Monday, April 25, 2011



The Way To Peace! #163

The New Wikileaks Release of Documents about GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) Revelations Continue To Expose, what Everyone Already is Aware of, Which is, "War is Hell", as The Saying Goes! So, No One Should be Surprised, But, It is All The More The Reason Why, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth Need Peace!

What is All The More Remarkable though, is that, The Members of The U.S. Congress are Taking A Two Week Paid vacation! While "We The People," are Being Threatened with Higher Gasoline Prices! And, Higher Prices in Commodities, Seemingly without End!

And, While "We The People" are, Still, Being Threatened with The Loss of Jobs, and, Further Loss of Our Quality of Life (While Big Business and The Financial Markets are Thriving)!

And, Why is The U.S. Congress On Paid Vacation, While The Members of Our Armed Forces and Coalition Forces, are, Still, "On The Job" Fighting in Harms Way, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and, Worldwide, Fighting in The Global War On Terrorism!

And, While The U.S. Congress Continues To Play Partisan Politics with Each Other and President Obama, over Raising The Debt Ceiling, Irregardless To How Much Damage it Will Cause The U.S. Governments Image, and, Ability To Continue Borrowing at Low Interest Rates Worldwide, The Congress Takes A Paid Vacation!
So, Is Anyone Surprised that The U.S. Congress is Receiving A 75% Disapproval Rating!
And that, There is A 70% Disapproval in The Direction The U.S. is Headed in!

I Can Understand The Need For A Vacation, But, A Two Weeks Paid Vacation, While Cuts IN Education, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Planned Parenthood, Libraries, and, Public TV and Public Radio , and, The Environmental Protection Agency are Being Threatened!
This Kind of Political Symbolism is The Worst Kind of Example and Impression, To Make Upon "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who have Lost Faith in Our Elected Officials, Once Again!

And, While The Global Media Focuses on The Wedding Of Prince William and Kate Middleton in The UK, (and "We" All Wish Them The Best of Luck and Happiness and "A Lasting Union," A Quote from a Speech that Sir Winston Churchill Gave, in Regards to, What His Hopes were, about The Future Relationship of What The U.S. and Great Britain Would Be, after World War II, Which Seems to me, For Some Odd Reason To Be Appropriate for This Occasion, Although For Totally Different Reasons)) But, Lets Hope that The Global Cross-Media Universes Will Soon, Re-Focus Their Energies and Attention on The Agenda of, "We The People, Citizens Of the Earth, Who Long For, A Vibrant New Job Creation Policy, Worldwide!

And, Re-Focuses on, A New Creative, Enthusiastic, and, Vibrant Global Eco-Vision that, Provides Alternative Energy, and, Empowers, and, Finances, The Environmental and Ecological Industries Of the Earth!

There is A Great Deal To, Do All over This World of Ours, from Africa To South America! And, from Asia To North America! And, from The Middle East To Europe! From Continent To Continent, The World is In the Middle of A Historical Time Period of Change, But, Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders, of The Earths United Nations, Must Recognize that, (1) This Age of Change is Here To Stay, and, (2) That, "They" Must Support and Work without Fail, To Provide Sustenance and Social Security For, "We The People" Citizens Of The World!

And, There Can Not Be, "A Great Divide" Between Us! "We" are "One People," Born of This Planet Earth!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Must Work As, "A Great Soul Force" To Advance and Change The Direction Of The World, Away from War, To A World Of Peace!

And, Our Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths Communities, Must Work Together To Eliminate Poverty, Crime, Class Distinction, Racism and Profiling, and, Injustice Wherever, and, Whenever It May Occur!

And, This is, The Time For, New Voices of Reason, and, New Peacemakers, and, Women and Men Who are of True Heart and Soul, To Step Forward, To Support Equanimity, True Fraternity, Peace, Economic Parity, and, Change!

And, Its Time For, "One and All" To Embrace This New Resurrection, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, Continue To Support This New Season of Hope and Change in Our Lives, and, For The Future Reality of Our Children!

And, Its Time For, The Religious, Civilian, Military, and, Financial Leaders, Of the Earths Communities To Advance The Philosophies of A Gracious World of Good Service, "For The People and By the People!" And, "Of The People!"

The Lyrics from that Song, "Turn Turn Turn," By The Byrd's (and many other prominent artists) that Pete Seeger Adapted To Music, from The Book of Ecclesiastics in The Bible, are Very Applicable To This Time/Space Reality, "To everything Turn Turn Turn, There is a Season Turn Turn Turn, and a Time for every purpose under Heaven." And, This Should Be The Season Of Peace On Earth!
And, The Lyrics of, Bob Dylan's "Blowing in The Wind," are, also,very Applicable To This Time/Space Reality, "How many deaths will it take 'Til he knows that too many people have died."

And, The Lyrics of The Beatles "We can Work it Out, and, John and Yoko's "Give Peace A Chance," also, Ring Out The Truth!

"We The People," have An Inherent Obligation To, "One Another" To Work Together Towards The Implementation of, A New Time/Space Reality of Compassion, Faith, Economical and Social Justice, Truth, and, Cultural and Spiritual Awareness, "For One and All" To Share!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have An Inherent Obligation To Advance The Spirit of Change and Morality, Both, "Spiritually and Ethically" For "One and All" To Share!

And, The Religious, Civilian, Financial, and, Military Leaders of The Earths United Nations, have An Inherent Obligation To Create An Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that Transcends, The Conditioned Reality that has Chained "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To A Stagnant, Robotic, Manipulative, Way of Existence, that is Controlled By, "The Ists," "The Isms," "The Ocracies," and, "The Ions," of, The Lobbyists and The Elite of The Global Oligarchs!

And, Its Time For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues To Address and Support This New Age Of Change! Why? Because, "We" Can No Longer Be Tolerant of, Indifference To The Poor, The Downtrodden, The Disenfranchised, and, The Transient Population of The Earths Communities, and, Its Nations!

And, This "Historical Age Of The People," Must Be "All Inclusive" of, "All The People, By, All The People, and, For, All The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To Establish A Peace Time Economy, and, An Eco-Vision, For The World!

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and, All Who are of True Heart and Soul, Let Us Continue To Share A New Age of Enlightened Civility with One Another!

And, Let Our Great Soul Force, that is "All Inclusive" of, All Races, Creeds, and, People of Every Nation, Continue To Make A Great Soul Print Upon This Sacred Earth of Ours, as Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad,
Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mary, Confucius, Mother Teresa, St, Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, and, Machiventa Melchizedek, have Done!
So, That "We" Can All Enjoy, As The Great Spiritual Song, Sings Out, "A Happy Day!" And, Let Us Be, As The Classic Spiritual "Free At last, Great God Almighty, "We're Free At last," Denotes!

And, Let Us Continue To Share, "The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Evolution, Eco-Vision, and, Earthrise Movement, Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via The Global Internet, and, The Social Universe, and, The Global Cross-Media Universe!

And, Lets Continue To Enrich, Empower, and, Encourage One Another, via The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, Nexus, and, Links "Of, By, and, For The People," and, Boldly Continue To Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World!

And, As The Sign of The Times, has Shown Us that "Our Time Has Come," Let Us Continue To Sow The Seeds of Our Earthrise Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People," via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, iTunes, Napster,, .fr,.de., jp, You Tube, Cable, Network and, Satellite TV and radio, Newspapers, Interviews, Magazines, Telethons, X's, Meditation, Thought Projection, Cell Phones, Land Lines, The Universes of Music, Art, and, Dance, In Concert Performances, Non- Violent Sit Ins, Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Elections, and, Fasts!

And, Let Our Global Commitment Resonate Althroughout The World, and, Amass Its Universal Harmonies, Ideas, Thoughts, and, Words, and, Sing Out, As A Great Choir of, "We The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, As "One Voice Of One People," Enjoined In Peace and Prosperity!

And, Let Us Rise and Ascend Together, To New Heights and Levels of Conscious Awareness and Compassion, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Hope and Peace!
And, Let Our Peace Movement Be Moved To All Points and Corners Of The Earth, Across The Bridge Of Peace, via The Eddies, Streams, Currents, and, Even at Times, via The Hurricane Winds Of Change!

For, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! Hallelujah, and, Hari Om, This is Truly An Amazing Grace, and, Let Us "One and All," Continue To "Keep The Faith!" And, Let This Truly Be, A Great Age Of Miracles, and, Change, For The Betterment of All Humankind, and, For The Lives of All Sentient Beings!