Tuesday, December 2, 2014



The Way To Peace! #243

Once again, "Winters Cold and Cascading Snow Flakes Drape Our Landscapes!"  As "Autumns Leaves Continue to Fall o'er The Earth leaving Our Tree's in A Naked State of Grace!" 
And, As "The Changing Horizons," and "The Skies that Hover above Us," Change Colors from White to Gray, with "Clouds Resembling Magnificent Shapes of Cumuli, Cirrus, and Stratus Formations to A Clear Blue," Embrace Them, "The Foretelling of A New Winters Season has Begun!"
And, I must admit that I am looking forward to this "Season to Be Jolly," "In spite of The Continued Lack of Perception" that "Exists amongst Our Law and Order Officials that Causes Parents to Feel Fear for Their Children," in this The 21st Century, "All Because of The Color of Their Skin" and An Ugly Word "Profiling!"

"Too Many Children have been Killed," Because of "One's False Perception of who They are!"
 It Might be "Because of Their Clothing Attire!" Or, It Might be "Because of (Their Slang) The Way They Speak!"  However, "These Acts of Violence (self defense?) have "Continued to Plague Our Societies," For Much Too long! And, once again (as in the 20th Century), "It's Time For There has to Be a Long Term Concerted Effort" to "Train Our Law Enforcement Public Servants and Courts of Law to Understand" that "A Change in Perception Must Come!" (The Obama White House/Department of Justice Initiatives are a Step in The Right Direction)

"The Pain that A Parent Feels at The Loss of A Child is Excruciatingly, Beyond Comprehension!" And then, "To Think that His or Her Death Might have been Averted," is "Extremely Difficult to Endure!" And, "The Anguish, Agony, and Desolation of it All," has to "Last for a Lifetime!"

"Preventative Measures to Stave Off thoughts of Fear Must be Taught in Law Enforcement Academies!" 
"How to Understand and Appreciate Our Sociological and Cultural Differences" "Must be Taught in Our Schools and Homes!"  
And, "Lawful and Non-Violent Demonstrations," that are "Necessary to Express Our Outrage Must be Taught as An Academic Course in Our Schools," and, "As A Way of Life in Our Homes!"

"A Change in Perception Must Come," in Our Courts, in Our Grand Jury's, and Wherever Judgements are Made To Validate Our Beliefs, Re-Build Our Trust in The Law, and Give Credence to Our Freedom and Our Principles!" And, "Protect Us," "We"..."The People," "from Harm, and Discouragement in The Law Enforcing Procedures" that "We Depend on!"
(the Grand Jury Decisions in the Michael Brown Case in Ferguson, Mo. and The Eric Garner Case in NYC are Clear Examples of The Reasons For All The  Distrust that is Building amongst "We"..."The People," Directed Towards Our Law Enforcement System and Its Officials! And, Lets Not Forget The Trayvon Martin Case in Sanford, Fl.)!

"A Change in Perception" that is Born and Bred in The Reality that "We"... The People" are "One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth" and thus, "Our Lives are To Be Respected," and "Not Taken for Granted by Anyone," Whether They be, "Priest, Rabbi, President, Queen, King, Prince, Princess, Prime Minister, Anyone!" "Too Much has been Taken for Granted without Due Cause!" Too Many Incidents have Occurred," where "Someone has Acted without Thinking First!"

"On a Macro scale," You can See, "How Leaders have Acted Without Concern for the Lives of The Citizens of Another Sovereign Nation! And, "We" have Seen, "How Religious Extremists have Taken Innocent Lives Without Concern of What The Consequences May be!"

What are "We Teaching Our Children?"  Is this, "The Future that "We Would have For Them!" Have "We Not Seen Enough Violence to Last For An Eternity!"  

"How is Each New Generation to Understand" that "They are To Be The Soul Force of A New Global Configuration of Peace and Equilibre," if "They Do Not Witness it" by "The Actions of Their Parents, Peers, and Elders!"
And, "How are Our Children to Understand" that "Our Schools and College Campuses are For Learning and Maturing!"
"Learning to Appreciate and Experience Students of Different Cultures, Different Creeds, Different Ethnic Groups, Different Religions, and Different Genders," if "We," Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do not Demonstrate that Same Respect To Our Fellow Human Being!"

If "We" Who are Their Parents and Elders, "Do Not Show Reverence For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings!" 
And, if "We Do Not Show The Proper Respect For This Planet Earth and Great Cosmos," that "We" are, but, "A Small Part of!"
"The National and Local News Reportage" about "The Number of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses is Alarming!" And, "The Acts of Bullying and Violence, also, of Deep Concern and Dismay!"

"Each Generation has a Part to Perform as The World Evolves" into "A New Global Configuration of The 21st Century!" "Just as A Change in Perception" "Must Accompany The Training and Education of Our Law Enforcement Officials, Court Lawyers, and Judges!"

And, "Before Anymore Innocent Lives (or Property is Destroyed or Damaged) are Lost to Unconscionable Acts of Violence," "Activist Groups and Advocates of Law and Order and Peace," "Need to Teach, by Showing Restraint," when "Demonstrations, Marches, or Sit ins, are Mobilized to Place Emphasis on Their Ideas and Causes," in "The True Tradition of Martin Luther King's Non-Violent Civil Rights Marches," and "Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha Movement," "All across This Earth of Ours," from Ferguson, Ohio, to Hong Kong ("Fragrant Harbour")!"
("The Hands up Gesture" by The 5 Players of The St. Louis Rams is "A Positive Symbolic Example of The Type of Non-Violent Acts of Solidarity" that are Needed (with The Ferguson Protesters), and has "Empowered A Non-Violent Movement in The U.S." 
And, "More of Such Non-Violent Acts and Events are Necessary," if, "We" are "To Evolve and Move Ahead as A Great Society Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" Whether it Be "To Protest against Poverty and Homelessness or Justice For One and All!")

And, "It is of The Utmost Importance" For "The Global Cross-Media News Services and The Social Media" to "Show Peaceful, Non-Violent Events," Whenever and Wherever They May Occur! 

"A Change in Perception" is Necessary, "Wherever Social Issues are Being Discussed or Enacted upon!" 
And, "Public Service and Charitable Work Must Be Encouraged" in The Tradition of "The Peace Corps, Doctors and Nurses without Borders, and Mother Teresa," if "We"..."The People" are "To Rise Above The Indifference that, at Times, Clouds Our Vision," When "We" are "Faced with New Challenges that Impede Our Ability to Help Another Human Being!"

However, With Great Perseverance, Meaningful Purpose, Courage, Determination, and Soul Strength, "We"... "As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth," "Will Rise to A Higher Ground," "In Fused with An Evolutionary and Sociological Awareness," that is "In Parallel with The Inspired Technological, Scientific, Communication, and Information Age of Innovated Evolutionary Achievements!"

And, Now that The Global Cross-Media News Blitz about The AEC, G20, and E3/E+3-Iran Talks are behind Us! And, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has Resigned (Signalling that The U.S. is Officially Engaged in A War on Terror, and is Taking President Vladimir Putin's Acts of War and Syria more Seriously), "T'is The Season To Be Jolly" has Returned to My Mind! 

And, "It is Helpful" when I see Lauryn Hill's Smiling Face, (a College Student from Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio) Who is Suffering from An Inoperable Brain Tumor, "Getting Her Wish to Play Basketball in The NCAA!" "Her Courage and Strength of Character is Definitely on Display," when She is Reported as Saying, "Why Give up on Life? Why Not Keep Going?" Lauren Definitely Represents An Extraordinary Profile in Courage!" 

And, It's also Uplifting to Hear The Re-Recording of "Do They Know its Christmas" being Sung by "a New Coalition of 30 Artists who Generously gave Their Time and Effort to this Meaningful Project to Come to The Aid of The People of West Africa," who are "Still Suffering from Ebola" (originally the song was recorded to raise funds to fight the Famine in Ethiopia in 1984, and was, also, Assembled by Bob Geldof)!

And, of course, There is "the Picture of a Young Boy (12 year old Devonte Hart) and A Police Officer (Portland Police Sergeant Bret Barnum) Hugging each other," at "A Ferguson Related Rally in Portland, Oregon)," that "Sent a Passionate Message around the Viral World!" 
And, While "It May be A Small Step Forward," It is Still "A Positive Symbolic Image of Compassion, at a Time, "When there is Such A Lack of Trust in The Streets and Neighborhoods of Our Communities" "Towards The Members of Law Enforcement!" 

And, "The Out Pour of Help," Offered to "Devon Stills 4 Year Old Daughter, Leah," Who was Diagnosed with Pediatric Cancer, is also "A Powerful Reminder of The Great Heart, Mind, Soul, Spirit, and Compassion of Our Society!"

And, The Joyous Faces of The 2 Americans (Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller) and Their Families when "They Returned Home of from Being Held Prisoners in North Korea!" 

And, The Successful Lift Off NASA's Spacecraft Orion's Test Flight from Cape Canaveral, Fl. (Ushering in a New Era of Space Exploration in The U.S.) and The Landing of The European Space Agency's Philea lander on the Rosetta Spacecraft  on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko are, Both, "A Positive and Exciting Example of The Potential of  "We"..."The People," and, of What lies ahead of Us in the 21st Century! "All of which I am Enthusiastic about!" 

"We" have but "To Reach Out to Each Other and The Universe" and "Have The Courage to Rise above The Conditioned Realities that have Divided Us" and "In Full Realization of The Challenges that Lie ahead of Us Join Together as A United People of This Planet Earth!" 
"This is Not Impossible to Do, if You, But, Believe that "You Can Do it!"

And, So, "As We Enter into A New Season of Winter," "In spite of The Chaos and Discord in The World," "Let Us Build," Instead, "A World Society that is Rooted in A Universe of Unanimity and Purpose that is Beneficial to To All Human Kind!"

And, To All The Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Accomplishing Our Goals to End Poverty!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals of An End of Homelessness!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Work Towards Our Goals of An End to Social and Financial Disparities On Earth!" 

And, "Let us Continue to Work Towards An Earthrise of Hope, Compassion, and Belief in A World of Reverence and Respect For The Lives of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings, Existing in Harmony and Equilibre with Each other!"

For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience Age of Peace On Earth!

Monday, November 3, 2014



The Way To Peace! #242

"As A New Holiday Season Begins to Enfold Us, Including a Cross-Media Universe of Sports Entertainment," and "Black Friday Begins a Month Early!" 
And, "As Religious, Political, Financial and Military Leaders of The Earths Global Economies Ponder about "What will Be the Fate of The Worlds Global Economies" during "This Holiday Time Period," and Whether or Not "We will Be Actively Engaged in A War Against Terrorism/Extremism," or "Temporarily Enjoying a Diplomatically and Economically Driven Cease Fire" and "Season of Peace on Earth!"

And, "As Midterm Election Campaigns in The U.S. Attempt to Attract The Interest and Votes of Every American Citizen of Voting Age!"

And, "As The Global News Media Blitz continues it's Non-Stop Reportage of Social Issues and World Affairs," and, "As President Vladimir Putin's Directives Authorizing Russian Armed Forces to Continue to Test NATO and The European Union's Resolve and Commitments, by Dispatching More than Nineteen Combat Aircraft and Bear Strategic Bombers into International and European Air Space over The Baltic Sea, North Sea, The Black Sea, and The Atlantic Ocean Last week, and, in addition,Two Russian Bombers flew Close to Great Britain," in each instance, Wherever the Occurrence took place, "It Forced The RAF, Royal Norwegian Air Force, The Turkish Air Force, and Portuguese Air Force to Scramble and Intercept them" (Totaling more than One Hundred Times for this Year) "Bringing A New and Unwelcome Tension to This Region of The World!"
(No Matter what Reason these Russian Aircraft were Dispatched, Military Maneuvers, etc. "They Must File Flight Plans," and "There is No Excuse" for These "Not so Subtle Acts of Provocation by The Russian President")

And, "As Boko Haram continues to Violate The Rights of Two Hundred Nineteen Young Women, after Kidnapping them," have "Now Announced that These Young Women, who were Students going to School to Achieve an Education," have "Now Been Converted to Islam and Married," to whom? "This is an Act of Barbarism!"
"I Do Not Understand" why "The Western Industrialized Nations Do Not Use Their Spy Satellites to Locate These Young Women, and Release them, and Capture Boko Haram!"

And, "As ISIS continues to Violate the Human Rights of Every Citizen of The Middle East," by "Their Attempts to Force Them to Submit to their Extremist and Barbaric World of Violence under Threats of Be headings, Rapes, and Tortures, of which, "They Will Not Succeed!" 

And, "As The Forty-three Kidnapped Students in Mexico Still Remain Missing, and Their Families Suffer in Their Absence," "The World is Watching, Wondering, How Can this Happen!" And, "Why has it Happened!" Whatever the Reason is "These Innocent Children Must be Found and Returned to The Loving Embrace of Their Families!" And, "The Perpetrators Must be Found and Punished under the Sternest Penalty of The Law!" 
"There are Too Many Children who Have Been Abducted!" "The Signs are Posted in Retail Shops, on Poles and Walls, or Wherever the Photos Can be Seen," with One Word, "Missing" Written above "The Face of a Beautiful Young Child!" 
And, again, "Why" haven't "The Western Industrialized Nations Used Their Spy Satellites to Locate Down These Kidnapped Children and Their Kidnappers!"

And, "As Our Brave Soldiers, Doctors, Nurses, and Volunteers Honor the Oaths They've Taken to Care for Those of Us who have been Struck down by Disease" in West Africa, "Sadly and Ashamedly," there are "Those who Act without Honor, because of Political Ambition and Political Ideologies," to "Take Advantage of this Situation!" "Have They No Honor, Have They No Shame!"

And, "As The Tragic Accidents of Virgin Dialectic's Shuttle and The Rocket made by Orbital Sciences Corp," Commissioned by NASA, are "Seen Exploding in a Furious Display on The Nightly News," It Further "Demonstrates the Cost of Space Exploration in Human Lives through Trial and Error!"

And, "As The End of QE3 by The Federal Reserve," will be "A Test to The Slow Economic Recovery in The U.S.," and, "As The Attempt to Prevent Citizens of The United States from Conducting Their Constitutional Right to Vote" will be "A Test of The Democratic Values of The United States!"

And, "As The Leaders of The State of Israel and The State of Palestine" continue to "Test the Sincerity of each others Resolve to Find a Peaceful Resolution to The Impasse that has Threatened The Limits of Diplomacy and A Future of Peaceful Co-Existence between These Two Nations!"

And, "As The Hong Kong/Umbrella Revolution continues to Stand Firm and Resist the Intimidation posed by China!"
And, As "Indian and Chinese Troops wage a Stand off in The Himalayas"....."Let Us Take a Moment Away from This Global News Media Blitz" to Focus on "The New World Configuration that has Encompassed Us!" For "The Innate Character and Evolution of This New World Configuration of" "We"..."The People" is at Stake!" "All Thought of Hope and Peace is at Stake!" And, "Our Thoughts and Beliefs of What is of Integral Importance to Our Fellow Human Being, is at Stake!"

"There have been Times in The Past" when "In spite of All the Great Intentions to Change The World to Make it A Better Place For Our Families to Live in," "A Multitude of Critical Challenges have Tested Our Personal Resolve, Fortitude, and Strength of Character to Overcome and Transcend The Negativity or Adversary that Barred Our Way!"
"The Test" was For, "We"..."The People," Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth to Act, "As a Great Collective," "A Great Soul Force of The Truth" and "Rise up to Confront The Evil, Unjust, Immoral, Vile, Dishonorable, Corrupt and Perverted Enemy that Faced Us, and Threatened to Destroy Our Homes and Families!"
In such Moments, "We"..."The People" Called upon "An Inner Strength," and, "It was of The Greatest Importance to Remember and Be Guided by The Ideas, Thoughts, Words and Actions of The Women and Men that History has Singled out," "As Great Souls," "For Their Vision, and The Paths" that "They Chose to Take," "Paths that were Empowered by A Great Collective Of, By, and For The People!"

Moments such as (1) The Salt March, Salt Satyagraha, A Non-Violent Protest Led by Mahatma Gandhi, Led The Way To Indian Independence! Bapu (Called so Out of Great Love and Endearment) Inspired All of India as well as Civil Rights Movements All over The World! He was Truly A Great Soul and Visionary! 
(2) The Founder and First President of The American Red Cross, Clara Barton, who Cared for The Injured during The Civil War in The United States, and Collected Food, Medicine and Clothing for The Troops, and Challenged the Barriers that Restricted Women from Helping The Wounded in Field Hospitals that were Restricted to Using Solely Male Staffs, and Who was a Supporter of The Women's Suffrage Movement!
(3) Jesus of Nazareth who Taught His Fathers Gospel of Love and Truth, and Who Healed All who Came to Him Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically, and were in Need! Who came into The World to Save Sinners! And, by His Own Example Changed The World For Future Generations to Come!
(4) Socrates who Taught Us the Meaning of The Truth! 
(5) Nelson Mandela, who Became South Africa's First Black President, Fought and Successfully Put an End to South Africa's Apartheid System! Madiba Never gave up Trying to Make a Better World for His People, and Achieve Human Rights that were Honorable and Just! 
(6) Mother Teresa who Dedicated Her Life Caring for The Poor, Homeless, and Lepers! Mother Founded The Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and also Won The Nobel Peace Prize! 
Many Believed Her to Be much More than a Nun in Her Lifetime! And, There is No Doubt of Her Saintliness! 
(7) Siddhartha Gautama Taught Us The Middle Way, and Encouraged One and All to Follow A Path of Balance! Siddhartha Taught that The Eight Fold Path Led Us to A Self Awakening and Liberation! And, He Transcended the Conditioned Reality to become a Great Mahayana! 
(8) And then, There is Confucius and Lao-Tzu, Who led by Their Axioms of Confucianism and Taoism, whose Philosophies and Teachings Provided Guidance to Their People and A Way of Life to Follow!
(9) And, in a Time when Civil Rights Abuses Occurred on A Daily Basis in The U.S., A Voice spoke out and said "I have a Dream" and through His Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement and Great Soul Strength, Helped to Put an End to Segregation in The United States! 
Prior to Malala Yousafzai,  Martin Luther King Jr. was the Youngest Person to Win a Nobel Peace Prize!

"The List is Limitless" filled with "The Names of Philosophers, Peacemakers, Prophets, Military, Spiritual, Religious, and World Leaders who have Inspired and Guided Us" from Muhammad to Moses, and Charlemagne to Rumi, Mary to Melchizedek, St. Francis to Tagore, Mary Magdalene to Zoroaster, Lincoln to Susan B. Anthony, Churchill to FDR, Eisenhower to De Gaulle, and "On and On The List goes Including Women and Men of The 21st Century who've Displayed Great Presence of Character, Compassion, Integrity, and Equilibre," and "Have Gone Beyond the Call of Duty" in Defense of "We"..."The People," and "All The Freedoms that "We Enjoy!"  

And, "There is No Reason to Doubt" that "We"..."As a Great Collective Soul Force Of Peace, Justice, and Freedom, and Protectors of The Rights of Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of This Planet Earth," "Have Naught to Fear!"

And, "Common Sense" Tells me, that "This New World Configuration Of, By, and For The People," while Fraught with Anxiety, Terror, Disease, and Disparity between Classes of People, "Still has Great Character, Integrity and Purpose! Vision and Awareness! Enlightenment and Compassion! Soul Power and Conviction! And, Hope For The Future!" And, "An Earthrise of Great Magnitude For "We"..."The People!"

Peacemakers, and Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Utilize All The Resources of This Age of Communication  and Information to Continue to Encourage and Empower The Global Policymakers of Equilibre, Common Sense, and Social Security For All The People!" 
For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!

Monday, October 13, 2014



The Way To Peace! #241

There has been "A Static Buzz" Resonating across The Universe of The Global News Media like "A Media Blitz!" And, you don't have to be "A Genius, or Take Neuro3x" to Know that The World is "Slowly but Surely" Moving Forward into A Time Period of War Time Cognizance and Resistance! And that, also, means "A Return to War Time Economies," which is "Not Good for Today's Strategies for A Global Economic Recovery!" Which by "Today's Economic Standards" is "Not Good for The Global Markets," "Nor, in fact, is it Good," for "We"... "The People!"

However, as I listen to Marvin Gaye's Anti-War Anthem "What's Going On," in my mind, I know that if I "Simply Apply Some Common Sense" to This New World Configuration, "Common Sense Tells me," that "The Time is Past Due" for "The Global Military Industrial Complex of A Grand Comity of Nations to Come Together," and "Act Forcefully to Pursue and Eliminate any Thought by Extremists" that "Their Goals" can be Achieved by Mass Murder, Be headings, Kidnappings for Ransom, or Violence of Whatever Nature!" 
And, This Applies Directly to Religious or Political Extremists, or Political Leaders with Imperialistic Desires and Impulses, Imperialistic Oligarchs, Organized Crime and Drug Lords, or Sex Traffickers!

"It's Time for "A New Comity of Global Leaders and Their Nations" to "Use The Global Force of The Military Industrial Complex, Empowered by Diplomacy, and Common Sense To Lead The Way!" 
"We" are Existing in The Second Decade of The Twenty-First Century and "Common Sense Must Prevail!" "Fear Must Not Deter Us!"

"Those of Us who Lived through The Atrocities of War Committed in The Twentieth Century," "Have Seen what Can Occur if You Do Not Act, Immediately, when Faced with Evil Acts of Aggression," "Directed against One's Fellow Human Being!"
And, "History has Taught Us" that, "There Can Be No Hesitation" when being "Confronted or Attacked by These Evil Acts and Atrocities against Humanity!"
This is a "Simple No Brainer," "Act Now! And, "Always Remember" that "Common Sense Must Prevail in The End!"

And, "In All Issues of Religious or Political Extremism, Terrorism," or "Imperialistic Threats Towards Coercing or Directly Threatening The Rights of Any Sovereign Nation or People to Live in Peace," "The Global Military Industrial Complex Must Come to The Immediate Defense of These Nations," and "We"... "The People!"

Chapter VII- Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, "provides for the right of Countries to Engage in Self Defense, including a Collective Self Defense, etc." and "While this Pertains to Members of The Security Council, "it also has been Used in "Support for An Independent Nation," even though "They May Not be a Sovereign Nation or Member of the UN Security Council!" 
And, I Believe that, This argument "Should Be Used to Enlist The Support of All the Nations of The World to Come to the Defense of All The People of The World and Their Right to Live in Peace!" "Free from Being Intimidated, Oppressed or Negatively Conditioned by Dictators, Extremists or Terrorists!"

However, "It Must be Clearly Understood" that "An Enlightened State of Global Equilibre Of, By, and For The People Must be The Guiding Force that Empowers This New Strategic Vision Path of Peace in The Twenty-First Century!" "A Grand Comity of 21st Century Leaders!"

And, "Common Sense," also, Tells Us, One and All, that "All The Global Health Departments (International Center for Disease Control, International Health Agency, etc.) and Their Officials Must Receive The Financial Support and Directives to Combat the Limitless New Variations of Viruses and Diseases that Continue to Threaten Our Families and Lives, and Affecting The World!"
"These Diseases and Viruses Know No Borders, Creeds, Nationalities, or Races!" "These Diseases and Viruses Do Not Discriminate against Whom They Attack," "Nor Should The Global World Health Departments Hesitate for One Nanosecond to Come to The Aid of The People of Any Foreign Nation that is In Need of Medical Assistance!"

And lastly, "It's Time for All The Nations of The World to Come to The Full Realization that Climate Change and Global Warming Issues will Not Just Go Away with The Next Political or Religious Election!" "These Issues Can Not Be Ignored!" Just as "Global Poverty Can Not Be Ignored!" 
Millions of People are Living in Refugee Camps, or, are Homeless Due to War, Undeclared Wars, and Regional Conflicts! And, "They've Lost Hope that Any World Leader Cares about Them!" "They" Live in Unsanitary Conditions, Their Children Go Uneducated, and "They" are Faced with The Real Possibility that "Their Next Generation will Live" as "They Do" "Without Hope or Belief that A Time of New Prosperity or Economic Parity will Ever Come into Their Lives!"

World Leaders, "Common Sense" Tells Us that, "There is No Time to Wait!" "You Must Engage in Developing A Global Policy of Equilibre" that, both, "Embraces, Educates, Protects, Defends, and Empowers The Lives of All the Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" Now! 
"Financially, Spiritually, Passionately, and Politically!" "Providing Law and Order, Universal Healthcare, and Social and Financial Security!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 2oth and 21st Centuries "Let Us Use Our Common Sense" to "Guide Us Through The Maze of Static Chaos and Miscommunication!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Give Help to Those who are Oppressed!"

 And, "Let Us Continue to Utilize All The Avenues of The Social Media and Cross-Media Universes Open to Us to Empower Those of Us, (and Their Families) who are Being Denied The Right to Live as Free Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!" "They Deserve The Right to Live in Freedom and Choose to Vote for Their Own Interdependent Way of Life!"

And, As Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On," and, the "Music of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, John and Yoko, Cat Stevens (Yusef Islam)," and, so many other "Inspirational Civil Rights and Anti-War Anthems" such as "We Shall Overcome" Segue from One to Another in my mind, "Allow me to Express my Deepest Congratulations" to "Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, and Kailash Satyarthi of India, for Jointly Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize!"
The Nobel Committee Praised them Both "for their Struggle against the Suppression of Children and Young People!" And, to Add to "Malala's Extraordinary Story," "She is the Youngest Person, at  the age of 17, to ever Win a Nobel Peace Prize!"

"Malala and Kailash have Fought Magnificently for the Rights of Children" and "Gained Admiration for Their Efforts All The World over," and are "Both Deserving of All the Acclaim that They are Receiving," and "We Applaud Them!"

And, As Marvin sang, "Let's Save the Children!"
For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

Monday, September 22, 2014



The Way To Peace! #240

"As The Sun Crosses The Celestial Equator" and "We" enter into "Another Autumn," "Let Us Hope" that "This New Season brings with it Hope and Promise For The World!" Beginning with; (1) "The Hope" that the "Restart of Global Climate Talks" by More than 100 World Leaders will Resolve their Differences of Opinion and Result in An Agreement to A Measured Approach towards Making The Economic Sacrifices and Cuts in Carbon Dioxide Emissions that are Necessary to Heal this Planet Earth and Improve Our Quality of Life! And (2) "Let Us Hope" that Promises Made to Protect Undocumented Immigrants and Pass Immigration Reform Finally Comes to Fruition!"

And, "It's Time for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister David Cameron of The United Kingdom, Pope Francis of Vatican City, Queen Elizabeth II of The United Kingdom, President Francois Hollande of France, President of The European Commission  Jose Manuel Barroso, Michael Khodorsovsky of Russia, President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, Ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerard Schroeder, (Chairman of The Board of The Nord Stream AG), Igor Sechin Head of OAO Rosneft, Secretary General of The United Nations Ban Ki-moon, President Barack Hussein Obama of The United States, President of China Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani of Iraq, His Holiness The 14th Dali Lama Of Tibet, President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden, King Abdullah II of Jordan, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Of Saudi Arabia, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, President Mamnoon Hussain of Pakistan, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Of Israel, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair of The United Kingdom, Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway, Former Presidents William Jefferson Clinton and James Earl Carter Jr. of The United States, President Fouad Massoum of Iraq, President Mahmoud Abbas of The State of Palestine, President Pranab Mukherjee of India, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei The Supreme Leader of Iran, Emperor Akihito of Japan, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of The Episcopal Church (US), Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt Of Denmark, President Recep Tayyip Erdogah Of Turkey, President Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Of The United Arab Emirates, President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Academicians of Science and Culture, and Spiritual, Religious, Military, and Financial Leaders of The Earths Nations to "Form A New Comity of Nations and Leaders!"

"A Comity of Nations and Leaders" that "Transcends The Divisional Ideologies, Religious Extremism, Imperialistic Ambitions, and Political Rhetoric of Dissolution and Legislative Chaos!"

"This is the Twenty-first Century," By Now, "It Should Be Obvious To All The Leaders of The World" that Religious Extremism, and Political Divisiveness Serve No Positive Purpose to Our Global Community!
And, "This is Not The Time to Exploit Global Tensions for The Purpose of Profiteering at The Expense of Ones Fellow Human Being!" "This Can only Lead to States of Amorphous, Corruption, Lawlessness, and War/Conflict at The Expense of One and All!"

It's Time for "A Comity of Nations and Leaders to Come Together," to "Build A Future where The Interdependent Sovereignty of All The People of The World Can Live Together in Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Economic Parity!"
Last Week's "Peace March" in Moscow" is "A Welcomed Demonstration Of The Truth in Action!" "Fear" Did not Prevent Thousands of Russians to Protest against "President Vladimir Putin's Poor Judgement" in "Annexing The Crimea,"and "His Continued Provocation of The Undeclared War/Conflict against Ukraine," that has "Claimed More than Three Thousand Lives!"

And, Let's Continue to Support "The Hong Kong/Umbrella Revolution" & "The Right of The People" to Choose A Candidate of Their Own Liking, in Their First Democratic Election for Chief Executive in 2017!
And the Fact that, "These Demonstrations," Supported by Ten's of Thousands in Hong Kong and Millions More Worldwide, occurred "Before and On China's National Day 2014, Commemorating The Founding of The Peoples Republic of China," (and "The Golden Week" that Follows) will "Be Recorded and Remembered in History" as when "The People Rallied for The Right to Choose The Political Direction & Leadership that They Felt would Best Improve Their Quality of Life," and "Provide Themselves and Their Future Generations with An Opportunity to Make A Better Life for Themselves Non-Violently," "Is A Great & Symbolic Act of Selflessness & Self Determination!"

"The Need For A Global Policy of Equilibre Of, By, and For The People" Grows of Ever More Importance, if "We"...."The People" are "Ever to Experience Living in An Age of Peace On Earth!"
"A Global Policy of Equilibre" that "Is Just," and "Graced by The Truth," and, "Defended and Protected by A Military Industrial Complex of All Sovereign Nations!"

"A Global Policy of Equilibre" whose "Goal it is, To Make A Better World For One and All to Enjoy and Share with Each other," "For Generations of Future Millennia to Come!" This Would Truly Be "An Earthrise" and "A Joyous Occasion!"

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Once again, "Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!" "March in The Name of Peace!" Have" Sit ins in The Name of Peace!" And, "Sing The Anthems of Peace, Freedom, Truth, Change, and The Right to Exist as An Independent Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" 

And, Let Us "Continue to Use The Social and Cross-Media Universes to Spread The Truth To The World!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Age Of Peace and Harmony On Earth!

Thursday, September 4, 2014



The Way To Peace! #239

"As Layers of Golden Hues Lace their Ways across The Green! I Sit here Luxuriating in The Peaceful and Purposeful Beauty of This Scene!"
And, "While my Thoughts are Drifting, Flowing, and Effortlessly Taking in The Significance of  This Mean," Simultaneously, "As if I'm in A Parallel Universe," (Patiently and In All Tranquility) "I Await The Arrival of Cherokee and Apache to Awake me from This Dream!"

It's then, that "The Newspaper Girls Toss of The Daily Newspaper Brings with it, A Different Reality," Infused with A Conditioned State of Being, Bringing with it "A Stark Realization that All is Not Well in The World!" And, my Mood Changes!

"The Headlines and Bylines are Very Disturbing," from "The Pro-Russian Separatists Continued Attacks against The Sovereign State of Ukraine" even As President Putin puts Forth "A Seven-Point Peace Plan to End The Conflict" (A Conflict that He began), and As The The Ruble Falls to New Record Lows against The Dollar and The Russian Stock Market Continues its Decline leaving Its Assets in Danger (Russian Oligarchs Be Deeply Concerned), to "The Abuse and Sex Trafficking of Children in ROTHERHAM, England," to "The Trafficking, Abuse, and Child Prostitution in South Sudan," to "The Massacres and Ongoing Conflicts in Iraq and Syria," to "The Vicious Beheading of Journalist Steven Sotloff," to "The Threat of Total Dissolution in Libya as Militias take Control of Tripoli and its Ministries," to "The Oftentimes Violation and Breakdown of Peace Negotiations between The State of Israel and The State of Palestine," "Destroying any Trust that there Might have Existed Between these Two Foes!" 

And then, There is "The Election Crisis in Afghanistan where The Principles and Reality of Building A True Democracy are Being Intensely Tested," to "The Spread of The Deadly Ebola Virus in West Africa where more than 1,500 Hundred People have been Killed since this Epidemic has begun" (A Third American has been Infected), to "The Civil/Human Rights Conflict in Ferguson, Mo.," with All of It's Racial Undertones that Continue to Smoulder while "Waiting For "The Hand of Justice to Reveal itself in All of Its Glory," to "The Growing Concerns, in The U.S." over; (1) Homelessness, (2) Poverty, (3) Mental Health Disorder, (4) The Need for a Fair and Just Minimum Wage, (5) Immigration Reform, and (6) The Need for Elected Officials who are Committed and Dedicated to The Creation of Positive and Cooperative Legislation that both Empowers, and Enhances The Lives of  "We".... "The People!"
And, "It's Ludicrous to hear Reports of Sexism in The U.S. Senate," Especially at A Time when "Respect For Ones Fellow Human Being is Crucial" to The Positive Evolution of "We".... "The People!"
And lastly, There's, "The Deep Concerns" Made by The UN Intergovernmental Panel on "Climate Change" that Must Not Be Overlooked!" 
And, I have the Sad News to Report that Joan Rivers, "One of Comedies Icons" who "Entertained Us for Decades with Her Wit and Talent, has Passed Away at The Age of 81!"

But, Could I Simply Return to my Previous State of Reverie, However, "There is, Obviously, Much Too Much to Be Done," if "We".... "As A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth" are to "Enjoy Living in An Age of Global Equilibre," Spiritually, Legislatively, and Economically, with "All The Laws in Tact" that are "Just, Fair, and Legally Bound to The Principles and Values of A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" "Respecting The Rights of One and All to Exist as A Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!" 

"It Lies in The Hands, Minds, and Intellect, of The Members of NATO, OSCE, Partnership For Peace, The United Nations, The EU, and The Group of 7" to "Display The Courage and Resolute Commitment to Enforce The International Laws" that have been Created For The Protection of "We"....The Sovereign People of This Planet Earth!

And, It is of "The Utmost Importance that Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders Step Forward" and "Display The Courage and Resolute Commitment to Put an End to Fanatical/Religious Extremists" who "Care Not" if "They" Rape, Murder, Massacre, Assassinate, Kidnap, or Drive from Their Homes, "Their Fellow Human Beings, In The Name of God!"

And, It is also of "The Utmost Importance for The Global Military Industrial Complex and Intelligence Agencies to Combine Their Resources" (As the British and U.S. did during WWII) to "Bring to Justice All who Dare to Violate The Rights and Principles of Each and Every Woman, Child, or Man of This Planet Earth!"

Peacemakers, and  Voices of Reason of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to "Utilize All The Resources of The Social Media and The Cross-Media Universe" to "Reveal The Truth Wherever it is Being Violated!" And, "Share This Truth with All who Would Truly Listen!"
"Openly and Unashamedly," "In The Clear Light of The Truth! For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Age of Peace On Earth!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014



The Way To Peace! #238

As "We" Busy Our Lives with Taking Our Children to Summer Classes, Going to Work, Shopping, Watching Our Favorite Programs on TV, Attending Sports, Music, Theatre, and Dance Events, Going to Museums, Libraries, The Beach, and, Our Favorite Restaurants and Vacation Destinations, "The U.S. Do Nothing Congress" (more Obstructionist than Legislative) "Takes another Paid Vacation," While Another "Tragic Death of American Major General Harold Greene," Occurred in Afghanistan! "Major Greene was Serving His First Tour of Duty," and "It is also Reported that Fifteen Coalition Members and Eight Americans, Plus German Brig. General Michael Bartscher were Wounded in The Insider Attack!" The Assailant, An Afghan Soldier was Killed!" 
"The Value of The Lives of  The Thousands of U.S. and Coalition Forces Lost In Action In Afghanistan Can Never Be Estimated in Dollars or Euros!" And, "Their Loss Can Never Be Repaid To The Families who have Lost A Family Member over The Period of This Thirteen Year Old Conflict!"

And "The Global Markets" Continue Their Dance, To and Fro, with History, and, "The Middle East Continues to Sway from One Crisis to Another," and "The Russian/Ukraine Conflict Continues to Erupt with Acts of Violence,"and "Two American Missionaries were Infected with The Ebola Virus," and, Be sure to "Check Your Websites" Because as Many as "420,000 May have Been Compromised by The Theft of 1.2B Passwords by A Russian Crime Ring," and "Countless Numbers of Children from Central America to Africa" have Been, Either, "Kidnapped or Left Homeless as Unwanted Immigrants, Living In Despair!"

And, "More and More, It is Appearing Obvious that, "We".... The People, "Interdependent Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth, are "Being Taken for Granted," by "The Powers that Be!"
And, "Instead of Being Treated with The Utmost Respect and Reverence," "Our Lives and Mortal Souls are Being Conditioned," and "Forced to Endure An Endless Marathon of Senseless and Violent Abuse!"

And, "Instead of Being Given A Welcomed Embrace by Our Political, Religious, and Financial Leaders," or, "Provided with The Social Security/Support Needed to Freely Evolve as Mature, Intelligent, Compassionate, and Sensitive/Learned Beings," "We," Our Minds and Thoughts, are "Being Shaped and Prepared to Follow in Ways of Violence and Revenge!" 
"Women, Men, and Children," One and All, "Being Entrapped In A Web of Limitless Millennias of Lies and Half Truths!" "All Leading To Death and War and More Conflicts, and Death and War, over and over again!"

This is The 21st Century, "We".... The People, "Should Be Living in An Age of Global Equilibre" with One Another! "As An Earth Citizenry of Peace!" "An Inspiring Knowing, and Empowered Citizenry that Cares for The Lives of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

"An Earth Society that Believes in Providing each and every Citizen with The Freedom to Be and Vote for The Political, Economical, and Religious/Spiritual Society that It Deems Necessary for The Growth and Well Being of Its Family, Neighbor, and Fellow Human Being!"

However, "Regional Crisis after Crisis has Continued to Threatened Our Present and Future Now State of Being," just, "As, It has Done in The Past!" But, "This Time it Must Be Stopped!"
"The Global Leaders of Exemplary Modernity and Common Sense, Must Step Forward and Force Logic to Prevail," "Where it has Not Done so, In The Past!"

Hatred, Revenge, Arrogance, Imperialistic Aspirants, Egotistical Oligarchs, Self Serving Militants, "Must Not Prevail!" And, The False Rhetoric of Political, Religious, and Financial Sophism "Must Not Prevail!"

"To Sow The Seeds of An Enduring and Lasting Summer of Hopeful Realization," "We" Need "Leaders of Exemplary Modernity, Cultural Evolution, and Economic Growth" that "Favors Economic Parity," For "All The People!"

And, "We" Need The Support of The Global Intelligentsia and Global Military Industrial Complex to Protect This Age of Science, and Technology!"
 "Our Cross-Media Universe and Social Media Must Remain Free from Negative Influence!" 

And, "It is The Responsibility of The Global Intelligent Agencies and The Military Industrial Complex" to "Make Positively Sure that There is No Interference or Exploitation by Organized Crime, Drug Lords, Sovereign Nations, Immoral Human Trafficking Groups, or Financial Institutions for Their Own Self Serving/Immoral Purposes!"

There is "An Ever Increasing Gray Line that is Diminishing The Truth between Those who have Pledged To Defend The Rights and Freedoms Of The People," versus "Those who Claim to Represent The People!"
Diplomacy, and Peace Dialogues (Israel and The Palestinians are To Be Commended for Their Truce Negotiations), Plus The International Court of Justice, Universal Laws of Fair Play, and Equal Rights For One and All "Should Be The Mantra/Mantle Of The People!" "Our Declaration and Our Vision Path!"
"This Century," when Looked Back upon, "Should Resemble," "A Grand Reflection Of A True Fraternity Of All Man and Woman Kind!" "An Age Of Global Equilibre Of, By, and For The People!" Sans War!

"The Time is Ripe" for "A Magnificent Society of Culture and Compassion to Emerge!" All The Elements are In Place! And, "The Games/Exploitation of Destruction and Amorphous," "Can Not Be Embraced or Tolerated!" By The Earths United Nations! By No One! 
"The People have Spoken!"

Once again, "This is The 21st Century, Not Some Barbaric Age of The Past!" And, "The People," have "Suffered Enough!" This Should be Apparent To All The Leaders Of This Sacred Earth Of Ours! And, "Quite Simply" put, "War is Not The Answer!"
War and Violence are "Not The Way To Peace and An Age Of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Peace On Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries "Take Heart," For "We Shall Prevail," in "A New Age of Respect and Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
And, As "Martin Luther King Jr." once said, "We Shall Overcome!"

Enough Political, Religious, and Economic Hypocrisy! "The People have Spoken!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



The Way To Peace! #237

"As The Death Toll Continues to Rise in The New Crisis between The State of Israel and The State of Palestine," Caused by "The Tragic Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teens on June 12th and Their Murder," "The Depth of Division between The Israelis and Palestinians are, Once again, Revealed without Thought of Consequence by The Perpetrators of This Crime!"
And, "Once again, A New Generation of Families will Suffer and Shed Their Tears in Front of The Wailing Wall!"
And, "While The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict becomes More and More Inflamed," Here in The U.S. "The Immigration Impasse Continues to Maturate into A State of Political Dissolution and Amorphous!"
 "Every time I Read or Hear about The Need for, or Lack of, or The Pros and Cons for Immigration Reform in The U.S." I must admit that, "I Wonder if The Pundits and Politicians who are "Against Immigration Reform," have "Studied Basic American History!"
Have "They Forgotten," "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," a Quote from Emma Lazarus Sonnet, "New Colossus."
Or "The Fact" that, "Aside from the Approximately 4.3 million American/Alaskan Natives," who Live in The U.S. today, "We are All Immigrants/Foreigners!"

Add to that, "The Fact" that "The U.S. has always been "A Safe Haven for The Oppressed Peoples of The World!" So, "Why has The U.S. Congress," who are "Elected Officials Of The People, By The People, and For The People," taken "So Long to Address the Need for A Clear and Present Immigration Philosophy/Reform/Law for The 21st Century!"
"A Philosophy/Reform/Law of The Land" that is "Consistent with Our History, Moral Values, and Concerns for The Oppressed, For The Disenfranchised, For Political Refugees, and Children who have been Living in Fear of Being Sold, Murdered, Kidnapped, or Deprived The Right to Live and Be Educated as Free Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earth!"

"This Should Not Be A Political Issue, This Should Be A Human Rights Declaration of The 21st Century!" "One that Protects The Sovereign Rights of Each and Every Child of This Sacred Earth of Ours!" And, "Provides Them and Their Families" with "A Sanctity of Being Here and Now," for "As Long as They May Live!"
"A Human Rights Declaration that Provides Every Family with The Surety that Their Children Will Be Cared for, When Threatened by War, Criminals, Evildoers, Terrorists, and Malcontents!"
And, "Provided with A Free Education, Clean Air, Clean Water, Sanitary Living Conditions, and A Home that They Can Call Their Own!" And, "An Opportunity to Achieve Their Goals and Dreams in Life!"
"Shouldn't these Conditions Be The Foundation for Every Family to Enjoy and Live by?

And, "Yes" there are "Laws Separating Church and State," However, "This is Not The Time for Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Remain Silent or in The Background," Especially, when it is Concerned with The Well Being of Our Spiritual, Soulful, Health, Emotional and Mental States of Being!"
And, "By No Means Should Any Spiritual or Religious Leader of The World Depend Solely upon The Statesmanship or Guidance of The Worlds Political Leaders," to Create Through Political Means of Law, "A Global Policy of Equilibre" that is, "Of Benefit to One and All!"
Let's Face The Facts, "Too Many Children are Homeless and Living in Poverty!" And, "Too Many Families are Living in Refugee Camps!"

So, once again, It is of The Utmost Importance to Hear A Resounding Clamour, A Thunderous Roar, and An Uplifting Choir of Voices from All The People of The World, Coupled with A Definitive Statement Made by Pope Francis, The Dali Lama, Patriarch Kirill, The Supreme Leader Ayatolla-Ali-Khamenei, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, and The Grand Ayatolla Ali-al Sistani, "One that is Upheld by All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," that, "We are One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!
And that, In Actuality, "No One is An Immigrant!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Share An Activism of Earthrise Proportions," "As A True Fraternity Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Let Us Not Hesitate for A Nanosecond  to Share The Universal/Conscious Awareness and Enlightenment Provided to Us by Such Illuminated Beings as Socrates, Confucius, Rumi, Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mahatma Gandhi, Charlemagne, Lao-Tse, Jesus Of Nazareth, Clara Barton, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Nelson Mandela, Mohammad, Moses, and Mother Teresa, via The Social and Cross-Media Universe to The Hearts, Minds, Souls, Intellects and Spirits Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth! "An Age that Teaches and Instills in Its Youth A Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient Beings from The First Day of Their Birth!"

Thursday, June 19, 2014



The Way To Peace! #236

"The Challenge For Healing The Wounds of The Middle East," "Calls for A New Summer of Strategic Alliances and Ethnic Coalitions" whose "Sole Goal/Priority" is to "Find a Solution that Unites The Divides that Exist in The Middle East!" "Divisions" that have been in "a State of War and Conflict for more than a Millennia!" And, "A New Conflict that Threatens to Overflow althrough out The Region!"

"The New Protagonist is Called ISIS!" "What a Pity it is to use The Name of an Ancient Egyptian Goddess who was Known as The Ideal Mother and Wife and Worshiped as The Patroness of Nature and Magic!"
"Or, ISIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)!"

"This Protagonist" Cares Not for The Best Interests of Their Fellow Neighbor!" For, "They" are "Bent upon Following a Course of Death and Destruction," while "Creating A State of Being, that in The End, Will Benefit No One, but Themselves," and "Cause More Divisions in The Muslim World!" "Placing Brother against Brother," and "Nation against Nation!" "Leaving Children without Parents, and Parents without Homes," "Living in Refugee Camps and In Poverty!" "Bereft of Spirit, Love, Education, or A Life that is Worth Living!" And, "Once again, Tyrants will Dictate How We Pray, Think, and Live!"

"The Middle East has Lived through these Phases of Death and Destruction in The Past." 
"The Wars and Conflicts in The Twentieth Century between Iran and Iraq," "Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait," "An Allied Coalition of Thirty-Four Nations Led by The U.S. against Iraq to Liberate Kuwait, in The Gulf War," and "Israels Victorious Struggle to Survive against The Neighboring States of Egypt, in The Six Day War,"  are But "A Small Part of This Historical Path of Death and Destruction!" 

However, "The Arab Spring Uprisings gave The World A Sense of Hope that A New Age of Grace, Mutual Consideration, Respect, Learning," and "An Association of Nations who Saw The Reality of Building A Bridge of Economic Growth that Benefits All The People, Would Finally Come To Be!"
And, "A Comity of The People" that "Saw Beyond the Borders and Leaders that had Impeded and Oppressed Them for what Seemed like An Eternity!" And "In This New Spring," The People,  Citizens, who had been Manipulated and Conditioned to Believe that there was No Hope," "Saw A Way Free from The Oppression that Surrounded Them!"

For there To Be "A New Summer of Hope," One that "Transcends The Warmongers, Terrorists, and Oligarchs of Global Imperialism," "A New Coalition of Strategic Nations Must Come Together," "A Comity of Bridge Makers Dedicated to Bring Peace to The Middle East!"

"An Association of Nations who Respect The Sovereign State of All Nations!" And, who are "Willing To Defend and Protect The Sovereign Rights of All The People," irregardless of whatever Creed, Gender, or Ethnicity You May Be!

"An Association of Nations who are Committed to Stop The Forces of Chaos, Hatred, and Revenge," whether "In The Middle East or All Through out The World!"

And, "This New Comity of Bridge Makers Must Agree that In The Final Analysis" (of Any Global Policy Of Equilibre), It will take "More than just Building New Institutions and Infrastructures to Heal The Wounds of The Soul and Spirit of The World," that Bleeds like An Open Sore that has Never Fully Been Healed, "It Will Take The Combined Effort of Both Religious and World Leaders to Perform This Healing!"

"Pope Francis, The Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, The Dali Lama, Patriarch Kirill, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali-Khamenei,  and All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," "Can By An Open Declaration for Peace and Peace Dialogues," "Take The First Step towards Healing The Wounds of The World!"
And, in doing so, "Make a Statement of Unity that Both Transcends and Drowns Out The Voices of False Rhetoric, and The Misuse of Religious Beliefs and God!" 
And, "Give Credence and Reality to A New Summer of Hope in The Middle East!"  "An Illuminating Moment" that "We Can," and "Our Future Generations Can," "Take Great Pride in and Share For Millennia upon Millennia to Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Continue to Speak Out via the Social and Cross-Media Universes!" And, "Let Our Earthrise Comity Of The People, By The People, and For The People," by "Our Thoughts, Words, Meditations, and Actions, Bring Forth A Great Spirit Of The People! 

And, Let Us, Once again, "Find Hope in Knowing" that "We Can Overcome the Threats to Our Rights to Live as A Free People," "Wherever The Sun May Set and The Moon Rises o'er This Earth of Ours!"
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014



The Way To Peace! #235

"Medal of Freedom, The Lincoln Medal, and The National Medal of Arts Recipient Maya Angelou," Left Us Today! However, "She Left behind A Great Universe of Work that Will Be Eternally Revered!"

"Maya Angelou was A Poet Laureate, Author, Singer, Teacher, Peacemaker, Civil Rights Activist, and An Interdependent Great Soul of The People!"

"Imagine The Fullness of Her Life!" "Parts of Which were like A Shakespearean Tragedy!" "To Be Brutally and Sexually Abused at The Age of Seven, Leaving Her so Traumatized that She became Mute for Almost Five Years!" To "The National Acclaim and Prestige of Delivering Her Poems at The Inaugurations of Former President William Jefferson Clinton, and, President Barack Hussein Obama!"

"Her Life's Journey Led Her Through A Myriad Different Occupations," "Writing Seven  Autobiographies along The Way!" And, "She was The First African American Woman to Write a Screenplay," "Georgia, Georgia," that was "Produced and Filmed by a Swedish Film Company, and released in 1972." To which "Maya also Wrote the Soundtrack," and "Received A Pulitzer Prize Nomination!"

And, with "The Encouragement and Guidance of A Few Good Friends such as James Baldwin," "Maya Continued to Evolve to New Heights of Creative and Sociological Expression" by Writing, "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" which was "Internationally Acclaimed," and also "Received A Nomination For The National Book Award!"

"Maya's Interests and Sense of Justice Led Her To Become Passionately Involved in The Civil Rights Movement, where She Worked Side by Side with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X." 
"A Path that Saw Her See These Two Great Men Assassinated!" And, Yet "She Never Gave up The Battle For Equality!" 

"Maya Angelou Fought for A Just World!" And, "She Fought for, and Believed in, A World of Education and Culture!" And, "A World of Equality and Grace For One and All!"

I can "Still Hear Her Voice Piercing Through All the Conditioned Realities, False Rhetoric, and Unreal Impediments in my Life," "Maya Angelou  was The Voice of Truth," and "The Voice of Hope," and "The Universal Voice of The People!"

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



The Way To Peace! #234

So, far, "Winter and Spring of 2014 has Presented A Diverse Number of Challenging Global, Regional, and Domestic Crises and Issues for Our World Leaders To Be Challenged with," either, "On A Direct Basis or with A Coalition of Other Countries!" These Issues deal with; (1) "The Ongoing Conflicts in Nigeria, Sudan, Ukraine, and Syria," just to "Name of Few!" (2) "The Immoral Kidnapping of 276 Young Girls in Nigeria!" 
(3) "The Talks with (a) Iran , (b) Syria, (c) Russia and The Ukraine, being "Conducted by A Variety of Coalition Nations who are Strategically Involved with Each Looming Conflict!" (4) "The Failed Talks between The U.S., Israelis, and Palestinians," and (5) "The Ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and The Formation of A New Government in Ukraine to The Crimean and Eastern Ukraine Referendums!"

And then, Add to that, (6) "The Tragic Disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370 costing the Lives of 239 Passengers and Crew!" (7) "The South Korean Ferry Disaster with 476 Passengers aboard (many of which were Children) of which 174 were Saved at Last Count!" (7) "LA Clipper Owner Donald Sterling's Racial Comments, and New Attacks on The Character of Basketball Legend and Entrepreneur Magic Johnson," to (8) "Global Unemployment," (9) "Climate Warming, and More Severe Storms!" (10) "China's Threats in The East China Sea, and The South China Sea," and, (11) "The MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) Virus Warnings in Florida," (12) The U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, (13) "Risky Investment in Tech IPOs," (14) "The Sociological Effects of The Affordable Care Act," (15) "The Possibility of A New EU Stimulus Package," and, "You Can Understand The Depths of Some of Their Concerns!"

However, I Find that,"The Continued Threat to Our Global Societies Lies in The Callous Hands and Policies of An Egotistical Group of Self Centered Political Leaders, Obsessed Oligarchs, Religious Leaders (whose Sexual Abuses have Violated Our Children and Broken The Vows They Took in The Name of God), Illegal Practitioners of Finance, Insatiable Banks and Institutions, Terrorists, and The Leaders of Organized Crime!" All of Whom, "Have Violated Our International Laws and Threaten Our Global Policies of Equilibre!" While, "Attempting to Oppress, Suppress, and  Obstruct any Sense of Cooperative Reasoning, Collaborative Comprehension, Common Sense, Sense of Fair Play, Honesty, and Social Security Plans that Each and Every Sovereign Citizen of this Planet Earth Needs to Enjoy A Life Filled with Hope and Limitless Opportunity," and, "For The United Nations of The World to Evolve and Prosper in An Aura of Peace and Tranquility in this The 21st Century!"

"These Obsessed, and Cold Hearted Individuals, Institutions, Political Leaders, False Prophets, and Crime Lords, are Easily Recognizable by Their Global Designs and Personal/Business Character Traits" that "Care Not For The Poor or Homeless!" And, "No Disguise" Can Hide Their True Intentions for;

"They Care Not For The Financial, Spiritual, or Social Security of Our Families!"

Nor, Do "They Care about The Education or Safety of Our Children!" Or, "Whether or Not Our Most Treasured Gifts of Life are Murdered, or Kidnapped and Sold into Slavery as Sex Objects!"

Nor, Do "They Care about The Wondrous Possibility of This Being An Age of Great Opportunity For One and All!"

Or, "The Continued Evolution of The Earths Eco Systems," or "Whether or Not Our Seas, Lands, and Skies are Polluted or Ravaged by Fortune Hunters!"

Nor, Do "They Care about Whether Our Veterans Receive Their Benefits, Disability and Healthcare Claims," or "Are Given A Proper Heroes Welcome Home in Our Societies!"

Or, "If The Constitutionality of A Government Of, By, and For The People," is "Being Properly Perceived, Implemented and Adhered to For The Well Being of Our Present and Future Generations!"

Or, "Whether Our Lives are Enhanced by The Worlds of Science, Technology, and Culture!"

Nor, Do "They Care about The Spiritual, and Universal Cognizance of Our Conscious Awareness!" Or, Quite simply, "The Well Being of Our Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!" "Their Global Design" is to "Control, Condition, and Manipulate Us to Suit what is of Benefit to Them," and, "To Their Goals and Global Design!"

"For Each of Us" to Evolve In A Civilized World of The 21st Century, "We Must Embrace The Wisdom and Tenets of A Cooperative Intelligence with Honest Leaders," who have "The Best Interests Of The People," Close to Their Hearts, Minds and Souls!"
"All the While Placing The Vision of An Earth Society that is Made up of Interdependent Beings who Reflect The Global Consciousness and Global Equilibre Of The People" as "Their Highest Priority!"

"An Earthrise Society that Empowers, Enlightens, and Favors All of The People," and "Not Just the Privileged Few!"

"An Earthrise Society that Provides Skills For One and All!" And, "An Education For One and All!"

"All Existing in A New Age of Innovation, and Compassion For One and All!"

And, "Though, Our Constitutions, Laws, and Declarations Need Mending and Updating to Meet the New Decisions and Changes of The 21st Century!" And, "Our Goals as A Civilized Modern Society of Intelligent, Spiritual, and Universal People of The 21st Century Need New Guidelines and Deeper Insights, Perceptions, and Solutions!" "We Can Work Together, and Join Forces to Embrace A Common Cause, and Understanding that is Beneficial to One and All!" "A Global Covenant between Us that Guarantees the Well Being, Protection, and Sovereignty" of "We The People irregardless of Race, Color, Creed, Gender, or Nationality!"

"Historical Facts" have Shown Us that "War and Violence Leads to More War, Destruction, and Violence!" And, then, "After The Victor has been Proclaimed, A New Period of Reconstruction begins" But, "Our Families are Never the Same Due to The Loss of Those Whom We Love, or Who have been Wounded in Battle!"
However, If "Our Families are to Suffer Such Tragic Loss," "The United Nations Coalition Forces and NATO, Must Do Their Part, and Stand Firm and Resolute, when Challenged by The Forces of Aggression, Terrorism, and Oppression, Whose Sole Intention is to Violate Our International Laws and Threaten The Sovereign Rights and Lives of We The People!" And, There "Can Not Be Any Unspoken Selective Victim Policies" when It Comes to "The Defense of All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Hearts, Minds, and Souls of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Embrace and Uphold The Principles of A Way of Life that Transcends The Hypocrisy and Negativity that Threatens Us!

And, Let Us Continue to Reach Out via The Social and Cross-Media Universes to All who Would Truly Listen to The Truth!

And, Let Us Give Freely of Our Cooperative Reasoning, Collaborative Comprehension, Common Sense, Conscious Awareness, and Soul Strength to Empower A Worldwide Fusion and Vision Of The People, and For The People, To Bring about A Great Merger with The Worlds of Science and Technology, Compassion and Empathy, Education and Spirituality, Economic Parity and Solar Axioms!

And, Let This Worldwide Fusion and Vision Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Be The Unifying Soul Force that Gives Us The Strength To Create and Sow The Seeds of A Illuminating Global Resurrection of A New Age of Cognizant Brilliance, Filled with The Ideals of A Cooperative Intelligence and Clarity of Purpose, Truly A Renascence of Enlightenment!

And, Let Us Share this Realization of Being with Each Other, Out Of Reverence For One Another as would Jesus Of Nazareth, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lao-Tse, Siddhartha Gautama, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary, Socrates, Confucius, Charlemagne, Moses, Mary Magdalene, Martin Luther King, Clara Barton, Rumi, Zoroaster, Machiventa Melchizedek, Mohammad, and Rabindranath Tagore, For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, April 4, 2014



The Way To Peace! #233

As "We Enter" into "A New Cycle of Elections in The U.S. and Around The World," "Some Countries" such as "France" (to President Hollande's Chagrin) have "Already Voiced Their Disdain by Voting against The Candidates of The Socialist Party who Represented The Policies that Their Government and President Hollande Imposed upon Them!"
And "In Other Countries," such as "Ukraine," "The People," have "Voiced Their Objection to The Corruption, Misleading Political Rhetoric, and Lack of Economic Parity," by Speaking Out, Protesting, and Voting against The Oppressive and Corrupt Policies of Their Ex- President Yanukovych, (it's Interesting How Quickly Russia's President Vladimir Putin and The Russian Parliament has Endorsed The Crimea Referendum and Its Annexation, while denouncing Kiev and The Rest of Ukraine's Right to Vote to Choose Their Own Destiny)!

There is "A Great Deal for The Global Media to Focus and Re-Focus upon," such as;
(1) The Continued Plight of The Rwandan People, and (2) The Ongoing Human Rights Violations Taking Place in Both South and North Sudan, and (3) The Continued Atrocities that Go Under The Radar and Immediate Concern of The United Nations, that "Brings One Full Circle Back to The Disturbing Thought that The U.N. Operates" on "A Selective Victim Basis" when "Concerned with The Atrocities and Human Rights Violations Taking Place Around The World in Some of The Under Privileged Nations!"

And, While there have Been "No U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Last Week," Which is "A Welcomed Step Forward," Unfortunately, "As The Afghanistan People Prepare to Vote for A New President," "A New Escalation of Violence has Resumed amongst Its Rival Factions!"

And, "Just as Alarmingly, "A New Cycle of Violence is Occurring in Iraq" as "They" Prepare to Vote!

There is "No Doubt that, In This World that We Live in," "The Price of having Free Elections and The Right To Choose Leaders and Elected Officials who are Honest Government Officials Of, By, and For The People," is "A Dear One to Pay for!" And, "The Cost Continues to Grow at Monumental Levels!" "Especially when You Consider that This is The 21st Century" and that, "This has Been Going on for Milennia after Millennia," and "Still Leaders," such as "Russian President Vladimir Putin," "Believe that "They Can Solve Disputes with Armed Aggression," Instead of Through Diplomatic Efforts!"

And, There is "No Doubt that "The Spotlight of The Worlds Social and Cross-Media Universes are Clearly Focused" on "Whom" amongst "The Leaders of NATO, The European Union, Partners For Peace, The United Nations, The United States, and The World Religions, "We The People Can Believe in, and Trust in, To Uphold Our International Laws, Socratic Axioms, and Sovereign Rights As A People," To Live in  A World of Peace and Freedom!"

And, As "We Enter" into "Another Heightened Election Cycle" in The United States, "The Question Remaining to Be Answered is," (1) Will The U.S. Become A Nation of The United States of Capitalism, or, A Federal Republic that is Controlled by Global Oligarchs, or (2) A Democratic Nation and Government that is, Of The People, By The People and For The People, or (3) A Government Of Special Interests and Lobbyists, Power Brokers  and Financial Institutions!

"The Facts are" that "We" are "Asking Our Children to Believe in Our Grand Declarations, Constitutions, Principles, Laws, and Faiths!"

And, "We" are "Asking Our Children to Fight in Wars and Global Conflicts in The Name of God, Peace, Freedom, and Protection of Our Civil Liberties, and Interdependent Rights as Sovereign Citizens of This Sacred Planet Earth, Its Seas, Skies, and Lands!

And, "We" are "Asking Our Children to Enjoy The Fruits of Being Here and Now," and "Embrace  Our Universal and Personal Tenets of Religion, Ideologies, Global Policies of Equilibre, Diverse Cultures, and Opinions!"

However, "We Must Sow The Seeds of Omniscience, Common Sense, and Equilibre," and "Cultivate them in Our Families, and In The Global Work Place to Deserve Our Children's Respect and Trust!"

And, "We Must Sow The Seeds of Equilibre in Our Institutions, Governments, and Religions!"
And, "Then Develop and Expand this Way of Contemplation and Action" Each and Everyday of Our Lives! "Taking Little Steps when Needed and A Quantum Leap whenever Possible!"
All the While "Embracing and Giving Reverence to The Lives of Our Fellow Human Beings and The Lives of All Sentient Beings, if "We" are to Deserve Our Childrens Respect and Trust!"

"As The Full Meaning and Presence of IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, and Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Unfolds itself" at "The Woman in The World Summit," It Clearly Magnifies and Demonstrates How Far "Women" have "Come from The Suffragettes to Today!"
And, "As President Barack Obama of The United States Of America Symbolizes to The World," "We have Come a Long Way from The First Day" Some Depraved Human Being decided to "Sell Another Human Being into Slavery!" "Which is All the More Proof" that "We Can Over Come!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, While there "Will Continue to Be Senseless Deaths and Casualties Along The Way," such as, (1) "The Murder of Pulitzer Prize AP Photographer Anja Neidringhaus and the Shooting of Her Injured Colleague, AP Correspondent Kathy Gannon, in Afghanistan," and, (2) "The Deaths of Three Innocent Soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, Army Sgt, Timothy Owens, Sgt. First Class Danny Ferguson, and Sgt. Carlos Lazaney," and "Sixteen Others who were also Injured," However, "We Must Continue to Believe in A Just and Enlightened Vision Path" that is "Of, By, and For The People!" As "A Righteous People, Humble and yet Resolute in Our Path" to "Continue to Evolve and Rise Above The Terrors, Fears, Injustices, and Mindless Prejudices, Promulgated by Egotistical Dictators and A Minority of Misguided Souls who have Lost Their Way!"

And, "Let Us As A Great Earthrise and Soul Force of The Truth," "Vow" that, "We Will Not Lose Faith in Each Other, Nor In Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and The Peoples Of The World!"
For This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, March 21, 2014



The Way To Peace! #232

"In spite of What The World May Appear to Be, It is Actually "A Very Small World" that "We Live in!" And, "Though I May Be An Optimist," "The Pragmatist" Part of me Feels that "It isn't Too Far Fetched an Idea" For Patriarch Kirill, The Head of The Russian Orthodox Church to Know the Telephone Number of Pope Francis, The Head of The Roman Catholic Church," and for "Them (or One of Them) to Know the Telephone Number or How to Get in Touch with "The Dali Lama, The Spiritual Leader of Tibet," or "The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Katharine Jefferts Schori" for Example," or vice versa, and "Agree to Join with Religious and Spiritual Leaders of All Faiths," whomever "They" May be (Jewish, Mormon, Islam, etc.) who "Sincerely Believe in Peace On Earth" and "Make Sensational Front Page Headlines" by"Calling Upon Russian President Vladimir  Putin to End His Grand Delusions of Rebuilding The Soviet Union by Violent Acts of Aggression upon Countries who were Previously a Part of The Soviet Union" and have "Chosen of Their Own Free Will to Leave The Soviet Union" (Or, "In Fact Any Sovereign Nation)!

And, by "Making An Illuminated Display of Unity in This Season Of Lent" by "All The Religious and Spiritual Leaders of The Earth," "Through The Utilization of Every Form of The Cross-Media Universe and The Social Media to Voice Their Announcement to President Putin and The Russian Parliament, "This Would Be "A Great Calling to World Leaders" and "We The People, Citizens of this Sacred Earth," that "They" Do Not Approve of President Putin's Behavior, Nor Do "They" Support This Kind of Oppressive, Aggressive, Dictatorial, Tyrannical Behavior from Any one!
And, that by "No Means Does President Putin's Analogy" that has "Lead to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine," "Represent The Gospel of Peace and Love" that "They Preach, to Us, and Ask Us to Believe in, and Trust in!"
And, that, by "His Own Words and Actions, President Putin has Violated International Law!" And, in Doing so, "He has Implicated The Citizens of Russia!"

If "President Putin would like to Improve The Stature of Russia," "There are Peaceful, Economical, and Universal Ways of Doing this!" Ways that "Any Leader of A Civilized Industrialized Country Knows is Rational, Wise, and Innovative, that Gains The Respect of His or Her Fellow Citizens and The Sovereign Citizens of The World!"

The World is Very Small, and Its Current Financial System Depends on (1) Stability, (2) Long term Visions, and (3) Evolutionary Idea's, (4) Intelligent Investment and (5) A Global Policy of  Equilibre and Commitment to The Ideals of Peace and Freedom For One and All!
And, "This is Not The Time For A Group of Rogue Oligarchs and Russian Parliamentarians to Create Dissolution, Dissension, Discord, Destruction, Disunity and Division Amongst World Powers" and "The Friends and Families who Will Know The Loss of Their Loved Ones due to The Decisions of Invasion and War made by President Putin!"

And, "If President Putin Expects to Receive Great Rewards and Historical Acclaim for His Actions, He is Greatly Mistaken," and in Fact, "Has already Begun to Experience Economic Penalties" with "Standard and Poor's Downgrade of Russia's Credit Rating to BBB (the second lowest investment grade)," and "Russia's Economy Continues It's Rapid Decline," irregardless of Its Gas Exports!"

So, "This is The Time for Billionaires, Multi-Millionaires, and Financial Institutions (such as The IMF and World Bank, amongst others) who Believe in Peace On Earth and A Global Financial System that Relies on Stability, Equanimity, Empirical Wisdom, Intelligence, and Innovation," to "Speak Out and Reach Out to The Rogue Oligarchs" who have "Encouraged and Supported President Putin's Desires to Rebuild The Soviet Union," and "Give Counsel to Him to Call for A Cease Fire!" And, "Retire His Russian Forces to their Previous Positions!"
"Reach out to President Putin Now," before "Chaos Ensues in other Hot Spots" such as, "Moldova, Eastern and Southern Ukraine," Just to Name a Few!

"This is The Time For President Putin to Engage in Diplomacy, Not Warmongering!"

Peacemakers, Voices of Reason, and World Leaders of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" have "Seen this Course of Action Take Place before in The World!" "Senseless Actions" that Can have "A Negative Ripple Effect that Touches All of Our Lives!" So, "Do Not Remain Silent," or "Take A Wait and See Attitude!" "Make Your Voices Heard" wherever You May Be!
"It's Time For The World to Thrive On A Peace Time Economy," "Not A War Time Economy!" And (as John and Yoko and A Few of Their Good Friends sang), "Give Peace A Chance!"

So, "Lets Continue to Utilize All The Technological Advancements at Our Disposal" and "Stand Strong as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Equilibre, Hope and Awareness!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Empower The Hearts, Minds and Souls of Our Fellow Human Being with A Sincere Belief in Each Other" and "The Rights of One and All to Live as Interdependent Sovereign Citizens Of This Planet Earth!"
For This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth, within "This Universe of Unlimited Portents!"

Monday, March 17, 2014



The Way To Peace! #231

"As The World Celebrates The Feast of Saint Patrick," and "The 60th Anniversary of Leo Fender's Stratocaster!" And, "As the New Israeli/Palestinian Deadline Approaches!" And, yet "Another Winter Storm Hits The Mid Atlantic, Southeast, and Northeastern States in The U.S." And, "As The Mystery Surrounding The Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Continues!" And, As "The Full Moon Looks Down upon yet Another Child Born into Poverty," "The World is Looking For... Leadership!" "Diplomacy!" And, "A Willingness to Stand up Against Tyranny, Oppression and Aggression wherever it May Occur!" "Leadership" that "Will Distinguish Us, As a Sovereign People of Civilized Peacemakers and Voices of Reason of This Planet Earth!" "A Sovereign People Born to Establish An Age of Peace and Global Equilibre!" "Not War!"

"Leadership, Diplomacy and A Willingness to Stand up Against Tyranny, Oppression, and Aggression is what "We The People are in Need of," or else, "We Will End up Being A Manipulated and Conditioned Global Society that is Controlled, Purely for The Lust, Greed, Power, Riches, and Egotism of A Few Dictators, and Their Sympathetic Oligarchs" who "Support and Give Counsel to Them, only, When its To Their Benefit!"

And, "Whether Your Early Adulthood began in The 20th or 21st Century (Lets Not Be Fooled Again), "The Writing is on The Wall" (as the saying goes) "For All of Our Global Religious, Spiritual, Financial, Political, Military and Civic Leaders of The Earths United Nations to See" and "Act Immediately to Counter and Retaliate Against!"

"We" have but to "Remember The Iron Curtain," that "Separated Europeans from One Another," or, "The Berlin Wall," that "Separated Families and Friends from One Another," to Understand what Can Re-Occur" if, "the Leaders of EU Do Not Act in A Co-operative, Resourceful, Wise, and United Course of Action" to "Halt The Russian Invasion/Aggression in Ukraine, Authorized by President Putin!"

And, "The United Forces of NATO and NATO's Partnership For Peace," whose "Responsibility is To Protect It's Member States across North America and Europe, and, Come To Their Aid, and, or, Provide Security and Defense to Any Member State that is Threatened or Subject to An Armed Attack," "Must Be Prepared to Do Just that!"
"Plus the Fact" that there are "Quite a Few Member Nations" who are "Not as Militarily Equipped to Defend Themselves as Russia is to Invade its Neighbors," Who are "Depending on NATO to Live up to Its Mutual Defense Agreement!"

And, (1) "If it Means Suspending Russia from The G- 8, or G20, Then Do It!"

And, (2) "If it Means Canceling Gas Contracts with Russia, and Replace them with New Agreements with Gas Exporting Nations who are Allies of Peace, Then Do It" (before Russia Threatens to Do it To The EU and other Nations Dependent on Russian Gas)!

"The World is Watching" Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Secretary General of The United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, and President of The European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, who "Must Now Provide The Leadership Needed to Enter into this Course of Action, along side President Barack Obama of The U.S."

And, (3) "If it Means Placing A Hold on Russian Bank Accounts, or The Bank Accounts of Russian Oligarchs and Officials who Support President Putin's Military and Territorial Advances in Ukraine, and Freeze Their Assets, Then Do It!"

And, (4) "If it Means Not Allowing Visas to Russian Officials or Business Leaders who Support President Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, Then Do It!"

And, While Implementing these Sanctions, "It is of The Utmost Importance For The Sovereign Nations of The UN and NATO to Be United in Arms and in Will Power to Counter Any Further Russian Acts of Aggression or Manipulative Take over of Any Nations Government!"
"This is Not The First Time that This Form of Aggression has Happened!" "Remember The Russian Invasion of Georgia in 2008!"
And, "Even before The Crimean Referendum was Voted on," "President Putin Authorized the Take over of A Natural Gas Facility in The Ukraine!" And, "Russian Troops are in Position to Annex Eastern Ukraine!"
And, "These Acts of Aggression and Invasion Will Continue to Occur in Other Global Hot Spots" (such as The East China Sea and The South China Sea) "Unless The Sovereign Nations" of The Earth, "Say Definitively, Enough!"
"The Residents of Crimea May have The Right to Vote for Autonomy and Annexation by Russia," But, "President Putin Does Not have The Right to Invade The Ukraine!"
"Let's be Absolutely Clear about this," (no matter what temporary agreement U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavarov have Come to) "Russia has Violated International Law," and "The EU, The UN, and The U.S. should Act in Accordance with International Law" and "Lay Down The Law to President Putin!"

And (5) "If it Means Building A Missile Defense Shield to Protect Europe (to Make a Point to President Putin) Then Do it!"

"Leaders of The World," This is An Evolutionary Age of Extraordinary Technological, Scientific, and Communication Achievements! 
And, "We" are Fortunate to have Great Doctrines Declaring Our Interdependence, Tenets of Being, and Individual/Civil Rights As Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!
And, "We" have been Left  A Great Inheritance of Ideas, Philosophies, Solar Axioms, Principles and Beliefs by An Illuminated Group of Forerunners, Predecessors, and Great Souls who Provided Us with Guidance, Knowledge, Innovation, Passion, Commitment, Wisdom, Enlightenment, and Leadership!
And, "Its This Leadership, Wisdom, Knowledge, Guidance, Commitment, Compassion, Innovation, and Enlightenment" that "We The People, Citizens of This Earth are in Need of Right Now, if "We are Ever to Enjoy The Fruits of Life! "

However, So that "We Never Lose Hope," "Let Each and Everyone of Us always Remember" that, "The Leadership We are in Need of, or are Searching for, Lies Within The Core, Spirit and Soul of Our Being!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of Reverence For One Another and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!

And, Let Us, As True Empiricists, Continue To Share The Truths that "We" have Experienced, via The Social Media and The Cross-Media Universes, so that, In Doing so "We May Encourage Those Who are Still in The Middle of Life and Death Struggles to Survive and Live in Peace and Freedom!" So that, "They Will Know that, They are Not Alone!"
For This is The Way To Peace, and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth!

Friday, March 7, 2014



The Way To Peace! #230

I have always heard that "The Russian Oligarchs Consider themselves to be Amongst The Elite Power Brokers and Proven Movers and Shakers of The World of Business Affairs," and, of course, "Very Civilized and Cultivated!" So, "I Do Not Understand Why," "These Oligarchs," who have "Accumulated Vast Fortunes in Russia, "and "President Putin's Close/Personal Associates" haven't "Advised Him of The Negative Historical Consequences that His Decision to Authorize The Invasion of Ukraine Can Be."
For example; (1) On Monday, The Russian Market Crashed! It Fell 13%, which is Equivalent to 2, 612 DOW Points! And, (2) The Russian Ruble had Its Worst Fall in 29 Months! And then, (3) Add to this The Fact that The Russian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew only 1.9% in 2013, and, "I would Think that The Russian Oligarchs would Be Quick to Counsel President Putin" that, "Adding The Additional Cost of Invading Ukraine, Plus The Sanctions that Will Be Directed Against Russia, Will Not Be Good For Business, or For The Russian People!"

And, "Why haven't The Russian Oligarchs Taken Direct Action and Pointed Out to President Putin" that "The Days of A War Time Economies" are,  from "A Historical Point of View, An Anathema to Any Nations Leader" who would "Like to Be Remembered as A Great Leader for History to Record and for His People to Admire for Centuries to Come!"
"Just as Dictators and Tyrants are Not Models for The Global Markets and Civilized Nations to Admire in this Age of Big Business, and Banking Syndicates!"

And, "Why haven't These Astute/Worldly Business Personages Taught President Putin that He Can Gain More Global Influence by Simply Continuing to Be A Major Exporter of Gas" than "He Can by Invading Another Sovereign Nation!"
And, that "He Can Gain even Greater Prestige for Himself and The Russian People by Being A Voice of Reason, Not War!" And, also, "by Being A Highly Respected and Co-operative Member of The Earths United Nations!"

And, "Why haven't These Oligarchs Shown President Putin" that "He has A Real Opportunity to Re-Establish Russia's Greatness in The World by Demonstrating through His Words and Actions that True Greatness Grows Out of Showing Reverence and Sincere Concern For The Lives and Well Being of His Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
As well as "Showing Respect for All The Natural Resources of This Planet, and The Universe that Surrounds Us!"
"This is A Cognitive Global Policy of Equilibre that Can Be Admired and Respected by One and All," and, More than Likely, "Help President Putin Gain The Prestige and Respected Place in History that He seems to Covet!"

And, While I'm Still "Engrossed in this Train of Thought," "Why hasn't The Russian Religious Leaders Spoken Out Against this Act Of Barbaric Aggression Against The Ukrainian People," who have "Chosen to Live Free from Russian Oppression and Intimidation!" As is "Their Right as A Sovereign Nation!"
Just as it is "The Right of People from All over The World to Live in Freedom!"
"Freedom to Choose A Path of Non-Resistance," if "They Wish" or "Their Right to Change" from "Living under An Authoritarian State of Being" to One that "Relies on Diplomacy and Economic Co-operation with Other Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Why hasn't His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, The Head of The Russian Orthodox Church Reached Out to The Vatican and Pope Francis," and, "To All The  Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called Out In The Name of Peace," For All The World to Hear, "For President Putin and The Russian Parliament to End The Invasion of Ukraine," and "Allow The Ukrainian People to Follow The Course of Their Own Convictions without Interference!"

And, "Why hasn't Patriarch Kirill Joined Together with Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called upon President Putin to Cease His Warmongering Ways and Reset His Priorities!" And, "End The Russian Aggression in Ukraine!"
"Wouldn't this Be A Magnificent Demonstration of Respect For One's Fellow Human Being,"and "The Importance of Our Cardinal Virtues "and "The Significance and Value of The Church on Earth!"
And, "An Opportunity for The Church Hierarchy to Stand up for Its Beliefs," and "The Rights and Lives of All The People of All Sovereign Nations," of This Planet Earth! And, of "Jesus' Gospel of Love!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Encourage, Empower, and Embrace People Of Peace and Equilibre," whomever and wherever They May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue to Share Our Vision Path Of The People via The Social Media, Cross-Media Universe, and In Peace Gatherings and Non-Violent Peace Demonstrations!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Reach Out through An Earthrise of Universal Conscious Awareness and Spiritual Enlightenment to Interdependent Minds, Hearts, Spirits, and Souls," All The While, "Building A Bridge of Peace with Each Step of The Way to A New Age and Nexus of Hope For All The World to Share!"
For This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!

Monday, February 24, 2014



The Way To Peace! #229

"It's One Thing to Learn through Academic/Historical Studies" about "The Psychological, Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Oppression of A People/Race or Gender!" However, "To See such "Overt Oppression" In This Day and Age is Unbearably Brutal, and Incomprehensible to Behold!" And, "It is Unimaginable To See the Same Ole Ruse/Threats, and Intimidation's Used In The Same Ole Way!
I sincerely Hope that "This Act Of Oppression and Aggression" is "As Intolerable and Unconscionable to The Religious, Military, Financial, Political, and Civic Leaders of The Worlds United Nations to Experience as It Must Be To The Ukrainian People," who are "Being Bullied and Terrorized by A Military Invasion of Their Country and The Occupation of Crimea by Russia, because "They have Much to Do!"

"In This Age of Instant Communication, and The Global Influence of The Worldwide Webb," "Tyrants, Dictators, Drug Czars, White Collar Crimes, Political Corruption, Religious Abuses, and Crimes against Humanity are Immediately Exposed For The World to See!" And, "The Decision Made by President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Invade Ukraine and Take over Crimea is Such An Example" and "An Overt Example Of The Worst Kind of Tyrannical Egoism and Oppression Imaginable by A Modern Day Leader!" "To Violate The Sovereign and Territorial Rights of Any Nation or People is in Violation of International Law, and The Helsinki Final Act Accords which Russia (Formerly known as The Soviet Union at the time) Agreed to!"

And, "President Putin Must Be Made to Understand The Full Implications of His Actions" by "The United Nations, NATO, The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE), The EU, The United Nations Security Council, The Religious Leaders althrough out The World, Partners for Peace, The United States, The IMF and Global Banks and Markets, ECB, and Wherever or with Whomever President Putin Does Business!" "He/Russia Must Be Isolated from The G-8 and The G-20, and Forced to Feel The Consequences of His Aggression Towards Ukraine!"
"Let Us Very Clearly Remember that Russia Invaded Georgia in 2008," and that "Russian Forces are Still in Abkhazia and South Ossetia!" And, "That is Why President Putin Must Learn" that "This Will Not Be Tolerated again!" There is a Saying that "If you Give Someone an Inch They Will Take a Mile!" And, "This Saying Clearly Applies to President Putin/Russia!"

And, "Sanctions against Russia/President Putin Must Be Immediate and Supported by All The Nations of This Planet Earth!" And, "Russian Forces Must Leave Ukraine and Allow The Ukrainians to Make Their Own Choices for Their Own Country!"

"Who Will Be Next, China?" With "Their Ambitions in The East China and South China Seas?"
"If The Nations of The World Do Not Act in Full Force and In Concert with Each other to Prevent this from Happening again, The Negative Ripple Effect May Extend all The Way To Iran, Syria, and North Korea!" "Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues are The Way to Resolve Differences of Opinion between Nations!" "This is The Path of Non-Resistance For The World and For Future Generations to Come!" However, "The Nations of The World Must Act Now!"

"The Arab Spring Inspired Us, and, Libya Encouraged Us (by Removing Muammar al-Gaddafi from Office)" and "Now, It is Coming Circle in Venezuela," that "The Day of Overt Oppression" is "No Longer Going to Be Tolerated by The Sovereign People of This Earth of Ours!" And, "Its Time for The United Nations and NATO to Enforce The Laws of The Civilized World" and "Protect The Sovereign Rights Of The People to Live In Peace and Equilibre with One Another!"

"This is The 21st Century,"  and "Oppression of Any Form," whatsoever It is, "Is Impossible to Accept!" For example; (1) "Why Should A Woman with The Same Intelligence and Job Skills Make Less than A Man," Doing The Exact Same Job, Working in The Exact Same Position!" And, "Why Should any Woman or Young Girl Fear for Her Life," Just because, "She would Like to Receive An Education!" This is "The Ugly Face of Oppression and Its Intolerable!"
(Don't Forget Saturday, March 8th is International Women's Day)

(2) "Why Should Any Person Live in State of Oppression" because of "Their Gender, Race, Religion, Disability or Economic Placement in The Status Quo!" This is "A Cruel and Unconscionable Treatment of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

(3) "Why Should there Be Millions of Children and Their Families Living in Poverty, Century after Century," and "For The Most Part in The Exact Same Places where Their Ancestors also, Lived In Poverty!" This is "No longer A Mystery or Secret" and "Its Another Form of Oppression!"  The Leaders of The World, The Financial Leaders of The Earth, and The Spiritual/Religious and Civic Leaders of The Earths Communities "Must Put An End to This Overt Form of Oppression and The Misery, Hardship, Suffering, and Unjust Treatment of Our Fellow Human Beings!" (No Child Should Be Born to Live a Life of Poverty)

(4) And, "Why Should Hard Working Citizens Of This Planet Earth Be Denied An Honest Living Wage!"  Once again "Its Inconceivable that Mothers and Fathers who Work One or Two Jobs a Week, are Being Denied An Affordable Living Wage by The Obstructionist Economic Policies of A Few Elected Officials," who have "Forgotten that They were Elected to Represent The People!" And, "Not to Oppress The People!" There are "Some Employees Working for a little more $2. Dollars an Hour in The U.S." and "Much Less than that in China, India, and, In Other Less Developed Countries!" "The Point is" that "This Form of Economic Disparity is An Overt Form of Oppression" that is "Causing A Great Weight on Our Societies!"

(5) And, "In This Age of Super Computers and Global Communication," "Why are People Still Living in Slavery, whether it Be as Sex Slaves, or Fear of Violence!" "There Should Be A Continuous Global Media Coverage of Crime Lords, Pedophiles, and, The World Leaders who've Authorized The Massacres of Their Own People," " Displayed on The Internet and Throughout The Cross-Media and Social Media Universes, To Be Tried at The International Court Of Justice, and, In Courts Of Law," or, wherever "These Betrayals of Our Human Rights and Cardinal Virtues have Taken Place!" And, "The Law Enforcement Leaders and Officials of The Earths United Nations Should Actively Seek after and Imprison These Despots!"

"It would Be Unthinkable" that "In This Day and Age" that  any "Act of Oppression or Aggression Should Go Unpunished or Be Allowed to Cause A Cancerous Growth In The Soul and Consciousness of We The People!" "The Perpetrators Of Oppression Must Be Deterred from Continuing to Believe that "They Can Do Anything To Satisfy Their Lust for Power and Control without Facing The Most Dire Consequences Imaginable" by The International Court Of Justice and The Leaders of The Worlds Communities, and "We The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, As yet "Another Winter Storm Slashes Its Way across The U.S. from The Mid West to The Mid Atlantic," and As "We Celebrate and Congratulate The Oscar Winners" and "For Their Deeply Felt Performances and, Moving and Eloquent Acceptance Speeches (by Lupita Nyong'o, Matthew McConnaughey, Alphonso Cuaron, and Cate Blanchett, just to name a few)," and "Experienced The Making of The Most Viewed Celebrity Photo, Seen all around The World on Twitter," and "Laughed for Joy at The Jump that Lifted All Our Spirits by Steve McQueen," Let Us "Stay Focused on The Vision Path that Lies Before Us," and, Remember that "This is Our Time to Create History," and, "Sow The Seeds of An Earthrise Evolution Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
"An Evolution Built Upon A Foundation of Justice, Truth, Economic Parity, Universal Conscious Awareness, and Respect For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings, and This Planet Earth!" "Neglecting Not One Aspect of Its Seas, Skies, Lands, or Universe that It is A Part of!" "Truly A Spiritual and Cultural Eloquence Of Being!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!