Saturday, March 7, 2015



The Way To Peace! #249

"These are Very Sensitive Times For People All over The World to Be Experiencing!" 
There are Many amongst Us, Who Would like to Divide Us and Manipulate Us to Do Their Bidding! Or, Quite Simply, Control Us and Condition Us to Bend to Their Wishes through The Use of Force, Fear, Intimidation and Terror!

"The United States has had Its Own Share of Terror in the 1960's (and Actually has Known, and, or, Experienced it for Centuries before)," and, Today is The Anniversary of Such an Occasion,  "The 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday!" Which was "One of The Most Brutal and Frightening Attacks by Southern Segregationists against The Civil Rights Movement, the U.S. has Ever Known!" And, "To Compound this Horrific Offense, It was Carried Out by State Troopers!" And, Captured on Television for The Whole World to Witness!

"This Brutal Attack Occurred on The Edmund Pettus Bridge (named after a Grand Dragon of The Klu Klux Klan) in Selma, Alabama," "When The 1965 Voting Rights March," Led by SNCC's (Students Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) John Lewis (now a Highly Respected Member of the U.S. Congress) and SCLC's (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) Hosea Williams, Amelia Boynton (who was Beaten Unconscious), and SCLC's Director of Direct Action, James Bevel, plus approximately 600  SNCC and SCLC Civil Rights Activists, attempted to March from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery!"
"These Activists were Tear Gassed and Beaten with Billy Clubs until They were Forced to Retreat from The Bridge and Find Safety wherever They Could!" "Unarmed Women and Men, who were Participating in A Non-Violent Demonstration, were Beaten without A Moments Hesitation, or Consideration, and Shown Absolutely No Mercy!"

Today, The Whole World is Witness to a President of The United States of America, who is of African Descent! 
President Barack Hussein Obama Jr., the 44th President of The United States of America, was Born of a Bi-Racial Family (His Father, the Late Barack Obama Sr., was of African Heritage, of an Ethnic Group in Kenya called the Luo, and His Mother, the Late Stanley Ann Dunham, was of English and Irish Ancestry)!  

And, Today, The Whole World is Witness to the 82nd United States Attorney General, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. who is, also, An African American (His Father, Eric Himpton Holder, Sr. was Born in Saint Joseph, Barbados, and His Mother, Miriam, was Born in New Jersey)!  
"The Symbolism of These Two Men is of The Greatest Significance, Especially in lieu of The Racial History of The United States of America!" 
However, "They are Just Two of The Many Government, and Civilian Leaders who are of Diverse Ethnicity in the United States!" "Which Demonstrates How Far the U.S. has Evolved from its Days of Slavery, to Become The Great Nation that It is Today!"

But, "There is Still Much to Learn and a Great Deal to Do," First of All, "We The People," "Must Ask More of Our Law Enforcement Officials, and Elected Officials," if, "We are to Continue to Evolve, Grow, and Develop into An Age of Equality, Freedom, and Justice For One and All!" Because, "They (Our Police Officers and Law Enforcement Officials) Must Learn through Extensive Training and Respect to Impartially Protect the Lives of The Innocent," whom "They have Sworn to Protect and Serve," just, "As Our Elected Officials were Elected to Serve as Government Representatives Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, "We Must Ask More of Our Religious, Military, and Business Leaders," if, "We are to Continue to Evolve, Prosper, and Develop into An Age of Equality, Freedom, and Justice For One and All!"
Because, "They Must Learn through Extensive Training and Respect to Dedicate Themselves to Protect, Defend, and Empower The Lives" of "We The People," who have "Invested in, Supported, and Given Our Lives in The Name of Peace and Freedom to Uphold and Defend," such as; "(1) Free Enterprise, (2) Free Speech, (3) Religious Freedom, and (4) The Success of The Global Markets and The Worlds of Banking and Finance!" 

And, "We Must Ask More of Ourselves," if, "We are to Continue to Evolve into An Age of Equality, Freedom, and Justice For One and All!" "Learning to Show Respect for One Another, irregardless of Race, Creed, Gender, Nationality, or Color!" 

But, "It Will Take a Continued Commitment, Dedication, and Determination, on Our Parts, to Defend, and Demand that Our Leaders Defend, Our Tenets, Principles, and Moral Values of Life!" And, "Remain Committed to Building A World that Our Children and Future Generations Can Be Proud of, Believe in, and Trust in!"

"The United States has Accomplished A Great Deal to Be Proud of since March 7, 1965," However, "It Took A Great Deal of Pain and Suffering to Reach This Point in Time," and, "It Could Not have Happened without The Great Effort and Sacrifice of  Millions of Civil Rights Activists and Advocates, Led by John Lewis, Martin Luther King Jr., His wife Coretta Scott King, Reverends Ralph Abernathy, and Jesse Jackson, Activist, Pastor, and Diplomat, Andrew Young Jr., Rosa Parks, and Countless Numbers of Others," that "History has Recorded and, Will Be Remembered, Studied, and Admired Through out The Ages!" And, "Now Given Further Permanence in Our Lives by The Social Media of The 21st Century and The Global Cross-Media News Universe!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Remember that with Each and Every Purposeful Step Forward, along Our Earthrise Vision Path, Of, By, and For The People, Towards The Accomplishment of Our Goals," "To Continue to Make Our Voices Heard, Loud and Clear, by Singing the Anthems of Peace, Freedom, Equality, and Justice For One and All," Whenever and Wherever, "We May be Threatened by Injustice, Oppression, Fear, Terror, or War!" 
"Anthems that Will Be Forever Etched in Our Minds, Spirits, Hearts and Souls," "We Shall Over Come," sung by Mahalia Jackson or Joan Baez, "Give Peace a Chance," sung by John and Yoko, "Whats Going On," sung by Marvin Gaye, "Blowing in The Wind," sung by Bob Dylan, "For What Its Worth," sung by Buffalo Springfield, and "If I Had a Hammer," sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary or Pete Seeger!"
For, This to, Is The Way To Peace and An Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace On Earth!