Thursday, July 28, 2011



The Way To Peace! #190

While The World Mourns The Tragic Deaths, that, Took Place in Norway, and, The U.S. Media and The Global Markets Continue, To Focus on Raising The Debt Ceiling In The U.S., (In Which President Obama Should Utilize The 14Th Amendment To End The Politicization of This Serious Issue), and, Freelance BBC Journalist, Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, and, 19 Adults and Children, were Killed In An Attack, In Afghanistan, and, Arch Bishop Pietro Sambi has Died, and, More Members of The U.S. Armed Forces, Fighting In Afghanistan, were Killed In Action, and, Abdel-Fattah Younis, The Head Of The Libyan Rebels Armed Forces was Killed, and, The Global Economies are, Still, Struggling, and, UN-Employment Abounds, There are, "Very Shocking Reports," Coming Out Of "The Congo!" Imagine, "Two Out of Three Women are Being Raped, Multiple Times!"

Where is "The Call of Alarm" By, "The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of, The Earths United Nations!"
Can Anyone Imagine, "Their Daughters Growing up in This Horrific State Of Being!"
"The Absolute Shame" of It, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"! Is "There No Justice For The People of The Congo!"
Is, There No Sense Of Righteous Indignation! Is, "There No Compassion!" Is, "There No Pity!" Is, "There No Shame!" Is, "There No Outrage!"

How, Is it, that, "These Inhumane Acts" of Violence, and, Physical, Mental, and, Spiritual Abuse, "Can Continue," Sans Arret, "In This Civilized World of Ours!" Without, There Being "A Global Reaction of Shock and Dismay!" Is, "This Not Beyond Comprehension!"

Have "The Leaders of The Earths United Nations, Not Learned," that, In This Age of Instant Communication, Worldwide, that, There Can Not Be "A Selective Victims Policy" (A Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and, Hear No Evil, Policy, Whenever It Suits The Powers that Be), "When Dealing with The Evils, that, Continue To Plague This Earth of Ours!"

"This Cancerous Growth" Of Inhumanity, Whose Perpetrators, Actually Believe, that, "They Can Spoil Our Youth" and, "Ravage The Families Of Our Fellow Human Beings," Whenever "They" So Desire, Over and Over Again, "Must Be Stopped!"

These "Perpetrators Of Evil," Wherever, "They" May Be, "Must Be Shown," that, This is, "Not The Way Of The World," and, that, "It Will No Longer Be Tolerated!"
And, that, "The Lives Of Our Women, Men, and, Children, are Sacred!" And, "The Lives Of All Sentient Beings, are Sacred!"

And, "Wherever Injustice is," There Must Be, "An Immediate Response," By The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act" In The Name Of All, that, "We Believe To Be Sacred!"
And, "Immediately Put An End" To, "The Cancerous Growth," that, has "Attacked The Minds, Spirits, Souls, and, Bodies," of, "So Many," Viciously, Dishonorably, Disgracefully, and, Immorally, Ravaging The Lives Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

Too Imagine, "Such Evil Atrocities" Taking Place, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "So Many" Of, "Our Fellow Human Beings," Living In These Horrendous Conditions, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine, "Such Poverty, and, Deprivation" of One's Body, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul Occurring, Over and Over Again, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

Too Imagine Anyone, "Living in These Unsanitary Living Conditions, and, Life Threatening, Oppressive/Tyrannical State Of Being," In This Day and Age, without, "Being Punished By The Law," "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

And, Too Imagine, "So Many of Us," Hundreds Of Thousands, In Some Cases, and Millions Upon Millions, In Others, "Who have Been Driven Away from Their Homes, and, Separated from Their Families," Due To The Threats Of Fear, Death, and, Starvation, In Their Neighborhoods, Towns and Villages, and Cities, Living In Refugee Camps, and Tents, "Is Beyond Comprehension!"

"Now," Is The Time, "To Act," In The Name Of All, That Is Sacred, "The Lives Of Our Fellow Human Beings!"

"Now," Is The Time For, Our Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths United Nations, "To Act," In The Name Of Justice, Peace, Freedom, and, The Good Health and Prosperity "For One and All!"

"Now" Is The Time To Replace, "The Selective Victims Policy," that, has, Slowly, But Surely, "Eaten Away" at, "The Worlds Sense Of Being" and, "Sense Of Morality" and, "The Right Of, Each and Every, Citizen Of The Earths Communities," To Live "Free from Fear, and, Free from Injustice, and, Oppression!" And, "Free from Rape, Genocide, and, Crimes against Humanity!" And, "Free To Live and Enjoy Their Lives, As Sovereign Citizens" Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!

Let The Armed Forces Of Courageous and Bold, "Women and Men Of Peace, Come Forth," To Put An End To These "Betrayals Of All that, "We" Hold Sacred!"

Let "The Armed Forces" Of The Earths United Nations, "Come Forth," To State Unequivocally, that, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, "Have had Enough!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Not Some, "Barbaric Pre-Historic Time Period," When "Men were Allowed To Force Themselves Upon The Unexpected," or, "The Weak," and, "Act In Unconscionable, and, Immeasurable States Of Violent Behavior," Due To Their Lack Of Intelligence, or, Lack Of Awareness, or, "Violent Survivalist Nature!"

This is, "The 21st Century," Where "An Act Of Immoral, and, Violent Behavior," Can Be Seen and Known of, "In A Nano-Second, All Over The World!" And, It is, "Of The Utmost Importance," that, "The Courageous Women and Men," Who have Been Chosen By, "We The People, " Citizens Of The Earth, "Act On Our Behalf," and, To Do so, "With All The Might Of Our Global Coalition Armed Forces," ("Of The People") and, "Remove The Cancerous Acts" Of Terror, and, "The Violent Abuse Of The Rights" Of "Our Fellow Human Beings!"

Its Time "To Act" As "A Great Soul Force Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," To Change The Policies of, "Selective Victimization," To "A New Strategic Vision," To Maintain and Preserve, "A New Age Of Peace On Earth!

Can "We" Change The World! "Yes, Of Course, We Can!" Is there Enough Food, (Just Waisting away in some Storage Space), To Feed The World, "Yes, of Course, There Is!"

Do "We" have The Soul Strength" To "Surmount The Evils of Corruption, Greed, Violence, and, Lust of Power!" "Yes, Of Course We Do!"

But, "Act Now," The Civilian, Religious, Military, and, Financial Leaders Of The Earths Communities, Must Do, "In Concert with One Another!" And, "In Agreement with One Another," that, In This, The 21st Century, "They" Will "Act and Be Protectors Of The Rights and Freedoms" Of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, This is, Where "The Crafting of A New Constitutions Of Global Awareness, Can Help," To Act as A Guide For An Earthrise Strategy of, "Creating A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, This is, Where "A New Emancipation Declaration Of The Earth," Can Help "To Guide Us," As "We The People," Continue To, "Sow The Seeds of, Our Vision Path Of The Free!"

And, This is, The Way To Peace! And, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A New Age Of Green Entrepreneurialism and Green Industrialization, and, A Peace Time Economy!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and, Omniscient Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul, Of The 20TH and 21st Centuries, Ponder "We Can Not," Over What Must Be Done! "We" Must, Act Now" As "Non-Violent Activists Of Peace!" "We" Must, "Speak Out Now!" And, "Gather Together Now!" And, "Demonstrate Now!"

And, Scientists, and, Engineers, Its Time To "Dedicate, Create, Imagine, Produce, and, Manufacture," Your Idea's To Improve, "The Quality Of Life For One and All!"

And, Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Choreographers, Producers, Artists of The Cross-Media Universes, Its Time To, "Dedicate, Create, Arrange, Choreograph, Paint, Sculpt, Record, Perform, or, Act In Whatever Manner of Influence," that, You May Possess, "To Build A Great Foundation For A Unified World Of Peace!"

And, Whomever, You are, and, Whatever Position, or, Career Choice, You have Made, "Use Your Influence," and, "Network within Your Neighborhoods, Towns, Villages, Cities, Library's, Hospitals, Schools, and, On The Streets, Highways, Sky ways, Sea's, and, Lands Of The Earth," But, "Act Now, Non-Violently," To Share Your Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, Of Peace, Change, and, "A Unified World!"

"We" Should, "One and All" Be Apart Of, "A Universal Spirit/Purpose Of Life," that, "Benefits One and All," and, that, "Shares The Evolution Of Life," In An Age Of Equanimity!
"A Great Sense Of Purpose," or, "Great Dream Vision Of Being Here and Now," that, "All Sentient Beings Can Share and Rejoice In!" "A New Season and Dawn" Of Change, Hope, Compassion, and, Peace!

And, Let Us Continue To Make "A Great Soul Print Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," As "A Great Government and World Body Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue "To Empower and Encourage Each Other," and, "Share The Good News and Good Karma," Of "Our Earthrrise Eco-Vision Of The Earth," via, Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Myspace, iTunes, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms,, .fr, .de,,, X's, Non-Violent Marches, Demonstrations, Sit Ins, Strikes, The Myriad Worlds Of Art and Culture, Dance, Music, The Vote, Magazines, Newspapers, In Concert Performances, Interviews, Telethons, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio Networks, Hi-Speed Super Computers, Dedicated Towards The Creation of New Medicines, Cures, Job Creation, A Peace Time Economy, Green Industrialization, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Meditation, Contemplation, Concentration, and, Thought Projection!

And, Let Us Continue "To Spread The Good News and Good Karma" Of "Our Earthrise Vision Path of, A Unified World," via, The Unlimited, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent Activist Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of, By, and, For The People," of This, The 21st Century! And, "All Across The Bridge Of Peace," To "The Farthest Corners Of The World," and, "Beyond The International Space Station, To New Worlds, Stars, Planets, and, Galaxies Of The Cosmos!"

And, Let Us Continue "To Rise On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace," and, On "The Gentle Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, At Times, Hurricane Winds Of Change, Hope, Compassion, Peace, and, Love," To A Place, that, "Lies within Each of Us," that, "We" Can "One and All," Recognize, and, Freely Share As, "Being Pure Of Heart, Mind, Spirit, and, Soul!" For This is, "The Great Purpose, Sowing, and, Harvest, Of A Great People," and, "A Great Society Of A Unified World Of Peace!"
And, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!