Wednesday, August 6, 2014



The Way To Peace! #238

As "We" Busy Our Lives with Taking Our Children to Summer Classes, Going to Work, Shopping, Watching Our Favorite Programs on TV, Attending Sports, Music, Theatre, and Dance Events, Going to Museums, Libraries, The Beach, and, Our Favorite Restaurants and Vacation Destinations, "The U.S. Do Nothing Congress" (more Obstructionist than Legislative) "Takes another Paid Vacation," While Another "Tragic Death of American Major General Harold Greene," Occurred in Afghanistan! "Major Greene was Serving His First Tour of Duty," and "It is also Reported that Fifteen Coalition Members and Eight Americans, Plus German Brig. General Michael Bartscher were Wounded in The Insider Attack!" The Assailant, An Afghan Soldier was Killed!" 
"The Value of The Lives of  The Thousands of U.S. and Coalition Forces Lost In Action In Afghanistan Can Never Be Estimated in Dollars or Euros!" And, "Their Loss Can Never Be Repaid To The Families who have Lost A Family Member over The Period of This Thirteen Year Old Conflict!"

And "The Global Markets" Continue Their Dance, To and Fro, with History, and, "The Middle East Continues to Sway from One Crisis to Another," and "The Russian/Ukraine Conflict Continues to Erupt with Acts of Violence,"and "Two American Missionaries were Infected with The Ebola Virus," and, Be sure to "Check Your Websites" Because as Many as "420,000 May have Been Compromised by The Theft of 1.2B Passwords by A Russian Crime Ring," and "Countless Numbers of Children from Central America to Africa" have Been, Either, "Kidnapped or Left Homeless as Unwanted Immigrants, Living In Despair!"

And, "More and More, It is Appearing Obvious that, "We".... The People, "Interdependent Sovereign Citizens of This Planet Earth, are "Being Taken for Granted," by "The Powers that Be!"
And, "Instead of Being Treated with The Utmost Respect and Reverence," "Our Lives and Mortal Souls are Being Conditioned," and "Forced to Endure An Endless Marathon of Senseless and Violent Abuse!"

And, "Instead of Being Given A Welcomed Embrace by Our Political, Religious, and Financial Leaders," or, "Provided with The Social Security/Support Needed to Freely Evolve as Mature, Intelligent, Compassionate, and Sensitive/Learned Beings," "We," Our Minds and Thoughts, are "Being Shaped and Prepared to Follow in Ways of Violence and Revenge!" 
"Women, Men, and Children," One and All, "Being Entrapped In A Web of Limitless Millennias of Lies and Half Truths!" "All Leading To Death and War and More Conflicts, and Death and War, over and over again!"

This is The 21st Century, "We".... The People, "Should Be Living in An Age of Global Equilibre" with One Another! "As An Earth Citizenry of Peace!" "An Inspiring Knowing, and Empowered Citizenry that Cares for The Lives of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

"An Earth Society that Believes in Providing each and every Citizen with The Freedom to Be and Vote for The Political, Economical, and Religious/Spiritual Society that It Deems Necessary for The Growth and Well Being of Its Family, Neighbor, and Fellow Human Being!"

However, "Regional Crisis after Crisis has Continued to Threatened Our Present and Future Now State of Being," just, "As, It has Done in The Past!" But, "This Time it Must Be Stopped!"
"The Global Leaders of Exemplary Modernity and Common Sense, Must Step Forward and Force Logic to Prevail," "Where it has Not Done so, In The Past!"

Hatred, Revenge, Arrogance, Imperialistic Aspirants, Egotistical Oligarchs, Self Serving Militants, "Must Not Prevail!" And, The False Rhetoric of Political, Religious, and Financial Sophism "Must Not Prevail!"

"To Sow The Seeds of An Enduring and Lasting Summer of Hopeful Realization," "We" Need "Leaders of Exemplary Modernity, Cultural Evolution, and Economic Growth" that "Favors Economic Parity," For "All The People!"

And, "We" Need The Support of The Global Intelligentsia and Global Military Industrial Complex to Protect This Age of Science, and Technology!"
 "Our Cross-Media Universe and Social Media Must Remain Free from Negative Influence!" 

And, "It is The Responsibility of The Global Intelligent Agencies and The Military Industrial Complex" to "Make Positively Sure that There is No Interference or Exploitation by Organized Crime, Drug Lords, Sovereign Nations, Immoral Human Trafficking Groups, or Financial Institutions for Their Own Self Serving/Immoral Purposes!"

There is "An Ever Increasing Gray Line that is Diminishing The Truth between Those who have Pledged To Defend The Rights and Freedoms Of The People," versus "Those who Claim to Represent The People!"
Diplomacy, and Peace Dialogues (Israel and The Palestinians are To Be Commended for Their Truce Negotiations), Plus The International Court of Justice, Universal Laws of Fair Play, and Equal Rights For One and All "Should Be The Mantra/Mantle Of The People!" "Our Declaration and Our Vision Path!"
"This Century," when Looked Back upon, "Should Resemble," "A Grand Reflection Of A True Fraternity Of All Man and Woman Kind!" "An Age Of Global Equilibre Of, By, and For The People!" Sans War!

"The Time is Ripe" for "A Magnificent Society of Culture and Compassion to Emerge!" All The Elements are In Place! And, "The Games/Exploitation of Destruction and Amorphous," "Can Not Be Embraced or Tolerated!" By The Earths United Nations! By No One! 
"The People have Spoken!"

Once again, "This is The 21st Century, Not Some Barbaric Age of The Past!" And, "The People," have "Suffered Enough!" This Should be Apparent To All The Leaders Of This Sacred Earth Of Ours! And, "Quite Simply" put, "War is Not The Answer!"
War and Violence are "Not The Way To Peace and An Age Of Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Peace On Earth!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries "Take Heart," For "We Shall Prevail," in "A New Age of Respect and Reverence For The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
And, As "Martin Luther King Jr." once said, "We Shall Overcome!"

Enough Political, Religious, and Economic Hypocrisy! "The People have Spoken!"