Monday, June 20, 2011



The Way To Peace! #179

Lets Face The Facts, This is, A New Dawn Of Change! A Global Change, that, Effects The Livelihood Of Each and Everyone of Us! And, A New Season Of Change, Hope, and, A Longing For Peace, that, also, Effects Each and Everyone of Us!

And, Lets Face The Facts,that, Global Conflicts Will Continue, Until, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, have, Clearly, Achieved A New Age Of Global Equanimity, "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Attained, A New Global Constitution of, Our Principles, Political Policies and Beliefs, Economical, Spiritual, and, Universal Way Of Life!
Iceland is An Example of A Nation, Who Understands The Importance of, Taking A New Approach, To Uniting The World, Through The Creation of, A New Constitution, that, Will, Eventually, Include, "The Best of, The Previous Constitution," Meshed Together, with New Idea's, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, Our Political Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Must "Get Back in Touch with The People," With Whom, "They" are Seriously, "Out of Touch with!"

But, Before, A New Age Of Equanimity, Can Take Hold, and, "We The People," Can, Once again, Enjoy The Growth of A Universal Reality of Social Security, There Must Be, An Earthrise Philosophy, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that, Embraces The Fact, that, Each and Everyone of Us, has The Inalienable Right, To Be, A Sovereign Citizen of, This Planet Earth! And, that, "We" are "All" Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Each and Everyday, "We The People," have To Instill These Idea's, of "One People," of This Planet Earth, in Our Children, so, that, Their Children Will Be, In Harmony and Equanimity, with Each Other, Irregardless of, What, Race, Creed, and, Nationality, that, "History has Recorded Us, To Be," and, has Conditioned Us, To Think, "We Truly are!"

And, with, Each "Little Step," and, "Quantum Leap," Taken On Behalf of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "We" Must Continue To Build, A New Age of, "A Unified World!"

And, with, The Same Drive, and, Sense of Inspiration, Exploration, and, Patriotism, that, President John F. Kennedy, Inspired In Us , and, Challenged Us, To Aim For "A Manned Space Shuttle Mission To The Moon," Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities, Must "Sow The Seeds of, A New Age Of Education! And, History, Math, Science, Geography, Literature, have To Be Prioritized, with, The Same Commitment as Sports are!
And, Inspirational, Universal, Intellectual, Cultural, and, Spiritual Teaching, Must Guide and Inspire Our Children! As Well as, A True Sense Of Being, Citizens of, This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Lets Face The Facts, "Direct On," Change is Here To Stay! And, Lets Give Thanks, that, Its Finally, "Here and Now! Why? Because, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are, More and More, Evolving in Parallel with, The Expansion and Continued Evolution Of The Cosmos! Which is Very Important!

And, "We" Must Advance into, This New Century, and, New Age, as, "A Consciously Aware People," Committed To, An Earthrise "Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," that, "Rejects Violence, Crime, Terrorism, Violent Radicalism, Poverty, War, and, Lack Of Compassion," For The Fate, and, Sake of, Our Fellow Human Being!

Yes, "Change is Here To Stay," and, "We" Must, "One and All," Share in The Actuality and Reality, that, "We" are "All Apart of, One Earth," and, A Great Cosmos of Unlimited Dimensions!

And, There Can Not Be, "Any Isolationist Attitude," To Prevent Us, or, Distract Us, from The Realization, that, "We" are "All," Citizens Of One Earth, Indispensable, and, Meaningful To, The Survival of Each Other, and, The Survival of, This Planet Earth, that, Is "Our Home!"

And, "We" Must Commit and Dedicate Ourselves, To The Creation, The Proposition, and, Emancipation Declaration of, "Being One People" of, This Planet Earth! Irregardless of Race, Creed,or, Nationality!

And, Yes, Let Us Agree, To Debate Our Course of Action, and, Idea's! But, Let Us, also, Agree To Follow Our, "Vision Path, Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us, All Agree, To Defend, The Right To, "Exist as A Free People," and, "Prosper In Equality, and, Equanimity," with, "One and All!"
For, "We" are, Truly, "An Earth Of, By, and, For The People," and, Not An Earth Of, By, and, For The Corporations, and, The Politicians, Of The Earth!

And, "We" are, "A Free People Of The Earth," Not A Conditioned Society, Who Exists, at The Whim of, The Global Oligarchs, and, Their Minions of Greed!

And, "We" have To, Get Beyond Existing in, "A War Time Economy, and, A War Time Mentality," if, "We" are To Exist in An Age Of Peace! Eleven More Members of The U.S. Armed Forces Died In Iraq, and, Afghanistan, Last Week, and, Countless More, were Wounded In Action, since The Beginning of, The Age of UN-Declared Wars!

And, Then, Add To that, The Civilian Casualties, and, The Refugee's Living in Their Neighboring Countries, Who have Been Forced To Live in Camps, Separated from Their Homes and Relatives, Because of War, Threats of Genocide, and, Lawlessness!

And, Then, Add To that, The Tens of Thousands of Our Armed Forces, Who are Suffering from PTSD, and, are Unable To Find Employment, since They've Returned Home! And, Then, You Can Realize, "How Fruitless War, and, A War Time Economy, Can Be, For, "We The People!"
Which is Why, Its Time For, A Peace Time Economy, Driven By A Peace Time Reality and Philosophical Way Of Life!

And, Why Its Time For, A New Age Of Environmental and Ecological Research and Development, Manufacturing and Productivity! Empowered By Women and Men, "Of, By, and, For The People," Who Believe in The Tenants Of Peace, and, Way Of Peace!
For, This is, The Way, How To Cure and Heal The World! Enhanced By Research, Fact Finding, and, Exploration of Alternative Energy, and, New Healing Techniques, Through Programs and Algorithms of, High-Speed Computers, Directed By Scientists, Doctors, and, Engineers, Who are Specifically Interested in, Attaining These Goals!
And, This is, The Way, To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul of, The 20th and
21st Centuries, Too Many are In Need of, "Compassionate Activism!"

And, Too Many Survivors of, Natural Disaster are In Need of, "Compassionate Activism!"

And, Too Many Survivors of, UN-Declared Wars, Military Campaigns and Escalations in War, and, Terrorist Attacks, are In Need of, "Compassionate Activism!"

And, Too Many Peace Activists, Who are Being Threatened with Violence, Torture, and, Death, By Dictators, and, Oppressors of Freedom, are In Need of, "Compassionate Activism!"

And, The Poor and Homeless, are In Need! And, Innocent Victims of Warring Drug Cartels, are In Need! And, Children, Women, and, Men, Who have Been Kidnapped and Sold into, The Immoral, Vicious World of, Forced Sex Slaves, are In Need!

So, Lets Continue To Call upon, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Be, "Hands On Activists Of Change," For, "A Better World," and, To, "Put The People Back To Work!
And, also, To Bring The Forces of, Chaos and Disorder, "Under The Control," of, A Just, Honorable, Respectful, Moral, Forceful, and, Spiritual Society, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Lets Continue To Spread, "The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," via, The Global Internet, and, The Limitless Resources of, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes! Whether It Be By, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, You Tube, Itunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Telethons, X's, Meditation, Thought Projection, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit Ins, Fax's,, .de, .fr, .com,, Napster, Network, Cable, and, Satellite TV and Radio, In Concert Performances, The Universes Of Music, Dance, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, The Vote, and, Non-Violent Activists Groups!

And, Lets Continue To Reach Out Across The Bridge Of Peace, To Explore New Horizons, and, New Universes!

And, Lets Continue To Rise To New Heights of Conscious and Spiritual Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Compassion, and, Empower The Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Wherever, They May Be!

And, Lets Continue To Call Upon Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Call For, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue," To Specifically, Address and Resolve, The Problems of, A Lack of Job Creation, Poverty, Need For New Educators To Provide Our Children with, An Enlightened, Passionate, and, Cultural Knowledge, and, Omniscience!
And, To Bring Forth from, The Depths of Their Consciousness, The Innate Sense of Reality, that, "We All" have The Right To Exist, As, "Free People, Of The Earth," and, also, The Right To Exist, As, "Interdependent Individuals," of, This Planet Earth!" And, Free To Exist, Freely, from, "The Threats of Oppression," and, "Enjoy The Fruits of Life and Good Labor!"

And, Lets Continue To Evolve, and, Empower Each Other, As A Great Soul Force of Truth and Change, On the Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Peace, Hope, and, Change. And, In Doing So, Make A Great Soul Imprint of Change and Peace, As Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Socrates, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, Mother Teresa, Mary, Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Rabindranath Tagore, St. Francis Of Assisi, Clara Barton, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, and, Rumi, have Done For Our Sakes, and, For The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!