Tuesday, July 5, 2011



The Way To Peace! #183

Lets Face The Facts! (1) The Deficit Must be Reduced! (2) Tax Loopholes Must Be Closed! (3) Spending Cuts Must Be Enacted Upon! (4) "We" Need New Revenue Streams/Enhancements! (5) The Debt Ceiling Must Be Raised! (6) Redundancy Programs & Pork Barrel Projects Must Be Cut! (7) And, Partisan Politics Must End, or, The U.S. Government Will Continue To Be, "UN-Productive (and UN-Popular with The People), and, The U.S. Economy Will Remain In, "A Stagnant State of Being," and, UN-Employment Will Not Improve! (8) The Mis-Management of Social Security Must End!
(9) And, Health Care Costs Must Come Under Control! (10) And, Home Foreclosures Must Be Suspended Until Further Notice! (11) And, A Counter Terrorism Military Campaign Must Be The Priority Strategy for Combating, The War on Terrorism, and, Supporting The Forces Of Peace, Freedom, and, The Rights of, All Sovereign Citizens Of The Earth, from Tyranny, Dictatorship, Radical Religious Fanatics, Drug Cartels, and, The Ignominious World of Sex Slaves/Trade!

So, "Lets Get it On," as Marvin Gaye sang, However, First of All, To Begin Anew, President Obama Should Utilize The Fourteenth Amendment of The U.S. Constitution, To Eliminate The Use of Politics, As A Way To Politicize, What is, A Very Serious Situation, and, Pay "The Debts," that, have Been Incurred By, The U.S. Government!

This is Why, "Our Founding Fathers," Created This Amendment, and, It Sends Out "A Clear and Concise" Message To, "All The Politicians," that, "Change is Here and Now," and, The False Rhetoric of Sophists, and, Politicians, Will "No Longer Be Tolerated!"
There are "Too Many Lives" Depending on, "An Honest Government," "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People, " and, There are, "Too Many Citizens Of The Earth," Who are Depending on, "The Financial Solvency of The U.S."

And, of Course, Your Political Adversary's, Will Declare Your Actions as Being Unconstitutional, However, "They" Will Be Proven, "To Be Wrong," and, Further more, "They" Will Lose Further Credibility with, "We The People!"

And, It Is Important, that, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of The Earths United Nations Agree, that, Change Must Come, and, The Egotistical, Selfish, and, Chaotic World of Politics, Must "Come To An End," For The Sake, "Of, By, and, For The People, " Citizens Of The Earth!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, are Tired of, "The Same Ole, Same Ole, Political Ideologies and Partisan Politics," that, have Caused "So Much Turmoil and Injustice in Our Lives!"

And, "We" are Tired of, "Being Lied To," Over and Over again, To, "Get Our Votes" in "The Next Election Period!" It is Unfortunate, that, Some Politicians Will Say, Absolutely Anything To Get Elected, or, Re-Elected, at The Expense of, "We The People," and, Its Time For, "A Change To Come!"

All These Politicians Do, is, "Bicker and Quarrel," While "Tens of Millions are UN-Employed!"

And, All They Appear To Want To Do, is, "Bicker and Quarrel," Instead of, Putting Forth New Job Creation Bills To, "Put The People, Back To Work!" Or, Balance The Budget!

Its Been, "More than A Decade," since, The Economy of The U.S. Government, has Been in The Black! And, A Change Must Come!

Don't "They" Realize, that, "For Better, or, For Worst," The U.S. Government is, Involved in, UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and, Libya, as well as, Being Involved in, Social Unrest and Spirited Revolutions in, Yemen, and, Bahrain! And Then, There's The Continuing Violence in Sudan, Jordan, and, The UN-Resolved Middle East Conflict, Between Israel and The Palestinians, Plus, A Global Economy, that, Is In Need of "A Unified, and, A Positive Attitude," By, Its Civilian, Financial, Military, and, Religious Leaders, If, "The World," is To Ever, To Return To Being, "A Positive/Successful Global Economy!"

Don't "They" Realize, that, While "They" are Playing Political Games of, "Who Will Blink First" that, Our Children, and, The Children of Our Fellow Citizens, of The Earth, are Engaged in These Escalating Military Campaigns! And, that, These Brave and Courageous Young Women and Men, of, Our Armed Forces, are Depending on, The Civilian, Military, Financial, and, Religious Leaders of, The Earth United Nations, To Create "Strategic Diplomatic and Military Exit Plans," To Bring These Conflicts and Campaigns, into, "A Positive Resolution!" This is, "Not The Time For Bickering and Quarreling!"
This is, "The Time Period" For, Serious Women and Men, "Of The People," To Be, "Activists For The People," and, Bring Peace To The Earth!

Don't These Elective Officials Realize, that, "They" are Causing So Much Anger, Frustration, and, Division, amongst "We The People, " that, For Generations To Come, There Will Be, "A Distinct Distrust of, Any Politician," and, "A Taint," that, Will Effect Any Thought of, "Entering Public Service, For Decades To Come!"

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul, Continue To "Speak Out," As, "A Great Soul Force," "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
For, "We" Can Not Allow, "These False Voices," of Chaos, and, Political Rhetoric, To Continue To Tarnish, This "New Spring and Season Of Change!"

Let Your Voices, "Sing Out, Loud and Clear," as, "A Great Soul Choir Of Peace and Truth," To Counter The Voices of Dissent and Dissolution!

And, Reach Out, To The Hearts, Minds, and, Souls, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of This, The Third Planet from The Sun, As, "A Great Soul Force Of Change, To Neutralize The Efforts of, The Lobbyists, Politicians, Financial Institutions, Corporations, and, The CEO's, Who are Under The Control and Influence of, The Global Oligarchs!
Why? Because, The Abuses and Injustices, that, have Been Heaped Upon, "We The People," have Gone on, "For Much Too Long!"
And, The Hypocrisy, Lack of Honor, and, Ego of, "The Tainted Politicians," and, "Greed Mongers" of, The World of Big Business, and, Finance, Can Not Be Allowed, To Continue To, Be apart of, Our Governments and, Global Financial System! Its Time For A Change!

And, If, There Ever was, A Time For, The Civilian, Financial, Religious, and, Military Leaders, and, Global Marketplaces, To "Stand Up For The People," Justice, and, Principles, that, The Earths United Societies, were Taught To Believe in, and, Aspire to, "That Time is Now!"

A Change Must Come, However, It Should Not Be, Solely, "At The Expense" of, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
Citizens, Who have Given of, Their Lives, For Their Countries and Beliefs, against All Odds!
Change Must Come, However, It Must Not Be, Solely, "At The Expense" of, The Citizens of The Earth, "Everyone" Must Continue To "Heed The Call," and, Continue, Each in Their Own, "Interdependent Way," and, "Sow The Seeds of Change!"

And, "We" Must Change, "The Politics of Amorphous" into, The Way of, "A Unified World!" United In Peace!
The Alternative, Which Would Be, "The Continuation" of, The Present Form of, "Conditioned Reality," and, This Must Must "Come To An End!"

So, President Obama, Use The Fourteenth Amendment of The U.S. Constitution, To, Resolve The Present Political Discourse/Disruption Surrounding, "Raisng The Debt Ceiling," However, also, Include A Clear and Realistic "Balance of The Budget Amendment," and, Actively, Discourage Any Further Spending Programs, Unless, There is, "A Clear and Concise Way of Balancing Them" with, Incoming Revenue Streams," To "Pay For Them!"

"We The People, "Citizens Of The Earth, have To Live By This Premise, "Everyday of Our Lives, and, Since, "We are A Government "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," , Then, Let Us, "One and All," By Example, Live By This Creed, and, You Should, "Lead By It, as Well!"

This is, A New Age, and, The Dawn of, A New Age of Equanimity, and, The Time For, The Leaders Of The Earths Communities, and, Our Religious and Spiritual Leaders To, "Speak Out, and, Speak Up," In The "Name Of The People," is Now!

"We" Can Change The World, However, "We" Must, "One and All," Continue To, "Speak Out," As "One Voice," "Of, By, and, For The People," Citizens Of, This, The Third Planet from, The Sun!

And, "We" Must, All, Continue To "Speak Out" against Injustice and Inequality!

And, May This New Age of Equanimity, Bring Forth, An Earthrise Constitution, that, Guarantee's, The Social Security, and, Welfare of, "All of The People," of, This Planet Earth!
And, An Emancipation Declaration, that, Guarantee's The Sovereign Citizenship of, "Each and Every Being" of, This Planet Earth!

This is, The Way To Peace, and, A Way To Heal and Cure The World!
And, This is, The Way To A Peace Time Economy, Empowered By, A New Age of Green Industrialization and Entrepreneurialism!
And, This is, The Way To An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of True Heart, Mind, and, Soul,of The 20th and 21st Centuries, The Earth is In Need of, "A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!"

And, The Success of, Our Interdependent Vision Path Lies in Our Being Able To, Withstand The Destructive Forces of, Terrorism, Organized Crime, Drug Cartels, Dictators, Corrupt/Immoral, and, Compromised Politicians of, Corporate Lobbyists, and, The Rejection of Religious Fanaticism!

And, "Our Soul Print," has To Be Consistent with, "The Great Soul Print" of, "The Past and Present Interdependent Leaders" of, Hope, Peace, Love, and, A Fair and Just World, Women and Men, Such as; Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jesus Of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Mary, Charlemagne, Clara Barton, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, St. Francis Of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Rumi, Machiventa Melchizedek, Rabindranath Tagore, Lao-Tse, Mother Teresa, and, Mahatma Gandhi!

And, Our Earthrise Vision Path, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Lies in, "A Unified World!"

"A Unified World," that, Represents, "One and All," and, Empowers "One and All," and, Graces The Lives of, "All Sentient Beings!"

And, May Our Efforts, Continue, To Bear Fruits Of Peace and Prosperity, "For One and All," and, Let Us Share, "The Good News" of, Our Vision Path of, "A Unified World" via, the Global Internet, and, The Social, and, Cross- Media Universes!

And, Wherever, The Eddies, Streams, Currents, Waves, and, Hurricane Winds of Change, Hope, and, Compassion, May Flow, Let Us, Continue To, Lead The Way, To A Just and Caring World!

And, Let Us Continue To Share Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and, Actions, via, The Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Non-Violent, Activists Communication Network, Links, and, Nexus, "Of The People, By The People, and, For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Myspace, Linkedin, iTunes, You Tube, Napster, Amazon. com, .fr, . co.uk, . de, . co.jp, Newspapers, Magazines, Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms, Non-Violent Demonstrations, Marches, Strikes, Sit ins, The Vote, Satellite, Cable, and, Network TV and Radio, X's, Mediation, Contemplation, Concentration, Thought Projection, The Worlds of Music, Dance, Theatre, Film, and, The Myriad Universes of Art and Culture, Telethons, In Concert Performances, Non-Violent Activist Groups, Emails, Texts, Fax's, Hi-Speed Computers, and, Programs, and, Algorithms of, A New Age of, Green Technology, Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Productivity!

And, Let Us Stand United, As, "We Cross The Bridge Of Peace, Over Hostile Waters!

And, Let Us, Continue To Rise To New Levels of, Spiritual and Conscious Awareness, On The Wings Of The Phoenix Of Peace, Hope, and, Change!

And, Let Us Go Forth To New Horizons, and, Face New Challenges On Our Earth, and, Beyond The Geo Stationary Limits of The International Space Station, "United," As,
"One World, and, One People," of This Planet Earth!
For, This is, The Way To Peace, and, An Omnipresent, Omniscient, and, Omnipotent Peace Millennium!