Sunday, March 22, 2015



The Way To Peace! #250

"The Social Media and Cross-Media Universe have Created an Immense Cloud of Communication and Information, Worldwide," that "Compliments and Feeds the Global News Blitz!" Instantaneously, "Providing The News with a Body of Visual Evidence of Occurrences, Taking Place All over the World!" Even, "Giving Witness to Controversial and Criminal  Affairs!"
And, "For the Most Part, Freely Given sans Payment!" And, In a Lighter Vain, "Its, also, a Way of Traveling All over the World, via The Internet!"

However, "Let's always Remember that Direct Communication is Just as Important, in This Age of Ever Growing Internet/Online Relationships and Continued Technological and Scientific Evolution!"

And, As "We Continue to Evolve into This Vast 21st Century Cloud of Global Data Bases and Super Computers, Let Us, also, Continue to Balance out This Cross-Media and Social Media Universal State of Being" with "A Hands on Approach," to "Find New Solutions to The Myriad, Diverse Conditions that Need Immediate Attention!"

"The Answers are there for Everyone to See," and "The Evidence is Clear and Transparent!" 
"Just Ask" a Resident of Appalachia, if The Republican Budget (that Prescribes approximately 5.5 Trillion Dollars in Spending Cuts and Interest Savings over the Next 10 Years) or, The Present Strategic Focus of The Fed, or, Whether or Not the Speed that the U.S. Economy is Improving at, is Improving The Financial Conditions of Their Lives!

"Just Ask" Any Citizen in The U.S., if They Would like a Federal Reserve Rate Hike! Patience is a Word that The Citizens of the U.S. have had to Adhere to For at the least 7 Years or More, Economically, While Wall St. Continues to Reap Increased Profits! 

"Just Ask" a Family Living in Their Car, if The Loss of The Affordable Healthcare Act, Would Provide Them with a Sense of Security, in Their Lives!

"Just Ask" the Veteran who has Served Her or His Country Responsibly, if Not Heroically, if They Feel that Their Politicians have Served Their Country Responsibly! And, What They Feel about The Direction and State of The World today!

"Just Ask" Any Family that has Lost a Relative Due to Gun Related Violence, if They Would like New Gun Reform Legislation to Be Passed! 

"Just Ask" The People of The World, if They Would like Their Sovereign Nation or The United Nations To Agree to Making A Declaration that "Authorizes A Global Military Action against Radical Extremist Terrorist Syndicates," who have Committed Unspeakable Atrocities, War Crimes and Genocide! In Light of the Recent Collapse of the Republic of Yemen, in the Middle East, and, the State of Libya, in North Africa, and, also, the Ongoing Conflict in Syria and Iraq, this UN Declaration of Global Military Action against Radical Extremist Terrorist Syndicates, Worldwide, Grows Evermore Exponential!

"Just Ask" The People of The World, if They Would like a Successful Outcome to the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, United Kingdom, United States, China, France, and Russia, plus Germany), Negotiations with Iran, in Regards to Its Nuclear Program!

"Just Ask" NATO or EU Leaders, what They Feel about the More than 100 Russian Aircraft that, it has Been Reported, have Probed, Buzzed, or Violated The Borders of European Nations, and, at times, Flying Dark (turning off Transponders) that Can Be Dangerous to Civilian Air Traffic!

"Just Ask" World Leaders, if a Two State Agreement between The State of Israel and The State of Palestine, Would Be a Positive Step Towards Achieving Peace in the Middle East! 

"Just Ask" a Middle Class Family, or, a Single Parent, if, a Raise in Hourly Wages Would Be of Benefit to Them!

"Just Ask" the College Student if, the Continued Rise in Student Tuition's is a Motivational Incentive for Them to Go to College!

"Just Ask" a College Student or Low Income Employee, if A Higher Minimum Wage is Needed!

"Just Ask" the Labor Force, if They Feel They Received More Job Security with All the Trade Treaties in Place, or Future Trade Treaties that are Being Proposed!

"Just Ask" The People, if They Trust The Banking System, or, if They Believe Their Politicians are Creating Positive Legislation that is Beneficial To The People!

"Just Ask" Doctors without Borders, if They Feel that Political Partisanship is Helpful to Caring For the Poor and Destitute!

"Just Ask" The People, if They Trust, or, are Satisfied with Law Enforcement, and, or Their Courts of Law!

"Just Ask" The People, if They Feel that They have been Given The Same Opportunity to Succeed and Achieve Their Goals in Life, as Have The Privileged Few! 

"Just Ask" The People, if They Feel that They have Been Treated as Fairly as The Banks and The Global Financial System, During This Time Period of Financial Reconstruction of The Global Economies!

"Just Ask" The Resident of An Area that has Been Severely Damaged by a Hurricane, Tornado, Cyclone, Earthquake, Drought, Forest Fire, or Natural Disaster, whatever its Nature Maybe, if They Feel that Climate Change, and Earth Warming, is Real!

"Just Ask" the Millions of Refugees who have been Displaced from Their Homes and Living in Camps, if Their Welfare and Living Concerns are Being Given The Same Sensitivity and Consideration as Being Given to Dictators!

"Just Ask" the Parent who has Seen Their Child Bullied to The Point of Committing Suicide, or the Parent who has had a Child Killed because of The Color or His or Her Skin, or, Because of the Way of Life They Adhere to, if Profiling, and Racism Still Exists!

"Just Ask" The People, if They Believe that The Worlds Religious Leaders are Doing Enough to Educate, Instill and Inspire a Feeling of Trust and Empowerment that Uplifts The Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls of The People!

"Just Ask" a Woman, if She Feels that She Should Be Receiving the Same Wage for Doing the Same Work as Her Male Counterpart!

Here "We are in The 21st Century," with "All the Examples of What Not to Do, Clearly Written Down in History Books, or Filmed and Recorded for Our Consideration!"

And, "It is within Our Power to Truly Create a Global System Of, By, and For The People that Truly Empowers All The People!" A Global Vision of Equilibre Of, By, and For The People that Embraces and Respects The Rights of All The People to Live in Peace! Out of Reverence For All The People of This Planet Earth!
By Simply, "Making sure that Our Children are Taught How to Live in a Civilized World!" And, "Have Been Provided with An Empirical Knowledge, Born from True Experience," that "Enlightens, Educates, and Brings Honor and Awareness into Their Lives!"
"An Omniscience of Profundity that is Graced by a Parallel World of Love, Trust, Freedom, and Friendship!"

And, "Let Us Not Be Coerced, Manipulated, or Fooled by The False Rhetoric of Lobbyists, Super PACs, Partisan Politics, or Partisan Ideologies!" 
"Let Us, Instead, Interdependently Vote with Our Intellect, Conscious Awareness, and Rational and Spiritual Compassion For The Betterment of Our Fellow Human Being, and The Sanctity of All Sentient Beings and The Earth, Skies, Seas, and Universe" that "We Inhabit with All The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos!"  

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "As Our Social Media and The Cross-Media Universe are Saturated with Political Announcements," "Let Us Choose Rightfully with What is Best For The World and The Inviolable Soul Strength and Spirit Of The People!" 

And, "Let Us Continue to Build a Bridge of Unity and Peace that Transcends All the Clouds that Circumvent Our Globe!"
"Resulting in An Earthrise of Ultimate Achievements Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace and Security On Earth!