts of Attacks By Terrorists," Directed at Us, To Further Create Terror in Our Lives, By, Dictators, Oppressors of Freedom, and, Genocidal Minded Rebels of Lawless Disrepute, But, This Time Around, In This New Age, and, New Cycle of Change, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, and, Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Can Altogether, "Lead The Charge," To Defend and Protect, The Earths Communities, and Societies, Knowing that, Our Efforts Will Have, "A Direct/Positive Effect," On The Forces of Terror, and, "Bring Terror To Their Lives," and, The Constant Threat of Retribution and Expunction, as Well!

This is, "A Valuable Change," In Our Way of Life, and, The Strategy of Global Warfare!
A Change, that, Will Allow For, "Other Financial Investment Priorities," that, are Beneficial For, "The Recovery of Our Earths Communities," To Take Place! And, Continued Investment in, "A Peace Time Economy," and, "Less Investment in A War Time Economy!"

And, This New Change, Will Prioritize, and, Make It, More, Possible To Reverse The Global Trend To Invest, In A War Time Industrial Economy, and, Creating More Investment Opportunities, To Invest In, The Continued Development and Manufacturing of, A New Age of, "Green Industrialization," and, "Innovative Job Creation!"

And, This, also, Leads The Way, To "Less and Less Investment" In The Industrial War Complex, and, "More Investment in The Infrastructure of, The Earths Communities," Just By The Budgetary Process, alone, There Would Be More, Investment Capital, "For The People," To Share, and, Less For The Military Industrial Complex of War!
And, This Would Lead The Way To, A Much Needed Empowerment, of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Allowing Us To Enjoy Seeing Our Children, Reach Their Potential, and, Live Quality Lives, "Free from Fear of Loosing Them," Fighting In UN-Declared Wars, or, Police Actions without Exit Plans!

And, This Newly Upgraded "Counter Terrorist Philosophy and Strategy," Makes, Clearly, Defined Use of, A Designated Division of, Our Armed Forces, Whose Missions Would Have Clarity, and, More Importantly, The Support of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Knowing, that, These Brave Young Women and Men, were Charged with Combating Terrorism, which is, The Most Potent Threat Against Our Earths Communities!
And, Allowing For, Each Nation of, The Earths Communities, To Guard and Protect Its Own Borders and Citizens! And, Bring A New Sense of Calm, and, Peace To The World!

In Today's World, There is Presently, "No Need" For, Hundreds of Thousands of Young Women and Men, Marching Off To War! But, "There is Need" For, Women and Men of Peace, and, A Peace Time Economy, To Develop The Potential of New Generations of Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, so, that, They May Come To Realize Their Goals, and, Receive The Education, They Need To Do so!

Change has Come To The Earths Populace, and, "No One" Wants To Be, "Left Behind!"
However, Everyone Would Like To Be, Apart of, An All Inclusive Age of Peace, Equanimity, Prosperity, Financial Parity, and, Justice, "For One and All!"

But, Let Us, "One and All," Remember that, While "Eloquent Speeches," are Important, "Ones Actions," are, Even, More so!
So, Let Us, "One and All," Become, "Activists For Peace On Earth!"

And, Let Us Be "Activists For A New Age of Job Creation, and, Green Entrepreneurialism!"

And, Let Us Be "Activists For A Just Distribution of The Earths Riches, and, Limitless Resources," without, "Raping The Earth" In The Process, So, that, "One and All," Can Enjoy The Fruits Of Life, and, Share The Gift Of Life, with, "One Another!"

This is, The Beginning of, The Second Decade of, The Twenty-First Century! A Century of Unlimited Technological Advances, and, Global Communication, Where "A Shot Can Be Seen and Heard," All Over The World, "In An Instant!"
Or, An Idea, or, Thought Can Be Communicated, via, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, "In An Instant!" Which Gives, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, A Great Opportunity To Empower Each Other, Through "A Common Cause," that, Allows For, Each and Everyone of Us, To Live In An Age, that, Provides For, "The Social Security, For One and All!" And, "The Surety," that, Each and Everyone of Us, "Will Receive The Proper Medical and Health Care Needed, To Live without Fear of Bankruptcy, or, The Loss of Our Homes, and, Family!"

And, "We" Have A Great Opportunity, To Call Upon The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities, To Actively Pursue An Agenda, that, Provides For, The Best Interests of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And Lastly,"We" have A Great Opportunity, To Impress Upon This Earths, Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders, that, The Time has Come To Assimilate and Merge Together, The World of Big Business, Global Corporations, and Finance, into, A Parallel Course of Being, with "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

The World of Big Business, Corporations, and, The World of Finance, Can No Longer Exist, Purely, As if, "They" are, "Free To Do," As "They" Wish, without, There Being Serious Consequences, Levied Upon Them, By A Just Court of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, The World of Big Business, Corporations, and, Finance, Can No Longer Be Allowed To, "Gamble with Our Life's Savings," without, Facing The Legal Consequences of Their Actions, By A Just Court of, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!

And, To, All The Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Nations, You have To Realize and Accept, that, You are The Legal Representatives, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, It is Your Duty To, "Act On The Behalf" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Its Time, that, You, "Led By Example!" And, Through Inspired, Compassionate, Omniscient, and, Spiritual Acts of Good Conscious, "Put An End" To, All Thoughts, and, Idea's, Surrounding "Selective Victims," and, "Selective Nations," Policies, and, Judge Fairly, On Behalf Of The World! For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are The World, that, You Agreed To Represent!

This New Age, Season, and, Dawn Of Change, Is, "Our Time To Flourish, Evolve, and, Grow," In Parallel with The Limitless Expansion, and, Evolution of The Cosmos, and, within Ourselves! "We" have Changed, So Much Already, In Part, Due To The Empirical Knowledge, and, In Part, Due To The Historical Knowledge, Gained In Our Past!
And, "We" Will Continue To Change, "For The Betterment of The Earth," and, Our Fellow Citizens, Now, and, In The Future!

However, It Would Be A Propitious Event, If, The Status Quo, Global Oligarchs, Political, Financial, Military, and, Religious Powers That Be, Joined with, "We The People," To Change The World, For The Betterment of, "One and All!"

The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Wind Of Change, are Here To Stay!
And, The Evidence of This, Exists In, Every Climate Change, Tsunami, Earthquake, Tornado, Flood, Hurricane, or, Man Made Disaster, and, "Now, Is The Time To Act!"

The "Signs of The Time," are, Here and Now, and, To Hesitate, and, or, Procrastinate, In The Implementation of, The Social, Political, Economical, and, Spiritual Reforms Needed To Heal and Cure, This Sacred World of Ours, and, Enrich The Lives of Each and Every One of Us, Would Be, A Sacrilegious, Immoral Act of Cowardice and Betrayal of All, The Principles, and, Rights of Passage, that, "We The People," Citizens Of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, Hold To Be Sacred, Sacrosanct, and, Just!

And, This is, The Time For, An Age Of Peace! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of, The 20th and 21st Centuries, Our Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Lies Directly Before Us! And, "We" have, But, To Follow It, Non-Violently, To "The Ends Of The Earth and Beyond!"
For Beyond Lies, In Reality, The International Space Station, and, Further Planned Man and Woman Space Voyages, To The Moon, and, Mars!
But, without A Clear Earthrise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," "We" The Citizens Of The Earth, Will Be Forced To Go Through, Yet, Another Age of, An Imperialistic, Global Oligarchy, But, This Time, "On A Universal Level," and, In A "Cosmic Time Space Reality!"

So, Lets Remain, Strong in Spirit, and, In Our Continued Pursuit of, A Unified World!

And, Let us Continue, As A Great Soul Force, To Spread The The Word, Idea's, and, Thoughts, of, A Unified World, via, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Googler, You Tube, iTunes, X's, Meditation, Contemplation, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Newspapers, Magazines, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, Telethons,, .de, .fr,,, Napster, The Universe of Music, Dance, and, All The Myriad Worlds of Art and Culture, The Vote, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Hi-Speed Computers, and, Programs and Algorithms, Devoted Towards A New Age Of Peace and Alternative Energy!

And, Let Us Continue To Reach Out, Across The Bridge Of Peace, To Unify Our Purpose In "Being Here and Now," and, Share Our Beliefs, Hopes, and, Goals of, A New Age Of Equanimity, Harmony, Compassion, and, Justice, "For One and All," and, Our Earthrise Eco-Vision of, A New World of Alternative Energies, and, Environmental and Ecological Initiatives, and, Productivity, via The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, and, The Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise Up, and, Share "The Good News" of, "Our Vision Path" of, "A Unified World," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!
For, There is "Nothing that, We Can Not Do, When "We" are "United As, "One People Of This Planet Earth!" Althrough-Out, "The Historical Journals Of The World, This has Been Proven To Be True, Over and Over Again!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!" And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!