Friday, August 21, 2009



Calling Planet Earth


The word "Trust" is the Word that Most Americans are having difficulty in Attributing to any Political Party, these Day's. Think about it.
Whose Policies, do you most Believe in? Or, Do you Feel that any Political Party Has been Truthful, or Forthcoming?
And, it Doesn't Appear to Matter whether "They" are Conservative, Moderate, or Liberal, Republicans, or Democrats! And, Independents aren't Being Excluded from this Opinion, by Most Americans, as well.

It makes Sense doesn't it! Everyone has their own Agenda, Independent of what's Best for "We the People!"
And, if Recent Town Hall Meetings are a True Example of Public Opinion, Most Politicians are Not Looking Forward to the Next Elections! And, Rightfully so!
Once again "They", (the Infamous They) have Lied and Mislead us!
What Transparency, or Accountability has Really been Demonstrated by Our Elective Officials?
The Members of the U.S. Congress have Performed Miserably, in regards to Distributing Stimulus, and, The Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds, that were Supposed to Produce Jobs for "We the People," and, Re-build our Broken Economy!
Instead Unemployment is still in the "Nines (9.4 or 9.5)," Nationally, and, Higher than that in States, such as, Michigan, amongst others!
And, while our Banks are Fat with Cash, "They" are Reluctant to Share it with Americans who are in need!
These are the Same Banks that were Bailed Out by U.S. Tax Payers!
These Same Banks, only, Extend Credit when "They" are Guaranteed "They" will Make a Profit at Our Expense!
Does anyone Know what "We the People" are to Receive from Bailing Out these Banks! Normally, When you Purchase a Stock, you know what Profit you will make from it. So, What kind of a "Free Pass to Go," did Congress give these Banks?
And, Is there any Surprise that American Citizens, irregardless to what Age they may be, are Distrustful of This Corrupt, Broken Down Political, and Financial System that has Benefited the Capitalistic Oligarchs!
The Same Oligarchs, Who Continue to Manipulate, Mislead, and Use the Principles that our Forefathers, and Fore- mothers Gave their Lives to Protect, for Their Own Profit!

Terrorists are Freed because "They" are Dying of Cancer, after their Actions have Cost the Lives of Thousands, Worldwide. What Kind of Global System, and Political Maneuvering, Rewards Acts of Evil with such Generosity of Spirit?
"We" are still involved in 3 Wars! Have our Enemies Called for a Truce, to Conduct Global Peace Negotiations? Have our Enemies Decided to Return Prisoners of War, to Their Respective Countries, Homes, and Families?

Families All over The World are Experiencing , to Some Extent, or Another, Difficulties Due to the Global Financial Disaster! Isn't it Time that our Political, and Religious Leaders Came Forth as One, to Declare a Cessation of Taxes, and, Outlandish Profits by the Global Financial Institutions until "We the People" of this Earth are Healed from the Cancer of Greed, Lust, and Power, that has Stolen the Joy of Life from our Friends, and Families!

Once again, I say, Enough is Enough! How long do "They" want to "Suck us Dry,"
before "They" Finally get the Point, that "We" have had Enough of his Poisonous System, that Shows us "No Mercy," when "We" are Continuously told to "Turn the Other Cheek!" Are there Two Different Standards, and Values, of Life? One for the Haves, and, One for the Have Nots?

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever, and Wherever You Maybe Come Forth, Now! Make Your Voices Heard, Now! Take a Stand for Peace, Love, Equality, and Equanimity for One and All, Now! Before there is Nothing Left to Trust in!