Monday, February 28, 2011



The Way To Peace! #147

As Evolution/Revolution and Change Continues to Rage Through-out The Middle East, "Le Cirque Du Budget" is The Name of The Other "Big Show," That The World of Politics is Focusing on! The Featured Characters are, The Deficit, and, Cut Backs! But, What has this To Do with, "We The People?" Is it Satisfying "The Rage Of The People," That is Taking Place on A Much More Dramatic and Grander Scale, than Any Shakespearean Tragedy, Could Ever Be, Worldwide!
From Wisconsin to London, and, From Athens to Barcelona! And, although there are Slightly Different Variations to The Storyline, The Main Character to This Tragedy Contre The People, is Primarily The Same, "UN-Employment!"

But, Why is it, that Our Elective Officials Always Talk about Cutbacks, in Education, Social Security, Medicare, and, Medicaid? All are Programs, That are Beneficial "To The People," As if, This is The Way To Balance The Budget, and, Bring Down The Deficit!
And, I, Still, haven't Heard One Word, about Cutting The Cost of The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and, Iraq!

And, I, Still, haven't Heard, Exactly, What The New Job Creation Plan is! Have You? Wouldn't Putting America and The World, Back to Work, Be of Great Assistance to The Earths Economies, and, Communities!

What Exactly are Our Elective Officials Doing? Serving Their Egos, or, Serving The People! It is Shocking that, The U.S. Senate Decided to Take A Break, At A Time When The U.S. Government is Being Faced with The Possibility of A Shut Down, if, A Continuous Referendum," isn't Passed, To Temporarily Keep The U.S. Government Running! Where is Their Sense of Reality and Responsibility?
Don't "They" Realize that, Our Democracy is Based on, A Government "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" Its Not Based on, Being A Government "Of The Politicians, By The Politicians, and, For The Egos Of The Politicians," is It!
And, This is, Definitely, Not The Time for "The Same Ole Same Ole, Politics as Usual Behavior!"
There are Too Many Families Struggling To Survive, Who Can Not Afford to Take A Vacation!

And, There are Too Many Student Graduates, Who are Looking for Employment, and, are Desperately Need of Employment, To Pay for Their Student Loans, and, Literally, Too Survive!

This is Not The Time for The U.S. Congress To Take a Break, Its Time To Work! And, If Our Elective Officials are Determined to Cut Spending, Do Not Cut Back Any Programs That are Beneficial to, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On the Streets Of The People," if, They Would Like Extra Funding for "After School Programs!" Or, A Free College Education for Their Children (like most European Countries Provide for Their Children)!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On the Streets Of The People," if They Would Like A Free Healthcare System for Their Families (like most European Countries Provide for Their Families)!

Instead of Spending Trillions of Dollars on The Newest Weaponry that Money Can Buy, Why Not Cut Pentagon Spending for One Year, and, Give it Back To The People!" As A Gesture of, "Good Faith To The People," Whose Children are Fighting in UN-Declared Wars for Months at A Time Without Having A Vacation!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," if, "They Would Like More Funding To Provide A Better Public Transportation System!

Everyday Millions upon Millions of Us, Go To Work, via Buses, Subways, and, Trains! And, Everyday "We" are Faced with Trying to Make Connections, Just, To Get To Work, On Time! Or,Get To School, On Time! or, Simply To Go To A Movie, or Shopping! "Ask Anyone Who Lives On the Streets Of the People, if, They Would Like Funding for More Buses, Subways, and, Trains To Provide "Good Service" That Shows Up On Time, and, Their Answer Would Be, An Unequivocal, Yes!

Its Time for Our Elective Officials, To Pass "The Peoples Test," Proving that "They" are Good Public Servants! And, in Addition to Going to Town Meetings, "They" Should Take The Train, Bus, and, Subway To Work Each Day!
Lets Say for One Month Every Year that "They" are in Office, and, Let Them Discover, "First Hand, What The Daily Problems, "We The People " have, To Face and Endure, Just Trying to Go To Work!

And, Then "They" Might, Finally, Begin To Understand, What "The Priorities Of The People," Truly are! Yes, Its Time that Every Federal, State, City and County Elective Public Official Learned, or, Re-Learned What Its Like to, "Walk in The Shoes Of The People!" And, then "They" Would Know, Exactly, Which Spending Programs have A Real Meaning to, "We The People!"

And, The World of "Big Business" Needs to Change its Business Philosophy!
Using Cut Backs, and, Layoffs at A Time When The U.S. and Its Coalition Allies are Involved in Three UN-Declared Wars, and, The War on Terrorism, Just, To Show A Profit to Their Investors, and, Improve Their Standing in The Global Market Place, is A Failure of Great Standing in The Eyes Of The People! And, A Betrayal of, "We the People," Citizens Of the Earth!

This is, The Time for The World of Finance, and, "Big Business" to Invest in Manufacturing, and, Hiring New Workers! And, In The Renovation, Re-Building, and, Renewal of The Global Infrastructure, To Give New Encouragement and Support to, "We The People!"

And Not, Just, For Architectural Reasons, or, Reasons of Hubris! For Reasons of A Higher Calling, To "Give Back To The People," and, To, "Put The People, Back To Work!"

And Not, Just, For Egotistical Reasons, Such as; Who Can Afford To Build The Tallest Skyscraper! But, For Reasons of A Greater Meaning, To Provide The People," with Ecological and Environmentally Sound Homes, For The 21st Century!

It is Obvious that, The Time has Come for A New Global System of Political, Economical, and, Sociological Philosophies and Reforms, is Needed, To Guarantee that Good Business Practices are Created, To "Protect The People!" And that, "We" have Good Government that, Truly is Representative of, "The People!"

And, "We" Need Our Civilian, Military , Religious, and, Financial Leaders, to Remember that, "We The People, are The Heart, Mind, and, Soul of The Earths United Nations! "We are The United Governments "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People! And, "We" are The Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, This Earth is Our Home! The Sea, Skies, and, Lands are Our Home! And, Its Time for A New Ideology to Take Place! A Peoples Ideology!

And, Its Time for Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations to Put Forth A New Earthrise Constitution, that Protects "We The People, Citizens Of the Earth, from Tyrants and Dictators!
And, from Organized Crime and Drug Cartels! And, from Being Slaves of The Inhumane Sex Trade! And lastly, from "The Isms," The Ists," and, "The Ocracies" Who've Pledged Their Allegiance to, The Elite/Global Oligarchy!

And, Its Time that, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of,
The Earths United Nations, Demonstrated by Their Actions, That War and Genocide are Not Excusable Reasons for Maintaining The Peace!
But, If They are Too War, Let it Be To Protect Those of Us, Who are Threatened by Injustice! Or, Threatened by Evildoers, Who Would Threaten To Take Away Our Liberties and Freedoms! And, Its Time that, "They" Acted Morally, and, In Concert with One Another, To "Give Peace A Chance!"

And, Its Time for The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of,
The Earths United Nations, to Agree to A New Emancipation Declaration that States, That All Women and Men are Declared Equal Under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Universe! Its Time that There was A Real End, To The Struggle for Civil Rights! Civil Rights Should Be A Reality for Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth, Without Equivocation!
And, This is, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, This is, A Way To A Peace Time Economy! And, A Way To Heal The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Its Time that "We" Changed Our Dialogue with Fate! Its Time that "We" Changed Our Dialogue with Destiny! Its Time that "We" Brought Hope and Change to The World!

And, Its Time that, "We" Non-Violently Shook Up, Rocked Out, and, Demonstrated Our Resolve, To Bring A New Season of Change, Hope, Compassion, Freedom, and, Our Right To Live in Equanimity, Harmony, and, Peaceful Existence on Earth!
And, Lets Share This "Good News" via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, Lets Spread This Promise of A New Dialogue, A Peace Dialogue, with All Who Truly Believe in This Being A New Age of Great Expectations, via Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Radio, Satellite, Cable and Network TV, Newspapers, MySpace, You Tube, iTumes, Magazines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Landlines and Cell Phones, Texts and Word of Mouth!

And, via The Arts, and, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit ins, X's, Thought Projection, and, Meditation!

And, Lets Continue to Reach Out via, A Great Bridge of Peace, Across The Limitless Avenues and Link Ups of The Earths Most Transcendental, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activist Communication Network and Nexus "Of The People," To All Who are In Need! And, Lets Share Our Support, Encouragement, and, Resources, with Them!

And, Let Us Continue to Be A Great Earthrise Force, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," in The Illuminated Tradition of, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus Of Nazareth, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Lao-Tse, Socrates, Mary, Martin Luther King, Machiventa Melchizedek, St. Francis of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, and, Charlemagne!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Enlightenment, Omniscience, and, Prosperity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age of War, Fear, Crime, Corruption, and, Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Freedom, Truth, and, Morality!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Division, Separatism, Economic Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and For All!"

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Lead Us, from Living in An Age Where Ones Personal Beliefs are, Too Often, Denigrated and Determined by Anothers Evil Intentions, Instead of, By The Merit of Ones Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Irregardless of, Ones Race, Nationality, or, Creed!

And, May Our Efforts Continue To Rise, To Even Greater Heights, and, Take Flight On The Wings of The Phoenix Of Peace, and, Soar in Perpetual Evolution, and, Spiritual Revolution, "Of The People", Whether it Be, On The Gentle Eddies and Wafts of The Seasons of Life, or, On The Hurricane Winds Of Change!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, February 24, 2011



The Way To Peace! #146

"We" All have A "Vision Path" to Follow! Each One of Us, in Our Own Way!

"We" All have Dreams, Dreams and Goals in Life, that, "We" Hope Will Come True, Through Perseverance and Hard Work!

But, While "We" are Working Hard to Achieve Our Goals in Life, "We" Must Never Lose Sight of Who "We" are, or, Our Sense of Dignity and Interdependent, Intelligence and Individuality!

In Many Area's of The World, "We" are Being Forced to Choose Between Death and Freedom! But, These are Not, The Only Choices to Be Made! There are The Choices of, The Quality of Life and Family Security! And, Patience!

This New Season of Change Did Not, Just Materialize Over Night, It Took Day after Day of, Faith, Trust, and, Belief in Our Rights To Live and Evolve As A Free People, Before The Sign of The Times, Revealed that, Our Time had Finally Arrived!

But, Lets Not Allow The Dictators, and, or, Their Authoritarian Forces to Dictate How, "We" are to Achieve Our Goals! Lets Not Engage Them by Falling into Their Traps!

And, Lets Continue to Challenge Our Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Uphold The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, To Live As A Free People of This Planet Earth!
And, No Dictator, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, President, Prime Minister, or Religious Leader, has The Right to Dictate to Us, Without, First, Asking For A Mandate from Us! A Mandate "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" For, Without A Mandate, Freedom, or, A Democracy, Can Not Be A Reality!

And, No Matter How Oppressed "We" May Be, Lets Keep Sacred, Our Covenant of, An Emancipation Declaration that, Unites Us as "One People In Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls!"

And, Lets Instill A Constitution "Of The People," Deep Within Our Spirits and Souls that, No Woman or Man Can Deny, or, Try to Take Away from Us!
A Constitution "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "We" are A Great Soul Force of Change, Hope, Peace, and, Non-Violent Resistance that, Will Bring Change To The World!

And, Though "We" are Threatened by, The Forces of Violence and Oppression, Lets Strategize, How to Artfully, Passionately, and, Intelligently Achieve Our Goals, Through Strategic Planning, Positioning, and, Showing The Sincerity and Purpose of Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People," by Utilizing Every Asset of Our Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus "Of The People!"!

And, Lets Continue to Be A Great Ocean of Change, Whose Tides Will Overcome The Forces of Oppression and Injustice!
And, Let it Be Known via, The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes, that, "We Shall Overcome!"

And, "We" Will, Non-Violently, Shake Up, Rock Out, Wear Down, and, Change The Conditioned Reality, that has Been Used to Impede and Control Us, Into A New Age of, "Freedom, Peace, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, Let There Be No Doubt in Our Minds, and, Spirits, that, This is Our Moment in Time and History, and that, "We" Will Bring To Fruition, A New Age of Enlightenment and Cultural Awareness of, Our Roots, As Being "One People," of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Just As The Berlin Wall Came Down, Lets Bring Down The Walls of Illusion and Indifference, Whether They Be Caused by, Racial Prejudice, or, Class, Political, and, or, Religious Segregation!
And, Lets Build A Great Bridge of Peace and Unity in Its Place! A Bridge that Heralds A New Age of A Great Union and Communion, amongst "One and All," "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

For, "We" are, "One and All," An Earthrise Populace of The Cosmos and The Great Spirit of Life, and, All The Seasons of Change "That are To Come," and, "That are Here and Now!"
And, Together, United as One, "We" are The World, and, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To Heal The World, and, The Driving Force of, A Peace Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of, the 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Encourage The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Support The Will "Of The People," and, Come Together in A Resounding Acclamation that, A New Season and Age of Change has Come! And that, The Dictators and Puppets of, "The Ists," and, "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchs, Must Go!

And, Lets Call Upon, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Declare A Global Truce, and, An End of Totalitarianism! And, The New Beginning of, "An Age, Of The People!"

And, Lets Call Upon These Leaders, To Begin Peace Dialogues, To Embrace and Discuss The Positive Ramifications of, This Historical Time Period! And, How To Continue to Bring Nations To Unite Together, in One Magnificent Display of Peace and Harmony! And, How Best To Transcend and Prevent, The Temptation To Re-Structure The Earth by, The Global Oligarchy, To Re-Establish Their Control!

And, It is Truly Time, "For One and All" To Commit to The Reality that, "We" are All, One People, Born of This Planet Earth!

And that, No Matter What Color, Your Skin May Be! Or, No Matter What Height, or, Weight, You May Be! Or, No Matter, What Race, Creed, or, Nationality, You May Be, "We" are Still, Interdependent, Sentient Beings of, This Planet Earth! And, In Truth, There are Zero Degrees of Separation Between Us!

The "Good News" is that, From The Geo Stationary Line, Encircling The Earth, There are No Lines of Distinction Between Countries or People! And, There is No Gay, Strait, or Bi, There is, Only, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, "We" All Have The Right To Live, and, Enjoy The Seasons of Life, under The Moon, Sun, and, The Luminous Bodies of The Universe!
And, Whether it Be, From The Windows of A Space Shuttle, or, Gliding On the Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, "We" are "One Earth Indivisible!"

And, Whether it Be via, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Network, Cable, or, Satellite TV, Radio, Cell Phone, Texts, The Arts, or, Landlines, Take The Time to Spread The Word, Idea, Thought, or, Act of Non-Violent Resistance or Demonstration, if, It Means that, "We The People, Citizens Of The Earth, Can Live In Equanimity and Harmony! And Live Free from Injustice and Tyranny!

And, Its Time that, "We" All, Gave Peace A Sincere and Impassioned Commitment and Opportunity To Be, For The Sake of Our Children, and, Their Children To Be! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Saturday, February 19, 2011



The Way To Peace! #145

This is, The Time to Contemplate, and, A Time to Act!

This is, The Time for Celebration, and, A Time of Continued Mobilization!

And, This is, The Time for Continued Re-Organization, and, A Time for Continued Demonstrations!

And, This is, The Time for Negotiations, and, A Time for Continued Protestations!

But, This is Not, The Time To Hesitate or Procrastinate!
This is, The Time To Increase The Degree of Non-Violent Activism, that, "We" have Begun, In All Area's that are The Concern of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

In Area's such as; Aid For The Poor!

Increased Research and Investment in The World of Green Technologies!

Exposing and Putting an End to The Immoral Business of Sex Trade!

A Call for, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Declare A Global Truce and Enter into Peace Dialogues with All The Warring and Chaotic Factions of The World!

Shift The Balance of Power from, "The Ists," and, "The Isms," of The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles) and, Return It Back Safely, into The Arms of "We The People!"

And, Demand that, Our Governments Mobilize and Direct Our Armed Forces to The End Result of, Putting An End to Drug Cartels, and, Terrorism! Or, Find Alternative Solutions, that, are Lawfully Created and Implemented, to Eliminate The Threat of, Violence, Crime, and, Immoral Acts, that, These Illegal Organizations of Crime and Anarchy, Pose Against, "We The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

The Elimination of Personal Taxes!

A New Global Financial System, that, Guarantees The Social and Economical Security of Each Citizen and Newborn Child of This Planet Earth!

Greater Investment, Research, Time and Funding for, Finding Cures for All The Diseases that have Plagued "We The People," Since The Beginning of Civilization!

A Universal Bank Account Set Up by The Earths United Nations, To Receive A Percentage of Every Tax Levied Against "We The People,"To Be Used Exclusively For The Benefit of, "We The People!" And, That Should Include Every Tithe Received by Each and Every Religion, and, Denomination of The World!

And, "We" Must Continue to Increase The Involvement of Our Earthrise Activism in Area's of Global Conservatism, and, The Protection of Our Sea's, Lands, Skies, and, The Universe, that is, Slowly Becoming An UN-Regulated Garbage Dump, for Any Nation Who Wants to Start Up A New Shuttle/Space Program!

And, "We" Must Organize Our Non-Violent Activism, To Embrace An Interdependent Group of Women and Men, Who are Willing to Represent "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and, Our Concerns about The Continued Development of Space Travel, and, How Our Tax Dollars are Being Used to Partner with The Civilian, Military, and, Financial Leaders, as "They" Engage in The Space Age Industrial Entrepreneurialism!

And,The Balance Between The Rising Costs, and, Stagnant Salaries of, "We The People," Need to Be Adjusted and Re-Aligned, so that, "We" Can, "One and All," Enjoy The Fruits of Life, and, Receive A Fair Share of The Profits of The Global Economies!

"We" are Living During A Historical Time Period, Where The Global Activism, "Of The People," is The Only Guarantee that, "We" have, For A Future, that is, Truly, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium! And, A Way To,
The Establishment of, A Peace Time Economy! And, A Way To Feed, and, Heal The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 2oth and 21st Centuries, "We" have Much Work To Do! "We are Faced with Unfair and Illogical Budget Cuts in Both The Federal and State Governments!

And, "We" are Being Denied Bank Loans, that, Could Be of Great Assistance to Us, To Make Mortgage Payments, and, Care for Our Families!

And, Our Daughters and Sons are Being Sent to Fight in New Escalations of Conflict, in UN-Declared Wars!

"We The People, "Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun, Need To Take Back Our Earth , from The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders, Who are Leading Us, Day after Day, Into A Deeper State of Oppression and Depression!

And, "We" have to Create A New Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that, Free's Us, from Existing Under The Oppressive State of A Selfish, Egotistical, and Compromised Group of Leaders, Who are Being Controlled and Manipulated by The Global Oligarchy!

And, "We" have to Create A New Constitution of The 21st Century, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"
A Constitution that, Takes Back The Power, from The Political Sophists, and, Lobbyists of, The World of Big Business, and, The Global Oligarchs, Who have Financed and Empowered The Creation of A Financial and Political System of, "Isms," and " Ists!" A Corrupted and Soiled System, that, Truly Does Not Represent, or, Benefit "We The People!"

And, "We" have to Create and Establish, A New Global Business Model, that is, Systematized to Address The Concerns and Life Issues of, "We The People!"
While Simultaneously Empowering Our Earthrise Evolution and Grassroots Movements, "Of The People!"

A New Global Political, and, Financial System that, Provides for The Welfare, and, The Social Security of, "We The People!"

A New System that, Creates Opportunity for Each and Every Citizen, To Enjoy The Successes of Their Labor, and, Gives Encouragement and Empathy, When Needed, Towards Achieving The Goals of, Each Interdependent Citizen Of the Earth!"

And, "We" Must, Non-Violently, Fight Against Any Attempt by The Authoritarian Political, Military, Religious, or, Financial Leaders, Who Wish To Impede or Curb Our Freedom to Express, or, Spread Our Message Of Peace and Unity, via, The Internet, and, or, The Social and Cross-Media Universes of Our Choice, such as;
Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Linkedin, Facbook, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Satellite, Cable, or, Network TV, Magazines, Radio, or, The Arts!

And, "We" Must, Non-Violently, Demonstrate and Mobilize Against Any Attempt, To Control Our Use of The Earths Most Omnipotent, Technological, Non-Violent Activists Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!"

And, "We" Must Stand Firm and Resolute Against Any Attempt, To Subvert Our Earthrise Evolution and Grassroots Movements, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, Always Remember that, This is Our Earth, and, "We" are, The Heart, Mind, Body, and, Spirit of, A Great Soul Force of, Truth, Hope, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Peace, and, Equanimity, "For One and All!"

And that, "We" are The Eddies, Currents, X's, and, Breath of Air, of, The Winds Of Change! And that, Together, and, United in Purpose, "We" Can Soar to New Heights of Human Evolution, On The Wings of, The Phoenix of Peace,
In Equanimity with The Evolution of Life, and, The Constant Metamorphosis of The Cosmos! And, "The Good News" is, that, This is, A Great Season of Change! And, "We" are, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



The Way To Peace! #144

The Headlines for President Obama's Fiscal 2012 Budget Should have Read, "The President Proposes A Historical Brave New Fiscal Peace Time Budget For The People! One that Puts Forward, A New Financial and Investment Perspective of A Peace Time Economy!"

A Peace Time Economy that Prioritizes, The Rebuilding and Re-Investing in The Social Infrastructure of The U.S. and The World!

A Peace Time Economy that Prioritizes, The U.S. Once Again, Becoming An Exciting Manufacturing and Production Center, For The Worlds of Green Technologies and Energy!

A Peace Time Economy that, Sends Out The Message "Loud and Clear," that The Social Welfare of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are His Main Priority!

A Peace Time Economy that is Structured, To Make Solid Investments in The Future of, "We The People!" That is Secured and Protected by Rules and Regulations Created, To "Protect The People," and, Bring A New Age of Trust and Hope "To The Hearts, Minds, and Spirits, "Of The People!"

And, There Can Not Be Any DisClarity Over How Any Program of The New Budget is To Be Paid for! There Must Be Absolute Transparency and Accountability!

But, There has To Be A Sense of Movement, in The U.S. Economy, and A Decline in The Vast Numbers of The UN-Employed! Just as, There has To Be , An Increase in The Global Economy, and A Decline in The Numbers of The UN-Employed, Before A Positive Economical Change in Our Lives Can Be Achieved!

Amazingly, Here "We" are in The First Quarter of A New Decade, and, Still, The Numbers of The UN-Employed have Not Changed! Who is In Charge of New Job Creation in The U.S. Government, or, as a Matter of Fact, in A Great Many Of The World Governments! There Seems to Be No Real Immediacy or Emergency of Their Concern, "For The Plight of The People!"

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, Who Ever is In Charge Should Be Fired, and, Made to Experience and Endure The Same Vicissitudes of Millions of People, Who are Struggling to Survive and Care for Their Families! Not to Mention The Homeless Who are Forced to Search for Food in Garbage Receptacles on Sidewalks, and, The Millions Who are Living in Tents, or, in Their Cars and Vans!

And then, Add to The Tragic, Incomprehensible, Unconscionable, and Incredulous Plight of The UN-Employed, The Thousands of Homeowners, Who have Lost Their Homes, Due to The Housing & Mortgage Crises! This is Another Tragedy, Because, of The Countless Numbers of Families, Who have Been Deserted by Their Governments, and, The Banks, in Time of Great Need!
And then, Add to that, The Countless Numbers of Homeowners, Who Can Not Sell Their Homes, Because of The Dire Weakness, in The Housing Market!
And, Yet The Cost of Living Continues to Increase, While Salaries Do Not!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You that, A Change Must Come, and, This Misdirected, Misgoverned, Mislead, and, Misguided State of Being, Can Not Continue to Exist!

Its Time for The Civilian, Military, Religious, and, Financial Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, To Become Global Activists, In The Name "Of The People," and, Work Day and Night, "For The Sake Of The People!"
And, Bring A New Sense of Hope to The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Hope Must Be Restored to Our Lives! And, A New Joy of Life Must Be Restored to Our Lives! And, A Higher Quality of Life, Must Be Restored and Re-Established, For The Sake of, "One and All" to Share All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours! From "Shore to Shore and Sea To Scintillating Sea," as the Saying goes! And, From The Horizons of Earth, To The Great Infinity of The Cosmos!

And, The New Season of Change that has, Rocked and Shook Up The Middle East, has to, Now, Become Immersed into A New Financial System, that, Brings Stability and Security, to The Lives of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! For The Sake of Our Children and Our Lives, and, For The Sake of The Lives of Those, To Come, In The Future!

And, "We" Must Continue to Voice Our Concerns and Demands, via, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Speak Out, via, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Yahoo, You Tube, MySpace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Magazines, Interviews, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV, and, Radio!

And, Through Non-Violent Demonstrations, Texts, Sit Ins, Peace Marches! And, Through Peace, Feed and Heal The Earth Concerts, The Arts, and, Every Available Outlet and Resource of The Internet!

There is No Doubt that, "We" have Entered into A Historical Time Period, and, An Uplifting, Positive, and, Hopeful Season of Change! And that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are The Soul Power that is Driving and Influencing, This Great Evolution/Peoples Revolution!

But, Let Us, Always, Remember that, Together, "We" are, "A Great Soul Force of Change!"

And, Together, "We" are, Also, A Great Earthrise Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, United, As One, "We" are, The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Great Wave of Humanity, To Heal The World, and, The Driving Force and Believers, In What Can Be, A New Age of, A Peace Time Economy!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have to Continue to Work Towards, The Creation of A New Age of Social, Economical, and, Political Reforms, That are Truly "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!'

And, "We" have to Continue to Shift The Balance of Power Away from, The "Ists," and, The "Isms," of The Global Oligarchs (The Invisibles), To "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must Continue to Call for, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues!
Until Peace is Prioritized, Before War, The Global Budgets of The Earths United Nations Will Continue, to Spend Trillions upon Trillions on War, and, Ignore The Real Costs Needed to Build and Maintain, The Peace!
And, While "We" are in A Constant State of War, Funding Will Always Be Prioritized, For War, or, UN-Declared Wars, or, Continuous Escalations of, War!

And, These Funds are Taken Away from Building and Maintaining, A Bridge of Peace that Reaches from, One End of The Earth to The Other! And, The Caring for, Those of Us, Who are Less Fortunate!
And, These Funds are Taken Away from Investing in Finding Cures for Diseases, That have Plagued The Earths Populations, For Millennia after Millennia, in One Form or Another!

And, "We" have to Work Ceaselessly Towards, The Creation of, A Constitution "Of The People," That Places Peace, and, The People, First!

And, "We" have to Work Tirelessly Towards, The Creation of, An Emancipation Declaration, That, Free's Us from, The Conditioned Reality of Being Controlled, and, Living in Fear, and, Crimes Committed against All Humanity!

And, Let Us Continue to Create New Idea's of Peace! And, Project Thoughts of Peace and X's, of Universal Conscious Awareness!

And, Lets Continue to Create New Links and Connections of Peace, via, The New Technological Advances, and, The People Powered Universe and Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," That, The World has Ever Known!

And, Lets Encourage and Support The Forces of Peace, Wherever They Maybe!
For The Alliances of Chaos, Crime, War, Terrorism, Genocide, and, Immorality, are Determined, To Turn Back The Hands of Time!
And, "We" Must Be Just as Determined, and, Show The Same Immovable Resolve and Perseverance in The Continuation of, Sowing The Seeds of Our Grassroots Movement, and, Earthrise Evolution, and, Evolve into A New Age of Equanimity, Harmony, and, The Opportunity For "One and All" to Enjoy The Fruits and Prosperity of Their Interdependent Ideas, Thoughts, and, Entrepreneurial Explorations!

And, Lets Continue, To Maintain A Transcendental, Philosophical, and, Enlightened Perspective, as "We" Continue to Exist, Within The Eye of The Hurricane of Change!

And, Lets Continue to Share, "The Good News" of, Our Successes, as well as, The Challenges that Lie Ahead of Us, as "We" Continue The Evolutionary Revolution of, Our Vision Path "Of The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Soar to New Heights, On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Hope, and, Change!
And, Lets Continue to Empower Each Other, With Each Breath of The Winds of Change!
And, Lets Continue to Sing The Anthems and Songs of Peace, Hope, and, Change, and of, A Non-Violent Evolution, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," All in Parallel and In Equanimity, With The Evolution of Life, and, The Great Cosmos, Spiritually, Soulfully, Intellectually, Emotionally, Mentally, and, Physically!
For, This is,The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!

Saturday, February 12, 2011



The Way To Peace! #143

Another Dictator (Former Ally) has Hit The Dust! President Hosni Mubarak is Gone! But, The Shift in Power in Egypt, is A Reflection of An Exciting "New Change" "Of The People," that has An Ebb and Flow To It! Its hasn't Been Marketed or Formulated in Some Political Back Room, or, On Someones Computer, Its Felt, Sensed, Understood, and Enacted Out, from A Place of Truth that Lies within Each of Us! And, When Its Spoken of, or Expressed, As A Solar Axiom Would Be, It Jumps Out from The Conditioned Reality, that has Been Imposed on Us by Corrupt and Authoritarian Civilian, Militarian, Religious, and Financial Moguls, Whose only Agenda is Greed, Lust, and Power, and Shines Brightly as If, Its A Brilliant New Star Illuminating The Evening Sky!

At First, Its Simply Felt Deeply within Ones Subconsciousness, and in Their Hearts, Minds, and Souls! And, then it Grows in Intensity until Finally It Becomes A Full Blown Peoples Evolution, in Equanimity with The Natural Evolution of Life! Its, An Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!" Its Like The Change of The Seasons! But, More Precisely, This is Our Season of Change that, Will Be Historically Remembered, and Recorded, for All Posterity, as Being, The First Real Peoples Evolution/Revolution of The 21st Century! But, There is Still More to Come!

Now, Its The Serious Responsibility of, The Military, Civilian, Religious, and Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations, to Work "Hand in Hand" with "The People, and, For The People,"To Create A New Governmental Model, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," But, Not Just For Egypt, For Worldwide!
Because, A New Season of Change is Flowing, Not Just, All Over The Middle East, But, All Over The Earth Itself!

And, Yes, Its Time to Celebrate, and, Its Time to Give Thanks to The Many Courageous Women, Men, and Children Who Stood Fast in The Face of Tyranny and Oppression!

But, Its also Time to Take A Moment to Reflect on The Many, Who Gave Their Lives To Be Free! So that, Their Families, and, The Families of Future Generations, and, Their Fellow Citizens Could Live in Freedom!
"Its Been a Long, Long Time Coming," as Sam Cooke, so Beautifully and Passionately sang, But, Change is Here and Now!

But, There is Still, A Great amount of Work that, Needs To Be Done, Before Freedom and Peace has Come to Each and Every Citizen of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, There is Still A World of Pain To Experience, Before, "We" are, "One and All" Free! "Great God Almighty, Free At Last," as The Great Negro Spiritual, Wills Us To Be!
But, A New Season of Change is Upon Us! And, A Great New Sea of Humanity and Change is Rising, and Bringing with It, An Earthrise of Hope, Peace, and Change, that is, Within Our Reach!

And, Once again, Its Time for The Military, Civilian, Religious, and Financial Leaders of The Earths United Nations to Come Together, with This New Earthrise Peoples Movement and Evolution and Bring A Global Change, and, A Global Day of Peace! And, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to The World!

And, Create A New Earthrise Constitution that Guarantees that, Every Woman, Man, and Child, Can Enjoy The Rights of Freedom, Peace, and, An Opportunity to Achieve Their Lifes Goals, Dreams, Hopes and, Desires, Without Being Impeded by Anothers Evil Intentions!

And, Its Time for These Military, Civilian, Religious and Financial Leaders To Agree, To An Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People," that, Evinces and Supports, "The Will Of The People," and Their Desire To Be Free, from The Conditioned Reality, that, has Enslaved Their Spirits and, Put Chains on Their Future, Ever Since The Age of The Global Oligarchy Began!
And, This Age of Oppression Should Not Be Protected, by Rules and Regulations, that Allow The Global Oligarchs to Operate (Do Business) Under The Illusion of Being Law Abiding Citizens, and Global Corporations!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have Had Enough of, The "Isms," and, The "Ists," of The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles)!

And, "We" have Had Enough of Seeing, Our Fellow Citizens Of The Earth, Living in "Abstract Poverty!" Living as Political and Economical Prisoners of, A Caste System that has Been Created by The Global Oligarchs, and Their Dictators, and, Inhumane Authoritarian System!

And, "We" have Seen Enough of The Misery of Millions upon Millions of, Women, Men, and Children, Who have Endured Cruelties Inflicted upon Them, by An Uncaring and Unsympathetic World Order of Elitists and Political Sophists, Whose Greed, Lust for Power and Gold, is The only Doctrine and Desire in Life, that, "They" Consider Meaningful!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have Had Enough!

A New Season of Change has Come! A Peoples Change! And, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Can Not Be Ignored, Suppressed, or Impeded! For Our Time, "A Time Of The People," has Come, and, Its "Here To Stay!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World, and, Create A Peace Time Economy! And, A Way To Live, As Free Women, Men, and, Children, Of A Peace Millennium, in Equanimity and Harmony!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Build A Concrete Foundation, To Our Bridge of Peace, as "We" Continue to Evolve in This Historical Time Period!
And, Lets Continue to Share, "The Good News" of This Historical Time Period of Change and Transformation!

And, Lets Continue to Give Thanks to, Our Luminous Predecessors of Change, Who Gave Their Lives for Us! Women and Men, Who Represented Our Ideals, and Who Represented Every Creed, Nationality and Race of This, The Third Planet from The Sun; Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Of Nazareth, Muhammad, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Lao-Tse, Zoroaster, Martin Luther King, Mary Magdalene, St. Francis Of Assisi, Charlemagne, Machiventa Melchizedek, and, Socrates!

And, Let Us Give Thanks to, The Countless Number of, Women, Men, and Children, Who Sowed The Seeds of Change, Peace, and Freedom, Althroughout The Ages, and Gave of Themselves, in Defense of The Rights, "Of The People," To Live, Worship, Work, and Enjoy The Fruits and Harvests of Life, As "A Free People!"

And, Lets Continue to Sow The Seeds of Change via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes of, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, You Tube, MySpace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Newspapers, Satellite, Cable and, Network TV, Magazines, Radio, Telephone, and The Arts!

And, Lets Non-Violently Challenge The Authoritarian Laws of Injustice Wherever or Whenever, Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of Freedom, Change, and Hope, and, "The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Being Threatened!
For The Winds of Change are Flowing All Over This Earth of Ours, and, "We" are The Breath of Life, that Exhales from, This "Great Soul Force and Body of, The Living Spirit of Change!"
And, "We" are The Soul Strength of Change, that, Continues to Shakeup, Rock Out, Awaken, and, Change The World!

And, Lets Take Courage from This Great Soul Strength, and Breath of Life, that Flows Over Us and All Around Us, and, Continue to Spread The Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Message of Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement of, Compassion, Hope, Peace, and Change, by Utilizing All The Technological Mastery and Advantages of, The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network and Nexus "Of The People!"

And, Lets Join Forces with The Pioneers and Pathfinders of Our Vision Path!
And, Once again, Lets Sing "Give Peace A Chance," "Amazing Grace," "This Land is Our Land," and, "Blowing in The Wind!"

And, Lets March, "Hand in Hand," In The Name of Peace, Freedom, Truth, Enlightenment, Wisdom, and, The Universal, Spiritual, and, Conscious Awareness, and, Dignity of Life, of All Sentient Beings!

And, Lets Climb to New Heights of Our Cultural and Empirical Existence, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, On The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, May Our Efforts Lead Us, from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Vision, Omniscience, Change, and, "Prosperity For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts Lead Us, from An Age of War, Fear, Corruption, Crime, and Racial Inequality, To An Age of Social Security, Freedom, Truth, and Morality!

And, May Our Efforts Lead Us, from An Age of Division, Separatism, Economical Instability, and, Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and All," Under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Universe!

And, May Our Efforts Lead Us, from Living in An Age, Where Ones Personal Beliefs are often Determined and Denigrated by Anothers Evil Intentions, To An Age Where Ones "Good Acts," are Determined, by Their Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, Irregardless of, Their Race, Creed, or Nationality!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, "To Be Streetwise" is, To "Live in Union and Communion," with "One and All!" And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, February 10, 2011



The Way To Peace! #142

The Global Business Community has to Get Off The Fence and Invest in The Creation of New Jobs! And, Global Corporate Support is A Must!

Its A Simple Equation, Before Global Revenues Can Rise, The World of Business Must Invest!
But, "They Can Not Wait for A New Trade Agreement Before Investing, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Need Jobs Now!

The Earths United Nations, and The U.S. are Still Involved in A Global War on Terrorism (The "Overseas Contingency Operation"), and Three UN-Declared Wars (Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan), and This is Not The Time for The Global Business Community to, Procrastinate or Hesitate, "They" have to "Get Involved and Invest Now!"

The Trust Factor goes Many Ways, and "We The People, " are Being Asked to Trust and Work "Hand in Hand" with, The Civilian, Military, and Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, But, Its Time for The Business Leaders of The Earth to Invest in Re-Building The Global Infrastructures, and Green Technologies, and Create A Better World for, "We The People!"

The Trust Factor and The Human Factor Combined are Intertwined, and Can Not Be Refuted in The New Earth Equation of, Change, Hope, and The Cultural Renaissance of, "We The People!"
Ones Character is often Defined and Determined by Their Actions and Generosity of Spirit! And, This is The Time for The Global Business Community to Act, and Demonstrate by Their Actions, Their Commitment to The Continued Evolution and Growth, "Of The People!"

The Tax Dollars "Of The People," have Been Used to Bail Out Governments, Banks, Financial Institutions, and "The World of Big Business," in General, and, Now, Its Time that, "The World of Big Business," Banks, and, Financial Institutions, Showed Their Appreciation and Gratefulness, by Investing in Improving The Quality of Life of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

The Earth is Our Home, and, "We" Need Total Participation by, The Civilian, Military, Religious, and Financial Leaders of, The Earths Nations to Unite and Build A New Financial System, that is, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," Citizens of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

This is The Time for A Complete Change in The Philosophy of Doing Business, and, Its Time for The Creation of A New Global Financial Model for Doing Business!

And, Its Time for The World of Business to Show, a little bit, more Courage in This Transitional Period, and Time of Change in The Evolution of The Earths Societies and Communities!

And, It is Important that Our Government Leaders Do Not Remove Any Regulation that is In Place to Protect "We The People," from The Sequel of The Subprime Disaster from Ever Taking Place again!

And, Its Time that "They" Worked More Closely Together, with "The World of Business," and, with The Local, Regional, and National Chamber Of Commerces, to Re-Energize Not Only The American Economy, But, The World Economy as Well!

But, Its also of The Utmost Importance that, Our Government Leaders Should Not Exhibit Any Foolishness by Erasing or Eliminating The Safeguards that Have Been Put in Place to Prevent Further Exploitation, Greed, Lust, or Corruption!

The New Philosophical, Intellectual, and, Corporate Business Model Equation, Should Be One that is, In Equanimity with A Regulatory System that, Builds Trust, with The People, and Improves The Quality of Life, "Of The People!"

And, There has to Be An Honest Partnership Between The World of Business, and The People, that is, Honorable, Trustworthy, and Fruitful for Both Parties to Be Involved in!
There are Trillions of Consumers Who are Ready to Embrace such An Alliance/Partnership, When the World Of Business, is Ready to Fulfill Its Share of The Responsibility of, Such A Noble Enterprise!

There are New Horizons to Explore, Empowered by, Such An Enterprise with People, But, First, The World of Finance and Big Business, Must Earn Their Way Back into Our Trust, To Be a Real Partner of, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

A New Age of Change has Come, and, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are The Heart, Spirit, and Financial Power, that is Driving It! "We" have The Real Spending Power!
And, Without Our Participation, The World of Big Business, Would End up Being Bankrupt!

And, "We" Need A New Standard of Values that Places, "We The People," and, The Lives of, All Sentient Beings, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, First!
For, "We" are The Soul Force of, Hope, Peace, and Change!

And, Wherever The Rights of "We The People," are Being Threatened, "We" Will Non-Violently Reject, Rebel, and Resist It!

And, Whenever or Wherever Cuts are Being Proposed, by Any Federal, State, or City Budget, in Education, Aid for The Poor, and Destitute, Social Security, or Cultural Projects "Of The People," "We" Will Reject, Rebel and Resist against It!

And, Before Wars, or Regional Conflicts are Entered into, The Implicit Agreement and Accord "Of The People," Must Be Sought Out, or, We Will Reject, Rebel and Resist It! For The Life of Every Interdependent Citizen, of This, The Third Planet from The Sun is Sacred, and Will Never again Be Compromised, Manipulated or Coerced, For, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth are The True Representatives of The Law of The Land, Seas, and Skies! And, Our Approval is Necessary Before Our Leaders Can Approve Any Conflict or War!

This is, The Framework of Our Earthrise Constitution, "Of The People!" And, These are The Core Principles of, Our Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People!" For The Winds of Change are Here and Now, and, "We've Learned from Experience, that, The Injustices that have Prevailed over The Course of Centuries, Can No Longer Be Tolerated or Endured by, "We The People!"
And, A New Age has Come, To Free Us from The Past, and Break The Chains of The Conditioned Reality that has Infected Us, Like A Cancer of, The Soul and Spirit!

And, "We" have Learned that The Best Cure for What Ails Us is, The Belief in Ourselves and in Each Other!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets Of The People," and They Will Tell You that, "We" Can Not Continue Abusing, Misusing, Enslaving, and Killing Each Other! There is A New Equation for Our Peoples Evolution, that is "Streetwise" in Any Neighborhood on Our Planet Earth, and Its Not, "To Kill or Be Killed!" Its, "Live and Let Live!" And, "We" Can, "One and All" Prosper Together and Enjoy The Fruits of Our Labor and Our Lives!

And, Its Time for The Civilian, Military, Religious, and Business Leaders of, The Earths United Nations. to Call for, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues!
There are Too Many Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, and, Sons and Daughters, from South to North Korea, and, from Turkey to Kurdistan, and, from Israel to Palestine, and, from Thailand to Cambodia, and, from North Sudan to South Sudan, and, in Egypt, and Wherever The Pendulum of War and Unrest May Swing, Who are Being Threatened, or, Displaced from Their Families and Homes, and Killed! And, Its Time that, Our Leaders Worked for Peace, and, Reached Out to The World, To "Give Peace A Chance," Before Another Life is "Lost in Vain!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan Will Soon Be Escalating, once again, As The Approaching Weather Conditions Improve in The Afghan Region, and Allows for Yet, Another Thrust/Surge against Al Qaeda and Their Allies, in Pakistan and Afghanistan!

And, There are Still more than Fifty Thousand U.S. and Coalition Troops in Iraq!

And, "We" are Still Involved in The Overseas Contingency Operation, Worldwide!

So, Lets Remain Diligent and Not Underestimate, The Amount of Work that Still Lies Ahead of Us!

So, Lets Upgrade Our Peace Efforts and Peace Initiatives, and Intensify Our Focus On Our Peace Movement!

And, Lets Intensify Getting Out Our Message of Peace, via The Internet, and, The Social and Cross-Media Universes!

And, To The Earthrise Anti-War Groups, Now is The Moment, To Re-Awaken The Global Consciousness about, The Senselessness of War, Genocide and Regional Conflicts, Wherever They May Be!

And, Now is The Time to, Re-Power Our Global Anti-War Movement in A New Earthrise Campaign, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and Generate A Massive Non-Violent Resistance against The Senseless Use of War as A Strategic Means to Resolve The Differences that Exist Between, The Forces of Chaos, Division, Dissolution and Destruction, and, The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and "We The People!"

Lets Light Up The X's, and Use Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words and Actions to Continue Building A Great Peace Bridge "Of The People," Worldwide!

And, Lets Continue to Give Hope, and Encouragement, Wherever Peace and The Rights of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Being Forced to Comply with The Wishes of Dictators, and, The "Isms," and, "Ists" of, The Global Oligarchy!

Our Soul Force Lies in Our Being Able to Create and Mobilize, Over The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Network and Nexus of Change and Peace, and Unite in One Great Synergy of Protestation, to Rock Out, Wake Up, Shakeup, and Change The World!

And, Our Non-Violent Soul Forces Effectiveness, Lies in Our Sincerity, Honesty, Truth, Compassion, Belief and True Passion in Bringing Change, to A World that has Been Seduced by, Illusion, Temptation, Greed, Ego, and The False Rhetoric of, The Miscreants and Lobbyists of, The Global Oligarchs!

And, Our Soul Strength Lies in Being A Great Soul Force "Of The People!"

So, Once again, Lets Continue to Connect and Link Up, with Our Earthrise Soul Force "Of The People," via Twitter, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Yahoo, You Tube, MySpace, iTunes, and Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!
And, Lets Contemplate, Meditate, and Concentrate on Our Objectives of, Our Vision Path, and Work Towards The Creation of An Earthrise Union and Communion of, A New Generation of Voices of Reason and Peacemakers!

And, Lets Sing, The Anthems of Peace, Once again! And, Lets Protest and Demonstrate in The Name of Peace, Once again!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Change, Omniscience, and Prosperity "For One and All!"

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age of War, Fear, Corruption, and Racism, To An Age of Social Security, Freedom, Truth, and Morality!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age of Division, Separatism, Economical Instability and Double Standards, To An Age of Equal Opportunity "For One and All," Under The Moon, Sun, and Luminous Bodies of The Universe!

And, May Our Efforts, Lead Us from An Age Where Ones Personal Beliefs are often Determined and Denigrated by Anothers Evil Intentions, To An Age Where Good Acts are Determined by Ones Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, Irregardless of Race, Nationality or Creed!

I Can Hear The Byrds singing, "Turn, Turn, Turn," and, This is "Our Season," The Season "Of The People!" So, Lets Sing Our Song of Change, from The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, For You Can Feel it, and Sense it Permeating The Air! Change! Change is In The Air! Its Like "The Sound Of Silence", or, An Early Spring, that has Suddenly Come upon Us! Enlightening Us, Intoxicating Us, and Showing Us, What Our Future Can Be! And, As Our Luminous Visionaries, Prophets, and, Women and Men "Of The People," have Shown Us, and Taught Us! Their Names Still Inspire Us; Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Jesus Of Nazareth, Confucius, Socrates, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Lao-Tse, Mary, Martin Luther King, St, Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi! This "New Season Of The People," is A Mirror of Their Historical Example, and, Proof that, This New Season "Of The People," is Here to Stay! This Early Spring, that, Brings with It, A Fragrance of, New Beginnings and Hope, Is Contagious, Uplifting, Magnificent, and Humbling To See! And, This is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, February 6, 2011



The Way To Peace! #141

Its Time for A Transition and Change from A Conditioned Reality, To A Peoples Universe, and, An Earthrise State of Being! For, It is in Our Best Interests, that, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, is To Guarantee that, "We" are A "Free People," and, Not Subservient to Any, "Ism," or, "Ist," of The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles)!
And, Its Time that, Our Principles and Values were, The Priority of, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations!

And, Its Time that, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders, Put Forth Concrete Political, Economical, and, Social Reforms, that, are of Benefit of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

This New Decade of The 21st Century, has Brought Us, "One and All," To A New Crossroads of Change! And, Change "We" Must, if, "We" are To Be, "A People Of The World," Who are, A True Fraternity, Communion and Union, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, Our Vision Path Lies Before Us! And, The Past has Shown Us How to Build A Bridge of Unity and Community, to Every Corner and New Horizon of The Earth!
"A Bridge of The People!" A Bridge of Peace and Harmony! And, A Bridge To A New Age of Hope, Compassion, Truth, and, Social Security, "For All The People!"

And, From East to West, or, From North to South, Wherever The Winds of Change are Flowing, Lets Wake up, Shakeup, and, Non-Violently Rock Out, and, Change The World!

And, "We" have to Continue to Shift The Balance of Power, Away from The Past, to A New Reality, Consciousness, and, Philosophical/Universal Earthrise Community, that, Embraces All Creeds, Races, and, Nationalities, as "One People" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

And, Let Us Make sure that, The Interests "Of The People," are The Main Priorities and Interests of, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations, and, Not The Policies and Interests of, The Global Oligarchy (The Invisibles/Elitists)!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Can No Longer Live Under The Rule or Thumb of, Any Religion, "Ism," or, "Ist" of, The World Nations! Our Time has Come! And, This is The Age "Of The People! And, Our Covenant is, "For The People!" And, "We" are The Soul Force of Change! A Change and Transition, to An Age of Equanimity, Equality, and, Prosperity For All The People of This, The Third Planet from The Sun! The Age of Elitism is Over, and, Make No Mistake about It!

And, The Earths Civilian Leaders, Must Understand that, "They" have to Agree To Be, True Representatives, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People!"

And, The Military Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility to Protect and Serve, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, The Religious Leaders of, The Earth, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility to Provide"The People," with Spiritual and Moral Axioms, and, Compassion and Honest Values, and, Guidance For Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, Irregardless of Creed, Race, or, Nationality!

And, The Financial Leaders and Economists of, The Earths Business Communities, Must Understand that, It is Their Responsibility, to Build A New Financial System and Rapport, that, Invests and Supports The Entrepreneurialism and Social Infrastructures, Community Programs, Cultural Evolvement, Manufacturing and Productivity, Education, Development and Evolution of, The Hopes, Dreams, and, Realities of, "We The People!"

And, Joined Together, In A Solid Commitment, All of The Leaders of The United Earths Nations, Must Agree that, The Time has Come to Eliminate, Poverty, Homelessness, Slavery, Crime, and, War, from This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
And, Make Our Planets Seas, Skies, and, Shores, Safe from, Fear, Hate, Genocide, Corruption, Pollution, and, Manipulation by, The "Isms," and, "Ists," Who have Plagued, Misused, Abused, and, Profited by, Any Means Available to Them, "At The Expense of, "We The People!"
And, A Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogues are Needed to Address,
The Social, Political, and, Economical Issues that, are of Concern of, "We The People!"

And, The Creation of A New Earthrise Emancipation Declaration, "Of The People," Plus, A New Earthrise Constitution, "For The People," is Needed to Address The Issues and Concerns of, "We The People!"
"We" are Faced with A Philosophical, Spiritual, and,Economical Time of Change, and, It Can Not Be Denied!

And, Altogether, As One Great United Soul Force of Change, Hope, Truth, and, Compassion, "We" Must Continue to Share The Message of, "All" Who Live On The Streets of, "We The People," and, In the "Noble, Tried and True Tradition" of, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesus Of Nazareth, Martin Luther King, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mary, Nelson Mandela, St, Francis of Assisi, Socrates, Mary Magdalene, Lao-Tse, Machiventa Melchizedek, and, Charlemagne, via The Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross-Media Universes!

And, "We" Must Continue to Empower Our Earthrise Message of, Change, Hope, Truth, and, Compassion with Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word, and, Action!
And, By Each and Every, X, Eddie, Stream of Consciousness, Non-Violent Demonstration, Sit In, Text, Email, Phone Call, Anthem of Peace, and, Protest against All who Would Attempt to Impede Our Earthrise Evolution, and, Movement "Of, By, and, For The People!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To A Peace Time Economy, and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Lets Continue to Spread "The Good News" of, Our Message of Encouragement, "For The People," Wherever It is Needed, and, To All, Who are of A Universal Conscious Awareness, that, "One and All," Should have The Opportunity To Work, Live, and, Evolve in, A Positive Environment! Where Each and Every Newborn Child, has An Inalienable Right to Achieve His or Her Dream, Goal, Fate and Destiny, Wherever They May Live on This Planet Earth!

And, Lets Utilize All The Avenues and Unlimited Resources of, The Earths Most Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network and Nexus, "Of The People," and, The World of Technology, and, Continue to Sow The Seeds of Change, and, Nourish, Care for, and, Share The Harvests of Our Fruits of Labor, and, Our Beliefs, and, of, Our Great Potential, To Be, A Great People, with, "One and All!"

And, Lets Freely Share These Harvests with, "One and All," on, The Beautiful Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Hope, Compassion, and, Change, without "Reservation or Hesitation," To All Sentient Beings, via Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace, You Tube, iTunes, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, and, "Let Freedom and Peace Ring Out, Loud and Clear!" And, Lets, "Give Peace A Chance!

And, May "We" Be Lead from Living in An Age of A Conditioned Reality, To A New Age of Vision, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Change, and, Prosperity For One and All!"

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age of War and Fear, To An Age of Peace, Social Security, Freedom, and, Uplifted Spiritual and Universal Values!

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age of Division, Illusion, and, Economical Instability, To An Age of Equal Opportunity, and, United Under The Moon, Sun, and, Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos!

And, May "We" Be Lead from An Age Where One's Beliefs are Often Determined by An others Greed and Lust, To An Age Where One's Value is Determined by, His or Her Positive Acts, Thoughts, Words, Idea's, and, Actions, Irregardless, of Race, Nationality or Creed! For, This is, The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, February 3, 2011



The Way To Peace! #140

There is No Room for Authoritarian Rulers, Who are Egotistical Dictators, in The Future of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, There is No Room for Imperialistic Oligarchs, in The Future of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, There is No Room for, Any, "Isms," or, "Ists," Who are under The Control of, The Global Oligarchy! For, The Winds Of Change are Here and Now! And, Without a Doubt Change Will Come!

And, Let Us Not Be Fooled by, False Rhetoric and False Concessions! Our Strategic Vision Should Be to Create An Existence, "For The People," that, Is Graced with Peace and Unity, " For All The People!" For "We" Represent, An Earthrise Evolution and Movement, that, is "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun! For, This Our Home and Our World, and, Our Time has Come!

And, Let Us Be Released from, The Conditioned Reality, that, has Chained Us, Body and Soul, to An Oppressive System, that, In Truth, Still has No Real Desire to Change! But, Now it Must, For, The Winds of Change, are Here and With Us!
And, Its Time that, "We" were, "Free at Last, Great God Almighty Free at Last," as the saying goes!

Which is Why, Our Earthrise Evolution and Movement, "Of, By, and, For The People," Stands as An Emancipation Declaration, from The, often, Violent, Aggressive, and, Cruel Polititization of, "We The People!"

Our Earthrise Movement is An Evolutionary Grassroots Covenant of, "We The People," that, Transcends The Fear of Change! Because, It is Change! And, "We" are that Change! And, "We" are The Political, Economical, and, Social Reforms that, are The Empowerment of Soul/People Power of Change!
For, "We" are, A Great Non-Violent Soul Force of, Women, Men, and, Children, Who have The Courage to Stand Firm, in The Face of Military Force, Vigilantes of Fear, and, Agents of Greed, Chaos, and, Corruption!

And, Together, "We" Will Stand Steadfast, as The Hope for The Future! For "We" are, The Passion of Change, Freedom and Truth!

And, Together, "We" are, The True Covenant of, "All The People, Irregardless of Race, Creed, or, Nationality!
For, "We" are, The New System, that, is Truly, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Must Continue to Show Our Determination and Resolve to, The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, that, "They" Must Listen, Think, and, Act," upon Our Requests, Suggestions, Demonstrations, and, Protestations, In Fairness, and, In An Open Minded Forum!

And, "They" Must Adhere to, Our Call for, The Creation of A Universal System of Culture, that, Embraces The Lives of, "All The People!"

And, Its Time that, "They" Addressed The Need of, A Peace Time Economy and Work in A Joint Effort, with The World of Finance, to Obtain The Necessary Investment Capital Needed, to Create A New Financial System and Global Model for The World of Business, that, Encourages The Re-Vitalization of The Earths Infrastructures, and, The Creation of New Jobs!

And, These Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders Must Come to Comprehend that, There is No Room, for A War Time Economy in The Future of, "We The People!" And, Its Time that, "They" Gave Peace A Chance!

And, A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue are Necessary, to Provide The Cohesive Guidance and Support, to Build A Bridge from The Past, to The Future! Because, The Winds of Change are Flowing, and, Change Can Not be Denied!

And, There is Need for, An Earthrise Constitution, that, is, "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, that, Allows for The Constitutions of The Past, to Be Re-Constructed into A New Covenant, "Of The People," For Us to Live and Enjoy All The Privileges of Life, in A World of Social and Communal Security!
For, There is No Room for Poverty, Homelessness, Fear or Illegal and Immoral Injustices, in Our New Age of Compassion! The Welfare of, Each and Every Women, Child, and, Man Should Be, One of The Main Priorities of, Our Earthrise Evolution!
And, The Protection and Education of, Each Newborn Child, Women, and, Man Should Come under The Mandate of, Our Resolution and Convictions!

And, "We" Expect The Civilian, Military, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earths United Nations, to Comply with Our Wishes, and, Be True Representatives "Of The People!" And, Act as True Activists, "Of The People!" And, in Doing so, Change The World!
And, Agree to Shakeup, Rock Out, and, Change The World, into An Age of Equanimity and Prosperity, "For One and All!" And, A Peace Millennia, that, is, "Of, By, and, For The People! For "We" Embody The Evolutionary Movement, Of The Future, and, The Time for Change has Come!

Just "Ask Anyone Who Lives On The Streets of The People," and, They Will Tell You, that, Its Time for, An End of Partisan Politics, Political Rhetoric and Lies! And, The Time has Come, for A New Age of Solar Axioms and Truth, to Lead The Way!
And, Let Us Lift Our Spirits Up High, and, Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, Change and Hope, to A Future where Illusions and Delusions of A Conditioned Reality are Made Real by, The Fusion and Fortitude of, Our Beliefs in A World of Harmony and Peace!
And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal The World! And, A Way To Continue Evolving on The Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," and, A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Re-Invigorate Ourselves, in The Sowing of Seeds of, A New Fraternity, Communion and Union, that, Excludes No One, and, Includes Everyone, and, That Means, "All Sentient Beings" of, This, The Third Planet from The Sun, In A New Age of Dynamism, Vision, and, Activism!

And, Let Us Express and Project, This New Dynamism and Vision, via, The Internet, and, The Social and Cross Media Universes! Using All of The Available Levels of, X's, Thought Projections, Paths, and, Links of Linkedin, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Yahoo, iTunes, Google, MySpace, and, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, to Share "The News" of, Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions!

And, Let's Shift The Balance of Power away from, The Conditioned Reality of The Past, to The Transcendental, Prescient, Universal, Spiritual, and, Humane, Conscious Awareness and Reality of, "We The People!"

And, Lets Continue to Synergize and Energize Each Other, via, The Earths Most Omnipotent Non-Violent Communication Network and Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People!" For, There is Nothing that, "We" Can Not Do, as long as, "We" Remain United in Purpose! And, United as, "One People" Of The Earth!
For, "We" are The Eddies of Change! The Breath of Change! And, The Heart and Soul of Change!

And, "We" are The Spirit, Imagination, Creation, Personification, Manifestation, Wisdom, and, Enlightenment of Change, Hope, Mercy, Kindness, and, Backbone of Change!

And, As Our Historical Perspectives, Intuitions, and, Memories of, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi, Confucius, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Nelson Mandela, Mary, Machiventa Melchizedek, Socrates, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, St. Francis of Assisi, Charlemagne, Mary Magdalene, and, Mother Teresa, have Taught Us, by Their Words, Experiences,Thoughts, Words, and Actions is, How Powerful and Meaningful, "We" Can Be, When "We" are, United as, "One People," under The Moon, Sun, and, All The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos! For United Together, "We" are, The Way To Peace and, A Peace Millennium!