Friday, April 3, 2015



The Way To Peace! #251

"As Springs Flowers and Trees begin to Blossom into A Rainbow of Multicolored Hues and Fragrances," there are "Still a Few Reminisces of the Seemingly Endless Snowfalls and Cold Temperatures Remaining, along, with Raging Thunder Storms and Tornadoes, in the Central Time Zone of the U.S.! And, As "We Await the Advent of the Blood Moon in All Its Splendor, and, In Eager Anticipation of A Total Lunar Eclipse," the Global News Blitz Continues to Focus It's Spotlight on Local and World Events!

 And, "Today the Spotlight and Focus is on What May Be A New Season of Hope," and, also, "A Change in Global Perceptivity that Will, Hopefully, Replace the Feelings of Distrust that Exists between the Nations of The World, and, In and Amongst The People of The World!"
"The First Step in that Direction is A Result of the Commitment and Dedication of The P5+1 (France, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, plus Germany) and Iran, to Limit Iran's Nuclear Program, and Find Solutions to the Differences that have Existed between The EU, the U.S., the U.K., Russia, China, Germany, France, the United Nations, and Iran, over Its Nuclear Program," and, "Has Caused Severe but Necessary Sanctions to Be Placed against the Iranian People!" 
And, "A Preliminary Agreement has Come to Bear Fruit!" Of which, "The P5+1 and Iran, have Until the 30th of June, 2015, to Work Out, All of the Details!" 
"A Working Outline has Been Accepted and Tentatively Agreed to, by All of the Negotiating Countries, Reducing Iranian Stockpiles by 98%, and Reducing Centrifuges by 2/3rds, Including a Breakout Time of One Year, and U.N. Inspectors Will be Given Access to Examine Iran's Nuclear Chain, and, also, Be Granted the Right to Conduct Continuous Surveillance of Specific Facilities and Suspicious Nuclear Sites!" "There is No Doubt that These Negotiations will Grow even More Intense, as They Grow Closer to Their Agreed upon Deadline," However, "Lets Celebrate this First Step in The Process!"

And, "It is a Welcomed First Step," and "A Positive Step Forward Towards Providing A Safe Haven For The World, We Live in!" "Especially in Light of the Continued Terrorist Attacks that have Occurred, Worldwide!"
"Beginning with, the Horrific Massacre of More than One Hundred and Forty-seven People, at Garissa University College, in Garissa, Kenya, Targeting Christian Students, was a Premeditated, Evil Act by Radical Extremists, who have No Conscious or Honor!" 
"One Soldier, Two Police Officers, and Two Watchmen were, also, amongst Those Who Lost Their Lives, and Seventy-nine People were Wounded (Four al-Shabab Gunmen Strapped Bombs to Themselves, but, Exploded when the Kenyan Officers Shot at Them, Killing Them Instantaneously)!"
"Whosoever Allies or Associates Themselves with These Radical Extremists is Causing A Grave Offense against Their Fellow Human Being!" And, "In fact, All They are Doing is Allying Themselves with Cowardice, and, All that is Reprehensible and Immoral!"

"This Terrorist Attack," in Addition to; (1) the Twenty-one People Killed at The Bardo Museum in Tunis (Tourist from Poland, France, the U.K., a Tunisian Woman and Tunisian Soldier, were also Killed in the Attack)," and, (2) "the Reported Kidnapping of Approximately Five Hundred Children by Boko Haram, in Damasak, Nigeria," and, (3) "At least Seventeen Hotel Guests were Killed in Mogadishu, Somalia, along with one Soldier and Twenty-eight Wounded (the Somali Ambassador to Switzerland, Yusef Bari-Bari, was also Amongst those who were Killed, along with the Six Militants associated with al- Shabab, who were Killed by Somali Soldiers), and, (4) "In Istanbul, Turkey, a Prosecutor was Taken Hostage in An Attack upon a Courthouse, by the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party Front-Line of Turkey, While Prosecuting a Case that Involved the Death of a Fifteen Year Old, who was Killed in a Gas Attack by the Police!"
"The Prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz Died from His Wounds (the Gunmen were Killed by Security Forces)!" 
And, (5) It has been Reported that, on Wednesday, An Attack Occurred on Istanbul's Police Head Quarters, by Two Assailants! The Woman Assailant was Killed and the Wounded Male was Captured by the Police!   And, lastly, "Two Women, who are American Citizens, living in Queens, New York, were Arrested and Charged with Plans to Build a Bomb, in a Months long Undercover Investigation!" The Undercover Investigation Revealed that the Two Women Intended on "Targeting Military or Government Sites!"

These are, "Just a Few of the Recent Terrorist Attacks, by Militant/Extreme Radical Syndicates, and Their Associates/Initiatives, that have been Perpetuated against Innocent Women and Men!" 
Which is, "All the More the Reason For a Military Campaign Authorized by The United Nations, and Supported by All the Sovereign Nations of The World, Who Believe in Justice, Security, and, the Defense and Freedom of All the People of This Earth, to Become Immediately and Aggressively Engaged in a Global Offensive against these Radical Extreme Groups Wherever They May Be!"

"These Syndicates Must Never Be Given the Slightest Iota or Perception of Being in Control!" "They Must Be Hunted by A Joint Effort of Global Intelligence Agencies," "Putting to Good Use the Satellites and Technological Devices that These Agencies have at Their Beckon Call!"

"These Radical Extreme Groups have Declared War on The Children and Parents of The World!"
And, "They have Declared War on Our Religious and Cultural Heritage!"
And, "They have Absolutely No Scruples or Compunction When It Comes to Taking Innocent Lives!" And, "They Must Be Stopped, Judged, and Sentenced in The International Court of Justice For Their War Crimes against The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!

And, "This Would Be A Propitious Moment in Time For Iran to Join with The World Community to Bring A Just and Lasting Peace to The People of The World!"
And, "Intercede wherever Possible, by Engaging in Honorable Peace Dialogues, with Militant Extremists, and Terrorist Syndicates, in The Name of Peace On Earth!"
And, "Join Hands with The Worlds Communities, as A Trustworthy Advocate of Justice and Peace!"

"Propitious Moments in Time Should Never Be Taken Lightly when They Arise!" 
"These are The Moments that History Records as Being Providential, Golden Moments in Time that Become Bridges of Respect, Promoting A Comity of Nations that Embraces and Gives Hope to One and All!" Giving Birth to, "An Age of Prosperity For All Nations, and All The People of The World!" An Earthrise!

And, "This May Be, just, Such a Time Period," and, "A Time For The Middle East to Enter into Peace Dialogues and Find Solutions," to "End the Mistrust and Divisiveness, that Has and Continues to Threaten Millions upon Millions of Lives All Throughout The Region!" 
"A Time to Come Together in The Name of All The People," and "Thrive as Members of The Earths World Community, in A New Golden Age of Peace!"

"And, Let This Be a Golden Example," and "A Learning Example, For All Warring Factions on This Planet Earth," that "a Diplomatic and Non-Violent Approach to Resolve the Differences that Exist amongst Us, Can Lead to A Successful Result, if All Parties Involved are Sincere and Understand the Principles of Discourse and Compromise!"
"The P5+1 and Iran are to be Congratulated for Taking The First Step Towards Establishing Trust in Each Other!" But, "Make No Mistake, The World is Watching!" "This is Your Opportunity to Achieve A Golden Moment in Time!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Before a New Season Comes Full Tilt into Our Lives, There are Still Inexplicable Questions, that Go Unanswered, Some Caused by, Seemingly Inexcusable Reasons," Such as; "Why was it Necessary for the Washington State Police to Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Mexican National 17 Times!"

"On February 10th, 2015, Antonio Zambrano-Montes was Accused of Throwing Rocks at Cars in a Busy Street Section, in Pasco, Washington," and, "When the Washington State Police Arrived, It is Reported that, He Ran away, Resisting Arrest!" But, "When He Turned and Proceeded to Throw Rocks at The Police who were Chasing Him, The Police Shot Him 17 Times!" 
"Is Pasco to Become Another Ferguson," But, "This Time For the Latino Community, in The U.S.!"
The U.S. Department Of Justice, has Begun Investigations in this Act of Violence!

And, "Why was it Necessary for a White Police Officer, Michael Thomas Slager, 33, to Shoot and Kill An Unarmed Black Man, Walter Scott, 50, in the Back, Following a Routine Traffic Stop, in North Charleston, South Carolina!"
"The Shooting took Place on Saturday morning, April the 4th, 2015, When Officer Slager Pulled Mr. Scott over because He Had a Broken Taillight!"
"When Mr. Scott began to Runaway, at First, Officer Scott Shot Him with His Taser (an Electronic Stun Gun)," but, "When that Did Not Stop Mr. Scott, Officer Slager Shot Him in the Back," and then, "Cuffed His Hands behind His Back, while He Lay Face Down, on the Ground!"

The Coroner told Chris Stewart, the Attorney for the Scott Family, that "Mr. Scott was Shot Five Times, Three Times in the Back, Once in the Upper Buttocks, and Once in the Ear, with at least One Bullet Entering His Heart!"

There are "Several Unanswered Questions here," Such as; (1) Why Did Mr. Scott Try to Escape (Which Unfortunately We Will Never Fully Know), but, "The Most Important Question is, Why was it Necessary for Police Officer Slager to Use Lethal Force!"
"Police Officer Slager is Being Charged with Murder!"

"This Entire Affair was Filmed on Video by a Bystander!" And, "It Clearly Shows the Police Officer,  Firing His Weapon at the Unarmed Man as He was Running away!" "But Again, Why was it Necessary to Use Lethal Force!"
The Supreme Court has Held that An Officer May Use Deadly Force against a Fleeing Suspect only When There is Probable Cause that the Suspect "Poses a Significant Threat of Danger or Serious Physical Injury to the Officer or Others!"

"The U.S. Department of Justice, and The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, The State's Criminal Investigative Bureau, and The F.B.I. have All Begun Investigations!" 

As in the Shooting of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, in Washington State, on February 10th, 2015, "This Shooting was Captured on Video," and, It Clearly Demonstrates just "How Important the Social Media and Cross-Media Universe have Become!" 
And, "How When Used in A Positive Way, It Can Provide An Invaluable Service to The Global News Coverage, and Law Enforcement Officials!"

And, "Let Us, always, Remember that The Pursuit of Justice Must Never Go Unheeded or Ignored!" 
For, This to, is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace and Justice On Earth!