Friday, August 14, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstrations,
& Non-Violent Discourse,
Is Good for The U.S. &The Global Community!

Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstrations, & Non-Violent Discourse over War, Health Care, Unemployment, Education, Poverty, Genocide, Crime, and, A Broken Financial System, is Important to America, and The Global Nations!

The U.S. of A. is Still a Very Young Country, by Historical Standards, and, Has an Unexperienced, First Term, President, with a Newly Installed Administration, and Congress who are Learning how to Run a Government. Plus, Learning How to Deal with, Extremely, Important Issues that have Seriously Affected Not only the Lives of American Citizens, but, The Lives of The Global Community as well! So, Debate, Demonsration, and Discourse is of Monumental Importance to All of Us!

What Continues to Be Destructive and Detrimental to "We the People," of the World Community is; (1) Partisan Politics, (2) Fear Mongering, (3) Sophists, (4) A Global Media, That Thrives on Using One Opposing Group Against Another, Purely to Create Higher Ratings, and Sales, Instead of Reporting the News, in an Unbiased Way, and (4) Capitalistic Oligarchs who Thrive on Creating Chaos, and then, Using it to Manipulate Our National, and Foreign Affairs for Their Political, and Financial Gain!

It has Been a Long time Coming, Since "We" have had Such an Intense Debate, Demonstration, and National Discourse, in the U.S. And, it has Come at a Very Timely Moment in Our Lives!
Why? Because "We the People" Have been Ignored, and Taken for Granted for Much Too Long!

And, Let Us Not Forget, That it was The Bush Administration that, Initially, Abused, and Misused Us, In the Name of Freedom, and Democracy! "They" Mishandled the U.S. Economy, and, the Multiple Wars that Our Children Fought in, and, Continue to Give Their Lives for, in The New Obama Escalation of War in Afghanistan and Pakistan! All of Which has Placed Our Nation in Debt!
It was The Bush Administrations Inaction, and Lack of Overseeing, that Fostered the Corruption, and Immorality that Brought Down Our Financial System, and, Caused White Collar Crime to Run Rampant in The U.S. Society. "They" (the Infamous "They") Manipulated the Rules, and Regulations to Support, and Condone Whatever New Ponzie Scheme that "They" Thought would make Them More Money, and Give Them More Power!
Wall Street, and The Banking Industry Should be Ashamed of Their Immoral Business Ethics, and Behaviour! Their Actions have Caused the Loss of Thousands of Homes, and, Placed Millions of Americans, and The Global Community, in Debt!
Education Suffers, Because of Their Lack of Ethics, Our Democracy Suffers, Our Families Suffer, and Our Way of Life Suffers!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Let us Continue to Promulgate Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstration, and Non-Violent Discourse of The Issues that Threaten Our Lives, and, Those of Our Neighbors.
Do Not Expect Our Elective Officials to Do what is Best for Us, "We" have to Read All the Fine Print in Every Bill, that "They" Say, is Being Passed for Our Benefit!
For Much Too Long, "They" have Lied, or, Told Us Half Truths, and, "We" Must Hold Them Accountable for Their Words, and Actions!
If "They" Can Not, Truly, Represent "We the People," Lets Fire Them in the Next Elections, and, Give Them an Opportunity to Discover what Being Unemployed is Truly Like! Or, How the Loss of Their Health Care Benefits, Affects Their Lives, and The Lives of Their Families!
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever, and Wherever You May be, Let us Act as a Soul Force, For The Truth, For Peace, and One World, Indivisible, and United in Equanimity, Equality, and A Shared Prosperity for One and Al!