Monday, June 13, 2011



The Way To Peace! #177

With The DOW, On A Six Week Slide To, "Unknown Territory!" And, As, The Value of Homes Continue Their Slide, into New Depths! And, As UN-Employment Continues To Rise! And, The U.S. National Debt Ceiling, Continues To Rise! Let there Be, "No Doubt," that, This is, The Moment in Time For, The States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages, To Become More Interdependent, and, Entrepreneurial Conscious, and, Revamp Their Overall Perspective and, Enter Into New Strategies For Improving Their Economies, To Be More In line with, A Peace Time Economy of The 21st Century, and, Specifically, The Advent of, A New Age of Green Industrialization! And, Focus on, New Innovations, Such as; Clean Energy, Biomedicines, Renewable/Alternative Energies, and, Production of, Electric Car Batteries! And, If, Your Strategically Located, Invest in, Aerospace,, and, Space Exploration, and, High Speed Computers!

Investment in Building High Speed Computers Will Be, "A Helping Aid," in Bringing Your Community To Be, A Functioning Part of, "The Advent of A Peace Time Economy," and, The Creation of Jobs, For Your Neighbors, and, Fellow Residents, Who've Been, "Out Of Work," and, Searching For New Means Of Employment!

And, President Obama has To Continue, To Take "An Activist Role," In The Creation of, A Peace Time Economy, By Taking "A Hands On Approach," and, also, By Increasing New Investment, and, Added Interest, In The Manufacturing and Production of, An Exciting Hi-Tech Age Of Green Industrialization!

In This New Season Of Change, President Obama, and, All of, The Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, have To Have An, "All Inclusive Attitude," and, Make The Sociological, Economical, Spiritual, Political, Educational, and, Health Care Reforms Needed, To "Sow The Seeds of, A New Dawn of, Job Creation, and, Cultural Enlightenment!"
But, These Reforms have To Be, Immediate Ones! Eloquent Speeches, Alone, Will Not Suffice, Nor Will It Garner The Support of, "We The People!"
Action is what, "We the People," Citizens Of The Earth, are In Need of! Now! "Long Term Policies and Plans," are Welcomed, However, "We" Need To "Put Food On Our Tables, Now!" Not Later!
And, "We" Need To "Cloth and Provide Health Care, and, Education For, Our Children Now!" Not Later! Because, The Costs of Living are Rising, along, with "Our Discontent, with The Lack of Results of, Our World Leaders!"

This New Season Of Change has The Great Potential To Be, "A Vibrant New Time Space Reality," Empowered and Driven By, An Eco-Vision of, An Earthrise Evolution, and, Revolution of, Green Entrepreneurialism, and, The Continued Development of, Alternative Energies, and, Environmental, and, Ecological Innovations, that, are Beneficial To, The Social Security, Good Will, and, Welfare of, "We The People!"

But, Its of, The Utmost Importance, that, The Federal Government, "Go Beyond," The Concept of, Simply, Providing Funding, and, Incentives For, A Group of, "Selected Clusters," To Increase Employment Opportunities! The Government, Must Act, In A More "All Inclusive Manner," and, "Empower The World Of Small Businesses," as Well, By Extending Incentives, Funding, and, By Utilizing, "A High Profile, Activist Campaign," Through The Cross-Media Universes, By President Obama, and, The Leaders and Representatives of, "All," The Political Party's of, The U.S. Congress! And, This, also, Should Be, "A Blue Print" For, All of, The Leaders Of, The Earths Communities!
For, Truly, If, The Global Economies are Going To, "Rebound," Before, or, Over The Summer Months, Its Going To Take, The Same Kind of, Activist, "Hands On Approach," By, The Civilian, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, To Bring About, The Ushering in, of, A New Era, of, A Peace Time Economy, and, Job Creation, To, "Put The People Back To Work!"

And, There Should Be, "A Simple Understanding," Between, The Global Leaders of, The Earths Communities, that, Transcends, "Political Ideologies," Which is, That, Economic Growth and Recovery Will Not Occur, Until, "We The People," are, "Put Back To Work!"
And, Until "Fears Of Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, and, Further Cutbacks, are Ended!" And, "A New Era of, Employment, Home Security, and, Trust in Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, has Been Restored!

And, For This New Season Of Change To Continue To Take Hold, and, Evolve in Equanimity, There has To Be, A New Age of Parity, and, Equanimity, Between, Women and Men! And, Testosterone's, Hormones, and, Steroids, have To Come Into Balance!
And, Hubris and, Selfless Dedication, have To Come into, "An Enlightened Balance," that, Is Beneficial For, "We The People," Citizens Of The World, and, Not For Some Global Corporate Conglomerate, Dictator, Politician, Religious, or, Military Leader!
Ego, Greed, Lust, and, Violence, are Not, The Ingredients of, A Fruitful Peace Millennium!
Nor, Do "They," Represent The Kind Of World, that, "We" Would Like Our Children, and, Their Children, To Grow Up in!

And, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, Need Values, that, are, Consistent with, The Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," that, Embraces The Continued Evolution, Education, and, Conscious Awareness, of, "One and All," To Prosper, "Universally, Economically, Spiritually, Emotionally, Sociologically, Physically, and, Intellectually!"

And, "We The People," have had Enough of, "Partisan Politics, False Promises, and, Economic Policies, that, Lack in Vision, But, Excel in Mediocrity!"

The Women and Men, Who are Members of, Our Armed Forces, Train Hard To Excel In The Defense of, Our Rights, To Live As, "A Free People Of The Earth!"
These Women and Men, are Placed in Harms Way, To Fight against Terrorism, Tyranny, and Oppressors of Freedom!
Can "We" Expect Anything Less than This, from, Our Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders of, The Earth United Nations!

And, In Turn, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth of, have The Right To Expect, Nothing Less from, The Elective Officials, Who've Been Chosen, To Represent Us!

This is, An Age Of Accountability, Responsibility, Honor, Heroes and Heroines, Who are Activists, "For The People!"
Activists, Who are Committed To, "Resist The Oligarchs of Deceit and Compromise of The Values, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Hold Sacred!"

And, It is, The Right of, Each and Everyone of Us, To Live as Sovereign Citizens, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, Our Inalienable Right, To Be, and, Achieve The Goals, and, Realization of Our Dreams, and, "Live Free Women and Men, In A World Of Peace, Equanimity, and, Economic Parity, that, Respects and Cares For, "The Lives of, All Sentient Beings!"
For, In Truth,This is, The Dawn of, A New Day of, Heroines and Heroes, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, An Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People!"
And, An Earthrise Constitution, that, Is, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, An Age of Green Industrialization!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, of, The 20th and
21st Centuries, There are New Frontiers, that, Lie Ahead of Us! And, New Horizons To Explore, that, Lie Beyond, The Debt Ceilings and Deficits!
So, Let us Continue To Course Our Way Through, The Conditioned Reality of Stagnancy, and Mediocrity, and, The Lack of Inspiration, and, Creativity!

And, Altogether, Let Us Persevere, Until, "We" have, "Torn Down The Walls of Apathy and Indifference!" And, Let Us Continue To, "Non-Violently, Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World," and, Transcend, The Barren Less States Of Mind of Complacency, and, Resignation!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise Above, The Din of Frustration, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Spread "The Good News" of, Our Peace Initiatives via, The Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Hope and Change!

and, Let Us Continue To Empower Each Other Through, The Omnipotent, Unlimited, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network, Linkup, and, Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People," As "We" Journey Across, The Bridge Of Peace, and, The Global Internet, and, All Across The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes! Reaching Out To All, Who are of, True Belief, via, Texts, Fax's, Emails, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin , Google, You Tube, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins, Strikes, Interviews, Telethons, In Concert Performances, The Worlds Of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and, The Myriad Different Universes of Art and Culture, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, X's, Thought Projection, Meditation, Cable, Satellite, and, Network TV and Radio, The Vote,, .de, .fr,,, MySpace, Napster, Newspapers, Magazines, High Speed Computers, and, Algorithms!

And, Let Us Continue To, "Stay On Course" of, Our "Earthrise Vision Path," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!