Monday, June 6, 2011



The Way To Peace! #175

As The Earths Communities Continue To Be, Beset Upon By, Natural Disasters, that, have Left, Tens of Thousands without Homes, Its The Man Made Acts of Violence, that Continue To Plague, The Citizens Of The Earth, with, One Tragic Event after Another, Taking Place!
And, so, Once Again, The World is, In Need of, Voices Of Reason, and, Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul!

And, The World is, also, In Need of, Omniscients of The World of Finance, Who Care For The Welfare, "Of The People!"

And, The World is, In Need of, An Eco-Vision, that, Embraces The Advent of A Great Age Of, Green Industrialization!

And, The World is, also, In Need of, Women and Men of, Science and Technology, To Create High Speed Computers, Whose Main Function is, To Create Programs, that, Bring Forth, and, Give Birth To Algorithms, Geared Towards Finding Cures For Disease, and, that, Give Rise, To A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism, and, A New World Of Alternative Energies, and, Further Research in Climate Change!

And, The World is, In Need of, A New Generation of Educators, Who are Determined To Share The History Of The Earths Civilizations, and, The Inspirational Voices Of Omniscience, Truth, Spirituality, Justice, and, Compassion!

And, The World is, also, In Need of, A Great Soul Force of, Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Brave The Cold Waters of, Indifference and Selfishness of, A Corrupt, Insensitive, and, Conditioned Reality, that, Continues To Ignore, "The Call Of," "We The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!

"A Call Of The People," that, has Seen Millions Upon Millions of, Its Daughters and Sons, Lost To War, Genocide, Terrorism, Barbarism, and, Religious Crusades!

"A Call Of Humanity," that, has Seen Too Many of, Its Sons and Daughters, Grow Up in Impoverished Communities Of Hopelessness!

"A Call Of The People," that, has Been Lied To, Manipulated and Compromised By, The Rhetoric of, Political, Economical, Military, Religious, and, Sociological Psychopaths of, The "Ists, Isms, Ocracies, and, Ions," of, The Global Oligarchs!

"A Call Of Humanity," that, Would Like To Know, How Many More Innocents are To Be Tortured and Killed!

And, How Many More Innocents are To Be, Kidnapped, and, Mercilessly, Used, As Sex Slaves!

And, How Many More Libraries, Schools, and, Hospitals, are To Be Closed!

This is, The Second Decade, of The 21st Century, and, This is, A New Season, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have Sown The Seeds of, A Great Activist Movement, and, Vision Path of, A Cultural Evolution, and, A Plethora of, Universal Ideas and Thoughts, For The Creation of, "A Better World"

And, The New Horizons, that, Lies Before Us, are Manifold and Enfolding, from This, The Third Planet from The Sun, To The International Space Station, To The Moon, Mars, and Beyond!
However, Before, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can Purely Enjoy The Thought of, Such A Grand Scheme, and, Great Vision, "We" have To Be Sure, that, "We" Live in, A "Grounded World of Security," Economically, Politically, Sociologically, Spiritually, and, Religiously, Here on Earth!

And, "We" Need, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths Communities, To Ally Themselves with, "The Call Of The People," and, "Act in Equanimity" with, "We The People!"
An Earthrise Alliance, that, Recognizes, The Inalienable Rights of, Each and Every Citizen of The Earth, To "Live in Peace, Freedom, Justice, and, Social and Economical Security!"

And, This Alliance Of Equanimity, Must Guarantee, that, Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Will Never Go Homeless, or, Lack For Food, or, Health Care!

And, This New Alliance Of Equanimity, Must Guarantee, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Will Be The Recipients of, A New Global Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World, and, Cure The World! And, Make A Better World, "For One and All To Share!" And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of, True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, May Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Bring About, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues," that, Create A Global Covenant Of Peace, "For The People!"

And, May Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Continue To Empower The Green Evolution, and, The Social and Cultural Revolution of, "The Earths People," Transcending The Oppression and Cruelty of, The Dictators and Tyrants, and Non-Violently, "Cast Them Out!"

And, May Our Passion For Justice, and, Compassion For The Fellowship of, All Sentient Beings, Continue To Lead Us, Across The Bridge Of Peace, and, May "We" Continue To, "Walk Hand in Hand," with Each Other, Into The New Dawning of, This New Season Of Change, and, Hope!

And, Let us Continue To Speak Often, with Each Other, of Our Goals and Aspirations, and, Share "The Good News" of, Our Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," via Twitter, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, MySpace, iTunes, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Emails, Texts, Faxes, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Newspapers and Magazines, Telethons, Network, Cable, and, Satellite, TV and Radio!,, .de, .fr, .com,, The Vote, In Concert Performances, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins and Fasts, Meditation and Thought Projection, The World of Art and Culture, Dance, Music, Theatre, Film, X's, and, All Across The Global Internet, Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue To Encourage Each Other, via The Unlimited Universe of Technological Advancement, and, of, Our Non-Violent Activist Communication Nexus, Link Up, and, Network, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, Wherever, The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Waves, Currents, and, at Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Everflow! And, Wherever, The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, May Take Us!

And, Altogether, As A Great Soul Force, Lets Continue To Non-Violently, Rock Out, Shake Up, and, Change This World, that, "We" Live in, Into "A World Of Peace and Harmony, and, Economic Parity, For One and All!"
And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent, Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!