Thursday, April 14, 2011



The Way To Peace! #160

What "Shared Sacrifice," that President Obama spoke about, are, "We The People," Being asked To Embrace again!

And, What are, Our Choices if, "We" Don't Embrace This "Shared Sacrifice?" Economical Armageddon! Nuclear Armageddon! Sociological Armageddon! Haven't "We" Given Enough To Demonstrate Our Patriotism!

There are Ninety To One Hundred Thousand, of Our Families, Friends, and, Fellow Citizens, Fighting in The Escalation of War, in Afghanistan, and Pakistan!

And, There are, Approximately, Fifty To Sixty Thousand Members of Our Families, Friends, and, Fellow Citizens, in The U.S. and Coalition Armed Forces in Iraq! And, Who Knows What The Exactly How Many More are, Already, in Libya!

The Word "Sacrifice" is Not Just A Word, Its A "Life and Death Reality! And, The Cost and, or, Price of "Sacrifice" is An "Inestimable Figure," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are, Well Aware of!

I Won't Get into "Shared Sacrifices," that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Experienced in The World Wars, Genocide, and, Economical/Financial Collapses and Health Threats, of The 20th Century, But Now, Meaning "Today," On An Everyday Basis, Isn't Everyone Sacrificing Already!

Lets Use, Just, Two Very Simple Allegorical/Real Life Examples, (1) The Price of Gas and Oil Continues To Rise To New Levels, and, (2) A Half Gallon 0f Milk has Risen, Practically Twenty Cents over The Last Month! And then, Add To that, The Price of Commodities, Continues To Rise, at A Time when The Economy is Growing at A Miserably Slow Rate! And, UN-Employment is at; 8.9%, and, The Share of The U.S. Population, that was Employed, in 2010, was at The Lowest Level Its Been, since 1983! Imagine, Only, 45.4% of Americans Held Jobs, in 2010!

And, once again, "We The People," are Being Asked To "Sacrifice," While The Politicians in Washington Debate over Cutting The Deficit, and, Whether or Not To Raise The Debt Ceiling!

The Questions Running Through my Mind are Many! Such as; Are The Regulators Who are, For The Most Part, Causing The Rise in Oil Prices, Being Asked To Reduce Their Profit Margins!

And, Are The Politicians Being Asked To Take Cuts in Their Salaries, and, Health Care Benefits, as, "They" are Asking, "We The People," To Endure!

One Thing is For Sure, is that, "The Government Cannot Continue To Drain The Middle Class, and, Make Insensitive Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and, Social Security (For The Elderly)! And, also, in Programs that Help The Poor!

And, Another Thing For Sure, is that, This Deficit Ceiling Battle, is Going To Reveal A Class Differentiation in The U.S. (and, Wherever else in The World that it Occurs) That is Going To Create "A Further Divide," in The United States, Even Beyond What it Presently is!

"Economic Class Distinctions" are , Already, Obvious For Anyone To See! Simply Put, Whether, Allegorically, or, In Reality, It is Demonstrated By, "What Kind of Sneakers You wear," or, "What Kind of Purse You have," Its Obvious!

Or, You, Either Belong To The Middle Class, The Nouveau Riche, Rich, Poor, or, The Transient/Disenfranchised!

And Now, These Different Financial Classes, "Of The People," are Going To Be Left Vulnerable To The Abuse and Rhetoric of, "Partisan Politics and Political Ambitions!"

Do These Politicians Really Care, or, are "They" Aware of, The Damage of Their Suggested Cuts in Education For Our Children?

Or, How Their Financial Theories, are Going to Seriously Affect The Rising Costs of Health Care, For the Elderly?

Or, Without The Financial Support of The Government For Public Radio and TV, "The World of Privatization and Capitalism," Will Further Its Control over Our Lives, and, The Cross-Media Universes!

But, Do These Politicians Really Care about The Need For A Public Transportation System, "For the People," that is Reliable, Professional, and, Provides Available Service "For The People," on A Twenty-Four Hour Basis! Which is Not The Case in Many States, Cities, Towns, and, Counties!

And, Why are "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, Being Asked To Make, Yet, Another "Shared Sacrifice!" Weren't "The Bail Outs" Enough!

And, Who is Overseeing and Managing The Use of The "Tax Payer Revenues?"

These Days, There Seems To Be "A Tax on Practically Everything," in One Way, or, Another!

But, Are These Taxes Being Used To Create Jobs!

Or, Rebuild The Infrastructure of Our States, Cities, Towns, Villages, and, Counties! Or, Build New Schools!

And, Is This, "New Shared Sacrifice" that, We The People," Citizens Of the Earth, are, Once again, Being Asked To Make, Going To "Bring Us Together" As A People, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, Make A Better World For Our Children, and, Their Children's Children?

Or, Are These "Sacrifices" Going To Be Used Politically, "To Break The Unions!" Or, Change The Political Landscape of The Electorate, For The Purpose of, One Party or Another To Remain in Control, and, Dictate Policy!

And, Are These "Sacrifices" Going To Help Small Farms? And, Small Businesses?

And, Will These "Shared Sacrifices" Create, "Economic Equanimity, and, Economic Stability For One and All?"

And, Is This New Focus on The Deficit, and, The Debt Ceiling, The Main Priority of, "We The People," or, The Agenda, "Of The Politicians, By The Politicians, and, For The Profit of The Politicians, and, The Lobbyists, of The Global Oligarchs!

And, How Did This Debt and Deficit Come To Be, in The First Place! "We The People," Did Not Force The Politicians To Spend Beyond Their Budget!

And, "We The People," Did Not Cause The Subprime Disaster, or, The Mortgage Disasters To Happen!

And, "We" Did Not Force Ex-President George W. Bush, and, The U.S. Congress, To Spend Beyond What Their Financial Capacity was! "They" Could have, "Vetoed A Spending Bill!"

It Seems as if, While "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, were "At Work," Our Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders were, Either, "Asleep on The Job," or, On "A Travel Junket/Vacation Somewhere!"

Well, Its Time That "They" Woke up and, Listened To "The Voice Of The People!" Or, "They" Will Be Fired in The Next Elections, and, Our Religious Leaders Will Find Attendance in Their Houses of Worship, Seriously Affected!

This is, A Historical Time Period of Change! Its Time For Eco-Activism, and, A New Environmental and Ecological Vision, To End Our Dependency on Oil and Nuclear Energy!

Its Time For, A New Financial Activism, that Creates Equanimity in The Global Financial World, and, Brings about A "Shared Prosperity" For The World!

And, Its Time For, A New Peace Activism, To Bring About Peace On Earth!

And, Its Time For, A Cultural Activism and Evolution, that Educates, and, Brings Enlightenment To The World!

And, Its Time For, A New Age of Human Compassion, that Eliminates Poverty From The Face of The Earth!

And, Its Time "For One and All," Who are Well Off (Billionaires, Millionaires, Celebrities, Religions, and Royalty) To Engage in A New Age of Activism, that "Free's The People" Of The World, from The Conditioned Restraints, that have Impeded, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, from Enjoying The Fruits of Our Labor!

In This New Season of Change, There has To Be Equanimity, Economically, Politically, and, Sociologically, that Brings The World Together!

And, This is, A "Shared Sacrifice" that is Worth Sowing The Seeds of, A New Age of Spiritual, Universal and Personal, Earthwise Visions, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," We" Who are The Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World! And, A Way To A Stabilized Peace Time Economy, and, A New Age of Alternative Energies, and, Green Industries, To Empower, and, Light The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and The 21st Centuries, This is, The Time To Organize and Re-Organize, as, An Interdependent Soul Force, "Of The Truth!"

And, As More and More Declarations Emerge, To Run For The Presidencies, of The U.S. and France, and, Political Confrontations Escalate Between Political Parties, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, Will Need To Stay Informed and Focused on The Vision Path, "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue To Empower Each Other By Our Commitment, To A New Age of Change, and, Our Earthrise Constitution, and, Covenant, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, Lets Continue To Express Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions For An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that Free's Us from The Economical and Political Chains, that have Bound Us, for Millennia upon Millennia, Until "We" have Accomplished Our Goals, One of Which is "Fiscal Responsibility, and, Fiscal Justice For One and All!" And, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues," is Another!

And, Let Us Continue To Express, and, Share, The United Interdependent Vision "Of the People, By The People, and, For The People," via The Unlimited Resources and Outlets of, The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Continue To Spread "The Good News" of, Our Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People," via The Limitless, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network, Nexus, and, Links of, The 21st Century, via Facebook, Google, Yahoo, X's, iTunes, MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin, Texts, You Tube, Cell Phones, Interviews, Land Lines, Meditation, Thought Projection, Cable, Network, and, Satellite TV, The World of Music and The Arts, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines, In Concert Performances, and, Telethons, Non-Violent Peace Marches and Demonstrations, Strikes and Sit Ins, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, The Vote!

And, Lets Continue To Rise To New Levels of Human Compassion, Hope, Change, and, Universal and Spiritual Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace!

And, Lets Continue To Move Ahead, Towards The Goals and Priorities of, Our Earthrise Evolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," In Perpetual Motion, and, On The Eddies, Streams, Currents, and, Sometimes, Hurricane Winds Of Change!

And, As Peace Becomes More and More Visible, from within The Eye Of The Hurricane, Let Us Solidify Our Purpose, and, Fuse Together As One Unified Soul Force of Peace, In The Heartfelt, Humanely Spiritual and Universal, Great Soul Print of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Mary Magdalene, Charlemagne, St. Francis Of Assisi, Martin Luther King, Socrates, and, Nelson Mandela! For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!