Sunday, February 15, 2015



The Way To Peace! #247

"The First of Two Deplorable and Deadly Attacks, in Copenhagen, Denmark, that Caused The Deaths of 2 of Its Citizens, and The Wounding of 5 Police Officers, began Saturday afternoon, February 14th, before 4 p.m., and, the Second, Occurred just before 1 a.m. Sunday Morning!"  
It has been Reported that a 22 year old young man, Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, "Born and Raised in Denmark was The Perpetrator!"

The First Attack, Took Place at A Special Event entitled, "Art, Blasphemy, and Freedom of Expression" at The Krudtttoenben Cultural Center, in Copenhagen, where "55 year old Filmmaker, Finn Norgaard, was Killed, and 3 Police Officers were Wounded!" The Perpetrator Escaped!

"Attending the Special Event Promoting Free Speech was French Ambassador Francois Zimeray, and Swedish Artist Lars Vilks, who is Believed to have Been The Primary Target!"
Mr. Vilks, 68 years old, has had "Previous Attempts on His Life," (one plot was planned by an American Woman, 2 Years ago), Because of His Drawings/Caricatures of The Prophet Mohammad!

"The Second Attack was Outside of A Synagogue in Copenhagen," where a "37 year old Guard, Dan Uzan, was Killed, and 2 Police Officers were Wounded," While a Bar Mitzvah was in Progress!

"The Murderer was Eventually Found and Killed at A Railway Station, in The Noerrobro District," Which is near The Locations of The 2 Attacks!  

At the Moment, "Two Other Suspects have been Arrested!" and, The Head of PET, Danish Intelligence, Jens Madsen, "Revealed that Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein was Previously Known by the Danish Intelligence Service and had a Criminal Record!" 
And, "It has been Reported that the 22 year old Swore Allegiance to ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in His Facebook Page!

Our Hearts, Minds, Spirits and Souls go out "To All The Families who have Lost a Member of Their Family, or had One Injured, During These Attacks!"  "The Depth of Their Sorrow Can Not Be Imagined!"

And, "Now a Militant Extremist Group in Libya," called "Tripoli Province" (Affiliated with ISIS) have "Released a Video Showing The Mass Beheading of 21 Coptic (Coptic means Egyptian) Christian Hostages," who had Been Held in Captivity since December! 
"The Hostages, Captured in The Libyan City of Sirte," in December and January, were "Working as Laborers!"
"The Egyptian Government and Coptic Church, in Egypt, have, both, Confirmed that The Video is Authentic!" 

To Say that, "We The People, Sovereign Citizens of This Earth,"  have "Become More and More Involved in "The War Against Terrorism,"  "Would Be An Understatement!"
And, Whether its called "Overseas Contingency Operation" or Whatever, "The Nations of The World are Being Threatened by Terrorist Syndicates, Covertly or by Direct Invasion of A Sovereign Nation!" 
And, Whether or Not the U.S. Congress Passes a Resolution or Declaration of Authorization for President Obama (call it whatever You Want), Pertaining to "This Fact of Global Warfare," that "Has Become, and Is A Direct Threat to The Freedom of Each and Every Citizen of The World," "The U.S. Congress Must Act!" Now! 
This is "Not The Time to Take a Vacation," or "Set up Another Committee to Examine the Strategies and or The Political Ramifications of Military Engagement!" "The Nations of The World are At War, Now!"  
And, "The Time to Act is Now, in Full Concert with All The Civilized Nations of The World who Believe in Peace and Freedom!"

"It is Impossible Not to Know what is Transpiring at Any Place in The World," from The Continued Attacks by Pro-Russian Supported Separatists in Ukraine, (In Direct Violation of the New Cease Fire that was Orchestrated and Agreed to by Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and, Pres. Barack Obama of The U.S.) to The Atrocities Committed by Boko Haram, ISIS, AQAP (Al-Qaeda in The Arabian Peninsula), and Al Qaeda!

All that, "Any Politician has to Do," is Check out "The Internet," or, Any of "The Myriad Resources of The Social Media" or "The Global Cross Media News Blitz!" "And, "You will See, (for Yourselves), An Act of War, Terrorism, or Act of Heroism!" 

"These Acts" are "Not Based on False Political Rhetoric!" There are "No Smoke and Mirrors!" "There are Pictures and Films of Hostages Being Beheaded or Burned Alive,"and, or "War Crimes Being Committed by One Terrorist Group or Another," (some Victims who were Simply Innocent Bystanders, who were in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time)!

And, "There is Documented Evidence of Mass Graves, Committed by These Evil/Dishonorable Syndicates of Terror!" And, "Refugee Camps Holding Millions upon Millions of Families" who "Have Been Displaced from Their Homes and Families!"

"These Evil Syndicates of Terror, Rape, Kidnappings, and Sex Trade, Continue to Openly Oppress and Subjugate Their Fellow Human Beings without Conscious, or Hesitation!"
And, "It is without a Doubt of What Their Full Intentions are," "They would Deny Us Our Freedom to Live in Peace, and Suppress Our Right to Live As A Free People/ Citizens of This Civilized World!"

"They have already Threatened Our Right of Free Speech and Freedom of Expression, As have Been seen by Billions of Citizens All Over The World," "Whether it Be from Paris to Copenhagen!" Or, "from Jordan to Libya!"
And, "These Radical Extremists are Recruiting and Planning Acts of Violence to Intimidate and Create Fear in The Minds of We The People!" "In A Blatant Attempt to Subjugate Us to Their Wishes!"

And so, "Those of Us Who Look Forward to Seeing Our Children, and Their Children's Children, Living in An Age of Peace, and Global Equilibre Economically, Spiritually/Religiously, Politically, Sociologically, Educationally, Emotionally, and Intellectually," "Call upon All The Financial, Civilian, Political, Religious, Military, and Spiritual Leaders of The Civilized World," Truly, "All who Believe in The Right of One and All to Live without Fear of Being Coerced and Threatened to Give up Our Rights to Live as A Free People," "We Call Upon You to Stop Your Quibbling!" 
"Understand" that, "It Does Nothing But Create False Political Rhetoric, Revealing Nothing But Selfish Egos, and Ill-Timed Aspirations to Achieve Greatness, at The Expense of "We The People!" 

And, "We Call out" To " The U.S. and Its Coalition Partners, The United Nations, Partnership For Peace, The European Union, NATO, The Nations of North and South America, Africa, Asia, The UK," Truly, and Emphatically, "We Call upon All The Nations of The World to Stand Firm and Resolute when Confronted by The Ugly Face of Global Terrorism!" 

It is Obvious that,"There Can Be No Peace On Earth, or Stability in Our Markets, Security in Our Cyberspace, or Safety in Our Universe until The Psychological, and Political Rhetoric of Radical Extremists and Their Military Forces are Defeated, and Their Syndicates Destroyed!" 

"This Grand Experience/Enterprise Of The People, By The People, and For The People," has "A Great Opportunity to Evolve into An Age of Unlimited Possibilities!" 
But, "The Tenets of Honor, Respect, Trust, Justice For One and All, Must Evolve in Parallel with The Technological, Scientific, Financial, Religious, Political, and Military Institutions!" 
And, "There Can Not Be Any Disparity between People that Would Cause Them to Feel Left Out, or Disenfranchised!" 

No Matter Who You are, "It is of The Greatest Importance and Responsibility For Us, One and All" to Live As Interdependent, Non-Violent, Cooperative Partners of The Human Race!"
And "Through Peace Dialogues, Diplomacy, and The Sharing Of Ideas," Resolve Our Differences!"

Yes, "Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Sit ins, Concerts, Rallies, Documentaries, Music, Films, Dance, Emails, Texts, and Elections are All a part of Our Freedom to Express Ourselves and  Share What Our Concerns and Differences of Opinions May be, as Individuals or En Masse!"
However,  All These Non-Violent Acts, Can United Us," "As A United People of This Planet Earth, Who are Enjoying The Fruits of Life, and Thriving As A Society Of, By, and For The People, Empowered by A Peace Time Economy," of Which, "We Can, One and All, Be The Beneficiaries of!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, This is The 21st Century,  But, "Let Us Always Remember that Being A Pragmatist Does Not Always Solve Our Problems."

Let Us Always Remember that There are Times when Being An Activist, is The Vision Path to Take, If "We" are to "Reach Our Potential of Being An Age that is Fully Engaged in Innovation and Change that is Beneficial to One and All!"
"Motivated and Inspired by Peace and Opportunity that is Beneficial to One and All!"
And, "Acts of Charity and Empowerment that are Freely Shared with One and All, by One and All!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace and Security On Earth!