Monday, February 24, 2014



The Way To Peace! #229

"It's One Thing to Learn through Academic/Historical Studies" about "The Psychological, Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Oppression of A People/Race or Gender!" However, "To See such "Overt Oppression" In This Day and Age is Unbearably Brutal, and Incomprehensible to Behold!" And, "It is Unimaginable To See the Same Ole Ruse/Threats, and Intimidation's Used In The Same Ole Way!
I sincerely Hope that "This Act Of Oppression and Aggression" is "As Intolerable and Unconscionable to The Religious, Military, Financial, Political, and Civic Leaders of The Worlds United Nations to Experience as It Must Be To The Ukrainian People," who are "Being Bullied and Terrorized by A Military Invasion of Their Country and The Occupation of Crimea by Russia, because "They have Much to Do!"

"In This Age of Instant Communication, and The Global Influence of The Worldwide Webb," "Tyrants, Dictators, Drug Czars, White Collar Crimes, Political Corruption, Religious Abuses, and Crimes against Humanity are Immediately Exposed For The World to See!" And, "The Decision Made by President Vladimir Putin of Russia to Invade Ukraine and Take over Crimea is Such An Example" and "An Overt Example Of The Worst Kind of Tyrannical Egoism and Oppression Imaginable by A Modern Day Leader!" "To Violate The Sovereign and Territorial Rights of Any Nation or People is in Violation of International Law, and The Helsinki Final Act Accords which Russia (Formerly known as The Soviet Union at the time) Agreed to!"

And, "President Putin Must Be Made to Understand The Full Implications of His Actions" by "The United Nations, NATO, The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE), The EU, The United Nations Security Council, The Religious Leaders althrough out The World, Partners for Peace, The United States, The IMF and Global Banks and Markets, ECB, and Wherever or with Whomever President Putin Does Business!" "He/Russia Must Be Isolated from The G-8 and The G-20, and Forced to Feel The Consequences of His Aggression Towards Ukraine!"
"Let Us Very Clearly Remember that Russia Invaded Georgia in 2008," and that "Russian Forces are Still in Abkhazia and South Ossetia!" And, "That is Why President Putin Must Learn" that "This Will Not Be Tolerated again!" There is a Saying that "If you Give Someone an Inch They Will Take a Mile!" And, "This Saying Clearly Applies to President Putin/Russia!"

And, "Sanctions against Russia/President Putin Must Be Immediate and Supported by All The Nations of This Planet Earth!" And, "Russian Forces Must Leave Ukraine and Allow The Ukrainians to Make Their Own Choices for Their Own Country!"

"Who Will Be Next, China?" With "Their Ambitions in The East China and South China Seas?"
"If The Nations of The World Do Not Act in Full Force and In Concert with Each other to Prevent this from Happening again, The Negative Ripple Effect May Extend all The Way To Iran, Syria, and North Korea!" "Diplomacy and Peace Dialogues are The Way to Resolve Differences of Opinion between Nations!" "This is The Path of Non-Resistance For The World and For Future Generations to Come!" However, "The Nations of The World Must Act Now!"

"The Arab Spring Inspired Us, and, Libya Encouraged Us (by Removing Muammar al-Gaddafi from Office)" and "Now, It is Coming Circle in Venezuela," that "The Day of Overt Oppression" is "No Longer Going to Be Tolerated by The Sovereign People of This Earth of Ours!" And, "Its Time for The United Nations and NATO to Enforce The Laws of The Civilized World" and "Protect The Sovereign Rights Of The People to Live In Peace and Equilibre with One Another!"

"This is The 21st Century,"  and "Oppression of Any Form," whatsoever It is, "Is Impossible to Accept!" For example; (1) "Why Should A Woman with The Same Intelligence and Job Skills Make Less than A Man," Doing The Exact Same Job, Working in The Exact Same Position!" And, "Why Should any Woman or Young Girl Fear for Her Life," Just because, "She would Like to Receive An Education!" This is "The Ugly Face of Oppression and Its Intolerable!"
(Don't Forget Saturday, March 8th is International Women's Day)

(2) "Why Should Any Person Live in State of Oppression" because of "Their Gender, Race, Religion, Disability or Economic Placement in The Status Quo!" This is "A Cruel and Unconscionable Treatment of Ones Fellow Human Being!"

(3) "Why Should there Be Millions of Children and Their Families Living in Poverty, Century after Century," and "For The Most Part in The Exact Same Places where Their Ancestors also, Lived In Poverty!" This is "No longer A Mystery or Secret" and "Its Another Form of Oppression!"  The Leaders of The World, The Financial Leaders of The Earth, and The Spiritual/Religious and Civic Leaders of The Earths Communities "Must Put An End to This Overt Form of Oppression and The Misery, Hardship, Suffering, and Unjust Treatment of Our Fellow Human Beings!" (No Child Should Be Born to Live a Life of Poverty)

(4) And, "Why Should Hard Working Citizens Of This Planet Earth Be Denied An Honest Living Wage!"  Once again "Its Inconceivable that Mothers and Fathers who Work One or Two Jobs a Week, are Being Denied An Affordable Living Wage by The Obstructionist Economic Policies of A Few Elected Officials," who have "Forgotten that They were Elected to Represent The People!" And, "Not to Oppress The People!" There are "Some Employees Working for a little more $2. Dollars an Hour in The U.S." and "Much Less than that in China, India, and, In Other Less Developed Countries!" "The Point is" that "This Form of Economic Disparity is An Overt Form of Oppression" that is "Causing A Great Weight on Our Societies!"

(5) And, "In This Age of Super Computers and Global Communication," "Why are People Still Living in Slavery, whether it Be as Sex Slaves, or Fear of Violence!" "There Should Be A Continuous Global Media Coverage of Crime Lords, Pedophiles, and, The World Leaders who've Authorized The Massacres of Their Own People," " Displayed on The Internet and Throughout The Cross-Media and Social Media Universes, To Be Tried at The International Court Of Justice, and, In Courts Of Law," or, wherever "These Betrayals of Our Human Rights and Cardinal Virtues have Taken Place!" And, "The Law Enforcement Leaders and Officials of The Earths United Nations Should Actively Seek after and Imprison These Despots!"

"It would Be Unthinkable" that "In This Day and Age" that  any "Act of Oppression or Aggression Should Go Unpunished or Be Allowed to Cause A Cancerous Growth In The Soul and Consciousness of We The People!" "The Perpetrators Of Oppression Must Be Deterred from Continuing to Believe that "They Can Do Anything To Satisfy Their Lust for Power and Control without Facing The Most Dire Consequences Imaginable" by The International Court Of Justice and The Leaders of The Worlds Communities, and "We The People!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, As yet "Another Winter Storm Slashes Its Way across The U.S. from The Mid West to The Mid Atlantic," and As "We Celebrate and Congratulate The Oscar Winners" and "For Their Deeply Felt Performances and, Moving and Eloquent Acceptance Speeches (by Lupita Nyong'o, Matthew McConnaughey, Alphonso Cuaron, and Cate Blanchett, just to name a few)," and "Experienced The Making of The Most Viewed Celebrity Photo, Seen all around The World on Twitter," and "Laughed for Joy at The Jump that Lifted All Our Spirits by Steve McQueen," Let Us "Stay Focused on The Vision Path that Lies Before Us," and, Remember that "This is Our Time to Create History," and, "Sow The Seeds of An Earthrise Evolution Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"
"An Evolution Built Upon A Foundation of Justice, Truth, Economic Parity, Universal Conscious Awareness, and Respect For The Lives Of All Sentient Beings, and This Planet Earth!" "Neglecting Not One Aspect of Its Seas, Skies, Lands, or Universe that It is A Part of!" "Truly A Spiritual and Cultural Eloquence Of Being!"
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and An Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!