Monday, April 4, 2011



The Way To Peace! #157

Here "They" Go again! Is this "Le Cirque De Budget Battle" Pt...? If Donald Trump were President of The U.S. He Would Most Likely, "Fire" Both Houses of The Government (of course, this is Nonsensical remark)!

And, The New Job Report Figures are in! And, UN-Employment has Dropped to 8.8%, The Lowest its Been in Two Years! And, Yes there are Two Hundred and Sixteen Thousand (approximately) New Jobs, Created in The Private Sector! But, There are, Still, Thirteen and a Half Million, Who are UN-Employed, in The U.S. alone!

And, in A Recent Poll Taken 82% of Americans, Do Not Trust The Financial System!

I Recently Heard a Financial Consultant, on, One of The Financial Cable TV Programs Say, that, "The New Job Figures were Solid Ones!" Well, If these are Solid Figures, and, is An Indication of, A Recovering Economy, Then I Must Be Living in "Oz!"

This Historical Time Period In Our Lives, has A Great Opportunity To Be, "A Great Age!" But, One Must Be Realistic! And, This is Not, "A Surge" in Jobs, By Any Means! Maybe, If The Figure was Three to Four Hundred Thousand Jobs, Created on A Monthly Basis, that, Would Be A Formidable Step in A Recovering Economy! But, This State of Growth, Should Be Classified as, An Embarrassment To The U.S. Government, that, It has Taken Two Years To Finally Reach, "This Point!"

And, Lets, also, Understand that, Salaries have only Gone Up 1.7%, While Prices for Oil and Gas, Continue To Rise, and, Prices in The Supermarket, Continue To Rise Significantly Higher! All of Which, Makes it, More and More Difficult For, "We The People" To Feed and Take Care of Our Families!

I Don't Know what Planet that, These Financial Wizards/Experts and Consultants, that, I See Daily on The Cable and Network TV News Programs, Come from, But, Its Obvious that, "They" Do Not Shop in The Same Supermarkets that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Shop in! But, Whatever Planet, "They" are Living and Shopping on, This is Not A Great Job Report, No Matter How The Financial Markets, or, The Obama Administration Say, and, Try To Spin This Recent Jobs Report!

Try Telling, The Thirteen and A Half Million UN-Employed Workers, that, This is A Great Jobs Report, and, that, The Economy is Improving! And, Let's Remember that, This Figure of UN-Employed, Does Not Include The Disenfranchised, or, The Growing Transient Population, that, have Been Reduced To Being "Non-Statistics!

And, Try Telling, The Students, Who are Being Charged Fifteen Per Cent, or More, For An Increase in Tuition Fee's, and, Tell The College Grads, (Who are Searching, "High and Low," as The Saying goes, for Quality Jobs, or, Any Job at All) that, This is A Great Jobs Report, and, that, The Economy is Improving!

I Can Understand, Those Politicos, and, Those, Who are In The Media, Who are Sympathetic To President Obama, Attempting To Try, and, Spin This New Jobs Report in Favor of The President and His Administration, But, Its Time To "Tell It Like It Is," (which is a Great Song Title), and, Show The True Empathy that, Is Deserving of, The Tens of Millions, Whose Families have Lost Their Homes, and, Have had Their Lives Changed, Intrinsically, For The Worst, Due To The Global Economical and Financial Improprieties of, The World of Finance, and, The Fall Out/Crash of, The World of Economies!

And, Its Time To Show A Great Concern For These Families, All The World Over, from Paris and London To Wisconsin and Michigan! And, from Ohio and LA, To Athens and Barcelona! Families from All Around The Globe have Seen Disaster after Disaster Strike at The Very Core of Their Existence!

And, The Idea that, Any Politician/Elected Official Should Be Considering Cuts in Planned Parenthood, and, The Environmental Protection Agency, is Ludicrous!

And, The Idea that, Any Politician/Elected Official Should Be Considering Making Cuts in Public TV, or, Public Radio, or, Funding For Library's, is Ludicrous!

And, The Idea of Cutting Any Program that, Provides for, The Health care For, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, is Ludicrous!

And, Whatever "CHIMPS," (Changes In Mandatory Spending) "They," The Politicians, Come Up with, Should Not, In Any way Whatsoever, Negate The Quality of Life of, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth!

Why is It, that, The U.S. Government Can, Always, Find The Available Funds Necessary For, A Humanitarian Military Mission, in Libya, But, Not have, The Funding For, "A Humanitarian Non-Violent Mission in The U.S." Where there are Two Million Children Living in Poverty, and, Hundreds of Thousands of Families, have Lost Their Homes, or, are Being Threatened with, The Lose of Their Homes!

And, Why isn't there, "A Global Humanitarian Mission" Conducted By, The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Erase Poverty from The World, and, Create "A Global Job Creation Campaign Mission For, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Why isn't there, "A Global, Educate Our Children Mission," To Provide Funds for Tuition, and, Student Loans, Which Would Take The Burdens, and, Pressures of Debt, from, "Off of The Shoulders of, The Families of The World!"

And, Why Can't The Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Act To Immediately Put Forth These New Humanitarian Missions and Programs, For The Evolution "Of The People," and, For The Quality, and, Joy of Life For, "We The People," Now! Not Later!

And, There Should Be, "No Excuse, and, No Procrastination," In Establishing A New Cultural Evolution of, "We The People!"

And, There Should Be, "No Excuses or Procrastination, in Finding Funding for, and, The Manufacturing and Production of, Alternative Energies!

And, If, The Automobile Industry is Now, Showing A Profit! And, The Banks are Now, Showing A Profit! And, If The Global Financial Markets are Now, Showing A Profit, Then, Why are, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Still In Debt! Wasn't it, The Tax Dollars "Of The People," that, Bailed Out The Automobile Industry, Banks, Financial Institutions, and, The Governments of, The World!

And, Its Time For Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders of, The Earths Communities To Act, Not Procrastinate, or, Deviate from, The Reality that, A Change has Come, and, Is, Here and Now! And, What is Needed is, A Humanitarian Mission For The World!

And, This is "Not The Time," For A Republican Agenda! Or, A Democrat Agenda! Or, A Tory Agenda! Or, A Labor Agenda! Its Time For, "A People Agenda" of, The 21st Century! And, A Humanitarian Mission For The World!

And, This is, "Not The Time, or, Age," For, A Humanitarian Imperialistic Mission, To Save the World! This Kind of Agenda Does Not Work Well, On Behalf, "Of The People!" It, only, Works Well, On Behalf of, The Global Oligarchs!" And, "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, have had Enough of Them, For A Lifetime!

And, This is, "Not The Time," For Partisan Politics, or Partisan Ideologies, or, Political Demagoguery!

This is, The Age, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To The Establishment, Once and For All, For A Peace Time Economy! And, This is, The Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Speak Out Against War, and, Military Campaigns, To Resolve The Problems and Differences of The World Community!

And, Lets Continue To Move Forward Towards Demanding, that, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earth United Nations, Call For, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue" To Bring Forth, A New Age Of Peace To The World "For The People, By The People," and, For The Sake of, We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Lets Continue To Take The Meritorious High Way, Towards Achieving Our Goals of, Creating, "A Better World, For One and All!" A World, with, A New Earthrise Constitution, and, Emancipation Declaration, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Extend Our Bridge Of Peace To, The Hearts, Souls, and, Minds, of, Each Citizen Of The Earth!

And, Lets Continue To Share Our "Vision Path Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," from within, The Magnificent "Soul Print" of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Nelson Mandela, Socrates, Mary, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Machiventa Melchizedek, Zoroaster, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, Mahatma Gandhi, and, Mother Teresa!

And, Lets Spread, "The Good News" of, Our "Vision Path Of, By, and, For The People," via Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Linkedin, Texts, MySpace, iTunes, X's, You Tube, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Mediation, Newspapers, Magazines, Thought Projection, Radio, Cable, Network and Satellite TV, Cell Phones and Land Lines, The Worlds of Music and Art, In Concert Performances, Non-Violent Peace Demonstrations and Marches, Sit Ins, and, Through Out All The Limitless Outlets and Links of, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes! And, via Our Idea's, and, Actions, All Across Our Omnipotent Non-Violent, Technological, Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Rise To New Levels and Heights of Compassionate Humanitarian, Universal and Personal States of Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace! And, Sow The Seeds of Our Earthrise Evolution and Revolution, In The Perpetual Motion of The Eddies, Streams, Currents, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, Lets, Always Remember that, "We" are, All Born of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, that, There are, No Degree's of Separation Between Us, Irregardless of, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality You May Be! And, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!