Friday, March 7, 2014



The Way To Peace! #230

I have always heard that "The Russian Oligarchs Consider themselves to be Amongst The Elite Power Brokers and Proven Movers and Shakers of The World of Business Affairs," and, of course, "Very Civilized and Cultivated!" So, "I Do Not Understand Why," "These Oligarchs," who have "Accumulated Vast Fortunes in Russia, "and "President Putin's Close/Personal Associates" haven't "Advised Him of The Negative Historical Consequences that His Decision to Authorize The Invasion of Ukraine Can Be."
For example; (1) On Monday, The Russian Market Crashed! It Fell 13%, which is Equivalent to 2, 612 DOW Points! And, (2) The Russian Ruble had Its Worst Fall in 29 Months! And then, (3) Add to this The Fact that The Russian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew only 1.9% in 2013, and, "I would Think that The Russian Oligarchs would Be Quick to Counsel President Putin" that, "Adding The Additional Cost of Invading Ukraine, Plus The Sanctions that Will Be Directed Against Russia, Will Not Be Good For Business, or For The Russian People!"

And, "Why haven't The Russian Oligarchs Taken Direct Action and Pointed Out to President Putin" that "The Days of A War Time Economies" are,  from "A Historical Point of View, An Anathema to Any Nations Leader" who would "Like to Be Remembered as A Great Leader for History to Record and for His People to Admire for Centuries to Come!"
"Just as Dictators and Tyrants are Not Models for The Global Markets and Civilized Nations to Admire in this Age of Big Business, and Banking Syndicates!"

And, "Why haven't These Astute/Worldly Business Personages Taught President Putin that He Can Gain More Global Influence by Simply Continuing to Be A Major Exporter of Gas" than "He Can by Invading Another Sovereign Nation!"
And, that "He Can Gain even Greater Prestige for Himself and The Russian People by Being A Voice of Reason, Not War!" And, also, "by Being A Highly Respected and Co-operative Member of The Earths United Nations!"

And, "Why haven't These Oligarchs Shown President Putin" that "He has A Real Opportunity to Re-Establish Russia's Greatness in The World by Demonstrating through His Words and Actions that True Greatness Grows Out of Showing Reverence and Sincere Concern For The Lives and Well Being of His Fellow Human Being and The Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
As well as "Showing Respect for All The Natural Resources of This Planet, and The Universe that Surrounds Us!"
"This is A Cognitive Global Policy of Equilibre that Can Be Admired and Respected by One and All," and, More than Likely, "Help President Putin Gain The Prestige and Respected Place in History that He seems to Covet!"

And, While I'm Still "Engrossed in this Train of Thought," "Why hasn't The Russian Religious Leaders Spoken Out Against this Act Of Barbaric Aggression Against The Ukrainian People," who have "Chosen to Live Free from Russian Oppression and Intimidation!" As is "Their Right as A Sovereign Nation!"
Just as it is "The Right of People from All over The World to Live in Freedom!"
"Freedom to Choose A Path of Non-Resistance," if "They Wish" or "Their Right to Change" from "Living under An Authoritarian State of Being" to One that "Relies on Diplomacy and Economic Co-operation with Other Sovereign Nations!"

And, "Why hasn't His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, The Head of The Russian Orthodox Church Reached Out to The Vatican and Pope Francis," and, "To All The  Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called Out In The Name of Peace," For All The World to Hear, "For President Putin and The Russian Parliament to End The Invasion of Ukraine," and "Allow The Ukrainian People to Follow The Course of Their Own Convictions without Interference!"

And, "Why hasn't Patriarch Kirill Joined Together with Religious Leaders from All Over The World," and "Called upon President Putin to Cease His Warmongering Ways and Reset His Priorities!" And, "End The Russian Aggression in Ukraine!"
"Wouldn't this Be A Magnificent Demonstration of Respect For One's Fellow Human Being,"and "The Importance of Our Cardinal Virtues "and "The Significance and Value of The Church on Earth!"
And, "An Opportunity for The Church Hierarchy to Stand up for Its Beliefs," and "The Rights and Lives of All The People of All Sovereign Nations," of This Planet Earth! And, of "Jesus' Gospel of Love!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, "Let Us Continue to Encourage, Empower, and Embrace People Of Peace and Equilibre," whomever and wherever They May Be!

And, "Let Us Continue to Share Our Vision Path Of The People via The Social Media, Cross-Media Universe, and In Peace Gatherings and Non-Violent Peace Demonstrations!"

And, "Let Us Continue to Reach Out through An Earthrise of Universal Conscious Awareness and Spiritual Enlightenment to Interdependent Minds, Hearts, Spirits, and Souls," All The While, "Building A Bridge of Peace with Each Step of The Way to A New Age and Nexus of Hope For All The World to Share!"
For This is The Way To Peace and An Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Age of Peace On Earth!