Friday, August 7, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Real People/Leaders of the Future

Let's hope that our Leaders of The Future are "Real People!"
Real People who know the Price of a Quart of Milk. Or, How much a Gallon of Gasoline Costs.
Real People Who Value Each Others Health, and Welfare.
Real People Who Understand the Value of a Good Education for Their Children, and Their Children's Children. And, Who Empathize with Neighbors, and Strangers who have Lost Family Members in Wars that were Unjustified, or Begun on False Premises, and, Still, They sent Their Son's and Daughters to Fight for The Country of Their Forefathers.

Real People Who Do Not Use Lies, and, Half Truths, to Sway Opinions in Their Way, or, to Gain Election to Government Positions, or, to Sell Newspapers, and Magazines, or, to Gain Higher Ratings for Their TV, Radio, Cable, Satelite, Internet Programs, or, Political Positions!

Real People Who, Still, Believe in The Principles, and Philosophical Ideologies of A Government of The People, For the People, and By the People!

Real People Who, Still, Remember and Respect Their Cultures, and Traditions, While, Still, Embracing the Universal Themes that We are One People of, this, The Third Planet from The Sun.

Real People Who Mow Their Lawns, Take Their Children to School, Repair Their Homes, Take Out Their Garbage for Pick Up Every Week, and Know The Real Value of Living in a Safe Neighborhood. These Individuals are The Backbone of Our Country, and, They should Be The Future Leaders of Our Nation!
Why? Because They have Not Lost Touch with Reality! They Do Not Need Lobbyists to Tell them what to Do! Or, What Policies, or Issues are Important to Their Welfare and Survival!

"We" need Real People Who Go to Work Everyday, or, Lose Their Jobs, if, They Don't. And, Who have to Pay Their Bills on Time, or, They Will Lose Homes, or Whatever Credit They have Left, after the Most Recent Credit Crises!

They Do Not have The Luxury of Making Their Own Money when The Economy is In Decline! Or, Borrowing Enormous Amounts of Money from Foreign Governments to Pay for Our Wars, and Deficits!

"We" need Real People Who Invest in Our Country, Everyday, Only asking that The Product They are Purchasing is of Good Quality, that They Can Depend upon! And, Not Part of Some Grand Foreign Policy Scheme to Gain World Dominance in Global Economics, or, in World Affairs! These Individuals are The Leaders of The Future that Our Country needs!

They are Women and Men, Who Care for the Well Being of Their Children, and Their Neighbors Children, Without Prejudice, and Know How to Shop at The Supermarket, Local Fresh Food Marketplace, Mall, and Bookstore, to Feed, Clothe, or, to Provide Food for Thought for Their Families! These Individuals Should Be The New Leaders of Our Country!
Why? Because They Know how to Balance Their Budgets, and Cut Back on Spending when They have to, Not like Today's Politicians who Bail Out Banks, and Financial Institutions, Leaving "We the People," Having to Pay the Debt!

While, The Same Banks, and Financial Institutions, that "We" have Bailed Out, are Reluctant to Provide us with Loans to Save Our Homes, and Our Families from Living in Poverty!

Everyday Real People are Fighting and Dying for Their County on Foreign Soil, While Their Families are Struggling to Survive at Home. Their is a Tragic Incongruity to this Way of Life.

And, that is Why "We" need an Evolution of Our Countries Political, Health, and Financial Systems. An Evolution Led by Real People, For The People, Of The People, and, By the People!

"We" must, Very Importantly, Understand that Living in a Capitalistic Oligarchy, Under the Guise of Democracy, Does Not Work, or Benefit "We the People!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever and Wherever You May Be,
"We" Don't have to Be College Graduates, Eloquent Speakers, Financial Experts, Religious Leaders, or Political Advisers, to Lead the Way to A Better World, and Fruitful Way of Life that is Beneficial to One and All!
The True Prophets, and Streetwise Poets, are Real People just like You and I!
So, Continue to Speak Out, and Stand Up, in the Name of Peace, and A Forthright Truthfulness, and, In the Name of "We the People!"