Monday, August 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Why's Have It!

In this Day and Age, after all, "We" are in the Twenty-First Century, Is there a Valid Reason Why, There is Poverty? Or, Why should any Child, Born on This Planet, Have to Live in Poverty?

And, Why should Their Parents Have to be Concerned Whether or Not Their Children, or Any Member of Their Family, should not Receive a Proper Education, or Health Care?

And, Why should anyone Have to Worry about Losing Their Home, if, They, for Whatever Reason, Became Unemployed?

And, Why should anyone Live in Fear of Not Being able to Feed Themselves, or, Provide for Their Family should They, for Whatever Reason, Become Unemployed?

And, Why should anyone be Homeless, In this Day and Age?
And, Why should our Parents, or, Grandparents have to Worry about, How They will be able to Care for Themselves, or, Where They will Live , When They are Retired? Or, How They, or Their Family, Will be able to Pay for Their Interment?

And, Why is there any Reason for War, In this Day and Age? Haven't "We" Learned that War, can, only, Bring Death, Tragedy, Starvation, Deprivation, Homelessness, and, The Worst Kind of Human Rights Violations Imaginable, and, in fact, To All Sentient Beings?

And, Why Do "We" Continue to Murder, Assassinate, Create, and Build More and More Destructive Weapons? Haven't "We" Learned that these Weapons, can, only, Lead us Further and Further along The Path of Self Destruction, and, Total Annihilation?

And, Why is Crime, a Tempting, and Attractive Alternative to so many, Instead of All the Potential Benefits of Living in a Global Economy, That Thrives on The Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Principles of Free Enterprise?
Why does anyone Feel that, The only Way "They" can get ahead is by Stealing From Someone else, Their Life's Accomplishments, and Achievements, That They Have Worked all of Their Lives to Obtain?
Is, Living the Life of a Criminal more Rewarding than an Existence Based on Respecting One Another, and, The Principle of a Shared Prosperity for One and All?

And, Why do "We" Continue to Pollute our Planet, and, Rape it of All it's Natural Resources, Without Considering the Damage that "We" are Causing it?
And, How this Pollution Will, Most Definitely, Have a Negative Affect on Our Lives?

And, Why do "We" Continue to Throw Trash, or, Garbage of Whatever Size, and, or, Nature on to Our Sidewalks, Streets, Fields, Waterways, Mountains, and, Highways, When there are, Always, Somewhere, or, Another, within Close Proximity, Garbage Receptacles?

And, Why would anyone, In this Day and Age, want to Kidnap, Rape, or, In Anyway, Harm a Child, or, any Human Being?

The Why's are Many, They Touch my Heart, and Soul, Very Deeply!
They, often, Leave me Talking to Myself, and, Wondering Why, In This Day and Age, Does There have to be, So many Why's?

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Continue to Encourage Debate, Demonstration, and Discourse.
This is Not The Time to Remain Silent! There are Too Many who Depend upon us To Change the Face of this Planet, and, Bring Back its Smile.

This is The New Millennium, This is Not The Pre-Historic Ice Age, "We" do Not Need, So Many Weapons of Violence, when, There are So Many Peaceful Ways for Our Global Community to Thrive, and Evolve!
Let us Continue to be a Soul Force for Peace and Harmony, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All! For All Sentient, and Inanimate Beings!
This Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Depends on us to Change the Why's to, There is No Reason Why there should Another Why!