Monday, April 11, 2011



The Way To Peace! #159

"We" have Entered into A New Age of Political Theatre! With The Heightened Drama of, Budget Deadlines, Higher Deficit Ceilings, and, The Political and Economic Rhetoric of Our Elected Officials, "All," Striving To Gain The Attention of, The Global Cross-Media News Organizations, For Their Own Purposes! But, Not Necessarily For The Benefit of, "We The People!"

However, This New Age of Political Theatre has The Potential To Affect The Lives of Women, Children, and, Men, All Across This Earth of Ours, In The Most Serious of Ways! Mainly, The Survival of The Human Race, and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings! And, This is Why, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Need To Be Extra Careful about Who, "We" Choose To Vote for, To Represent Us!

And, Because The Event Realities that Surround Us are Made up of Life and Death Issues, Obviously, "We" Need Qualified, Enlightened, Compassionate, Fair Minded, Resolute, Strong, Determined, Understanding, Knowledgeable, Professional, Spiritual and Universally Minded, Interdependent Individuals To Represent The Earths United Nations, and, Governments "Of, By, and, For The People!"

These Event Realities, that, "We" are Faced with, Concern; Natural Disasters, Alternative Energies, Wars, Revolutions, Poverty, Human Slavery (For Sexual Perversion), The Homeless, The Need To Discover New Cures for The Diseases, that, Still, Plaque The Earths Communities, The Environmental and Ecological State of The Earth, The Psychological and Emotional Damage that has Been Cast upon Our Fellow Human Beings, Due To Their Feelings of A Sense of Hopelessness in Their Lives, Inhumane and Unsanitary Living Conditions, The Lack of Visionary Leadership of, Our Civilian, Religious, Financial, and, Military Leaders, Crime and, The Uncontrolled Violence and Lawlessness, of, The Drug Cartels, Racial Inequality, The Ever Rising Cost of Living... I Think that You get The Point!

This New Age of Political Theatre, Called "Historical" By some, has, Actually, Been Going on Since, "The Civilized Version of, A Human Being," Conceived of "The World (Game/Theatre) of Politics! But, It is of The Utmost Importance, that, It Does Not Supplant The Real Evolution, and, Historical Significance of, This New Age of, "We The People!"

And, "We" Need The Global Cross-Media New Organizations, To Stay Focused on The Real Life and Death Issues that, "We" are Giving/Sacrificing Our Lives To Change, "For The Betterment of The World!"

And, Its Important that, The Global Cross-Media News Agencies/Organizations Remain True and Focused on, The Real Headline Stories of, The Survivors of Nuclear Plant Disasters, and, Tsunamis, that, have Erased Complete Towns and Villages from Existence!

And, Earthquakes that have Left Millions without Homes, and, or, Proper Sanitary Conditions.

And, Tornadoes and Floods, that have Destroyed Our Homes!

And, Wars and Genocide, that have Driven Families away from Their Homes, In Fear, Only To Live In Temporary Refugee Camps, In Neighboring Countries, Wondering if, They are Ever To Return To Their Homes, and, Once again, See Their Friends and Neighbors again!

The Real Headlines are about, The Millions of Children, Who are Living in Poverty, Who Do Not Deserve To Live in This Horrible State of Being!

The Real Headlines are about The Tens of Millions, Who are, Still, UN-Employed, Who have Lost Their Homes, and, Seen Their Bank Accounts Dwindle Away To Nothing, Because, They have Fallen Victim to The Greed, and, Corruption of, A Failed, Addicted, and, Selfish Global Financial System, that, Cares, only, about What The Bottom Line Shows, Which is In Seven (7) Words, "Profit at The Expense of The People!"

The Real Headline Stories Should Be about, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, "Not" The Political Theatre (Games), "Of The Politicians, " Who Would have You Believe that, "We" are Living in A Historical Time Period of Change, that was Initiated, "By Politicians!"

The Real Headlines Should Be about, The Unknown Women and Men, Who have Risen To The Challenge of Fighting, Non-Violently, against, Oppression and Injustice, All Throughout The World, and, Together, As A Great Soul Force, Brought Down Governments, and, Changed The Psychological and Emotional Imprint, "Of The People," To Believe in Themselves! And, Believe that, They, "We," Who are The Citizens Of The Earth, Can "Make A Difference!" And, that, Together, "We" Can, "Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World!"

Yes, This is A Historical Time Period, But, It is A Historical Time Period, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" And, Let, "No One" Mistake This! It is "Not," A Historical Time Period, "Of The Politicians, By the Politicians, and, For The Profit of The Politicians, and, Lobbyists of The Global Oligarchs, and, The World of Big Business!"

Our Time has Come, and, Its Been, "A Long, Long, Time Coming," as Sam Cooke Sang! And, Let No Politician Think that, "They" are More Important than, "We The People!" "They" are Here To Represent Us, Honestly, Justly, and, Sincerely! And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To The Establishment of, A Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age of Alternative Energies! And, This is, The Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Do Not Let, The Spin Doctors, of Political and Economical Rhetoric, Divert The True Focus Away from, Our Non-Violent Earthrise Evolution, Revolution, and, Change, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Stay Focused on, The Real Life Issues of, Our Vision Path, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Share, "The Good News" of, Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and The Results of Our Actions, Through The Limitless, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For the People!"

And, Lets Continue To Build A Bridge of Universal, Personal, and, Enlightened Peace, To The Hearts, Minds, Souls and Spirits of, Our Fellow Human Beings, Wherever, They May Be, on This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, May "We" Always, Remember that, "We are, "All" Citizens Of The Earth, Born and Bred on This Planet Earth! And, There are, In Fact, No Degree's of Separation Between Us! Which is Why, "We" Must, "One and All," Act In Concert with One Another, As A Great Soul Force, "For The Hope and Benefit," of, "One and All!"

And, Let Us Reach Out To Those Who are Disenfranchised, and, Let Them Know that, "They are Not Alone!"

And, Lets Spread The World of Our Earthrise Movement, and, Evolution, "Of The People," via, Twitter, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Texts, Cell Phones and Land Lines, Newspapers and Radio, Cable, Satellite, and, Network TV, Telethons, Thought Projection and Meditation,The Universes of Music and Art, Non-Violent Demonstrations and Marches, Strikes and Sit Ins, In Concert Performances, and, Interviews, X's and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Magazines, and, via The Electorate!

And, Lets Take A Quantum Leap and Transcend The Empirical Equation of, Millennia upon Millennia of, Strife, Persecution, and, The Political and Religious Conditioning of, "We The People," and, Rise, "One and All," On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace and Change, To Newer and Greater Heights of Compassion, Humanity, Spiritual, and, Universal Conscious Awareness, and, in Doing so, Soar On The Perpetual Motion and Evolution of, The Winds of Change! For, This is, A New Season, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, once again, Let Us Make A Great Soul Print of Our Vision Path, "Of The People," in The Historical, Spiritual, Humane, and, Universal Tradition of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Machiventa Melchizedek, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Mary Magdalene, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Mary, St, Francis Of Assisi, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Lao-Tse, and, Charlemagne! And, Truly, Let Us Make A Great Soul Print that, Brings Peace To The World, Beginning with, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! For "We are The World," and, A New Conversation and Discussion of, What "We" Can Achieve in Our Lives, in This Decade, and, In This Millennia, is Definitely What is Needed!

A Peace Dialogue that, Can Be Discussed in Every Home, School, and, Place of Worship! A Peace Dialogue that Can Be Discussed with Your Family, Friends, and, Neighbors, On The Streets Where You Live, and, at Backyard Barbecues, and, On Buses and Trains, Subways, Boats and Airplanes! And, Read in Books, Magazines, and, In The Headlines of, The Cross, and, Social News Media Universes! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!