Monday, August 31, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Another Holiday!

Another Holiday is Looming upon us! Now, mind you I'm not complaining, its just that, Holidays used to Mean Something! For example, Abraham Lincolns Birthday had a Great Significance to it, and, so, did George Washington's Birthday!
And then, They were both Lumped Together to become Presidents day!

I suppose the Main Significance of Holidays, Now a Days, is to Jump Start the Lagging Economy! Although saying that, the U.S. Economy is Lagging is a Gross Understatement! Lagging just doesn't Say Enough, does it!

Too many are Experiencing being in Deep Debt! And, Too many Small Businesses have Closed Shop, and, Gone Out of Business!

Its ironic that During these Economical Time Periods of this Nature,Tragic though they May Be, there are Many Individuals who are Greatly Benefiting by it!

Imagine if you were in Position to Buy CitiGroup Stock when it had Dropped to a Bare Minimum, as did Warren Buffet, You would have Increased your Wealth Ten Fold, by Now!

Or, if you were Financially Solvent Enough to Purchase the Myriad Number of Homes that were Put on Sale, Practically for Nothing! You would be in a Strategic Position to Clean up, when the Marketplace Improves! Although, Tragically at the Expense of Too many Americans, who have Lost their Homes, Due to the Financial, Mortgage, and, Credit Crises!

So, Here "We" are approaching Another Labor day, and, how Prophetic it is, Metaphorically.

Lets Hope that this Labor day, Gives Birth to a Wonderful Surge in Employment!

Lets Hope that it Brings Forth a New Autumn of Idea's, and, Imaginative Inventiveness that is Inspiring to The Global Financial Community!

Lets Hope that it Gives Birth to a New Feeling of Hope and Charity, and, Generosity of Spirit!

Lets Hope that it Brings Peace of Mind, as well as, Peace on Earth, and, An End to War! And that, All of our Son's and Daughters can Finally Return Home to Their Respective Friends, and Families!

Lets Hope that, this Labor Day Gives Birth to a Selfless Pride, and Respect for All Sentient, and Inanimate Beings!
As well as, Pride, and Respect for Our Planet, the Third Planet from The Sun, and, This Boundless Universe that "We" are apart of!

Lets Hope that, this Labor Day Gives Birth to a Spiritual Awakening, One of Love and Harmony! One of Joy filled Happiness, and Prosperity for One and All!
Where One's Health care, and Life is Sacred!

"We" have been Living for So Long in a State of, Daring Not to Hope Too Much!
Let us Commit ourselves to a New Course, a New Dream, a New Way of Life that Embraces Love, Peace, Hope and, a Shared Prosperity for One and All!

Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May Be, Continue to Demonstrate, Debate, and, Speak Out Non-Violently, as did Martin Luther King, and, Mahatma Gandhi.
Let us Be a Soul Force for One World Living in Equanimity, and Equality!
Let it Be!

Monday, August 24, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Its August, Congress & The President, & His Administration
Must Be On Vacation!

I'm glad its, Finally, August, Because, Now ,"We" Can All Go on Paid Vacations, Along with The President, and, The Congress!
Now, Lets see, where would You like to Go? "We" could all Take a Junket to Afghanistan, or, even Iraq, and Observe our Troops Fighting in Wars that The U.S. Congress did not Declare!
Or, "We" could All Go and Visit an Impoverished Neighborhood, Caused by Partisan Politics, Corrupt Banks, and, A Corrupt Financial System!

Paid Vacations are Great, aren't "They!" I'm Glad that Nothing Too Serious is Happening in the U.S., or, in The World!
And, I'm, also, Extremely Content, that U.S. Tax Payers are Financially Solvent Enough to Assume the Cost of Our Elective Officials Paid Vacations, aren't You!
Because, Let's Face it, "They" (the Infamous "They") have Worked, So Very hard, On Our Behalf to Correct The Breakdown of Our Economy, So that, Now, The Recession is Over! Right?
But, Wait a Minute, aren't Their Millions of Americans who have Lost Their Jobs, And, are, Still, Unemployed? And, Countless Numbers of Americans who have Lost Their Homes, and, They are, Still Homeless?
But, How Can that Be, if, The Recession is Over?
Oh, of course, It takes Longer to Re-Build the Job Market, Doesn't it?
But, didn't The U.S. Congress, and, The Obama Administration Pass The Recovery and Re-Investment Act, to Create New Jobs, and, Put an End to the Credit Crises!
Something isn't Right, or, Am I making this All UP!

I, Should be Overjoyed that The President, Our Commander in Chief, and, The U.S. Congress are on Vacation! Right?
Oh, that's Right "We" are Fighting in 2 Wars, Plus, The Global War on Terrorism. And, Our Troops are in Harms Way, aren't They!
So, No Wonder, I am Totally Fed Up with Our Governments Timing to Take a Vacation!
Actually, I, Can only Shake my Head in Total Disbelief, and, Frustration over The State of This Union!

I, Have an Idea to Pass along to You, Let's, (1) Either, Take a Vacation Next Election Day! Or, (2) Let's each of Us, Vote for a Neighbor who "We've" Known, or, Our Family has Known, and, Trusted, Instead of Millionaires, Billionaires, or Friends of Lobbyists, and, Wall Street! Now, that would Be Interesting, Wouldn't it!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers of this The Third Planet from The Sun, Let's, Non-Violently Demonstrate, Debate, and, Devote Ourselves to The Creation of A Real Change in Our Way of Life, that Free's Us from Being Manipulated, Conditioned, and Controlled By The Capitalistic Oligarchs who have Caused A Tragic Demise, and, Destruction of Our Way of Life, and, Sold Their Souls, in The Belief that War, Crime, and, Temptation Can Lead Them to Salvation!

Do Not Hesitate, Do Not Procrastinate, Do Not Wait a Second Longer!
Let us Be a Non-Violent Soul Force that Can Not be Denied, or, Prevented from Achieving Our Goals! Of Peace On Earth, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

Saturday, August 22, 2009



The Calling Planet Earth Music Festival will take place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 25th, 26th, and 27th of September, in Ninigret Park, Charlestown, R.I.

There will be More than 40 Acts Performing on 3 Stages from 11am 'til 11pm everyday!

This is a Family Friendly Event for Everyone to Enjoy!

The Festival is a Celebration of Music, & The New Millennium!
So, Come One, & All, from All Over this The Third Planet from The Sun to Share in The Calling Planet Earth Musical Celebration!

For more information, Go to;
And, to Purchase Tickets, Go to;

For more information

Friday, August 21, 2009



Calling Planet Earth


The word "Trust" is the Word that Most Americans are having difficulty in Attributing to any Political Party, these Day's. Think about it.
Whose Policies, do you most Believe in? Or, Do you Feel that any Political Party Has been Truthful, or Forthcoming?
And, it Doesn't Appear to Matter whether "They" are Conservative, Moderate, or Liberal, Republicans, or Democrats! And, Independents aren't Being Excluded from this Opinion, by Most Americans, as well.

It makes Sense doesn't it! Everyone has their own Agenda, Independent of what's Best for "We the People!"
And, if Recent Town Hall Meetings are a True Example of Public Opinion, Most Politicians are Not Looking Forward to the Next Elections! And, Rightfully so!
Once again "They", (the Infamous They) have Lied and Mislead us!
What Transparency, or Accountability has Really been Demonstrated by Our Elective Officials?
The Members of the U.S. Congress have Performed Miserably, in regards to Distributing Stimulus, and, The Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds, that were Supposed to Produce Jobs for "We the People," and, Re-build our Broken Economy!
Instead Unemployment is still in the "Nines (9.4 or 9.5)," Nationally, and, Higher than that in States, such as, Michigan, amongst others!
And, while our Banks are Fat with Cash, "They" are Reluctant to Share it with Americans who are in need!
These are the Same Banks that were Bailed Out by U.S. Tax Payers!
These Same Banks, only, Extend Credit when "They" are Guaranteed "They" will Make a Profit at Our Expense!
Does anyone Know what "We the People" are to Receive from Bailing Out these Banks! Normally, When you Purchase a Stock, you know what Profit you will make from it. So, What kind of a "Free Pass to Go," did Congress give these Banks?
And, Is there any Surprise that American Citizens, irregardless to what Age they may be, are Distrustful of This Corrupt, Broken Down Political, and Financial System that has Benefited the Capitalistic Oligarchs!
The Same Oligarchs, Who Continue to Manipulate, Mislead, and Use the Principles that our Forefathers, and Fore- mothers Gave their Lives to Protect, for Their Own Profit!

Terrorists are Freed because "They" are Dying of Cancer, after their Actions have Cost the Lives of Thousands, Worldwide. What Kind of Global System, and Political Maneuvering, Rewards Acts of Evil with such Generosity of Spirit?
"We" are still involved in 3 Wars! Have our Enemies Called for a Truce, to Conduct Global Peace Negotiations? Have our Enemies Decided to Return Prisoners of War, to Their Respective Countries, Homes, and Families?

Families All over The World are Experiencing , to Some Extent, or Another, Difficulties Due to the Global Financial Disaster! Isn't it Time that our Political, and Religious Leaders Came Forth as One, to Declare a Cessation of Taxes, and, Outlandish Profits by the Global Financial Institutions until "We the People" of this Earth are Healed from the Cancer of Greed, Lust, and Power, that has Stolen the Joy of Life from our Friends, and Families!

Once again, I say, Enough is Enough! How long do "They" want to "Suck us Dry,"
before "They" Finally get the Point, that "We" have had Enough of his Poisonous System, that Shows us "No Mercy," when "We" are Continuously told to "Turn the Other Cheek!" Are there Two Different Standards, and Values, of Life? One for the Haves, and, One for the Have Nots?

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever, and Wherever You Maybe Come Forth, Now! Make Your Voices Heard, Now! Take a Stand for Peace, Love, Equality, and Equanimity for One and All, Now! Before there is Nothing Left to Trust in!

Monday, August 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Why's Have It!

In this Day and Age, after all, "We" are in the Twenty-First Century, Is there a Valid Reason Why, There is Poverty? Or, Why should any Child, Born on This Planet, Have to Live in Poverty?

And, Why should Their Parents Have to be Concerned Whether or Not Their Children, or Any Member of Their Family, should not Receive a Proper Education, or Health Care?

And, Why should anyone Have to Worry about Losing Their Home, if, They, for Whatever Reason, Became Unemployed?

And, Why should anyone Live in Fear of Not Being able to Feed Themselves, or, Provide for Their Family should They, for Whatever Reason, Become Unemployed?

And, Why should anyone be Homeless, In this Day and Age?
And, Why should our Parents, or, Grandparents have to Worry about, How They will be able to Care for Themselves, or, Where They will Live , When They are Retired? Or, How They, or Their Family, Will be able to Pay for Their Interment?

And, Why is there any Reason for War, In this Day and Age? Haven't "We" Learned that War, can, only, Bring Death, Tragedy, Starvation, Deprivation, Homelessness, and, The Worst Kind of Human Rights Violations Imaginable, and, in fact, To All Sentient Beings?

And, Why Do "We" Continue to Murder, Assassinate, Create, and Build More and More Destructive Weapons? Haven't "We" Learned that these Weapons, can, only, Lead us Further and Further along The Path of Self Destruction, and, Total Annihilation?

And, Why is Crime, a Tempting, and Attractive Alternative to so many, Instead of All the Potential Benefits of Living in a Global Economy, That Thrives on The Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Principles of Free Enterprise?
Why does anyone Feel that, The only Way "They" can get ahead is by Stealing From Someone else, Their Life's Accomplishments, and Achievements, That They Have Worked all of Their Lives to Obtain?
Is, Living the Life of a Criminal more Rewarding than an Existence Based on Respecting One Another, and, The Principle of a Shared Prosperity for One and All?

And, Why do "We" Continue to Pollute our Planet, and, Rape it of All it's Natural Resources, Without Considering the Damage that "We" are Causing it?
And, How this Pollution Will, Most Definitely, Have a Negative Affect on Our Lives?

And, Why do "We" Continue to Throw Trash, or, Garbage of Whatever Size, and, or, Nature on to Our Sidewalks, Streets, Fields, Waterways, Mountains, and, Highways, When there are, Always, Somewhere, or, Another, within Close Proximity, Garbage Receptacles?

And, Why would anyone, In this Day and Age, want to Kidnap, Rape, or, In Anyway, Harm a Child, or, any Human Being?

The Why's are Many, They Touch my Heart, and Soul, Very Deeply!
They, often, Leave me Talking to Myself, and, Wondering Why, In This Day and Age, Does There have to be, So many Why's?

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Continue to Encourage Debate, Demonstration, and Discourse.
This is Not The Time to Remain Silent! There are Too Many who Depend upon us To Change the Face of this Planet, and, Bring Back its Smile.

This is The New Millennium, This is Not The Pre-Historic Ice Age, "We" do Not Need, So Many Weapons of Violence, when, There are So Many Peaceful Ways for Our Global Community to Thrive, and Evolve!
Let us Continue to be a Soul Force for Peace and Harmony, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All! For All Sentient, and Inanimate Beings!
This Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, Depends on us to Change the Why's to, There is No Reason Why there should Another Why!

Friday, August 14, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstrations,
& Non-Violent Discourse,
Is Good for The U.S. &The Global Community!

Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstrations, & Non-Violent Discourse over War, Health Care, Unemployment, Education, Poverty, Genocide, Crime, and, A Broken Financial System, is Important to America, and The Global Nations!

The U.S. of A. is Still a Very Young Country, by Historical Standards, and, Has an Unexperienced, First Term, President, with a Newly Installed Administration, and Congress who are Learning how to Run a Government. Plus, Learning How to Deal with, Extremely, Important Issues that have Seriously Affected Not only the Lives of American Citizens, but, The Lives of The Global Community as well! So, Debate, Demonsration, and Discourse is of Monumental Importance to All of Us!

What Continues to Be Destructive and Detrimental to "We the People," of the World Community is; (1) Partisan Politics, (2) Fear Mongering, (3) Sophists, (4) A Global Media, That Thrives on Using One Opposing Group Against Another, Purely to Create Higher Ratings, and Sales, Instead of Reporting the News, in an Unbiased Way, and (4) Capitalistic Oligarchs who Thrive on Creating Chaos, and then, Using it to Manipulate Our National, and Foreign Affairs for Their Political, and Financial Gain!

It has Been a Long time Coming, Since "We" have had Such an Intense Debate, Demonstration, and National Discourse, in the U.S. And, it has Come at a Very Timely Moment in Our Lives!
Why? Because "We the People" Have been Ignored, and Taken for Granted for Much Too Long!

And, Let Us Not Forget, That it was The Bush Administration that, Initially, Abused, and Misused Us, In the Name of Freedom, and Democracy! "They" Mishandled the U.S. Economy, and, the Multiple Wars that Our Children Fought in, and, Continue to Give Their Lives for, in The New Obama Escalation of War in Afghanistan and Pakistan! All of Which has Placed Our Nation in Debt!
It was The Bush Administrations Inaction, and Lack of Overseeing, that Fostered the Corruption, and Immorality that Brought Down Our Financial System, and, Caused White Collar Crime to Run Rampant in The U.S. Society. "They" (the Infamous "They") Manipulated the Rules, and Regulations to Support, and Condone Whatever New Ponzie Scheme that "They" Thought would make Them More Money, and Give Them More Power!
Wall Street, and The Banking Industry Should be Ashamed of Their Immoral Business Ethics, and Behaviour! Their Actions have Caused the Loss of Thousands of Homes, and, Placed Millions of Americans, and The Global Community, in Debt!
Education Suffers, Because of Their Lack of Ethics, Our Democracy Suffers, Our Families Suffer, and Our Way of Life Suffers!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Let us Continue to Promulgate Non-Violent Debate, Non-Violent Demonstration, and Non-Violent Discourse of The Issues that Threaten Our Lives, and, Those of Our Neighbors.
Do Not Expect Our Elective Officials to Do what is Best for Us, "We" have to Read All the Fine Print in Every Bill, that "They" Say, is Being Passed for Our Benefit!
For Much Too Long, "They" have Lied, or, Told Us Half Truths, and, "We" Must Hold Them Accountable for Their Words, and Actions!
If "They" Can Not, Truly, Represent "We the People," Lets Fire Them in the Next Elections, and, Give Them an Opportunity to Discover what Being Unemployed is Truly Like! Or, How the Loss of Their Health Care Benefits, Affects Their Lives, and The Lives of Their Families!
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, Whomever, and Wherever You May be, Let us Act as a Soul Force, For The Truth, For Peace, and One World, Indivisible, and United in Equanimity, Equality, and A Shared Prosperity for One and Al!

Monday, August 10, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Afghanistan, Obama's Shock from Grace!

Without a Doubt The New Escalation of War in Afghanistan & Pakistan may be President Obama's Shock from Grace! His Administrations Foreign Policy is Very Much Intertwined, Financially, and Politically in this War!

Now Known as Obama's War, or More concisely Obama's Vietnam!

However, it is the U.S. Governments Fiasco as well! When will the U.S. Government, now Controlled by the Democratic Party, Say No, to Sending More of Our Son's and Daughters to Die on Foreign Soil!

When will the U.S. Media start Reporting about the Re-Missioning of Our Troops to Afghanistan, after They've, Already, Spent 3 or 4 Tours of Duty in Iraq!
And, How Many More Times Can The U.S. Government Continue to Send Our Troops into Harms Way?

What is the Concept of this New Offensive on Our Part? To Drive the Taliban/al- Qaida Out of Afghanistan, and Into Pakistan? What Kind of Logic is that?
There are Nuclear Weapons in Pakistan!
And, For How Long can "We" Afford to Pay for this New Escalation?

Has Congress, Already, Forgotten that U.S. Unemployment is at 9.4%, and Homelessness Continues to Grow at Alarming Rates!
And, Health Care Costs Continue to Rise, while Our Hopes for a Real Change in the U.S. has been Dealt a Severe Blow by The Insensitive Policies of the Obama Administration!

"They" Still don't get it! American Citizens, on Main Street, and The Rural Roads, and The Nations Highways, are Unable to Care for Their Families, Even with 2 Parents Working!

Where are the Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Funds! The Banks have Received Their Bail Out/Stimulus Funds! Where are the Funds, Desperately Needed to Reinvest in America! "We the People" are the Pulse, The Heart, Soul and Backbone of This Great Country! Isn't it Time that "We" were Given Top Priority, Over The Financial Institutions, and Wall Street?

President Obama was Supposed to Be The Agent of Change! He was Supposed to Bring Our Troops Back Home! He was Supposed to Re-Build Our Economy, and Clean Up a Corrupt Financial System! He was Supposed to Unite Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to Cross Party Lines for the Benefit of "We the People!"

Well, Neither He, Nor His Administration have Done any of This! And, "We" Need More than Town Hall Meetings, "We Need Leadership that Respects, and Adheres to the Needs of A Government "Of The People, For the People, and By the People!" Not the Needs of A Capitalistic Oligarchy!

"We" Need More than Lofty/Eloquent Speeches! "We" Need Action Based on A Hands on Approach, in the Tradition of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi! Who were Great Non-Violent Peacemakers, Who Gave Their Lives for The People!

Its Time for New Leaders to Come Forth, Leaders Of The People, For The People, and By The People!
Last week, Fourteen More of Our Service Members Died in the Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan Wars! Before another Mother, or Father is Asked to Sacrifice Their Child, Lets Give Peace a Chance, for A Change in Our Foreign Policy!

A Change Must Come, However, Long it May Take. But, This Time Let it be based On The Principles of Peace, Technologically, Scientifically, Educationally, Philosophically, Spiritually, Politically, and Financially! A Peace Time Economy!
Its Time to Build Peace at Home before "We" Try to Change The World!"
Yes "We" can have a Strong Army, Navy, and Air force to Protect Our Borders, and Those of Our Global Neighbors, But, Lets Lead the Way by Demonstrating that "We" are Peacemakers, and, Believers in A Universal State of Global Equanimity, and Equality for One and All!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Lift up Your Voices, and Call Forth for A Global Non-Violent Peace Change, Now!

Friday, August 7, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Real People/Leaders of the Future

Let's hope that our Leaders of The Future are "Real People!"
Real People who know the Price of a Quart of Milk. Or, How much a Gallon of Gasoline Costs.
Real People Who Value Each Others Health, and Welfare.
Real People Who Understand the Value of a Good Education for Their Children, and Their Children's Children. And, Who Empathize with Neighbors, and Strangers who have Lost Family Members in Wars that were Unjustified, or Begun on False Premises, and, Still, They sent Their Son's and Daughters to Fight for The Country of Their Forefathers.

Real People Who Do Not Use Lies, and, Half Truths, to Sway Opinions in Their Way, or, to Gain Election to Government Positions, or, to Sell Newspapers, and Magazines, or, to Gain Higher Ratings for Their TV, Radio, Cable, Satelite, Internet Programs, or, Political Positions!

Real People Who, Still, Believe in The Principles, and Philosophical Ideologies of A Government of The People, For the People, and By the People!

Real People Who, Still, Remember and Respect Their Cultures, and Traditions, While, Still, Embracing the Universal Themes that We are One People of, this, The Third Planet from The Sun.

Real People Who Mow Their Lawns, Take Their Children to School, Repair Their Homes, Take Out Their Garbage for Pick Up Every Week, and Know The Real Value of Living in a Safe Neighborhood. These Individuals are The Backbone of Our Country, and, They should Be The Future Leaders of Our Nation!
Why? Because They have Not Lost Touch with Reality! They Do Not Need Lobbyists to Tell them what to Do! Or, What Policies, or Issues are Important to Their Welfare and Survival!

"We" need Real People Who Go to Work Everyday, or, Lose Their Jobs, if, They Don't. And, Who have to Pay Their Bills on Time, or, They Will Lose Homes, or Whatever Credit They have Left, after the Most Recent Credit Crises!

They Do Not have The Luxury of Making Their Own Money when The Economy is In Decline! Or, Borrowing Enormous Amounts of Money from Foreign Governments to Pay for Our Wars, and Deficits!

"We" need Real People Who Invest in Our Country, Everyday, Only asking that The Product They are Purchasing is of Good Quality, that They Can Depend upon! And, Not Part of Some Grand Foreign Policy Scheme to Gain World Dominance in Global Economics, or, in World Affairs! These Individuals are The Leaders of The Future that Our Country needs!

They are Women and Men, Who Care for the Well Being of Their Children, and Their Neighbors Children, Without Prejudice, and Know How to Shop at The Supermarket, Local Fresh Food Marketplace, Mall, and Bookstore, to Feed, Clothe, or, to Provide Food for Thought for Their Families! These Individuals Should Be The New Leaders of Our Country!
Why? Because They Know how to Balance Their Budgets, and Cut Back on Spending when They have to, Not like Today's Politicians who Bail Out Banks, and Financial Institutions, Leaving "We the People," Having to Pay the Debt!

While, The Same Banks, and Financial Institutions, that "We" have Bailed Out, are Reluctant to Provide us with Loans to Save Our Homes, and Our Families from Living in Poverty!

Everyday Real People are Fighting and Dying for Their County on Foreign Soil, While Their Families are Struggling to Survive at Home. Their is a Tragic Incongruity to this Way of Life.

And, that is Why "We" need an Evolution of Our Countries Political, Health, and Financial Systems. An Evolution Led by Real People, For The People, Of The People, and, By the People!

"We" must, Very Importantly, Understand that Living in a Capitalistic Oligarchy, Under the Guise of Democracy, Does Not Work, or Benefit "We the People!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever and Wherever You May Be,
"We" Don't have to Be College Graduates, Eloquent Speakers, Financial Experts, Religious Leaders, or Political Advisers, to Lead the Way to A Better World, and Fruitful Way of Life that is Beneficial to One and All!
The True Prophets, and Streetwise Poets, are Real People just like You and I!
So, Continue to Speak Out, and Stand Up, in the Name of Peace, and A Forthright Truthfulness, and, In the Name of "We the People!"

Monday, August 3, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

War & Politics

It Deeply Saddens me to Report that An Additional Ten More American Soldiers Died in the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars! And, to add to that, 52% of U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Iraq/Afghanistan have been Diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injuries!
And, Then, add to that, the Tens of Thousands of American Soldiers who have Been Wounded in Battle, and You begin to Wonder what Price the U.S. Government Places on the Lives of our Son's and Daughters?
And, Then, add to that, by Christmas 2009, there will be approximately 60, 000 U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan to participate in President Obama's New Escalation of War.
It makes you Think, Is there No other Way to Obtain Peace on Earth, than War?

And, while our Soldiers are Fighting in an Endless Cycle of War, and, while Millions of Americans do not have Health Care,the U.S. Congress is taking a Summer Vacation Break!
It makes you Wonder just how Serious, and Sensitive our Elective Officials are to the Economic, Health, Political, and Personal Concerns of "We the People!"
While "They" (the Infamous They) are Enjoying Paid Vacations, Millions of Americans are Unemployed, 9.5%!

And, Why did "They" The Pass Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Only to Distribute 10 to 20 per cent of it, since February.
The Banks have Received Trillions of Dollars in Bail Outs, so, the Question is;
Why haven't "We the People" Been Bailed Out?
This Abrasive Abuse of our Sensibilities has Gone On for Much Too Long! "We" have had to Put up with a Corrupt Banking, Political, and Financial System for Much Too Long! And, Enough is Enough!

And, the New`Administration Continues to Compound the Effrontery to us by Not Even asking us, if "We" want Another Escalation of War, "They" just Do it!
Isn't this a Government of The People, For the People, and By the People!
And, Aren't "We" Entitled to an Opinion on whether "We" would like to send our Children to Fight in Another`War on Foreign Soil.

On our Part, "We" are Faced with a Choice to Remain Silent, while our Lives are being Manipulated and Given No Choice, but, To Do what our Government tells us, is Best for us, or, To Speak up, Demonstrate, and Vote Them Out of Office, if "They" Do Not Listen to us!
"We" Can Not afford to Allow Another Generation of Americans to Be Conditioned to Believe in False Promises, and the Destructive Policies of our Elective Officials, and their Party Leaders! Who "We" Elected to Bring our Troops Home, Re-Build our Economy, Improve our Health Care, and Preserve our Environment!

And, On Another Note, Why do "We" have to Constantly Remind them that there are 2 million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S. and Tens of Thousands of Americans who have Lost their Homes, Due to a Corrupt Banking, and Financial System!
"They" should Know this By Now, and, "They" should Be Working Overtime to Correct this Horrendous Situation! Have "They" No Conscious, Have "They" No Shame!
How Dare "They" take Vacations at this Critical Time Period in our Countries History, and In Our Lives!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Whomever You are, and Wherever You May be, Do Not Be Lulled into Complacency by the Summer Sunshine.
Stay Active, and Continue to Engage the Policies of Capitalistic Oligarchs whose only Concern is what the Bottom line is, and, How Much "They" Can Profit at Our Expense!
And, Let us Continue to Build a Bridge of Peace that is Everlasting, and a Nexus of Understanding Between Us, that is, Both, Evolutionary and Eternal!