Monday, August 10, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Afghanistan, Obama's Shock from Grace!

Without a Doubt The New Escalation of War in Afghanistan & Pakistan may be President Obama's Shock from Grace! His Administrations Foreign Policy is Very Much Intertwined, Financially, and Politically in this War!

Now Known as Obama's War, or More concisely Obama's Vietnam!

However, it is the U.S. Governments Fiasco as well! When will the U.S. Government, now Controlled by the Democratic Party, Say No, to Sending More of Our Son's and Daughters to Die on Foreign Soil!

When will the U.S. Media start Reporting about the Re-Missioning of Our Troops to Afghanistan, after They've, Already, Spent 3 or 4 Tours of Duty in Iraq!
And, How Many More Times Can The U.S. Government Continue to Send Our Troops into Harms Way?

What is the Concept of this New Offensive on Our Part? To Drive the Taliban/al- Qaida Out of Afghanistan, and Into Pakistan? What Kind of Logic is that?
There are Nuclear Weapons in Pakistan!
And, For How Long can "We" Afford to Pay for this New Escalation?

Has Congress, Already, Forgotten that U.S. Unemployment is at 9.4%, and Homelessness Continues to Grow at Alarming Rates!
And, Health Care Costs Continue to Rise, while Our Hopes for a Real Change in the U.S. has been Dealt a Severe Blow by The Insensitive Policies of the Obama Administration!

"They" Still don't get it! American Citizens, on Main Street, and The Rural Roads, and The Nations Highways, are Unable to Care for Their Families, Even with 2 Parents Working!

Where are the Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Funds! The Banks have Received Their Bail Out/Stimulus Funds! Where are the Funds, Desperately Needed to Reinvest in America! "We the People" are the Pulse, The Heart, Soul and Backbone of This Great Country! Isn't it Time that "We" were Given Top Priority, Over The Financial Institutions, and Wall Street?

President Obama was Supposed to Be The Agent of Change! He was Supposed to Bring Our Troops Back Home! He was Supposed to Re-Build Our Economy, and Clean Up a Corrupt Financial System! He was Supposed to Unite Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to Cross Party Lines for the Benefit of "We the People!"

Well, Neither He, Nor His Administration have Done any of This! And, "We" Need More than Town Hall Meetings, "We Need Leadership that Respects, and Adheres to the Needs of A Government "Of The People, For the People, and By the People!" Not the Needs of A Capitalistic Oligarchy!

"We" Need More than Lofty/Eloquent Speeches! "We" Need Action Based on A Hands on Approach, in the Tradition of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi! Who were Great Non-Violent Peacemakers, Who Gave Their Lives for The People!

Its Time for New Leaders to Come Forth, Leaders Of The People, For The People, and By The People!
Last week, Fourteen More of Our Service Members Died in the Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan Wars! Before another Mother, or Father is Asked to Sacrifice Their Child, Lets Give Peace a Chance, for A Change in Our Foreign Policy!

A Change Must Come, However, Long it May Take. But, This Time Let it be based On The Principles of Peace, Technologically, Scientifically, Educationally, Philosophically, Spiritually, Politically, and Financially! A Peace Time Economy!
Its Time to Build Peace at Home before "We" Try to Change The World!"
Yes "We" can have a Strong Army, Navy, and Air force to Protect Our Borders, and Those of Our Global Neighbors, But, Lets Lead the Way by Demonstrating that "We" are Peacemakers, and, Believers in A Universal State of Global Equanimity, and Equality for One and All!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Lift up Your Voices, and Call Forth for A Global Non-Violent Peace Change, Now!