Wednesday, June 8, 2011



The Way To Peace! #176

In This New Season of Change, Many of The Earths Leaders, are Having A Difficult Time Keeping Up with The Myriad Universes of, The Cross-Media, and, Social Media! And, New Revelations are Constantly Being Exposed, For, The World To See!
And, Even, with, The Best Intelligence Agencies, at Your Disposal, "Change Is Not Something, that, Can Be Predicted In Advance!"
And, The Global Economists, are, also, Having A Difficult Time, Predicting, When The Markets are Going To Take A Dip, which is, "Frightening For Them!"

And, Its Becoming, "More and More," Obvious, that, President Obama, Can Not Rely Upon, "The World Of Big Business," To Create Jobs!
And, Its, also, Becoming, "More and More," Obvious, that, The Opposing Political Party's, and, Their Minions, are Aware, that, This is An Extremely Vulnerable Situation, that, "They" Can Manipulate To Their Advantage, and, Very Well, Cost, The President, The Loss of The Presidency, in The Next Presidential Elections! Even, If, It Means that, Tens of Millions of Americans, are, Still, UN-Employed, and, Struggling To Make Their Mortgage Payments on Time, or, "At All!" And, Be Able To Care For Their Families!

So, Whatever Funds, President Obama has, that, are Available, from, "The Recovery and Reinvestment Act," of 2009, Should Be, Immediately, "Put Into Action," and, Prioritized To, "Create New Jobs!"
Such as, The Immediate Investment In, The Infrastructure of, The States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages of, The U.S.
And, Repairing, The Highways, Boulevards, Streets, Sidewalks, Gardens, Parks, Subways, Public Transportation, Trains, and, Airports! And, Investing In Building New Schools, and, Libraries!

And, also, Investing, In An, Exciting, "New Green Industrialization, and, Entrepreneurialization" of, The New Decade! And, Additional, Research In, and, The Immediate Implementation of, Alternative Energies! This is, A Constructive, and, Activist Agenda, To Create New Jobs, and, Build A Peace Time Economy, Which is, also, of, Great Importance!

And, Another Important Note To Make, For President Obama, is that, His Strength Lies In, Empowering, "We The People," Citizens of, This Planet Earth!

And, His Strength, also, Lies In, The Support of, The Visionaries of, Science and Technology, Whose Eco-Vision, Is The Foundation For, The Exploration of, New Frontiers in Space, Energy, and, A New Age of Enlightenment, Education, and, Cultural Evolvement!

And, The Presidents Strength, also, Lies In The Hard Working Blue Collar Employees, The Middle Class, and, Various Ethnic Groups, and, "The World Of Small Business!"

But, Act Now, Before You Lose "The Support of The Middle Class, and, As A Matter of Fact, The Loss of, "We The People," Who Believed in You, as An Agent of Change!
And, Voted For You, In Belief, that, You Would Make A Difference!

And, Act Now, To Provide, Immediate, Financing From HAMP, For Example, To Save The Homes, of, Your Fellow Citizens, from Further Foreclosures! Approximately, 1.2 Billion Dollars has, Only, Been Allocated Out of, The 30 Billion Dollar Fund, that, was Created Exactly For This Purpose! To Prevent Home Foreclosures of, "We The People!" And, 1.2 Billion Dollars is Simply, Not Enough!

And, Act Immediately, To Bring In Mobile Homes, For The Citizens/Families, Who have had Their Lives Devastated, By Natural Disasters, and, have Swelled The Growling Ranks of Those, Who are Homeless, and, UN-Employed!
And, Create A New Job Force of Builders/Construction Workers, and, Carpenters, To Build New Homes, and, or, Repair The Previous Ones, and, Re-Invest In, "Re-Building Small Businesses," that, have Been Struck Down, By Tornadoes!
Just Use, The Same Logical, "Recovery and Reinvestment Strategy," that, Your Administration Used To, "Bail Out," The Banks, and, Automobile Industry, and, also, To Prop Up, The Financial Institutions, that, were Threatened with Destruction By The Subprime Disaster!

And, Act Now, To Invest, whatever, Funds, that, have Been Allocated To Previously, "Bail Out," The World Of Big Business, and, Re-Invest In, The Recovery of, The Lives and Welfare of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

The Recent, "Very Low Job Figures," and, The UN-Employment Figures, are, A Strong Suggestion of What May Lie Ahead of Us, Economically! Especially, with, The Approach of, "Another Long Hot Summer," and, The Fact that, "Not Enough Hiring," is Being Created;(1) For Students on Vacation from School, (2) Or, The Out of Work Women and Men, Who have Been Looking For Employment, "For Much Too Long, without Success!"

However, "Maybe, Just Maybe," If, "The World Of Big Business," See's Your Commitment To, "The Recovery and Re-Investment," In The Lives and Welfare of, "We The People," "They" May Decide To, "Start Hiring Again!" Or, At The Least, Hire The Employee's, that, were Cut, and, Let Go of!

And then, "Maybe, Just Maybe," The Banks Will Become Real Partners of, "We The People," whose Savings and Checking Accounts, are The Foundation of, Their Existence, and, without Which, "They" Would be Nothing!

This New Season Of Change, has Been Empowered By, Activists, Who Have Worked Selflessly, In The Tradition of, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and, Jesus Of Nazareth, Just To Name A Few Examples, Who have Given Their Lives, "To Make A Better World For One and All!"
And, This is, "More and More," Becoming Historically, The Age Activists, Who are Unafraid To, "Take Risks," On Behalf of, "We The People!"

But, This is, "Not The Time For Hesitation, Prolonged Deliberation, or, Procrastination," As "We" Strive To Attain Our Goals, of Peace, and, Freedom, For The Citizens Of Every Race, Creed, and, Nationality, of, This The Third Planet from The Sun, To Exist As A Sovereign Citizen, Of The Earth, In Equanimity, Harmony, and, Justice! And, As "We" Strive To Enjoy, The Pursuits of Dreams and Goals of, Life on Earth, Living without Fear of, Crime, Dictators, and, Oppressors of, "The Faithful, and, The People of, This Planet Earth!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way For, "One and All," To Enjoy The Fruits of Life, and, The Joys of Life, and, A Peace Time Economy! And, This is, The Way To, A New Age Of Environmental and Ecological Advancements, that, are Beneficial To, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, This is, The Way To, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

And, To, President Obama, and, His Advisory Council, and, Inner Circle of, Close Friends, Remember, that, Your Strength Lies In The Support of, Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul of, The 20th, and, 21st Centuries, Who are, True Believers Of Peace, Truth, and, The Pursuit of Liberty, and Justice, "For One and All!"

And, This is, The Perfect Moment, in Time, To Organize Messieurs Bernanke, Geithner and, Your Economic Team, To Spearhead, A "Sweeping Hands On Strategy," To Deal with The Creation Of New Jobs, Dealing with The Derivatives Market, and, Intensifying Your Overall Approach Towards, Re-Empowering The Economy! And, Working with Your Global Partners, To Establish A Concentrated Effort, To "Put The People Of The World, Back To Work!"

And, To The Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations, "Take Heed," Because, This is, "Not The Time," To Take Advantage of The Discontent of, "We The People," and, The Stagnant State Of Affairs, of The Worlds Economies!
This is, The Time To Work Together, and, Bring about, A New Dawn of, Financial Parity, and, Economic Growth, amongst, "All The Nations, and, People Of The Earth!" And, Not, Just, "For The Benefit of, The Few!"

And, Once again, Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of, True Heart Soul, and, Mind, of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Empower Each Other! And, Encourage Each Other! And, Reach Out To Each Other, via, The Bridge Of Peace, and, The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, Nexus, and, Link Up, of, The 21st Century, that, The World has Ever Known!

And, Lets Continue To Share, "The Good News," of, Our Earthrise Initiatives, For "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!"

And, Lets Continue To Spread The Word of, Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, Evolution, and, Revolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, iTunes,, .de,, .fr,, You Tube,
Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Meditation, Contemplation, Thought Projection, Fasts, Napster, Network, Cable, and, Satellite TV, and, Radio, Texts, X's, The World Of Art and Culture, Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, In Concert Performances, Telethons, High Speed Super Computers, Algorithms, Science and Technology, Fax's, Emails, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Strikes, Marches, Sit Ins, and, The Vote!

And, Let Us Continue To Rise, As A Great Soul Force, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, To New Frontiers, Beyond The Earths Horizons, Where, Only, Peace Reigns Supreme, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Peace, Change, and, Enlightenment!

And, Let Us Create, "A Universal Constitution," and, "A Universal Declaration Of Interdependence," and, "Universal Laws," that, Call For, "The Emancipation Declaration, and, Fraternity of, Each and Every Citizen Of This The Third Planet from The Sun," Called Earth, and, The Lives of, "All Sentient Beings," Of The Cosmos, that, "We" are, But, A Small Part of!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent, Peace Millennium!