Wednesday, July 16, 2014



The Way To Peace! #237

"As The Death Toll Continues to Rise in The New Crisis between The State of Israel and The State of Palestine," Caused by "The Tragic Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teens on June 12th and Their Murder," "The Depth of Division between The Israelis and Palestinians are, Once again, Revealed without Thought of Consequence by The Perpetrators of This Crime!"
And, "Once again, A New Generation of Families will Suffer and Shed Their Tears in Front of The Wailing Wall!"
And, "While The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict becomes More and More Inflamed," Here in The U.S. "The Immigration Impasse Continues to Maturate into A State of Political Dissolution and Amorphous!"
 "Every time I Read or Hear about The Need for, or Lack of, or The Pros and Cons for Immigration Reform in The U.S." I must admit that, "I Wonder if The Pundits and Politicians who are "Against Immigration Reform," have "Studied Basic American History!"
Have "They Forgotten," "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," a Quote from Emma Lazarus Sonnet, "New Colossus."
Or "The Fact" that, "Aside from the Approximately 4.3 million American/Alaskan Natives," who Live in The U.S. today, "We are All Immigrants/Foreigners!"

Add to that, "The Fact" that "The U.S. has always been "A Safe Haven for The Oppressed Peoples of The World!" So, "Why has The U.S. Congress," who are "Elected Officials Of The People, By The People, and For The People," taken "So Long to Address the Need for A Clear and Present Immigration Philosophy/Reform/Law for The 21st Century!"
"A Philosophy/Reform/Law of The Land" that is "Consistent with Our History, Moral Values, and Concerns for The Oppressed, For The Disenfranchised, For Political Refugees, and Children who have been Living in Fear of Being Sold, Murdered, Kidnapped, or Deprived The Right to Live and Be Educated as Free Interdependent Beings of This Planet Earth!"

"This Should Not Be A Political Issue, This Should Be A Human Rights Declaration of The 21st Century!" "One that Protects The Sovereign Rights of Each and Every Child of This Sacred Earth of Ours!" And, "Provides Them and Their Families" with "A Sanctity of Being Here and Now," for "As Long as They May Live!"
"A Human Rights Declaration that Provides Every Family with The Surety that Their Children Will Be Cared for, When Threatened by War, Criminals, Evildoers, Terrorists, and Malcontents!"
And, "Provided with A Free Education, Clean Air, Clean Water, Sanitary Living Conditions, and A Home that They Can Call Their Own!" And, "An Opportunity to Achieve Their Goals and Dreams in Life!"
"Shouldn't these Conditions Be The Foundation for Every Family to Enjoy and Live by?

And, "Yes" there are "Laws Separating Church and State," However, "This is Not The Time for Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Remain Silent or in The Background," Especially, when it is Concerned with The Well Being of Our Spiritual, Soulful, Health, Emotional and Mental States of Being!"
And, "By No Means Should Any Spiritual or Religious Leader of The World Depend Solely upon The Statesmanship or Guidance of The Worlds Political Leaders," to Create Through Political Means of Law, "A Global Policy of Equilibre" that is, "Of Benefit to One and All!"
Let's Face The Facts, "Too Many Children are Homeless and Living in Poverty!" And, "Too Many Families are Living in Refugee Camps!"

So, once again, It is of The Utmost Importance to Hear A Resounding Clamour, A Thunderous Roar, and An Uplifting Choir of Voices from All The People of The World, Coupled with A Definitive Statement Made by Pope Francis, The Dali Lama, Patriarch Kirill, The Supreme Leader Ayatolla-Ali-Khamenei, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, and The Grand Ayatolla Ali-al Sistani, "One that is Upheld by All The Spiritual and Religious Leaders of The World," that, "We are One and All Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth!
And that, In Actuality, "No One is An Immigrant!" 

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Share An Activism of Earthrise Proportions," "As A True Fraternity Of, By, and For The People!"

And, "Let Us Not Hesitate for A Nanosecond  to Share The Universal/Conscious Awareness and Enlightenment Provided to Us by Such Illuminated Beings as Socrates, Confucius, Rumi, Zoroaster, Siddhartha Gautama, Mary, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mahatma Gandhi, Charlemagne, Lao-Tse, Jesus Of Nazareth, Clara Barton, Mary Magdalene, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Nelson Mandela, Mohammad, Moses, and Mother Teresa, via The Social and Cross-Media Universe to The Hearts, Minds, Souls, Intellects and Spirits Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
For, This is The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Age Of Peace On Earth! "An Age that Teaches and Instills in Its Youth A Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient Beings from The First Day of Their Birth!"