Sunday, March 1, 2015



The Way To Peace! #248

"In Times of Global Turmoil and Sociological Disquiet and Unrest, Leaders of The Worlds Nations Must Step Forward in The Name of People, International Law, Justice, and Peace!
The Cross-Media News Blitz and The Social Media have Revealed Videos and Photos that Should have Moved the Consciousness of Any World Leader!"

"The Photos and Videos of Refugee Camps Filled to The Point of Overflowing with Millions of Families, Should Be Enough to Propel Any World Leader to Coalesce in The Name Of The People against Any Radical Terrorist Syndicate!"

The Photos and Videos of Impoverished/Destroyed Neighborhoods, Should Be Enough!

Photos and Videos of Homeless Children, Should Be Enough!

Photos and Videos of Innocent Victims Being Held Hostage by These Radical Extremists, Burned Alive, Beheaded, Tortured, Killed and Placed in Mass Graves, Should Be Enough!

Photos and Videos of Sacred Cultural and Spiritual Objects Being Destroyed or Stolen, Should Be Enough!

Photos and Videos of The Sovereign Nation of Ukraine Being Invaded from within and without by Pro-Russian  Separatists! All the While, The Cease Fire is Continuously Being Violated, and The Death Toll Continues to Rise!
"(The Murder of 55 year old, Boris Nemtsov, a Prominent Russian Opposition Leader and Critic of President Vladimir Putin, and Advocate for The Rights of Russian Citizens, is Another Casualty of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine. 
Mr. Nemtsov was One of The Organizers of "The Spring March Protest against The Russian Government," that Took Place on Sunday, the First of March, in Moscow, Where Tens of Thousands of Demonstrators Marched Together, Some who were Courageously Holding Signs saying, "Boris, we will continue your work," and, Others Bravely Holding Signs that Read, "I'm not afraid", and "Heroes don't die, and these bullets target each of us." 
Mr. Nemtsov was also Reported to Be Working on a Report that He Believed would Prove that Russia was Directly Involved in The Separatist Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine, last year!" 
"He was Shot to Death just Before Midnight, on Friday, the 27th of February, only a Short Distance away from The Walls of The Kremlin, as He was walking Home after Dinner, with His Companion, 23 year old, Anna Duritskaya, a Ukrainian Model, when "the Coward," who was Waiting in Hiding, Shot and Killed Him," and then Escaped in a Passing Car! "The Russian Interior Ministry" also Reported that Mr. Nemtsov's Companion, Anna Duritskaya was unharmed)"
"Our Sincerest Condolences go out to Mr. Nemtsov's Family!"   

Let's Be Absolutely Clear about this, "The World is at War," with "Attacks Taking Place in Multiple Global Locations, from Boston to London, and Paris to Copenhagen and Syria to Iraq, Spiraling althroughout The Middle East, and Striking at Soft Targets Worldwide, and Killing Innocent Victims!"

And, "As New Threats Continue to Arise," "There Can Not Be any Doubt about this," "This is The Time for Leaders of The World to Coalesce and Unite Around The Principles of Freedom, Peace, and Justice For All The People of The World, Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth who are Believers in The Right of Each and Every Person to Live without Violation of Their Person or Their Rights to Believe and Live in Peace!"  

"This is Not A Political Issue, It is a Declaration of Being for All Interdependent Sentient, Conscious Aware People, who Choose to Live in An Age of Peace!"

And, "So, This is The Time For For Good to Triumph over Evil," and, "The Time For A Global Comity of Leaders and Nations Beginning with;" Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister David Cameron of The United Kingdom, Pope Francis of Vatican City, Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom, President Francois Hollande of France, President of The European Commission  Jose Manuel Barroso, Michael Khodorsovsky of Russia, President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, Ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerard Schroeder, (Chairman of The Board of The Nord Stream AG), Igor Sechin Head of OAO Rosneft, Secretary General of The United Nations Ban Ki-moon, President Barack Hussein Obama of The United States, President of China Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani of Iraq, His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama Of Tibet, President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden, King Abdullah II of Jordan, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Of Saudi Arabia, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, President Mamnoon Hussain of Pakistan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Of Israel, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair of The United Kingdom, Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, Former Presidents William Jefferson Clinton and James Earl Carter Jr. of The United States, King Felipe VI of Spain, President Fouad Massoum of Iraq, President Mahmoud Abbas of The State of Palestine, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain, President Pranab Mukherjee of India, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran, Emperor Akihito of Japan, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of The Episcopal Church (US), Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt Of Denmark, President Recep Tayyip Erdogah Of Turkey, President Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Of The United Arab Emirates, President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Prime Ministers, Presidents,"To Agree to Defend and Protect The Right Of The People to Live in Freedom and In Peace!"
(The Inability of The U.S. House of Representatives to Pass a Spending Bill (already passed by The U.S. Senate) that Fully Funds The Department of Homeland Security will Be Remembered as One of The Most Embarrassing, Inept, Ignominious, Inexcusable, and Unconscionable Moments in U.S. Politics! 
The United States and Its Coalition Allies are Engaged in A State of Global War against Terrorism, and, Threats were Made upon The U.S. by Radical Extremists, just Last Week! 
What Message is The House Of Representatives Sending Out! This is Beyond Comprehension! 
(I Can only Imagine what Generals Eisenhower, Patton, and MacArthur would say! Or, Can You Imagine what U.S. Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, or Ronald Reagan would say!)

And, "Whether or Not, You are A World Leader of Finance, Religion, Politics, Partners For Peace, OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), NATO, G7, G20, The UN, or The Global Military Industrial Complex, If Your Name is Not on The List, It Does Not Mean that You are Any Less Accountable or Responsible for Establishing An Age of Peace On Earth!" 
"Nor, are You Any Less Responsible or Accountable" for Preventing and Shielding "We The People," from Further, Vicious Acts of Terror Being Committed by Radical Extremists, Whomever or Wherever They May Be on This Planet Earth!"

"This is Not The Time to Give in, Pullback, or Hesitate, for one nanosecond, When Faced with These Evildoers!" "When Everyday They Continue Their Acts of Cultural, Religious, Racial, and Ethnic, Genocide!"

And, "This is Not The Time To Be Manipulated, or Fooled again by False Rhetoric, Lies, or Coercion, When Diplomatic Peace Dialogues are Being Engaged in!" 
"Stand Strong in Purpose, and in Safekeeping and Providing Security For Our Beliefs and Way of Life!"
And, "Stand Firm and Resolute in Defense of "We The People!"

"For Those of Us who Lived Through The World Wars, Undeclared Wars, Global and Regional Conflicts of The 20th Century, This is Like Deja vu," and "We" have "No Desire," whatsoever, "To Re-Live or Endure The Negative Experiences and Past Aggressions, once again!"

"This is The 21st Century and Time For The World Powers To Build A Global Infrastructure that Provides Economical, Intellectual, Spiritual, Psychological, Emotional, Physical, and Sociological Empowerment For All The People!"
"An Earthrise Illuminated Vision Path Of, By, and For The People that Our Fore Fathers and Fore Mothers would Agree to," that "The Grand Experiment of A World of Global Equality, Opportunity and Justice For One and All, and Financial Satisfaction and Parity are Attainable For All The People!" "A Global Policy of Equilibre of Earthly and Universal Dimensions!"

"The Lives of so Many have Led The Way Through The Ages and Illuminated Our Lives, and Inspired Us!" "Men and Women who Gave Freely of Themselves, Unselfishly, to Empower, Enlighten and Guide Us!" And, "Their Names Continue to Provide Us with A Feeling of Sanctuary and Safe Harbor, Truth and Understanding, Togetherness, Friendship, Love, Equilibre and Unanimity!"
And, "Their Names and Actions Continue to Resonate althroughout The Cosmos and In Our History Books," As A Great Synergy of Pure Omniscience and Resounding Universal Axioms; "Jesus Of Nazareth, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, Siddhartha Gautama, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Socrates, Confucius, Charlemagne, Moses, Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King Jr., Clara Barton, Rumi, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mohammad, and Rabindranath Tagore!"
 "These Illuminated, and Celebrated Individuals," amongst "Many Others who've Followed in Their Path," "Should Be The Light that Guides Us through Dark Times and Chaos, Destruction and Segregation!"

And, "In This Age of Instant Global Communication," "It Should Be Obvious that Political and Religious Divisiveness Can Not Unite Us!" (Such as the Political Divisiveness that the Visit of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Of Israel, is Causing, When He Visits the U.S. this Week, while Engaged in His Own Re-election Campaign! He was Invited by Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner, a Member of the Republican Party, to Address the U.S. Congress, without the Approval of President Obama! The White House has called Speaker Boehners Invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu "a Breach of Protocol! This Should Be a Time of Unity amongst Our Coalition Allies and World Leaders!)

And, "As The Advent of Another Series of New Elections Comes upon Us," "Let Us One and All Pay Close Attention to The Politicians who care Solely for Their own Fame and Fortune!"
"We The People" Need Elected Officials Who "Care about Creating Legislation that Empowers The People," and "Employment and Free Education For The People!" 
And, "We Need, Elected Officials "Who Believe in Equal Opportunity and Justice, For All The People!" 
And lastly, "Who are Dedicated to Uphold All Our Laws, Social Codes, Fundamental Principles, and Established Precedents of Our Constitutional Rights, Of, By, and For The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Expand and Focus upon A Strategic Agenda that Leads The Way to; (1) The Reality of A Peacetime Economy, 
(2) An End of Poverty, 
(3) Free Education and Universal Health, 
(4) Economic Parity, 
(5) Environmental Awareness and The Consequences of Climate Change and Earth Warming, 
(6) Electing Politicians who Create Legislation that Supports, Empowers, and Protects The Tenets of, "We The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Sacred Earth of Ours, 
(7) And, The Continued Spiritual, Cultural, and Universal Evolution of The Heart, Mind, Intellect, Spirit, Emotion, Body and Soul Of The People to Achieve a Sense of Oneness and Wholeness, Interdependently, in Their Lives!"  
For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age of Peace On Earth For Our Children and Our Children's Children For Generations to Come!

And, "In Memoriam," The Month of February has Shown Us "How Vulnerable We are," and "How Precious Life is," with The Passing of 73 year old, Bob Simon of CBS 60 Minutes, who Died in a Car Crash on the West side Highway in NYC, and 58 year old, David Carr, The New York Times Media Columnist, who Collapsed in the News Room and Died in the Hospital shortly thereafter,  and 83 year old, Actor, Film Director, Poet, Photographer, Singer, Sci-fi Icon, Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek, Died of an End-Stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease! 

And lastly, the 7 Innocent People whose Lives were Taken away from Their Families by Another Series of Senseless Acts of Violence,  Last Thursday Evening, February 26th, in Tyrone, Missouri. 
The Murderer, Joseph Jesse Aldridge, 36, went to at least 4 Homes, within a 3 mile area, and Killed 7 of His Neighbors, including Several of His Own Relatives, and Wounding Another, Before Finally Taking His Own Life! 
The Innocent Victims were; Garold Dee Aldridge, 52, His Wife, Julie Ann Aldridge, 47, and, Wayne Aldridge, 50, and His Wife, Janell Arlisa Aldridge, 48. The Names of The Other 3 Victims were Not Identified by Law Enforcement Officials. Who also said that, "They Knew of No Motive for These Killings," although, the Natural Death of The Gunman's Mother, that Same Evening, May have something to do with His Violent Acts Towards His Relatives and Neighbors!

Once again, Our Most Sincerest Condolences go out to The Families, of this Small Community of approximately 50, whose Lives have been Violated by Yet Another Act of Violence!
And to, The Families of Bob Simon, David Carr, and Leonard Nimoy! May You All, Rest in Peace!
(Please take note that we have already Reported on the Brutal Deaths of Hostages, held Prisoners by ISIS, in Previous Blogs)