Thursday, February 13, 2014



The Way To Peace! #227

What is "Becoming Increasingly More Obvious" is that "We" are in "The Beginning Stages of A New War of False Accusations, Derogatory Statements, Misleading Political Rhetoric, Outright Lies, and Words of Distrust and Division!" And, For Most of The Next Three Years,  Until November 8th, 2016, this "New War of Words" will Escalate and Be Heaped upon Us by Potential Presidential Candidates, and Women and Men who are Campaigning to Win A Place in The World of Politics, whether it be a Seat in The U.S. Senate or The U.S. House Of Representatives, or wherever Elections are Being Held!

And, that means, that "We The People" will Be (especially in the U.S.) "Forced to Endure Billions of Dollars of Political Media Blitz Campaigns," "Being Spent on Satellite, Network and Cable TV, Radio, Internet, Newspapers, and Magazines, ad nauseam (mainly because the U.S. Campaign Finance Law Desperately Needs to Be Changed)!"

"Understand" that Means that "For Almost Three Years, The Needs Of The People Of The World will Be Put On Hold!" Unless "We Speak out!"
And, that Means that "The Need for New Infrastructure Repairs" that "Can Create Employment and Make for Safe Roads, Safe Bridges, Airport Repairs, and The Modernization of Our Trains and Subways (Tubes, and Metros)," will Be "Put On Hold!" Unless "We Speak Out!"

So, "Here We Go again," But, This Time "Lets Not Be Fooled" by "The False Promises that will Be Made to Get Our Vote!" And, "Lets Not Be Overwhelmed" by "The Bombardment Of Political Ads to Sway Us away from The Candidate of Our Choice!" And, "Lets Always Remember that The Truth will Survive!" And that, "We will Survive!"

However, "To The Oligarchs, Power Brokers, Lobbyists, and, The U.S. Federal Reserve System, The International Monetary Fund, The European Central Bank, The World Bank, Religions Of The World, Billionaires and Millionaires, and All The Members of The Global Finance Community, Global Markets, The World Of Celebrity, The Heritage Foundation, The Brookings Institute, Global Philanthropists, Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, Military, and, Civic Leaders of The Earths United Nations, "You Can Not Wait for The Political Process to Provide Any Far Reaching, Substantial, or Forward Looking Guidance, or New Policies" that are "Directed Towards Implementing or Improving The Quality of Life For We The People!"
(This is "Especially Prevalent during Election Periods!)
So, "It is of The Utmost Importance, For You To Invest in Free Education for Our Children, and, Finance The Education of A Skilled New Work Force of The 21st Century!" And, "Invest in Alternative Energy Sources, Quantum Computers, Public Transportation, Public Library Systems, and Re-Building The Devastated Communities that have been Ravaged by Natural Disasters and War!"
And, "You Must Invest in Loan Programs to Aid Homeowners who are Struggling to Make a Full Recovery from The Economic Collapse of The Global Finance/Banking System!"

"You Must Agree" that "It's Time for You to Get Off The Fence" and "Invest in Creating New Jobs and Strengthening The Global Economy!" And, "Instead of Making it A Priority to Invest in The Global Markets, Make it A Priority to Invest in An Empower The People Based Economy!" This is "The Way Forward" "Towards Establishing A New Global Policy of Equilibre For The People," of this Planet Earth!

And so, Once again, To All The Military, Religious, Financial, Civic, Political, and Influential Leaders of The Earths United Nations, "It Should Be Your Goal to Establish An Eloquence Of Being and Security for  Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth," and "An End Poverty and War For Once and For All!" This "Should Be Your Mantra and Raison D'etre!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue To Follow An Interdependent Course of Purpose, Compassion, Perseverance, Determination, Faith and Hope! Hope For A Better World For Our Families, Friends, and, Neighbors. And, For Future Generations to Come! For, This is, The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Age Of Peace On Earth!