Thursday, April 21, 2011



The Way To Peace! 162

"We've All Read and Seen, The Same Ole Headlines Over and Over again! And, "We've All Heard, The Same Ole Rhetoric of Cutbacks! And, The Same Ole Rhetoric of Economics! And, The same Ole Rhetoric of Politics, Over and Over again! And, Why The Debt Ceiling Must Be Raised again, Just, so, The U.S. Government Can Borrow Money, To Pay For...What? The Debt It has Incurred, Over and Over again! Its UN-Declared Wars! The New Escalations of, UN-Declared Wars! New Military Campaigns! Covert Operations! The Global War on Terrorism...!

And, This has Been Going on, For More than A Decade, without Pause! And, At The Moment, It Seems that, Raising The Debt Ceiling is The Answer To All of Our Problems... and, Cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Education, Health Care, and, Funding For Libraries... and, On and On The List of Cuts Goes!
Such as; Cuts In Planned Parenthood, Cuts in Funding For The EPA...!

Is anybody Listening, or, Following This Political Rhetoric, Partisan Politics, and, Theoretical Economical Measures, To Reduce, or, Make Cuts in Any Program that Relates To Helping Improve The Quality of Life, of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And then, There's The New Political Movement To Create "Smaller Government!"

But, Isn't Our Democracy, A Government, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, If so, Isn't The Idea of, "Smaller Government," The Same as Making A Smaller Government of, "We The People!" And, Doesn't that Mean, there Will Be Fewer and Fewer Programs, Funding, and, Aid To Help "The People!"

And, Isn't The "Austerity Plans," Being Implemented By Most of The Earths Industrialized Nations, that is, To Create A More Vibrant and Responsible Global Economy, Just The Same Ole Concept of Making Cuts in The Government, that, Creates, Even More, "Austerity" For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Bear! And, have Been Paying The Price For, Via "Bail Outs," and, "Reinvestment and Recovery Bills," For The Miss-Management, Corruption, Risk Taking/Gambling Attitude, and, Greed of, The Global Financial System, Banks, Corporations of The World of Big Business, and, The Global Financial Markets, Oil Barons, Imperialistic Oligarchs, and, Elective Officials of The Earths United Nations, and, Speculators!

And, Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives In The Neighborhoods of We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, Continued Tax Breaks For The Rich isn't Going To Balance The Budget, or, Help "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
I'm Positive that, If You Asked Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, or, The Rockefeller's, If, They Would Mind having Their Tax Breaks Rescinded, They Would say, Of Course! Do It Immediately, If, It Means Helping The Economy, Which has Been Stagnant, For Much Too Long!

But, In A More General Sense, Its Obvious, that, The Global Financial System, that, is Presently in Place, "Does Not Work!"

Just as, War Time Economies Do Not Work For, "We The People!" The Price "We" have To Pay is Too Dear in Lives, and, Too Costly and, Our Quality of Life is Suffering, By An Air of Violence, and, Indifference that, Pollutes The True Meaning of Life!
"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Not Here To, Simply, "Make Ends Meet," and, Exist and Survive, Living in A Conditioned Way of Life, that, Manipulates and Impedes Us, from Believing in Ourselves, or, As "A People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! Or, As A Great Earthrise Community of Interdependent Beings, of This, Planet Earth!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Live in The Neighborhoods of, The States, Cities, Towns, and, Villages of, "We The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, They Want A Better Life For Themselves and For Their Children!

And, They,also, Do Not Want Any Politician, or Political Party, To Touch The Social Security Funds that, have Been Deducted from Their Life's Earnings, Every Week, Specifically For Their Retirement! These Funds Represent A Lifetime of "Hard Work" and Security For Their Futures!

And, If There has Been Any Miss-Management of These Funds By Elected Officials, Then "We The People," Expect Immediate Retribution of These Funds By Those Who are Responsible, or, Their Resignations! And, A New Generation of Elected Officials Will Replace Them, Who Understand that, Social and Financial Security are A Vital and Necessary Part of Our Lives, and, Is Not To Be Tampered with!

But, If There, Ever, was An Honest Reason For Raising The Debt Ceiling, This Would Be The Reason To Do It! To Guarantee, that, The Social and Financial Security of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, To Protect The Social Security of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, To Defend and Preserve The Quality of Life of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

But, There is An "Important Subtlety," To Raising The Debt Ceiling, Besides; (1) The U.S. Government, or, Any Government Can Continue To Borrow Money, To Pay For The Debt, that, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders have Caused, To Begin with, Or, (2) To Pay For War Time Economies, Which is, To Invest in A "Peace Time Economy!"

And, There is Another "Important Subtlety," To Raising The Debt Ceiling, If, It Means To Prevent Further Cuts in Social Programs For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, Increasing Further Investment in Alternative Energy, Green Industry, and, Environmental, Ecological, and, Educational Enterprises, and, The Improvement of The Infrastructures of The Earths Communities, and, The Creation of A New Age of Job Creation For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, There are A "Universe of Important Subtleties," For Raising The Debt Ceiling, If, It Means Investing in A New Age, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Its of, "The Greatest Importance" For Our Elected Officials To Realize that, The Taxes that have Been Collected from, "We The People," and, that, have Been Paid For, Energy Consumption, Commodities, Public Transportation, and, A Universe of Services Provided For, "We The People," Should Be Utilized, To Be Invested, and, Re-Invested, in An Earthrise Corporation For The Health Care, and, The Overall Improvement and Betterment of Life, For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
There are Too Many Who are Needlessly Suffering on This Planet Earth, and, Its Due To A Careless Lack of Conscious, Humane, and, Compassionate Prioritizing, By Elected Officials, Who have Been Mislead To Believe, that, The World Revolves around The Needs of, The Elite, The Rich, The Royals, The Global Oligarchs, The World of Big Business, and, The Illusion of, There Being, A Government "Of The Politicians, By The Politicians, and, For The Benefit and Profit of The Politicians!"

And, Its of The "Utmost Importance," that, This New Age of Historical Happenstance, Vision, and, Change, Be Intrinsically, and, Non-Violently, An Age of New Political, Economical, Spiritual, and, Sociological Reforms, that, Support Growth, Culture, and, A Universal Evolution, "Of The People!"

And, This New Age of Historical, Technological, Scientific, and, Communication Advancements and Accomplishments, Should Lead The Way, To New Jobs, New Productivity, and, A New and Enlightened Spirit of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This New Age of Historical Importance Should, also, Lead The Way, To Healing The World, and, Curing The World! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Those Who are of True Heart, Spirit, and Soul, May "We" Continue To Be, A Great Soul Force of Peace, Change, and, Hope For The World!

And, May "We" Continue To Sow The Seeds of, A Great Age of, Political, Economical, Spiritual, Universal, and, Social Reforms, In The Great Interdependent Soul Spirit of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, Machiventa Melchizedek, Confucius, St. Francis Of Assisi, Nelson Mandela, Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King, Socrates, and, Charlemagne!

And, May "We" Continue To Share and Spread "The Good News" of, Our Vision Path,"Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," via The Limitless Resources of The Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, Let Us Continue To Share Our Earthrise Eco-Vision, and, Evolution, "Of, By, and, For The People," via Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Facebook, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, You Tube, MySpace, X's, Meditation and Thought Projection, Cable, Satellite, and, Network TV, Radio, Telethons, Sit Ins, Peace Demonstrations and Marches, Strikes and In Concert Performances, The Universe of Music, Dance, and, The Arts, Cell Phones, Land Lines, Texts, Interviews, Newspapers, Magazines, Peace Activist Groups, and, Anti-War Groups, and, The Vote! And, via The Unlimited Technological, Universal, Spiritual, Non-Violent, Omnipotent Activists Communication Network, Nexus, and, Links of The 21st Century!

And, May "We" Continue To Rise To New Levels and Greater Heights, of Compassion, Universal/Personal, and, Socio-Logical Conscious Awareness, On The Graceful Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, On The Ever flowing, Eddies, Streams, Currents, and, Hurricane Winds Of Change and Perpetual Motion, and, In Continued Evolution, In Parallel, and In Equanimity, with The Continued Expansion and Evolution of The Cosmos!

And, May "We" Continue To Reach Out To Each via Our Earthrise Bridge Of Peace, and, Transcendentally Empower Each Other, By The Soul Power of Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions! And, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!